E " tor on Stem tor or OM Mm! E I anti. _ been mpital TTed tal ', MINA“ :1 “and arNire ,. 2.utt other, " a. In Senator: te%rvretun. he. " " 1m General Taiio .0301“. Putting, 'Its,, Ladle-Manta i, "2Northrimt8tmi. TUESDAY, JANUARY " M. WOMK 56mg Machines ll 'hltrLtplqp " .1996 l, "Modern proceuu of accurately re- phducing the great palm“. 5of all time in beautiful com prints nuke it tatt for everyone to an: artistic laurel. _ I “Pictures in our homes ere just " important now " they were in the a; of Catherine de Medici. Today, men bee leaned to make them more Important even by adding suitable ,tnnee which enhance notably their beauty, but are a very dethtite deco- rative fector in the furnishing of e roam. Pictures on e we]! not only relieve its ,bonotoey end do!!! an interesting and “home change of tt tenet, but the color, line and size of e tastefully mtUeted heme b I 'iir) tee! pert of the room’s Mediation.†tDo,thits for e little while _ Then go out and burn the Ale." "Htmspieiode-torott, 'hrtrtts9rtttrratt'tPte, Letutsete11gbeorhttttodo-- momma'dy.‘ “If some hit of gossip (some, Fik at: thin: W. 7Sanddoudy Spicy crumb, File $110 thine. any. _ “And in Italy of tte lui-tte-at that glorious epoch in which men’s minds reached the fioimetntr point of In that is splendid Ind betmtfftdrcthe frescoes and mul paintings with which they enhanced than: home: and palaces stlh remain u u text Ind ttx-', mph of hinting In {mama daily] lives. " In our‘own Amer-in: there are the beaded patterns and ttit.tdir designs of bright color: With which the Indians brighten up the Iutum skins of their wimum. . I In the pnhhtoric - of Enron there :re still hint traces of the Piee Hum which their dwellers scratched and "etehed upon their ‘rough am"- facets. C There are still the Mazes-of the Greek temples, the colored thatch- es on the ruined "HI “Pompeii. the matrm'Beent tapestries with which-tin lords of the Middle Am'hude their: glqomy cutie: P""'".""' places in} amid: to live. , V . . 3 There has never been I period in â€history when homes were without pie.. tures on the walls! ' Through all the ages of civilization. dud even through those dim centuriu when men lived in cues or rtsdentuta, them In: never been a time when mankind his not brodttht tttai and ini. taint into the wall: of his hemp tt 'trytentintCtht with picturu! j PICTURE ON WALL _ . Ji'ROM EARLY'TIMES Throughout All Ages Even Into Remote Past Mural Decor- T atttnt, Knowil These two In Gunny and Russia in which there VII an :2th of the existing government. The arch- ives dt Great Britain and France, It in said, are still closed, and until these are opened it in cimytlut myhbmd (and fair weighing of :11 evidence on' the eatttreiarCthar, w-r will be impos- sible. ' [ Wowever, the committee will submit the very best report possible to the Senate foreign relations committee and it can then be said that at but a start, can be nude in lifting the pain "mit the cm. . ofthe World War from the has of 1eeeettiattovaiyistiGTrtGeiii probably ho o long time boron the mutt-deny is may "ttled. The committee is ttandfeairrted from lack of funds god is therefore compelled to any on its march among the doemuenu avail-519 in the library of magma. The dlithmltr is, further. abetted by the Net that only two at the Europe“ countries hue thrown! open their oMeial war nrchivu to the] public. There his The†witd GCGrim monumental all: my that $ttelt', to uncover the 0 the World ' from 1 I Managing“ _ ', I The cal-yin: out. "rthe Wen res-- ,olution was placed in charge of mu. have reth service of tlteilitt- ol-contregs. The committee in rc- qnimd to report by Febmry 1, 1928, and there an ahtdieatUeo that it will have My by that time I Tport ot "ttmt 11!!de men. _ may months In Santa- fhern, at Oklahoma introduced. a resolution in the Senate!†an investigation of tu, World war. “on were so many oth- '0: resolution: of inundation More the country; at the time that little publicity was at“: to the Oven m- elation. It mod the Sang“, hair. ever,’ud ow lines that ttttta a little band of Iii-Mal munch , wax-km ‘hu been very busy in the Congrats~ ‘oional library in -Wuhington, ddvint into the m1 records which m " mdy crowing musty, and seeking to' am fromthe mm of eorst1tettntr doe. umentary evidence. some light on the real enuturtsorttieh shined the world eoniliet. Owen SENATOR women's mu. "m of 0mm Ream-m. of Probe by Committee-Which Itt to Report lit February; Many Mounties was hsaiiiiiil) Mun! momma working on thig {‘5} it in almost 19!! causes he was of Illinois in the greatest state it} the Union in the production of thmer,s muddy. " nad dumb“: arta?V “Burbank†was it: norm, Tho blot oaritation if a Wily recent product of their on. ' ' I “The†three exercises Will do a great deal in shortening the muck: holding up the nah out! also the mtw. do: on the bottom of the feet. Bov- Iever. in the n yo! repetition, tho ox- erciu will do little ttttttd, if the by dividual continue: to any the weight of the body impropcrly upon the. feet. Form the proper habitat walking pd insure yourself the pleasure of good aches and joy in your daily wok: tng.", . i “3. While standing. do the tune exercise and then, with toat drum under, walk Hound the room until the sples of the feet.beirin to ache. ATM! walking exercise ahguld be curried on for five to ten minutes.’ _ We, repeating J.t%GGil 83;: bar of times. 7 ' ' . tht heels. much 'itGtGiUiiirii; 3:33 in doing this. Repeat up: exercise fif- teen times. ' . 77....-- -..w-- - vmu, Wilt see the solution mummy. Regulate the spew of the entomohile and you will arrive " the ablation, S to will say. Others Will to tutti)“ ind demand governors limiting- the " speed of all inotor "xs1tie1erri' while trom still other quarter; we the“ hear demands for the examination of Ill drivers, on the theory that some} sort of mental and physical examina- n tion will eliminate all careleee driv- - tis. Invenpre of special systems of regulating traihe, systems of light- , has and sizmiling. put forth. chime I that in their, devices will be found thekey to the entire situation» In all , instice to this latter clue, it must . u said that many of the lytteme , advocated have much to recommd them, and that mechanical devices of / various sorts, such‘xu eutom‘etic eig- , mil lights, have done much toward _ helping solve the prohiem. The hya- fThe weight of the body is (taken upon the outerrborder of the heel and as the freight gradually pane: for» ward it. is taken along the outer, or the more or leee solid portion of the foot," he explains “Al the weight is being carried forward to the other foot, the body's weight should b, forced ‘forwerd _ with the five, to“, . rather than just the hm toy, The C foot should human: formutc'roe. ing in' in not necessary; in Net it iti, _ to be avoided. for it destroys we of movement and the share effect an be T obtained by placing the toot forward Lin e streight line. Do not be ‘ztraid of wearing-the shoes on the tttttaide--. shoee‘ curhe remixed much more one ily then feet, and with much less pain. ' some Rxerciue _ "The following exercise- will do ' greet deal in ly).1d,htrttr, the statue: "I. While tdtthtit, attempt to draw the toes Mannie:- the feetto’werd - venuon 'etetYtagtttttt of the' Ft ' . , Motor club points opt the" a _ for l accident to children and, ' tm tbe , remedy obyious. The“ thrA, T ere " interest not only to the i an of Cook'eounty, they ere can" . "ple , able wherever the automobile I e drive" Zen and-cements ocean. Dari , 1924 two‘hundred any! one‘ehll ' with: _the use of sixteen were 'uttttr automobile: Inptoe county. r. hun- dred and Ptttyatt were iltud in the middle of the block, t ~ were killed in 's1urr.and titty-oi were killed " street interpection' One hundred and ninety were . " on 'ity streets, two in perks. . - on :c-Imtry roads, and nix on he Innis. :‘he morgths of the yen- when , libel: . My outdoor games were foe . who 'she moat dan' may and t .' hour, l liter school fl, dismissed [wk the when toll pf lives, from TT our to , " in the afternoon wee {wall to be T T far a; most dementia rind of :he day. flirty-eight childre of the .36 of six were killed, bW seven 'he' number dropped to' nine y F . Point the War _ _ I "These "uree correctly ital-pm :ed, point the way to A red): ion of accidents, and this lesson hold; good Averywhere in the country. The In- 'erfieial safety worker, the one who makes the business of livid: lively mnavocatiof rather that a WWII, . new Connilgl _ "The, neetdiutt more of 'Co ty as compiled by the tepid vention department of the' Motor club points out the' at accident to children and‘m remedy obvious. These tlttn fAeeidenm to will!“ aseitsd much at the attention of may war . for .thie mmn’tlnt than new? {as the moat pathetic Asf all an ,.... suddenâ€. and also beam it) "r mind that when tin aeerdtmll prob.i Rem " it concerns childtrcnm I lam-4 measure soured, an want I l the problem as I whole is I} ha ‘ " an Charles M. Hayes, publdent a! the Chicago Motor club.- {The TY " " of today we the motortita a pedu- trim: of tomorrow, and if -. chil- dren' are imbued with lawn: in: of safety we shall have a more ‘ rein! nation. The schdol child lea was“, and quickly an,d what ht let I in his youth will u ' rule gemnin r th him through life. , Iitereashttr Death Toll ' the Number of Injured _ii,iii,t,,_,is forSnfcty Workem 3. Suggestions 7 'i,., . White standing, do trio "G RECORD 1N COOK llllhl)iYaIIgmiy, HURTINACCE THE HIGHLAND PARK Hg". [ h _ I was, HIGHLAND mm, was QUALITY AX now can Drive where on w0i--and as long atrypu like, through traffic, through sand, through mud, over hills-Land over ' mountaini,if you please. lime“ something really new, really worthwhile, something r y ique--iihd you will not be disappointed. , "I', i" F V ' I -, I o . I F 'ttr e F _ T I ' d Touring " t510 Sedan I, - '73S car, is to i' exptriertcti the introduced : Now the Improved Chevrolet gives another reason for an , even wider margin of; leademhiiiU. rformanee the equal of which has heretofore been 1'flflth"i'iilE in the low-price field. True, the Improved Chevrolet is easier-ah? True, there is striking beauty in the New Haw finishes. rue, Chevrolet F prices Are lower. But the one great and outstanding reason why you and eve.r'y other motorigtishould glrive this splendid A perfo _ nee so effoitleas, so, smooth, so pow :0ch and 't'ie'i'illitl1ff,' every phase, that you will call it nothing short of a revelation! . _" (I . Phevroiet') leadership has been' based on giving quality at low cost. I . I APFEfOHnafnce 'rhoutrandihave already driven the Improved Chevrolet. T . They know} its new smoothness, 'new stamina, new mftneq bf acceleration. _,' , ' They knori/ that in performance it corn letely dwarf; ev Chevrolet achievement of the past ancrthat it ranks as gay finest Cheyrolet in Chevrolet hiikirrv, , And if yon are one who has not yet been behind the wheel, you have more than a treat in store. You have yet to expeeb ential type of performance never before offered in any low pr: can: 7 WM Jhr Economical 1rransportatioits a Ram'ASlO an? {"645 Cinch ;.‘645 WM. RUEHL& CO. no N. an: trtr, Highland Park Phone Highland Park 1110 . A Type of Performance Never Before Obtained In Any Low Priced Car 045 1 Twat-$15 “Mbuhmw matchless perfGiuilGs Ti new Sedan I, .3735 Landw - f 765 1/5139ng 395 550 PM! â€VIN (ll , i!