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Highland Park Press, 21 Jan 1926, p. 33

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mm. u, JANUARY a date. _ (e opeited an in mis a 3'me w on. in: nu p Fieittrald kl Lag) F bi,. bile aim 'elintt m a PE 323 Facials hop ; clean Maur eht PHONE '" bl L198 q / Moo , M! My: PM“ drill: _ to, “a t din." 000.000 tion'. I New 'ThPN h a elm-Inn tttttmt in thuatrrrotturartieliimrtuiii A sum? or was KENTUCKY MOUNTAINS Then as a number at intending Demand" batched in thin plau- m book not the but (1 than was ht, Mam M. When the fatal mud; machine which no in 'ttttet of the family for- tune My breathed Ju last the Chum family went to Europe when they could live more cheap”. Teg, Katy has?“ {anilin- Tfl' an" sud toys at Beith, I tretrtttduttiatuixifitiinCm chock royalty under the chin, "ttrw tivelv making, sud spat of "that on Frau w-r-atm and to m it --the m” - There is plenty of taught» (ttt the book, as why should there M [be/in e, life of a humorist Cmttitty# to mutation Mutt tmin mm: not to lave felt u not! humorist: an aid to do, that 1motine is “talking thou." in. “or!" told " the fa- mous Ind frequent dinner my“!!! and to W tho 'cqnllibdm _ qt George. the butler, to My than! that In wu dimmed for his - predation. V t Soup erf the hubs no 'hm" Ink. teoryth.dtrrheirtt-titrnd m m'insullod, he upon: Ive mill- 'rt-tneat-ttttSeto-est “d not "proper" Mics- of Hart- fel thinking the In. n “hello dd". With perfect undo: 1nd true I'M wit Kate an. her “on. or mm rather, for they are Incident}: trill: like bends on I min: and gold un- duly looking but tits thou happy _rttmeatu"utd-teshtonaiu; My wu only seventeen ,hen she went to live with the Clemens fum- in. Mr. Ind In. Clement. and their three‘littk chasing”, in Bnrtford. Prom that time on for thirty years hty’s life wu bond up with thits, Ynmitr so {but after qfnpuntion tttg summons to join them, have not. was a all to begin living min. _ H. you mud enjoy an intimate pie- tm of In! Tweiu, the kinda! pie- tare an old umntwbo we: more friend than servant could give read Kate Law’s version of "A Lifetime Vith Mark Twain." C 71m and (In trimming: sold our M'mm in this country in one your or. "and at about $600,000,000. ,Of‘tho some mom int!” United Btatas hndling tun. New York done Pad. about 2,000 norm. mu. mm. who produce Mt 80 pa- /tiit at the mamrfaetmedittm, and tut [ trimming: add " Mauls. Their Mott ,rsehees in a your turn any moth valued at $150,000,000. The In- na! payroll of the 5.50.0 workers em- 1rhtrdiytu100edesrttrimfa dyeing bomeo in thin country about: to 88,dMho00. Exclusive of nbbit skins,’thoy dress and dye about 40,- To that highly conventiomlizod ex- ehnu af none! foe good: commune a. vast resources of the metropolis 'af thy “new ,mru--tu Andi-inn city. mine. and a foreign city, that ppm- Monks peacock an, that velar: in the sGat of choose tun to be worn on provincial Perdre and Ida street... "hstteridedatsowroomt, smartly dm-ed III-Immin- Rummy drape Miam- with fur garments priced hon n few hundreds to may thou- sands. and» in" “not: point with with td my critical when“ tht civilisation take- the sophisticated fur for ,mmeth maxornment, and " an- eieatt balm-s thrives ht, a polilhed may; cam-ind with the guile at tht deeoeator's In. New York 5 ttmt in {Militias for the manhunt and wholesaling of fan, and bum from " parts of the United Bhutan customer- in her buy Indra. Pot New York in the style cabin], the fashion capital of the Unit“! Bum. Buyers co to her than snd “Iona to , inspect and Am,rtrrtrtt-dirrt_fru. don, Empty. Thu}. arms- Iagy? PetrtiataFtogltmmt comp, clo Tho up rm tion'. Bitain-. AS KATY LEARY SAW IT tt',"T'ttg','g' This Busi- m Brtrttts Preach of North to Wald Markets TWY. JANUARY 23, "rmt GLASS WINDOW”: Wham-tr Litt3ertmmtgttas By Ivy Laxrtoat Bdreoart Bum} Ca. "A LIFE"!!! WITH MARK TWAIN” --" ..__w -.. - away W.‘ “jun I your, an the Na. IDOUS TOTAL THEFUR TRADE HALF BILLION 'i3irii1liiiiiii4 V 1926 But it u in thee delightful upon- tain people themselves that the chief eharri of the story lies; Ami it u here hat was Furman is " her but. snag.- G how oerteetf, to mm. duce their delicious Jhieie Raina conv ations 3nd to prawn? intact for iii, delight thegsimblewquaint, God.. ring point of view which We ttit had ‘long :30 died from the he: the emh. ' l be wounded. before Christine Pte- eumbs but in the end we ue insured that they will Jive happily ever him. TUre is more whineeflhld that let), is commonly called Mon 2m this ihook than in its' predogeuor.‘ HeMEChris‘tiho, one of the wily are rived “an Women" and: her true love' in Y/P' Kent, 3- mounthin boy who .hgd5dlwnys fought 'againat tarri¢ ble uu ft is neceme that cue. It la n swift change tron; our -G'iiii' into (that one when a “Glue Window” was considered I "mftity"'nrhieh the Lord? could namely countenance. A change like that of boarding the train at night in a flat country and'open- ing one's eyes in the morning. in] country of mountains and streams. people. Anyone' who, read "The ttt Women" need only be told that " _G1asim Window"' is a continua- tion pf that story. It tells of the w turn; of the “Quare Women", to the moat-ins to found . ttttttod and set- tlemgnt house on Tmuhlelqme Crock. "A have] to"read and read . . a . rich in dander and drama . " i Very hrs tmint." John Per, Aqthor‘of “The Green Buy The" And to that exchange eotttet1ttttet unity men rmndteefrom; 'the outer edcés of comforhhle “a. and ut- tleNenta, awed men who new thrtrails and mm of silent phat to bring a harbouring world to a' fur- weaping world. ' be all Mama to all uranium! tint mm‘ehow achieve: the not" of bun- " from congestion. misery. disorder midi growing points. _" the' Little. Rod Schoolhouu‘ may had, been all right. but the {lumen uni say it would mit humanize with their complexion. ' ' . F , Most of the-amnion: will. he nude by broadcast “WI using standard receiving acts and Gwend- ing for the accuracy of their, “for“ upbn their own an. However, to' ins, gate the Beientitk accuracy of tht regult, twenty conversations isqtsirw ped with elem-ion! measuring device: and nummctic moot-din vii] by placed in MR principll brown-ting; centers of the country. ' _ l " was 3tHttftta1t, [Stunned to hold then teats in January, but owing to, Ili? International but: Ichcdulod for tut month it wad decided to hold the failing and static use. at 1,1:th date. T "r . F F ‘Datee for the new tent- ot a: nuptial: to determine the "e' static an: {ailing m unnamed ’ I " after 4,000 of the!” 1kdtrs naud ohaervati'ort stations had ex- pressed a willingness to tithe port in the survey; Stt in bdrm “and; It the Stow 'Werner Speedometer mention in ‘eooperution with ‘the Northwestern ~-Univereity. The first test will be held on the '/h2t2t retry 9th, from 8 to 11 clock cen- tral standard time. The mom! and third‘will he on the two succeeding nights at the some hours. Submnent trials will he held through the winter should the data obtained indicate the ml progress in a scorch for the etbtltHrtt of these two major radio an- ndyances is possible. i POSSESSION Several) non-ma. arm-mm 3 Will Participate; Twenty ‘ Control Station: 7 INCREASING PURPOSE LU/tm-, RADIO FADING TEST 1 TO START FEB..9TH By Louis 13:»de _ Stokes, Publisher PRINTING CT, Thd power: [which continue the policy of inhtatiee, towed Chin. merely because she has not the new: ofidefendintt herself, are playing into th lump: of bdlhevism and exposing th Orient-to the danger orgrrrohs The strike in Shanghai began' be- cause of the ftotntintrof Chinese op- erhtives in Japanese-owned textile mills. The axitrtrltant disorders have been fanned by bolshsvist agents in an effort to9rimr about an oriental tmriirhttr"attalnat the western world. The student demonstrations which led to the shooting of unarmed dear. onstrators by British police tttmatt- ki were not conscious communist f,'l'llUl,','ll, however, and the justi~ iieatioit for firing upon the parades is not clearly established. Child is; her in Shanghai textile mills com- mands a wage as low " two dollars a week. t It is this sort of industrial-, ism to which our American fees of protection would expose the Ameri- can producer in free competition. a U. 8.10! Square Deal ' In this crisis the American govern. ment will'be found leaning toward the policy of s square deal for Chins. a nation which is the natural'object of foreign exploitation because their pacifism renders. a people defenseless. _ China is a horrible example of the state to which our own pacifists andi toes of prepamdnesur would bring the '. American people. V . ' T i Solvay Coke en " an Vexcuse for stunning chun- piomihe7rf Chinese mama. tt is forttntatartut. our government at such a time him no the a record of disinterested friendship and fair trend ment" for China. _- Paul__Borchardt Highland Park Fuel Ca. '. Wham-13.: Boluhovist tepreumtative in Chin. laying in mind of course no good to the Chinese people but only the op- portunity for fominttng revolution along Columnist lines, hove seized upon the aggression: of other pow- The policy of the American sow etument in China bu always “end out in sharp content, With that of other gent powers. Under McKinley end Hey the tsnrtition.of Chimragtir the Boxer rebellion we: prevented. The Chinese people have since looked upon American: " their traditional friends. Responsibility for tht pm {trouble in \China meta prGiaeii, with European and Auntie power. Which- him not ceased to look upon China " n legitimate object of and and injutice, China is compelled to mnintain her tariff rates on. importo‘ ed dommoditiu at a mailman '01 itmi per .centp Thus the menu: of sup- porting the central governing” are destroyed. V 'The Standard! But American Government Lem Toward 11 Square Deal for the Chinese; Against EUROPEAN AND ASIA'I'IC TROUBLE IN CHINA , DUE 'm FOREIGNERS '"tmarrhomrastrrrntmtt,rreriiJiurrarat. 1looe1vh'oeverurnedthtuNeiuiise tuughtotitaraguutituuttuei. Yemen's!)- lished dealetwill-arrangetohavea'SerVioeMan call tosee that your heatinip1ant-,hot air he. naoe,’hog water boiler or tttmte--is delivering the maximum comfort fromthis standard fuel. Phone 67 In twenty'years the changiz'gworld hag seenno 'shifting of the standard for home heating fuels. Todd more suburban homes than ever%shmr, recognize this standard-Chicago Solvay Coke. In cleanlineas,this fue1ittstaridardbecauseit burns with no smoke, no soot. In efficiency, it in standard beeause it contains more carbon-the heat-pmduieing element-tUn hard coal. Being a manufactured fuel, Chicago Solvay Coke is maintained at a uniform standard of "quality, Always the same. it is the dependahle fuel for your home. V ( Bus, it vBum it you’H Like it Injustice CHICAGO Frank Siljestrqm Phoesi 65 Foot.an trains the m9: feet; and baseball thir hands. but along about M15813 are some we]: when that; could wall pay uttentioa to their OI . _ . m m,“ ___-. w... - As matter: now and, whatever in done in‘Chim.to man page sud justice win doubtless hug to he done by the United sum on it. 1mm. ent initiative. ' mg; not mdrteed from " Discontinued Nathan, and Neem that were and foe din. Play pal-pan. that and a world-Ville yellow perm If the lam of nations is of any “has to the - of won-um. thh in a situation which it with; we}! take up. come. ,A mp1! deposit secures delivery of your furniture pub clans " this Ito”. Bring your wife iiid come in and soc our special: in kitchen lumitm The E. B. plan of dhiptuUd credit in n dunk human. elastic. system of divided my. ment; - term that suit your (funnier: out {With at“ or you pa o you n. come. A will deposit secure: rAYLOR% 1ited/lNetret Sale Phone 335 "OPMNttt.esr.ttggit CHIC-m a ON T be a "trtarat-home" when others are I) out in all the fun. Take your rightful place ' in the rollicking athletic life about you. l Bowman's Milk is a sure way to the sturdy, ro- bust health that such a life demands. It builds you up - gives you boundless energy "to carry through the busy day. F . Startusing this great health food today. Drink :it every meal and see how much better you will feel. The improvement will amaze you: Truly! Tel. Deerthshr,2ar-R-2 Deerfield, Ill. The GROVE FARM You will not onlarendoar its ultra rietr. ness aryrd,elitipus .flavor, but will feél sat- isped that it is pure and free from tuber- culor germs. ' , We cansupply Jrou with milk from healthy cows that have been under State and Fed- eral supervision for nine years. . Winter Warmth and the Glow of Health Why Take a Chance When Insist“: PAGE TERI!

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