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Highland Park Press, 30 Jul 1925, p. 12

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hil (28) d ', in ST. JOHNS AVENUE. ttom Brunido Rodd H to the and of he pr‘ooooed concrete invariant, twenty-eight (28) f _ l Lin- colnwood Road south, to. Ping: Road, fifty-he _ and four. (55.4) toot; tron Pierce Bod south to the north line of County Line _ , forty. one, and fotm.tertths (41.4) “at: in BROWNVILLE ROAD ad LAKE- SIDE i’LACE. twenty-one (21?) feet; in PIERCE ROAD. It ENDE 1t0AD,.RAVrNErMANOTt ROAD. MARION COURT, CAR L 011]“, DELTA ROAD, PLEASANT C0UR'r,mnd DELL LANE. m" (19) feet: except at street men and turrtitroundtr, when the In a shall be widened along curved’linési. including curing. _ roteettmt, cleani . said proposed concrete pavement,f _ilieiiiiiiirt acquiring git new“. on nu, constructing Mucus magma vement connections in a Line Road " his“. no and . JohrAvende, removing. all lo: gnome tutu-”rub. gfgtg,tstttigite another Iatror,oststeri ls.“ ' d ex- in“? to tr- aid oposed improvement in v rho-n2- IrltGrlff. in tttb WM Highland Park, County '01 Lak a (State . By clearing. grabbing». trradihir, excavating. fli1irtr., tttg the subunit, draining, taking the parberrts,iAdding'," tyiNariytt' en l'e and who unit covers, eoetstiiseiiU concrete m'denmtk, tsriptoa'e)tes,i, mating flre hydrants, eetetstmd.tintt eatehUaitta and combined catchbpain In gee Ind drags inlets. emurtNeting' inteterat' curbing; ednstrueting 'i?i'i,tiiil,? ncrete culverts. constructing te-infbrced 'soettrxtars'tulvert, with he w, Atm- strutting outlet drying with 'hehmiltCTiturtrtrethttt Twink new retaining walls. construct! .geinfotced emigrate guard posts, vt with bituminous Wm a 'gutl'l' “(outshone .(21) feet in . moan ravines ht Lakeside Phony trvimrpttth, 'tptigg! concrete. Mn; the total width, mounted brat) but]: to back of Mg“! curb. of e ttple, will» -eLttlytyutAtN9oLN.,.1 OOP. AON? __ "ttttst FLEASANT COURT, {falls ma connecting 'irt'ttf the Zita in ,proposed downs- pavement " the was: “up of Lincolnwoqd tttti, _ T wast in said Pleasant Court two 11W ninety (290) feet, ,ncluding, in frdditlon, a tutti-mug“! at the wgst 6trd of said Hm ‘Comt: [ "‘ ' ' l DELL LANE, frcm mi! .t,',o'g,"eittitft the Guia, h van- ment in Sheridan Road. them south n said Dell lane to a eotimiittimt with the herein propomtil eone'retqrptrvemdttt in “Why in'qhtdlu c at right angles to the veg line of slid Den Lanai; the int , of fan- gent; in 1tttAfirit_Agdi 'Ott to, Ravituirttreatt, . . '. T _, '.' "In"; vvuynww at "e I“ “annual: AWE“. . if 'rr, l CAROL coyiin'F, from m! connecting. with the herein ed cons crete pavement at the west line of Lincolnwood Road ex dt ' thence west in aid (In-o! Court two hundred ninety (290) feet, not ' in addition, u turnaround " the west end of said Coral Court; a !' m and connecting with the herein proposed concrete pavement at out line of Lincolnwood’ Road extended, thence 'sttt.tu'uter1r in said Ca 1 Court to I line at right angles to,the northerly line of said Carol at/the point of reverse cumin Lot 28, First Addition to Ravinia or ti, dirty one (61) _ feet, measured “on; the thtrr1 northeasteriy fro the unth- westerly comer of aid Lot tg, including in addition a "Y tnfnerodnd at th.t:rtoyt1etetiend ot 'did Owl comm; _' ' _' i ' . DELTA ROAD, from and connecting with the herein El'l con- crete pavement hi the west line of. Litteohtwood ~Road m d, thence west in said Delta Road two hundred ninety (290) feet, incl " in hdd‘ ition. e turnaround» the west end of said Delta Road:1 H j fiom (tttttl connecting irith the' herein proposed concrete pavement " e east line of Lineohtwt:od Road extended, thence easterly. (ive hundred forty (540) feet, measured along the center line, including in addition, "TI' turn-. around at the 'tortheasteriy end of said Delta Road,, and hiding the street natal-n at Dell Lane, as r back as . line at rig: I. lee to the west line of said Dell Lane At point of tangency in t v.- First Add- ithn to Ravinia Poreet, and can . with the. herein 1: ed ,‘concrete was“ at»: above WW3?!» in. in“. Dell. we; _,:"'", .A -,__._.__ -.--_V n... -r"" r-'r"x- '""""-'c"" ruvu-uyuu ... can. Iv-vc JIM-u. RAVINE MANOR ROAD, from and conmcting with the he in ‘proposed concrete pavement at the out line of Lakeside Prue . , thence nottheaatirir, in aid Ravine Manor qul to' and connectfng it .the ex- qu my; Jammy! in Sheridan Road; ',r ' r l' T,,". f" BRAjISIDE ROAD, from and connecting with the in} protreed concrete pavement ot the we» line of Lekelide Piece ex nded. ence west in said line-we Road to and connecting with the reinapropmd concrete pa'vement " the out tine of Lincolnwood Road xteii ed from the south;. including the Atreet ”tune of Pierce Road to north and mouth. as far back respectively, he the north and south lines of aid Bree- iide Road extended, Indlccnnecting with the herein pro ted gogcrete pavement in Iaid‘Pleree-Road; ' _'.' Ir , LAKESIDE PLACE, thm the .gi"lf line of County 0 Road, ex- W, thenceynorth in, said Lakee' Place to and co inguwith the existing concrete" pavement, in Sheridan Road, the pavement in shid Lake- side Placeyhell consist areonemte "thrretnettt from the iorth line of Ccunty Line "Rood extended, to a line It right angle- to the ’ehst line of said Lakeside Place, one hundred twenty (120) feet north?“ the south- west corner of Lot 8, Ravine Manor; from said l20-foot ,iine north to a line at right angles to the west line qf said Lakeside Pl e " a point sixty (BO) feet south of the northeast corner of last 2, vinio Forest, 'dhtttti',',t,'/t. {hell consist 'of bituminous macadam; from the, last de. se line to and axrmteetirhriwith the said existing cone to pavement, in Sheri n Road i'tigarpt shall consist of concrete; including the street rel no At B IDE ROAD, BROWNVILLE ROAD; and PIERCE ROAD; far back " the west. line of said Lakeside Pace extended, and ecmuretintr. With the herein proposed concrete avenue)“ in said Brae- side Road, Brdwnviile Rodd and Pierce Road, at vine M nor Red, es for back " the out line of said Lakeside Piece extended. and, fa',',',",','; tou'..'" the herein proposed concrete pavement in said vine hnor . BBOWNVILLE ROAD, fmm and connecting with " hetein pro- posed concrete pavement It the west line of Lakeside. P ce extended, thence west in aid -Bmwnvilie Road to and 'eottnttetintr' the! herein proposed concrete pavement in Lincolnwood Roadrpt the en line of said Lirieotnmtod Road exten from the north; including the e e returns. at Pierce Road'te. the no h end to the sobth, as fat heels, tee, tively, as the north and south I e of said Brotmvt'I1e Road exten "nd con.. mretlnt3tttytteAtreiLtgtr.t.irmydsonertte pavement: in paid ie , Road; a. PIERCE ROAD, from dud connecting with the herein I caf‘ comma pant-om " the outer}, line extended from the north of. t. oh B, Avenue, thence aorthemrt4rtrin aid Pierce Road to and connoctirg ith the here- in proyo-reoyet)ete pl , that the death line of Brae: de and extended, III) from and co . th the heroin proposed concre pavemont at the north line. of raid id. Road, extended, thence no hotly in aid Pierce Road to Ind co in; with thefhoroin glowed onctete pave‘ ment at the South line of Brownsville Bond extent ed, also undocu- meeting with the 'heroin Impound concrete pn‘voment nt e north line of said Sawmill: Rand mandod, thence northenstetly i "id Pierce Road to did connecting with the herein proposed concret pnvement at 1tttr..ttarClifyt_of, meddle Hm extended: _ , -, " ' ST. JOHNS AVENUE, from the north line qt County Line ksia extended, thence northwesteriy in said St. John: Avenue“ a line ttttr. ( _ )2feet north: westerly of the point of tenancy. Lot a, Block 8, No Manor, and out right angles tot the easterly line of aid St. JohnexA we; including the street mum git PIERCE new," fpr huh” the y line of said St. Johns Avimte,extendid from the north end conn .wlth the herein proposed concrete puement in aid Pierce Road; t NCOLN- WOOD ROAD " far beck es the 'srtsterlr line of said St. Joint: Avenue extended from the south and connecting with the lureln p d concrete pavement in said Lincolnwocd Road at BRAESIDE ROA " far back In the easterly line of St. John- Avenue extended from he :north and connecting with the herein proposed concrete pavement in. aid de Bond; at 'MARION500URT in far back In the easterly line of id St. Johns Awnue extended tsrur0onnrethtg with the herein proposed onerete pave- ment in aid, MArlptrfoyrt; ' I . lA'RION COURT, from m4 tr',erineetintr with the Main t'lfrttgitt mt. Summit at the westerly line extended from the non , of Lincoln- wood F Wad, thence unduly ht aid Marion Court to and mating with the heiein piano-ed eonerett pavement It the' manly Ii 9*ten ed bf St. Mayan: V ' . I Tor m w m I. b! “.5 . 7 _ ' mmnnwmmwcm _ . .' TO THE anon AND course! ; , _ l r. , or 1tU1C..W_Y_or/WGmsANTrPAi-, ',-a. , " i [ v comror LAKE AND sure or ILLINOIS. I g e ' _ IN COUNCIL ASSEMBLED: , . rt ' 1 _ . Gentlehen: _ e I . , We herewith subunit an Ordinanoedor the improvement as o ' ' LINCOLNWOOD ROAD, from end eonnectinc with the .. r.'.'..er',' concrete ,pa‘vunent in Sheridan Road, thence tooth in said .... pr Road to and ecrtneetirttt with the heroin Prxtitt?.eitreytatemte PBT" " in St. Johns Avenue " the easterly of laid. St. John. Avenue -, {tenth south; including! the _-t return " PLEASANT COURT Fife' hack an 'e, T,",,', 2,U said L lnwood i',tr1ftt'tt,t and Wt 1t,iPihoft, A?“ propoe concrete pavement can: h . h ' to the east, ”for back an the curiae of li2iv'e. [ahead Jtoad lines of said L'ineotmro'od Road extended. and gt"tm th; the herein proposed concnete‘pavelnent in aid Delta Road; jht R L _'POTBT to theeaat and'to the vest an far back, reepectiveiy,“as the out and west lines of said LineolnmsodHtoad and connecting with t 6. ch: fropoeed concrete. pavement in said Carol Court; at Brownvilie ' a or back as the east line of said Lincolnwood Road extended {ran 'theaf north and connecting With the herein, Arg,", concrete pavement ii eeid Brown- ville Road; at MARION COJR " far back a; the weete y line of said Lincolnwood Road extended from the south end connecting Vithzthe lat proposed concrete pavement in said Marion Court; at BRAESIDEv-R AD to the east, as for back as the last line of said Uncnlnwod Road extended from the south and connecting with the herein proposed concrete pavement in said Bneside Road; at BRAESIDE ROAD with.) West as far as the easterly linen! said St. Johns Avenue extended from the north ind connecting with the herein proposed concrete pavement in id St. Johns Avenue; _ A%sohrtion direct” um the ordinance be mad fer bl, impaction f°L£Y.°.:ss£&.:'zd_29§i:§2d_z-_nssigabz Irtr,iyr, tt,,tt,ti,tt,ttt ' . none: 1 " a .3 ' , r, maxim; 01'than 1reeasrmiinteditirtti,itatimettat_ttii not!» meeting. Friday, July M, 19:6, was. ”and by Fii Cottttdt to thew u , Ccpmithqd ttte whole. _ ' a l . _ m'n3m"m0omaa"'m madam. AuaAdu sit. " ts. PW .thorsiima- r ' a' E? ll PAGE TWO Slat Q33 ”A ---i--......._.L I? itEu'gDVi"étriiki,Tiiiiii1i dTr'riiiiiitiiii'r with the herein proposed iconc'rlc‘te ',,I',"ft1"8,',',,t, at gh murngggtbliigeavlnzvzd tttl thence west. in said Pleasant" urt twir' u Jt " ., e ' undoing . in addition, a turnaround ti "e, Te,', and ofs‘igi 2tttiffrt, " ti "ii,,,, Be improv" wearing; an my. Ittr, exun ne, . mg. core: poring the mam, draining, rug illr1';7i,r,t,."lellfii adjusting manhole and volvewault covers. tructing concrete 'fterd1rliyprtrtuttietr, moving (in hydrants, committing. tehhaAns And combined atehbuin nun-1 ttisles lnd-drop inlets, construe l integral curbing, constructing rein- forced t1rtierefe'eu1veittr," construing concrete vulva-tn with headmlll. eontrtrttetintr outlet drains with h walls, constructing reinforced concrete retaining walls, constructing vrleinfprced concrete' (uni-d posts, ‘p'lving IrNt, bitnmeijous macadam a roadway gtwenty-one. (21) feet in width and: ravin in Lakesidp Placer pavingtwith reinforced concrcta roadway-‘3 the; total width, measured from hock lto back of integral curbs. of; said con“ erete roadways. shall'ba " 101191": In..LI‘NCOLNWOOD ROAD my» sight $128); rat; in 8381083” glazing. tt',','tVetgt.'edJrf, with to emrd t propo comm ume’n. cure out: torn Lincolnwood Road south to Pie T Road; ttint,7l1';ti11,gltUttt il','2t feet; fiom Pierce Rood south 'lh'1 north line df County Line Road, ortys RAWNE MANOR ROAD, from and connecting with the hefein pro- posed concrete pavement at t 1 mt line of Lakeside Place extended, thence atorthetutulr, in hid Ra. ne Manor Road to and eonptsetitttt with the existing eonttrtrte'rpttWtttamtr _ Sheridan Road: , ' ' CAROL COURTyfrom -Ind cimnecting with the herein proponed con- crete, paVement at the went 11n of .Lincolnwodd Road; extended; thence west in: said catlol Court mg; updred ninety (290140“, including, in addition; a turnaround with: Tre, -end of said Carol qii rt; awofmnnld connecting with the herein pro ted-concrete WI',',",'): It than“. line of l.aineolrtt6ttd Road extended; theme npttheterlght said C ol Court to a ,line at right angles to the northérlg line of mid Com] Cit; at the pom t of resiersefcurve: in Lot 28, Fir” Addition to Rovinin, Dre-t, plxty-oge‘ ‘61) feet, trt1ttatytmtti, lions the ghoul;f northeturttmV from' on southweste y corner around Lot 28, iitehyittitiit "ndditibh a "Y" turnaround, at the north.. etitstettl..yutttd_ttCt..i6t'd, Carol can; .. ' _", r' _ . g a 'tt turnaround at‘the' went endfot '4:in Delta Road; use (tom land connect T with the herein proposed fitd1tritfJ1tgS, aythf not line of Lineoimrd A Road' extended, thence easterly ye hundred forty (540) feet, mm ' along the center line, including; initiation. a IX" tttrnarxtttndrat thy northeasterly ‘end of aid Delta hood, and including the street‘ntarn " DetrLane, as far buck as; line?“ right angles to the west line of aid Dell Lime at the point ot main in Let li, mm Addition in 1mm. Fcrest,' 3nd connecting with am herein proposed concrete pavement it 'the nhcbvle described line, in' “it! Lane; ' 1 F \ . V DELL LANE, from "tttd con i; with the existing concrete pave- men: in 8tttaiiPoyryuttee a th n hid Dell Utne-tis and connect! with/the herein plagued come Tavern?!“ in “in Dell Lane " A u: at ti ht ttrttrlerto, give-t “new “libel! Lune,” the point“ an. 'l/e4f,l'l.l'l,1'tll'll,- F3131 Additicn to 1Nvinlit Fore-t: , o,', DELTA ROAD. from tyndlsisrtirktityr with the heroin preisoked"eonemti, pavement " thi, West line of Lingolnwood Road extended/tItems went in-said Delta Road'two hPi4t.ttrihitie.tr 1290) ,setsirtplmlimt in "ation, a turnaround It the meat tndif ‘daid Delta Road: also from and minus-tho FV "owe" "Villlctlv I‘ll I“ Jun“: ”all”. Luann, . ' i ',"iiii't'it/mTrE'irtifuiri'j, tmnigand connecting with the hdrein proposed concrets’ pavement at,the west ii of Lakeside Phuttr,extdttded, thence west. in'said 1rrirwnvine qud to 'l',tr'eh,1'etel', with the herein proposed concret'e pavement in Lineohtmkd Road at; 1the east Haggai] said Lincolnwood Road ex- tended mm the north, includinggthe strait , ms " Pierce Road to, the north and to the youth, as far, back,“ respectively, as the mm. and south line of 'uid Broyirnvil1e Bond anitemitd, and connecting with the herein prpptie4tttttrtsttpyyettyipt in tid Pierre Road; "" ' . . . l FAVVVWU VVIIDIVIIL -Vtulclli ll| D? u I _ I‘m. V ' ‘ RAVINE MAKER ROAD, Tttt and connecting with posed concrete pavement at t ', mt line of Lakeside thence atorthetutulr, in hid Kt ne Manor Road to and the 9313993 tettryyyrtt'rpttWttumt, Sheridan Red,' LAKESIDE 'PLACE, from the north nine of County Line Road ex- teiiided, theme north in said Lakulde Place to and 'tsorttteetitttr with the ex- is ng concrete pavement,' in Sheridan Road; the pnvegnent in said Lake side Place slum consist of concrete pavement from the north line ofiGounty Line Road extended, to a line at right angles to the out line of mid Lake- side Place. one hundred twenty 1120) feet north of the southwest, earner of Lot 8,r Ravine Manor; front Enid 1204M line north, to a line at right angles to the west linir of said; kttride Place " a point six? (80) {out south of the northeast corner at, 2, Ravinia Forest, the In mental“! consist of bituminous mapa4tunirrfrom' thy last dmribgd line to and com neeting, with the said rrtfsrtt'mr idonqrete pavement, in Sheridan Road till! pavement shall consist of con 3 including the street returns ut'BRAE- SIDE ROAD, BRIOWNVILLE “CAD. and PIERCE ROAD, It fir back as the west line of :said Lanai 'Plnce extended, and n't,efd?t; with this hertin prgooed concrete Igave '_ nt in said Brneside Road, Mill: Road :and ierce Road. " viggManor Bond, as Gr back as the “It line of, said tLakeside Place extend ,-;:nd,connectinz with the hatch: iii-om ooittpttripar1Ttept In paid Ruin? Manor Bond; t , , BRAESIDE RPAP, "from and eonneetintt with, Jake herein ”‘20!“ concrete pavement Ist the Test) line of Lakeside' Place Jfdl'lht, out west in said Brande Road to ind iktmteetintp with the, herein proposed trirtteret4rpttvemertt in Lincolnwood Road it the east line of aid Lincoln- wood Road qxtended from the south, including the street. returnslnt“ Pierce Road to the north and to the south, in far back, respective!“ " the north and south lines of said Braesidd Road extendgd. and connecting with the hergin 350303951 ty91ttt1s pentettt in tsriArieimltad; _ . _ A _ PIERCE ROAD, front and cohnecting with the herein g'grtf, concrete pavement at the easterly line eitendetrftmn the: north St. John’l Ave.- me, thence northeosterly in said Pierce Road to and connecting with the herein proposed concrete pavenient " the' {filth line of Breadth Rood, extended, also from and connecting with the h ultimo-ed concrete eve- ment at the north line of said Brocaide and extended, thence 1'Grgt in said Pierce Road to and connecting ith the herein tJttt',f con- crete pavement at the' louth line of Brirnvfiltejtad, extol: ed, lt from and connecting with the herein proposed concrete “Went It ,ernorth line of said Brownville Road, extended, ,thenée northeiadNr1r in slid Home Road to and connecting) with the hereiif proposed concrete pennant " the wetttpi?tA?ktt.iAsd lee exttttiudi j; t L L k . k Q MARION COURT,' from apdjonrteetintt with the herein {mm-ed cow. crete E',,',",','."',"),) at the westerly glint extended from the soot V attuned» wood and, thence wetsteririn tttid MttrfortAAtttrt to 1'nit."GG'ttiG' with the herein proposed concrete pavement at the' eastrrlr tfnir%rtettitud of St. Johns Avenue; "; _ o _ ' _ . A .' '. _ ST. JOHNSAVENUE. from the north line, of County Line Road extend- od, thence noithwestfr1gt in said St. John: Avenue.to,a line fifty (50) feet nprthTesterly of the 'point', of tenancy, Ft tr, Block's. North-bod Manor/ind at right angles to the 'ttttft line .0 t said St. John-'Avenup: including the street returns [at PIERCE OAD M, far bark on that eat- erly line of said St. JohrttrAimtite extended from the north undeonnecthc with the herein imrl',",d estderete anement in aid Pierce 'tttdi lime COLNWOOD R AD " fun baek as the easterly line of and sebum Avenue extended from the to th and connecting with the hemim posed concrete pavement in Uifi"t?m,h"/ldll'i Bond " BRAESIDE BO as far back an the easterly line ofluid St. John: Avenue extent!“ from the north and connecting vita the 1,tpitig,'otg-'t', concrete pavement in mid Brneside Road; at MARI IN COURT he ni'hnck at the "dtertrttne of said SL'Johns Avenue extended, and connecting with the herein proposed t'ortttrpty1rerpttt_Ay tttsid Mar!” Court; . ." . . . . LINCOLNWOOD ROAD from and connecting with the Initiate”- crete pavement in Sheridan ict', thence southxin said Linerthtirood need to and connecting with the herein/propped concrete paemrtettt beat. Johns Avenue at the easterly, line of aid St. Johns Avenue Meddling the tenth; includin 'the street when: “PLEASANT COURT a fer heck It therweet line 051a“ Lineoinwood Bond extended, ind tiyttrtrthttrtr1th the herein’propoeed concrete peve ‘ nt in “it! Plenum, Court? at DELTA ROAD to the eat and to the “it: u in beck. ugpectively, u the east end what 1inestqf said Lincolnwood Rand extended, end eonnectinz withithe bite- in propotedzotirete payment in aid Delta Road: " CAROL COURT to the east and to the west u in heck. respectively. t"tet,1tg out and not lines of said Linéolttwood Road and Mnneetihtr with the mhnproptxeed concrete pavement in said Carol'Court; mt BROWINVILLE ROA ugh: heck " the east line of 1tsaid L)nooinnrottd: Road extended from the with and con- necting with the herein Tig"),?, concrete .,tlT,'/,'lf, in aid Brbwnvilie Road; Ant MARION COUR Ins ttir back an t waterly' line‘of new Lin- cplnwood Road 'extended from the south and, connecting? with the herein proposed concrete pavementjn said__Marion C.oytt.', and 8338238198 ROAQ to the east as tttr hack a: the/past litter of said Lineoiioert)mtd extended from the south and eyyteetWr, with, the lunch: Rmponedwonm p".- ment in aid Bmside‘ Road; It BRAESIDE RO D Ao, the you " In back as the easterly line of SkJohhs- Avenue extended from the 'torth ie, ',""A"e,',tt with the herein proposed concrete pavement 'irt "id" St. c m venue; , : _ ' g h ‘- any: ORDAINED BY i'i0i COUNCIL or was flfr,' or man. LAND PARK, COUNTY OF LAKE, AND STATE or' MNttm.. . r". SECTION I. ' Itatat local i prominent be And the an: in - or- dered made in the City of 'f'llldlll'lll Park, Cong of 'LIk‘e. out! State of Illinois. the nature, character, 1peatlpu, ond dose ptlon of “which improve- ment is as follows: That T ' _ _ F _ s', _ tt Together with' an We. go: we“. of aid in! town “am“ to the extent that we deem necessary. duly tgttur, T. President of thit Board, PM we recommond'the‘pamn of " we. anf tuinki" of the improvement contemphtbd MIL . __ " _ . “A, j _ ' _ H T? ' . -, I ,' l C F _ _ ;Q;._ l i, . I: . «warmxmmmuammju ' . q 1tPt1 Park. Luke County. Illinois. ’ Dated at Highland Pdrk this 1 day of hula, A.t. 1925. . . . . T AN, ORDIyANC . . V Providing forjhe con-Won of u gtt"Sr%1il gamut '. immqmt. h, 1421.99. le9t.NW?c trsa.,',,f?JJJd,s, AYE; I mmcau'yo PM! buss. HIGHLAND'fA-RK. NOE, £4ng COURT. JPIERCE ROAD, BRAEBIDE ROAD, LAKESID PLACE, gifllp.Mililf, ‘ROAD, RAWNE MAN. OR ROAD, CAROL COURT, D _ TA ROAD, DELL LANE, and PLEASANT COUR'I}, including all hoir and nicest“; and all other expenses nedessary to construct saidipx'cposod» im- provement,‘sll in the Cittof Highluld Park, Lake County, Ill!- noiq; and providing for the making of such improvement by 1sptti_itCtyeettrttty1t ttttl 1ettlntt. yf..yti.iiss.iaLetttty:,tettt2tPdt, " mum)" 8 A! [ l of the drop-inlets herein pmvide'd to be constructed shall Ite, m emu cf ooncretp (either blocks for monolithic). unarmed by vtttrdeiN luné ll part Porttdnd cement, twa (2) parts and, and our (4) Pri?, el ‘0. crushed Italic, mixed with "iBeiint Vite: tetun'nke a. we r: Me . eudttfemtetetetrueu,utdtstoeusttnt1tiikid thfull a‘: of m rut. tly pointed on the inside with n trowel. com I name, f 01mm paet,PtsrtUtsd mt Atsd two, (2) parts and. ' T h punk-ant we to nub . “nuns mm. The Siting Intuiti- " the abide of Mid drop ittle uh: be and, the thickness, of . “a . men red at light angles to the Iteittht of aid drop balms)!" It", . (I) at. " drop inlets than be contracted on top af u " _ rt, at“! culverts into which: their drainage in isliirnm?dtlt, " the ol , in the top of aid culvert- shell be of the taarsrd.i.n'tttr5 IF, cones "trio with that of the drop inlet " in bottom. The Inside _ . ' - "a! _ h drop inlet shell be four (4;) feet " the bottoln thereof . ' join; on to said culvert, and up to a btriymyta1'ptnrte the am ' be In family Melted upward: to tum nA,', at the top cf the . L', ry, 'such manner a to fit end mart can: herein provided. we mils 511th be eight (:3 inches t . Each drop inlet than be ' l YM with. Aghxltic coat cut iron (new cover cold-tint of . ' c my“ roe hundred ninety (890) pom. and n perforated lid V jag, hundred fiftr (150) pounds. at in‘phee'cr‘top of the ‘ .‘ htd rtrm?tmtthatthe,tetrtotittsdhr-tsitt-,ittVttiihtistmd 8tg. oft -tetttwiserelt-tnd.1.ahedrtatt.girt'ts-troettottu7Al _ Winkle Element), of etch catchhuin menhole-Ihnll be (our (ttid as' at the bottitpt-threeof, end up up. ‘horispnm plane We (8) fed 1,,” the top-of the masonry, from whleh plum the $1','ltrce,lf, w L 13'.de ttterdrtotmrtty feet atthetoPofttse " - manner- a to -fltund In ponthe - herein provided. tlid. ‘ Sy. bottom. man he eight ttl inch-Which. The bottom mu end Li muffle edge of the tide tralls,,an4r the inside bottom dull be an", a ttiilttt the bottom pf the em:- which act: u the outlet {or " he: hpuin manhole. Each entitttattin,triaathote, shall be pmided - g. . 1” ephltic coated easrtArtin cgbchbtein cover consisting of I (no. V p. In: three hundred ninety (4890) pound]. and u pea-font“ lid L nts undred fifty (150) pounds, at in place on tt of the Pf! P'98 tr8rmattrrr that the top of the lid will he ttttatt h the fini.hid _ .ertli, pennant where loaned. The din.qettyWctaid ld nun be , ty. tyltr pad mne-quurteu (22 34) imbue. the height orthe frame , id ' mite i/tr) inches, and the avenge thickness of the mm in the com " _ beans and onahalf (1 1-2) indict The details for the co I .7 'it/f?'""!""? manholes and mum covert”. shown on and ' Pa' -. " _ _ .' . r All of the combined catchbuin manholes herein pmvided to be . amend} bTiih 'tput autumn)“ 'i'"'ahute,g, tte, two 3) " , can yv umeo one part 0 Cmtteet ' and four (4) put: gravel or crushed stone, mixed with “agent -- , make a qtukinttdutsts. If eonatmetod of concrete blocks. and Mail. al be bid with full joints of mortar” neatly pointed on the mu. ME trehrH, composed by volume of one (I) put Portland cement. end; - ft) parts tanti,tiixed,seittt ancient water to nuke e quekiu m , . holes around the outside of said atchhuln unble- M be G 'W.M with and, end All surplus axe-VIM material shall be removed ttmeta site__of the, Jmprovemeht. . _ :1 "d . the inside diameter of each catchbaein shall be four (4) Net at~ 0 trttt'tyrthe,tmrf, and up to a horizontal plane three (3) feet below at of the masonry. from which plane the diameter shall be uniformly; h created upwaxde to tie (2) feet at the top of the manna, in and w' ‘ gm lee to fit and support the cover herein provided. Bide walla and M toms shall be eight (8) inches thlck. The bottom ahall extend to th ' elde‘edge at aide walls. The depth over all of masonry well: M level: (7) feet, and each catchan ehall he provided with»: eight (I) - , I vit lied tile pipe bend, set in the wall to form amt and also for ' nee n to the tile pipe drain; ‘Each catehhaein shall . but?! . l asp ltie coated out iron catchhaaln cover consisting of a an "_.', ing three' hundred ninety (890) pounds, and a perforated. Bd " a one 2tundmd ttttr (160) pounds, set in place on' tone! the meson,“ suchl manner that the top of the lid will he am wt the am ,3“ ofthe pavement where leested.‘ The diameter of aid lid ahall he T» "ru. - mend thee-quarters (22y84).inches, the height of the that - be nine (trt inches, and tttgtg, thickness of the new in the m, ahall he one and one-half fl. 1-2) riches. The detallq for the " , i 'l of said erteithntsint-dyatetiNtatit- are shown on said Putt 'rag' I , Diane“: of the, tile pipe drain," who]... or mnnheie catchhu DRAINAG” 1.“ A _ ' -- l I. . _ ' _ -- t _',,,; ' All catc‘hbesins herein ur,','.",', to be com, dull be ed " concrete (either bl ‘or monolithic), compoeed by volume * . 7 (Dawn Portland cement, two (2) pure: and. nnd four u) parts . or brushed" stone, mixed with amen!“ Water to make a gushing It donstructed of concrete blocks, aid Hock-1h.“ be laid th full ot wort“, 'ht'tgl','tug the Jetsidtr with a trend, composed“: u, “meat one (I) part Port cement and We (2) porn and. In' _ s tent water to make I my.“ The halogenated the _ of said catchbeaim shall be led with and, and ill surplus ed ttyaterialyheylr be 'remgved frail: the eita_o(_the improvement. Lg There shell be contracted st the necessary points of the in i, ' he bin provided to be constructed, forty "to. ntchbesins. “if catchbssin manholes. and three (8) ttt inlets, all connected fr he in proposed tile dpipe drains, and be: T as shin on acid- a 16, inclusive, the etsils of whieh are show: on said Phtes 18. ',tt,1, he nocénur‘y‘droinoze for aid proposed improvement dull can“? tho construction of tile ipe drains, oateh.U.atnts, cutehbuin lambda. inlets and culverts with Qlfdl'G'l'lo', naming voila. all connected in, 9&3!!!ng " _to_Itxtpttit 51:99-99. '.qitrrrmpetd, immmt- _ :ii in such msmiter u to ropuri.v drain the saifpm id in veme: chM,efdlfh CA'I‘glIBASIN ENROLIS “JOSIOP 5:01.318 are shill be constructed at e necessary points of the imp ROPOSBD PAVEuNT: The amount betcha payout! to be "ttif. '-. C p .' V l '.'SI llilllcy " I. w "I‘M“ W, T . T Tr, EDWATIONS: The dist-m b . vertlul may am the cut-51w? 't' mm of 1ThrhUnd Park. as herein idaaeeittqil. , _ . sa, V BRADE: The fhtidhed .1ch than datum af the pursue-t at " come: line. u ambushed use than on the driving; F i}. “ ESTABLISHED GRADE: Tho 91mm uhdve dim of that , " of the imminent to which uterine: is -tfkrsttr made. ig, ‘pumu: _ That portion of the flrritth.d mum of the wen-s6 meat to the curb. _ I _. I“? ROADWAY; That portion tf use street when the ”vellum in ft . etrmrtrueted, and dull extend from; back to buck‘of the curb. . t . BUBGRADE: TheMttirbed [We of the May on which the , i, E night into-be emtatrueMd. ' [ 7 kt Si mu: IPEDBAIN: to '13an _ “but. .. 3 "'t:"m P or layer. will“! Fl ' No.- H, 1; Plate Fil No. H. ; Plate Wil Nos R. _ , Plate Fil No. K. 1;}W'Fmv‘er on said plate: or dt-tttgs ' ainaU was tte, " . aMwIndtotherightotlflgunhit'thum”3nd} , two vertical dashes or a double dash in shown we “the rule' fitdre, 3t it to _iptmat_e, "hehe.," _, - - -- _ = . _ ' l, . wd, Ski'w' . " . g ' T r, ' :DATUM: A barium-l plum diltmt in n "meal in one r eighteen and unnty eight 'd"tt,rtlhS'lh'e, feet below the tog tW' w: arable of the City Hull at the] t corner of aid Chr Ma tiii' Cit 'of Highland Park, The elevation. of the hniahed trade as the} puns, peof1tes, and details upon Bald plates or drawings. m' in out and decimal part: of I foot uhcve the unlinked dntum of. tin ofmehiaatdParb, _ '_, . ' . . _.- . .- c" A'.', l“‘”“ '1'ilf a? "Ui'iiiiRiifLitAhl?, sumo: as; ' i.” . P, I 'i9lih31tfttli,yfs'lfibi' admit gri'lu, cum. com, on It AD; 91.3mm comm, an! mu. mi. triapet- (19) feet,. a ngwwmwmmmmum: ' . puma 't,i2h'lf,t 'tGI-tGt'. a" 1"Gi'l'dG; tet,ptt,rg',trg,td bit Sum attenda- FaTirtrii"i"uiiue1e, in County Line Road]! u ‘PhuudfilohuAmmdlmpluac-mnm nearing union. and“! other labor. jiytfrth,t,e expense: nece- to attract and "opted immanent in I,” alike Runner, " th City of Highland Put. County of We. and State of Illinois. The improvement provided for in this ordinance in further slam 4 d ribed upon ‘certdn puta- or dump. showing plans. prctiies, l de ls of construction, which we hereto attached, made 1 part hereof l m Red. retrpeetiverlry, Plate IA, File Na. B. P. MOS-A; Plate 1, Pile No. B. P. 8643: Put, Fl No. H. P. 1tii4di yum 8, File No. B. P. 3045; Plate t. File No. R - -. --..., “LA- a cu. m. u D mun. 31-; J)iidtiti.8tf, No.n.'P.-am- Pious. mac. 11.? ms; Nuance”; 'fluatiiiHire'iiiCEF.itiiiri put. ,m. No. 1 1. puu.xo,m1. No, B. P. am: am 11, an. ho. 11.9.8858; - he. H. P. gm; my» 18, File Ne. a. P. sass; Hm u, me No. ' Plate .15, ll: No. B. P. am; Plate M, File No. B. P. 8658; M“ fl! No: R. P. 8661: Plate 18. File Na. M. P. 8600; Plate Mr, File No. th. l , Plate 19A, File No. 8859-A; Pute M, Pile No, R. P. 8662; Put. Bi No. B. P. 8668; Plate 22, rtu'No. M. P. 8723; Plate 28, File No. w, ' Plate " File No. R.. P. 8722; PUtd 25,-Flle No. B. P. 8712; Pin.“ .1? No. H, P. 8718; Plate 27: Elle No. R. P. 8714; Plate 28. File No. F " 6; Plate 29, Pile No. B. P. Jmw. puu 80, Pile No. R. P. 8725; 31, File No. R. P. 8725; mu Mt, File No. B. P. 8727; aid mm. and "'-m an all of the ccnmu thereof-te hereby made I part of thinfo wi the name foree and "eet u if the aid plum. motile: and detail: gal , t*It.e,, ttdrawings, were at out in word, and Btrures herein. w , ENGINEER: Board 01,qu Impeonmenu of the City of a Pei-k. Illinois, or web person, Brm of corporation as said Board authorize to net in ity place with reference to the _emttrttoetiott _ itjtitrnomtestt or my portion thereof refer-M to herein. The, "id ‘ shall cause the Engineer to at proper not”. nuke measurement, nhetk-gredee herein provided, end nuke necessary We”, dp',', and 3 tm, tot the ecnstruetipn of the improvement herein ttrom "to be q ' Plate 24, File ' F No.11. P. 8713; " 6; Plate 29, Pile 31,_Fi}g N_o._H. P. tr', lawful; and tour.tmittts tIIA) {not} ' a. a. P. ”A; Plate t, File No. B. new: Pm! . Pinto a. PlloNo. B. P. 8645; PUta File-No. Wi he. WP. now mu. a, File No.11. was; I'm o,'Tuatii.'iiiNT7iji.ii.iiiri m ,riteNo.tC: No, B. P. am: Put. 11,1111. ho. a. P. was; Pam ', mm 18, We Ne, n. P. MIB; Plate 14, File No. a; Nd." B. P. am; PUte " File No. B. P. was; a... ', Plate 18. File No. M. P. mo; Plate 19, File N., a; le No. 8859-A31Phu M, Pile No. B. P. 8662; Piatal ', Plate M, me No. H. P. 8723; Plate 28, File No. a: Wo. B.. P. trq8iPut_d, 1tVrflt NE: B. E 8112; M] in 330815311111? PW.! 3‘29.th THURSDAY. JULY Ito, l 28, “In Ni. P. 8712; " :3. File No. H. P. 8725; Wf ,vA this)!" Fm: m Then It. m I (and an I and 1-12! In!" drain. I ground, It." 1i " . or]! En»? human!) w Etch ' tel-cl over "hath & r a of the” M: aunt's-l bu. Inc} It was depth f, taxman; Thu-e uh} “marl. Milt-l ING ‘ thme tg" but four‘ 'htte.. col eunuch. or one-h: including mining 1',','g, " _ P8 “It. In: M a One (I) who“ with no) Or, dull bottom but. and iii: an he .v 's" tttttrd t SE - l' , E p) " [III ll S] Pl 5:; m

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