All am: pipe and inane common it' tile pi Ins.“ sun "he or the best quality, vitrNed, alt-glazed. shale Beirer p11,): and to the beat Akron sews; tlg'tui1,'r', 'de! Miran. cr l"tg'd gs"' ( so??? 1:“th 'ttsoe0,er%iditea ‘in peg: wound, mug titttid,'freefruai have, nie bake and other imperfections, and true. g, e nuke diameter Each of t? ‘atchbuin cover: pmvidéd for in thin be tons {of flrsrt-era" grey iron, free- {run It“. Said catchhasln men shall comm of I frame; ,"itti ninety,(390) tG't', and a pater-ad lid Weighing one pounds, and a be of the dimension: u that) in’detl Ind shun n canted “this!†. F- ' ' SEWER PIPE. _ "r" T , _ t pipe must ttot, vary more than one-M (3%) inch from a $29th the direction pf‘the axis of1ttyr'erthtdef, and the imier and r when ed the pipe must be con trie., All F mu be of the tttttrl thanâ€: tor the ttg'ttif 'lat used. fr that til pipe over m; ila"'r"tdiui'iiiri, Lbedonblo "a" s'r,u. - All cement p’rovideh for‘under this ordinance, shall, be _fhlst-euir Ameri- can Portland cement and “all†no ground that ninety, per cent (92%) will through a standard number 100 sieve, u an ten thousand Gluruh'l1' per equate inch. Etiquette: made iron! mortar composed by volume of one fl) pgirt-ot said Portland cement Indithne (8) parts of clean terrain and, gxposed tts sit for one~(l) ting and immogeed, m water for six 6) days, shall develop an amine“ tensile , h tif two hun. dred (200) pound; per sometime; . . 51mm. ', * . [ ' . ' ‘ Alt “to: used nun mixing b! mm of tnorur free frem/imm, add, alkali. or vegetable mutter, and It pose for which it is and; ', :7 . [ COVERS. ', q _ _ All gravel or eeUhediitdni, herein provided to be end shell be clean, durable, tonsil gravel or ermrheditimeittne, free from vegetable or other deleterious' matter. The size -of the naive] or crust? stone â€robe used tn the constriction of the proposed pavement, shell such as to pres . two and one-half (2%)‘jnch round opening, and shall that; {rah the size down to s size that will pass a one-half (%) inch ring. Net" more than fiv, per_‘cent (5%) shall be small enough to pass a semi having four (4) meshes per lineal inch. The size of the gravel or and stone to be used in the construction of culverts, headwslis, retaining iralU, “dew-ll: sp- prosches,‘ and My at the. curbs shall be such Is to I s s one (1) inch ring, end shall "trtttrfrorit.that size down to a' size a; will piss“ ' etsk. half PM inch ring. Net more than the per cent (6%) lshsll pass a; screen having four“) meshes per lineal inch. Said mveliahsll-be shines}. so the Jolt in cm or tucks ended in‘snch Manner that t tpp of the gravel or crushed stone will: present a fair sample of what, the' entire car .or truck annulus. _ w" z "i, T I' ' CEMENT. _ l' _ _ 3 3 _' ' All and herein vidod to be used shall he euiut,ieotsrptriiihan, 'trand. Suit] any}, when d shall pass n scream having, f (0' meshes per lineal hie . Incl pot more than twenty-five 'per cent 26%) of said' and shall pass a lien 1tt ftfty (60) meshes per line Linch. "tUtd and shall contain no veg ab no: other deleterious, matter/nor more than two per cent (2%) by w lying of clay or loam. . f . _ GRAYEL OR CRUS ED STONE. l , _ l _ " As soon a the aux-lacy of the concrete ls tmtBeUn! y lurdened town- vent pitting, it sham-be yTtlt,t,',',e, Inter, ind ' ‘shlll be ke t wot amtil the ulcium chloride rein provided for curln =13 placed tnnom As Icon " it an be done without mart-lug the _ te, the. tsurfdoe d the pavement and integral curb; shall have. evenly read thereon ATI and onoohalfl (2%) pounds of dnleitmr. chloride _ to a square "rd of pavement, _ f [ f -,' Under the moat favorable conditions for. hardening' [in Hot Weather, the ravemnt shall be c led to tmikfor at least twentywne (21) days, Ind 's'l'i% if weather diuom neceuitaty _ ' _ i e f ' , , _ As an “Tentative 1th Juutd-ttunpintr, tudtiiik, 5:0 iii/uiiCireiiiptr, I ftnitshintr machine mg be used. of a design approved the Enttirteii. CURING AND PR ECTING. ' . ' Ps _ - . Al“ alterttative to rolling; the .eoncreté may be. ted. For Eating, . longitudinal wooden-Mu may be used“. Said “at shall be construct- ed of thine (3) inch by Wake (12) ipftVp'ityrtk, $16) feet long. the edges IMLbe'rounded " to' a that-‘11:!) inch Minna The tit,tialiiitg side' 'tdl be plfned '0 " to, have I smooth surface. or 'dittll be t1hu1ted-iith . eet meta . ‘ . t a V ' ' After the telling or tioatine ha. been completed a suffice shtllfbe belted, ttnd Just before the concrete obtains its ini al wet, it man he 'rirep a tlnturtitiry.r tolprofiuc'g , ani.fortnusurtafe org tty texture. . -e.eie- --- _-___- _-- ---e"e.- _.... un- Vvl-vo‘lw nu uu~nv u- Yf"F9"f"'Ht', "Immediately after the flttrtl umpiné the aiTiiirWih be rolled with a lt.nd-rotkrNrhttr . ":1ch even surface any?!) . ately Jsix (6) feet in Ientrth, Bot Jen than eight (8) inches nor more n twelye (12) inch: ea , dining", ted whisking not more ttttn one. ha ted. (190’) pounds. - Expansion jointing WW5 on said Platu_18, 19. oddI19A, throedeizhthl Mb) of an inch in width, Med with bituminous {an} sitemtut from the both-In the top of and} through life Aentiro width of! "Y proposes} one: ment, shall be plioed thirty (8torftet apart and n pial to tho cent-r line of said proposed pavement, eitimirt £th the join through that part of the pdvement under the integril curb shall'be left e Y. and open. Said ex- music; joints shall be provide with: three-m.tarter (56 inch round, omooth. steel bars, twenty-four (24) inches long, imbedded in he yoga-etc through said joints in such I manner that_4aeh end. of any a We but will be 't ie 'e,"hfg'dtr,T,'t' below the top of dikmpooed you t. Sold bars .htilt he p ced’not less tha four (4) inc bolow the p of st'tArtmrtrotutd pavement. Sixteen (16$l lnéhes of each yogaâ€. e b d into the concrete on one side of the Joint, and the metro! Ja"itid Itiintplttte common ttsi, other side»! theOiint, The latter abet-tor te'/t'o,',it a ll be dipped fin hot asphalt. so 'u to form , coating ohm up ttite-i mean. (1.13) hick ll? around aid bar, and thrie-eitrhtss (96) molt thie on the end of said P. I I - I _ T , FINISHING. , . . ' l V , t' 7 -iiiipiiii concrete: hubo‘en moaned it shall ui leveled oe/tLid and brought-to the dubliahed tr e tw, means of . GiicioGif or line, any? all atPyraTLretn.tttd: iut.d_the, INrt,tetttte id the! pl! qumpagtqd,; 1'1 longitudinal joint; inf. number eighteen tltr) “use metal, seven and one-half (7%)'irwheo1iti width after being pr :into shag. shall ne constructed ea shown ton said Plates 18, Ar, and 9A, ttlottit e entire length of and in, the middle of the proposed pav meat, Tat in St. John's Avenue, from timothwood Rodd south to Pte ' Road. ttuhttit be constipcted three (3) 9oittrittrdinnl joint! dividing _ e pavement betwm laces ohcprbs in Irie) equal parts, and from Road to County Line: Road; there tshall, be constructed (two (2) longit al joints dividing the pavement bemeen laces of curbs in three' (8 rogue} pet-ta. Said Joint shall be trapezoidal" in shape. The trapezoid , It 'be tttree-quarter, "i) of'an inch deep, and three Att) inches wide its greatest width; said metal joint she] be 'eettretrca'tiked to line and grade with three.. ':ighths (%) inch wrought iron pipe not less than at n (15) inches long, spaced three (33) feet and four (â€inches center, center, bake for which shall‘be provided in 'the metal, Anid lor‘git Ittttt joint shall be provided 'ii/iii-HF-iii?" (is). ineh round deformed men boredom (4) 'feet tn 'leuzth, holes for which shall he provided in the) metat,"?iastrrdded in the concrete 'throug-h said Joint, hr, such; manner th t each end of an, single bar will lie-thy samedjstanee from said te and the name die- tance from the top It the primoaeduititpettr.' e tenter of aid bard shall be placed foursand one-quarter Tittrittehes low the top cf the, proposed pavement. shall not be bent atter Pitt laced, and phall be spaced five (tr) feet ttom eehter to center. for th tire length of aid joint. ' _, . -F .- ' _ H _ _ . ‘i gtyN'fs, _ Said Nfnftreement than atom! tit,l.witlth, two: (tt V inchu‘of-nll JobttA but shall not emu joints. Adjacent piece'lof tttttd. brie my: be lgprd [our (4) inches when tut is mad unfit}? an: wthe center; in: of said pavuhent. and . Ive (xx)- 1'ble'l: w n the hp is mule pox-11121 with the center line of paid pavement. The and fabric tthail has an effective erttss-tseetiotial urea of not less than mute iinch per lineal foot of pnvementl length, computing the min tension wombat; only, Ind the spacing of‘these members trhtl1 not e coed six (6) inched. The crou-sectimal area; of the effective rehlforci lubric,'per Haul foot of pavement width, Lshall not be less than 0,026 square inch, and the waxing of these memberr shall not trotfeerhtwehie ( 2) inches. - alone (t pm Portl- cemt' mad twe (a) no N Battalion“; end 'tdl-la', snug be 'tug with swat water ttr/ unit I ttiAtrtair, _ mm; There shall be constructed thr was ( 1,ttAtrid'ltt; through the full width of the curb, exams from thi of t .M " the bottom of the pavement, spaced thirty (30) ' Wind coplan- not)! with the Joints myths pavement; siid Joints. lij Jett'etetr, ind open. . . " ' r ,' 1 rt . F ' The concr'de pummel“ mu be reinforced 1m): ' i6ik _rdtttit., so“ and wire hide mm be. need :in tateh qutmityj-I or such rm: as shall provide Tortr thor who: elective and T tor, uéhtone bun. dred. (pro). square feet It puemént. Said ,trrasr2tl cNbrie tf be uni. form m character; fttmrut, tough, and ductile, ma I '1) have a ultimate tensile strength of not in! than seventy tive than nd (75,000,) pounds rer_lqi§axe_ipch. ' A - ', V /' _ _ . T _ The eoneiete to; the we _ as.“ be comm Shh-mud: one (If part Portland cemént, two, (2: pm: sand, mutt and gtgttii'hr purh‘gnvel. or erusudrttrrte, mixed with I t “unto , . a any" man V T . , _ . F _ _ _ The concrete mum for the paie'mnt her mud“! to be won- structed than be mixed in u batch mixer. 81141 In ' mm be equipped with en neeurate positive, automatic water, {on device; a!†with an automatic timing device; The mixing all.“ can ue in the drum of trahLmioter for not lee- than one (1) minute. _ V _' . The eonerite and meirtarotiueaiii "tdr-ttte', c KIM: be mixed Ar hand an a bet or in u mixer 'dt3rerott hen: the nth for mixing of m- crete for the' pavement. . E ", ",ea,r'c ' crate Tor the' " '6"ti/r%G)u't'll Att 'ttths" we): as tees, Y's, the lmnathmjvr' um I PAGE FOUR in covers providéd for in this improvement shall In my iron, free fron ml: and imperfections. hall consist of a frame, wai 7 three hundred a patented lid weighing one undred th (t60) be (11331de " shown: in [deny on but} W M, ' curves. ete., than “but! all pipe. ' . s, retaining Walls, sideterdlt ap- auch as to l a a one fl) inch I to a' size dll' will put; cite}, er cent (5%) lulu]! pm tween Said beA t!ltiritre4. tp {ahall be clean "Id Fable for the pur- respects I T (,'li.y,1,it,iti"t?St'i,iii,' ii ere ,4 vemen a 'wu _ [was Jal'il,'l Delta Bid tyrt.? tion, a turnarotthd " the we: CAROL COURT, from crete pavement " 11::ng went in said Card/C If“! dition, 'a turnaround " th mnmctiuz with the hereii Lincoln‘wood Road tx.tett'da line " right Antttea te a! of ’regene curve itctast - .7,_v, --..-.,. nun 1.11“than , umcrete pavement " the, weat1ine of. Lakeside went in mud Brownvmo Road to !ttttrettneting , ccncrete pavement tn Lincolnwood Road it the e: wood Road (xtgnded from the north, including the Road to the north and to the south. " far hick. r and 504th line of said Brtniem'tit, RM extended; herein proposed concrete pavement in "manna/4 V...“ ........ “upâ€, w vvucn-w pavement grow the north line of Cavity "tine Roatrextende'd, to a litter at rich: miles tofhe out line of (nid Lake. aide Place. one hoy..dredtyentr (Mol foet‘north pf the southwest corner of lint 8, Ravine. Manor: from laidulzoofmt line north, to a line " richt analogs to the west line of said Lakeside Place " . point sixty (60) feet south of the northeast corner of Lot 2, aninin Forest, ‘tha pavement aha}! consist of bituminous macadamgfrom the 1atit dumbed linen and cen- nectingr with the paid existink eitnereU pavement. Iititntlrrrdiiiad the pavement shall mhsist of commie: including the “Mg netuml‘at ISRAE- SIDE ROAD, Bruyh.qttriiti, ROAD, and PIERCE GAD. far.bek as the west linen! said Lakesidq Place extended, and connecting with the herein proposed concrete navement/ih aid Brafnsidritoad, thrnriivnti, Road and Pieret Road. It Ravimr-hhuior and. as far back is the nut line of said Lakeside Place ascended, and connecting with the heroin praposqd concrete; pavement in aid Ravine Minor Bond: . , _ LAKESIDE PLACE, from thef‘n h l.inpytf. County Line‘Rogd ed, thertdesrtirrth in said Emmy?! be to ff conhectinr with, it ine concrete pavement, its S ridan, ad; t t pavement in said 1 Place shall consist at when“ gamma! tram the north line of lit? Je,yye!y" line? at risrht aitrtiri, toLtU_eatt line of im' aha no": nun .... -. A.--; 1‘“. - " A . F _. “V, V-....-_-.‘-., "w“ um lacuna pmâ€!!! COW pavement“; the east line otAiyotniipttd, Road extended from (the south; 1ttledinttathii ptrget returns of Pie‘heoBoad to the north and south. as far bank, respectively. an the north an1tkt'.hthr1imtd of tsaidIraestd. Rood ex. trnded. and itonneetintt orittt'rthe heroin proposed ccncfete pavement .in mid Pierce Road: ' I,, . .‘Tl’ - _ T . , ' a F . aâ€, .v.._ "Te""". "nu" “IV It!!!" "NW crate navement at ,the WM! 'tine of Lakos‘g: Placerextend’ed.‘ thence said Brpeside Road to 9nd connecting th the herein’ proposed tiaverneitti'at the east line of.Linmlnwnnd mm: "n.4,; L-.. " MARION‘:COURT; tron 1nd connecting Tith/ttte basingropoud can one pavement at the westerly line extended. from the thou ' of Lincoln wood Road. thence westerly in st! Marion Court to add connecting wit the herein nroposed concrete pav t " the easterly line extended p. St. Johrt'st Avehtret . - - ', y“ , . 'l ', ifil'l?iihi, ROAD. from 'and cz/et/iii-tie the herein proposed cm crate pavement at the easterly line .eXten Its the north of se. John' Avenue. thence nortreasterly in said Pierce» Rm Jo and mnnectinw with tho. herm’n umpvspd mnrrete Imminent at the wtrot1ttrvyneittt.Brsetrhu Rout 'ortoru)ed.. also from and ctpnectinr _with. the Earth pftittqtted,eomrreU, pavement at‘ the north flint-o! said; Emsidcaowd extended, , thence north erhr in said Pierce Road my Ind. connecting with the wherein' proposed? tttttu', crate pawns?†the south line: of Bromine Bond amused. also from Md connertin i'isybithrthe Jterettt,,ipnhttsed concrete pavement at the north tine of said Briirnvi)ie Road extruded, them notthmterly in nid‘ Hm Road to _",t,f1i,1"a,itler, with the herein ptopoaetrittnetet'e payment at the "'(‘st line , Lakeside Piles txtende6, . C. N . _ . g . BRAESIDE ROAD, him! and connectine with tha brain “1...“... m..- ST. JOHN’S Qf,e,R,5 from the north,line of County Line {and e tended, thence no ,westerly in said St. Jotinh: Avenue to a liner ( T' feet northweis%rly of the point of 2tS'At, Lot IV Block s, Nor, we Mann, audit right .engleeJo the 'mtttertr t c of said St.'Johu’e Av an ; ipeludinst the street retui-ne at PIERCE ROAD ".ftir, heck to the cos I} C limpet said St; John's ’Avenile extended from the north and connecting irh 3 the herein browsed ecptttp pavement in said Pierce Road;, " LINCOL WOOD ROADjni far tt at the easterly line of said St. Johns Avenue ex _ tepded from It, south e d connecting with the herein proposed concrete pay mont in said incolnwood Road It BRAEgIDE ROAD to hr bath 15 the ' orly line of said St.rJohn’e Avenue A0t mud from the north atnd cameo init with thd herein pioposed concrete pavement in said Braceide Road: a MARION COURT as fanback es the custody line of said St. John’s A [ mic extendedyand connecting with the heroin proposed concrete puma; in 1ttit1AWlot1, 9.09m _. t ' ' mum-ate pavement in'aaid Carol Court; , BKOWNVILLE ttOM. u br back. as the out line of said Lincolnwood Rood cxthnded'from, the north, and connectingwwith tho’ herei'n gropcaed concrete pov'ement in aid Brown- villp Road; at MARION CODE 'alt for lack u/tho westerly line ofusaid Lincolnwood Road extended from the south and can _ with, the heroin proposed concrete. pavement in aid Marion Court; at B mama ROAD to the east as far back on the out line of aid Lineolpwot: " extended from the south {and connecting, with the herein proposed con pavement in said Brheside Rood; It BRAESIDE ROAD to the went as back Is the easterly line of St.'John’a AVenue extended from the north and con- necting with the herein proposed concrete pavement in said St. Jchn's Ave- nue; ' , _ V _ _ , . T a TO'THE, BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS'OF THE CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK,1 ILLINOIS. _ 'r "e I i GENTLEMEN: ' T ' 1" . A , . _ V I herewith submit " estimate of cost for the improvement of: ', LINCOLNWOOD ROAD, inn and bounding with {he .exilting don- trete pavement in Shem!) Road, thence south in Mtiert'tneoittwood Band to and connecting with , _ 1teretit' {new caller-to pennant in St. Joha'a Avenae statue etrtstirrlrolims of at; t.. John's Avenue exuded from the south; inehitiintthe tr' return: at PLEASANT; COURT " “I back es the weep line of let, Lineoinwood Read extended. end Win: with tt heroin pitpobef co créte pavement in aid Plenum:- fittt " DEL', A ROAD to the east and to the west as far back. respectively, T the cut: and westl lines of said Iineolttwood Road, extended. and connecting with the herein ptbposed' concrete pavement in aid Delta Rad; It CAR L COURT t; the east end .to. the west as far back, respectively " bhe'eatrt and west hues of said Lihfolrtwo?A Ryu, alid 'iiUn"i2iiifrriir4rrtie" _htrprorxboimt 'SECTYON VI. That all amid! or parts with this ordinance}. be and~the same-are hereby SECTION VII. That this ordhtan'ee, an“ be its Flange: . :4 F . K _ i1ed:Julr. 17th, Mrur.. F , , , _ " SECTION v. That the Corporation Counsel of said fdt be Ind 11?, t! hueby directed to file a petition in. the County dirurt of County. ' .. min, in the name of the, Citrof Highhnd‘ ?.tyVrmrirttt that step; my he taken to levy a special aueument for kid imprevemcnt,_fn accomplice with the pr9vitipns_pf this ordintutterii6d in marine;- prtiteiitibd by 111ng V . 'BRQWNVILLE Rani asuysvv‘uwuw u an“ vow u. uni-w {w v.:vvn'--rv7 nmr “5.7..†, _ ., th -e. . semen 1i! nu; ttitr iiiiiiiiiti'i,iiiitliiiij,it' itTi?tt"ii.igiAtrt8,etl T" vpmvementl lit i'iirirt"r" it,2'te, 7 'i'ltti/ _ T t'iititrr4lll!,tibt J . _ for said lament. use: with _ i. not! 1tti6'.1iitt9tl . may .e,t2'g'tlt c"d'i'r,'tlt', t'ittifiti'tffiti 'i1's"iiilr'iii,, 1liie! We“! iv. .'v _ ot re, " a; an†,. F a W _",' a l", c"i: _ SECTION 'rtttti?,tjjl",ti improvement" , _ We“ them test them, including thie hum cfaseventmf tr '"llthiitti'gjtlif,,tt,t three dollars ,and 'd',,'",)?";".'?, cent; (Bl? “NLRB! i3)fr,t,.tr').t"1, "iht eluded in the "tintate o laid Keyor as Gaiia'r'iii'i 5.1M 'i, T i Irt4 "ei, Improvements, hereto ttlléched, as the coï¬lolwnzlflkwm assessment herein),'be gold for 1t'tI,tii,tlit,'attt,1't to'. t , ., “up†the propesty renamed thereby to tti wiimotttttr,tttttt' the same may be legal- ly assessed therefcr, in 1ttxorrhuytttirittt ttit't1t,'t of.†It? at the ftgi'1,,Alrte1,',t of the State of Illinois, anti ed, “An Act Wmmg-m Local 1m rovemenu," approved June Mths .1897, and wall vmndme to thereto, and that said sum of seventeen thomhd four hundred thirtr- dnllars and; seventy six cents (817,438.76) shall be applied mad the t 1 making "and collecting said “segment. t s.' ' [ .' r', ', _ _ SECTION JV. That the aggregate amount herein ordered to be P"t, ed against the progeny and so the assessment on etch lot and â€will yd land assessed, s all be divided into ten (lor insullmentsnthe frrjtililf which installment shall include ten per cent (10%) of the â€meant? 'ether with all fractional amounts. and the “Note ainoetit?of each of the "remaining installments'shall he ttttVW, in amount and Jnu1tiphmptt one h'undred ($100.00) dollars. Said installments shall be due and payable in :he manner and at the time and rate of intoreot " provided , law. And tot the purpose of anticipating the collection of the second an succeeding Installment: of said assessment for said improvement, tet shall be its“ sued payable out of said 1iitstiimentta, bearing intdmt t. the rate of 't per cent (6%) per annum, payable annually, said bonds shall be issued n 'cevdrdanee with and shall in all respects conform with the provisions of said Act if the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, " now. in fame." and shall be signedhhy thy Mayor and attested by. the City Clerk under thei, corpogntggegl of slid City. . , . A. i . . r.’ l "ci'VSd%t.pEe"6 Ur WIVVMWI- . . _ an of tish itttprxrieyttttt 11%}de to be, Itmdr tgitiAt,tmt the best and mu "fiataptta1 and irtrkttt,ttN.iktr. 1teP,,"' “d trem (manned tntterial tteitt,if,t oteterydalcn “on?!†b.. â€:1! W. the site 0! the ,rorVriNo improper plasmid TIli, be and, but. "an in): of my kind mu fully conform to an moving: tgt,',','." we not htreiithsforrr nrtieutai0r provithri, for dull be mtg or Pll'lG P,,itd",f,dtsrr Jr, purpue for whichnud. “a! aid 'eP11',2',l'1'll tarent b made under" the direction and to the magnum 9(th rr,r,iL'ar,x.1,o Imnmvements of the City of Highland Pirk; Lake Weâ€: Itlittoit'. . L, CHARACTER 0F IMPROVEMENT. he: THE HIGHLAND Pm puss, Him mm. ILLINOIS I from and connecting {with tNvreiit Jim of Lincolhw‘u m. from and connecting: {with tbs, west nine of. Lakeside Pl P"- -_H “unguuwuuu Fe"'" Ensuw, then “two hundred ninety (29.0)}wa includingoin I the ietst and of paid Carer Court; also from % " proposed concrete pavement It the out “no 'ed,' thence m?.rtuartdrf, in said Cub! Conn to " ntsithetrt,, "a. a: 3-2: "~77 . - q - twp Imam-£23 Gfiii7riiiik'r") a mat grid of said Dela Rom! nlttfti,tyr 33m ting hegefn pibposed L,, ro' and ssotirteaiiiiGiiirrihi"iiaC if, t P?.vemenkittpraid Lakeside , - nus uclc pm con- wood Road ,l'ix.t'e"l'l'e't"'Uitt, ffwg‘fggt, .inclgéinxdn addi- _ carol Court 't the Mini Ravinia Forest, sixty-on! " from the sentiment!» a "Y" tuttmmnd qt the tlt,lttteirt propop'od con- 3mg“! prom-ed; ton- .extended; thance west fn htmitt1pipposed concrete otirdiitanees iontiiettntt repealed. . _ f in force ‘from and am Road “fended, ihGii, tttts.ittetuaiicii; " , the trtiGiU also f'r"GTuirii than “no or Road extend. cow. 23,770 ' w mum wan sumclent water. 1113' " inï¬ll .aw... w" L ed three-eighth: (%) inch joints through the id] . gnaw t'he,icr,,r exuding Iran the top & 4:31;}; I . mm o "tgtett y ' C S", ttttite,' 'iiii,i'i'l'iitlis1ri'ili 'l'ltddl'l'tit1wrgt. _ can a per . " "r-l--..'-..---).. 1.880' he: I P curb m Mt :3?! m at comm ,,ff,',et.UytiPtue -1 A- -a-" Pgwm, File No. H. P. mm mm 1, File No.11. P, - 4 File " P. 8644; Pine 3. File No. B. P. 8645; Plate 4, “In , “5 8646; Plate 6, File No. M. P. 8347; Plate 6, File No. H. P. Ig, _ 'il, File Ne, H. P. 8649; Plum B, File No. B. P. 86tio;.PUte tr, my ' 8661; mm 10, File No, H. P. 3052; PUte II, Pd. No. a. P. T', 12, Film No. H. P. 8711- Plate 18, Pile No. B. P, 8055- Pute 1 " , H. P. 3355; Plate 15. File No. a. P. mam. 16, iUe No. it4 Plate 1 ' File No.H. P. Ph' Pute Itt, No. B. P. new; " r No. a. ' 8659; Plate 19A, iii No. B. P. mm mm no, In. I T 8662; ate 2t, Trite No. hikl'l'fli Plate 22, PN No. K. P. " " 28, Pile No. H. P. 8665; te u, "iliiii No. H. P. 8722' PI». Ba H, P. 8712; Pint? 26, Pile No. B. P. 8713; Puts-27, P‘s:- No.a '1 Phtte M, File ..N H. P. 8715: Plate 29,-F‘ile No. a. P. 1'tul . ti NC. H. P. 8725; late 31.1% No. H. P. 3725-, Phase. PM it ail Itt the City ot Highth Park, Count! of Lake, and sum " . e The "timirtod crsitt, of hid VIM im vément. ' cost of acquiring menu, [parading all hm, 'l'lfl'gdlt Id- expenses .attinding the sung}: the sum of three hind!“ 'ie.,', (8808,009.00) dollars, unused up (gum: . .. I", "r-Nr-_"."""'"""""'."'- -_,,_-, "__ T r i _ , -- a i'uiii',raFauiiisttnr.hrttqtt,r idrbiettt,' some and ,: "l'ltrt'rt'u1i't'i"' 'ietiitdiudeoteuets1verty with "'le. tstro,dt,1ttt outlet. drain; with Mails. mean: ~reinfo " , jertahiitttr will, contracting reinforced eunuch and papa, ag P. ‘bituminous meadunJ My twenty-one (21) Int Mt, ‘ . trainee irrLalteaide M'p‘eving with reinforced may ', 7sWE total 'ret/trp. Rimmed from M to but of tt,Wdr,"t d' ' new rm. dull ",r. he follow! in LINCOLN D no M eight 'e, {any in ST. JOHN’S AVENUE": from Jguteut'ti' a the.en magma gunmen many-cg ' ' Lincolnvood Road math to’Pieme and, 'er-te and {our - ‘ ' Pet; from Pierce Road south tactile north line ytf County Line “ .otte anti'four-teettU (0.079“; in BROWNVILLE ROAD 3nd N PLACE twent -one (21) feet; in PIERCE ROAD, BRAKES]: a" RAVINE MAJOR ROAD MARION COURT, CAROL CQUttil ROAD. PLEASANT 60m. and DELL LANE, nineteen (my " rapt at street ccrnere and tur-ttttds.. mine My] um . -ed along clawed lines; including curing, p cting, cleaning " concrete pavement. including acquiring of necessary autumn, _ ins bituminous mandala ttYee?..', connections in: County Uni Lakeside Placeend St. John- Avenue, removing nu surplus SM- . ten'ale, engineering services, and all other labor, material, III. u necessary to construct said proposed improvement in n we " per, the location end extent of said proposed improvement being T ' shogm by the_ettehettyt1tytetr darnâ€: w. n ' _. 2m cam-etc pdvement " the " line said Plenum Court two 'dlllr,'d an: 1: Making] " tht west-undo! said By eta-tens. rubbing. saline. I trade. draining! akin: "Mum Fault covers, ti,)',',.',',',':"),' concrete I dram. constructing F" Ptt?e, 'tttd mean: with the. bent: trroret ttnaAbrretl Rood mandala that: manna along the canâ€! bob? the 1101‘!le and of aid 11 at Dell Lane, at!» back as . lim Den Lane " the point of tam Fortjt. and dimming with the h abcee 'deetiteA,.iint in “MAM I W -m. wmmuouc mm the 59m in the It-tent:-, crustalâ€- bd 'atmplete at 4ik Per 1ineartodt "_.--......., I--.--.-::-.-:-- ‘linul feet of Portland cement comm curb bank inb- ttral with the when»: tet,'et',ty g. wtdth of th- “I... am. (8) im!tsertreuw trtr.afUnid curb M u an W, --e_ ._... ‘91., Few sluvce or. c1115“ stone, mixed with Went weter to make e qaakiittt men. "laid pavement shell be reinforced with forty (40) pong effective Iteel wire tatirie to each one . hundred ff ewe feet of pavement; Vine-eighth: (%) Jnett tutu- inane felt treneverse expeneicn jotnte ehell be comm: ed end spaced thirty (30) feet Mart, extending; from to, to bottom of the pavement. Eech trenmeree Moe Joint "shall be provided with three-quarter (i) inch wind. smooth steel bars, twa (2) feet in length, tread “0.3: feet apart center to center; one (I) end It eech of steel here shall extend sixteen (16) lnchee into the ecl- crete on one side of the joint, end the other end of the steel. here shell be engaged in hot uphelt eo es to form B, ocean: of said eephe _one_sith. .ftr..Mt.) inch ttttik: etc eeld bar 'atCthte-eiehttu l%) inch thick on 'Ar, end of said bar. A 'loncltudinel tremoldel 'upeditttitt,t shell be manta-acted elm the center line {:0ng t... end of said pevement, 'dare' ST. JOHN’S A int, f ttt 1d'"it,,'t'e,t! tri, eon -to ie,tt, 'ttitgl,',T ttt e constructed r0913) . 'ne ointe _ i in; the 1e."ttenrltetttret {mmgmrhe in (out (0, and parts, end from Pierce Roed to County Line ' ere themehell be contacted two (2) lonzi .‘ Joints dividing rte,.,tyestntLEiyiiar,tii'Go"i'7iiri' .7 ,tluee (8) equelmpexte; eeld joints shell be mede by “It iturtalhittu/ of e "gentile! eighteen (18) page metal , plete; and provided th Jul! thit inch round. deleting ed eteel bets. four" (4) = longt'the center-'0! said been; shell be spaced five. (til feet epert end four end one-cum? ter (4%) Inches below the Tttif eeld-ponuete pen-n; went; eeld here ehell extend two l ) feetdnto the tyea' cute on eech side of new longitudinal joint; . Q, coring bathe nee of we end one-half (2%) pounds _ ', cum eh ide per mm yard, 'rotoetine end [ _ the pevementt leid_conplete et $3.50 per Inner: “data lie-elfeet 'trPort1uitVGurt concrete â€blight-J trel with the concrete pennant. The width of FiSiiiki; than: (a) teltrAt1.tr3yCFiir'itriik'ia;'liur't1i "t inches. the height! the New†the â€that, ., the pavement shell be six fo) menu. end the te? otFa1tttl1tiiGii'iiiuii," 1teittiterurs'r"iiiieii'"riiiiri ‘ compo-ed by value of one Putt, Portland Peh/.,.i, two (2)-perte and, end three one-belt (8%) ~ 'd “‘1 (1tf cruel or ertmhed stone, except that the and -3,; “no! eeid curbto Mt't,g',f,iiiii.iijyciy,' lech‘ 'at' l';ri',','ptjritik'i'iiii' ,)lllli12,it' M /l'tl,lt " _ w, ' Ill, , r . T or cement: ' a be ul2ielit menu. We dull be iiilitii'iiij, ItLtluttstitCiii"i be: one be». than": on, an menu's-id bark .iai Gaiii' "ai; cute on each side of in“ 1oatri grins gage m of me an†cum c e er Mrtt"tr y I tlt' pgvgmeut: 'lfh1tt,f,,',1'g, " . el ban, teo of feet in'lenzth, traced two t cellar to center; on (I) end q each of Jdl tshall extend sixteen (16) inch. into the can. " side of the Joint, and the other and of a shall be 63rd in hot. asphalt so u to foms . land as}; . mug-5mm (1-16) bet lit» lupusâ€; aid joint: "tsuit-tre""' 1334;375- I tin with! ham (18) an†metal it? ?tttlt'th,'ttg inch wand. defohtie u) I.» long} the center-'0! aid has r. (lil but apart and four and one-qua»: slow the stadium; aid-panache pan» all intend two l ) feetdntc the co.- 2 of add 1oettrittidiUt joint; . , of We and one-half (2%) pounds . anâ€? Fun}, W111; and _ [ t comm - um: (h ii,'i',7),'iv'it,?r',,'i,t,' vt,',,,",',',,'." THURSDAY. J UL! tF,, El tar, -i rim! 991 rm " m: W "lb [2 eat ttBt hi end!†“in: tl tench , may mt “we! a g be dodli low lid I“ DE I" pa (I) h cne mun: w I coward The f hub and q 3.2.: forth! an"! , make ' - d iil,8 new wt mu Ill-ex: not! “use“ hundn an linen] (EC ri'"'2 TE " [ZZZ went†can LEE} an“: feet a†we hilt at ' “I KT " an re Ti? m Ill 32 [If T: it m th LC