Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Highland Park Press, 23 Apr 1925, p. 7

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IN: po, H Tim " the an attic; am “in ;‘ no M mni "siseiatioet of the Ma. meld. high school will hold ‘M- (“by eyenipg, Mar 2 in $5 M hoot .f',',',',tet,t,"t, now tttmet, at am. _ will he hub"; 'Titi‘y “any-rm Ptittd, in not roperly in . ted, " ev- ,litiiir" ttmih'ar with a Quintin: It "I. ‘nenwr known that condi- thm rted are not existent. J. . Tu ' ip charge of Malia: ur- hn to Incinerator, say: he vil- h the F nee WI? or eight times Fir "I has never seen garbage Fried' o _ we. except perm” once City icials ind employu an} .What' ly the report nt‘tholmeet- “I of business men’s “sedation lit a ge is banged outside " the bane ' . They state tut probably» and“ reported this and that it AL ,nANci-z AT . . 1 Ianscnooymn 2 for Student’s Aids!- _ "we Fund; Music By . _ _ dues Orchestn City o . and Employee Say it is Without . Foundation GKRBéGE NOT BURNED .. UT or INCINERATOR oeetti: heed, 18138134117, A2311. 23.11925 " H St. John Ave. V A F r" T i l Witlkthe . t ' l e T ' e o _' . Approhchmg at Homlumng Jilime g [ :2 x' . I .l, . A . I‘ ". busiest of all times qt the year your vacuum gamer _ then have its greatest task because of the annually t V ek,saitimt to' be done. Are you'fsure, that the . r you now: own has not passed its point of real for Forth Short Trust Col (VACUUM “CLEANERS he Maxin'mm of Good tesults~ decking _ ' war scrum!“ or m salmon WHICH m3 'CLBAILEB YOU .OWN WILL PERFORM? d at' this the Stud i3 oped one has": have been. awed to ,In f the Alumni association r, -- 'T" ullUlC I. rut" Loppany . A (A Sun Duh) -. , a Sheridan Rogd and Central Avenue uttudortisrdrrei-inrthimm mm‘mu an...“ MOEDANER a; HUMER’ " IrAILORS AND INmtriiattf -- We make garments of 1nll description' ' ", ' -Women:and en . Our, Complete Line of High Grade A J F VACUUM CLEANERS HOOVER ‘. PREMIER-DUPLEX _ _," EUREKA. q THOR OHIO HAMILTON BEACH MORROW B. W. HUBER ELECTRIC SHOP PHONE FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION that ther) will be a Savings ee yin be Amalia iii Commercial . ' Real Estate Loam Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ittem pent the week-end in gluon arbor, ieh. u the guest of r. 1 MN. niel P. O'Neitl. While there they " end: qd the christening of their ieee Framed PatrieiivO'Neit , , ‘Hiu Miriam Dmhthdi y of . a- ten eotkge spent the and, with Miss Lillian Redino. ' 'c.' Evening lwoAhip In germ? 7:46 'r.it.. , f, The installation of r. Am " pastor will take . on _ day evening, Apiil " at 8 Dr. W. S. Plummet B n will the s'r,e,"'l',"'tid ',lrii?i'i',9:,i,ii, tri charge to t congress on: tn Henry S. Blown'will ttit'e the c to the pastor. The lei. In will preside. [ . _ _ Sunday, April 26. ' services will be pond day-light saving time. Church school at 9:30 Morning worship 1 10:46. l T Weanuday nights u tt p. :1 church prayer meeting: are hel welcoyne awaits all 't tttten, services: _ 7:45 p. In. - ootoeiwsAie" .gCon -ttattonal singing}: an in: iiing feature of this “mica! 10:45 3. 's-lore'" worshi man by the pithy. T 7:00 p. ‘m. brilthn En Topic, "PHendlinetss "ttr E through Mutational Missions Green Bay road and Laurel ivenue Rev. F. R:.Cudwell, pturto 9:30. th.. 'neitte sehopl. Our school is omniaed with teach a and chase: for childtgh and adults var- ious not. _ T , _ DEERFIELD antYTEm CHURCHI UNITED rttjrAtmraae, Telephone B. P.: 15¢ Ul the med, bl um, I set-m for revs e. - lock. ach envor. tossed usual It " a Ser.. arse Fitt h" .the 52W. the our at For (an omnintion which bu oil in 'esti‘ntion the "atiian, but meat T ms to-be at. ter cut pretty [Enough 9'rerr once ieiut will PU LIC NOTICE is hereby given that (he Subacxjiber Administratrix of th i, Estate) 6rAlfred s. Lunt, de. ceas _ will'attend the Probate Court of L 1rerteurtts,, " a tern thereof to be gholdei¢tthe Court Home in Wm ',tgt,2e, County, chum first onday of J y'mxt, 1925*an and. here ‘all persons hiitinrijlaiimr again said' paste no notified and reRue d to present the same to said Court tor adjudication. V PERFORMANCE FRIDAY l , DRAWS. LARGE CROW]? Junior' Class Reports Entertain- ment Huge &teeeatrrArpre, . "date Assistance Given " i, Admipistratrix of Estate _ r Alfred’s. Lunt, deceased. Wa emu, Ttr., April 20, 1925. I. S.' nil,_Attorney. i' ‘ 8 leaves .to survive‘him m children, Joseph Carl of Minneapolis, Minn.; Mn.§Chrystal Bailey of Danville, nt.; Arthur of Highland Park, Dewey of Blooinineton, Mrs. Antoinette Rich- ardson of. Talono, UL, and Orue and Esther of this city, flee grandchildren, 'six brothers and three sisters. her, Fimerdt services were held Mon.. day ;afternoon at Prior', Chapel, the Rev. J. -G. Finkboiner o'Meintintr. Miss Evelyn Snyder sang twoappro- priate selections.) The_sona' andaons. 'in-ln'w served as pall bearers, Burial wait ‘made in North Shore'cemetery. Qasides 'his wire Mr. qutgomery' leavttti .to trurviihim his children. Mr. .Sills Harvey Montgomery pulsed ‘swsy lat Friday evening, April 17 at his home, following sn my. of s few months' durntimL e was Mtrnine your: old, hem: whom in Olney, m., March 30, 1866. January I, 1890 he ms marrfid to “in; Myrtle Bird! Mecasrnt Fuller-h toni Helm, when they resided for flvei years. They then moved to Cum, pain. Ill., fwhere'they reusing for 25 Tears. In 1921 they came to' igh- lend Park where they .have resided simit. Four sons and three daughters were born to this union all of whom are gliving. _ _ Mr. Bough brdadeoted I talk on Mt experiences in Evangeline Land through the Daily News radio station "yeral Saturdays ago, when it Wu sci popular “lathe hag since received requests to deliver the lecture before numerous clubs and other craniu- tidns. On uccount of the when! interest My lecture of this kind, the member- 1rfj,the club win be privileged to bring thbir “milieu. T . SILAS‘H. MONTGOMERY _ i. a PASSES AWAY FRIDAY Inside-d Here Only 4 was; 'Fuheral Held Monday; In- _ terment N. S. Cemetery - ,‘-V__ y.-.’ ”inn-usual- he Deerfield Men's Club is 'mated-. s?, honored in that this will be the fl t pxhibition of Mr. Housh's "Evan. geline" pictures. 'ee-President, Get.. tr, with, whom he is minted, per- supded Mr. Bough to but slides of tape pictures nude mpeelnlir for showing in connection with this lee- ture. _ . 1 3 special attention the seeded the various inciden in the nor; 0 "1Evantretiite,'i aid he has gathered fl Atand mhny in sting fact: 'l, ' arintt thereon which , will relate. will exhibit 1 large number of ‘p are: illustrating thi pictunenque nntry of Non Seotia' h', the quaint c , B, dress and othe outstanding characteristics 'of Ithosé interesting Ptenehahuurdtin people) whose mode otl--living hu undergone very little change during the last century. __ flu addition to the usual spirited singing of popular sontit, there will be! some specie] musical numbers ren- dated tr the Menu Club ,Orcheetn. }:me or '8 ", _ _. _ C, CLUB AT, 331:1an _ eld Tuesday,Ap V M'; More _ on "LutA on}; scum” ' , Peat _ .»' The forthcoming msiintr of),the‘ 'rerfield Menu Club to’be held-It uonic Hall, " elg 4:810“: 'gtgart ,uesdoy evening, Ap l th, (day- ‘l t saving time), pro he; to be one unusual interest, a Clarence A.l ouch, tibted, trawler and lecturer, I beep booked to del vet A lecture, ell illustrated with co rel! alldes,;on t e "band of PrantMimij" the, to- nnce and history lo whieh tire1 Kern to everyone. i i Mr. Plough spent th major pert i sk last summer in" Nov Scottie, git. 1 ititt _special attention the scene- It "The Air Hawk," , feature a comedy, an orchestra of who! rendqred several 'tseleetio.r" And _ Were two chorus acts by jun.. Fu. The arrangement was that human give "The Air Hawk" hat ‘all returns ttdivided be- ‘him and when”: Thus he DJUDIQATION NOTICE was mam? pm mass, mama maximums able to: cut up once ie a while. MARY 'ttner, wmcn In: no Italian. pal-lin- 8-to of _ The mum! rummage sale of Jtie "Highland Park Woman’s “Club "held Wednesday,, Thntaday and Ftiday, April 15, 16 Ind Uri?” a’ “in”; (esudul affair. Oni- woo wu chart}! on the sale. The Woman": Club in most grateful to all those who "lt. ed in any manm;with the sale. The Woman's club but: most sue- ceuful and interesting year midi: the leadership of Mn. Shipnel and will give their new pregident' Mra.'yur- farth the same loyal support during her term of omu. . ' CLEAR OVER $600 ON ' ANNUAL RUMMAGELSALE _ As a slight token of appr'eeiation far the service which the retiring president Mrs/Wilford th Skinne- has rendered the club presumed bet a large basket otflpwirsr. ' tors, Mrs. Albert J. Mattel) iim.iC erett: L. Bhutan; aird Mn. Harry Paul. . ' President. Mn. Robert E. $61M; Second trieeoretrident, Miss Dorothy Morison; Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. George W. Childs; Financinl Secretary, Mrs. D. M/BUsiet; Direc- The otprtttal meéting and luncheon of the Highland Park Woman’s club was held on Tuesday, April'21, at the clubhouse. Following the reports of the various offieeis and' committee chairmen. eleetiorrot when and di-. fectors took "place " follow: , ‘ WOMAN’S CLUB HELD ' ANNUAL LUNCHEON Reports of ofrieert and Chair- men Given Tuesday at Aer. nual Meeting; Election .-_ Every pupil in the school, from kindergarten through the ‘ eighth grade, has a more or less ktotttphsttotts part as the play program unfolds, The program is 'etttitled--a Ptoeeaaiortab- the Spirit of Beauty and Happiness in Public Schools." Most af this reg produces scenes at Elm Place, on the, play ground, in clsssc room, or at.3 formal public exercises in the audi- torium. A program gotten up in this fashion is one‘wny, and a vary vivid one, for pupils to TIT those of their school topics that led themselves to dramatic reproduction. The prepara- tion 'ot all this, heavy as the require- ments have been,Nrthe"refore taught the children many things giving them valuable training in M-operation' with others and in appearing in public. ‘1 The costumes to be, worn are nearly all accurate for thtrrterioereprinsens'. ed and add to the educational ittrttitV canoe otthe event. ', Many mothers have been working assiduously under the leadership of .Mrs. Carey Wood I Thomas to insure this correct costum- ing and an important result will be the addition of a large and varied gquipment to the wardrobe " Elm lace. 8 i The procession] end imnt being given this evening at Elm Place endi- torium promises to be A neat euc- cm in every way, It is the most In- 'bitioue undertaking in the binary of the school and the childmn end the 'members of the Elm Place ETA. who are behind it have not spend them- new” in its production. Nearly - seat he: been sold befonbend and one of the big purposes of themttertaia.. ment seem- much - reatiaatlom --the lifting of the debt on the midi-l torinm. ELM PLACE SCHOOL . t . PAGEANTIS TONIGHT To be Given in Auditorium la Success Expected; " For T Building Fund In appointing this Institution as Trustee youzuu ieateltfumeaa that is so heee'sssry to assure safety a wide experience and technical knowlalce: as applied t termine success or failure. _ _ ' . Whether your holdings are large or small, you are this or any other matter of interest to you with our tn Highland Park State Bank The value of. propert/or inveitminis is may require instant attention in order to ma Constént Vigilance is essential for trust; W) ' ' P _ 3"; ;,nz: tttttii nf "siirittilErea: QuaiiU1 as a Trust 'éompany mu prim val be “and; the night _ofttierHtmtitt. L. '"" ' Nrenta do “at! trumpet.“ with the committee?!» Mam their ehildrutito' outn- the M can- 'test so that ' 1.232%an can be displayed. " '2 _ A number " well-{hum citizen. have petitioned Wt was. to outlaw in. But, Mano m let,ter_ttiiuurir'irF"i"iriGirTi'ii cu old w. It". T ' - / the meant bud iGrkirhiiiria Ttri superintendent of your Sunday whoa] by Thursday, April M.,, After bum Judged the poster. will 29 dkplayedgin thd “on windows. 0mm will bums. tttite' best miter bench 'diviakn. The' porters 1hould aduonnce Chiidrittht Wash and ' There will be a prim poster con- teat open. to all children enrolled in the Sunday tehooU of Highland Path. Here is your chance. bers und girls. to phow your skill ind originality. The contestant: wnl he,divided into two sections, high ichool and Gun- tttnr “w; _ " . l . f Tq ii Children of, Sand-y School to Compete in Paton; Two Sections Mule y or Investments is sometimes subject to sudden changes and ation in order to maintain the income derived from them. stitution as Trustee you, guarantee for your helm the constant necessary to ,e1uret'utttetd,alsoretuTthrunetiuoiGrr" hnical knowlaige: as applied to the many details which any do- PRIZE POSTER CONTEST "FOR CHILDREN’S WEEK At The Plaai-s-. Hotel . Comfort at Nominal Cost 'iairi.iiiiih-atedi,irusdssaiiiaaa. ; LIBRARY PLAZA the Protection of property 0MPLETE FREEDOM from Clllililiili1 car _ . tion and all the use at at a cost that is thriftier than serv- ants and a private home. You also git, ideal 1oeatton--tmfna just two. qcka "ar-r-atoms, clubs, thitrehes, the lake and parks all con- veniently chine. . , ,. _ Spacious mums and suites with and without kitchenette: - beautifully ty,Ty'rltedr-4iborriiGitartairici Bee gm'todey ‘gor telephone 'University on are most cordially invited to discus- our trust ofBeer, Din-Hun Paul. .ryinfeof.wyrrmutttr- Afriea forotrhrttiiuoii- 1!fftV'eettyeeth.rrruiA Ileana-mod}! looking for a tbm..- Giat tam. mi: titeitrtty'tdkratt-i-, " 'in Mm City '" 'trqtete OM. 'Noir-rAeii' m m ttt them. T'I'hoyjnvu‘to not. In y. . . , A. t7ilteim1itt Enigma 2 may br Tammi "We'wiatt to am out as...» for “it “Man-v In! Imp-thy Ml“ deintt our "pant ban-vamp j mm a. m.9tmdar.mttottt. T HOME n. nap-Morning romp, 13:00 p. law-Junior league} _ "teat p. Ina-Worth league. [iT.as It. "Ir-Evening union. All“ J. Ruth 04m. an mm Shin-will tOtieomloirimaiid Wane-day. April so and.” m- kt ofatrearnd put-o. t GRACBKE. North - and Umettn m i, l Win. B. Dolls. mm. :..J:- Rt l. R. 'Hdntcomy “(My and securities held ii: PM! tr,

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