Mon FOX P ' Bd Wart Show ‘10:! I '. E "a.†"h/tt it 0:00.. p, 5830311 me ie Dove td (hath-d Info - t 'nee RT {IN WITH than“! ' N". re BIB st, Park. It, a till Md Show 3991 b" r - {If NAME COMMITTEE _ 0N STRIM' LIGHTS "Mn" iv Mayor Appoints Three, Business 'Men to Prepare Outline; Other Council Action; . Board Meets PLAN TO BE SUBMITTED In line with the suggestion of the Highland Park Press. urging improved lighting in the business district, Mayor Samuel M. Hastings. at the regular meetintrof the city council last Friday evening, unpainted a com- mittee composed of Puul L. Udell. Clarence H. Witt 8nd William Witten to work out a plan for a system of street lighting in the business dis- trict. The appointments were confirm- ed by the council, on motion of Com- missioner Cheney. _ This committee is expected to de.. Velop a plan for a uniform, practic- Ible, ornnmeittal lighting system on Ivy-inns. stuck and submit the same to the council for approval. On motion of Commissioner Pres- ton the Chime North Shore & Mil- waukee Minna Co. was granted a permit to lay d second track across Park avenue. Deerfield road and Cla., v‘ey road when they shall have' ful- filled all conditions imposed under a former permit datisd September 5, 1925. if A aim will be than trrthe Moth- e,,,%"u"t','C/tiri.'"iC4etet . hudquam gm tri, to“! and . contra nude; on M’ "ibimr, Nov. 3 " 'rii'ahirtre'ttyt: PM ' Bills and'Parroths _ Commissioner Cheney presented bills and payrolls for the period from Sept. 1 to Oct. 15, 1925. These were approved. The total is $23,fl29.24. , On motion of Commissioner Cheney an ordinance was adopted to provide for a supplemental} special asgessment (Continued on page 2) "THE WINDING STAIR" TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY The' following program; will be shown at Pearl Theatre next week: Tonieht and tomorrow night, J. Farrell MacDonald and Billie Dove in "The Fighting Heart"; Saturday, William Fairbanks and Pauline Gar.. on in “Fighting Youth"; Sunday and Monday, "The Pace that Thrills" with 'Ben Lyon and Mary Astor, also a spe- cial Charleston Dance contest; Tues- day and Wednesday "The Winding Stair†with Alma Rubens and Ed- mund Lowe; Thursday and Friday, "The Mystic" with Aileen Primtle and Conway Turk, Saturday; “Kivalina of the leg Lands" also "Wild West." Matinee Saturday. See program on back page of this paper. "The Pace That Thrills" 2 Days; Conway Tearle ' in "The Mystic" ' ALCYON THEATRE To SHOW GOOD PICTURES “Exchange of Wives.†Sunday and Monday; Richard Barthel- mess in "Bhore Leave" Next week the following program will lie shown ot the Alcyon Theatre: Tonight and tomorrow night ‘Hoot; Gibson in "The Calgary Stampede"; Saturdoy, Dorothy Review. Ford Sterligm. Robert Agnew and Ciuie Fitzgerald in “Steppin' Out"; Pm- day md Monday Elam†Boardman, Lew Cody 1nd Creighton Bale in "Ex- change of Wives"; Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday, Richard Barthel- “a - -"'"---"WrP mess in “Shore Leave"; Friday and Saturday. Reginald Denny in “Where Was I?†As an added attraction there will be an exhibition of the Charleston by professionals each Sat- urdoy. Matinee Saturday. See pro- gram on back page of this paper. RUMMAGE SALE TO BE, HELD NEXT WEEK Will Be at Woman’s Club: Wed- nesday, Thursday and Fri- day. Nov. 4. s, and 6 ' day, Nov. 4, 5, and tt The, Highland Park Woman's club will hold p millage sale Wednes- dny, Thursday and Friday, Nov. t, ii""fu'td-i"r,GiljrtrP.e4t11pt,'ec in the basement of the.Woman‘s club building, Sheridan . mud and Elm Putee. ( , T The member in urgdto help the committee by ndins gin their own donation. La 5% will be eatl. ed for. Tel. 1 2 0:548 or 2062 un- til Monday, ov. It utter that Tel. 2040. . PART 1 DINNER NEXT TUESDAY AT Y. w. HEADQUARTERS member is Park Woman's club nudge sale Wednes- and Friday, Nov. 4, o g m. to 4:30 p. m. " m.Woman's club N '"vw '1 - Y. w. C. A. at the teen Air - and on In“, "th. â€idem 3".†d to be wt N. S. Theatre Quilt! . Players Berii Nov. 9 ' With Double Bill Announcement his boon made my Alennder Donn that the North Slime Theatre Guild will open it: 1925-26 season with a double. bill. 'rrehro productions on the prom for the opening: are “Flotsam! Playwrighh,†by Edward Mushy, and "How He Lied to Her Husband," by BeruUd "‘Plots and Playwrights" has been announced several times in past years- for guild production, but tor one rea- son or another has been put; " until the present time. The play was orig: inally produced in the]? Word Shop at Harvard university and: Inter by the'. Washington Square "Players, the burnt organization of the New York Theatre Guild. It is printed by Lit- tle-Brown and Professor George P. Baker include: it in his'volume of Modern American plays. It was given some years ago at Hull House in. Chi- cago and the. people who sow it still remember the delightful satire. . E The second half of the, play is but: len'que, and when it is recalled how much guild audiences enjoyed "Pub ions," it will be clear tt," another evening of great pleasure s in store for them. . t The story is about a wager between a short-story writer and aisuccesaful playwright. They meet in , Four- tomth street, New York, both look- ing stories, dramatic, tense and real. short story writer says there in a. story on each one of the floor, of I near-by rooming house. He enters the house to investigate ind the firtst art is consumed with‘three interest- ine stories, dramatic, tens eand. real. It WE†revived at one of the, large war camps in 1918 and more than one lis- tener' in the audience turned hide to brush from his manly cheek the fur- tive tear of sympathy for ever trust- ful mother and'erring daughter.. , The second act show: the me ting attain of playwright and short ital-y writer. The playwright has read the play and disapproves. He tells the writer how it should be written and we thereupon see the real stories from real life put upon the stage in a theatrical manner. ' TWO PArt'rs-anrit mam . "j magma. nu. It is delightful burlesque, extremely farcical and amusing, and yet there is a good deal of definite paths and criticism on our theatre. "How ml, Lied to Her Husband" by Bernard Shaw, is another satire. It is his, burlesque ion his own play "Candida." .The production by the {wild is most timely in view of the recent production df "0ahdida" in Chicago; It is also n, satire on the triangle play of two men in love with the same woman. The plaris seldom given in Chicago and yet it is Show at his best. The guild will give its performance in Highland Park at the, Womsn’s Club auditorium, Monday, "November 9, at 8:15 p. m. The membership committee is luppy to announoe'that the membership list is closed. The capscity of the hall has been mocha! except for a few seats which must be kept. for single» admissions " the door. ARMISTICE SERVICES ' .PRESBYTERrAN CHURCH On, Sunday, November 8, proceed- ing Armistice Day there will be upd- eial Vesper novices It the Presby- terian church, commencing st 4 o'eloek. There witt,be two organ num- bers by Mr. Benedict, solos by Mr. Kreidler and other vocalists " well as several quartette numbers. It will} be a musical program well worth hearing. There will also be I serv- ice of commemoration honoring Ameriea's heroes. l Veéper Services at 4 O’clock Nov. tt Honoring Amer- _ ica's Heroes, s' The Boy Scouts Ind the Loyal Legion und auxiliary m expected to atteturin a body. Everyone in High- land Park is invited to be present on this accasion and there will be no ad- mission charge. ' ' Further nhnouncement dnd prof gram will be given "in next week’s Press. , ', HIGH SCHOOL P. 'r. A. V MEETS NOVEMBER 5 Teachers to Speak to Parents on “College Ihttrattee . Requirements†, The next mediator! the MM- Shields Parent-Ibaeher Wham will be, lucid on Thur-d†Idtamtsott, Nor. 6 at three o'eloU in the English dub room. There will he talks. by different tuchen on "Cor1ege-Prxtpa- ration, examinations Ind other nub: jecu pertaining to entrance mqutr+ nmtl for the d1tNrettt universities adv new." The When in chum will my; 'retire, mart: iiii'iGAi as. him" ted tn mum pyepmtion for their child!!- eait ttttt spseifle Wam- u ia hoped . Ingge srritiutntr.eetirteetdgtti9.t, watnimYavieeltrbtf bi who as. inure-tad in eolhttrrtHri11 be head " van-u Eng-OJ ,UiionsrttGtretadmrsaitort4dtNemn1t,r.1?rt.t, T ic information. It is hoped It o’clock. “a. m. MW} numbervillboweunt. Gpeatrtns'mtr1dl?'ae='" (ri, s'dt WRITING WILLIAMS 3mm Noted Investigator of Late Goodman Here and Abram; To Tell Experiences Nov.) 3 at Auditorium l Whiting Williams, who is NEW- int national and 'internrtioiut1 mog- nition _ " an V investigator of labor conditions; will speak at the Highland Park Woman’s club, November ti, gt 8 p. in. on "Mttintsprimrt' of' en; What M Piek Turned Up About Peo- ple." This is the one'open matting of the year and it is hoped thtit a great many pedple will take advan- tage of this opportunity' to hear much a tine lecturer. . k . T i _ ' lnMonyJobs, LUL Because’ Mr. Williams was datum-1 ined to discoVer what prompts; the) common laborer to. hehgwe as 'gtg he left his ptmitioertsarviee pro dent of a well known steel Company to th.. come In unskilled worker .in 'fthe mines and factories of this country. For a period of nearly tour years; he has been a laboring man, hunting jobs, working at them and at an ‘imes watching and listening for the illeals and opinions of the worker. Here- turned from Europe, only _ a i few months ago where he worked his a miner in the Ruhr Basin, _ t L ' F Goes to Workers _ "Industrial and labor leaders night- ly claim that they are more or} less the puppets of the pressure from be- neath,†says Mr. Williams. "In lead, therefore, of going to the leale I went to the workers to learn the pod of the workers who exert the Fres- sure. Att' ordinary' interviewer' can not reach them. There is a closet con. motion between menu muscles} and men's 'mentaU.' And at the bottom :af industry in every country " the Llabor gang. It you can find out What ( they are thinking and feeling and why w-you can find out a great deal ‘bout lthe thoughts and feelings of " the west.†5 ' _ , In Other Countries, ,l, Following his firtrt _invtseik'tlttont, t America, Mr. Williams weiits to reat- Britain where he spent a imm- mer in the mines, factories gnd whip- yards. During the summer ort921 he;worked in France. Belgiuni'and Germany; ' . . l T Mr. Williams has written “new! books dealing' with his AineruaiOnd European. experiences, and his lingu- tine series in Collierâ€; and &rriritier'ts have Ittncted wide attention. ',' ' RADIO STAR CONCERT l, AT HIGH SCHOOL Nov. 6 Temple Committee of Masonic Lodge to Put on Big PK. formance Next Week I Friday evening, November 16, a Radio Star'protrramiill be '34an " the Deerfield-Shields high ‘schodlf ttm.' der the tmtspleess'of the Templekcom- mince at A. o.' Fay lodge Nd. 676 A. F. and A. M. Among' than :who will appear on theprmtram Are, ,eter Pan Gtria, Itadid Novelty orchestra KYW, WLS, WBBM and WIBOifLew Mm Man of the Air, 'KYW;I Bu- ry Geise. assisted by Joe Allabbugh; Grace Wilson, WLS; The Tttrsel,ttiyrc Kateerd of WW; The Harmony girls. Russell of WpBM; Chapdlernghhe No radio fan will want to misbLthia delightful program, and' any 013(wa does not own a radii, will be Infrast- ed to know just what makes (tum interested in radio. Don't forget to go “to the high school Fridayi eve- ning., Nov. 6, and tune in on "heae well known stars. ' LI RWY; The Biii Trio,, .wmo; ttani “and. .Violin Yiniio‘m ma; Lei: Shams. . _ -'i, ' Tomorrow owning a radio stit car equipped with I Stewart Wi ' re- ceiving set will give a 00% in the buninoep district of m but! Park. J UNIOR, STAR DANCE rrairom)een dance of the Junie I 'tar club. It will begiven in the, W 'a club and' Freckmui’a arches , 2w!!! Nmiah the manic. _ Fro}: the ‘ of the previous, dag-1i, no drill want to who this, om. A deli " tin] t,'ov,,',tg,r,t'eg'efete,tf up an anoint: pleasure. 't met toattendthedtnee tomomsfe _ _ in; inthe Woman's club. ," "4‘ _ mes TRIMBLE WILL 3:: _ SPEAK AT cmc awn 1's TOMORROW 1mm 19mm. (may). we] $2-9M bt': 'ni' m pttt!,it, Jptitstst 6TH , ANNUAL OBSERVANCE II0llllllMyMllm NOV. 7' ht DEERFIEID HIGH Expect to Break All Records ht Attendance; Big Facthll Game Feature; Dinner and Dancing F tum of the an will be a tooth-11 gun: between DeerdUld grad las, Gimme in the qttemoon, dinner for') the alumni, faculty, union Ind tht f,rtg1 team. in the "mint. tolhi'm4 by neing. , Thi) sixth: annual Bome-eatat 1% Detr6etd-irhieldt, high uhool il sched- uled for Saturday Nov. T. The Pt, The football some in the "tamtoori, piomiaes to be the big drawing carts; and the prospect is that fully 8.000: sweaters will witness [the home-I coming battle. Ls'Grange so fur tbs season has lost om gum and tied: in ther in the Suburbia "rus,i, They held BtoomtoaTto0aeormirt an n hill battle, and tied the huhky; Thor ton team. In previous years they (have also had good' teams, and the last time they met Deertleid La Grtsnire carriedoff the honors, 19 to music forwthe gime under the dirt) tion bf Mr. Belle. Special 591cc will; be served for the band and Dear--1 field students, and encore ot ushers, will on hand to, direct them where, to trm Programs will be supplied. and very possible arrangement has been remade to make this game the big- gestjeyent of the kind in the history of the school. 9 j Ttie D. G. A. wili,_have charge a, decanting the f1e1d for the big game,‘ and something unique in thel my of? apprppriaee adornment is being pun-, nod.’ The girls also will sellfballoona§ to be turned loose when Nertiet4 scorqs its first touchdown. Hot dotts; cundy, peanuts, cut, .130 Win be sold: to help defray expense of) deeorad, tiara, etc. - I 5 T l , 1 . Expect Big Crowd: _ It is hoped to make all; the moat succésful Rome-opting ish)rirmmtsj, slam the plan was adopted. Each year the attendance has Etna-N9 and laht year it was the laziest than far. This yéar it is believed Ill rec- ords will be broken. Alumni and, friends of. the school ever'yWhere an urtred to turn out to the any: New"! to manifest once again theirJoylltyi togoodvold Doetfuid9hieidtri, _ , For the. dinner in the evqning aid); crate, preparations are being made and a suitable program of win all. musical numbers will be 1 features Alumni are especially urged to " tone] this dinner Ind renew their 19 minions with the aehool and tho old grads. Following the dinner dam ing to music by Harding’s ihre, orchua' tra will be enjoyed in the gymnuim F , Ctmirrtitte" . ', _ The program committee in com: posed of Edwin Gfirors '14, [accident of the alumni of the association, Thit has appointed aoommittoe ot Arthur Orson '19, Hazel Bell '14, Wm. Wrens: if,'; Leslie Beuueler 'li, and Robert , one. T -‘ __ . The oiheers of the association are: Ewdin Gilroy, president; Rev. Funk Wtt, vice-president; Mrs. lune Prior} decret‘ary; Ahsede fLundmn, unsur- er; and Susan Balm, hitetor#ut. ' A _ The general committee in clam of the Home-coming ttrrtmtr-rttst i; composed of Arthur Olson,†Tttttter' Pease, Martin Hart, Min Hum Da'viea, Miss Hazel' Bell, In. 11ertr an: Bennett, L. R. Behauseur, Wire Hun Wrenn, Fred Gallagher, E. tl. 'Gilroy, Mrs. R. E. Pettis, Philip Spei- del. SKULL FRACTURED BY ' IRON CONCRETE FORM ;E. Cook, laborer aged about 40 years. employed by Peal Foam building material dealer, St. John avenue sutured a fracture "rt the skull Tuesday while Working about the foot of the concrete fuel chute? on the Borctutrdt premises. . Ala-iron concrete form accidentally dislpdged frdm the top of the truvirtor'fiU,oit his hetul, gouging I small hole in the skull. Be Vu'teken to the kennel, there he we: yesterday PM dq- lng as well “was be'expected. _ DEERFIELD CHIEF op . POLICE WARNS KIDS , Chief of Police Km Af Tttser) bu {and I n to tht jshihhett of -Deerf1eld that and beotrthe “not: by 9.:00 o'lock 'vi, Halloween night, Sunday. Oct. act or they will be mankind. ' 'i- Amine tudhurteotmrtrwfr1 itil given Friday 9min, Nov. ' i:' l! Q an but under the "rtht _'rg , t rm America: Union. is . 3 JGiiieiryrueieteettt, MW i ' and end prize- will hiaiqrttittr' 5" i, Band Furnishu Musk _ Th High Schpl band. will' fusnish mummy, ocromis, an Mada! Feature Of The Bitter of an t ' you of the all China ',1%ittltrJ, noon with“: com: “chalky Id. Mue 61m; “I a 'imsk#t emeat which. Will be long; when! In Highland Park.' Kiss Cameron’s per. feet rendering of than Mutt groups of soup, each upte- nenmive M I dilannt‘md. and each costumed exquisitely, mid,- ple- tures her beam: will long number. In the Brat group. If†Cum were tt,ttoop skirt an distanced silk, he: and “In. Her about! our tame Par. pf white, tatreta and black Velvet. /f. ht,ft1 War ttit tgl her t t ' I an , satin Ind black 2yitfl'tuf, Ind hose bulimia which made {her Jodi 'ysthotiAeudrterredfesa canvas of Zulu-cu. To tht-tttttur- tiful picture. In added twin of up gummy-{11d tone. -i. [ The ten, ater the no“ m 'tsery'er,d {my {table 'miter), with I Inge we: errtheepieee of m on either _ e of which Mood [ “I! silver peacocks, and lighted? by cun- dles from {our tall candlestihks. Mes. Daniel Cpbb'nnd Mrs. George Alien Mason, Both paint presidents of the Ossoli, Club, pouréd, and the assist- ing hostages were Mrs, 391m Bas- tinga, Ill-i. Sella! Ballad. Mm. A. J. Insomnia; new Creigh, In. Franco; "har and, Mga., Edward Smith. ' ' _ . V Thug mix: meeting ,will he' on Nov. 10th, when" the weaker in he John Hun-y Hopkins, Ctlal on " Modern Viewpoint.“ ’ , Appears Jon First Prom-uh of Much imam-est is mania? in the appeahnce here on Nov. ' of 1(a- damts Emeqtine Behtt.matr.trehtkcNrho will furnish .the first' program of the All-Star Mrtttta concert urin- n- ranged to: the season. tute of let- son ticket: for the†cohorts, which wilt 1iHnihitre,some “the apt now which} mural may close Nov. '. . l _ , _ scmnONN-miamr up ' SING ms NOV. " season bed: the tt,gt,tt tit this ,remderotoittan not only but betel-ad. It irthe eo'tit6trtaon of intellect and ttte ,ritt has!“ to. gether with the rwtrtttrtrhtt vocal or- m.‘ and ,rtuaieat mum “at keeps Mini. tuh-ann-Hein' it the fort. front of the gunman of cone-rt um who trtmMateattraet capacity audiences. 1 ‘ch queens hue reigned to Iatttt Ind withshch complete my tp their song doniahi u Ernestine Heiiik, and each sauce“ 1 9mm Few'lrtilu in the Mm of nude have tieeit.mtdowed with my many and suchruriod attributes tut win the audience M tl bu. 'ttt " km the u I sing“ Iona or open "in, the Islam'eonmleojlm the pub“; the manic ft wants ind at tttn "me tipiertrphotdrthe high mum of her at. ' ' " I MRS. KBUEGER DIES _ ' EARLY WEBMAY Well Known ‘Wom PM Andy After Long Fahd C Sixty In.“ F" With in! members it“ up. oroerseet.'(ira_liteeum' den-oh Lance it Pmrttu!tit no excellent. end "t i, txieirted, the more imbue him be â€an“! More the â€new â€it? November fi.",,',',',':.',',': pad-ad. 1ttk',','e pt-it in m {mammal} but?! _ or :1: Haiti j Mn'Cgtheriuo linear; wilt at Fred 'rtmieeer,onased In! pt' fimr o’clock Walnudny Maw. at be! home 691 ':D-fuld..tytttelttiaPe" about denm of “Hm The funeral will beheld it 9 r ' Pri- day morning " the 1mm Gon- ception glitch. ' - f _; . was the husband the†- my. Dora and Ella Kruger. a bong. Mn. Xmas:- 'wu harm,†you: no in Ireland and came td, the Unit- ed BtMtt.wtren she was about Mt your: of, age. She can: tiniest dinet- ly to Hm!!! Park and} W9 and“! ieee with. Kruger that! yuan Mo. The mingle: of life VII paladin itpilclty. - _ , __ Mrs. Xmas" "a . vim“ - in high regard by a landla- at friends when sincere nip-thy is “tended the funny It (MI ttie, I DEERFIELD CHAMBER . common T0 WaNn' Mietiattt "iikiet' _ to Be PM! Nonalm‘ 6; Ska' -iira7i "tuatintte, the sushi In. -ieitd, in“ Na; GEM thugs†,rrethtthtasMe' V!!! ea.- plated. The opening of the ttfrttrdrat you Opening of Omli 3 Club’s 3Ist Season All-Star Artists Series; . / Ticket Sale BAD DEATH m SEW/(pr FIND WOMAN’S BODY FLOATING Ill L Good for Watk With Pet "The body “I inland†ltr. mettmanott-htgt.Jothtn wttommatnMriaateartr ,eatealoetgtttrttheabo" 'e o'eBoeh.maee-dttt.ho6 10- tttudtHptsties law'b IT'rtgL1't'gtt"eurgt,t; (“Maud-3.111%“ _ aftertt-tturmmaduat-d. ;i- â€comm . Untit late Tuesday night, .. N pf pollen [money and others ~ vt ', theintteittthedeinitrimti' - can. Rtmattetieedthu#ra." - artudbemtdmtmied,erndftnm tltatshehadptmtttsdittbrtlte - Than-mun win-bliud'-w m riot, which the but! um I - forn'alkvufmdltgndl " [ oatttit-dtotxmgtro'ehtek .2 evening!» Policeman:- Ignaz an ,rttorroutsMngtoethe _ My w an. About 100;"; north tft: pin. vben‘the dog was tm" ite ww'a light out In: lying q the odgiot the lib. 'rhe.tmdr was In the morning about 11300 feet' of the pier. A and! do. whip _ In. Shunt atrial when in: her dog! was found «I I spike on the pier. 'N . Deg Wu Fm Th: pier was covered. with nod Policmn Kopp, who t8 “add it was evidettt'fgqtqi ' hat It tuck- thnt I!†in! not ' (W on up n l, WELSH swarms 'ro, L; ' _ as an: ON my. 5 “WILD nous: my IV " IL P. mum 1tBetrhmm8Nrw, and Doollu Fabian-h. In: and My. Raw am " he.“ My, m “B a Princeâ€; Saturday. Inn-lee h “Spud mm" yitht" - " 'The Lidia-'Md society piano thmaMturtlsemtt'ettmeh%tr c Math-Hui“ 'Hur. " in! M h and lull. Munich-sled atd name-Mint _ ' 8mm mums AID , l mun NOV. "f " 8â€.“ka My !iiti1i,'i121l toketurnzFoudDul _ wedr-dnrMim. “with [can 3b. and mm {“3555 cam msriiirr, PART l was dl RE ii