l - FOX Hm CAP" " WARWICK mayâ€, govmu th {me a“ 101mm: tut Nam Jinan-d Ora Can-cw we Irma, In: snub: SALE DI SHOP that wot-bl "I? WILD? RIDER†JCT†Lllilptr Lu now red. Let'ns show you the' latest designs in 5, Brian! Dempster manual Quantum. ELECTRIC CO. m: Fxoitat"A I," TELLEGEN DID“ DOG bayou with our high M" In the t"me eatre is last A . tttttif,',',"- very glad to install lugs yoh have wait- emit- a†mod, E tit", Roberts PLAYS Telephone, 1086 PATH†at. F T" ir'atbtw mm- S9 with: in. who: X" DEC . 5 "one. t NOV, so NOV. " DEC. I Joseph Leech, the son-in-law toldi the jury that his mother-in-law hadl fallen from a kitchen window on Nov. l 22, a distance of about three feet to a cement walk. He had helped her ‘np when she called for aidand after- wards. while able to walk about) somel she' had complained of pains} in the'side and was short of breath. I Dr. A M. Installs, the attending physician, stated that the woman had had a very rapid pulse and high blood pressure for some time. He had at- tended her at intervals previous to the accident and also after a previous fall about a year ago when she suf- fered fracture of an arm. She “re- mained conscious from thtrtime offthe fall on Nov. 22 until Tuesday ni ht. There were symptoms which, night indicate fracture of a rib and thei re- WI! and puke were high, â€gol- loving the accident. _ _ Che jury after due deliberation Quad death due to the efNet of the “I on. Nov.i22, combined with chronic Mia; 'rturncE xv An inquest was held at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, at the IL M. Prior Company's office, by Coroner John L. Taylor of Libertyville, before a jury composed of Charles Donner, E. C. Ruskin. Fred Glader, CIaigde Van Arsdalo, W. J. Hennig and Carl Costello. _ I, Vin Wendlihg was born Sept. 11, tM6, at Wheeling, Illinois, and he was and 60 years. two months and to ar. His wife, whose maiden name 7.. Julia Fischer, is living. There As no children. _ . _ _ - -- Other near relatives ar'e the follow- in; brothers and sisters: Mrs. Jacob mm, Arlington Heights, Ill.; Mrs. Amelia Stanza), LeMara, Iowa; Mn. Melissa Arnold and George and Charles Wendling, Hazel, S. D. All of thede, except Mrs. Arnold, will at- tend the funeral. _ _ Mr. Wendling was for many years' engaged in the painting and decoru- ting business here and was well known and highly regarded by n hast of friends in the community. There is sincere regret at his death, and the relatives. have the deep sympathy of all at this time. .- Mrs. Framed Goad, aged about TO Tears, died about 8 o'eloek yesterday morning at the home of her son-in- law, Joseph Leech, 388 East Elm place. from the offeets of injuries, received when she fell from a kitchen wimirw on Sunday,' Nov, 22. Chronic heart trouble was a contributory CREQO. An inquest was held at 1 o'elork The services win be held u the family residmce, 14 South Green Bay road, at 12:30 o'clock Friday after- gtron/and at. the church at one o'clock. Burial will 'rw at North Northfield cemetmy. on DundssAmad. , Edward W. “fondling, l4 rSouth Green Bay road. a resident of High- hnd Park for 37 years, died " 8 {clock Tuesday evening, at the High- Ind Park hospital, where his was tnken November 27, following pro- paged ill helth. . - TWO FISTED JONES AT PEARL THEATRE ---. N Charles Ray in "Bright Lights" 2 Days; "Balto's Race , to Nome" 'red Woman Succumbs Yester- day Morning from Efreets of Fall Nov. 22; Inquest Held by Coroner ' The pictures to be Bl Theatre next week are Theatre next week are as {ollowaz Tonight, “Wasted Lives" with El- liot Dexter, Edith Roberts and Cullen Landis; tomorrow. “The Torrent" Ind "The Handicap"; Saturday, "The Courage 'ot 'Wotfhetnrt" with Wolf- heart the wonder dog; Sun. “Head- lines" with Alice Joyce; Mon.-Tues.. Charles Ray in "BrighrLiithta'l; Wid.. nesday, "Domm Upon the Swanee River," and the Deerfield Shi Ids high school band will play; Th rs- day, "Paint and J'owdtrl' featu ng Elaine Hammerstein; Friday, " o Fisted Jones" with Jock Roxie, and "Balto's Race to Nome"; Saturday "Those Who Dare" with John Bow- or: and Marguerite De La Matte and Tom Mix in "The Foreman of Bart." Matinee Saturday. See program on bulk page of this paper. DEATH OF MRS. P. Gown 5w. WENDLING DIES; si' FUNERAL B FRIDAY D. A. k. TO HAVE V GUESTS THURSDAY The North Shore, Chapter of the [linemen of the American Revolu- tiort will meet at the home}! Mn: In. J. Batty on Ravine Drive; " tummy o'clock on “M’fqn‘ noon, December 10. This Win tte that day and a very will!“ pro- ntm will be given by Mm. Randell} and Mm. BrfUld. _ ' PART I 2 PARTS to be shown} at Pearl At' a meeting bf the Highlhnd Park War Memorial eotntnitteeohitd at the city building last Friday evening further pious were made for partying into ssftett the proposal to' commem- orate by -' a suitable monument the war services' of all men and Women ftond this city who participated in the World wu- .in any branch of the United States service, air, land or sea. It was reported that Preliminaries had ruched a point'where work on the memorial was ready to start, and in order that all names of those en- titled to a place on the bronze tablets be listed with the committee at the earliest potssible.tnoment so that work on these tablets may not be delayed, the fol1owhttrHetter was tuthorized and is being sent out; replies should be sent at.once to Mrs. John F. Mao. kenzie. chairman, 196 Laurel avenue, Highland Park,' Ill. The letter: To the Member Addressed: ' Will you kindly ftll out the en- closed card and return as soon as "possible to the chairman so that our records will be clear as far as your military career is concerned? Also if you know of any resident of Highland Park whore name has not been handed in, please send it in or telephone. The card enclosed with the letter to be filled out covers the war service records of the person,by whom it is to be filled out. . War Memorial Plans Perfected; Ready To Proceed With Work LEGION AUXILIARY ' MET TUESDAY EVE Local Auxiliary Installed om.. cers at Witten Hall; List of Those Installed The district meeting of the Worn- an's Auxiliary to the American Legion wad hehl.last Tuesday eve- ning, Nov. 24, at seven-thirty o'clock at the home of Mrs. Henry E. Mason of _ Central avenue. This meeting, which was very largely attended, was adjourned to Witter/hall where the installation of officers was held. Those who were instnlled were as follows: president, Mrs. Charles Ben- son; vice4rresident, Mrs. H. B, Rob- erts; second vice-president, Mrs. W. F. Robert's; treasurer, Mrs. William Bowden, recording secretary, Mrs. Fred Gallagher; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. H. E. Wightman; chaplain, Mrs. Daniel L. Cobb; historian, Mrs. Wainwright; ser-nt-at-arms, Mrs. H. Fromelt. Worthy' Matron, Mrs. William. J. Brown; Worthy Patron, Mr. James Cain; Associate Matron, Mrs. Geqrge 'Greene; Secretary, Mrs.) Catherine Levin; Treasurer, Mr. R. F. Glow; Conductress, Mrs. V. C. Musser; As- sbcinte Conductress, Mrs. Jesse Sobey. iAtter the business sesaion refresh- ments were served. ' The annual meeting and election of ofr1pets of Campbell chapter No. 712, o. h. s., was held last evening (Wed-, neaday) in Masonic Temple. The year ha's been a most successful one and the retiring Worthy Matron and Pa- tron, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Schneider. can well be proud of the progress made. ' _ _ ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTION IS HELD Eastern Star Closes Successful Year; Mrs. GY. J. Brown Elected Matron for the ensuing yang: Next week the Highlahd Park} Theatre will present the following: prewar. . '___',--, 4-; t; , “i "'%9b"'"-C" Tonight and tomorrow night Pola Negri in “Plover of Night"; Savor. day, Kenneth Harlan, Harry Carr, Madge BelhIIy in, "The Stroke of Three"; Slinky, Monday, Tuesdir and Wednesday, Betty Compaon, with Ricardo Cortex, Ernest Torrence and Wdhce Beer! in "The Pony Ex. pressâ€; “My. Friday and Satyr- day, Adolphe Menjon, Greta Nigger: and Bessie Love in “The King (an Main smog? 9mm yard-y. See BETTY COMPSON IN . “THE PONY EXPRESS" i,"r'iiiriiii" am my of pu mar. Highland Park in tis erect a Mem- orial to those residents of its city who served in the war in any of the branches of the Unitéd States service, air, land, or sea. The proposed Mémorial ts the work of James Cady Ewell, of Ra- vinia, and is to be of granite and bronze. It is to be placed in Mend orial park, deeded by the city, which is between Laurel and Prospect ave- nues and will be unveiled Decoration day, 1926. The committee in charge is trying to get as correct in list as possible of all residents of Highland Park who served in the Great Wang: these names win be placed 'on bronze tablets on the Memorial. The following officers were elected we. Meet at Elm Place Auditorium and Room for All; Large At. [ . tendanet " One Friday N Evening Last ', Farther public hearing on the ques- tion of amending the zdni . ordi- nance will be held on the aging. of Friday, Dee. It, in the Elm Plane audi- cerium, where it in believed the†will be accommodation. for all ititums who wish to attend, This plea wear decided upon following the W1!- attended meeting of last Friday eve. ning, when a number were unable’to gain entrance to the council room be- cause of the. many in attendance. Meeting Laat Pridar 't ' Pursuant to the.et01 of the Zoning committee the public hearing on the amended zoning ordinance. woe held in the' auditorium "of the city‘hnll on Friday last. The interest in the ordi- nance'on the part of the public is very great as demonstrated by the fact that the meeting room at the city hall was entirely too small to take proper care of the great crowd wishing to be present, and many person; could not get into the hall and Went away disappointed. T V ' TO BE HELD ON DEC. .1111! ANOTHER HEARING ON ZONING MEASURE The Zoning .eommittee at in I judiciary capacity only and did not enter into the discussion but were in.. terested in listening to what the var- ious :spenkers bind" to say. A court 'stenotrrapher war present to make notes of the speeches and cbpinnan Cashing 'requested at the opening. of the.meeting thet .speokers on rising should give their names and addresses and speak slowly so that a proper rec- ord could be made, L _ T The first speaker called upon was Mayor Hastings who explained the new ordinance and, no doubt, disil- lusioned many persons as to the real points it issue. The mavoA talk, which was exceptionally tintqu and comprehensive, made an emollient 'tttw pression. Te sold! _ 's. I Mayor Hastings' Adda“ "Mr, Chairman: Twenty years ago, if the city of Ewanaton could have called together a group of its citizens such as we have here tonight to con- sider the questions that are coming up before us, Evanston toddy would not be a hodtre-prtdtre of apartment houses, factories, lumber yards and coal yards, but would be, what it was' Continued on page 2 Thursday and Friday, Elainc Ram.. merstein and Robert Ellis in “Perils of the Seaâ€; Saturday, Wesley Barry and Pat o'Maiiey in "The Fighting Cub"; Sunday and Monday, George O'Brien and Madge; .Bellamy in "Havoe'; Tuesday and Wedneldny. Alice Joyce and Clive Brook inf“Home Maker"; Thursday and Friday, "Mil.. ton Sills in "The Kitoekout"r', Satur- day, Bert Lytell, Marian Nixion and Paulette Duval in “Sporting; Life." See program on back page 50! this paper. I NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM AT ALCYON THEATRE Sunday and Monday f'Havoe'", Milton Sills in “The ' Knoekout" ",' The Akron Theatre. will present the following pictures next week: ' "The Captain of Plymouth" to Be Given Today and To- a morrow . Much interest is being manifest in the performance of "The Captain of Plymouth," 3 comic opera' which is being given tonight and tomorrow night at the Elm Place school audi- torium under the auspicu‘ of the North Shore Line band. , i I A number of Highland Park young people are in the east, among them being Harry Eichler, James Jennings, Irma Shultis Gurney, Bessie, Okey, Jen",l Glen, Alice Wescott, (Arthur Swa son, Edward Marks, Ernest Do.' vehdorf, Orreh Keech. Edna hegeler and Catharine Lemar. Edgar L Gur- néy la techniuf (meant of this per- formance. , _ _ N. l. LINE BAND To , r PRESENT COMIC OPERA SERIES or BRIDGE .. l PARTIES AT R. P. CLUB ---4.--- ', On. Friday "suing the .Ejshhnd Park club is tritfittr, the t1rit of. I series of evening iMiui4 punish which it is hoped will but new of been“ to its members who any pitr my. thing front bridge and malt my: to parcheaee and tiddlt winks. men may make up ttthir own ables ma play "train bridgo".i! they with. ' HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. woman a, 1925 gr Di. P. c.' Welcott’s Ford sedan was 1,"ptdl,f wrecked _ in "Evtsntrtort shortly 'aft 1' nopn on Monday, and Paul Lind.. helm of Ravinia, who was driving it, ‘and his wife,, Betty Lindholm, and his mother, Mrs. Mary Lindholm, who were in the Mr. wer'e injured more or less-'.seriously.' The .mpther was most sev‘erely hurt and'wu taken to St. Enrich hospital. The neeyent happened wheh a can said to have been driven by S. S.‘Susshnd ofAhranatort and the. Ford bedan embed at the corner of Greenlaaf and Bhutan we. was. Lindholitt had" been engaged to M the te4an to maria; for Dr. Wolcott, who left for the south Tua- dny bytnin. _ F .. . . Noted, French Musician to Ap- peal-In Wer School Auditor- lum; History ot-Career; Other': Numbers Coming Rang Chewy violiniat, who will he heard hereiin‘ myth} nut My 't1mpiiyr,Ahseittltr 8, " 8:16; at the 31m Place tqaditorittttt, in the second of the High ml Park {Alf-Star tun. cert,‘uriu,'. heurmgniud by the leading ‘Mtica . Euronghout the world as one ‘0! the greatest of living viattt'nittt'e. Since coming to America three years ago; she has been sold-U with the.imtrtirttut symphony arches-.l tras, andlafquated on an the, big eon-) cert counea. and " many of the music; festivals." sue ( has played a the? White Hammad so swayed her an-“ dience when phev appeared last sea-1 son " the) $813121“:an Morning} Mqsieakthat she was re-engaged for this season, being one of the may two} artists who have ever been presented,,) mm consecutive seasons at thesei musicales. F A V " ' . '. History of Career t 'zReneo Chemet was born in Bows 1oane-tmts8e'me; a suburb of Purim: France. Her tomboy pranks, at the use ot seven; persuaded her mother that the young“, Renee must be" sent “guy to a so'vferg hoarding achoul; but her father, eager to keep his favorite atlhome, vetoedithe plan. For he had discovered thpt) the child had a red markubly' flne Fiiikai, 'ear, and con- tended that it Would be far clevere'l" to make hits, musician, ind, more} paiticnlarly! e yinljnis}. , ' ' . l 1 FAMOUSVIOLINIST HIRE-NEXT TUESDAY ALL-STAR ARTIST SERIES The "Ladies', Aid :odety at the Grace M. E. church will hold I bakery sale at Lnegeler Pharmacy. Highwood. beginning at nine o’clock on Sutur- ‘day morning, Disc. ti. Tiny will hue on 33103.31] kinds of daliclous homa- baked foods. There were I few nth Velez left' from the hunt which the adciety held .retently aha the Mien will have these at the phamncy on {Saturday morning, Here in a chance to; get your. baked goods for Sunday and perhaps a Christmas present " well. r . , "'t .~Betom, the 'chnd had sthdied I month she {was able to name any mtagieal, sound» The histhe'st har. monics on a Hr/in, even though new. bi her, did not éénfuse her. She would say, in ahswer; to everyone's aston- ishment: "The jtotes tell me their partied? _ . " /At mini Renee Cheniet was. a pupil in iroieeieyttiarne etis, at ttik Pari- I ' Conungedl od page eight DR. W0uprrs SEDAN ' I WRECKED AT EVANSTON Drivén by PiurLindhohn; Lat. ter and Hhrwife and Mother Art Injured On Wednesday evetgntr' of next week, as an added feature at the Pearl Theatre, ' the Deerfield-tmums high school band trrthittHve. pieces un- der thidirttetup, of Mr. B. E. Boll. will appear on the program. The Glee an: an: at the that" a wea1rjttoulnd, this event proved so “mam,- that ft was sinned to have the band "per. , At [Murders Pharmacy Satur- vday Morning; Hive Few Ar- ticles from Bazaar Left LADW& AID TO BOLD T BAKERY SALE DEC. 5 HUDSON-ESSEX AGENCY OPENING IS mean»; Mr. A. W. PM is male "ttits time tet malts†deihtito Announce; meat retailing the Opening olthe 'rttiitoit.uihe, my oxrtite to lying mbltho get. an. Hm, In a. peets i uhiptncnt within . week or HIGH SCHOOL BAND AT PEARL THEATRE 51g 1;: patii_ ' we mean-er ' nt, proved iiili;; ',tgt, unused mi itirrium, -.' l :8 “g SENCY ij' Wm: i, fl""?-',,','-'!'; itâ€: in». “HI "er [ to mom. 'ettt.' min: 'tC,tttet t lg “I “.W _ ' an 'tdy Md; #1: ' 3127;} i! It f ichairds enliswd.in the 17th. Illinois airy and served in the Civil mt I two years, During that time he at his future wife in Minomi, Md t ginf wns a wartime romance. Pie yeiyrs, 1866 to 1908. Mr. Richards tl amplo'yed by the Northwesum r ilroid and ‘wu for many years fore- an at! the roundhotise It wakes“ d Highland Ptrk.. He'hu never tr end from 111nm and both are hate d Marty and enjoying life: Their a mica) annivémry will be occuion t r eiwrntulatiotu from their many friends. T _ t' â€at; Forest; _ . The; living child Lure In. L. H. . We], Lake Forest; Charles A. plum, Lake 'rt: Wed N. Rieti. 1 da, Mrs. Chad Getty tad Pete} . minimal, Highland Para. 'geveil hildren living are Philip ‘Spei. l I d Mrs. Bury Brown! of Luke ro t; Aism's?,ftpr.fns Itieuida, tur, .RiL-harls, Miss Kitherine Gary. is: Elizabeth Richards and Ray- . deichards, Highland Pare.. Mr.,'1tiehards was born Feb. " 1 , in Ohio,“und Mrs. Richards, May ‘ 1850,~ in Minna-i. In IM8 Mr. iniciz Committee Corrects Dis-1 I torted Story in Chicago l l ', Morning Paper _ .3 I ' I f--..-..., ' l i Feliow Citient: , T I Aftiee the public hearing before the: tet committee last Pridarf cer- tnin .hicago morning newspaper cor-j ied u front page story of thot'meet-1 tt not only gorbled and distortedâ€i ut with an absolutely untrue. latch em}, The error was pointed out toi exacting city editor, but the'pnper‘; madeEno correction in its hhsequent} 'iissueo. F . g F Therefore we ‘cnll the attention, ofi . e community to this error, which; i believed, would do damage to the, hole community. , . T The paper said that the west side nd the cut side of the villgge were divided on the {prompted amendment to the zoning ordnance. This ie not e., The persons who unopposed _ the amendmeiit ,1: it ,now stands, he the home att, all over town. all}?! home o lets. ore donned at e prospect of Apartments getting ' botUld anyhere; Whether the home ‘ h cottage or n manslonhthe men: oe of the nutrient is the some, is n question of the welfare of the ildren, and there are. children both I of the tricks. V :tReeidents of the toim are "Ittirstt br all that is nurut Jud dam ' he parts at the cur-cm in . II imam pirate M af. I “limit!!! pleasure to all who _ â€the: ft â€rim may" we when of the “a? Will Celebrate 60th iAnniuersqry Bee. 8th; ttttor-their'?- and their chil- m’u future. _ They realm that the F . n of apartment has.“ Deana ' rNnofthevi11ntreoap1aeeU 'mekdmrtt.terrefupetpttetttef t ms " real estate speculators. . The function of the local tun-inu- / tpl ne'rve the homes. The homes musttnot be made subservient to the Huskies; interests. E The eorttest'tttrmres the Commun- ity to studrHhe question, investi. to the situation in other north re towns, and be prepared to stand r their right " home owners. g Above ttll, do not let careless or widens publicity cloud the issue. The uéttlon's are: 'Do you wont mort- tee to get ti foothold in Highland 1irArtro?iri1rrr, PLEASE i TWO ma AUDIENCES ETony Sox’s Intricate“ planed m Inge “diam: My IM- And evening it the Elm Place minim. In the “man thead. " ,rt"T'he, Pied Rim of Barns ug We whom: features. " h â€any pleased the large phhr of child!“ meant. 111 â€ram 'tse nttgeot1t.t m ltdeT, Isl-lid." Ind ttttt mm . "in which the Ittntirteittr pu- ttr.Und Mm., Rich-uh were untried . if 1865, a on mm, In. my v: ‘lived in Highhnd Park 1th 77 'nd own M acres of land and srdrrit homes nou- their home on Maxim! Mm. Frederick C. RM. (North Green)†road, with!“ H 'land Park tor - hatf , tn ,will on’Doc. tt mach their e wedding, anniversary. It is to celebrate the event by a j]! reunion and dinner on Sunday. PEN LETTER FROM ' . . H. P. WOMAN'S CLUB 'ark or not? (And do [you want [island Park to be a business and adv-kin] center; or I buntifnl sub. " of hm? I gibted--T1se. Civics Committee, l Highland Park Wmn's Club. _ Mrs. Robert'ASeyfarth, president. in A. .0. Mnsom Je., chairman. mail!†road. 'rot ten children born t r Ir. are} living and " their , _ - â€reside in Highland Purl A, blah Plan Family Reunion FIRM Aioet of esteem end 1 e local citizen " he been “I try HM Pork folks elm lb - of Dr. "rftetrtt.'r mic-emu he“ public, had the 'eeqtttaat “Th lb- tory on Sunday In the all.“ of an feeling. During the three hm. 'ttgg. four to seven o'eloek, almost- M than: of people. called to m their regret: end to nriah the below! couple well. It was a .ptmtamti- outpouring of good will and Mo ttppreeVtion, and.“ represented tn O splendid my the seam cl a. community W Dr; and In. Wd- can. The 1101le trmpttie and feeling mount of the morning eon- ke is contributed: whit my 'ttpeg "Dr. P. tl, _ clean W, in t-ett, _ a; maggot Rafi-ad Park 'gllllt church. 'In the afternoon new: In. Welcott were " long to all M Mandi " the newâ€, and both tttq caption were notable m. . f' . 1'_e+t.satetiatttehistorr'otttm A large enthusiastic audience 1.: Tuesday afternoon greeted the up. peanut: of A. Hamilton Gibbs at (If His/blind Park Woman’s club. Mr. Gibbs is a young Englishman. broth- er of the f-mous Sir Philip Ind taw mo Hamilton, In, his opening '.. marks, he likened himself to I atatW. boy who,, having ' grown up ,dth horses, is M'W.†fhtdrttW "lftumouttobeiaioclter. M,- latin young Mr, dibh, u atm tad brother. not to mention man! that relationships, to New)? mm. Ida it quite natttral that he should he * writer. I ' MANY HEAR NOTED e ENGLISHMAN SPEAK A. Hamilton Gihha’ Add". Tuesday at Woman’s Club Draws Large Attendance Rkertiim at Rectory h Atta- .noon: Both Natalia luau, ' _ Show Count-hr: , ' . Appreciation ' T His talk on “The Human Side of Writing a Novel" furnished tuna: graphic and humorous picture of - guy mew plying their trade. 80-. worked in the night, albeit a quot hours, such as from twelve 'r'tidrmbt to dam, othen worked all du,‘nd again other: worked bothmight .astd day. cumul- aid Ares m ,6. Ntage mpertiu" io to speak of the performance. G. Cchttftrto, III-l- 1rsditttinguishing hip-elf by Nit ponder-nee in mem number: he could; smoke. The speaker’s ther brother, Bit Philip Gibbs, Mt amt gtnneeitiptrear, to rial Chill.- ton in the and or_eigVerte, but on drier-oh- ou,-'it “width can: that the Gibbs you not smoked but only ta' " can ya- lnpa and laid at“; and then rm- ten in the that ftatt',ttie. nend ind! “I! h andâ€. I - mu-d _ter iiiO5diiatr right- FAREWEIL SERMON ll BY BMW!) REL'I‘OB ' AT TRINITY CHURCH SUN. Mr. Gibbs spoke of the distraction- that hem tho d.eoutput of the you, and how there in .nimpiy' no My for it but “discipline and conun- tration. lip/woke pf the high upâ€. t_1tietvatt thexrriter tolk, the mm W. the cinema rights. the lurid expeditions,- the titer diam- nentl. which wt their path. Fhrthr a intentionally oi not, he Wt. bins]! to be a hard worker.‘ h modest, 'enirmiur, any!“ at an ot 'r'd.ette-,e hry M2“- lbluun. who has “an: “at {W10 Auden by -'Maitt " Austin“ gtd. _Att_emdit to ch p. PfWh' AUXILIARY. g“ 'tirilBYW1liiDNMtgDAY Yt-ar-ttstr-tsr-tttw Walsh'- Attila? d the 'Nuiad M bm.ttat win he held In Trinity 'lltNet Plait Home on Wedge.- hy norm December ' " ha o'docky incidents ottmteetmdi, with - - Brmah when. 'rt4rttketintr mod-l- ly, Home, a recently amused 'ht lkhmnn. of PW origin, loch, Siegfried Susan, and ott-u. Then he took up American-Ind their - ods, touching, kindly "ther than buo- tiolnly on the 19rPmttteltrt M of produgtion. Not that W. does [lot deserve the kindness. but it it rather'unulml and lone-Waxing in a writer who takes at least on. reartowrfeattootr,toekits tarm- of debut»: of one tho turns out eighty-um this side at old one, and in “still in“; Strong." _ neaiisttoeldof ii'ii" . _ T q ggrtt2rlrlefg and In†their Continued on page " PART I , pars. NUMBER 00 Te. was gm. A " 71-" :u