tt ya: held in that city Wednesday morning. Mr. Prenter is on the exe- "eutive board of the local Railroad lied: Home and he and Mrs. Prenter Mere here attending the board meet- 'tit. November 2. A g; It. and Mrs. E. B. Yonker and chil- J‘lren and In. Frankie Green of To- __ ledo, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Green _nnd children of Aurora spent Thanks- ‘giving with Mr. Charles Green and family. Judge Thomas W. Barton and wife of Lake County, Ind, spentmtanks- giving at the home qt his niece Mrs. J. P. Steffen .of Winnbtkn. [ The Woman's Home ind Foreign Missionary society of the Bethany Evangelical church will meet next Thursday at the home of Mrs. Eur] ah Fritsch. irii.- ifijert Hughes Siremrbr' will ynake their home in JruGetrd, V In. Orville Wailing dntqrtained the Ina-hers af In!) Sunday school. chat Tuesday an.†t , l, Minn and William Turpin who are attending the University of Wiscon- sin at Madison were the week-end (but: of Mr. and Mm. C. S. Beach. . Mr. John O'Keefe left Monday morning to attend the funeral of Mrs. w. P. Prenter of Cleveland. o., which Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Gates of Den- ver, Colo., were the gang: of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Winters for the Thanks- giving holidays. l Mrs. William Loewenstein and children left Tuesday tor New Mexiw where they will spend the winter months. Mr. 'r. H. Decker left Tueidty on a Golf Tour on the east coast f Flor- ida. He will be trope about ten darts. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Richardson of Concord, Mass., Lieutenant, Com- mander Spencer of Pensacola, Fla., Frederick Spencer of Plainfield, N. J., and Miss Ethel M. Hughes of Lon- don, Eneland wbrrtbe “out! af Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Spencer over the week-end. ' . The marriage of Miss Fra'nces D. Kemp, daughter of Mrs. E. M. Kemp of Winnetka, Ind Egbert H. Spencer, son of Mr. and Mm. Earl W. Spen- cer of Wnde street, Highland Park, _took place on Saturday evening, No- Tember 28, at Christ Church, Wilmet- h. The Rev. Robert Holmesom- tinted. Miss Kemp was given “way by her uncle Mr. Wilbridge of New York City. The bride’s attendants Vere Miss Bertha Moxie of Holiston, Tens; Miss Ann Bridgers of New York City; Miss Dorothy Brown of Rhinehnder. Wis. The bridegroom’s youngest brother. Frederick Lionel. lowed as best man. The ushers were "Liam: Communder E. Wirmetd Spencer; Mr. George Moseley. Mr. Paul Harper, Mr. Carton Fatu)t1eror, Mt, Robert Whiting. A reception at "that home of the bride's mother fol- lowed the church '."it..t. Mr: tl Miss Edith Boynton and Mr. Ru- dolph Ingerk, Highland Park mem- bers of the North Shore Art league Ire represented in the American ex- hibition of paintings and sculpture at the Art Institute. a Mrs. R. E. Wood returned last week from the east where she attended services at which her brother Dr. Ernest M. S‘ires was consecrated Bishop of Long Island. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Moran of River Forest were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Moran. The board of the tenth 1itryt I. F. W. C., will meet with the Ossoli club at the Highland Park club on Wednesday, December 9, at 10:00 a. m. Mrs. fl C. Hopkins, president of the Ossoli club, will entertain the board members at luncheon, following the business meeting. T Mr. John M. Watson, author of Science as Revelation, which is one of the outstanding books discussing religion in its relation to science, will be the Week-end guest of Mr. Gerard Van Schick. At some future date Mr. Watson will probably address the Highland Park Wor‘mn's club on mttt-, ters concerning Science as Revplation. Mrs. Paul W. Blanchard entertained several friends and reiativeh at a Thanksgiving dinner party given at her home on Walker avenue. The out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McCormick and daughter, Miss Emma MLCormick, of Aurora, Ill. Mrs. Leo A. Peteirt of Wade at. gave a “Farewell-Welcome. tettirn" luncheon the early part of this Week for her friend Miss Mary Ditriett of Leeds. England ind Chicago; Miss Bertha lies and Miss Irene Skinher and four of their dmmatie"'elistsaitt.. tended. Mix: Dimery is sailing next week to spend the holidays in tiid. land. Mrs. Helen Abbott Byiield as- signed by Mrs. Oreutt gave them a de- lightful musical program. [ Miss Helen Hill will entertain :the Thursday Night club tonight; ' Mr., and Mn. J. P. 1tfot1ttffrl,'e- noth' were surprised Mtitddr lby nigh- m of their Chicago friends who ox- tended ytettt a home warming inytheir new home at 1087 Ash street, Lunch- eon was served antrtrtunU wire phy- ed. . Mr. and Mrs. sterenvierilthe recipients of many useful Md beats.. tiful gifts. Mr. Steffen. is proprietor of the J. P. Steffen Auto Supply (mop located on the corner of Second atmet and Central avenue, Highland, Park. Mr. and Mrs. trvidt Mum: of, Linden Park place) returned :on Wed- nesday, Nov. 25. rim, the k it Where they spent two weeks in Epltimmje, Md., And New York City. , i i' T l PAGE SIX l er. and Mrs. Burridge Butler of lHinsdale‘have just returned to their ihome in Hinsdale with Mrs. Butler’s isister, Mrs. Richard Buchanan, of gNew York, whose “husband passed Iaway recently. Mrs. Buchanan will 'make her home in Hinsdale. i, Mr. and Mrs. B, Stiegler of Chi- §cngzo avenue gre being congratulated {on the birth, of a little son at the :Highland Park, hospital on Wednes, iday, Nov, 25. . ' l Mrs. A. M. Cline of Homewood ave- inue had as her Thanksgiving guests gher son and dihghter-in-law Mr. and iMrs. R. E. Sims of Chicago. _ _ . ( Mr. and Mrs. F. S. North and two {sons sail for Europe. December 9th, to be gone six months. Mrs. North is j. in Boston for a few weeks. ' i An important meeting of the Moth- .ers Auxiliary of the Girl Scouts will the held in the Elm Place playroom at lt/ur o'clock, Friday, December 4. ' Mrs. Mamie; .McEvoy of Highland Park, the original Mamie of the Pot.. ters, left Highland Park last Wed- nesday, Nov. 25, tor New York City on the Broadway Limited to greet her children, J. P. McEvoy, In, and Dor- othy Mary who have jueretumeé from Paris, , Mrs. E. D. Bullard of San Francis- co; Calif., is spending a couple of weeks with her son and. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sellar Bullard of Orchard lane, Mrs. E. D. Ballard is en route to her home after a seven months tour through various countries of Eu.. rope. _ . Mrs. Ellen Barton of Homewood avenue spent Thanksgtving in Chieau go. , The Woman's Missionary society of the First United Evangelical church will meet at two-thirty o'clock on Thursday afternoon, Dee. IO, at the home of Mrs. F. R. Cardwell on South Green Bay road. . ' Mrs. John Peterson of Glenview avenue entertained Warrant thfleer and Mrs. James E. Powell orBalti- more, Md., on Tuesday. Officer. and Mrs. Power were on their way to Mr. Power's new station at Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Joseph F Demski and wife of Winnetka have purchased of Dr. Lan.. phere, lot 12, block 76, of F. P. Haw.. kin's hddition/to Highland Park. Mr, Demski is now "building a reaidencg on this property. Hine and Hine were the brokers in this transaction. Mrs. Hoyne Ansieism has gone to Chicago for the winter. . Mr. and Mrs. George Donnersber- ger of South Green Bay road eeie- brated their eighteenth wedding anni- versary on Thanksgiving day with their usual family reunion. There were twenty-four present. . Mrs. Elizabeth Baker returned on Sunday from El Paso, Tex., where she spent the past three weeks with her sons, Chester and Edward Su11i, van. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Eldred are in Nttr York. Qty fy tcshort sojourn. Mrs. Carl Schaefer of North St. Johns avenue had as her house guest last"week Miss Marian §eCheverell of the University of Wiscpnsin. Miss Bernice Pearl is entertaining at luncheon and br.idge, today (Thursday). , Mrs. L. M. Maris of 'Homewood ave- nue is ible to be o'ut again after be- ing confined to hee home with a se- vere cold. _ _ 1mtttrs. t L. Osqun of 1836 Kincaid street, was the winher of the solid mahogany sewing table donated by Mr. Henry Beneke to the aprpn table of the Highland Park Wom'an‘s bazaar. . l t Mrs. A. J. Nansen hal, gone to Brooking; S. D., where she will visit begging Mps. Fishback for ten days. The Philathea class of." the First United Evangelical church 'met on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Wetmore of Sheridan place. The girls began their: Christmas sewing at.this meeting. , Mr. and Mrs. John Bunche; of Bur- ton avenue, Ravinia, are the 1harro parents of 'tt son botn " the Highhnd Park hospital, on last Friday. Air. Cglso Parenti of Rtwitist drive, who has been making his homi with Mrs. P. L. March! left last evening for Italy where he will Visit his wife and children. ' ' I Mrs. Henry Ditmer ot North St. John's avenue hag returned 'homa tram Riehmond,Hnd.vrure she was the guest of Mr. and Mm. Alexander Robertson for' about ten days. _ ' The Black Cat Shoppe has imi- led a new mane equipan WV After ttiirshow 'irtop at Ch: Blink Cat Shoppe for iatnes. '; , 40m Miss Evelyn Foote littti4tteiirir for Labrador when she tfeta-r, “sedated with the Grendel t T" b to statistics iriven, but by Mingmu'n' J. Scott, registrar at at? winning The Illinois students include Mill Priscilla Conrad, of Highland Park, Next to Iowa, the state of Missouri has more students enrolled in Drake this year than any other _c0mm0nv wealth. The five; foreign countries having students 1krre are Africa, China, England, the Philippines and Korea. _ The Philippines, with seven students lead the other foreign na- .tiptttt ittgepreientation. , Morton Mans'utlhngl his twill ib) "mired Monday at the Highland ktk hospital. _ st, .- _' g Among stutlen9,frorn 29 'tatis and tive foreign . countries enrolled at Drake university this year are 18 "up. resentatives - from: Illinoiy accordihg One of the flrat activities aimoune- ed by the arts committee of the Word- an's Civic club of Ravinia is , group of three 'one-act plays written by Lulu Warmington to be given at the Ra- ’vinia Village House, Fridhy mid Snt- urday, Dee., 11 and 12, as) eight o'ieiock in the evening. F ), Mrs. Warmington's plays the do. lightful and under the able manageo' ment of Elizabeth Krysher Peyraud, chairman of .the arts committee. a succqés is sured. Not only vIhe en- tire east ut the author as all are residents f Ravinia. Owing to lim.. ited seati g capacity the plnyi ore to be give two evenings. In order to avoid. con sion, it is requested that applieatfor! 'for tickets be mode lr December 7, stating which night the tickets will be used. Tickets mar be obtained f om Mrs. Lucien M. Brouil- latte. 370 Cedar avenue. Her tele- phone nu ber is 1460.' I The pro on will be as follows: ' The Son of the Lark, directed by Hazel Cr w Ewell and coached by Mr/and Mrs. E. A. Turpin w'ho are spending the winter in Detroit,.Mich., visited 'relatives' (tn Highland'Park last Week-end. i 'w. Mrs..Alfi‘ed Bradley left recently for Ptuttunsvihere she will sp.end, the wintewrith her son. I Mr/and Mrs. Stanley Jackson of Chicago are being eongratu1ated on the birth of a baby daughter " the Lying-In hospital on Saturday morn- ing. Mrs. Jackson wa's formerly Miss Caroline Willits of Highland Park. Mr.. and Mrs. Harry Jil. Wightman antiathildrtn, of Glencoe avenue were thevgnests of Mr. and Mrs. A, IL Hitl of Wilmette on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Luther M. Sandwick of Chicago announce the birth of a sop at the Lying-In hospital, on Tues- day, Dee. 1. ' F , The monthly meeting of the Ladies’ Aid of the St.' John's Evangelical church am be held at the home of Mrs. John :Bremer of South Green Baeroad at two o'clock on‘Tubddny afternoim, Dec. 8. Election ofi0ffieers will' take place at that time. I _ The Son of the Lark, directed by Hazel Cr w Ewell and coached by Rene,Lw mm. The out includes Hazel Cro Ewell, Frank Howl-Row- an: Benn tt, Mule Travis“, cur, latte Ro risen, Zed: Clarke, T and Earl Gibbs. _ _ yryr._Mtrie, Ri Me: and Mini Eliza- z;th'Yahnkq bf akwood' evening were the "11hattlpnri ng and melt-end guests trt Mr; d Mrs. Henry Bean man of 'Harvey/M i, Dr. John ‘W, Shedd and Mr'. W. J. Borg, spent Thanksgiving in i Home, Ia., as thevguests of. the' doctor’s brptherpll. JI. Shedd. ' CIVIC CLUB PRESENTS ' THREE ONE-ACT PLAYS Directed and Presented by' Well- . Known, Artists and Resi- ' dents of Ravinia John Wattle, Ji., Visited in' mth- land Park during the put week. _Mr. Tattle pu'nn.usher at the Himm- Blttr Was in Winneth lat reek“. ' atiiiti'iiiiiki/au'thutiu' Shep-h; 1t1tttjtt'tst4r' 011mm it»: '119Aqtr, 5h: , "ts Center ittrrtet,iltke,,ttirr' AN,; F _ ttity)/rt crank-1,“: 2tl'e'ti Gaga? of: Cami?! . “New†" orrttttrittyit, mm: Eng, Nite. M, n this gt.' 8tiiUtaut tmmmdge. Rev. P.: can) lei-formed the ceremony in the vii-em ortho ittttttesdihts rel-thin; The bride, were, white will: eiepe.) Her {we veil was tanned with a wreath of‘lwget pen and she carried a shower bd net of white" rises, sweet pea! and ty"?- ,themuniu The bride was shied by her mister.’ Miss Eliubéth Shepake, who wofre peach silk crepe nndicarried Ophelia' roses and sweet. pen ‘, Wil- liam Cameron éervéd his bréher is best, mgn. Following the c ‘Nmony a wedding dinne'r was served to about thirty-five guests at the home,' of the bride’s Ptirm.tts.., The put-pf-town guests Who were present were Mr. and Mrtr.'B. T, Cameron, Sta, Mm. Mildred Smith, son and daughter of Highland Park, Mr. tid Mrs. H. C. Fritz, Misses Gertrude, Mty and Olive Fritz and, Mr. and MN. H. B. Fritz of Milwaukee, Wis; Mr; and Mrs. Camerim will reside at 196 Cen- tral avenue.‘ 3 F , . r Jdan WiehA'an of South St. Johns avenue is quarantined with chicken- pox. She is getting! along very nicely and hopes to be,out very soon. Mr. and Mrsfugene Andrews and Mrs. Harlan El red wilt take a trip to the West_lndies in January. ' TheSkeleton inthe Closet, directed by Lula Mast. unlisted by I Maude Brouillette and staged by ", Lucien Maurice Brouillette. Fred ‘ Could, Helen Jones, Harry Barackmm, Lulu Mast, Lillian Browning, HelerrCuson, Mary Hoffmun and Robert Jerome are those who will take part. T The Millennium directed by Eliza.. beth Krysher Peytaud, conchqd by Emmeline Frlcke and scenery'dulgn- ed by Frank C. Peyraud. The actor: i nthis play n9 Thomas Amman. Ered Could, Joseph Gillan, Clyde Terms, William Wrenn, Lionel Robert. soit, J. mus Button, John Van Ber.. zen, Orrin Keller, J3me: Old: Ewell, Kenneth Bennett,, Edwin, Converge Jones, David Clarke, and Faith Hoff- mam , Clarissa Belle Pirate' and Edna Wilder will berm charge of much; Maude, Brotitmttte, publicity', ada Clarke and Winifred Mlleg, property custodians; . F ' 'F. E. De; eittier it/confines) to his home in Nil Ag 50! the Woods with tonailitisc. l i T . _ c', CREW?“ 2"L',T,','f' rttec'e'1"'"" . u you: w t, C . THE menus!) PARK runs. a IKE RIGKLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS 'a'ifSik'ii1'tggi"i'ir2 ?2:iiirtj,tii, , The North Shore Gas bogus nd.. vanced to first place in the usiness Men's Bowling league Monday night, when they defeated the Garnett team in a hot battle for leading the league. The Big Six 'l'tu1',1u',', lost to McClory’s Taxis Tuesday eve- ning in a contest for ~last pump. an attic of'one'of the large house: there. Damage was ecMned to the attic and. one or two, lower rooms. The someday an automobile belonging to Gus Leffert took fire at Glenview and Midlothian. The blue was caused by a leaking carburetor..the firemen re- port, Ind was readily extinguished with sand., W . On Nov. 28 a small fire caused by, an overheated furnace was soon wit out by the firemen in a residence at IM Ravine drive, with small damagé resulting,‘ On Tuesday of this week Krenn ' Datq’s real estate ofhee at Old Elm and Sweeney roads was dun- aged 'by fire caused by a defective flue. ' The Fort, Sheridén firemen ex- tinguished the blue with hand extin- guishers, _ BOWLING LEAGUE IS ' PLAYING REGULAELY Seward Good Games Last Week; North Shore Gas Team Is _ In First Place In Edition to giving effective aid at the big fir? at the Abbott labora- tories, North Chicago, last Friday, the 1ottit tiratnen “Ind several rum here during the hit few days. . , On Nov. 25 they Went to Port Sher- idun .and‘hglped extinguish a !lre in Fall's Clothiers ami. Tony’s barber: dig not play last Thursday, as it was Thanksgiving and will may off their tramir this week. Duffy & Doffy hit to the Highland Sweets Friday night. Much interest in being shown in the league gums and attendance " the weekly cont'est is Inge and in- crgaaintr.' . purine thé five years that the tho. per and}; were residents of High- land Park, they were very naive in both church and community. The my friends made " that time rd- zmt deeply to hand Mr. (hxmsr's deth, and bxtend their sincere gym. buthy to, the family in their grief. Another“i residence entered Thank» giving [mitt Was that of A. H. Woltne, .645 Glyn ew.. Tht family returned about " b’clock and found the phaeet, had bejen visited by thieves. A lady'l‘ green gold Swiss Watch and a chain,' some was and about $3.50 were min- ing. , The ‘poLice urge that owners of watehep' Iter I reeord'of the number of bothlwort, and cases, as otherwise it is pra‘cticnlly impoisible ton-ace them w'turnystoten. . )rhe Pennsylvania oil station was visitedlby, a bogus cheek artist last week ahd as a xesult‘is out about $22. The stranger, whose description cor- responds With that' of the man who recently worked Wankegan and other North Shore towns, bought a gallon of alcohol, saying his wife was in the Highland Park hospital and he had lefb his car there and would car- ry. the, gallon, to it, He 'also carried. away the change tor the 22 check, the polite report. The Davey Nurseries {building was visited, last week: by a robber who carried; away a quantity of supplies, it is reported. . SEVERAL FIRES IN , PAST WEEK REPORTED Firemen Answer Number of cadrrBut Total Damage Is .Not Great', Details I ta- ' . ' '. T 'r, Sevml rebut!†attendances ur, than 'ttttte, to the police in the. put their. Irttet, instance the house was nundggln the them of the an!!! i1tptintr/tr, early part of the evening end amenities were taken. ' Amine . me of, Harry E. Wightmen, 500 Gleam venue. on 'rtuut1agiviptt night ttrohratehes, some jewelry, for? eign coin; tnd other 'small articles were when, Entrance 'Was gained by twain ’ . window. The family re- 'tU,C'i'i:1'lll'lt', 9:30, according to the police. ',r' [ ( K On the hum: evening the home of W. -R. TSQDI, Dill lane and Sheridan' road with ehtor‘ed iithe same trimmer. and man} aitieles stolen. The mi- dence in! , W. Owens, next door south on Dell lane him was. burghh ized, Add {our rings and a gold watch taken. i,' 1 l _ FORMER RESIDENT IS CALLED BY DEATH -Mrord has been received from Ober- lip, Ohio, that on Saturday, Novem- be: M, the Rev. Nahum W. Grover maxed in] " his home in that a. From 1908 to 1908 the Rev. and . Grover and their two daughters made their' home with their son, Edwin Osgood Grover, (now living in Wear- ern‘Sprlngg) It 342 W. ParVtwemtt. Later they moved to Pberlirt when mother son is a professor in Ober- tin college. ' . The Rev. N. W. Grover of Ober- , lin,' Ohio, Dies; Lived _ Here 5 Years "v.tilttAt/ppai1is ARE _ I “LOOTED _il.Al"l NIGHT tttkilt. by Thieves imaniaiiv. j ingIEvening In Achnce of ' 'i, Families ' _ my, n a profaiIaOr at flu BM! “age of Dental 'trgtey, . V m iianoeiatt'rtet is to put into effort u very, bte and manna. plan. eh dqntist in the atroetathmus to tic; two rural school-1m“ his, I pdrvision and give a with] cumi- quip]: in the bear future‘ and one later, probably in the spring. Amati): edit-13 they‘wm do for that. rural @1001: it to,,srirryte chlldu’n untrue. t n in mouth hygiene. ' The Lake diam Dim-1.505% h d it: pget Jrtetttnt ttao4ir V a wing in', the, 1m. More tho 23mm†session the numbers anhy- a ttnrdinnir. ' v" ' _ IThe ‘spenker ttt the tnie te pr. f," ____ IRWINâ€. , 13,1) I _ Ar " , " " Tiiiifyttx:NMllltr'riiii'iiiiporr f ' _ MASQNIQ TEMPLE tst1shttpaania, Hprnm. Telepmmmw Emmy TALKS TO DENTAL SOCIETY :iety PM: to Give metric tion and thraartiantiort4 in Rural Behoohr This (ieason's Greatest Apparel Sale _ 10 N. Sheridan Road A sale for smart women. Hatq of (cit, felour and vulva, The Loretta Shop SELDOM IF'EVER ARE SUCH VALUES OFFERED ' _ , . If you are acquainted with our quality sind 't styling, you will appreciate these ' savings F, , _ All frocks, regardless of former priees, to be closed sit in four groups: _ -_' - e , 315.00 . 825.00 - $35.00 . $45.00 A group of beautiful fur trimmed $175.00, to be closed out at: gage; 555325.00, to be closed mit at: T g . 85.00 . 87.50 - $10.“ - 'ttao Is the time to take advantage ot my 7:: . . Millinery 4 N. Sheridan Rd. t Prices $3.50 to $10, which are. less than half; also a new shipment of New York Models PA-Holiday Sale E M. A. ERNST NOW COATS up Non-ch Slide Art lane a hold in neural“!!! meeting. the. Ith." . m "um. " Comm "iriia/'wtEttte4tutrtt.t?f% and“ “I!“ tNot. TOtter was Univ-nit! " cut-m.“ knomt pniir.trr-yrittt and lacuna ‘Proi. 'trarituth'tnh are of I miat irttaretttintt Ind will: an“ and all members and friends "a at". mason, "drttctror,at a, .5 emu-In: all!!! If m I"- High school Auditorium ' Friday, Dee. 11. 1926, 8 MN. Admission Nes, 50:. and, 26e. m LEAGUE m - mas-r DECEMBER " Telephone 463 $85.00 to $95.09 P. 815 tE up to,