mm to, 1m == if if! BY COMMITTEE AND 1NMll$t Foundation to Be Put ' j." no 'ytt,tit andiWo'tk’ _s..iliiite' . Comp ted all The; 5 Diftrertttr 3 l On Thad†Mutee of but met the lite form!» Highhndtm War Home!“ W chasm b M In! park. Mr. Jute: Cub 'tel the sculptor, had a chrdboud "we. of his aluminum the. and ttls was placed in die bait. " the park at Laurel and Phi-et "can“. It. Jeni Jensen, Mi. Rudolph Itttterte,, Mr. Predricluon (of the Andean Honument Co.,, new“ members of the War Mlttartotiatt committee und Mr. hen mum hm'decidh: on the 10“th which in: My chosen tow a. want end was. RhIttllllihf0lltllhM [NPARKISG VOLUME " Th extatemtq 'tmrtifistitm in but; put in at once so a.“ settle dirHng the m. Mr, 8'mdiie1asoit told the committee“ that "tse, huge granite. Illbl (by the monument; cuddly quun'od. “are in Chicago; 'nd every- thing ready to have the work fhtighed on time Tomato-$11 The desire of Mr. Jam and the committee was ti mum-the park 't,'l"lt"a"',etu'l"du',"'l1rdT'l1tt"tlll be necessary (nuke any trees oat, whichwinbcgoodumtofnwpco- pie. Bids for the WP“! will LraautttoritmtiaiiooatVrddaitru, The-mm Wt 'ttitxtahirnt which confronts the Jr Healthful com- ,rtitteetst-tkttrtatWdttt- net - hit,'; men ind women ,rhoa-edint war. mum machined W his bed» â€tuned from “no poet iotheo, addr- na- known. Will my one We when my of these mom can be found either telephone write to 'the chair- man, In. Joht) r,' Eggheads, 195 Laurel Henna, Teiephone H. P. .138. The names ardz‘ f C. Am»; amid Rocha“. How. ard E. Benson, {Enrico Berttsees', Gio- vanni fgf,t,r1'if,,r,t"', Bcrbick, Nina Biqudi, an: Ctim9, Alex Davidson. Michel George Dee, (ttte Denis, Pete Denny, William It. ‘Eckhnrdt. Jame: Economm, Jmph Falls». Bury W. Flanagan. Jim-tin Tom queue, Joseph) kalim; John Hon- alter, W e. Ivy. Jo‘uph Knight. George W. Kyushu", Jr., William Luzon. JnmuxD. Lona, {Robert Lats, Richard E. Lots. Bu'old‘ buta, JIM Henry nanny, 'iiiiiiiiifiiii, Mo J. Mttletier, 8mm Ne has P. Henson, John (Page, Pam swam, Charles W. Stub, Emil). Skii- more, R. L. 8 Vernon, Stanley Still- :on..John Washer, Bertshrt Weber’s, Andrew H. Steele. Puql J. 8:151:11, Silvio hawk. John andâ€. Wil- liam C. Wmtdirier, 1011mm; Wil- liun Ward rich, ad Wick, Earl You, mum 5131011, no?! iinGGiii, Frederick 1.3mm, Ed- ward Kermit“, wmm J). cum-n. Ernst Campbell. i _ '. The Sand? Evening club will hold; its hat moo " More the Christina bonds†in the Parish Home af all Presbyterian church at 7:30 o'cloeld on December 13. f i' "Imperia1imn in the Fur East" will be the toyio fett the evening. lb; Jerry Leaning will introduce the M he: with a talk on "Bi-my of ' Uh Imperialim in ladle,†and l Lucius Mine, In, Valhalla to’ discus-ion mg: pram of ")ri, cent Deulgppcnu in India “in! Chm." “an yin be gummy-Illa? ate open tofu. _ _ f . ' ‘ I Art}: n IW main! program, ge'. fmhmema will be towed. . _ The sum Evéning club talcum: all young MB ot Kirkland Par reg-Idle“ df church 1mm , policy in m worm he. don on question“ _ dar. j Jerry Leaning and Lucius [line to Give Talks: Open Forum LAST PREoHOLIDAY MEET SUNDAY EVENING CLUB The date: for the tter one-act plays to be given at the Vilhze Hm by the Woman’s Civic club of Ira have been t9tttntreti from my an! Sammy nights, Dee. 11 and 12.10 Saturday and load†'titttrty.t 'lr. 12 ad 14. The map was m2», Lula Warming!“ and amrtsertrte pros ducted and“? “redirection of th.,Attr costume†Ticke- may be otrtaiud from In. WW. '" Cod-{IVO- me. What! Pals. Bar te%ittetn DATES or PLAYS or .1» CIVIC CLUB CHANGEb number is mo. Mrs. Warmintttoat't Plays to Given Next Saturday and Monday Nit“! PART I ' PARTS new "ilr'br. 1iilritd,iftitjti J. C. Boylan Died 'in . Wankegan Hospital; @351 Funeral On Sunday ieittiti Boylan, natls of High , ' ( n resident here during ' a ' antim life of 42 yum. di " , lock Thuraday evening, Dee t, at-the Victory Namath] hm- bi'tl, Wuukegln, following . brief illness of heart trouble, N, Mie funeral "i%ee w held duh: Immaculate, Conception church at ' o'clock Sunday morning, Dee. a, and but! min the met-1y, " Em "act. . - _ , Mr. Raglan, who w,“ I Mum: auditor for the UnitedVShtu govern- ment, returned from a trip "rig (tt November :1;me in his an†health. About 1 week later ha in taken m and“‘thm week: More Its death he Went to the Waukegan Mb. piul for tmhncnt. tr , _ M line “1383 ' -: James q. Bortan vs: horn in Bids land Pub, Ort. 1, 1888,": Ion 0!"?- and In. Tm Balm. curly M; dents in this â€can. new Jatt. 10, 1006, in Mtttttiaatd my mu Mutant Hm. duvet thin city, and who trttreivie him.. .' l “There are four children, John and Joseph Boylan. tsrtnss,ctgsd 519, and' both aenlora in the Deerfhtid-trhuta high "ttoo1cnrhern they have distin- guished themelves in athletics, end, two daughter» Dorothy, aged eight, and Agnes flve years. Two sister: of Mr, Boylan also are living, Mrs. Sam-a uel Bowden of 1tarini» and Mid, Henry Durable of Emma. In Government Burke _ _ Mr. Boylan entered the service of the government in a elerfeaLeapaeitr during the World Far and " its, clone remained in the employ‘ of (he cow mutant, holding at hia deet a posi- tion of trust and lame Prev.. ious to his government service he had held urinal position! in, Highland Park and waa well regarded among his business associates. He was a member of the Wilmette We“, Knights of Columbus, at Wiltette. A He was welt known in Highllnd Park, where during his Mating be had a host of mm’frienda by whom he was held in high "titem forms; many qualities in)! than; _ penan- nhty., Wher'eyer be m. than. the news of hit death an madamâ€; deep tenet, and hit We “dim have ‘tho fsimerq trrstrrittttr of 'the community in their somw.‘ ', _ , 'Smish War vm I)!“ “Robert Sanford. 'a veteran of the Bpartfsh-Amerteltn war, died but Fido dty in the hospital Ct Port Shortdqn, when he was widdrgolng treatm’cnt. Mr. Sanford was born Nov. 81,1858. in Ireland and came to than Uhited States when quite' yonn‘g. C He had lived in this vidnity tor a number of years and of late about .HighWood. He served his country with country and dirtinetian ,‘during' the war, with Spain in 1898, and was quito'l'inn known 'in Highway! Ind Highland Park. " ' T The 'funeral is: held, on Monday at Fort SW and the decedent was buried with fun unitary bond» in the Port ttherHam cemetery. _ CATHOLIC LEAGUE T I t MEETING TUESDAY Fine Program Prenatal; Bertie Stockings for Christiana) \ Mrs. H. B. Kills ', The North shore'Iitholie Wom- m’s' League held in "gun! may Xy meeting on My durum at the. Winneth ' Woman's :club. A The'membm of the 163m he re- quested to "fill Christmas Rocha“ again this year (or either ar boy or trlrl,between the "e,toftopd,tr aniiommdthesmmi',ti" of skiing E. I'tt 'IS, thiert " to. . hhnd I ' on face» ber,20. Stockings will!» sea to " Joseph’s Hons for ttst Weâ€. After the" business anxiety: de lightfnl musical pruttritm my given by Olive June Luca. jnprano, und William Bell», pinning1 T . m' The popularity of the Fridny night dances has proved, the need of. n weekly dance a conducted by the Woinnu‘t dub and they win be com tinned btdedhitMrs Dancing bettbir, " eight o‘clock and the â€no hint guide musie will“ them and rehab; mentsnemed. f r, y ".i,," FRIDAY NIGHT DANCW, PROVE MOST 1’9me the patronage: this week in M Madman W. h, Alennder,‘ Wit C. Shims, Henry A.areWr, , _ A. Carquevimt. t _ " The Camp Fire Girls '01 Mai? tytgtlr,ttPi,tte,tt,,rt, t ' 's themllyBo 'sirroeervutomurttk Each! St. John. avenue, ‘béxinninxr Mt ofthe ( 8:30 o’clock Slhltdly morning, manhunt-t 12. Theuriru wink“: on 1fhttt We selection of gift: Juiced very y' Edda}. WIN!“ CAMP FIRE , I TO SELL FOOD-Gm ably. PRACTICALLY UNANIMOUS Favor Amtments Over Stores In Business, District; Axe. Amendment BUSINESS MEN SIGN ‘ mm 011 ZONING tttieonuietion with the public meeting to be lield. Fruity evening in the Elm Pluto auditorium for fur- ther eotitMerati.on pf the â€opened amendment to the tonintt" ordinance, tltedtrlhArttttt abet: letter has been prepared and' signed by 90 per cent of iiu; property owners in the misi- ness dimict od Highland Park. It will be tnnemitted to Mr, P. ‘W. Culling. 'ehaimtan of the zoning com- mitke,withtberequentthntithe read in open meeting Friday evening. Mr. Frederick W. Cashing, ', Chairman, Zoning Committee, _ Highland Pm, Illinols. Ps Dear Mr; _ V We "uncanny an you; attention to ,eeruit) pump!“ in the phment Zoning Ordiu'nce anal in tht pn- pond including: thereto. _ ' '7’$t.,iJames Catholic ttutritlt, Pitt] $04 will abaerve the' Party Hour Devotion in their chuck from Sms tr, an» the High Mus until Tue†" evening. Special services will ha held on Sunday, Monday “drug?" day awnings at 7:45. The' sermon on Sunday evenhig will be deliver“ tir tha. Re'v. Fredrick Siedmburg,v.s. 1., Dean. of tlte,Sehoot oI-Soeiolozyjq dt Loyéla univenfty., Orr Monday evening, cvérend P. 1'1;de of Indianapol?» will preach ind raver. ind E. J McGuinneu LLB. Gen; eral /,,tid,ttt of the Catholic IN- tension tukit “will page}! on Thus-x any eveninz- s '. _ ' 7 On page g it the present ordiu. "we in? Section II. we, and: ; 7 “The bower: conferred undei- this ordinance syn not be, exercised so ts‘to'deprivb the biruir of any ex- uding property id it: an or main- tenance for the purpose to which it is lawfully dawned " the time of the mince of nthis 0115mm." This clause appear; to be 'omitted in? the amendment. and ye belie" that in fairness: to‘pererty owner]; it should remain a: orlghtat1rirurorpot- and. V _ In Section T 9f the propor.ed mm!- mint w tind the height of the build- ing: in the bushels district u limited to, foi'tat-five feet or three and»; Wp Ellen tint this should. .md ‘sixty feet, with proper restrictions as to tmttstruetUn, q ' F HIGHWOOD CHURCH IN 1 b ,40' HOURS ,DEVOTION JOE LENCIONI PASSED AWAY THIS MORNING i Joe Lencioni, one of the trroprietorij'PS, ht the High}: d Sweets. died this. Will You buy "t morning at ft Tabled at his home?“ fs.ttr8.t.uutstte gin Change: following a “mm iii-H"! then Pl with! {moi mtdysis. Auweiitirir'mif dot1 i'ttet',p"c' (t ral mammal have not yet “'9- A m . a , r. [Maggi came to Hawaii»! "it will mil- ? rk about. enteen years no and! The shocking: I w a. his brother ' A. G. ,uncioni. cow. C Element! f,'tsrk and d chad , confectionery store at the if“ of where to * met o Ctptral andet. sotitsie,,cyfd.ed by the “35.00 macs, later moving. to their own Mid, It is T hoped tt can! i at the corner of Cantu] "anthem“. to this I and Second street. r [those children who; While‘in basinâ€! here hint“ many-1mm}: who will rettrek deeply to learn M his death. . _ NEMEROFF STARTS INSTALLMENT PLAN I. H. Nemerotf, jeweler and obtichn, 392 Central avenue. bu started 3120 use of an immanent plank: com motion with his *rw1ttrrtmrhtqs. It is now possible to buy my denim! watch, ring, or â€anything in ttur. on may payments in; Mr. Ne rcpt. Therewiribtsaearrrpartrtrthmt in St. James 'rull, Highwmd. on Thursday 'evening) Dec. IT. Thu will be able: for hm. the humid, and cache. 'Priau will be and“! and iettetrhutertt-sd." The pub- aw. caulk“: invitbd'to‘attcnd. l , Euchre uni bum viii be futures otiheeardpartrtrtt_trryt, Ptmuttmaettar Minion of the otk Terms: school. tpatstrrotr wink. My at the Onkf 1':an school, This it opentotho imbue. . ', CARD PARTY DEC. 17 , IN ST. JAMES BALL OAK TERRACE P. T. A. _ CARD PARTY FRIDAY mailman PARK, tumors, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1926 (Continued on pm a) WgHnnd Park. w. Decembei' 7, 1925 l' GIVE A CHRISTMAS. I ' TO A LITTLE CHILD l,' Will yon burm pair af atockin ' put one in the toe of the stockhqi Und then all with toys. If tot I bt " doll than t',tdgstruttot'l,tt. the. Abog'of‘andyisabd 'I Home by: pig.» do,ttett put anvil-pat g The' stockings aré delivered in Highland Park and Highwood and the me. of where to send them an m- /Mded by the school and city am, It is hoped a cautious mm will {,be'madc to this annual apps“ fir (those children wlttrtite pot (or-tum a enough to has; Shim minus}: magnum. ' " i NEWS MI 012mm , ; nuns; PRESS OFFER WILL TAKE OVER SUBS. "'!""tf ', ‘m "rate, T'""'),' A indicted 1te4,1tr9tW)iha,e1 J. E _ [rr _ ........ j [ lizard 1tdd,t,fttd,tlf,it"a eon- '.', tr , . ' t toâ€, "roeettthnt,artttlhmN “ISM Will Be Sent WOO“! tt,"ttg, architect; In; cloud a det ‘to’All “0an: Ptdd Year h George P, Hum pad may. "r,' Ad f iiN ' _lrrskltms,irutisttrttterutteoairtti. 5 sh minute P"', jdireheierttotiu?aiodeti,oetuttmr F 3 s', S w Reedâ€: _ my. manhunt! Put 10mm subdi- ' '....._.... 'lvuiortahmeWdriroitd,%tie_ s"" "lmirthanesotsthéuatteestotV (Reports from Deerfteld are that the. ' Park, with u tm-tt “mu tttlf, News, a small newspaper f I the completion of not loss than ' to); has been printed in Evunoton ft; ham“ by the {all of WM, This and circulated in ottraeighboring ttt if; proUhtr the bigtreat contract of for seven! weeks. has cased may mm tttttUrtahmt in thin notion. ertton on Aeeouttt of 'ttneu' ditBi ('rtteee homes will all “rpm 7.- culties. The mermaid News In! pubs an“; from 312,000 to name. Gum “shed by the. "hsssrfUid Pttbtutthitt tttruetisin i! to immdintaly helm on Co'., not incorporated, H.. Schmidt, tattt houses ttttd the guts" prom proprietor. In 911 about 20 issues an.“ out in units of from m to Were distributed in Durham. than†' This Paper Will Be Sent Weekly go Alt Who. Have Paid Year In Advance tit News', l _ Show Receipts While a hit-1y “would“ was the New: Way did not tttdt mm more in inettre in "pi; my "ttt indications were and it was printed " 1 Iota every net of its Existence. 17 ' _ C " in reported that quite u number of. Daniela people have paid I you"; subacription in advance for the New» bud with its unspent-£01: they but w. he expectatiop of getting value r9- MW‘L N A _ F . / T Theretm‘ the Highland Pork Prob lakes this offer: To all Deetfttd new“: who have paid tor the Deer- t1ittis News I War in advtnee, ttso he†wilragree,to Smiths Bighinitd Paik Press tree' until the aviation of "lteir, subscriptions to the‘NeVI, providing they are not Shandy Inb- ietiterito. the Press. _ j Bellow- in Wrath»! _ . It is not often that a rim] news~ patrer, assumes any such mpondbil- it? as this, but the Press would like toihuve every family in Deerfield' on iii ttdt"',' It banana that with on children of both 1sorrttyttnitleit attend- ing the§aame high tch/el, with a with, Mot ma connecting the two toying one! with no many thing: of common interest to tho two communities. 1he citiaens and" organizations of both Continued on pogo six F' I" E- ,‘ Mike: when] on: ' : iquust here is where the Highhnjd Park PM! come- to the rescue: 'Ne Press believes that muse of We many things which t two com- munities have in compiqn. . spirit of Mutton. dictum always be mutt. utr," manifested. And. while the 'tft hid no connection in any my h ttieidehntet News, it does not 11t2 â€any Deerfleld resident lose by t [ expo'rience with that punt. - _ j For many years Highland Park has taken care of, the poor childrdn at Chrhtmu time' by sending: tBud, stodtinga, to' Mrs. Henry B. Vail. This your-Mrs. Vail Jsriin 011310le at! the stocking: are tube sent in“ John F. M’ukenzie, 195 Lam! Ive- nae. I Mrs. John _ F. Mackenzie In Chaney! Distribution of '. Stockings ' _ T Please 'put a "and on the Ming. stating the use ad Wham-form hoy or girl. Deliver to 195 huts! wanna by'Decmbu' 17th _ ‘ Dr. Pntbison is on ot the dbl- prancing" of the metropolis: Ind is much in demand an“: the We: and “intuition throughout the _atttat. Be is widely tnvelbd. I “thinly 3nd able preacher, lu in mung, . week. end visit with home my puddi- ioner: who mmow "new Ha: the work of the t'reshrterdattt church md it is through their kind-cu M be has but: secured for the to“! :M pit. The "tttie M "or-Mme: trac- tturl, chime in 1ttettetrtrt ha! thil'viaitint patella. 'i,'s ' NOTED PREACHER T0 V SPEAK HERE SUNDAY Rev. Pattison of New York City at the IL' P. Presbyterian . _ Church _ _ Raw "r, Park Pram Tomorrow evening, in "ttte m J school . tr,',tet,'r; the 2"lt'd. l Shield: phyerl ,rill, We three. ',' act comedy, ' "The Goon, than I High? by we Beach. whichhu‘ , made unleaded hit in Gluten and other large emu. Att excellent out "lhara been taking under I!“ Weld! _ of the high lébool fteatltrftte ml , weeks, and ' excellent production at C this 'u'1)lt;';,' is mend. It is expected them-the We!» will be large. The out of the phy it a , follow" Bradfer'-..-.s-c.. GeorgeBemen Lois w...t....mrtrwt--.e-..mmeV'.t. mom-n" nuke Syndicate to Erect 150 Houses on Ridge Road for Nixon Co. â€he Macaw-w know coup 'dit',iyjgtiytitih,ttgtfli MMhisi toqu v'teiitrtutsst'tt.'e1tdtutrft t'tieenttrrtium. "tomtsmttoft.t, h'trut-tobetmitthrtheqrsdie+ aretotsereadrforoire-erinthe spring: All atnttittetiet g: te be up- {These homes will an “'le w win; from 312.000 muopoo. can. sit-acacia is to tttumdiatertr begin on an hon-u und the gut!†pm Urrkd out in unit; of from an to “may. , ' This iu'the that “nomad pro- nm for oxtemiw home Wm in the new atrium â€one! along the new Skokie lims, “a in to be {onw- ed by other building “may according to the Nixon.eompany.m " 2 The Khan ‘mvhny. autumn: large section: along this tight " way. through the oo<tpemtiors of the North Shore city plnnniug minions sad boards hug unnamed I high stu- pnrd of zoning and restrictions in In pubdivinions, with a view Mud do- gve‘loping along the Ilmdy "tatgiatw led North Shore'line. - d'er tuiupervUUn of A. L. Frldmin in chart! of the construction depart» ment of the Nimn' company. In; house: will be in "than archi- tectural designs. wick u loaning to- ward iadividrm1imd deaun,ttrttftA. lnrly Colonial, Dutch Odom-l, Old English. aptr8rtyiittt. ' " ' HIGH SCHOOL PLAY ' TOMORROW EVENING Grandmother ......._. (Enduring lunar Aunt Julin o._L.e..., Edwina “an Kimberly (Villain) _..-...... our. Bathe Leo Dar (#316150 u tMite, “L, Deeriietd.shkw Plum to Give “Goose Bug's Highâ€; 'Crowd 1: Expected ' . (Twins in collate) Eunice (mother)........Eliubeth J- Bernard anther) ma...“ AM Porter Hugh (older brother) t""-T"fr"'"",'" Dammit (his was) pm}; int), Wynnmuu m Noe! (family trim!) s.----,-:-:- Sidney (suitor of Mtg) "e-ttter" Mr. Schneider’s that. â€built the, necessary putts at the home which will be~uud in the play. Student: in the lifeboat?! Was Wanda-do the posted announcing tho perform- mce. Some of ttus View! undat- are acting " med-y mums. cu- tttttter, elect-Hun, and hub. unmet. - L.. --- = Next week’s mum " the His!» lad Park We indndu the tol. lovinzpicmrel: _ ,Tonizht, Friday 1nd Stand-y, Adolphe Item, Greta Nil-an aid Beanie Love in “The King on Matt, Bum"; My Ind XML Gene Shanon Porter'- "The Keeper of the Beef with Rabat Punt, Clara Bow and Alice mm; My, WM, Timmy and Friday. Glut-h Btu- m in “SW 8tmeY't My. with“! ht “My 1tobirststt,odf We My. 80. -etttt in back page of daf- per. _ Tidin- nre on. ale " (Sun's but Store, Highland Park and " we: Drug More, Lab Forest, Will Be Shown .st4x..tfri. 'n King on Mn Street†2 Days; Other Features ' w.'-.'.....-,.:...-,".';.-, 3%th Bmetiqui Rind: (housekeeper 9-ue.,--c-' _ EVELYN BRENT IN , LADY ROBINKOOD Edvard Pom Btfettes1toe_letfi9nrrttsa. â€can! in at!“ W but» euetedtotbe_tttmit,Mt* MSWuviuMn-d six directors as foam: Water Id- erbol.'Goq1-¢e Borden, P. Hâ€. G. Klein, Howu'd Int-u. And In. W.Simona. . Next week the tom Itett will be than at the Akron _ Tonight md tomomv night, “an Sills in "The Knockout"; and“, Bert Lrteti, Marian Nixon and Pull. m Dun! in “Spot-thy Life"; Sud-y and Mon., Mu Hum in I I†tie dram "he s'ttfu't,t; with Francis X. Kahlua; ‘ ' Oil Wednesday. "The Pool" viii 'tld-ll Lowe; Thanh, and My. Duh Kenyon, mud Huh. an! te.. Batman “The Ratt Way ' Sammy, Buck Jones in "She But Price." Katina Saturday. Se. gnu: on buck page of this up“; Unanimous wider-aim: of m opmttetterrttrtsetrttr90trere-tee the prom mm in ttted-i- diytrt'ttsnfnddetootAteutre ofthiitteeomrittttet4O-d" the meeting 1701» tttid My "o. nlunfu mud trrthe High!“ Park Cinnabar of Guam at'itrs my» hrmouthlysudanMym e1tcetptt1t,gf"td,tg,tttg. columnar mustang urofttte43umtorNmut- {do 1owtrstrmrortafttttetirtgt The director- :re to you“ anear1rdate.ndar.Mttt-tmtag, ma tr-tr.9tthuthtt-tttte tsttttetteqrttoard of dim ho qtaestioetofaeeMittntlttbr tahuntrsottdmtedtktetatMe't_ tUh n am that the who.†"'ind'g,?,tg,,rt,p,','f2'it'" tt3oatttntredtmr-NI THE MASKED BRIDE AT ALCYON NEAT!!! Regular Meeting Ball-Toad†Night: Wears Elected far Year; Much Other Bui- peas of Importance Will Be Show: , Days; who. Sills In “The Knockout": Other Feat-rs C UNANIMOUS ENDORSEMENT COMMERCE CHAMBER T BACKS OPEN LISTER Sunday, “Big Ptt" PM Mary Carr; “Cum! Punit- , meat†2 DI?! I Next Sunday Myth-- 21rttfat,','httL"Lt,Uttt cert Mam _ It tho-two 't'td'l'alttWd, 'h1efut','SP,',,1'ttra"lf't,'f. e no- - J',l,utrt,'de't2t,; Job Weider. ascend m; Chm Dnn,viokaudkklnnqu¢-¢, cello. “but“:qu -atdotigtrtars6rrhiuge,ser,t#d eefaes. The-tplat-bert' than waiting to: than nrtttr In“ ,mkoaseantsttatrttreumberutrtMe tmtwtsott-ttottteertreae9tqdr,-' tsteieurmt_tetttdttrt Btmhrnftmatttoit. . v‘ Put! that! will mum! a. lot itnrirterretamaatertteV 7 Tonight. "Paint and W; pti. dag, "No Fitted Jam†with luck Roxie and "M‘s km to Noun“: Sunday, man Who Dun†with John Bowen and [ml-Ito De u Home; Sunday. "Big Pal" vigil WB. lino amen, Jaime ‘Johnmn. In, Carr and Hickey W; lad-1 and My. “Soul-d Ups" wit D... My Rain and Cullen had; Ibo “mm W; WM In! Thursday, “Capital ',I',',titttfia: "and by cum DUI and “he . ter; butâ€, "All Anna m Na" with Fred Thoma; m. “The Spank; Chan.†qeitts IB- legen Ind Donut! Phillips. Saturday. Supt-opus on _ in. of this paper. . "Atthtr-inr-taeefWgb" tgidhertrtfetst,DutehetDetrGmayd Rtrsttodtttttorptttttirtjrtth.ith- oeedthetotuerwttttvtti.itNt.' Whumqnniu. mu. tttea-tind-a-ti-thte out. I GOOD WLL NEXT WEEK AT PEARL THEATRE B. P. o. R. as: us . cum WBDmttWAY GORDON QUARTET . CONCERT SUNDAY PART I 3 PARTS HUBER tl $3: