W H o MUUIBD l". V _ -, bum] Teacher alpine, EVANS _ Teacher _ Ann-mist F Viola. I Sash, Doors and Millwork Telephone 1589 Ridge Road, Highland Park, Ill. PAGETIN’ 380 Central Aoe.---0rer Community Shop ' Telephone mama Park so: l Beimtitie fuck! and scalp treatments. Manieurintt. Mareeilintt. Water waving. We specialize in blnekhead, acne, and all skin or scalp disorders. Consultation and advice free. HighWood Bakery Filet of Haddie the lb. ---.t TVrrr_r.., New Dry Onions 5 lbs. for ....__-__.t the lb. ....l.. Halibut Stank the lb. ..awtt..e. Salmon Steak tie lb. w....-...---. Fresh Perch the lb. tte-et. _...- Freah Herring the lb. "m----'.-' __. WILL KRUMBACH Mme. Jeanne E. Turner Artistic Bobbing and Shingling LOUISE M, Fresh Lake Superior White Fish, the lb. .. Fresh Lake Trout MASONIC ANNEX BUILDING Fresh Calf Sweet Breads, the lb. _.... Fresh Spareribs the' lb. ._-.m-.-.-mm_m--... Pure Lard 2 lbs. for Highland Park Sales Co. for the RAYFIELD OIL BURNER DETROIT JEWEL GAS RANGES GAS WATER HEATERS Repairing and Remodeling Have you loan the new Iilk shower curtains. Visit our showroom Shoulder Veal Rout '; the lb. m...-.....-..........! Veal Bte'ut the lb. o----..-'-. Haldane. studio: 82. We Term. Efamtan. Tet. (inc-algal ", " “thud Park snub: 856 Cantu! Awhile. Tei. 1â€.th Park t994 T 'arm.huatdrarotir-hrB.wuu.earu.-d-.v. Lamb Putin; the lb. 'Pe . ' _ -r-- ' t-6r_--.-.re- Frcnt Leg Veal Rout the lb. -.-mm---i--- Leg Spring Lamb the lb. .mPmMWem_mm_erre tho lb. Nptive Flank Stank the- lb. ..-.t_--.--tq-..q Very Best Rib Rout Beef Park Linn Rout Cq1ifornia Hun: . , MEATS Vm but Pot Roast mom HIGHLAND "" 1677, 1678, 1679 human 143 ‘Pwuthom amend a Pete Airtri,', I t ai'yirst'tsii mr"i';ltriiriti,ptiitiuattnpiriryt'r " ' (i' FREE DELIVERY SERVICE TO RAVINIA, HIGHLAND 1'4RK/HtGH3trpt)b, FORT SlfIEREAN AND DEBRFIBLD _ ", '.i', announces the opening of the ' One dooi. north of Post Oftiee EDWARD STRENGER FRIDAY '1'ii'iii"i's2e'ii'iii"i'i"ii"f SPECIALS T. MINORINI M PLUMBING HEATING I..., 22e 'A?,'eittVil eats-.1 a“ m. a 5U" in _ " I-CTS': ï¬t“; Kr. w: , an?“ gr ' _ 'ri,"., " "4L." _,',-, tr Irk: . w;32ic _....2lie ffm45c _..1lile %m37§c __.lit: ELQZSc wil9%c _MW15c .WW65c __19le _wm33c _..._38le .H36%c mm40c _"m40c‘ ,,,.,.35c i 20c 42c Me New Sweet Cider the gal. -,_',_.,_.. Cliquot Club Gingerale 24 bottle case ..etWet-tt.ter.wtt Lomax Gingerale 12darge bcttles net -....-. Canada Dry Gingerale 12 bottles m..-'--.-... Sweetheart Chili Ctm Came. 3 cans for "PT Little Buster Popping Corn, 2 pkgs. for pemF_9P_ Greening Apples the peck .V _ V. Jonathan Apples the bushel . . . . . . .$3.49 Cooking Apples the bushel . . ' . . . .$2.45 Eatmore Nut l Cleo, lb. ..t.r-tw..-m.m.w.-. Dixie Oleomargarine the lb. ..-. t_t..-etr-r.m--m.... Good Luck tNeo, the lb. -._,..1.._.... FOR FRIDAY ONLY Fancy New Potatoes ' the peck VERY BEST ELGIN CREAMERY BU'TTER the lb. . Links, lb. MONARCH COFFEE CLARENCE Ir. 39c Father of Violin, Vick, humble JONES SAUSAGE 3 lb. can for $1.29 PHONE 632 Sbyt 49c . Meat, Ib. 35c " 60c ,_45c _ Me, $4.40 $1.57 $2.75 ' Highland Pdik's ikwii- Toan Store Elle 24le 271c Mc "The effect of high tnirtax rates is reflected in the tax returns. In- comes of upwards of $300,000, con- tributed inaurtaxea in 1916, when the hiprhetstymrtax rate was.†per cent, within four per'em4 of the amount which like income contributed in 1921 How higher aurtaxes defeat their purpéses by leading those who have large incomes to invest iit non-tax- able securities: was shown in a, re. cient statement by Congressman Al.. bert H. Vestal, of indium, who be. rlieves Jim a reduction thi, the rates will help everyone' by laminating productive entssrpriaecattd will " the same time eventually yield more rev- enue. Mr. Vestal “id: / HIGH SURTAXESDO , T _ NOT AID REDUCTION Expert Points Out That They Drive Money Into Non. Taxed Securities Tuesday , this 'week was dona- tion day It our Deacoriess hospital in Chicago, and there was quite a gen- erous response, to this needy and worthy cause. The 'children in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades of our public schools should be urged ttrttttend the relig- ious instruction given every Wednes- day afternoon at the Masonic hall at 3:30. ' J. G. Pinkbeinier, pastor ' 9:46---Sunday school session. 1tt0(r---Mornintr worship. _ TAlr--Evening seryices. Special mus'urat all the services, Beginning with next Sunday, Nov. 1, the primary department of our Sunday school, who have been holding their sessions at the Young Women’s Christian association building for the past two years, will meet at the Elks hall, corner Laurel avenue and Mo. Govern street: This will be near the location for our new church. T ',vlt'eV,2uSiE 1' 'i':'"'"""'"'"'"'""""'"'"'"""'? it TRINITY EPISCOPAL % ' CHURCH! _ 't I. , . :'i:oiooo4..vi.aQa.ii,uooeiooit The Rev. P. C. Wolcott, D. D., rector. The Rev, Robert ‘Holmes, assistant. _ The Holy Commtinion-,-7:M a. m. i The Church Strhoo)--9'.80 a. m. _ ; "Matins--11:00 a. m. ' (The first Sunday in the month, holy Communion). . Evensontr---5:00 p. m. _ Thursday and holy days, the Holy Communion.' Second street near Laurel avenue BETHAN Y T EVANGELICAL CHURCH SALE-we have' received 3 earloads of apples in bushels, barrels and bakes. Lowest Prices. . Sweptheart thr. 2 Toma toes, doz. t..e,.._.-..., Aioifa Tomatoes . the Mr. A.-,-., PFPV.F.. Gulf Creek Tomatoes the, doz. __._. .._.._..._'r.__. FOURTH ANNUAL APPLE Corn, dozen ..r.t-m..m-....t Sweetheart Evergreen" Corn, doz. .-rrt-.wwte-.-tt.-.rmr.. Aloha Cprn the doz. "c-cr-cr,-,) Sweetheart lge. Toma toes, dog Sweetheart Little Kernel Sweethdart Tiny Super- fine Peas m................;..... King Bird, Peat the dozen' ....t._.tr.t-ttt.e..t... Sweetheart Bantam q Corn, the doz. .W.t__Meemet_t.et_ Sweetheart Maine Corn the dozen t...r..tme--P._t-t_.mt_ Blue Diamond Ex. Sifted Peas, .the dom' ..-c...... Blue Diamond Sifted Pen, the doz. .tm..mwrw.t.t.t... Blue Diamond SWeet Wrinkled Peal. dog. -... Blue Diamond Select Peas, the doz. ................ Blue,Ditunottd Tiny Peas the dozen "i.-.-..--... Emit Cake ' '. the lb. Ir'...........:)...-...) BREAD & BUTTER PICKLES 12 Jars 24 Jars $3Ss PUMPKINS, each Iss;,. 20c; 25c, 1rrtmLAttrrpArtrr PRESS. nxcmyux, tumble $7.75 43.38 l $2.75 $2.13 $1.81 $2.00 $3.63 $1.40 $2.45 $2.45 _ $2.18 1 $2.00 $1.80 $2.45 $1.88 $1.80 $1.40 Sth: Many of the newlyv'ved brides, seem to think a mum'- chief fuitetion i. to try out gian- tuttt cogking exper- iments. . _ _r V was a gaunt of honér " I Golden Rule dinner attended by all the chi]; dren. _ . At Ahsxandroiioi, where theWear East Relief work is centered, Dr. Nansen we: greeted by representa- tives of the entire Armenian nation, gathered under the, shadow of old Mount Amt. To them he express-4 ed, on behalf of the League of Na- ttFS, the sympathy and sorrow of the civilized World on†the tribulitiom of the Armenian nation during the past decade. .After the ceremonies, Dr. Nansen reviewed 12.000 orphan, from the AMeriearrtraittiistt schoolsi located in the ‘nmby plni'n.’ Later he} :The first foreigner to be granted on honorary degree by a univesriiity 'in ‘Soéiet Russio is Dr. Fridjof Nansen, the famous explorer and peace advo- cate. _ He visited Russian Armenia reeentlron' I survey of the. Work of Near East Relief, with a view to col~ ,onizing additional Armenian refugees on farms in their old country. .In recognition of this'work, he has been granted an honorary degree by the University of Erivan. . NANSEN' GETS DEGREE . FROM sovrttscHoor, to 77 pencent of its profits _to the government." "It is but_natural for men with large incomes to invest in tax-free securities when the rates are so high that if investments were mhde in pro- ductive enterprises they would not only have to take a chance of less but work more than half the time for the tax collector. There is " ways a risk attached to the average human ventnre and human nature is about the same everywhere and capi- tal will not take the risk Then it is compelled to. pay from 65 per cent I when the maximum surtax was 6lrper lccnt. The wealth of the United ‘States had in the meantime increased $70,000,000. ' Had the sum: rennin- ed at 13 per cent it is reasonable to believe there would have been unlin- crease in the tax returns in propor- tion to the increase in wealth which would hare meant that the 13 per cent turmx 'would have produced more revenue from large incomes: in, 1921 than the 65 per cent trurtax did., In 1916, incomes of. over $100,00N constituted 29.5 per cent of the totali incomes reported. In 1920 they con- stituted tr.4rper cent, in 1921, 4.5 per .cent. 'In on1r"omi,wtw can this be accounted for-the high tax rates and the chance. to escape payment by in- vestments in other channels. . Dolls) Penis: i, 3 large qans tirrisetheirt Spinach, No. 8 éan 4 cans ..".-m...e.mtr-v..w.mr.e.-.-...-.., , cans _-..,:--, Saucy Prunes 4 lbs. w.....,'-.... Plate Corned Beef Ill Ilia. .e.-.s-e--q.--.tt.... 4 cans ...1.. *.wtm-rwe-t-t.w. Seleef.Early June Pen Blue Diamond Extra Tiny Sifted Peas. 3 can: to..--.. Little Green Ptatr' 5 can: .-i-----...-- Sweetheart. Golden Bantam Corn, 4 cans ""-.".w-..--t Yellow Cling Peaches 3 can ....s..',.-c..., Sweethéatt Chili Snuoe 3 bottles L.............,-......, Sweetheart Shrimp Pork sitnd, Beans; 10 ctiri'...,..._........: POTATOES, Fancy Now, the peek 5 Ibis. for:........L...........,.~....... Red X Macaroni and tttso. ghetti, " pktra. .................. Ripe/Ohm, lute cans, ", 2 can: m.,",..'..--......'-.-....'.... Wcodcockf' Egg. Noodles I 4 pkgl. r--:-.--.-.. Pure Lard , 6 lbs. """--r----, Abricots " cilia "i ... 2’qu 9119‘}! Fancy " 8 can: (i. Fancy T? 6 an: ..,. Good Lu .Milk: ' . 12 large ' " -."r-- Fancy . 851mm, 1 5 cans .,,) _-.-..-.--.., Good Lac Enrly J u! 'iWot's' ,1; ici.".).....:..-..:-. 'rt' Mott ', .., ..-....'..‘...-.................:..... my .Milk: ' . , V I I " -eu--e---. il' 831mm, lb. an re Pall m: Corn s-.---."--.-...-" --e-t--f-- Margarine Sale, ihoieiidai, Nov. L.... Me ..,.....$1 ca-!! .33....31 fi.......$1 ..__._....$l _....) .......$l $1 4:931 1tl1$1 .31 31 31 .31 .31 .31 31 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 ( Notice is thenfone hereby given to jthe said above named‘ defendant, Louise G. Jonas, that the have named [coniNaiUnt heretofore ed his Bill int Complaint in said _ _ "m the liChanceryiaide thereof, ' nd tint u {hummus jthergnpon ism out at said "Court against the-thaw Mind Me, 'Wsndtatt, returnable on t Brst dhy fof the term of the Ciro t Court of 1ek1rctmtttr,tirtteiiie them Home ianukegu‘ in Mid ‘. County; on the m' M . y of Dec' .pember; A. D. Meg, u Mb: law re- quired, Indvhlch suit instill pend- ins. . . i' _ 3 , , L. k. w ft, cm: "gum Human, 0.5 llil,' A. mi . _ John 84-87 , ac't1','d%'gah The requisite "ridrvitaivimr been f11ed in a... dam of the Clerk of ma Court. i ' _ ' ber term. A. 11.1925. Staten! which, County at Like Lewis E. Johann“ ( F Louise G: Jones. Circuit Sturt of‘ngpounfy, Decca. The hard coal miners seem to think they can make themselvep pmpermn by lessening the inclination and abil- ity of the, America people to My their product. '. , 'i Much complaint ftom the Joumr crowd how, began“ their parents de.. cline to listen to “via. C t ' A gallery] Widening of public high- way: in: been initiated. but the im. portation of t American ttrttomoltiies has been " rigid, that it will be may jeara, before ad facilities can chtch up with c demands, .Tha Bow. ernment is a taxed " the increasing number of Widen“; width can be IVoided only by Ikilled -dtives, ow- Ing to the co iipiete absence of tune regulation. . 'l',', number of bicycle: is. probably nter than L autrrtsekm else " the in ld. if titrurs Ireland} on the available mileage, of. goodl roads; newton-e German Bicycle. mono lized the market, but today1 sturdilx- and more expensive machines of A rican manufgcture are being 'lul,Tif. l _ The rapid anreue in ‘nutomobil'ei trMle in Persia has necessitated a; revision of mac lawn and regular“ tiona, and the government but up; pealed to th4 Near Eat Relief fog†suggestions lined on American) al) tomI. i Grape; “IV...“ Mo1tiStieed I ineapple No. 2 'dt,1iCtt for Imported We: 1 6 an: for r-ri-c.-, Plank Steak . 4 the. tor f.').-..,...,.,., Pot Roast, 1 . 5 lbs. for _-ic--'-...., fetches. Pun Plum and 2% lbs. tsrl I. Sirloin Stead f 2 lbs. for .....:.;........ I'trrttrtto-.tW" 1% lbs. 'Ord.......... PERSIA m SEEKING 1 NEW TRAFFIC LAWSg Increase ot Autoin"otrpes, Cause A Need olilievision of Speed l 4 for .r-.-ie,-l.i.'. Royal Ann Charlie‘s 3 canIlor ....J-.......... Round Show , Good, Goffee Red'Pitud chm-io- l can. "-.-i---. Black Benin? 4 cm c-i--.-. yer Coy-b lions: ,. 8 can: tor ., g Ir, __o,m'tod Pineapple: 'tit?r..fey.'.frr.1tr..t.t1 California Ripe Ohm ' WI Chaim Sliced Put-her Maud Butter Pick“: 8 for _,-........:-,....-:...; s. H. kidnerB-, " .' ‘1 , cam --"r----- W Fancy Pan; No. , an w.)..-....,.." Med. Hod when Hominy hr: 5 can for Arr 'tdar.'.'.'.'.'.?.'.:.",.'..'.:??.:,...'..:?..'!......') IN ' qBAttcmr.-No., 15806 @W iiiriii1"""Trrr""" ii 'Gini-iii-irc"""':""'"' $1 Ft, _..:l.L._$1 cc..) .........$l .:....;$l FY ,..$l $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 '. . October ii X3). 1m. V 7 "7â€"" - “will". 11'e,tLtid,,itylutiirijiiDii'al'i rtteneet Vin be bid on the 14ttt a, of November A. p.uas, o, " m threaten†the huineu of the " â€unit. , cm _tlaid "urtttelnanttat m “I! B- “at“ paratiU in on. in“, “meat. All nation: desiehur “I! 'tteasier: than}; aid com ttt mid day. ami DIV-m on . _ me that deftasn., . It-tne and , - ---. a"ԠW Ill Por'. tom 'ttree that the City Council of the'City of Highland Perk. Coun- ty of lake and State of Illinois, luv- ing ordered that I supplemental!â€- ciel qmament be levied unity the detieienerot the out bf the work and intend for the improvement g Sher- idan Road, together with hm to be condor-nod therefor and mu provided therefor. in the City of High- Iland Perk, Illinois, from and mm ing with the present comm, pove- ment dong the easterly line of tturi. idea Rodd, as extended from the North and the him with tk, "ir Avenue. to the South Corporate ‘Limitu of said City. of Highland Perk, Arhieh improvement wa- 'provided tor by an ordinance pureed heretofore on them day of Mar A. D. 1022. end the lawn! expenses of and: punctua- ine, the ordinance tor aid supple; menu] special me being 'on 11t,t,..t1..tietitii.Tiii""iiii,1h"l,i'l'l said City. and having applied to the County Court of uu County for. an newsman of the com of aid im- provement, recording to brnetiu,.amt , tmmtlemerttnt Ipeciel Ilene-cut :irreofjhuvinc been made Ind rem. in a. M... u _ - - - [catastr- Flour. S-lb. tack. 29¢ Shanda [a]: (lion, 15......†Bonnie.- Beef Stew. Itc--dad Wet Shrimp. 4 an ..._..........87¢ Sweetheart Catnip. ha..........25¢ Red “I... he. in: ..._....... abroad“ Wheat. pix. ..........13¢ Quaker Oats, pkg. ....--c.id hiding“. pkg. .--..-..atte Cabbage. the lb. .----..-eid Miler & Hut Bacon. I Ill. £1.19 YollovCu-n Meal, 1 pkg. .......11¢ mm. " m. u an. $1.19 {a}; Corned Beef, lb. WW.“ tVase but. and L...LL.., WAY SPECIALS . f NOVEMBER 3 mtGi,un.ctutethmar,t0tu.t5ot Faulty Ito-rod. , Din- "gm “I!!! Btsagheei, 3 Phl- mm m. Applet. the 15...“..-1“ Fred: 18m Rik, lb. ...........18¢ Dry Opium 2 lit. (at i 35¢ Dry Onion, ' III. {at ..,--umr Mum, lb. m.-..-...-....) Am small. " pigs. -...satSd 85-h?"- Sm min-â€sass Groin Bay road and Laurel avenue Rev. F. R. Cudvell, pastor 'doa. 'i-Mole-hook' Every boy and girl itrmeMand Put should be in home Suudny school. Fe Inn . plantar others' mom In. V 10:45 '.t--Mtmtine womhip, Ber.. mon [y the "putor. 7:00 p. m.--ChHstine, Baden". Topic, "Can Wsugm, by 'the Golda Rule?" Laden Jog Mine. ' 7:45 p. m.--4htet nerdâ€. Pop- ular tottttmttatioeut singing and an engeliltic mange.w yer mutiny. My 8:00 p. ms Welcome to ntl punishing. 1.13.210 Btu. -.-....u..an" MM, I It“. o....-.-.-....) Wnatt, 80,43. 8 run. “mum Ivor: so» my; " (swam AU. its. Bap can, 4 fee use Breetht-o-tiirieiue ____r_____i, WAY W, t' C NOVEMBER , Pf Numb. In " Inn tttrd P .08" It», " bar-“.41 At, Fun. th-, " but...†has Ivory Sup, " but 81.09 you ram. Bedr, u unwise "'f"'"ttl ’Suehl A 3 Node. Ni. a: mum-mu, mass: to. ritim'zi. 21mm -11 w- THURSDAY SPECIALS T NOVEMBER 5 ttlit)) NOTICE 1‘3. V .._ . _ - "T‘" I -iee. Pop. dating and an Wetland†8:†Il pun-onion. g g! I P/ro?', $2 tin "k It Cd, "