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Highland Park Press, 30 Apr 1925, p. 4

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in it! " It n w um: "um" no so much “in 'bi --ttatrt" orthis and an: of , E?, why ahortittn't Greenwich Vil- T) have its up? We own that to a“. tr Village, the plan which f n. do seem: Med with starving I , and sad-eyed disillusioned vir- - ndwhichwhcnyonnninitis l - " with stray cats and shrill. evil- 9 c, little urchin! _ . Inmbotg wu one of tip a - ofthe Villagers. Notonebl t F '" tometfit--itharmeud w , ' .his beck w” tttrned--like most 0 . . thim which he' writes. tt .. y be Mr. 'rittttortr'rmodrtr, ', i-t no matter/what thd, story, if " At an exam: fo'r the golden phrases " r. Byrne it would 'be Mimmrtt. " ', " at on the tomes ot their ho. , “thing the sun drab back of ‘m- nto Ind Capri; the was" och- ' - red Mediterraneanishnset. The iii' dune of Vesuvius memo. rid- d A in the dusk. The crimson nails o a Luci: faded into the purple . nd the little hush there is before t , ‘ nn rites, was our all the land." "d is than to any where poetry be- , ‘ and prone loam ottt ' L a a'nd . But v In it ded on so we in the A wall of l I t P," ' and " with the golden of bid ire nd that Donn Brrno s. Whether is of Dublin‘ "City f “lures, the City" or vi old let ' many withhim. L -y were married in London, and r ~ t on to Perm the Paris of old, a it of leisure nboqt which the Borid- - of the second Enipire still hung * the Indian Quinn," of a summer know is gone.” I) hen when the birds went, south- - they, too, went down to Monte .. a'nd the worm sun of the Riv.. A But e shadow full: new their v In it the cum which has de- ‘ ded on the femily of Clnucolin? ', so we see him at the end " we' - in the beeittrt)ntr--the fhrree old to a "half Roman half'Slrcen" at be up: of the 'Mediterranean which i “Nae: than' u the sky” he puts n his speech that "his math: I y like I (eminent! perfume m mic hoard 1m fir may. _ imam-yin this hook-01th: b tripping mm is, as an ill of stories, slitht. F Boprhq 0:11.11” IP, out: I his Ingest"! home one mum any in the eottihtea of I conwnt. n he neighborhood a girl mote loves. r hart any he bud ever seen.- He; e in palm her ind she, henna“ wu' only a. novicé. wus pengndedi 1+. that “um" “a . .--So Mimi-a ' F Loam on Wuhan Road _ at EVERETT, ILLINOIS , , mihknorth of Deemdd T it, 'ldfm'th",u',rd. ti2Nrtt the 2t,'1tAf,t no you and your-funny. 'AGE FOUR . SHERIDAN PASTRY SHOP tye, Biennium Travel, or BU. ry! For lists write us ESTHER room. gm of The Kuh1and m Praia. , walking? TM "hrotttth the" as of Duplfn, city of failures and Am%mhtt-tedtrsBttohnot Dan Bym , he Century Cu. With the event of our fltst anhive ary, He 'wish to express to our patrons, tttVa cans of appreciation, for the succéss of our ,busi ess d r- ing the,past year, our sincere thanks in ' ir eo-operation and goodwill. The Green Tree 'MALLEY or “Aluminum LOU!!! M. cm .4 ; Touched?!“ EVANS ittt?4 Asa-pub: “on, r,“ ‘ " idenee Studio, 820 Ridge Terrace, Evanston, Tel. Green] f 802 YndtthtrtuuotssistmtGi. N- tundri, mu enwith Village Has ' Its Saga Back to Erin Br Alma Krymborl loud a “wright "TR0URADoutt" 16 u. Sheridan and 6 MRS. E. MOLDANER, Manag r Park manna-”mi Nor has the a hor glected the! rest of the count in hi story.!Chi- cago and its liter ry 1ot"ii,','d,'gd titular cqme in f r tte us in rest! and prim. It is ngo enough tol, the west pf New. ' rk t t this New! Yorker " looking or the vital titinr, in America and w ld, a today. _ I It took, a long time b t it f1nally came. And in e ming ught‘with it a number of ppeni of inter.. est which Mr. K . bor' very enter- taininzly relates. ' T _ Kt6mhortt w: 'borh i New York and V early evi , t 'prlncipll quality of lutho ip, , inlbility to continueL in £pli Templo em. ' He found one con 'ttyl occ pstigm that of pumping pinn as. " 'eolim Hall. But even that . 'gl, be ore the Iro- mantic possibiliti ' of a tration. £80 without even ma ing of t a Mute he flnds himself/ won in a third ltr fourth floor ck in since well.. advertised qua . of .h! native city sitting oi: an an: mum l chair and waiting., For w it? " the birth ofpoetryin Ame, at. but, he the: the 1) that Fiiiii' that In ned , the ' sum-op! poetry Am ca ha _ while he was T itttr than“ 3th" than. been he a thi about than. It moms to he ulna! mucous notion that t n C8ttt" on Meet. . l i . _ An Intobl phy rom Alf ' :Kreymborg is in ma ' at thin t principally been so his life In: , simultaneous m' . ttri t deal whl has been when: . I in nautical; li enry life. Figu whie have am fully armed f the ground a here seen in the r begin lugs. Mox 3 well Bodenhelm Wal ce Steven! I Edna St. Vince t Mill and may? less and many to well known poetal SINCLAIR Lawns -“0ne of the best. owls er writ- ten in America." . H. L Mencken. Harcourt. Brace Co'., ew York mil WA A MAN l Br ROSE WI ER HANK $2 I Harper and Bio: n it; Yoik Publishers Since 1 17 MY. well Bodenhelm wn cat Stevm‘ Edna gt. Vim t Mill and many less and many re well known Itoe and playwright _ alk qu te naturally across these pa M, as attsrnliy a _ they used to w p no the streets), of the Village in! the dt before the Village migrated to V ' n, to Pull, to Rome; p. , KNymhortt w! 'bqrh 1 New Y_ork_ _ _ HE L's PLAY! OUN by IthA VERA SIMON N Th'e farntrtirtov upon men the play ‘fWHite Is" isgbased. Brentlno'l ew York A delightful e ak - a manned with a murde that deflets mint tt anti pages are rgach .,~ 1 82... why “on In Publishers A. Hannah, Pr LITTLE, BROWN w c9. By Jan-‘33? FA A Egg 52'3"? gag-m in: now main?" m 40an ARROWSMITI sure . t in whie the r begin 'mion W573”: Nine York 'principal inability to eat. He pinion that d - sword N01. mystery the Brtttl Boston ot 'rpiunderi', tous, schSSI Elna“? ( Art which the Association pf Armand i tttgli", vi: _eatabllshing ht the iArt I ’Itituto of Chicago. 3 'l"r"Anaidmstrw Art school of a ' tth We. will contribute . most in: r- t 'hetti to further develop thou-t tt'2ti, of the central wast. I '31 Ilium to Appearance ( . _ ark “the. question that we ml lug l u period w on m! 2t,d will be paid to 3:1 raped Mon;- Mutual . "tort,'ttittktisiiik"i' at, the iii'i'ii, n A commlulon has been op ted however, by? the Hon. Herbert H l ver necretnry of commerce of the U ited 8tates to, visit this edhibit and 'port back to the government and: t n;- tits ere important to the catheti And indu up! progress of this con try. 't'IT'fdl It. mount: of New Lon-k fi,',,',; Mtrtsdtor of tho Anociatiop qt marker: Museums and In in! ', tionnl authority on industrial art has 1ipepuotuittted chhirmnn of this' om- Illusion; Following is I Interment by Professor Juatttmid commending; the efforts ttttu Amteintion bf Artd and mama-m in "eatatiaiiiiir this mama mu Att Fettool in (new: . 1 g“! tttnurttmnet, gratis?! to Item 0 the. tttft ortho gene redneqtion rd at the Rockefeller" "tttndiitiott a d, of thyme» taken' by the mom- ig. It, thaqoam_ Tht lave beq’ome ir ' _ tiidotruI.Ar't w' - _ The Association of 311s on indus- , tries lit) Miees at 23 E. Ohi street 1 is esthbliahi,rur this lndust a! .Art t school under the met of,the It In- stitute of Chicago. where d signers“ r willhe trained for the various indus- I tries including furniture, printing, . textiles, wallpaper, interior decorat- . ing, advertising, ceramics, toys; in fact new industry in which design I is a factor and there :are few indUs- " tries inwhlchit is. not. .The imaster 'ildetsietttr't in our industries today are " foreigners, having trained in the great, " 2t,",t,'it,' Art school of Europe. Wei, '1 ave missed att-opportunity t train] Tour ownldesigners; We have {he tal- ieint in.this country, our boys tire just ”as apt. There are positions open to “them, the industries are reaching out ll/tCi. them,. it reniains for utrto pro- il,vide the ‘proper training. 9 . ', .' __" initial Fund T i i The Att Institute is. suppiyi'hg the jTye'tsitirthe Association of Atta and industries» is raising an initial fund 'pf two hundred .and sixty thi usnnd ‘kioliars to’huild and equip th class Exams. Endowments and me orisls i, ay later rim the fund up to t e mil., 'iott dollar'mark, after the sc ool is established to insure its devel ment {into the greatest Industrial Art school in the country. For. this Ind atrial but behool hecomes national n im.. F ortlme when we consider the e are :Enly five such schools in the e ntry. 'one at: Philadelphia and, the 0 or at troviienee, R. I. in contrast t fifty and sixty in every country ahroad. "his ftet " itself accounts f r our 'tnarkets being flooded with t reign froductsi- We export million dol- 1'ii'i of raw material to be orked .hpon by foreign artisans and huy it let his an enormous profit toithese oreisrd countries. resulting in' loss of millions of dollars annually tt the 'United States. Industrial Art schools to the crux of the situati _ and fluough them "Made in Ameri , will one twenty as much presti as tMtuiednrPrt.uiee'," “Made in En land" or "Made in, Germany." I "m. One Advantage 2 One great advantage 'tNs hool ill have in its close connectio with, he Art institute is the avail hility 1 or tstudrof the vast exhibits used 1 re and“. access to an art li raw i Meh/ir' one of the iltsert i , i ountry. ' ' C 1 It is, 'ritrttifietutt that the um ment' dt this third Industri ichool of the, country, ttid the ne in the great middle welt l t the time of,the opening in f " "rtsternitionat Expositie Modem Decorative and Industri t whieh 'the United Mates w [ ted ttrisxhitrit but failed to e through lack of materiel. i Inspected by Government ',: A commission: has been . must. by the Hon. Hérbert H tarrif commerce of the U States to; Visit this exhibit and A ttet of fifty individd In and iihtttr,' ceded by Colonel Wild m Nel- sen Ptlitime contributing $2, each, to thtteojext includes: June: A. Put- ten, Heroldewift, A. G. B r, Wil- liam ‘er‘gle'y, Jr.,, Estate of Charles A. Chtoitt,' Mrs. Albert Big er, Mr. and $rrw, C. H. Worcester, Edvard B. Butler. Martin Byerson. urge P. Porte," 'Allr‘ed Decker, Tho as E. ponrttl)it, Samuel lnsull, Adolph Kttrpttit/ , . Aripqtmameneis made by the dime: tors lit/the Art Immune end or,the, AeodMtioit of Arts land I thutrie8 of a gift of $100,000 from he Edna cation department of the hotelier 'fotmhtidn' to .the' tndmetriial Art 'whooTytheh the Atrsttdutionrtrt Arts and Industries is tisttt.rlitshittt at the Art institute of Chicago. Mrs. How- ard Spamming, Jr., Mrs. Edith Roeké- fe1lerrrWrCormiek and Jaime Rosen- wald' have become founders, to the school, each contributing $2t,000.' [ .FOUNDING SCHOOL‘ . OF mum ART GIFT OF 4100,000,00 RAISED living on the put'of our people. No vi, ' ./ T fmt ) other country approaches iiiiGiifiGid _ -; . 'TCT"'","'- V . . ing public in its resources, or in the Ma'hY Prominend-Pelmle Inter. chuncter of its'demaud. T Mahy t'tominen4 J'ettitht Inter- ested ' Probe; Connected _'" With Institute; Some . THE HIGHLAND PARE PRESS. HIGHLAND PARICaLuNom LU Advantages unce- , in. first routed i n of [Art :hibit “That _.trixhtfu1, hardbailed old fol- low, secretary Mellon ir piobably right now ruminaging around Umontr the ctuetrv's ilnttrteeg preparatory to onering' another mdugion of the peo- ple’d taxes. No wdhder Democrat, and insurgents etih't .trust tum-my ledo Blade. rl q , . "At the present time the European countries are engaged in the keeneqt competition to gain command of the. world market in the fletd ,of indus- trial en. France, )sartieul,arin bu resolutely set her fate to "hit, end, and the International Exposition ‘of Modern Decorative and Indmtrial Art, shortly to, be opened in Paris, repre- senta a great organized effort to call attention of the world to Jher prod- ucts in thhrfiitd." . "huhmtriar Art schools' of Europe have brought the art products of the continental countries to a point where, We put annually millions of do1Urir in tribute,for their goods. For our 'own devehrpmehts wé need the heme provuiottrattd " no Platte, in our country is an investment like that proposed liable to return greater div. idendir than at the Art Institute of Chicago. , . 1' . Need Designer. ' J 5 “one. of the elements needed in such a situation is en assured eup- ply of well trained and 1'8',t,td,i,tt, signers. No accidental h or miss supply will meet the 'rittmftbit., In the training the .necesuty and Prius tich knowledge involved in modem production should be put'nt the dit- posal of such young person: during their period of training. Such a group of young designers, alive to all that is best in the put and in the ten- dencies " today, will bring to the art induitrierof the city a vitaliled Jtithtepee that will insure healthy progress; in standards . of design; 'Without; such a supply Jorodueintr an; tablishments must rely'on mm ttttd! good luck for their designers and very often kind it necessary to accept Ina-l dioerite. I l "We are my the wealthiest IP- tion in the world. We pay the high- est 'rettymerition to our worker-Jud we represent the highest irtandittk of . “The great ,iietroiso1tun1 city, a of Chicago-confer- ,to the needs of v'tat territory uni from the nature of things must more ,and mqre become a great design center where new cred- tions are developed and new standnrdq are set. . l, . product will mean dbl)”: and ”cant: in it; merchandising value". l North Shoie Gai, ( YOU HAVE TO WATCH um What’s the Bi THIS IS . Ask any of our,1emploares or ma 1 us this attached coupon and we will be glad to give iriy, full particulars regarding this high grade investment] _ . These shares can be had tor $1¢0 each either for cash or on a monthly savings plan. i 3 , _ ' They are Free oiihe Yrtmil Feiiefal Inéome Tax and Exempt from. Personal Property 'tairas to [residents of Illinois. _ _ _ Ii _ V I . 1 Dividends aris mid four times J, year on January lst, April lst, July Ist, and October lat _ Subscribe hosii . for the 7% Prdi‘ferred Shares of the North Shore Gas Company and you will receive a dividend check on July 1st. 9 . . Atidieac..._.....d, Gehtlemen , tails ' .,' . I Without chug-£311: m an furnish m pith full do- In. rem mm: " 'tefgtdt .L' >~~~~vpt0mlo¢ --i-"--. luv-W‘Mm‘ 3.3;; 11%" f} ------ __ .- -""-r"-"," ,ivrll'lti"i'rt, BAIRD 81; Inc. 134stmthuetst8ieet Can-n11! ANCH R. FENCE ' _ - , Protection .. _,i,ii!iiir' A g for qhildren and garden“ titil,?: . {-33% E Made Jr 001:: ugltchain {ink [li",,.),.?),),' ti . A i, 'gtg/et',',',', 1etu,'t',.',',re. new!” 1120 Laké Shore Drive 543 .Welllp'gton Avenue, Anchor Post Iron Works gldea? I IT . . _,,r,,r_, othertypmforipunto- "In. Bum- "" rump/w, APRIL a; m- Mm. Erection Sank. Moth-don Te it"! I“. my of tttat. I tttt add " I timt. bl .uigSi pt my 7 _ than”! on tho nth-II q brutal and f;_ ' on and Co q thd d 0 tr .td,Qiil$i?iiii:'i ll; tilj' _ 70.491 _ v Win m " '4,r4',itil "A l?', , l. “in?! of tn in hellish _ _ them (tlt ' Itll',, IS'! ' JGGG' 'tthilt) tttttgtg',',', Melanin. .’ an...” suck-xi that. ‘MIM n'SpJ; l eruhtor “pin-A New! ttedt"; 'hnvinr. he lor PS h',,Jt,t Ion-nu "noun Y, an: and VICE Hues m L The =

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