if! if! " LB, [E Ii! tif, [ii Ili N-trtnttetsftiratuug for "airs "taim the um of pun-m of, 'M1t1lretrt-to,airtde mind Jre? ttr-tet a married iiiiiiiiii". 'lt?thetrrrteds,trin'ebNoriui - ii'tii'i'iiii'iit'i',iiilii"'it'fiiiiE r/,ti,gt."t'""'lrr'"tu'tuii, lads seem to stir the heart, and the Ameriean,trense of Fhumor nmmmmmr '".. N G. Lens. loves to hear the interlocutor engaging infaolemn chad With his . but†' . n _ end men. Even if a joke is old it is sometimes the better under- I _W'Ad°ls't'¢°“‘ Chisinau?!" ae,t,t stood and more appreciated than a new onibwhieh requires a dia, T r',r','g,t,,,tl',tir""' tsdttoo1, gram in explanation if it is; to penetrate easily. While promoters? , _ , . , i of highbrow lectures are 'ttttg "'gg',','t't1fht with tt,tttte"t, - t'r21',2','a',t2,',t,ttt,tr't com a to get purchasers 0r t eir i eta, mine a ow is T :2 GERMAN gatttt _ . usually sold but in advance, And that is another sidelight Jl.:td.'iee'.'.'e2f.e'g'.'at' modern America. l mapmuhe L. In.“ 1334-..:1-5 The following editorial tron; State Senator Keaaingtrr's arid,.' west Review is worthy of careful reading. It is short and to, the point, and its emphasis on the present-day lack an the pert of the public otrthe ability to, think clearly on questions of the day shows a keen insight into one the national eharaeteritstiea, The, editorial follows: "id V "We need in America a restoration of . A ividuaiiem! . "We need a rededieatioit to, the old American idea of private) enterprise. pereonai.initiative, American individualism and Amer, "Modem man is getting loet in the crowd! . “Modern America is endangered by stereotyped education.‘ movie-made culture, newspaper-made views and automobile‘ nerves. L, l t . F V “Much " invention haa’accompliehed, we do not want a purer 1y mechanistic civilization: 1 'a'a1yPe.ti.ttrtxstyerthtttrthe machine! V . "The individual P more important than the organisation! f “me want 'thinking citizens,’ not 'voting groups,’ to dominatei ea." J , . . . Despite" the papillary E of movies, dances, plays, radio and the like the old-fashion I instrel show, like the brook, keeps going on forever." It Sl'tU'lll"dr, to lose its attraction. Almost erervwhete organizations groups are staging this type of show, and usually with " lent success. It is sometimes oom- phined that there is notlyng new about a minstrel show. but somehow their jokes, old ot newtand the singing of favorite bel- Fortunate is the country which can command, in the adjust- ment of its†fhtamata during a crucial gilt), the services â€of such I man as Andrew W. Mellon, gays t a National Republic. The magnitude of his servicgto the nation will perhaps have: be fully appreciated, for he has done his work with no brass band ac~ 'srahpAttitittutt. _ ._ o 2 . . 1iiryincsotrtethihttiiryt,,pciiavtoamanotMo en’s tar interact: and g,'ttfgt"edng'tiah,rgti,,t', to turn 'l'flg2 was; pivgte'Mm are. and give his time solely to the, national sauce. j'l'he earning power thus traerificed over a period of sev- eral years was into his fit.t,,m,t C '. , furtrod- lihMin hi: in my“ if " hung {minus -4--._ _, Candlemas hr, February 2, for centuries has been associated with weather predictions. _But, by some curious twist of human mare, the prophets 1utyeltAwtrrtr prognostieated by centuries. The old sayings relative to this day‘have taken many forms, and in America ehieflr in regard to the performance of the ground- hog, or woodehuek, which is supposed to emerge from winter hibernation on that day to learn if he can see his shaddw. In Canada it is the bear which) looks for its shadow, according to the old traditions of that 'country. But the idea beneath all these old signs seems to have been always that if the weather ware Giil. on this test day, then spring would be backward and e id and crops would be delayed; bufyif the weather were cloudy i'g,i, bad, then prospects for an ear spring were regarded, fa orable. Thus, aheient philosophy, running far back into the cages, con- veys the feeling that thin are not what they seem, I d that one must acquire a fault of looking beneath the 'db/TV/Ill.'), cations. The peculiar thin about all these old systems ofew'eathy tr forecasting is that they gusually are inaccurate. I 1 Secrets? Mellon has Hie reward, it is true, in'the esteem of millions bt evel-hmded patriotic Americans who ‘renlize the stu- pendous size :fththe te, Sscretery :éuon confront? when he took charge 0 e no ion’s , morguni Enanceset e beginnm' .8 at the Harding administration, amrthd he benefits, of the stabil- ity and Iit',tglt which has ensued extended to every citi- zenoft erepublic. F I . n I . When the story of the war period and the events {allowing has been written , the impound historian, this name of Andrew Mellon will stand orth " that of one of the greatest 'ihtaneiert this or any other country has ever produced. 'When his tras dueera have been forgotten his name will be remembered and honoree by a grateful people. T i vu nw-n. v: -. um: "Y". In! 'Seeuon 10t7 ttf m Iteviniiaet FYO- unount in the can "Cmarriet - ' '. C loan it is mud than 'm mid iiii. vides that tt Wm†ot 'IO/boo Ite im, â€noun: " 22t,'pt'e will humid prisomnent for not more than one but when latt'oo.. a _ you or both mu. tttiotr _tonrietion, m but.» 4trteBert-t at: of 2.513%an layperson "re by 'hhA4Nqli'ihtrFimt M’ __ "'t.tomauamtrratottrimrtr, * . I8m iiiiMiAb, '3ytet',ttre'i W information " the than M by kw - , IltlMl ,"ah, be, T T l or restitution» _ . . , F thoeeemtestetfmtatitdttsemint m was: in the as; "thnarrut r- un it in blind with mid 'metmttatCtiurhtlitttrktriitU m: The (mm “an: tad the who. tn regulations “the employed, corporation. and tttttgl','?,: t re~ port mutiny to _ "men , on Form 1099, â€Mural "e or more to 1m [ _ The Highlanh Park Press -esgoieondctn-tteraeidetst, "rh.nttnok,-trrsd" the AettrfMamh8, NEW INCOME TAX' [ t FORlISARE READY PAGE TWO Tmmy. JANUARY as, We from city limit to city limit. . Widenin and repevink West Central Avenue from Green Bugatti 1t'tti,t/tM,t1t,"etttPtlttl; c' Omani Lighting 8 all over town. (Similar to Baird & Warner’s Deere Park Subdivision.) . t All N33: Malian?) [ _ 4 g . _ New mental gilt: to covet the entire business zone. Widening ,nd_ieparincGryeBtir Bond to at least 40 feet Ptttsttstt.dweutrbv%itrdArttittneepotmdhuttdhg% mammalian , OUR PLATFORM FOR A BETTER HIGHLAND PARK THINKING AMERICANS NEEDED CANDLEMAS DAY PREDICI'IONS WK SECRETARY MELLON MINSTREL SHOWS In. Beinecko laid, " ‘Idvis'ed that a, and! number of 2211:: 1099 have. boon printed on mount of the exetnption applying to man-ted per- sons. This new: that the bureau in, and: to avoid rub-n af the print. ed forms. I no hopeful that we shall have the may -egattots of large employers in our 'eort to toymty with the wishes of the Commutation! of In. and Rowena. in thin respect. When lam coronation: m form-ha forms dine} from Washington, {hit once is. so "vUed and no further de. 1imrrrwilttteatadethrrmetttttods gributing department hem." 1911. atthe 909% one. a Highland Mm). NUMBER 48 l First Church of Christ. Schultz. Highland Park, tll., 88T Bus! m I mu, a branch at The Mother Church. I The First Chugch jd Christ. Sdmtist, in Boston, Mus, hold: union - Sunday morning at 10:45 and on Wednesday evening at 8 p. m., when testimonies of Christin: Beitttet heal- t ind are, given. Sunday school meet: at 9:80 n. m. sad is ttpen to pupils fungi-the we of twenty. _' » Preparatory service: on may eve- 11inch be followadhythe git-rut}! conference inchuxe of the pudding elder. . ' _ j The pin: for the)“: dhurek an“ is about completed, ispd as been]: the weather: permits the ‘work in! ot be- gun. , Second street neu- Laurel. uvonu'o J. G. Finkbdner. puta- BMS Sunday when! session. Q1200 Homing t wag-thin; Speck! music. 7 T ’ ' , _ " Evening services. ' Presiding Elder J.’ G. Elle:- will which morning- and evening and the holy communion will browned. at both services. ' , . . - ' T BETHANY . t EVANGELICAL CHURCH , 8teeiarevanimtutie -terre m be held Febmry 14-28. , j _ Subjdct tir mitt Buridnry kinda: "Live.'" ' . . You are cordiglly' invited to mike use bf the reading room, 84rctptral name, which is open out, not day. from nine in the morning until six in the new; ind on Sunday. " ternoon, from two-thirty to (it. i F r.' MM i rsh 'ttr)i!,ie, ' ",A 'tt',jid, r'-,sr',/" rs/li.::")",)'.",,-",":",', ' dtieiti'ititii I . it,iifjittt6 are: f, 1iiytttty.idtittitg',r at; , / l ' . _ â€in q, tAttitltttiiit',rr wilt. tx"r, V the may 'ttttj/ie/dee,",'. '.4i,it.,' m Mummw:w ' in the M biWtsur8iihtiitruiiin", ii:00 Meshing Whip. 397. Frank 2:80 The members at! the Yeti: -m'seociety viii meet " the. . hem and Ito bt no“! to the helm Old Pupil-'1 Home. (, ' ml “W . the wipe:- urvice. The society will hut in Wham _ ~7:80 Sunday Evening club. _ _ F'tidag-- _ 4:00 Lev: Camp Fire. . _ T J. 'tttmiter--. T V , T, 10:00.1:00 Bulimia“ a! the por- "" miety inthe Perish Home. . 10:00 Blue Birds. F T C Moo The Woman’s Lam luncheon 'ivrill‘he held It the.Puriah Home {under the ample“ of the' Dorm :socigty. his: Ruth Wilson. dun (of girls at DeerfutiMettuttu high juhopl'will speak on “The Home. jthe :8chool, and the Art of Live ' ding Mia Mary Kimball will lit' " group of songs. _ 19:00 Regular meeting of the' Dor- can -;aocie.ty. Wednesdsr--. 8:00 The Church Night prqgnm. Classes will meet for a brief de- votional in the Lecture room, after which they will go to the various class rooms. Subject: as follow: _ “How the Books Found In Our Bible Were Chosen." Rev. Frank . Fitt. _ ,“The Primitive Church and the War." Mr. Herbert R. Smith. "Mhrtin Luther, and the Spirit of Protestantism." Mr. N. G. Len- ington. . ’ , ' "The Adolescent Child." Miss Mar-, ' grant Stewart, Skokie schoolg Winnetlm. i THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS R. P. PRrilt1BYlNlRrAtt ‘ CHURCH [ ' 1eiri' Buiineu mid to be on a â€lid foot. “mind tom; agents who dt kicked out 'it the business oMeett any so. 1 Fm'that a: mun is a loud advocate of the doctrine pf 're1f-dertwtttirtkiUn do" not mow he will in†" wife to bits her hit. " Tat problem townie)“ In conga-us. They‘ve in the taxpayer’s mind any wnyabout up 'im. they was duo.’ “Thom! trrtae nt stilts was re- spect for law and order/ We cannot aftoriV'. he aid. “to allow the im- presgion to grow up l mine minds of the people tutu is with tt the prov- ince , of eaittt citizen tol pick and ohmic the laws which Ite/wilt observe and than which he cm disbenr'd. The general adoption of "all u thought will Iimplymlzo for 4e1stttietion' even of our Rehab“; When a low is enacted, the right of a elm to 'tieetot com-soot obmnnoe or non. abundance bu can-ed, and, In con- not Make ex)eptkna." Bonny this most importdnt phase of the ques- tion is gaining more and more “an; tion from the people at large. ' There an be no mistaking the “ti. tude pf the Administration: new: prohibition. 'v,, It is for Monument: nhsoiute and: uncompromising. The question of the states uni) dry Item and we when "valrre of the an. hat been entirely elimipeud 1mm consideration. The trotted, minded in Washington who have given ethan- tion 'to this matter be“? that the question rum tar bayou the obser- vation or.noniobtrervanee of I speei6e low; that what is beingg fought out in Amulet, is the questiop of the In, tegrity of all laws, _ i _ Senator William M. mitkr, Ctintr. man of the Republican National Cour mingle, voiced thig tre recently in I spaced! in which [a declared that: I i Attitude of Government Seem To Be Un-tim-;, ' _ lit Its Favor! I ' [ “new UNITED 3EVANGELICAL CHURCH. West Central “1-1)qu _ . Rev. P. W.iSuhr, pair. _ German and: " 10; 0 a. an. English new It 11:00 I. In. Sunday Jsehool at 9:30? I. at. Do This evening (TMy) the P- emi Circle eptptrrntes its- tonth puni- vemry by urine I biqthdty mm in the assemby room togwhlchpll of the members of the congregation and their friends no Invited ADMINISTRATION FOR ENFORCING DRY LAWS Tomorrow [main (way) the Luther Length will lo tii Gm for a joint meeting with + Y. P. S. there. _ _ . i' I ' Grab!) Bu toad And Laurel new Rev. ' R. CW. pastor 9:30 I. m. Bibi. " Out My: “and†mrerintemlettt, Wally has an inning: word a: new: for an. my tt Sunday to and; . 1 10%.“ s. m. Kai'nih; imhip. Ber. monitiy the pastor. l, __ A 7:46 p. m. Evening Mice. The pastor in pinching a special uric: at mom on this church. Next Bun. day night will he the thhrd in the Be. ties. "Pertramotr, the Bland Church," will be the topic for dotyridamtioiti' Welcome to all. T ;, _ 7M p. ki. mum Mm. Topic, “The Call, ttse 0 ms, and the Conquest: 011110 Church,“ _ - North “em†and um place Rev. Willing: a. noble; minister. Sandâ€. bunny Irie, 9:30 I. am Sunday “haul. 10:45 a. m. Morning moulds). 8:30 p. m, Epwotth We. 7:45 p.311.“ Evening and“. WMttptsdar, February; F: 7345 p. mHMid-week' quiet.†GRACE M. E. CHURCH ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH: _ Phone Main 3613 Buy Lmre Trees NOW! Wh l? Because they should be planted y. with a large frozen ball of earth As this is our last winter in the m: can give you GREAT BARGAINS in' and. NORWAY MAPLE trees f9r at; ing, irom 6 to 15-inchés in diameter: t Also some Specimeh Trees in ohh PETERSON NURSERY I 3613 , Evanston, Phone‘Univ. 1434 Chiéago Pflliee, 30 N. LéSalle M. “The wu- hve the men Ment- 1 chance to brash In: ttern the can. unidentified paw-m. but it was I chance from which they failed to m At,andttonmarts,wt-ittr'aieh tutltintrfdettt.trirutrtrttott- hterstvsforthet-itttahmrtttt'y um dismal 10! Intellectual M- incatiom, their community 180 1. " so becoming rapidly overloaded. In the days of youth not living; tnd, â€chow. than young people hive Mseceedssd%t building up to: tttem. salve: a ungainly “imaginative o:- innnce.j . _ , gnome to nominal tttq highly "trt,itiMal 1m on the college am is moptlblo' for thaw pop- ularity of aioBetrt dun-things opinion of Frederick P. and.“ dent of. the: CW Carnation. Mr. Koppel. can†this opinion in an "tick taNd “Playboy: of tho College World" in the Janna" scrib- ner’n Mambo. Be bu may ro- ltumed from 3- tour of educational in. 'stitutiom though“! the country In [the interests of his organisation, 2ttt “minim" Jargv ftmds for ' national work. Why youâ€. until tomorrow? any the 30-30916â€, Welt, Ion. poop]. think tint minomw would be II c:- eellent than to' take up that propit- don and tttgy it to new: It!!! more than: t. -N V An inform“ commentary on full- ion', inihaeneterlotmr industry in and. by the Silk (trite: of Angie. in reporting henna-cue of impot- tntian of nan-ilk from 46,000,000 to 59,000,000 pound: . yea. It? all owing to‘xtw expansion of the Ain. criean Walnuts wax-dab. the Mn mention any-via explaining that al- thouth the yup-go for drew: in â€a died to the. imam, the unborn! garments m individud Wm minaret“ Imam than charm!†mp y. _ ; Last- year in: 'tnqttestionittlr I silk you, the . tio? uloru, but this optimU! not. must he hal- ?pered with tl present signs and omens that ttt the Iâ€. " and. by the tiattpal agr- of the Depdrtmmtt " Agriculture, they par- tend the with: of the dgqroteta an in that eight you“. During the last twenty Jinn, “cording toN. are: compiled by the Bureau of Al mal Industry,3 the quantity of mm mm! model lot a drug has de.. etesdNont'14to4rnrdir. “MW! this," the Banana an, "it the: no mathematician; to thor" that than won't her‘MI aight yam from now.†. Nit may Manna probably will as: up etrly on N w Year'ir'Dar, 1988, to M up ',h'iF,,?,iriii, Wu. but if the men may Inn: he hep America chain conscious. they would Quay {their moral support to national lttuervinee of Kirk Woelt.--Nntiori's Bttutteaa Magnum. Fewer Yul? Used In Wonell’s Dresses Greatly Reduces Anion-t Sold . "A pin in good grimy unit an! and: mm ' y than the 'sit-ttttiota. mean-don at at ottti- an. Inn Wnno-thl up my at tho In. ltisetf is the' dtrettattttnt " to in that - on dseittg mesh and _ r tines. , "The f,'dttr'a',t-f,' 100$ I "The nth m but whit they no mum maintains. And the few who new“! student have a more perm: at way of escape. But isn’t my 'ft,', of the great Injur- ity who are thee varsity mark} not natural- 't students, emsgtrt in this squirrel of triviallttel, an; consciously btirsd with it all and groping for â€making to' (in I real filtip to maria nee, likely to and that for him 'the In)": the thing"! And isn't runny a irl, for tsomewhat dif- feretht but T any cogent manna, likely to feel to toot" FLAPPER STYLES ABE HURTING SILK 1mm; COLLEGE DRAMATICS T ' _ GROW IN POPULARITY Play Production Com Are Attmetintt Students In Many Schooh _ mgrï¬ other varieties. in AMERICAN ELM street or lawn plant- nursery business we ' , Ir.C.W.P_uh. (d" e'-riatetheetda,ehitta1cmtd yLC. chum, and " other can: tttht-hiatt-ttrote-Mt Mhdmdforuhhth andbutblddenhupnntaw ' kingdom: ;; 8'14 Cantu! 5mm, Highland Put. Illinois gt'.""'"""'"'-'-""?,', NOTICE or AUCTION "h"r,') 60008 l “In; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Irtr 352-» . Mr. C. W. Paths . J: “a tad] 01:th “any baa-i and herein, thnt there will be ' " public action " the , rooms of the HIGHLAND P _ TRANSFER ' STORAGE PANY, 8T6AN8 Cent!!! 1mm, F. land Pat. mm tmtrinrfhte at o’clock the {about of the'Mb ' of FM Mes, 0 - ' “1911mm: Ben new held by Windymiut :5; _',',2%'dl'u'l'."lr'i',lil"g1fd1'L1'.tt' a" ' _ m 5 L. Walnut. In“ that In my; to now his dip-aunt int- it: If. nutter: at»: tut?yebttdotqAi, naxt_6tttat__theitiereaitrii' neat my}; probably move into a building is Many completed At. this-time. bat the various “It...“ panama-have 'ttttbe-tthit-ir ittbeeiiotuteds1nvintiFi HIGHLAND PARK TRANSFER . STORAGE COMPANY, T, "Pter.te.ee.-Mturetii tunnel. D.Pueeertthe 'l of the WM and! f,ll"ttt that the and â€(in of the by ochdulod in: Pabst, will WW be held in the council dumbâ€: of“. nevvilluolnll. Village-tunnel, WINNETKA COUNCIL IN NEW MALL S lore an: To. W amulet it annual M’s mute . humus Conan“, Hon-2' " “‘7 hr. dud warn aqua-11M , can from "a: Wat ad 'd attend-ace mud favorably q that of other â€an. Mn 'ttil' for com were given. It: for. men 3nd six form. 11-. 'tmated. furnish“ by the Nittht thrk, a. I k' â€do. of new“ youth, f: of who.‘ m4 New m"- Ichool. ' . N ' /'gi31 LARGE ATTENDANCE , " mum’s 3m; TmJmrDAYrrANUA3ty as. an BLACK CAT SHOPPE ' swim. â€or!†vat-rt: â€hi-HIM“!!- 'r.mr9t.*-o-tt..Nqr.dtN.i.. 2Wâ€. OUR my: an. man than nn-tttSeb-m-ttmr "evttat.ntrmttiaineftdisa- 0111mm“. Optical yher'oNeroi. Ad the fact youmglv. my“! _GetttyyehtMar'ther I “WORM" 2 Panacea, Florida 4hr-wtt*atstHt.rdrp,hm."t. Avalon Bosch Co. " S. St. John? Avenue Telephone a 'aka-s-tat--. â€not“. soul’s or 8mm BAhtwAchoN P. " 47-“ F3: 24E