H tt [E it if ' The other ehaucun in tb for II n for the peopIo of 1 day. fade into the 1raehgmm mun who trote the w It is We who not: intimation as she has Free mutton of the world nine: of the crime. Shades. so no that we no her forthe hm tit was, instead of the much w ed “saintly; virgin" of but a of “not who’ for Mid wished to thaw that she unjustly executed. mutilate able, clever, human, Apia! very pitting of her mu vi tho entire world we mil to "he thatch. with: . hei imprisomunt by her that. the Minnie. ham, ting for his death, the chm tionofthotriot,Gdtsti braking trial. ' The remit is a may intimate Itoty <d the life and the powerful and dyttttl fnmitr, ma the tinnl 'ey father by his children If their '.4u't'u'1'2i'ul') cution. _ g of ite museum twice. The trucks: ot the Sig-nor Bicci into Inch . til-chow] nnd misrepnuh we“ u-nhowing him V I athm at the subject, t sanded to no on pad on u m was left 111}th xi uncann- . shred of truth. Signor Wed, former a Fine Arts, in Italy, was la amen“!!! into the study of which 1'itttettlt occupied with azimuth. work, by tion of the “annuity of Bud portrait alleged to he It edema about _ "View in the mil commend even to attempt Wilden of Con-Mo We work on “Bu end the day: of the Inte It is one of that: works mediate), stand: forth merit: and [claims I pa in literature. For the a intimate picture of this t man: and justly comp. lemons life of Cellini. PAGE TWO m3 ROMANTIC)? “BEATRICE crm 4mrtrsitttrgmtsdirttroe hiker-phi. Tmml my? Por an writ- to coma. + â€The ' us) DUFFY & DUFFY Mold Agency. Boift,natt', Barber Shop ON T be a "Surat-hottie" when others are D out in all the fun. Take your rightful.place in the rolliekillg athletic life about you. Bowman'g Milk/ls ll sure way to the sturdy, ro- bust health that' ‘such.a 1ife.demanda. It-builds, you lip m.,'.,... gives you boundless energy to carry' throith the busy day. . , _ ' _ Start using this grilatpeaith food today. Drink it every meal and (ee 1towuse_1i better yell will feel. The improvement willml'laze you. Truly! _ 0pm PLUMBING AND HEATING INtirtsn My Given. ' Jobbing a Specialty _ ., mari, m cm An. Winter Warmth and the . Glow of Health Dry Cleaning, Pressing ,Tirririi mari, m: tther, B. P. 1m BrCtrerndoWer Bed a 1.1mm :MORAN BROTHERS Cleanérs "and Dyers and Repairing WWW} had!“- 'r_tlr, Bu. {Em PM but he 1 pt -his i,i',iiiii,i' an ket'e m- as 0nd" :ATRICEr ‘whteh ha- 'nhter of quite in- thtCtrati n ma the ques- the Guido portrait Bia, den'ce led: an: of than: u t facing was per-i I its own new: - hentic' and 12 it' is in- d with the trendy ft on Tlie ml per- reg our the trh.. the any 1mm , I! the te-tmats. ten or muons ad hen indomit- in the I not on. " might 7&1an b-zm has I of the h led to dads of was! 4:- the blot- 1y execu- Il hurt- Inal exe- /'il'Jlifrif 1lesz spin“ lnsist‘on And so has this uk in its Mer- ative cover, the charm and. has!!!†of mm: elm. _ . l It is in this vein, as light 3nd del-I icate as the toy balloon. that the en- tirs ator§ in written., The Cardinal has only-one real desire in hit lite, and that is for a nephew. The other Cardinals an have them but prayers have never, availed to bring him such a Messing. Bo, in Vania, his old friend Luna, the blah; blower. a man versed in magic lore, make? 'him a nephew of Venetian glass. "The boy's akin was _so fair as 129’ seen tiniest translucent and the luminoua ttax of his abundant hair had the fragility at spun glut.†_ ter Innocent Bon is than to Mm to his ultive Venieg. “it hurt was lighter than n flower; indeed it danc- " so high and nirily. and toned the tienaoa, cord of hit mortality with itteh persistent tnaiiee, that he com ceivad of it uh top balloon, in azure kplnything in a pantomime,' caught by I thread of gold to stable out]: um! germnne to the thy." , . Elinor Wylie it not a writer for the mariy but for the few. The first Mn- graph of 1'The Venetian Glass New: ow" establishes this u. did the da- quisite “Jg'nnifer Born." Cardinal Pe. putt-ton M the grim, the worthless trrodittrtte brothers, and the my stupid stepmother when otttrttnet ot defense was that the and not. re- memberâ€. anything. f ‘Behind thin all we see tin personality of Butt-kg towering, ind her you: wrote! my to her stepmother, â€ng you not the courage to bear the meh A little? I an but it." ' CAWARE FOR THE FEW INCREASING PURPOSE As,uMtm,lsos mm“ 00mm a'tl,ttr'gg'2,'gtM' “1113 MN GLASS napalm" By Eli-or Wylie George B. Donn Tel. B. P. 880 m’ 'llirtgij'iiR,?,?, two JMrer 13 01161 of _ doe unit; contain tttmi' tw thousand “in and a deposit es for the bank's wen nd the “Idiom Boom conmn the nk'r gold Lugs-v0 Ind securities whinging to i" or hold a tollnteral. l on this fot, ndatibn M. Despret 'r'ets)ift' the outer: l at this part of the Mince u it h , originally st90d, fitti it up inside the most- ttputoadatir itk. 1 Geologie Ily the or)“: n “Egypt†as the so hem tier of, Initial in Illinois in alled, range f the old, at to the oumst, from Free rock to glacial ormUioii. _ _ ninitetstru,srsiaiC,Cii"'." ‘7; 1'1"t1.eattrr._A.,eer)iara "'"_yreritebtboti'rtrr'"-" errntion than WI. - 1'2'd"i'lll'2d"1"gutit " 4w When' M. Delpret {hilly got the palace than was I std to it. Um der no eirettitutatseet, gist the, out; ward aspect be clungedLi C . - ite'tso,d.etud, Pa . _.Detsrrysturttua, s.fdtnhti.siwiptr, of the palace ttntottel but pulled, down everything else. T down to more than nixtyieot iiontr the Rue Royals. Heri mum: “demand four troors, orPafti', tt an!“ an. titely sun-panned t(eyUt and on the sides with a; wall 'srf a 1 aid icin- forced concreth mrr#n fe thick.’ The lt is tl',',',"')',' pt',rttitt'at indulge too my -ththds entice the appetite. and rttht that. lies the objection to mint-rich. ing. climp'ble bra-d3. It' In the quantity My“ not il h.- gentiun “who; t'.tid', an inmate In an and , d 'd? t o-ttstein tttts i-jiGlir. (“at The sick. man demands . suit- able to his common at he; and a cough. wooly. pile- of white bread is ab.tmttth. Inn thtrttr I would when» by Man. and even then, what hail-l - ing clue In the have to _ On the other hand. linker-vb anything that appear- _n Indif- ferent to digestion, orb nouns ishing than an alt!) of col Math. tasteless. stringy. “Hit: You" cpl commercial ancestry. tum to hmt it. A 1 King Albert, who wt.) 1rorrrin the present Bank of' B were all the children a! the; ld Count of Funden,1the brother , Leopbld II ~1nherited 5the build" from his father and fttr yem _ ‘hh acces- Mon it remained unocc , led within 3 stone'l thrbw of the to 1 pence. It; anemone dimenlionl In" it punit- able u a residence tt the young crown Prince of Belgian) when . Deepret offered to ' it outright with tuithe wonderful 'iihiitriiii' m. niture and work. of mm contained, the kimf named a priee-9rhitr Pri-- nnd after negotiations and expert mt, ; nations that took some weeks“ the deed we- signed. , I: J I trauma mam; my! form of indigestion that could boqtrneod to such canâ€; I T have' n ught but prune too. for the old- union“ buttermilk biscuit! So an! Our; beam: as a rule, are quiet to resent what is Lem: "An old tozy radon." One of a aides: Ahat know ot, in th mum-u that we should amid + Mud. and many otherwue I all!!!» fully: are still 'rtiekipttrtittttt by that ancient dict-mu: t no and faithfully, toi mmyJM ter db- covet harm In a nice! - "and hot ml) or groom m , or u comfortably val-m sit of your bread with "111th _ in tht t"trttot drawn-Md ,1 - slat! n The Bank otBnme‘ uproot“! tho? only honking ' on in the won-iii doing business in' rod when. according to the N ’I'Bmimn. After the war, the bought the Royal palace of the to of Find- ers, one of the noble In ions af Ett. rope. It: president, M. Maurice Deo- put, I recognized uthority ,on eighteenth century art, solved the apparenttrhmeie" pr him of pre- serving intact its regal mtitptifhmnee while " the same tim housing the modern equipment of w it is in may way: the,th ttrt-to-da bank on the continent. i 5 h Abput liqur (l.fdlttga_,u'h, BANK OF mBiggs LOCATED IN PALACE Alter War magnum Bought Former Roy Meme; King of new“: " Born 'Neite A Ittept yrtstett.tt tsi.-. Things Yod Should Ktsow m HIGHLAND rm rams, HIGHLAND maximums br)oturjo.dsTir'6Gra, M o. PROBABLY DOUGH? Funds King Born We" ONLY ONE Which reminds me that on of the tttoat Mon: employm in the United Btatasss-4tmter of a string of succul- ful 'te-ers-ttas for a long the Ernst poirkinCrrrHtht of Don- mouth college, recently m'itsnrkqd that the was“ put in an! institution. whotbqr 3 business 0M qr can.“ classroom, is the tallow‘vho in" not quite bad enough to tim but who just birely get: by. ', GREATEST PEST IS ', MEDIOCRE EMPLOYE Highland Park Nash Sales . , Special Display of the New “Enclosed Car" Motor I)tlAjl!iiiiilFill Come view this. new motor just introduced at the New York Shbw. Nash has engineered it to develop 25%. greater pdwer with phenomenal smoothness, quiet. ness, and 23% faster pickup. A can]! cub payment: will get you immediate doling of {I gunn- teed uaedFord. nebulae“: bopddIn mummypamu. And when youm and! to buy uneventful m muted I Mr trade-in dlownnce (tom your Authorized Po Doubt. Years Of Unused Milena: Fordannccepcodh tmdebrAuthortaed troertDe-ao+ u “an“ used can we thannghly unconditioned “(I m with}: “hon! may, V , You mbuyl 'Ml/tid wtmduAuthorlnd Fold - via matinee an! " “the {on mom-ulcer nihao! 't"f,'hi',1't'P2t unce. "Tis knowledge of ad "ttae and hi. but“! In 'ord an and P6edown-mitto.htmthobeatmmttn damn!“ whom to deal. , AmuduedFodca.pmchuodtr$nmyAuh6rudM Duhr.longoodlnvmt.. ' Telephone Highland Park 1608 _a/i,iéi7iii,is'de,t,ti,':,,1fi.iaea; Leads the World in Motor Car Value mndeitnmhjto Windy em- pittrohtt.atttiortdatft-B, isnotrrodentttttrhtohepemnoud. POR , ':,' nu CLEANING s 1)ch we CLEANING a warm ' sum-came , In: Rama: utmost PHONES 173-179 T ramp“, “may 21, aid comma. Wm§j J. SMITH may!) ‘10 JUNK i TH IA E