as.glt you do w tul Utlt 70.00 5120.7“ 8thttir, 15901 ' L737 11.5 j: 7] .. w a. l 1 w a "I _ _ not a I m In“ Want, JULY 2, ms merit. two (2) parts sand,vand four (4) grave] or embed stone, mixed with 'stdBeient.water to a on king mass; inside diameter three (8) Net, aidewal and batten: eight (8) inches thick. The manhl’le shall be ishedawith a four hgndred eighty (480) pound eaphaltl ceated cut iron‘man ole cover, set to the tinittA'td grade t the ground. where located, and three-quartem 1%) .‘inch 1 and, 'wrought" tion ladder rounds, spaced aixteey (16) inc (apart, from top-ter bottom; depth of concrete overall ï¬x iii) deet; in- eluding all excayaiion, baekfillirte around t e ianhoit with earth, and remote of all exqavated materia , complete in ttr, at Seventy-be Dollar: ($T5.00)-..,.C. tM-.,.--.-... e following tile lpe drains shall be coast ed ot vitri- ptu.; salt-glazed, ll, b and spigot tile ‘pipe. in de diameter ag' indicated by th size stated below, "trielutyt connections to eatchbatins and. anhoheeatehttturimr, all t hing, back- Jillintr the trench ,with sand from the bottom the trench to the under surface of the pavement; joints lr ortar com- posed by volatile " one (1) part Portland ee 1|“.an two (2) parta. sand, mixed with suillclent water to Ike a quak. ing mass; and removal of all surplua‘.exeav material. The de th of the drains {alert to the Bow: line paid draina. 87 lineal 33.: of eight, G) . neh tile pipe drain'la let an aver- age depth of are (5) feet below the top of , pavement, complete in place at One Pal" Fifty Gen “($150) per lineal tcot m-,-...---,-:...:--.--..'::-:-...----,-'---:,---,--), "-:---.--.." TO lineal feet of ten (10) inch tile pipe drain, I at an "tgtr.. erage depth of the (5) feet below the top of t pavement, . complete in, place at One Dollar. Sixty Cetttisi(t1.60) per The following tile. pipe drains PII, be construe of vitri- fied,. salt-ttlas/heb and who tile sewer pi , laid. with ' open joints, inside diameter " indicated by t size stated _ below, includingreannectiom to 'eatchbaalug d manhole. "catehhturins, all tiettehimtctraekMing,the trench with earth, and removal of all 'aurplua excavated. materiaN. The depth of the drains refers to the flow line of said nu. 735 lineal feet other on inch tile pipe drain, la at an av- erage depth of forte (4) feet below' the top the curb, t It',ittt,2.'r' place at Bevmtty-tive, Cents (8.75 per lineal 401 lineal feet of eight (3) inch tile pine drain la at an av- erage depth cf airy“) feet In!“ the top of th curb, 'lst let. in plate at Ninety Cents ($.90) per line "oot-iy.c-. 266 lineal feet of ten (10) inch tile ripe drain, lai ' " antar- erage depth at thi (5) feet hear the totri' the curb, gomplete in place at One Dollar Ten Cents ($1.1 , per lineal 40 lineal feet of ten (:2: Inch tile pipe drain outlet, laid " _' average depth of Jl',ratP,tr, the prudent V, 7 £13530? place at Ogre lat Thirty ceni,'i8turtr per 7 .d.-.-c..--v-r-vvi-x-"----rcvi-v-,-,--. (Rt lineal feet at.eieltttr0, inch iyy.idii.dytatrtatr bell‘and ,' . , 4 cut iron Lire 'l,tfJfl,t', W " att'qre?triy, my??? t' (il/tf,; “when: At'h,t',t'trte, ' lathe!" , oot " W yum!†Ptiith / . fps!- /gt)Jrttll4t!tlr trenching. bacilli“ thrRmpttai' ,7 with earth. and removal eta“ unionism 7 "nptaeUts, . complete in place tSltpg Dollars (83.90) per _ 1 foot.-. tttertttrernr+tif- of» 1ltttttl2itatttgit, 'ledintlte i/ttltd,'?, (humid. 5'? 21:7 he at: f,l,,tg ' ' “11M“? '7 ttt an: ttnttai ist)ebi(rt.tiett "r" .7'.'.m ',, â€Tulane of one tvi,'.',"; Ptittiiiiti-ittk 7 gun-mu. ma, mum _t,gjittallg1't r"t_atttrtt" athe aa- poeeti‘ “WE, "0'3. , ,-(1linehs.f shall he Imposed, volume a! one (HM ,1‘7757ceo; meat and, at . "stdrttotttmtteikr'id' P E I", than: 'ett,2ti,ti't T may-aha. Ir, aim-ho: bottom vof, "raiil'itutt be three (3) tut Jfffr, the fiot _ line; of the outlet ttt titrdatttt pe, alpine-ma _ tion, wnu- , (tttttt all .- ., - PN-PP, / women eoji,iMFtkAtt- , ,dnfhirtr PP, 'ri'? y; pet a 1m fiLerrt,c"r'siriekccrrse, â€I“... 'iiicr.'irer-i m square .. 1tytt1ttt 'riiiiiiiifiiit", at, _ The 9.... t tht of alt.“ j. P, (8' rttif: 'ttsf 'ill-ltd.',','; inf-vi W: 4551 Gil 11m 13““ T _ our (0%,! F (i yFiifijt'iii'iiu"ij,titrt T 'rs' , _i'ft'it),'ti ' I , vir) “13:61 - up, ttitjirttif/itatrtit #,i'i).'tirr'tt'.' "MF" 'l, , "tii/as, - . TFN, "it/rr'" .351!" wane-WK“) {mm-be 'y, ttttey., â€91% y gr. , l m t?vitRtiitsra"iit'iir,i. and aE , girtittl awn» ttrl, /rrC) - tu't'if1'1'ifg'tf,tl2t,htlt', iit!.ftiSt'tlttdt . .32 J" _,' l l,c, N ' {milking man: we!“ 'me , 6011,211th AM 'qr 'ri-' -,r"r'i,"r , _' intrytrb'#tsitytftttehtitdit%tuiit" 'ep, ri)t'liiiii'itiiiiiE2iir, 2 Jr" 'i'Qtddttgieftgiie,tttt'ittyfj, - {nut-pout g ' a 3 'v, V f . five Cent . We) W mare foot ..rauri i-ichris.i-rrs-d 3", In†5 'rtytrhoiriattd ave vault 'eta"i'ittjr; NW to ,_ " , l , __ when located, at Five Dollar: ($549) ,te't,'y..'E L. $.00 Protectioh at All joint: 09 the imminent, 11t,ld,tl'tNt , cement, including the, firit tif,'lttMpf, aid amt to longitudinal joint and maintaining _ cement on att ioitth i ' . 'utre1ttdirttr.itotitaetioieiupldr the :ho Q, your my». V ' i rr an“; peripd " Vided for in the 'tthitter, m for this It" t provgment, tit a; Hundred Dollar-30100.00) ""v"""'"""r"T 109,00 ' , TOTAL or an) ihmsmmu The owners ttf a majority of the ftontatit0'f the Iota and Immune: - attests, tehereitraaid work In to be done, my, yithin ten any. td the, in. hereof, elect to him said TorVtytdrttt,ter' into I written contract to do laid works; ten pe'r centum less than the price " which the will. has but! awttr . I I 1 '/. . . ', i, l ', "s, ’SA DEL M. HASTINGS, _ l . F NK L. CHENEY. ' _ i. f JO PH B. fitlp: _ _ q) _." rf Wtal GOURL ' t ", _ _ . . Board of Local tnprtrvenftrnta of the' City of l n , n. ' ' n . .... . cNtth1.i!ittt hm Illinois; Dated at Highland Ptrtrminou an: 'iaFiir" iii%F, A. D. was. . ul, , NOTICE OF, AWARDINé CONTRACT . _ j Notice is hereby given to :11 J,gr,',ttit,ttg'tbt the bids for tho Why ing of all ithor/. tools and mate als necessary tor the lac-l WWW“ at the roadwir% Lakeside Pike, Deli Place, meme Mum Roiuf and; 1* View 2ggit ~by paving with reinforced tttttttte uniothemiu junta ' were get; on the 19th (in of June; A. D.I;1925, an? the Western Innuen- ment thpan'y,. aging the lowest responsibl jbiddu', he' contract was {wild- td rt,0 tlepror',"; eaten: Improvement Com any, on the 26th thin! June, A.D.l926r.."l .r - _ Tr, F 7r"' Suid bid for the work was follow: . [, r' "' 3,560 cubic ya a. pf excavation for WNW and’ integral who, audio; " e pal-Inn?» including itthy, hiring of mu 'six (6) hes in duneter or In: V t m? Jittea of the pavemen ‘and‘two (2) feet imiiriiilc'ii' lei ‘li grainy. l preparin the subgrade to receive iii, tlt2lllN%',,"lft; and in ."1 curbs, and the mom“ a alt 'tht granted mteria nae-tinned in the cut, It (r1xtrdiiri] _ Me (3.65) per cu ,yar .---,.--v--l,--..u--, -._---. 6,600 squire ‘ers of concrete pavement: with integral curbs, , , menu from beck to back of gthtt,t (munch: thick. The con ' te for t,2gpgt than I compose; by volume of one ( ) part Port' and cement, ttto OW path and, and thee. an“ onehtif “(8%) pets ptteet ‘be _tsgtresttad stone. u..." -3. -tr-we.._ “31-; Inn-v- a ."a In W Iâ€. ti?rttii' th "tBeUnt water to tun-id's out? mass. The T dth of the our}! three (8) iatthyl'iltetih, "e top of said 'iSt ht l behalf: ff/ttit whitish of the th, there. the an er es: ex me ' .e’g ,edcesshallf f he roan . The‘oonorete forts}. gram be composed] F by vo of one (t) part Port _ dlieemattg titet,48r'tttrtid . ' sand, an these and one-half (3%) giarelritik'ti'iatm1i .stones e, ept thither' exposed til on of“, ' mute on, depth of -half (54) Mth shall i hymn-nu: . one (I) rt Portland cement and ttri i, par-tam Both: mortar concrete shall he mix 3‘ sudden: was“ There‘s ll be constructed th . lithe i,1irhtertpiHir" 3, joints th ugh the full width of th ' curb; extending‘ than ' the top t e curb to the bottom C the pavement, spaced: thirty ( " he: apart, and oontinuoulwith the jointadn the , pavemen. Th pavement shall be';reinforced with any (40) parade of sifritetive steel wire, fabric to: each one hun- dred (1. )oquarelfee.t of pavement. Three-eighths' (16) inch tt _ ltic felt it/ttp,") expansion Joints shall be con- structe [ nd spaced’ rty (30) feet; trt extending from . top to, ttom of “Efflvément. 'tli transverse 'Nt sion join?" shall be p vided with t 2t"irtenu'S, . ,. round. s ooth trtteribtra,r two (2) feet n _lt'gt,t2t,t,td, two (2) eet apart center to center" one ,en’d 0 "id (steel bars 'shal extend sixtee’n (l6) inchds into the concrete on , one side of the joint, and the other end of _ the, ft'l have, shallhe ted with asphaltlc paint, and extend to mi . concrete n the other' side of the joints, and " the end pro- . vided wit 1 cylinder' shaped piece of asphalt won) inch- ' [ 3ttt languid one (1) inch in diameter. A It,',','),',:).',',',',',',', Me; zoidal shaped Joint shall be constructed along; center ne from end to end of the pavement; id joint shill he made, i by the installation of a 'ifi'r?,tr,i:il,t, eighteen (18) gauge metal 'ttg and provided ftt one-half (%rinch round -’ _ {armed s 1 bars, tout (4) feet long spaced live (6) feet f apart‘cehter to center, and placed {our (4) inches below . , te, sun-{aloe of the pavement; saidgh s shall portend two (2) . eat into. the concrete on each Bit, 3 of maid. longitudinal Joint; indluding ,eJJ,tgig'pi,ottti,',7; fend cleagisng, laid com- plitg at (rwo Dollars iltrhtr"s Cents ($2 ) per square1 11 new cdiaiiia' constructed of concrete (either blocks or monolithic), composed by vp1tymyoflprte! JP, part Portland‘ » cement, o- (2) ptirts sand, and font“) parts gravel or crushed s one, mixedwith sudlcient winter to make a quelling mass'; inside trutrtteterftnpr (4) feet/Aide walls and bottom eight f?) inches, average death of 'l"eomsr1sttslover1sU he, (8) f to, .Ehch catchbesin s all be provided With a ve- hundrgd (forty (540) ipound asphaltlc coated cast iron eatehbasiin' cove-r; includ my all excav tion, 1?tiekiliiintr around . the eateisbmu'ms with sand, and removal of all' surplus“- cavated materials, and covers set tograde, at Ninety tiii-, _, lars 1el1el, each r-v--:-'----,-),-,--.--.-........',,',..:..: 21 new manho e-etttehtmtnlrtts 'GiiiiGriGri of concrete (either blocks otranono1ithie), composed by volume cliche (i) 'part _ Portlandreement, twp (2) parts sand, and four (4) parts- ' gravel crrerushed stone, mixed with studieient water to make a quakin mass, inside diameter font (4) feet, side walla and bottgm eight yo. inches thick, leverage tte, of con- crete hirlttw top of curb ten (10) feet.) Each cat? btttrin-truuts, holeshall be furnished with a 'tutgfgd, forty (IMO)" , pound as haltic coated cast iron cal hbasin cover, includ- ing all ,ic‘avation, baekfilline around the catchbasin-man- holes ii sand, and removal of all ism-plus excavated ma- terials, and Covers set-to grade,-, at One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each m----------'-----)-'-----.--.. 1 new manrole constructed of tonerete)(either blocks or mon- olithic), proposed by volume of one? (1) part Portland ce.. ' ment, two (2) parts sand, and four (4) parts gravel or crushed atone, mixed with smilie-tt inter to make ' quak- . ing mass; inside diameter three f,ill,,e,ty side walls and bottom' eight (8) inches thick. The m hole shall be furnish» ed with a four hundred eighty (480) ipound asphaltlc coated cast iron‘manhole cover, and t,ttttf,g (ti) inch round . wrought iron "ladder rounds,. space l sixteen (16) incite! apart, lromtop to bottom, depth of the concrete five aid one-half,1(5%) feet; including all excavation; ttatpkt11iing q around the manholewith sand, and removal of all 'g't','t _ excavated materials, constructed complete at Seventy - lam (370.00) I-s-r--.----:-.,-,.--.).--.-.)---.... The following drain) pipes shall be 1rWiiud,aaltrtrlei, huh and spigot tile pipe drains, inside, drttt.teurr as indicated by, the size stated below; including f, _ qua and connections for catchhuin and iAtehbqittrrpaa, ot . alrtrenehirtg, back- fone the trench with sand frcm' f bottom of the trench to the surface of the submde; Joi _ "of Portland cement mortar composed by volume of one tt rt Portland cement F and two (2) parts land. mixed with a 7 . twister to make ' a thinking mass; and removal of all itnqthisr excavatedma- _ tidals.‘ The depth " the pipes refers to the fhsw.lttte of, , said pipes. _ , . _ _ . 1 _ 140 lineal rector eight (8) inch tile pi drain. laid at an av- erage ta? below the top of the pa email: of six and one- half " I) feet, mama in pianist Gumball" Fifty, f ." Cents ($1.50) per ll [toot i-v-i-v/ive"-:..--..---.-.. 101 lineal est attest (10) inch tile widget; at inlays . '. oraetrdtgthofiintptdottrutf $lit all“, .' if ttfi/rits'),')',, t, new: place _fityttbr), . _t,._S.eti,t8,, _ s ' 136? Ittial .,-,.u.....'ivicG. :usa:vi.t,-cu.di. i.. . T an all“; t'i,'/'t"dn.i'tttit,t titling“!!! atâ€! ti; B, can use: "d six (6) t below. than: 'tttttttttr; {emphasis place at‘foOne Dollar _ , (but! ( no) If, tntil , ttttt --e-yt-----.-; .....‘.....) u-r-ci-it-irc-ev-f-V ,' The snowman p examine .. o, silt-glared, but; , and one river in. in: e“ V 'C L a ittdlentmt by n L. thcti..iisfirterttytt8rhi, t.tdittit _ ,, r.itit1,ahtttt.,flrettt 3 "", tttttrg and ca " 1- ._ , Elf, iiltt2trttitrtttir, ' . Ittett triji.trtrtehiryre i tKrttt, - "dec'), M, rr-', iritrqi'tb: - 112(11an lot “new. ,,3e9t!!, r. a F,'8* I. The 6m! " J"e "r'ttii,h, t can: 'giflt,ti, 'Y. 'Milt ., 'rTira" "iii-ei" mz 1119mm» aux mass. mistaxp PARK; mum:- 18,810.00 2,100.00 2,814.00 581.25 210.00 108.00 171.70 'l". " «which in Hlllttltd T :31 linen! we f,7jjilr'i , 3' "rider, "" '-. 1eitt.tr1e,etlllt I w'Mw lllgh"ldl'lll $30) . any depth!†_ tt l i mp1“: iny‘ a, 0 tiiteil toot .-.... ilg), u... 137.50 isis lineal ttct it l ' avenge um '2 en 26.00 _,1r,r,.l'l,1r, ol. ik , I 70.00 _ 1 TOTAL (imam: , â€mmwamqwuhwwmg 0 owners a A m rt a mgr q land at ts. wherein said if: . to tie doist, any. within ton My!“ h Launching.“ M, ,rtdettki.iittisuittteivetiuktitirjii'irt my: It ten per eeettiti' Bifi than the price-at was the all. has 'tt a . /,G ' . . .. F 'r', . l, t g I ttNl, M. HASTINGS; _ 1 ., I " 5 'lid k, CARD ' F " V "id ' - t8it'orotft'h'lr'," _ A - 1 5,1: x, amalgam“: ' iortnertiui. _', hid-tun- t' 'tttl/ttttttflirt/rt,; t9t1t)',t"til't', Ar m vunool‘ Tim-‘41... ' 1+ Enid feet at _ ' . on um . i' t1ehthi't, r * r e tron p ' [and ad can!» I handing " , and mmoltarof . ma “w , 0 out = ‘ cement cough, ll tion shall beiconf’ cement, two "2) i . crushed stone; h' I inch shall be' com 1 cement sud ho I shall be mixed I . -. » " __ __ rua" iiiiigid 3T. 1 present " r M, her:t ,. cm The T meet ttu'ratil',t th composed â€volume aton- " ahall be four i I m two' oo path null. Ind on (5) i (I) Part Po: h E C, " Tau, the 'aqroaed to . 1 "mm sT,'tig 'ltt inch“ t'lN'l'lJlr.'llr"dllL'l of F d '01 one. iilE m eminent and thrmri8) pm and, ftwo (2) parts t, mrt1rtterudmiArfthmtWii-tomt.r' ; nil when“ “I! SP u unwinding all Exam and“. ii to make {WK 'iiif, do cindemmnd remand of att a- 1 f,e,','ftt",r2td,,. I? lll'Alhl'e'l'd'l comb†It Fee-dm NMra a. V [ I .e.e..--._.----.r-r-..- 1 Cents (25¢) per M'. _ foot 'sGriirirGGr, to be cut dtrnm, no ' more :1â€? t9). depth #55. (i) but wow tho 'tgg',', ttrubbed Ill) ~ May to u and with can! or In: hhdumu‘hmwm’w other suitable I II] .,'. of the Wood than}! the. l tt Tlg,'l,t y, ' r l at Two 'tpe ($2.00) snafu...†I It to V whole And Vt», vault covers, tlet.'. "l.'.'.f'.t'..t. s), swam“ ' '3'. . i',u'di,t'uf,'ti rated, Imp. I T'd') ,ards all . 'Jt'U"Jl with murde- mu, includ- o a?" â€â€523 'tr", t'lh,i,'dl' ninety t#ereritrtfms mm) the . t tame ' _ ' . It ate tg,'?? View, "Tr'leu, sta',',?;.'-),',!,'.,.',-!,',-,):'?-:',',.-':; - , .... , "ri,GiiiiiriiiiGiiiri, ' M T a. 1 (1"ettf,'f.'1ea 2,. 'jttlttttl'r,t,',t,d t/ht mm. eavatitsn, V m~:1 'lt Five Dolhn' .(tsno).n.....m.........;........ mtg: 'lh'll 3?.» ta on the hanging]? 1tt bikini»: ',t.iii't'i?tiiiii'i,ti, IIE ,'iit,r'?it'1ii:tti'i, an. =m ii'i'?i' m, e ME . for ttie we . inn, minding, " raetion , J.'ff. gunman“ pe '1‘iat’Throe any!!!“ Dollâ€! (m M3134 7 .3"; _ LEUER BR&. Humane a (ttet itaar 182 North P Strut Baggage, Tamwiaos Dated " Highland 'hinz tht' 'ttiM' fast - (516) "", _ pal-nah; may " Bill; iy?,,l,thth', tttttti can. mammal»: llllEi - em "ttqq%t,tetstmtrMiri tty ct Three Us; In (W) lined Nec......:.........:.. follaw _ 'tlit alla'hhnll‘ commuted orPoetutd cement Haw-mu todhelwthebdy - tion shell hecouf'fa' 4- by value at one Tif part Porn cement two;(2) fin .nul, “43m (4) put: (an! or mulled um; 1llll MK'. M. mm to a an at can) inch shell be can"? . by volume a! one (I) put Portland _ cement and'two , put: and. Roth com and mortar ehell be mixed , Y “can? teach: egulkiu mass. Theho .31 the nu an be than (3) eat he- .', low the ttow, my}? .the outlet tte when heated; includ- ing all excehti ll " Ming, "novel af all cumin muted nu - B, T ' _ . LB? cubic yards "ttily I in 1 11 f1ve (5) feet has. six (6) feet .hielqhe ". twelve (Mt imbue thlck, bottom two (2) feet thick, , IkTtriiit' lot n eight (8) inch inter-ml diameter outlet m , ircn pe. constructed in ravine north of lot 19, Lakes , tenor, anti-acted complete at Thirty Dollars ($30.00,) ill cubic yard _-T---------,----- 2mm yards Gial in 1 heedwall a: (tr) feet long, ll: (6) feet high, we»; thre 2,) imthet thick. bottom two (2) feet thick, with‘ hint or- a twelve AIS) inch intone! diameter outlet ' 'a bipe drain. constructed in thine. let t. Lukeview T Sh' "oii hunted mien It Thirty Dona. ($30.00) per iiiiiqi) id q---...,,..-.-.'--',---....-.. azure feet of ' rFieicii lidmlk approaches laid out. Inger 01cm?!“ L'l inches thieh', an m d the si oval]: any it'd“! be {he (6) feet, except " the presents r iilEiiliti,ti. new? emu-en.- L 1-56th min. The bed: 'tntemte 137 m so ral' Ities Standard of bum. Highliihii Park and Highwood Pr; Elm-$1! UM i'i,'i'irC-1i1'c'ii,', U.†“‘5†,0? at Iihit1iiiiiiti 'iiiri;iri"irr7i;iriiria 'ae. I mm 2.13m mm out†râ€! place a One Dollar scum-an cm- ,ttitrlit " ‘Hï¬ï¬rnotn'vhgï¬ï¬‚m ' x , I an - . mm IR ; each ipe in twin (3)100?“ a h Nit and “M (515) pound- pot‘bnxth; at sill) Ttth 1".k,letutt, mm with an. lot Lymph: em mam-1. eta-pm in hm TIEP, ($3.00) , linen! toot....................... in: " MI all- ihnll' constructed of. Portlnd wetting» unions as V ted below; the Imam mica-(5;? "l by volume of one (1) pm P o‘(2)* I: and, nndgfqur (4) parta mvel or my; Iltl (used surface to a depth of atoll) " ieodllii m by volume of one (1) part Poland l two I parts sand. (Both concrete and mom: n'xed BFI lumcient m:- to make u quitting a ttlst M f_the an than be three (3) 1m be- 2m NS ipxpteiising,; Moving i MUZIK, JR. 18% ant-(m iirntriiiiiGc"'."2' â€inhaler! b'ii"li?1titiij. blllhltl,?ltlth1','l Jib-moon;- Dollar at“ per mm foot............... 0) inch ' dyahbi.id_ottanar, (7) feet Now the top of tho mrtis One Donutmrty Cent. (use) pu- etc in 1 ttttll an (6) feet has. p twelve (12 inches thick. bone-aim opt-uh; to: ya eight (8) inch internal iron pe, mud in ravine north Knot, 'ltA'l'e'dll complpu u mm ttttttie, meh-L:,.--:-.-...-.",.--,,,-...-.".. tty an! at Lou"! hprovuienb Iota-‘61.: at F Highland Put. 1mm. 13inch, thin†My of July. A. D. Iâ€. . (1?). “Bell we will! drain, hit). Aiii t - no top 'of'uio'mb,‘ 35.35314 tlt) Cent- (mo) pu- BOWMAN’S MILK in Bygon- mended by 1ryyntrg8tm?iity as a we†aid to tttt hath. Its Jim? content. them firm an t strong. “nib†mb!“ quartet. "tdrhlRttat In DR. J. W. SHED!) PAC! 1gutatt 1,087." 1m DIED 115m 211.“ " " IE] "