+ publ sas C m oid nCce s ‘a fact, Do¢!" replied i m,-m' .u ; it one some time, you know, stands square on his great n right to make as much trou. ublic servants as he chooses.," s City Star; + 1# any is old Riley Ressidow ] suorting #o. about the e hours *" asked Dr. Slash of "He seldom gets a ip . P. 0. Box 492 USe HIS RIGHT Y0 A Y thembqncm ears ago, and APRIL 22, 1926 & An effort is to be made to break down m‘deqn nationalism through the se aceording to the Nationâ€" al Rapubtli‘c, which in the nt isâ€" sue, quotes a speaker at the recent convention in Washington 3 the Naâ€" tional Educational association, as deâ€" claring that a fund of ten million dolâ€" lars is being raised to teach school children in ‘and throughout the world that nationalism means war and in i . means peace. The National Republic continues: "An extess of the national spirit has not led this nation into any one of the wars in which it has been enâ€" gaged, dï¬ï¬ the lack of it has more than on brought about a deâ€" gree of military and naval unpreparâ€" edness which has invited attack and endangered the country when war has been‘forced upon us. There is no reaâ€" son to believe that outside influences will be permitted to carry on political propaganda in the schools of any country other than the United States, so that this hly financed internaâ€" tionalist , in the opinion of many, will only mean an effort to denationalize the United States. Who is willing to contribute ten million dollars to use the schools of Amerâ€" ica as a means of denationalization, and why? How is this money to be spent? +~Not in the purchase of text books, not in the employment of teach. m.crin',maoï¬ncqyofthe,dthet ordinary expenses of operating; the schools. "Is it the idea to lnfl?nnco} & the p + of text books? Alâ€" ready ‘some ;t ory: text books ‘are in use in the schools in which the achievements |of American patflou in behalf of ‘€ountry are minâ€" imized and t:!idn is held forth that the loyalty of the citizen is due to the world in general rather }hflnt to his own country. Is it the to influence the attitude‘of the teachers themselves? Already they are t: targets of many denationalizing inâ€" fluences.â€" Is love of €01 " ous ‘influence in the United States? Is it too strongly â€" R upon Has : any e zation the right to spend ten million dollars belong to all the people ai m 4 form of ‘go nt are within the control of states and : ‘ Mflm units ? 'n;i; suggestion of the : x mkethouho: genci : of what is “nd 5: " .‘"“ ,‘ "I p :’m nificant of the magnitude of the moveâ€" ment to break down American nationâ€" Anyhow you have to admit: that the wet and dry debate in Congress has a greater kick in it than one half of one per cbent.. : 0| | :; . > At‘this town the portion of the outfit will be om Ln‘ud ‘the party will proceed with freig m mbwuhud-dm‘mwA c shore line for 100 miles , to the mouth of Kivalina river. At this point northeastward : across ‘ an . tinknor whiee Thin ty rivert have dlemred of water when the rivers have of ice and traversing streams that are not at the pr:‘unt time known in deâ€" tail. They will ultimately complete their work at the town of Wainwright, where they expect to obtain some sort of water transportation back to Nome, the northern terminus of the steamâ€" ship route from Seattle. The party will probably not return to Seattle beâ€" fore the first of October. f Attempt to Teach Internationâ€" alism to Children h‘ï¬w } â€"â€"~â€" at Our Country | â€" _ piug of Naxal Retealoum Resteve RG ‘::‘dm ' of the Un #, that n# | I the ‘of the Interlor for the omeeganenicamen seasons of : I ‘ survey, in w f _ have trar thousands of miles by dog team mg‘ dead of winter, and by canoe in the equally trying days of summer. . More Work Necessary «s n] th?‘ï¬nu‘j k'll)l s sary to complete the or, pro of: geography | and geoloï¬ -ï¬: project is being ‘carried out by a party composed of Dr. Philip S. Smith, the survey‘s chief ih‘lhn geologist, and Gerald. / 1d, topographic engiâ€" neer, with two camp hands. A ttl; gram fmmmwr&nithm information that a few days ago he left Nenana, on the government railâ€" road in the heart of Alaska, and is proceeding by dog team along the mail trail, down Yukon river, and on for over 600 miles to the town of Kotzeâ€" bue, which lies on the Arctic occin.l just north of the Arctic Circle. TRYING TO RUIN U. S. THROUGH THE SCHOOLS vey of Farthest Northern | Part of U. S.; Some of Difficulties } EXPLORING ALASKA ~IS STRENUOUS WORK MAPPING OIL AREAS THERE THURSDAY, APRIL 22. 1926 How It Is Done SPECIAL A!B?N â€HBN"I‘ Il‘O'l'.lCB' NOTICE is hereby given to all perâ€" sons intereltedâ€"t‘lrz the City Council of the City of Highwood, Lake Counâ€" ty, TIllingis, have prdered the grading, draining, paving| with Portland ceâ€" ment concrete and otherwise improvâ€" ing Jeffery Place from the north line of Prairie Avenue north to the south line of Highwood Avenue, in the City of ~Highwood, County of Lake ‘and State of Ilinois, The ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the City Clerk odf said City, and havâ€" ing applied to the County Court of Lake County for an assessment for the cost of gaid improvement according to benefits, the final hearing thereon will be had on the 3rd day of May, A. D., 1926, at 10 o‘clock a. m., or as soon thereafter© as the business : of the Court will permit. es 1 Said assessment is payable in ten (10) installments, with interest at the rate of six per centum, pursuant to law, from and after the date of issue of first voucher. : All persons desiring may file objections in said Court beâ€" fore said â€"day and may appear on the hearing and make %dr defense. Mc | arry Olander, Officer appointed to make said . assegsment, Dated at Highwood, Illinois, April 15, A. D., 1926. * 4â€"8 An earthquake has completely deâ€" stroyed the village of Antmachia on the island of Cos, in the Dédecanese, according to delayed advices received by the Near East Relief, which had several : refugee orphans . in homes there. Of a total of 600 houses and three churches in the village, only five houses and one church remain standâ€" ing. ‘Two persons were killed and 100 injured. The damage is estimated at mom- t r EARTHQUAKE WRECKS | ISLAND IN AEGEAN The Chicago Surface Lines is the largest street railway system in the world. |During the 19 years of the present 20â€"year franchise period more than $100,000,000 has been expended in improvements ‘and extensions and as much more has been paid out in public benefits, including street pavâ€" ing, maintenance of paving, street eleaning, general taxes and 55 per cent of the net receipts, which is paid into the city treasury. > To take care of increased business enough car miles have beenâ€"added to the service during the past three years to encirele the globe 480 times. There ~were 842,201,458 revenue rides on the Surface Lines last year and 1,517,510,661 rides including transfers. This is more rides in one year than there have been minutes gince the birth of Christ. : nï¬n increase ~of 12,000,000 in the number of street cars passengers in Chicago last year as compared with the previous year and of 83,000,000 as compared with three years ago is cited in the annual report of the Chiâ€" cago Surface Lines as an indication of the g importance of electric nilwny{. These numbers do not inâ€" clude transfers, A Twelve Million More Ride L Yearu’l‘lun Puvioum Year, Says Report CHICAGO STREET FOR DRY CLEANING & DYEING RUG CLEANING & CURTAIN Shop Phone H.P, 457 . Res. 1985 513 Elm Place, Highland Park 8TRETCHING THE RELIABLE LAUNDRY PHONES 178â€"179 FRED C. BREMER Cargenter and . uilder â€" CABINETS Jobbing Promptly Done CAR PASSENGERS SPECIAL ASBNE:‘SIIENT [OTICE 96) NOTICE is hereby given to all perâ€" sons interested that the City Council of the City of Highwood, Lake Counâ€" ty, Hlinois, Rave ordered,the construc tion of ‘a four inch internal diameter cast iron water main supply |pipe, toâ€" gether with necessary . connections, shutâ€"off valves and special castings in, along and under Michigan Avenue and Pleasant Place from and connecting with the present water main in High Street to:and connecting with the present water main in Pleasant Place, in the City of Highwood, e County, I!linois. ‘The ordinance for the same being on‘ file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and having applied to the County Court of e County for an assessment for the cost of said improvement according to.benefits, the final hearing will be had on the 3rd day of May, A. D., 1926, at 10 o‘clock a. m., or as soon thereafter as,the business of the Court will permit. â€" â€" Said assessment is payable in five (E) installments, with .at the rate of. six ‘per centum, t to law, from and after the date of issue of first voucher. All desiring may file objections in said Court beâ€" fore said day and may a on the hearing ‘and make their defense. { Harry nder, \Officer appointed to e said | assessment. 4 Dated at Highwood, Illinois, ‘April 15, A. D., 1926. 7â€"8 ty, Hlinois, have ordered the construcâ€" under Jocelyn Place from a point on the line of the present r on Westâ€" ern Ayenue 227 feet south of the manâ€" hole ‘at the intersections of| the sewâ€" ers on North Avenue and| Western Aven at which point a manhole shall be constructed; east along Joceâ€" lyn Place on a 4 per cent grada 280 feet, ‘at which point a manhole shall be constructed; thence north in Joceâ€" lyn Place on a 2 per cent grade a disâ€" tance of 115 feet to a point eight (8) feet east of the center line of Jocelyn Piace, at which point a manhole shall be constructed, in the City of Highâ€" wood, Lake County, Illinois. ‘The ordiâ€". nance for the same being on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and having applied to the Counâ€" ty Court of Lake County for an asâ€" sessment for the cost of said improveâ€" ment mccording to benefits, the final hearing ‘thereon will be had on the 3ra day of May, A. D., 1926, at 10 o‘clock a. m., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. JATHL h. se o * *"" (GHFisténSon IN ALL ITS BRANCHES 368 Central Ave. Highland Park Phone H. P. 2443 J. A; Torstensond DR. CHARLES E. GEJSSE | Osteopathic Physicia (16â€"18 N. Sheridan ~ Tel. H. P. 1542; Wi 2052 Imported and Domestic 19 8. LaSalle St. Central 2113 R. C. CANTERBURY PAINTING | [ _ «â€"â€"A NDâ€" | DECORA‘TIAIG W ALL P A PERS i and Business Propert{es <â€"~~â€" Built THE HIGHLAND PARKX PRESA, HGHLAND PARK, ILLINOI8S 20 E. Financed Write for free Homes Co. Said: agsessment is payable in ten (10) <installments, with interest at the rate of six per centum, pursuant to law, from and after the date oLmq of first voucher. All persons + ing may ‘file objections in said Court before d:! and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. | | o Tt ol . Harry Olénder,. ‘Officer appointed to make said. i) â€" assessmert. foisa Dated &t Highwood. Hilincis, April 15th, 1986., : ; 4 4. es fs] ~~ / NO. 97 e it .. NOTICE is hereby given wï¬ perâ€" sons interested that the City Counci ‘of the City of Highwood, Lake Counâ€" ty, Illinois, have ordered the ‘tï¬n" draining, paving with Portland cement concrete | and . otherwise improving South Central Avenue from ?nirk Avenue to Highwood Avenue, ‘in the City: of Highwood, County of, Lake, and State of Illinois, The ordinance for the same being on file in the ofâ€" fice of the City Clerk of said City, and having w to the County. Court of Lake County for an assessment for the cost of said improvement accordâ€" ing to benefits, the final hearing thereon will be had on the 3rd day of May, A. D., 1926, at 10 o‘clock a. m., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. ~â€" _ ~Baid gssessment is payable in five| & â€" (56) lnlmn:vith lm& at the | JI) y ht e s rate of six per centum, ; to | i t _ ammn law, from and after the date lt â€"â€"/â€"â€" MOR of first voucher. : All persons _ o d e n To sanld dapond may apgeccion on M MOonki® ET ore ay and may appear on M ‘ | hearing and make their defense. m Estimates Cheerfully f ¢ Harry Olander, [llll § Officey appointed to make said | [JJ | WITTEN BLDG. assessment. | J|| ~Telephones: Shop, H. P. Dated ‘at Highwood, Ilinois, April | [Miersom inonsmet utemmmessemie 15th, A. D;., 1926. e M BB _ _ __ _ _/ Record Made! Donee BRoTHEeRSs _ . MOTOR CARS A A. G. MePHERSON _« _a Verdiet â€" ~Rendered Highland Park â€" ‘Phones 120â€"121 Bee the Dodge Steol Body on Display in Our Showrcom Here is a record to make you pause: 70,599 Dodge Brothers Motor Cars and ‘Graham Brothers Trucks soldinthe United States from January 2nd to April 3rd, 19261 The greatest quarter in the company‘s history. .. § 37 per cent greater than the same period last year, when 51,318 units were sold. This record was a foregone conclusion. Since the first of the year demand inâ€" creased week by week. Each period showed greater sales than the one preâ€" ceding and greater than the same period of 1925. .. f $ During the last week recorded, ending April 3rd, 9104 units were sold, against 6530 for the best week last yearâ€"a gain of 39 per cent. $ Sales figures are an index to the buyer‘s preference; : Buyer‘s preference, these days, springs from cleanâ€"cut convictions on quality and comparative worth, penny for peniny. Although the peak of the selling season has not yet been reached, the verdict has already been rendered. Tfll‘ifl‘Cï¬.. Cflp‘..... Movo ‘olo “.. ..7. o’l ol MODERN PLUMBING AND HEATING Estimates Cheerfully Given. Jobbing a i LAWRENCE A. DOOLITTL If I am elected Sheriff at the Novemâ€" ber election I promise Lake County that I will exert every effort to give the best and most honest administration in my power. j I would like to thank everyone who voted at Tuesday‘s primaries personalâ€" ly, but as that is impossible, I take this means of extending my sincere appreciaâ€" tion for the splendid support given me. THANK YOU MORAN BROTHERS . P. 1404 Sincerely, 360 CENTRAL A‘ PAGE FIVE