dWebs,2tXL. goo-roan 15. ms have --by heavy-term booting phat yo: and at. or touch M you kn [harm-"MI than: in - liv- in.rm [m M “on in uni“ with I Himnpoliu tber- umt ad (m- nu. MW in 70.1.:th on. no “2.!!de anon-Lie control. with ough bility !12999-1 "ami eett _-test-s-tui H. P. 494104 |0l|Q H. P.' tt hilt " rump“, amount 15, Very beat Pot Rout the lb. ....._.................. PHONES HIGHLAND PARK 1677', 1678, 1679 DEERFIELD a, "'h"rt'""t, ma " m6 tom†M not!!! HIS! mm. i1iallyutrt “In. um I FREE DELIVERY SERVICE TO RAVINIA, HIGHLAND PARK, HIGHWOOD, FORT SHERIDAN AND DEEMED Pork Loin Rout the lb. ...---r---_..._ Native Flank Steak _ the lb. w-ttw-rw.-.-...-.-........ Ver/Best Rib Rout Beef the lb. .ttw.-tt--t-..--._.it-- California Hama the lb. -"r"r""" Lamb Patties the lb. me-m.-. . -.rweee- ,. Front Leg Veal Ron the lb. .e.tt--rt-.w_rrt-mt-_wet. Shoulder Veal Rout the lb. .wte-r__m-t.mmmet--_..". Veal Breast Leg Spring Lamb the lb. w-r...--........ the lb. w.tw-tet-ttt--ms-.m_..... Fresh, Calf Sweet' Breads, the lb. t--t__.tw.' Fresh Spareribs ' the lb. t-t---.tt.t-t-m.w.t.._.. Pure lard 2 lbs. for' ............. Fresh Lake Superior White Fish, the lb. .. Fresh Lake Trout the lb. a Halibut Steak [ the lb. -f..._...-...... Salmon Steak the lb. "-"""""'""T"" Fresh Perch _the lb. ._.rttt.mmr.erm...tt.t.. Fresh Herring the lb. "e-'""""":""'"""""" Filet of Haddie the lb. . ___,,.,': 'te -m. New Dry Onions 5 lbs. for --.--"r ' WILL KRUMBACH Telephone 1589 DUFFY & DUFFY Hue your cements cleaned and pressed tor your entrance to wheat Expert clenning, pressing nnd dyeing service. Highland Park Bales Co. for the RAYFIELD OIL BURNER DETROIT JEWEL GAS RANGES .GAS WATER HEATERS Repairing and Remodeling _ Have you nan the new Ink shower cumin; Visit our showroom MASON IC ANNEX BUILDING 380 Central aAs--.ooer Community-Shop I Telephone Highland Park so: ' Scientific facial sud scalp trentmeista. Mgnicuring. Running. Water waving. We specialize in". blaekhead, gene, and‘all my: or scalp disorders. Consultation istul advice free. FRIDAY 7iiiiri'si"fi5i'ii'r)rf"iiiii:cuik -. Mme. Jeanne' E. Turner "" Artistic Bobbing and Shingling m Pot .ltr.'....._.. 22e EDWARD STRENGER SCHOOL DAYS Sash, Doors and Millwork MEATS Cleaners and Dyers PLUMBING HEATING 1.1.»... mum-d pm: as. -3Ne â€Wm25c Ti;45c Mmlec ..._3He __3Sc 1._..2St: -19le _.......) ...,...Ailic __.19le _..33e _.._38le wm36%c “Wm40c __..._3lie 20¢ 42c 25c Ridge Road, Wtrhland,Park, Ill. Batman Nat Oleo, lb. tr-...-..-........ Dixie o1eomargarine the lb. w..tr...q.-wm.-mr_q_.... Good Luck Oleo the Its. .tww.r_r.-w...rm..tt..tw_ Jonathan Apples tlie bushel ._. ....$3.00 Cooking _ Apples the bushel .....;.$2.10 Canadn DrrGintremts 12 bottles met..----"' New Sweet Cider the gal. .-r-rmm.rwm-retmmt_-._.""'. Highland Club Coffee :he Ib., _-.-..--....--. Cliquot Clpb Ginger-lo 24 bottle cage ._w-.tmtw.._.i.. Lomax Gingerale 12 Inge bottles net ...... Mound Ginger Ale t2 large bottles net ._ I Morand Gingerale 12 small bottles net I JONES SAUSAGE Links, lb. . Meat, lb, VERY “BEST ELGIN cP"Ri,eU.P"" ' t e . _ FOR FRIDAY ONLY Fancy New Potatoes the peck MONARCH COFFEE 8 lb. can for 39c RAPP IB $1.29 sale PHONE 632 49c 35c .m37ic . $1.57 .....85'c .' tUt . $1.57 _ $2.75 22ic Mle 27le Highland ptrk's den T Ge TRADE BALANCE IN" FAVOR U. S; LARGE IN EXCESS OF ONE BILLION Both Imports and Exports Show Increase Over Any One in Previous Five; Tride. _ *‘Stabilized The favorable trade balance of the United States for the fiscal year end- ing June M, exceeded a'billion dol- lars according to figures just made public by the Department of Com- merce. The'exporttr were valued at "tlm664,844 and the imparte at $8,- 824,972,847. . . , Edelweiss . _ 24 bottles net ................ '1tt,'ttgu .-..._ $1.5 BREAD & BUTTER PICKLES 12 Jars ' _ 24 Jars $3.95 $7 .75 Both .the imports mid exports for the (lace! years exceeded those of any of the previous five years. The fev- oreble-balance was greater than that of any of the last three fUeal years, although it was less than that for the year ended June 30, 1922, I _ Gold Movement I . ' Gold movement for June who small but the tendeiiey for gold to leave the United St‘etes we: shown who still in "operation. The nation lost $2,286,345 in gold, lmpottl being $4,- 426,136 and eitporU $6,712,480. " Flgures ptallshed by the United States Chem r of Commerce show [may subston a! joins in exports during the ft quarter of 1926. 1:»- ports for the outer werefortreittht - cent I thandor the some Blue Diamond Tiny Pen the dozen o............'.:....'..., Blue Diamond Ex. Sifted Peas, the doz. ............... Blue Diamond Sifted Peas, the doa. .................. Blue Diamond Sweet 1 Wrinkled Peas, dos. - Blue Diamond Select Pen, the doz. ..c....-L.. Sweetheart Tiny Super fine Peas ...._.......c.......... King Bird Peas F ' the dozen w..........'........-.. Sweetheart Bantam , tte'i Corn, the dot. ................_ Sweetheart Maine Corn the dozen ._---..".". Sweetheart Little Karma! Corn, dozen ..............r Sweetheart Eveitrkim Corn, doz. e.......................' Aloha Corn the dom w-..--.----"' Sweetheart we; Toma- toes, doz. m....--..-.."... Sweetheart Nd 2 Toma toes, doz. o....,...-.-..:-. Aloha Tomatoes , the doz. --.-.----.". Gulf Creek Tomatoes the dog. ....C...-......-..... FOURTH ANNUAL APPLE SALE-we have received 3 carloads of appletrin bushels. barrels and t?oxes. Lowest Prices. ' . be: cent we ireti?dyrt 19 . "A large phrt of this, increase m exports" it u explained, “wss due to Europe's recoyery of purehasitttr pow- er shipments o'thst continqrtt, in the) flrst quarter f 1925 being 'sixty-two' per cent gres r in who than for the first gunner f 1922. ", A: {matter of feet. nearly t thirds. of our exports for the flrst three months of 1925 were pure _ ed by Europe--' far greater pro' rtion thatt she has taken since the bu imr orgy of 1920. This 'European d mend was refleeted in qur heavy e ports id cotton. wheat; petroleum p nets, copper, lead, zine, oil_cske sn _ meal machinery and ‘rnsny other in“. _ . The leadiIEexport commodity was rate' cotton. th automobiles second. Exports of, eat stood third in an list and fourth in animus the petro- leum group.j . "G. . . Icum any..." The repo eontiattev."'Yhe increas- init import as and Stability of' our export tn is demonstrated ttthe {net that since this days, of the im. ttated valuq of 1919', ,1920 and the first sen al 1921 steady gains. 'ydtr bv vent. wi h no "ttmek, "srriltrh' i,i2e'i,ii,eiSii," mm. me made in fit ti out fer , 'E12 .....-.....M..... $1.57 of this, increase in $7.75 C" $3.38 td $2.75 C.. $2.13 -.. $1.81 F.... $2.00 ff: $3.63 F.... $1.40 ...._ $2.45 ff $2.45 i'.'t $2.18 'l...., $2.00 me... $1.80 it: $2.45 Il'." $1.88 mrr.t $1.80 I.. $1.40 $1.95 of Dollar sale,iwedmday, Oct. 21, tkod Luck 1amirini' a In ---e- Euly June Pm '), Fancy Sm! Con Fancy Tomntoen 6 axis .......-.........; Good Luck Milk " 3' Red X Munch! and Spi- that“, 12 pires. ...r.....u..-_ pipe Olives, large can, . 2 in!!! ............. 12 Inc. an. ---e'""P"' Fancy Pink W1], lb. an Ptirk Chop! ti lu. for "C..-..,'..., Woodcock Egg SW. 4 pkgs. ............... t.......... Pure Lard I _Aprieot| Pork and Bans 10 can: ............... Yellow Cling Ponchos Sweetheart Chili Sun. 8 _ bottle: .;..................,...~ Sweetheart Shrimp POTATOES, Fancy New, the pack principal export commodities. This elite class consists of mw‘ cotton, an- t0mobilés, refined eopperctard, wheat, flour. agricultural machinery, hams and shoulders, gas and fuel oil, fUh, brass and bronze, printed matter, medicinuls and, pharmaeeatieau, par- tiffin wax, typewriters, paints, pig- menta and varnishes pnd tools. ' Blue Diimond Bxtra Tiny Sweetheart' Golden Bantam sum: Peas, 8 an. "r-'"""""" Little Green ici- fl Select Early June Pen Fancy Prunes 4 lbs. .-...-...d..t Plath Coma 'eat 10 lbs. -.w.-.....t..w.... "Two iterttt, au' have shown I tendency to kdep the downward grade --cigarettes (China is our big mar. ke_t) and fertilizers.†_ Pan, 3 large can: Sweethurt Spinnqh, No. 8 ean' GIRL RESERVES ARE POPULAR DEPARTMENT Miss Iaaittr'rtedr'irte' lt Nay.»- The Girl Reserve dcpnrtment of the Y. W. C. A. is very popular with the school girls of Highland Park. The activities of this department are be, ginning unin after a let up during the summer months. Lat your there were 90 school girls in this depart- ment who turned to “Face life squarely" and "To tlrtdaod give the best." _ i _ ( Y. W. C. A. and one other chief in- terests is the'Girl Reserve movement. Miss Redwine comes from Okhhom sud is I graduate of the Uhivsuity of 0k1+ommd in: she um: um course 'nt the National Tninin: school for scenarios of the Y. W. C. A. in New York, City. _ This summer she hos taken mount; work at the University of Chicago. While . stu- dent st Oklshoms mains-mt she was the undergraduate mouths of "he association and she W honored ‘ by being chosen to serve on chub-nun lit, the'studsnts of the. southwestern states. During this Int yards: vol Girl Reserve'secretiry gt Fort Smith. Ark-nus where they have our two hundred girls in this one 1tt,ttet. "if“. Lyntis» Redwine‘hu just re- cently come to Highland Plrk to serve as associate â€canary 31-91» nunurcu gun: n- - v..- - . Miss Redwipe hopes that with vol-! unteer assistance necuury the will} be able to build up I Girl Belem de-l partment 'there every hit! in High-1 land Park between the an: af twelve and eighteen will be u ta treeUe a member of my dub. Will the added tsttraietittat of a m but: ad new club rooms in tt6t_t,tkes ttr tto in- teresting path!!! pWJHC do. partment: will '36 and; bacon; T. of the niost oii.hiie tpe' ' Y.w~.c.n;m "lj, j‘ The yam m3“! ' ll made up of I“ ".ffP#fl?',tsPae, of dam Mil teh6,rs1! r", tref w iiiri%GairF,- -gdverat "t Clubs Organized “up ------'e- i------)---') I...............) N.,.,....;_..._.._Sl I.........) b. if?“ ........$l _......$1 ,.._$l "l $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 Med. Rod, Salmon 81110.5! , ’11-. o-ici-u--------- Brebd,uud Butter Mk: 3 foi /s-L'...._....-.....-.... [an ..;...‘.........._....................’ Bond-u Bump Col-nod But 4 'tttdl, o-i-----------? ' H.;Gnud my. ( tr.rr.Nnntoe.,Na.8ean PsasdrPtrign,No.2eaa iae. ChMe sued-rm 8 can to: -.........~..._...... canard. up. on». Red 11wa New: Comb Honey mi sjcrarara 8 au tar .._.t Round Stank 2% lbs. 5hr 4.......4..............“.... Sirloin M 2 lbs. for """"l 2% In] Peaches, Pun Plum Ind 1% Ibo. for 6 au for ... Flank Shock 4 lbs. for ... Pot Rout 5 1b.. ft! .WWI Wednesday utter-hoop and; the Senior high school girls knee: on Ermaâ€. This latter club is culled the “Live- Y-Ers.†' Mien‘Rédwine and Min Ruth Wil- -_aBNR. ) son who is the dun-e1; thehigh uhool m tlrdtllyl,ltfll"l" are working together on I survey of 3 _. the club work Inihble to Highlsnd . . Park girls and the number of ttiris in- ' . ' eluded Jn activities. Min Wilton in _ I going to serve on the sick work com- WA“ “LIAM“ rimmed? the Y. W. C. the“ WM cwcn AND 3Bmguty Mn. rl 2tNtustiehl is d imam . . Km Pfenntiehl i. a member a the A†h 4"" . national committee af the Girl Re. BIGBWOOD DRUG 3m . Km; Pfenntiehl is A member at the nation! committee a! the Girl Re. serve {department and she is luvinz for u jeonferenee in New York City next week for member: at this eu- Even Daughter Eats Breakfast Now-- . " tr,h'ttef,'g If: -+---------t- for 2','T, to 'At/t he! rde Jo†Duty 'e2't2T1 idfl1ttr;,ttt Sou-u: net! or “claw Bo. db “a,“mlhh-ur Fiiarihmiud!ntle ttiirrt:bieru1t “who Bub In claim 'ttet2t't _..._.._..i..c...$1 ..........$1 L31 ....SI _.31 J] .31 _$1 .31 :31 “.51 .31 -.$1 “31 ,..SI $1 $1 tl $1 $1 $1 .31 _t1 [115nm . g , girl. in- _ . , . I Vino in I m I',,,',?. _ - nuance i of ,rttiels cm: AND mm." intuit. . -. or at the Am b Mqqr ' Girl Re. !!!GBWOOD DRUG em ' Uavirttt u-a. No. _ For the dull hard of baring. j , v.ottsterartPueeBe1setrtt.a- '.". 1rti, I-a-re-dart..-..'-. PARK-pith a... " In a; haunt“... . mum. “'1...th 2NtNt"al2'fridltt AgruNst.-bar.,.....-a.. min" than "in.†hummus...an ar-ttam-..-..-"-..- ultimatum.“ wmumhhm OCTOBER†l nammm.uu lair-MS". Full-I'M!†ChehhtqArrk.,th.tc-.-.& “Iâ€. It... "cc---:::-, Sou Trmast,-t..,.---.,.c... mod-“Shh Der 0th.. a h. (at .-..-al" Con min. pix. ............‘,.....so and“ mm. pit-r44“ - om. an. .-a.--a" Cabinâ€, tho It. .....L-m.»0%¢ Illa & In! Icon. t In. .1.†Yellow Can Meat, 1 its. mi“ Burr, " _ 56 ML $1.13 Pluto Oar-d Bod. Lyman...“ Brick M l. ...-......“ Loaf-tr- M. " met. “all. ' M. L... Baude- w tttow, F.. Wet Shh-p. 4 a. --.-..--. . Swath-an. can». bat...... _ Red Sal-an. In. a. -.-.- mu Wind. m. --,--as. THURSDAY BPlBCrAM 0010388 22 _ : TUESDAY SPECIALS MONDAY mm 00101388 " ' DRY CLEANING & DYING BUG CLEANING a an“! LIP READING