Cl ' s' . We neatly "pl-hid on: Spring and Sam dock ',: 'te I aqatidtto Brsatutt nd PM float-don. my gr»... reau'tor-ir-etu.utu.-t-t,a.t IThe ;.;;»|.No.§¢_jh Shbre' TE?†comija “he. on ftltt mid Pl ttme 1 'i,',',,",,','?, Pt Confusion " , u: “My _ PI / The "air l Ft The ttt {an , . For '% than an w. a: 'tdiese. m “ml tr: “lithium , hm! due, 11 ').eittriaiiir, ie Itiyetdé, lea ' an. . " 11Sca,iii _ 1'tttuirtiin to 1q.eii'i"i' 1 ' " ' of Service _ ' ' h the 1': episode represyttintt by h "e thd pageant m Arnrst d present dny events, Pd the nob] esponse of Red Cross “I to th all to the-colors in . World w as depicted, " were 1he "him tho Bow Scouts and hreat patrio scam. and the urplti- III opinio widely expressed by in: new to witness this be“. “I mum that it_wu . splen- Atairiiii" greatly worth while. "titrd -‘ 1lulu-mood "I taught - “but! kin}; “I we}; 9-n’ {W "GU' JGiiGi "mt; the We t urchnse more brieks ht hip pay the debt on the and. tttiii, and umber responded libs _ (Conti from page 1) _ that them, are sung, about the ad . '5. lab of inmoua pairitimo m do , m the niched to be We those nt--'Ne Blue'Boy, 'ttp Bound wet Girl; the Reaper, g. may of Lark. u "Wittitig . I REAT SUCCESS Tm Highland Park " . T . ' s,.) Lheridan Roar Highland Park, Illinois chei:1lng 'ioeral4 closed with the sing- . . _ d r explain'ed to did he nditicn of the build. ho ' that than} was still Ir, which 81000 was dud t or Ind sum to sate bank; There ‘nnpnfa â€Was ich mommy can be l a not Wt; af i 600 In: originally , . mount had to be . to the removal of'the this city and te Ho . â€may-31ml! the y {me plunged the an- knou max-the do“. T [in-em of mind at ind ttthem who m n the audience that: ' ' than was no tye' hall Wu Vacated anner._‘ I Sacco. was I financial sue-1 We, t in Teeirits totalled patient sump: F " were teeished tq ' " to about $1500. id y who had previ- H tidan'Road anfeintst Anna] i,,;'),',',',':,',",',",-,-';', of Good Res), M11 Phases of Banking! thd pageant' we: present day events, espouse of Red Cross all to the'colon' in as depicted, " wet! the Boy Scouts end Ann. t0,1tttm ‘, two or three bricks, manner & Hunter, Tailors I. do you-flouting and pruning In our owt plant Have)' Your Clothes (Ah-lulu) Redhead]: Commercial ‘ Real Estate S. Forteâ€. Mr. John B.mrmon,9tris. I activities . y 'ei)kl'ist -which, None, Morton R. Mover, Mr. tutdsMra. Curl.I would " it :mjent excuse for Odell, Mr. Ernest S. Gail, Mr. E. H.l being but hich “ooh in beauty side Bite], Mr. Sun s. Holmes, Mtg. G. H. by side, an .if up.'biiiitr zeal, Miirieney Campbell, Mr. W. A. Alexander. 'Mrs. Jto the en power; .attd unselfish Marshall E. Samuel}. Mr. W. A. tur. genie. c ld be" aft'ltf,,"f, Arden risen. Dr. E. D. rtittreh, Mr. John F. hore won] now/Ame} or in afnuepee. itaellertxt1t, Miss K. B._Card._‘iMr,. 8. However, ing {hut in .suburb' of T. Metal. Mr. mud-ell am. Mr. Heaven, I ethi I , more than love George W. (mild; Mr. iGisi.. Wu nd devoti ‘ is 1tiilll'dl to keep it Schneider, Mr. H.1A. Lumen; Mr. E.i mtintt. ore-.y‘gr’ji-lon" if you live E. West, Mr. Ba Aueibaeh) Hum-Q n the No ‘Show, gain will have In 'al Stem. Mr. Ed. Meyer, Dr. and; pportamit to up“ in investment I In Funk. Mr. Robert w. Buck.) n (on: one iiti?tt2l7, and green leg, Mt. Atfred Meyer. Mayor S. ir.) can and _ “id otrerg for those Hagan“, Mr. R. T. R. Hastings} Mr.; ‘how my PM)“; mid fire and Mm. Ralph A. Bard. " Eco-I 'seaptm-in been "iittho" who see M. Bard, Mr. F. N. Imam. w. q.l, nly uglin 'l,'ttti,'tfstle1'l and hope Tenn-int. Me. M, Mann 1lt 19m; nd health end itiirt3rtpnity for the Dr. L. c. Gotevood. Mr. Ei.,,; . Mose-l ad, the i and iii: helpless. The lay, Mr. W. W. dewin. ‘Mr, W. p. ividenda tt,t,firihtyrsatment an: McDonald, Mr. M. A. Law, Mr. Wtfr- aot be m 1t"ttttkmrmt mud. rerh E. Hunky. Mr.W. L. Kennicott,‘ rd--it u httiistitutit acreage in Mr. J. B. Card, Mr. T. R. Wyles, Mb,- cob-till mtttiih#ittft-rall improve. C. T. Benton. Mr. Herbert E, Per, eaten C trasittdfdi'd.rau slime McJ.Ttmrb, ' 3 T T j; j p f My at W, I‘d _ v" The'names of “may": were a hurriedly written in pencil that eve ning that in some inst-nee- it was difficult to make them out, so it in the) following lint any hive been over- looked, they any eornmtinktrtis with or send check to Mrs.. 660m W. Childs, 850 tt, Sheridan road, chair- man of the pageant fund. There were 119 subscribers end the list follows: List of Subscribers _ ' Mr. Thormiis Creigh, Mr. R. T.' Gnyr Mr. J. L. Haas, Mr. W. E. Erick- be collected of previous subscriptiom‘ it is believed u sum “Mom: to pay the contuctor and the bank is avail- able. _ amount paid for tickets and raised tr, brick sales. (anther with what u: ny llts i These somQMStlie‘Arden Shore‘ activities y 'tie/id which, None, Fat] would ttit it Winglent excuse for' r- being but hieh thoiitti in beauty side . l by side, an if unlit-lag seal, tstfreieney _ to the en power; .and utttselfish , ', genie. c ld be" afitt1i,",d, Arden lai hora woul itowitrt1t, an! In “finance. tiett However, ing {but (a .suburb' of W“! Heaven, . ethi Show than love disr't nd devotl l " gamed to keep it A tuning. orewgryfilopg, if you live Pr) n the No Show, fol) will have an tda pportunit to up“ in investment 1ors. alive; at iilf_lt'tkg and green min reed and will Wen for those . .. ‘know sly PTPenta and fire "state-its bunt , fiir those who sed hold nly uglin winnings and hope gr nd health quid oppégrtpnlty for the. ed 3 ad, the ill out! tallielplm. The} Mention ust be' ade too of the "pay. guest " a m 1 group whb,do not care t accept camp privileges for nothin andvju . my what they can afford. Quitep F the.†guest of one yea com P, ith great eclat and self r pact 1t,t1lpui pay guest of another t. 325,"; , . Mealtim is welcome at Arden Shore and the (Setup gathers in the great set ned dining room without much urgl g. There is a hu!sh-- heads are wedjuutthese, who Would seem sum the least favored of God’s chi] ten. imitmur thanks. I recommend this amimept to any scof- fer, Rowe er,‘.it- iiintstant1s follow-, ed by a c erful clatter as the well balanced 'wellf' cooked maul is hustled in by the young waitresses, girls who' " intjthis way foe their vacations d, " orig asserted, “Hive m swell ti doitt' it", They take I ilively pa in. the jump "ti,tt,' [have their gown Mr, and Ii s" in la charming. new group. (if houses built by Mr. of Mrs, from; Ware of idnii',Gri"i ', [ f There is BoyvOsj-80 t0'100 lively boys betw n 10 and 13, under the care of t o directors. These little chaps gov thtiittielvo by a popu-. larly. electid cotmcil "and think they are just, viii-pi/hulls time while in reality ey are learning the diifi- cult lasso of eitiieasship. One oth mutiny: all summer 'r--the cc valeseent ehildren---bMs ttnd, girls ho have been discharged from the ty hospitals. A summer in Arden restlfpms them onithei'r feet to sta . V ' _ Another itrodp 'it: girls is that which co potidsllfto. the group of boys. that Mies the camp in the winter-gt ,itttr, "must work and can’t work beciuse of under. weight and senor“ lowphysical condition. These any 11 summer and live in the Eleanor 115nm 'bottgge. Thalia hue "trt-tin another are the “Al tle mothem"i-the Car6Wtrrtt little axte , who tttIve all the toil and mp0 ibiliti, df tiotherhood dud none of its marlin Cinders": lodge is their tt we‘d-Emmi exclusive do- main and a, tmrtiooktintt the beach and the l thoy in. muted of two weeks of re traiou. The Kidhy Koop, ‘8 day nursery, and the Fimurtriiittn relieve the mother of re ind, leeve her free for rest and f . One ‘jot‘the met nerv- ieee of the camp ii the re-nwakinintt of the epi it of pity in these poor mothers, crushed between the mill- Itonee ofglneceeeity end adversity. They einmeyjqke, they deuce their Eatiomll l es, they phy games, em! find ttl itrltttte' his -on1'r , just nomad timeom‘aftnr all. so that " patch†comihi ua the following on chow: a marked im- provemenm ' .. , glancq‘ at tlrtyite.etor, of Arden Shore's ‘tivitiesj further demons straws its position} " a ale-tin] Mr. nex. Por' mm, the “Mothers and Children"; _ e. "a mkrrr one knows Arden She is thir' lovely spot where poor mot n mdahildren no nut for 1:me ,vmtibn 1nd when they learn the cli'menta of hymn; and units ion. 'lt in haunting to know that tltearltttuum are in moat use: ca avg-r to every day we E e [(3 'iyiitiiiBurrim _ who s re. it ' a city made‘with "ttttdi-vis eiipi)tyt one: too-mine other than Jeit"t Jensen having hid it out. 'miptrrl mentions are paint- ed wooden Jtouiitact.ther gate; " not of pettrl--. he only 'ptld, in the streets Jd that dendeliene jittd 1mttrmmpr-- but the Gbllden Jtirlii function. Inuit- iepsly, Vthe! "e)itivel machinery,- lub- ricated wish good will, smoothly and "tcient' arrieg on the unique nttini- e,iprl business iiryrrving help to the helpless, tt to, theijoyleu, hope to the despai ihg, gent to'the weary and heavyladed. Here n geninl‘ glow of} sympathy fund cheer imdintes the} cloudieat clay: ‘pnd' the very faucets are taid to! â€rout-the milk of human kindness.‘ :“Not Gide Hill, but God's Hill," saidl one Jimd, mother, in the days befoite the name wan changed to Arden Show; “1 gm leaving Par.. ndise" “in another, when her too tshort visit] ended. .' -. Mansionb An 1"hinted,'rromret, ' and iGold'; trv" Streets 18 , ot Daindglipn's and A ; Butterfcups GOLDEN RULE MAINTAINED CALLS ARDEN sum SUBURB m HEAVEN "m)rstii,isiu? PM FRIES. magnum) an, Prid (day Ion. Illim Thb complete; program for the dnp' will t, published in next week’s Preu. In t e meantime everyone is urged to m he plans to visit the hospital on the ftemoon of Hey " and who to atte d the interesting meeting to he held at the Elm Plaee school audi- titrin _r in the' awning. C JOE Mdmbera of the women’s auxiliary, nude; the ehaimttnnahip of Mm. GI!» ard an Schick, will serve refresh- myth during the afternoon. , . I . " Invite Bellies _ P rmal invitations have iheen mail- _ ed the mothers of all of the yount- i ltd born at the Highland Park hor. pitat, during the past year, asking the to bring their babies to the hos- pital for" brief physical examine- tion/ Dr. M. D. 'McNeal. Hikhllnd i2tr,ke,. well known ehildren'g specie- list, ill be in charge of the confer- "iiii'eai'ii will be assisted by several of the doctors and nurses connected withithe hospital. The mothers will be asked to come at tspeeifkt hours of the afternon and evury facility will e provided for the comfort and safet of the children. _ _ i 1 _ i Open Home I There will also be open house dur- ing the afternoon to give everybody a chime to " how the hospital is prepqred to serve the community. Dr. Robert H. Herhst plans to show soij interesting slides and: speci- mans: in the laboratory.- There will also tie a tre'rrt1ne display of the work of the hospital's X-rsy depsrtment, of which Highland Park may justly be p bud. Pew hospitals theisize of the 'iti'lrad Phrk hospital com bout as fi 6 an 'equipment. Thisiexhibit will Ea in charge of Dr. A. it Shel- d.omi' The operating suite and other depprtments of the hospital will also be open for inspection. , V map} of the aw tdi of prizes for the beqt posters. “a any: on National Ha' ital Dny and the work of the I hospital, submitted by students of Deerfuld-8hielo high school, as 11 u for the'blbies Behring the hitt It points at the baby conference to be held at the hospital during the 'afternoon.. Can . Dr. Wan-h bu had w. Ad pert in hospital "aim I’nd is a for, NI speaker. l _ q tore in] Ipuker. l . _ addition to, Dr. Wruh's Iddreu the will be Music, three one-mel mot on pictures sad the announce.. 1ytsittt?lis of. the' United States and FOR f RY CLEANING & mum; a G CLEANING a CURTAIN . vsmmmc _ _' a tiigiffi,i 'LAUNDRY ' ' Hons 173.179 , N of {be problems of thexvh‘ouae- ',itta"t,lthStfe"g2lt,,t. nip ' “It! tndthe garden, ring io on the In“; _ my di Int "epiAd (Walnu- ttt- he home of by “tighter. let funeral service will be bold Iy morning at 'aleve‘n o'clock light saving time) in Prior's pub .Burial will be. made ih Duh, is. I ,' _ , ter of Mrs. Finkbeiner Sue-i' /l"t, 'Gtoge hddgt tttt .- 1w tt me o Br, " .3 eumh, tt Lttttt Pr" " o'eloek, to the'mémbm of Arden Funeral my 3 Shore committee fpr Highluni Park. '. ttn, Long} veteran of ttte War father of Mrs. J. G. Fink- N LONG PASSED, AWAY, LAST EVENING Continued ' from page {FINE HOSPITAL DAY HERE MAY 12 Highland Park State Bank Just as you go to a Service Station to have your ear adjusted, so you can come in here for help on your business problems. All our facilities are at your com- mand, The training am) experience. of ,our offlairt, along business and finamiiarlittets is available to you. Make this bank your business headquarters and take advantage of our Business Service Station. . WE OPERATE A BUSINESS SERVICE STATION ILLINOIS The Home of Savings Depositors '; Sundny, May 3, (will be Honecom. i i ins Day, It Am Shqn. Then t lwiil be a prognmfat'ts o'clock. This a, E annual “get togethti" day of the boy: soc iof the winter amp is up of the big Ca l events of the you to ieh " friends on! 'i;rtjeiSt,li;qg'd;il;t Rimmed "1 {that an irho are hot ifunilinr with rel ! thawed: at Arden phony in; take ad.. n. game of this opportunity to visit {of lthe_etunIryt4kymisornthi ofthe a; its,tse?tt,2tit, dpittr "" Hrit T'uqeirrtiNtartti'tttt-1it' l at m 1attertttVrriiotiui, y -_h"' -' atl iFRIENDS mom AT . . '; DEATH or MRS. LOWE I _ tre-r IN Known ween: Passes to Beyond April 22; Funeral E _ Service, Friday Mrs. Frank J, ,Si'ddall 3r.,oresidertt otthe Arden Show “christian. will be the speaker of thg moat-booty. utter irhieh tea win bd “fwd. On Friday and Saturday evenings; tihn shaving the aetieitieeatt Aida! Share, Till be shown at Pearl that", through the courtesy of Mr. Pearl. ,3 The funeral servicewu hetd " 8 p. m., Friday, at the (easily residence. Mrs. Lowa’: lowly voice was th", dilittht of her - friends, and Oh. My: took an {active finial-est in musical affairs. 'ith. serenity and beauty of her lit') has undated her to all who knew her. LOCAL COMMI'ITEE. t 10 BE ENTERTAINED tan years "ocrun they, 'with their two boys, Whitney and MacDonald, moved to, Highland Put. " 'Mrs. Lowe, the "iautrhtasr of Mr. and Mrs. John “natty, was born ‘in Chicago and spent but of her girl- hpod in link Put, attending the Hyde Park high wheel and the Uiti.. versity of Chicago. In 1908, the and Mr. Lowewere nuptial and they eon- tinned ttr live on the youths“: and! " Residents of [lithium *Pnrk were grieved last week to learn of the passing. April , 22, 'trf In. Helen Wmoy Lowe, ,rt'flip, of F. MacDonald Howe. l f . The entire etht promises to be u nouble one in t f,', will sump“! ty and illuatnte do" y the operation of the severgl d pertinent! of the school and demonéxlte the chancter of the work dond ‘hereln; It will be highly interesting) and everybody is invited Ito attend. iNo charge Will be made. and etttertdiiintrutt feititretoril1 be an additional attraction. . ' i vamp! Week _ in the mulling end woodworking thops etudentu will demonstrate their tminin' in the inking of 1:151:10. of ','l',1r,d kinds, and thll promises to be of especinl hstkrere . The household balance clun- will have exhibits of he“ and dresses; and tVrprirt'ntt mil-emu of n lunch- eon will be the foetal-e of the donne- tie science (lawman ' . will dame “new: and 'iirriitli7' and “La Petite Wanna†will he tritan, by twelve girls. A feature of fate, will'be'tho Hobby show, in , hick, student: will exhibit things jn which they are es- 3pechlly intended buuide of whoa] work, " relatedfthoreto. "IIlltlllI SCHOOL WORK EXHIBIT B MAY 1 Caravan my» ad Ellen one. Continued from one WestrCentrat twine.- . -w. il. Sara. m. ' German genie: it 1:80. English net-vice at 11:00. _ . Sunday School " 9:45. ' Todâ€, Thursday. tho Dot-o Ctw cl: will give an “antenna! is: can social†in the Adamâ€, room at tt:0tt. CoqCtttdsrettuta,prmtttrntiefue ttttl Mtg mu. _ q gun sunny Ott-the - will he relievgd' from duty at Gm Tb m 13‘3an of mean will be may mulled at the -atittq service to which our Ina-hon an» "tted. “can tog mus. , . mnttar you a cum, but if m , at Cttrtsttmt you v!!! 1.010 6i00' - You" Hawk's Bod? monthly dinner tad social hour, , - m whteh mu Elizabeth awn who has recently rammed from doing stu- dent relief wprk In Rania. will spat. All are cordially invited. WEDNESDAY-L " F lit00-.r-NoettN, meeting tif tho tur Mon. V " gnaw-mam cm 9:46-Cttureh School. _ ', 1lttl0--Judier (hm-ttms. 1it0earorriiprGkitiisr. Rev. P. Pitt ‘3}" much on “Tho Chum Homo. V t m potiey Will be continued. pad in other lines besides that in“ 1rentyethemioftueitrG;iiii. Provided " npidly a. mu. ' mm“ With its growth and in. perfume. _ the “W improve-heat- have kept lhggd of the demand. - The eitradrttinistmtioes it I for. Irard-looking one. Under the ppm. did leadership of In†Katha it -lttrkt.rtahFtytofiileGiira",= spite the rapid inch-u in mun." tion And the urgcntdmnda for in- provcgnents trad thomby. It has deTmittrated t ttood jade-meat again And attain with a vision that In. fore.. All of these plans was. ex- umive improvements in the that mm of the city. but the “mum hut-gent and the lawman: no... “Uwidrtho toinrhttrottudti, ttttd the consequent humus of tut. plan .trt'rtetkr-tt'tt-etmau the“ .ttTrermthte,neithmrehaf. diti.oau-rueniiikiGGG my me necessary. DEMANDFORWIDm MulliillllrnBghgr Adm-truth- Loch Ahead ZION LUTHERAN Continued from pm PAGI SEVEN