[22! ii E r. ing wi tin Moi ten we no i Sta" dim of induce a more'general and intelligent acceptance. o those ret aibilitiee. _ ' I _ oppose, through printed and. spoken word, all eft rts to an t ute any ht'] theories of government in plate of t Con- sti on of the . nited States. f ' ' 's, oppose the development of class consciousness and class do . tion of government, business or' society. . ' ', ' an Incen of éitizenship. dri we dri 'E 233:1 of propaganda is n menace pointed outfby Mn . Gen; E. Helmick, inspector general of, thelUniUd States y. In en in the April number of the National Republic he says: ere is less realization of the extent to which rev lution. mend: has been and is being carried on among the youth. t . drew: of the nation, than of any other phase of calism as .†q V ' i jor Helmick’s article is a startling expose of com unist so , t? alienate American children from their flag an coun- " TBMSDAY, APRIL so. 1925 is! lei "l am not an algmist,†he says. "and I fm not alaym o, necessary to alarmed in order to be awake and op 'di' the wells of knowledge, from which our childret , are being poidoned, we have got to !set about purifyim ii and we, have§got to keep watch that our children I of the poisom We have ft to keep better reminds " y: Vigilance " the price 0 liberty,' " P subport the employer and employee in all the right: them under the Constitution of the United States. defend the rights of private property as the one IN ive to the full exercise of individual energy, skill and is is a program which every real Ai erican can subsc: f the attacks by the reds and radiTals in America a [a the Constitution of the United States because the: f baked theories of government which can have no cept in the distorted minds of thope who give them t stgnd uplagainst‘the ConMitutidn, an'd so long " td operate thd preachers of 'communism,. socialisx y will make little tieadway in the United States. . association has been organized in California which w ll bea by the rest of the country. It is called the Better ericx tion and among its objects tire the following: . , reayaken in America a realization of the responsi ilitiel; 0 long as it stands as a sentinel "the people, there me to substitute other schemes, of government in the at radicalism is endeavoring to pénetrate education mt! of the 11nd: js mther dangrirjnshiioutr, in its , GARNE t Highland! Park Prim mun-UM Peggy-pm "Righlartd mut- Lap-da-att-eh-l. (the do. taki- 'riiLrd.Tlurr"lU'aTtTAtlWi,TAf M ? For those who play and tho/e who doth†- '_' 3 , ' . Professionals in style as in sports are at made fin a dire', Inst they are recognized at a glands Most 'ghland P rk Jniitirjytll knowthe merits, of Garnett', Sport To , for the: at once he in them the latest in design, the finest' 'ta1ita?t1 titphh--. the touch of "profeaiitnalg." _ ' _ '-'"(:' Men's Sport Sweaters $3.75}to 9.75 _ . j Men’s Sweater end Hose Se' $8.50 to 10.50 Men’s Fancy Golf Hose iiit: to It' i v." ", F Men’s Golf Kniékers? $5.95 d 9.7 /r' T POISONING' WELLS OF KNOWLEDGE SPORTS AP BE'PI'ER AMERICA FEDERATION " 5p) "res k. ‘4. we“ ..‘ , ' Kg 1) «ti-fl BEE-16$, k" C NUMBER ' ctical thrift. ibe to. e cen- know ill be Jnited ','l1rlf"_" ’AREL' . It guard. must those o pot that among nanner E. Gen. y. In says : lution- youth, Malian stand-' birth, guar- 'ii7g,'aiil "w- P con, I V the "sriiihi'ron Rev. Bizbr, of No thbrook, l ev. Roth and 'Rev. Ho e of _ rr li ind . Park, brought ' eontrrtytylite :. jm‘essnges from their re: ee'tive Firm-thin. The robed jehoir _ of ti.' John’s?!) ‘urch, Evatyrton, sung the I' processio' _ f #rtd cptionul an- ’the$ls_ and 'tjiljt, . 3;: Katherine Te deeoritiisei. of the odifiee was; don by ttrleiiu,trtieal decorators from sp/inaeik., :1 r. : _', e‘ tiG. Fiiiiirtiaiiaiariiii; mei,,') â€avg:4 ' j ' "; iiiGiiil' hi1 has hidden by! ferns an ther1t " the dedicatory abrvices hel all-_day 1i)tirdhn April nineteenth. 1iisrhteeriiii, “a; tot-â€the choir mg ht with T", V birthday annivets mo ey given-{by immbera‘ of the Ltv. dies’ Aid Sui“. This society al (whisked M M taupe Wilton car- peting. - . l 'r 1‘ " for) Peter and 1il1ieheth Bleimehl b the T children: 101' John H. and Alvi H bl by '/t.tirgrt'ti, thd one to Mr and Mid. , . D. Clavey. ', Lawn"; Aid Society can} ett ular wound the other window) mi given .hyéura. Philip Rommel, in' memory in! Jser father, the Rail, J ph Edwuni Wolfe von Allard i, fi ministei-M this Church; by M an Mal. CharlesSelig for their spe'ptive parhntic, Mr. and Mrs. Joh 0t IW., "tM,, 9u. and . Mm. " 8e33, Sr.; by (the Otter-man hmill for, Wliiritutt%ind litmus Outer may; for Clitihtian and Salome AnI tea and for: boob sud Magdalen An es. by Vthhir descendants; fo Mi hael 'td,,2St1i?i'e Homnberge by their fatal #5 h family memoria for9Gtthiar and Bath“; Hermann the altar "it pulpit cloths. of mul, ber velour ' id gold, were the gifts of lr, adapt- Charles Selig. nion "itil' sex-Wain theEvan- so cal Wtnt. ow) Church. An in- teresting "i, 8 hujbeen prepared. 'iii'ii'c',e',fiiiii,',i,ii, Study, And pray- er eating. " pesky It 8:00 p. In. _ ev. MubAndmws was installed in the Writ]: _ Church " I verb impreuiv": meeting Wendeadny owning, Dt.: Magi“ of William smile and Rev; W. S. Plummer Bry- 'tnldelivtrdtt, the message of the" eve. ( St. Paul's‘glmh Dedication _,' Humor“! tiii/som, in the "tnod'euf St. Paul’s Evangelical Church; wax t gifts or. the bullies. or the pi Mr Germagafwho built the chuck tutirrerri_t'i"trrti - _' A y Shanda. ttir' 3 - Church School mg! adult elk" ', " 9:80. 10546 morn- ing 'll'litfielridlil'd', Appropriate to thet' ,gsiserrariolot National Children', a?“ milk. mm mm“ an: Pmtmanmn' PARK, Won tl 24 K "A cumu of the vote- and check a dthepollslipcbytheelection "ion found that the west side 'lt in!!!“ had unwed - ndidate on tltirtieUtrtmt too my in the tots! additions.. "TM, u'ttvttaa won and cutting: MI; of on): W]. ftm. 'p dept, has mm the following tement ooneerning'the village aloe. n in which them Ippennd to have 1tttf4trl1.ot1eithtnmitr t Cookjedtstitr' iGituTr7iiii'iiG, o sum#ir. _ The Woman's_ Missionary Society o the Bungalow Church will hold t eit spring sale on Thursday after. n n and evening, April M, beginning a four,sr'ekek. Lunch will be served a six o’clock; ' ' The DeeitUld Evangelical Orcha- t will give their fourth annual con- c rt about the middle of Ray. l Rev. Roy Williams, the ‘putor, and h is family moved into the bungalow ft t on Monday! _ N ' A map ist worker: u the church , 11qu pager! am} marines It Mr. C. W. Getty, vice-president of he Deerfield Men’s Club, said: "An cqusintance of mine, Mr. Clarence . Hench, noted traveler and lectur- r, several Saturdays no broadcasted om WHAQ station a travelogue on he "Land of Evangeline," which e offthe readers msy have heard over' the radio, and which was considw cred one of the' most interesting trav- el talks brondaareit by the Daily . ews this season, As tt result, Mr. ough' hag received. a great ,many equests to' deli er this lecture por- nslly before Ti', and other organ- . tions, only a very few of which j i ill, however, be able to' acco l Idate. . The rotogravnre section f the Daily News that Saturday carried page of the photographs which Mr. ouch their during his sojourn in ova Scotia last summer, and I sue- eeded. in persuading Mr. Rough to have trter8optieon slides made of his ‘ictures And to come out to' DeerfUld 1 st Tuesday evening where he mode is first exhibition of these slides fore our club. i ' "Me Bough is noted as Iteintr a very entertaining lecturer and he told s many interesting thian about this uaint and, to most of us, unknown rip of territory in Nova Scotia, and t e French-Canadian people who still l rgely inhabit it, laying particular e phasis upon the scenes and thears nee made famous in the story of ' varttre1ir1e."' . ' ' . Previous to the lecture was a short b siness meeting followed by several mbers by'the Menu Club Orchestra d 8:80 p. m. Mr. Rough began his I re. There was the'ususl singing " popular songs. Between the afternoon tad Owning cervical; supper. was, carved was Mannie Temple to the ttuetruittrthe Ladies' Md_Society. . I _ New. Munstemunn of Enmn, preached ae,the evéninz â€who, and the choir at St. Peter's Church of ‘Northbrookgspng two hymn... , Mr. [Ewan Virlter main an: a mic. 2 I thHren’l Week t , This yetir), Deertlefd Will again ob- serve Children's’ Week from M3313 to 10. On Siindzy, May 8, "The Need of Religious Ed cation," will be eiiphh sized by Rev. Merit Andrews of the Presbyterian Chuteh_and Rev. Roy Williams of the Bungalow Church, in heir respective pulpit; A union sex-y- ce will be held in the Rugby Chuich on sunday evening. . On' May 4 at 8;00 p. m. then will a meeting for the parents [ and Church School workers of all the hurehet, in the Young, People’s room f the Presbyterian church. Min earl Weaver; state elementary su- .rintendent of church schools. Will e the speaker. On Sunday evening, May 10, the Rev. George H. Fiche. professor bf Tigious! education of the Presbyter- an Tmining School of Chicago, will peak on the subject, "The Responsi- ility of. Parents." _ 1'he.Ladiea' Aid 'd1oeietr of St Pnui’s Church will hive a bakery ale and quilt contegt tn’: the parlor of' the church on May I. i Rev), Leinhaidt. ofi1tlhunets, will preach as. a. an Fiitiitiiiiiiiii'tTr', next Sunday. Riv. Holdsâ€! moved'from tht.. p"ynftre, Wednesday. I " A: St. auiti's Church has: now joined the Missouri 'rhod, a young minister is expected from Eden} Sem- iii-iii) Webster Grows, St. Jouia County, Missouri. . , With clue remodeling of the; Deer. tUld Church to his credit, luv/Wold- ttrat preached hi: farewell “rayon last Sunday.’ Be has acceptedfa all to the Bangui“! Church ofiRttw. hattan. Ill. 2,’ ' m' Deerfield Men's Club . An illustrated lecture on "Und of Evangeline†by Clarence A. Rough. noted traveler and lecturer was given Tuesday, April _28, at the Deerfield Masonic Temple. 3 . Both Ifternoon and evening serv- ices Were largely attended ttri, mem- berg of the other church; of the villus. ' Rev. Lamttreehtrot. Furniture, m, I brother-in-law' of Rev., Rollin-:1, brought congratulations. 5 .pnpn otir. and: on: a may -trettett.titryreriA81r Chi , an: a solo, and Mr. Ihmid pedunc- up Inn'- its“! aunt an Win r of Deerfletd, an: two tenor ‘votel, giving the “In Mon "- solos ' turns" 3 T votes east, than thin Warsaw: mug" "3.1m swan." Bungalow Chum: tttes, My Mr. and Mm. Em PM had an their Sum} guests Dr. ' and In. Earl Exit-bl: and two when of Highland Park; Mr. and In. tk My Clure IN',',','. children of North Chi- cngo and :1. {rank Fritich, who in staying with he. daughter, Mrs. Me. Clure. V V _ William Dom, Sn, ha opened natermrtaatirirtthe donncttothe post omce yhich Iva-“formal, I pool ‘room. Emmi" "modeling 1: king Mr. "u, Hood left for Ilium?- olis Manda hi!†,7 _. _ - - On Monday. Mr. gnu Mrs. E. a Fritoch had u than: gush, Mr. and ' Mr. and KruA. M, Mud "In children visited Italic-Vt pm“. Mr. and In. Frank Mitchell of Area. on Sunday. Min Agnes '5otrqril of Chic-.30. was theta“; of Mill Andi: Peter- sen, on Sunday. _ - " done. landscape Gardening) in giitl branches . ' No job too larger none too small (We are doing txtensive Work on some High- land Park. grounds and wiThe glad, to let mir work speak for itself. ." , f The Birthday Cake! Gardini, Portilia & Natta "'u"Aeehta-tsr-toesuourtouru-ss Highland Park's 509 Central Ave. For Fifty Year: the Standard Irf Quality yumg, PLANNING OR CARE FELL BROS. Landscaping, Gardening, Lawns, Trees, Shrubs, etc. -, Phones B. P. 2237 or 199.9 ROWAN! an in, M h ere"'---"-)'-. aatdrue.Ahmrneetit-amb. - 30“. T Start Ill" It tetdart leFLORSHEIM _ FEETURE , ' ARCH ' $93 f r " s" (I ct"': iQ ttarid)'; , ' ii)'rl'yCg' l tum: l » .4, . “‘43-. Mammy-um... th.PottmekC1utruatPidsr, Florian? Sana has returned a" Exelund, Wit. who"). want tk. winter Ittt,.PhtrltltPturekirei6i'"i,' land on their tun. _ ,3 Gregt lam manifested u“ my. don'i get that: own right. tid Itoricnl all: is diarled " tbt “Q taelt of other folh’ nit otttaiiii their just‘duu.‘ , tii) Mr. R. M. VIM “and ai 1.â€, on! of his cousin, Waits: Hunk. Winnetka; on Honky. _ f T Mrs. Fatima and lied. d1“ visited the Mann funny at It... brook on Tuesday. . Dr. Amman at Chic-go, y}. ii a Palmer cram, will open . &: pnctic Mice in the A. 3.10“ iiic Meme on Ocarina "can. ~,.j In. mrttrrfuid of mm "_uri:i, In. Jack Kym 011W mg lgnchcon on Tuma, in -rliaaiii" to Mm. My!» raide- " Beti6i, The new arch support- ing feature built into Whack finnsupp.orttothmtirh. Soldandusiuly at this sum THURSDAY. APRIL 8t Shop "be.., "rstuk',i, - ‘ J urinttl you - T FE sesnotd - ' -' " atitarinrtg iie,tei w ' F] mind '11.. _. - commit" “7 w , _gil'ir"t'l'll'tf. With u Ifrrn Ind a was. . 'i L': muchq um " -iif,i' “mental! topolitt . - nndpolh tsqdndtt" '. o' ' dmrtie' _ of mt.eh . I R a": . . t. int bod!!! or . ET , l . , ICANI and ' _ U. i. m _ _ T and _ a _ palm “all! its.†(I! ii'Pl)ll,ettt1 INNS?“ with 1924 of mini!» of T l tri we“: 3 that y in . sai -.di ' by the A in in "ttttil'", td 'l,iititii',i,ti, Till14strwm, EDIE in P WNW #Utttr,', 5:12: 1m ttt 1;er NH? k _ -oin F 1 “I , a ma 'ti?:':,,':'; .4 lih li' Ith'. Ydut', m "In! Min nrth S bnette 9KIE at.“ m - ' â€a“! m in In. " m 'totrr " ilhert {D DAV] '3“. tt, " and Hay “in rate Wi than Inh- Brigid “"5." mind; some f-o-ooo/ " 82.1 Ti'?