hursday gricfl_ay : tur'da); § 122, 23, 24 ou:Save 24c on Two sehold Needs Cascade Linen One Brush : 8. OUNCES b PP "f "[p. i :â€"40¢ Pip. ll:'- ity Tooth Brushes PURETEST â€" ubbing Alcohol Bave 99¢ on Two Boxes ave 24c on Two Pounds ptian : Palm Soap ajor Stationery PLA Y |'â€""'r:] test Products les Price y‘ E Envelc . ao Ts Rex . "** Price â€" This Sale ve 2e Epsom Salt URETEST pirin: Tablets ve 38¢ ‘URETEST Castor Oil â€"~1400 Price THUR 5¢ 68¢ on Two Bottles purgati 25¢ im â€" 26¢ Price Tice 45¢c i 466 OoUNCES on Two Battles on Two Bottles AT : OUR STORE This Sale Two m 12 Cakes . ideal for This Sale Two o en Brushes 26¢ Two bottles of 100 70c This Sale 69¢ APRI .2 for 11¢ _2 for 16¢ .2 for 11¢ 2 for 1.51 2for 1.01 9l y sR 2 for 2 for 41¢ 39¢ 40¢ 25¢ 26¢ 10¢ 11¢ 13¢ e Ole 2, 19286 I. Thompson and wife to E. Brons wD $10. s.e.;:fw &ru |..F. W Bartlett and wife to . W, Watking. WD $10, 'tgpn 24, blk 3, First Addn to Ravinia Ian,:l, Sec. 25, Deerfleld, Sec. 86, ‘\ field. . f Kib P i) w04 A. L. Stanford to M. q‘ Newell. WD 10. Seq. 31, Avon. i: :f sii s foslts/ d ‘~F. H. Bartlett and . to [F. E. Lucas and wife. | $10,â€" stamp $1.50. Sec. 36, Deerfield. : <â€" _ | C. T, & Tr. Co. to G. A; Grabe and wife, it tens. |Lot 16, block 2,, Branâ€" igar Bros. Woodland P’tk, enfield. Deed $10, stamp $2. || || .. _: Minnic May Rumsey et al to T. 'R“'{cnn;dn‘:‘n WD “F Pt lot 4, W. A. N â€"di s L‘k‘ O*t- | } y c.o.mbnmdwlte to W. V. Griffin. QCD $10. Pt of Sec. 4, Shields. ‘ N. H. Anspach and wife to W, Doud and wife jt tens. | WD :io. Pt of lot 2, blk 29, Highland Park. t J. M. White to Helen Mc‘ï¬" Frmm Auigh to Revine Righingin Ser 18 n, 25, Deerfleld and pt Sec..30, D,oerï¬se:& J. Grifith and wfleoto N. Hensel and wite it tens, WD $10, stamp $2.50. Lot 15, Washington Heights, Sec. 4, and wife "B. Bmc% hus to F. R, j lers et al. ‘WT ::& 8&0.15»4,“3: R. L. 'nionch;and,ï¬e‘ to E. C. Mowbray. WD $10, Pt of lot 11, Black‘s Subdn, Hig‘g'-.nd' Park. > . . F. R. McVeity and wife to J. L. Haas. . Pt See, 31, Shields. QCD $1. Lillie E. Wahiman to G. Viti WD $10. Pt of lot 47, Plat of Highwood. C. H. McCormick et al to J. G Lots 6, 7, 8, and pt 9, bik 1, J Anderson‘s subdn, Lake Forest. â€" D $15,000. | _ ue 0 4 Asmm and wite 3t tana.."Wh Â¥10. tot and wife, . 1 7, Resubdn, 8. Highel:?ld m\# land Park. Pss s1{6,(d01 e x E. 0. Grady and wife to P. Dick and wife jt tens. $10. Ptm 14, Vernon, sp BP se aba sn to 4t Bayine. . WB F10, atoms ers to J. H. Taylor. , , star $4.50. Pt lot 9, bik 76, F. P. Hawki Addn, Highland Park. .. _ . J. Griffith and wife to W. Nielsen WD. $10. Pt of lot 290, Lake Forest. T. Claudio and wife to Linda Pigata WD $6,250. Pt lot 4.‘! Highwood. . ©Claimed that imiry will cheer up the deprissed, but the editors of QT.. spring ‘poetry never said so. | THURSDAY, APRII REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS â€" IM‘A‘NY APPLICANTS _ s t (frile OA TT 1 FOR TRAINING CAMP 4 § ( ‘.‘ ;?’ ha lie * B t\ ui s > "“Q"“?‘r ‘v‘ .«‘ ‘?"‘i-. Fol B TE 9y f J | Eie fes / Wz“‘-‘ Py ols _ ;/ e t 1. " ‘ C ie d > ol l In. a t2 minutes VIC J. KILLIAN, Inc. + PLUMBING & HEATING 917 Waukegan . Avenue Near Moraine Road Phone H. P. 1248 _ 30\!:: no mea what ‘a Y ondcrf‘v’g\ imorovement a hantsome Ch:irch saniâ€"white Seat will make in the looks of your bathroom. Evenp whorent homes, Seats. If they :::a ino of pevingan atirnes to an a ï¬!c_s‘ sanitary one. The handsome white surâ€" face is ‘ocan‘gen. ivcry-lgc d-n.thmi f on':i wear off, ngisture Fetauncdors. Baey or t qku) . Absolutely sanitary. C‘::mcuid“_‘ thc:x or order *T 1J llek For sale and installed by a what ‘a etter 1926 OIT 3 , This Ng?um 62 per cent of the total number that can be trained with the money mvailable and is a sure inâ€" dicaticn that there will be a heavy gverâ€"subscription mï¬or attendance "at the camps this summer; â€" _ i ‘ Young miuv who wish to be sure of a" place® at the camps should not deâ€" lay submitting their applications since everything indicates that the quotas of all camps will be fAlled at‘an early date and that it will be necessary to disappoint many late applicants. _ ~General Graves® advice to all those young men between 17 and 24 years of age who are considéring attendâ€" ing a C. M. T. camp is to submit their application at once before all: the places have been assigned. fl‘wenty-ere; Hundred In Sixth Corps ; Already ; Feaâ€" | tures of Program Major ral William S. Graves, the commanding general of the Sixth Corps; Area with headquarters at 1819 West Pershing road, Chicago, Tilinois, announced tly that 2700 formal applications :to attend the C.. M. T. camps in the Sixth Corps Area had been.received at corps area headquarâ€" ters. } Full provisions will be made at all f. M. T. camps for the wholesome and nteresting ‘employment of al leisure time. ‘There will be lectures, moving picture programs, amateur and proâ€" fessional musical and dramati¢ enterâ€" tainments with full use of post exâ€" change facilities, mail service and claub rooms. Evening moving pictures and vaudeville shows are provided at the camps at low prices; so that all may attend, Ns o Asy in past years at the C. M. T. camps the question of recreation will be given a prominent place on the program for the thirty days when young men will be in training. m | '?pliutkm blanks or other inforâ€" mation of the C. M. T. camps will be furnished upon request to the Comâ€" ma.qfln:r&unl, Headquarters Sixth ‘Corps , 1819 West Pershing road, Chicago, Iilinois. _ j : March income tax collections are a ‘hundred million more than the estiâ€" mate which shows that we are even more prosperous than we thought we were.‘ f & Chances are there won‘t be much more quarreling in Europe now until the League of Nations meets in Sepâ€" tember. â€"© t * : Did you know that roast pork was supposed to have originated in early Chinga when a hut burned down and a pig burned to death in it? IE Artistic Permanent Wa\'iï¬ing’ & " AWILLMIAM DENZEL 6 North Sheridan Road _ SDanity @%f%hgw ' Northwestern Military Academy American House Wrecking Co. WRECEING All material being sold on premises, Lumber, Doors, Windows, Brick, and other buildiqg' material being sold at a great saving. j BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY St. Johns and Rgï¬ne Avenues Highland Park, IIl. Beaut» Shop Report of . the condition of Highland Park Stote: Bank, Iu-t:“:t land . Park, Ssa t atranh e s mesen in Miie of ‘Public Accounts. of the‘ State: of Illinois, ~ureumnt . toâ€" law. . } uen C000 u.gum- Fenintderrisens e 1' rtnt.Onhttolï¬nl Purk State Bank, do so ly swear that above atatement is true (to the N:t of mmmdboud.und t the items an shown . above with the items and amounts shown . above correspond with the and amounts shown in the gott imade to the Auditor Public Aeaux State of Punoil. County of| Lake, s8. r CHARLES F. GRANT Stute of llliois, County of! Lake, ss 11 : Reportâ€" of the : orth . 8 Arust 174 foomng "at 'ï¬gm ‘Park, State of I at the c -35"" the 12th day April 1926, as to Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinols, pursuant to law, . | + RESOURCES ¢ P1 1, Loans on Real Estate fl“"""' 271,400.00 2. Loans on Collateral h ons </ %, ‘Total Linbilities :_...........$ 680,874.95 1, Wéfl. noou;.“c;-%:h af flul,Nom Shore Trast Compan s lo?n swear that the above lutzsut is true to the best :l my knowledge and belief, andâ€"that the items and Heme and amoun e report made to! the â€" Auditor of Public M State of Tilinois, pursuant | to lew,. OS 00000 00. c$0 State: of lllinois, County of Lake, ss y. .0. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOI8 *.. Becurity . (ml..†%:mn‘,f.), . 8," Government usc ina ul .""_ _ mss raige * 'Du Banke, ; _ and : Otherâ€"Cash Resources (1, 8, 9) Loath on Roit mute Th ... 6_ 854.108, Loans on ReaI Estate (In) 8. 88442283 hpit@BiSbock (1) ;i â€"â€"(~«~ Undariged Profit (Net) (5) Thme tw ~(44)â€" .. .o).:.s. Demarnd Deposits ((’45)’ & m‘m (:"'..1..;‘.. /. Security : (1b) ......,.}â€",â€"â€". Other .Loans (10) ...sâ€"=~.=» Overdraftts (zt).dm.J,_“) &nmg_llm.m‘ d Duk Tram Haiks. Hack wnd :. Other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9) Other Resources (12) ....}........ Capital Stock (1) ... h'mlm ,(l‘ Broupacaioeas Undivided ts (Net) Time Deposits (4a) ... m ‘Deposits ({4b) Accounts (6) . North Shor';Trust . ~Company To Total Resourcés Highland Park State Bank {OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Resources LIABILITIES LIABILITIES Tel. H. P. 936 (8) w. m. nQOLL) | SOLDIERS MEMORIAL OAK PARK l;!!‘,'»,_'?-m_‘...k‘ Granite Cut and Erected !L' | $8 812,872.13 446,181.40 *~~254,89 887 213.210.60 T44 200,000,00 1 en ,mlzw}s 58,040,01 4,000.00 417 152 Cashier 118.00 £50.77 587 593.61 71,09 Total Linbilities _....../..~.. $ 105 I, J. E. Engguist, Cashier of H State Bank, do solemnly swear t the statement is true to the best of. my ‘ and: belief, and that the ‘items and shown above correspond »with: the : items amounts in the report" made to the A g IP:b& Accounts, State of Iliinois, w Pecta Did you know that bysproducts of the livestock and meat industry play an important part in your daily life? ut the close pf ‘business on &g& ‘fl of April, 1926, as .made to the of + ll::vwa ol.t'h State of mhoh."muuu‘ Did you know ‘that porkuandâ€"<be were often receivable for urâ€" ing early settlement of America? Report of w:w a@:« State Bank, lpeated wood, of wt nt?.lo ?lm of business on the “&"‘:« State of Illinois, County of Lake, iss Susbscribed : and sworn to before me this 2lst : day of A»:d 1926. j;_‘r‘“_j (SEAL) J. H. ANDERSON MONUMENT CO. SEND YOUR DRY CLEANING, '*l RUGS AND DRAPERIES 3 THE RELIABLE LAU&D Y, ! DRY CLEANERS AS WELL AS LAUNDERERS. «d l Capital: Stock .(1) ...... Surplus (2) u‘(:. e opamitali c Loans (1¢) -ï¬d"mfl) Other Bonds and Securities Banking â€" House, Furniture . Other Cash Resources (7, 8. 9) . 69,615.91 Other Resources (12) (kn,’ : 500.68 We Make the Better Class Memorials _ _ | Total Resources 5751 Ravenswood Ave. 414 McDaniels Avenue (OFFICAL PUBLICATION) HIGHWOOD STATE BANK 3532 1â€"2 W est C Refrigerator Vrite for Catalogue RESOURCES LIABILITIES If you want the best, I‘ll do the rest electrically Vetter Electric Service ' J. E. . ENGQUIST COPE te. Y Aoatany Pual $ : £0,000.00 /. ©o.075 31 entral Ave. $105.078.06 Repairing, Contracting, Attractive Fixtures â€" 1,200.00 $0.710.13 Cashier 2.946.44 :‘ PRESS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Vetter and Better All the Time AUTOMOBIL INSURANCE Central Insurance Service Aetna Casualty and Surety c% Ohio Casualty Insurance Co Come in and see them urniture Fell Bros. Shoes: Florsheim for Men; Arch Preserver, Queen I for Women\~ =â€" 509 Central Ave. Phone H. P. Many women come to us and say they‘ve been wearing the Arch Preserver Shoe â€" when as a matter of fact they have been led to accept a substitute, and they have not been pleased. Remember the full name â€" Arch Preserver Shoe. This shoe has seven patented features. It cannot be successfully imitated. It is the only shoe that combines perfect comfort with good style. ~*"I thought I had Arch Preserver Shoes" complete line Room 3, State Bank Bldg. Telephone 574 â€" 1046 a full A. E. Smith "KECPS THCE FOOT wera* Phone H. P. 2222 and E SEVE