i it l e )| PAGE FOJR A Notice is further given that the said assessment is divided in ten (10) installments. That ‘the amcunt of the first installment is $5620.00, and that each of the remaining installâ€" ments is $5500.00. That all installâ€" ments draw interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from July 17th, 1925. The first installment is payable on A. D. 1926 ‘Dated at Highland Park, Illinois, this 24th day of Sept., 1925 The second installment one year thereafter and so on anmnually until all installments are paid. ‘ _ _ _ __ SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE| Special Warrant No. 285 | PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given| that the County Court of Lake Counâ€"| ty, Illinois, has rendered judgment“ for a special assessment upon propâ€"| erty benefited by the following imâ€"| provement: For the construction of| a reinforced concrete pavement in Orchard Street from and connectinig| to the present pavement in St,. Johns| Avenue, west to "a line fortyâ€"nine (49) | feet westerly of and parallel to the‘ easterly line extended of Wlukenn‘ Avenue, all in the City of Highland Park.‘I Lake County, Illinois, as will more fully appear from the certified cbpy of the judgment on file in my office. That the warrant for collecâ€" tion, of such assessment is in the hands of the undersigned. ‘ PHONES HIGHLAND PARK 1677, 1678, 1679 DEERFIELD 143 . Sweeth FREE DELIVERY SERVICE TO RAVINIA, HIGHL ham}xa of the undersigned. _ \ty, Hllinois, has rendered judgment All persons interested are hereby| for a special assessment upon propâ€" notified to call and pay the amount| erty benefited the following imâ€" assessed at the Collector‘s Office, Cityl provement: â€" For the construction of Hall, corner Green Bay Road and| a reinforced c«Tcrete pavement / in Central Avenue, Highland Park, Illiâ€"| Oak Grove Avemue, Marion Avenue, nois, within thirty (30) days from| Bracside Road,/ . Ridgewood , Drive, the date thereof. ! Burton Avenue.and the Alley running Notice is further given. that the[in a northwesterly direction between said assessment is divided in eight| Rraeside Road ‘and ‘the County Line (8) installments, That the amount| Road, all in the City of Highland Very best Pot Roast She D. ..;cccccsrceerrressuse. Pork Loint Roast . §hG@ Wp, ..................ccccisscssaneccsss Native Flank Steak K6 1D, ...cquussusscssrsercccerereness Very Best Rib Roast Beef the Ib, ............_._..@@_n.cu» California, Hams + th@ Jb. .2 mges Leg Spring Lamb the |lb. ... zeekeks> Rib Lamb Chops the "Ab; ...qoâ€"â€"wscuccomres Front Leg Veal Roast the 1b. .....â€"=::==munupgyrms Shoulder Veal Roast The IB, ...../l.cccmmmasenss Veal Breast the Ib. .328 Fresh Calf Sweet Breads, the Ib. ... Fresh Spareribs the 1b ... â€"csmuussecees Pure: Lard 2 lbs. fOr ....s.000.> Fresh Lake Superior White Fish, the Ib. ....... Fresh Lake Trout $h@ 1D; |.ssssscurnrrersece Halibut Steak the D. ......ll220k k66 Salmon Steak the Ib. K.......000c20c0e Fresh Perch the 1b. .022 ce Fresh Herring the Ib. ... es Filet of Haddie the lb. .. 2l New Dry Onions D 1D8, FOK ssssucsscsenn0s 0+ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL the 2nd day of January, MEATS FRED W. RUBLY, City Collector. . 22€: 3Z%c‘ ~ 290 Abce 15%c 374¢ _ 35¢ .. age 19%c : 15¢ _ 65¢ . 19¢ VA3§c 34%c 33%c . 40c _ 40c _ 35¢ _ 20c 42¢ 25¢ -â€"-â€""â€"-P'â€"‘T"â€""â€"‘â€"â€"â€"â€"_‘*' v + is I Read our ad every week in the Highland Park Press of the first fnstallment is $1880.00, and that each of the remaining inâ€" stallments is $1700.00. That all inâ€" stallments draw interest at the rate of gix per cent per annum from August 7th, 1925. The first installâ€" ment is payable on the 2nd day of January,, A.. D. 1926. The second ‘installment one thereafter and so on annually all installments are paid. | _ _ Dated at Highland Park, Illinois, this, 24th day of Sept., 1925 P Notice is further given that the said assessment is divided into ten (10) installments. That the amount of the first installment is $5300.00 and that each of the remaining inâ€" stallments is $5000.00. That all inâ€" stallments draw interest at the rate of six per. cent per annum from August 7th, 1925.. The first installâ€" ment is payable on the 2nd day of January, A. Ds 1926. ; Lomax Gingerale 12 large bottles net ....... Canada Dry Gingerale 12 bottles .........cclccil> 41 case 5B0 bottles ... l....._.._._._._.__. _ The second ‘installment .one thereafter and so on annually all installments are paid. |_ _ Dated at Highland Park, IlNlinois, this 24th day of Sept., 1925 Quart Jar SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE .‘ . > Special Warrant No. 295 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the County Court of Lake Counâ€" P}nt Jar ... Medium Jar GOOD COOKING APPLES 4 lbs. for ®~_% Cliquot Club Gingerale 24 bottle case ........L........ Highland Club Coffee Morand Gingerale 12 small bottles net Morand Ginger Ale 12 large bottles net Positively Fresh Dressed | the lb. VERY BEST ELGIN CREAMERY BUTTER the lb. FOR FRIDAY ONLY Fancy New Potatoes the peck MONARCH COFFEE GOLD MEDAL MAYONNAISE BROILERS 3 lb. can for $1.29 43i¢ 48l¢ 250C FRED W. RUBLY City Collector cA PP B FRED W. RUBLY, City Collector 49¢ 37%¢ $1.57 ... 85¢ $4.40 $1.57 $2.175 $9.95 Highland Park‘s Down 80¢ year until year | until l 30 Park, Lake: County, i i%;, as will more fully appear from Â¥he certified copy ‘of the judgment 0| ?le in my office. That the warranf# for colle¢â€" tion of such assessmen§ is in the hands of the undersign#d; | > Ej Edelweiss . § hi 24, hot BB "si<z olsn â€"rstin 130 fl,es net ... | Bqfl:emer 3 12 M ttles net it iaght. Ureen River 8. l 12 LOUUES 0K .usscesk Blue Riamond Tiny Pea: the dozen blu&: Diamond Ex. Sifted reay{s, ShG OUB. csoascccpciedst Blue Diamond . Sifted Peak, the UOB. cce Blue Diamond Sweet w rinkled Peas, doz. ...... Bluk Diamond Select _ Peas, the do%. ........@..~« Sweetheart Tiny Super fine PGAS ... King Bird Peas P the |dozen ............_.._l_.l All persons interestedf§ are hereby notified to call and payifthe amount assissed at the Collectorl. Office, City Hall,; corner Green Bay Bcad aflfl Central Avenue, Highlar#l Park, Nliâ€" nois, within thirty (308) days from the date théreof. Eo 0 . Notice is further giyfn that the said assessment is divifded in‘tqfl“ (10) installments. ThaÂ¥ the amouxt of the first, installment (is $13,160.00 and that each of the ¢§fmaining inâ€" stallments is $12,200.00. EThat all it: stallments draw interesf® at the raf of six per cent per (§fnnum from August 7th, 1925. Theiffirst install ment is payable on th@@ 2nd day of January, A. D. 1926. ; [ THE HICHLAND PAMK PRESS, HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS The second installm@gpt one year thereafter and so on afnually until all installments are p&d. 1: FRED |gv. RUBI;XZ, ty Collector. Dated at Highland Parl§ Illinois, > this 24th day of ‘Sept.{ 1925 C 30 Sweetheart Bantam _ > Corn, the doz. ... Sweetheart Maine Cor the dOoZ%@N ..cuslle3 Sweetheart Little Kerni ‘ Corn, dozen ............. Sweetheart Eveljg'reen COMMy UO%:.) rsssisssncmesen +. Aloha Corn _ s the dQZ .cy es Sweetheart Ige. Tom: £0G8,â€" GOZ,| ......._..l...ccc_vl} Sweetheart No. 2 Tom t0@8, dOZ. «... Alobka Tomatoes $B8@. HDK: ssscsmmmmanroiiates Gulf Creek Tomatoes the doz. {.i.;..:sclcczzceclisiesss | Dated at Highland P | this 24th day of Seq Now is the timfg to buy Canned Goods, 1925 pack. Buy them by the dozen. | All persons interes are hereby notified to call and p&W the amount assessed at the Collectdi#‘s Office, City Hall, corner Green. Road ‘and Central Avenue,. High r:&i Park, Illiâ€" nois, within thirty (%) days from the date thereof. fo Notice is further n that |the said assessment is divifled in ten (10) installments. That t ount of the first installment is $1390.00 and that each: of the remaining |installments is $1500.00. That alf |installments draw interest at the â€" 4e of six per cent per annum fror@ ‘August 7th, 1925. The first installhfpnt is payable on the 2nd day of Arnuary, A. D. 19026, EDo C 0| The < second install thereafter and so on all installments are p FRE $1.95 $1.57 $1.10 $3.38 §¢$2.-75 $2.13 $1.81 $2.00 $3.63 $1.40 $2.45 $2.45 $2.18 & $2.00 $1.80 $2.45 isl.ss. $1.80 $1.40 ‘W/~RUBLY, City Colléctor k, Illinois, nt one year .Ymi‘ully pntil D PARK, HIG Brand of Pure bbllar‘Sahe; Wednesday, Sept. 30 Good Luck Marga Early June Peas 8 | CANS : / .cosscsincsnens Fancy Sugar Corn 30 § CANBS : ......s......m Good Luck Milk 12 large cans ... Fancy Pink Sain Fancy Tomatoes b cans ....___. Pork Chops 5 .lbs. for ... 5 .lbs. for “tï¬_.... Red X Macaroni and Spaâ€" ghetti, 12 pKkgs, .l......._.._._._._. Ripe Olives, large cans, | Z C&NS .......lL...} Woodcock Egg No 4 pKgS, ..«........... Pure Lard 6 lbs. ... Apricots 0 C&NS ... Pork and Beans 10 cans Notice is hereby given to all perâ€"| sons interested that ‘the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield having ordered that the local improveâ€" ment, toâ€"wit: A cast iron supply pipe in portions of Greenwood Avenue, Prairie Street, Meadow Street, Somerâ€" set Avenue, and Hazel Avenue, in the Village of Decrfield, County of Lake and. State of Illinois, the ordinance for the same being on file in the ofâ€" fice of the Village Clerk of said Vilâ€" lage, and the said Village having apâ€" plied to the County Court of Lake County, State of Illinois, for an asâ€" sessment of the cost of said improveâ€" ment, according to the benefits, and an assessment therefor having been made ‘and returned to said ; Court (Docket: No. 29), the final hearing thereon will be held on the 8th day | of! October, A. D. 1925, at 10 o‘elock Early June Peas, 10 cans for ... Yellow Cling Pe: POTATOES, F Sweetheart Chili { 3 bottles .........._... Sweetheart Shrim O CAMNS \........ccssscceecforedsnenpencewees Sweetheart Golden Bantam Corn, 4 CR&NMS ................_..._.. Blue Diamond E)it‘n Tiny Sifted Peas, 3 cans ........... Little Green Peas â€" 4 CBNS .ccscc hesee>s Select Early June Peas 6 cans + Fancy Prunes Plate Corned Beef 10 IBB, ......:... ielelicpiseesbestoreesectrhins Pears, ( 3 IAT@O CANS ........j....ccomeesecksasser Sweetheart Spinach, No. 8 can SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE a. m. or as soon thereafter asâ€"the business of the Court will permit. Said ordinance provides ‘that the aggregate amount of said assessment shall be divided into ten (10) installâ€" merts bearing interest @t the rate of six} (6) jper cent per annum from the date of the first voucï¬r ‘issued on account of work done on said improveâ€" ment. & All persons desiring may file obâ€" jections in said Court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense, > PETER J. DUFFY, The person appointed by the President of the Village of > Deerfield to make such asâ€" . sessment. | Dated at Deerfield, Illinois, Septemâ€" ber 24, A. D. 1925. 30â€"31 Notice is hereby given to all perâ€" sons interested that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfleld having ordered that the local improveâ€" ment, toâ€"wit: A |combined storm, water and sanitary sewer in a portion of Sunset Terrace in the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, the ordinance for the same being on file in ‘the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said Village havâ€" ing: applied to the County Court of Lake County, State of Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said imâ€" provement, according to the benefits and an assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court (Docket No. 30), the final hearing thereon will be held‘on the 8th day of October, A. D. 19285, at 10 o‘clock A. M. or as soon thercafter as the business of the Court will permit. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Said ordinance provides that the aggregate amount of said assessment shall be divided into ‘eight (8) ‘installâ€" ments ‘bearing‘ interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum from the 4 C aveasvavececevannen Town Store _ _ _ ' ce Poodas® . 24 NORTH FIRST STREET, HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS® I oNX 2C n n . ow aP L ~HWOOD,.FORT SHERIDAN AND DEERFIEL D eï¬ ncy New, the peck ... Sauce No, "30v 91 B8 §1 ... 91 amsl © 41 .l Â¥1 .81 Js 1d $ 86c .81 "g1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 .$1 S$1 $1 is ty ng‘s Choice Sliced Peaches & CAMB ... occoeicssnsnmesisivensannencinn Boneless Rump Corned Beef Th IDB. | .exferecoenencemnbnnticterncemincennntlh 8. H. Grated Pineapple Med. Red Salmon Cooking "App § 1bs. POF ;:...«c.ccp srgrsnse ie Prannd 18 prlol onsnnagiont it Strictly Fresh Eggs J AOK: â€" q cristnaiwances S. H. Kidney Beans, ' f , No. C nefecninonn Fengy Poass, No: 2 en o9 L California Ripe ‘Olives 8 CBNHS IOK ..............cassocsreimse Lge. tans Sliced‘ Peaches M TOK | ancieriarrnenani on rsenenenancmeciprn ‘Royal Ann Cherries $ $ CBHNB LOK (...â€"cccc>..s.â€"â€"covessntsns Round Steak . 2% lbe,. ‘IOr ..................}.~ Sirloin Steak 2 IDB. FOK lonlc.00 icz acangs.. Porterhouse Steak 13 The, TOr ..:s....cllll.ccicifiess Peaches, Pears Plums and Red ‘Pitted Cherries & CBIS ,.........citscsvececcuntrnmnceennssccenne O CC Black Berries * sl 4 CBDB |......cl.ecoenccceevecermnennnenqrencnnngs New Comb Honey sl M TOF | ... dacssernpeverepriennovenmenesstrematons Royal Ann Cherries $ sl C ABTE PON !â€"......c. . ... ivescseaniond nenbhas Grapes ... 2% dozen for ....... Imported Sardines 6â€"caps for ............... Flank Steak 4 Abs. fur ......../.. Pot Roast D 1b§." POK ::yc«re:â€"»ss»+a date of the first voucher isszued on acâ€" count of work done on said improveâ€" ment. * iuF e Notice is hereby given to all perâ€" sons interested that the‘ Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield having ordered that the local improveâ€" ment, toâ€"wit: A cast iron water supâ€" ply pipe in portions of Oak Avenue, Somerset Avenue, and Second Street, in the Village of Deerfleld, Lake County, lllinois, the ordinance for the sime being on file in the office 011 the Village Clerk of said Village, and . the sgaid Village having applied to the County Court of Lake County, State of Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said improvement, accordâ€" ing 3 the benefits, and an assessment therefor having been made and reâ€" turned to said Court (Docket No. 81), the final hearing thereon will be held on the 8th day of October, A. D. 1925, at 10 o‘clock A. M. or as soon thcrxt‘ fter as the business of the Court ‘will permit, _ ‘ Sajd ordinance provides that the SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE aggrrute amount of said assessment shall be divided into ten (10) installâ€" ments bearing interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum from the date of the first voucher issued on acâ€" coun‘ of work done on said improveâ€" ment. All persons desiring may file obâ€" jections in said Court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. §* PETER J. DUFFY, | _ The person appointed by the | President of the Village of | Deerfleld to make such asâ€" | _ sessment. | f Dated at Deerfleld, Illinois, Septemâ€" ber 24, A. D. 1925. : 30â€"31 _ Many persons who are howling fotl the |government to stop the coal strike, never â€"bothered .to: remind their congressman that they must do something to make such strikes imâ€" poksgible. ( } Claimed every© man should be his own landlord, but some may feel that fn-flmt case they couldn‘t deface the houge so cheerfully. .. ... y . The income taxes have bon\do ‘public, but that has not helped us get any of their money away from the »obseans senkideas abenee se es aiug «en se ea44s esnennpan en n nane chenen nbans The pe .......;’ pransaxiten anenanby sannne® M 20. ‘ 1 .......;...........;........,.....,‘ l n CBuiton in Leveaital I niy Bliced Po:d!tl.‘S‘l a2, sus sexeabnarneninabartes anasinanbnca nb asenl wernarnt . No d se 91 us . 91 a e 91 Suse c 91 _ $1 $1 .. $1 .. $1 _$1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 _ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1925 P.G. Naphtha Sodp, 10 bars 390¢ Palmolive Soap, 12 bar ....... 81 Am. Fam. Soap, 10 bar‘â€"..59¢ Lge. Ivory Soap, 10 bars 81.09 Fels Naptha Soap, 12 bar...O8¢ Lux," 10 pkgs. ...â€"_._..__â€".â€"_08¢ 808, 4 pkgs. ..._.._._._.._..~__._.â€"_@8¢ Ivory Soap Chips, 10 for......O8¢ Am. Fam. Soap Chips, 4 for O8¢ Argo Starch, 10 pkgs. .......08¢ 25â€"Ib. pails Scap Chips...88.95 Special prices on soap by the case TUESDAY SPECIALS $ 9. SEPT. 29 : HE Gran. Cane Sugar, 10 Ibs. 59¢ Fould‘s Macaroni, 3 pkgs. ... 25¢ Fould‘s Spaghetti, 3 pkgs. â€".25¢ Cooking® Apples, the Ib......__10¢ Fresh Spare Ribs, Ib. â€...,....1‘,§¢_ Sour Kraut, quart ,...._._â€"_â€"â€"â€" Corn Flakes, PKG. ..........â€"~â€"â€" Shredded Wheat, pkg. ...â€"â€".â€" Quaker Oats, pkg. ...._._.___* Puffed Wheat, pkg. ..â€"â€"â€".â€"â€" Cabbage, the Ib. ......._.___._Wz¢ Miller & Hart Bacon, 3 Ibs. 8$1.19 Yellow Corn Meal, 1 pke. ..._~_11¢ Flour, all brands, % bbl. $1.19 Plate Corned Beef, Ib. ... 0¢ Lenfesty‘s Flour, 5â€"lb. sack.: 20¢ Shoulder Lamb Chops, tb......85¢ Boneless Beef Stew, Ib........... 22¢ Wet Shrimp, 4 cans ... 87¢ Sweetheart Catsup, bot.......... 25¢ Red Salmon, Ige. can ... 388¢ THURSDAY SPECIALS MONDAY SPECIALS Slip Covers, Nnâ€h-.(hfl . Bevel Plate or Celluloid .â€" _ Windows, Floor Rugs, 5111 Waveland Ave. Chicage GEO. S. SCHWALBA! Charles Broms PROGRESS TLE CO. 600 CENTRAL AVE. Highland Phone Highland Park: 1442 MNDSCA" GARDENER Care of CERAMIC MOSAICS FLOOR and WALL TILE MANTELS and GAS LOGS DRY CLEANING & DYEE RUG CLEANING & CUKRT Lawns, Shrubs, Flowers and Agent and of All Metal We‘z; Strips North Room Larson‘s STRETCHING THE RELIABLE LAU! PHONES 178â€"179 Shrubs, Ever Black Soil and Manure Perennials 278 BEACH STREET Carpenter and Telephone Kildare 3499 _ , 2 Ibe, for 8 lbs. for ... J. M. BILHARZ 32 8. First Street ® â€" Telephone 493 (Not Inc.) «t y 27