mum-am. matinee. I Park Insti- I have been mir hospital 4ti'tltsned.'ett_fty" 6tdi-rmrettrdt-trte tutr-tttatt-tr-tet duties, 526 LOGAN mun was Nielsen pital ine Road anus-umâ€: H Tau-sun. nut 8,9113 Kyla-l 33 ad Park. m. U, “a: 7Gir7i"A"it' G7iiG "an-'1; opened at 7:00 of“ in the non-Ida ttfog"?, ittt,"t2lr'lf "ttitu'f,1 0 C n . A June 5th. 1926. _ _ V Eaeh of the election precincts of the aid Thtt Highland Putt East Park District be and it is he"!!! " cland and mated tn election distrlct or precinct: that ‘tho Itt",ut,'ir, in and for eaeh of quid p ducts shall bell hum: -- H _ A "hiirkiaiaiiirt; In. Fred Lind- holm’c residence, "" "Upet Atttmte. order of the of Columb- 3508;" of the Him Park But Park mm A i/ l N ' I s"'" w": 11-14 -ruiriiiGA M" Uthty Hamlin Cen- tnlAvenue. '__L_'__. A --_ -riieGieirriririesr-rg. M. Prior', or. My 2rN,ieAhriid., . -. . a radius of 359.27 feet and tangent to the last hereinbefore described line, a distance of 412.5 feet; thence South 16"AW, West 190.0 feet; thence along the are of a circle convex westerly and having a radius of 359.27 feet and tangent to inst hereinbefore described line, for a dis- tance of 253.1 feet; thence South 2IP-22' East, 180.4 feet to point on east and west center line Section M.. 43-12, 884 feet east of west line Bee, tion 84-43-12; thence: South 25522" East, 898 feet; thence South 58‘-00' East, 850.0 feet to point on east line of West % of Southwest 16, 486 feet south of east and west center line Section 34-43-12; thence along the arc of a circle convex northeasterly tangent at southeasterly terminus to line extending ‘South 18'-15' East‘ and having a radius of 1055.16 feet a distance of 451.5 feet; thence South 18'-15‘ East 282.Lfeet; thence along the' arc of a circle convex easterly and‘ having a radius of 567.34 feet rare) fent A last hereinhefore described ine distance of 257.9 feet: thence along-the arc-of a circle ebnvex west- erly and having a radius of 683.16 feet tangent to next described line a distance of 888.4 feet; thence South 19'-55’ East 198.8 feet; thence along the sac of a circle convex northeast- erly, and having a radius of 1528,91 feet burnt to last heminhefore de.. scribed lne. a distance of 848.8 feet; thence south _ 1Patt' East 427 feet to a point on the South line of Section 84-48-12, 2010 feet east of southwest corner Section 34-48-12; thence east along tln south line of said Sections " 86, and 86, to the easterly line of the right-of- way of that branch of the Chicago & Northwestern Ry,.whlchpasses north- westerly and southeasterly throuih said Section 38;, thence, netting! along the easterly line of the rig}: - way of said last mentioned railway to the north line of said Section M; thence west along the north yilne of said Sections M, M, and 84 to the easterly line of the right-of: of that bung: of theu3tttdatrtt t 'ou.'. western y. passing- hart westerly and southeasteriy thread: . C ' tue.. tion 22 and 27; thenes'north y alone the easterly line of paid. atom to the point of Mimi _ , All Maia emu. lined-v . l _ it said Section 2th thence east Wiiii GU South an.“ %, Southwest lg, Northeast it to the Southeast cor- ner of aid East %, Southweat lk, Northeast lk said Section 28; thence aouth along the west line of North.. east li, Southeast it tth/tttt 28, to the center line of said I eat Skokie Drainage Ditch; thence edutheaaterly tleg the center line of aid Welt " e Drainage Ditch to a point in the South line of said Section M, 186.7 feet west of the Southeast ear- ner of said Section 28; thence eaat along the south line of aid Section 28 to the Southeast corner of said Section 28; thence South dogs the Weat line of said Section 84, feet to the center litteof said Weat Shokie Drainage Ditch; {thence South 4tPAt2' East 'Ita, the center line of aaid Went " ie Drainage Ditch' to a point 852.8 feet from the north line of Section 88, Town- ahi 43 North, Range " East of 'Al PM., as in cured along the cen- ter line of 'yi?,?,,?':'; Skokie Drainage Ditch; thence- long the are of a cir- cle convex northeasterly and ha a radius af 578.69 feet and ta to the inst here nhcfom deiertbed no. a distance of 4 .7 feet; thence South 1'-S8' West .2 feet to a point on north lineof South % of Northwest! 36 Section 34-48-12. thence along the are of a circle convex southwesterly and having" radius of 410.28 feet and tan nt to last hereinhefore de- scribed‘gfle, a distance of 375.0 feet, thence 8.1m 50'-52' East, 24.8 feet; thence along the are of a circle convex“ northyeetlt, and having "All tgttsettgtuethrkttsAr, 88. " M, ant: a? Towmhi, " North. lance " m o 8111 P. " Taaa as beginning at the i 'o! the - line of the ash-o! any: at that branch-o! the up and Northwestern Railway which you“ northweateriy rend through aid Sections " 27, the "a 2'uf, 'ttl I n 22!; thence n as no tt said iuti'l%s'l't,'u'tuadtut nor of said Section 22: thenoevut along the north line oi aid Section 28, to the center line of the West Shakie Drainage Ditch; thence south- outer-l along the center line of aaid {Rant 8 okie Drainage Ditch to the south line of , the North % of the Northeast lk of said Bees tion 28; thence out along aid South tine of North %, Northeast It acid Section 28, to the west line orthe East is southwest IA, Northeast lk said Section 28; thence South along the West line Eat %, Southwest it, Northeast as said Section 28, to the center line of said West Skokie Drain- age Ditch; thence "th%ttit don: the center line of said est Shotie Drainage Ditch to the tooth line of the Eet,16,froettltweyt lk, North-t L1fP,,',e,',,,g,'d0,tg ii'tiili,iliiltiL' be uncut In Mt " "ters, ilii','liiiti'is of the C to the H nd'Plrk Em'm DU. Met the territoey darn)“ u 101. W one: or SPECIAL mum-ton N NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to run vo'rnns on THE man. LAND. an EAST pm 'dt war. mum COUNTY, 1 - Nous, TBA't A snow. Walc. TION WILL an HELD m AND you THE sun, THE HIGHLAND PAItF,A.AAr. ?, ON THURSDAY, MAY U; 1m About the ‘only result of the senate Vohmd' investigation w" to lave the drier! drier and the we“ wetter than they were before. _ E. s. MPS, Solicitor {In complainant. eau itiinou,ituatisfin the Coun- ty of Lake, in the State of Illinois, provided 1that the hid on each piece and parcel of nail! premises shall be equal- Mutt least two-third: of the valuation placed on the lame by the Malone" heretofore appointed by said court to make partition thereof and now on tile'in said cause, or that the other pieces shall at the same time eel] for enough to make the to- tal amount of the ales equal to two. thirde at the total amount id such valuation of the whole of said prem- is». 1 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY l GIVEN that in pursuance of a decree ‘made 13d entered “award on May' 8th, A. " 1926, in the shove entitled, cause, in and by the Circuit Court of Lake county, Illinois, “the March; /rerm, A, D., 1926, of said court, the undersigned, us Muster in Chancery of said court, will on Monday, June? 14th, All, 1928. at twelve o'clock? noon, standsrd time, (one o'eiock P.M/ day light swings time), sell at pub- lie auction to the highest and best bid- der for Cash at the out ifront door of the court house, in the City of WtuAettatt, Lnko County, Illinois, all and singular the followink described. red estate, in said decree described, to-wit: Lot twentrfhe (25) in Come ty Clerk's Plat of Block Two (2) Pint "C" of Highwood, (as recorded; in the Recorder's OtBee in Book "AT of Plats, on page 17) Highwwd, Illi- nois, according to plat thereof records ed on Notember 16, 1922,11: Book "L" of Puts, on pm 44, as document No. 218104, in the City of thwgodjake State at Illinois, .' County pf Lake, M. J . ' In the Circuit Court of Lake County. i Harold o. Enstrom, Complainant, vs. Amelia Smith, Q. E. Burkhart, "Unknmm hoirs-at-law or claims of Q. E. Burkhart, deceased," Katherine B. Pease, Katherine M. Pease, Lewis A. Page, Robert W. Pew, Samuel J. Peabe, Rollin M. Pena; Daniel Fem, Francis J. Pease, and “Um known owner or owners of the land described in the bill of complaint," defendants, in Chancery, General; Number 16144. ' F The polls of said election will be opened at 7:00 o'eiock in the morning and will continue open until 5: o'eioekHn the evening of Saturday, June 5th, 1926. _ . . By order of tte, Board of Commis- sioners of the Hnghlund Park East Park District. _ E. A. WARREN, Hath of the election precincts of the “If The Highland' Park East Park ‘atrlct be and it is hereby de- clued and created an elgtion district gg"git,t,i that the " ng plnces in " for ml: of said precincts shell be as follows: Third Preeinet---Mm. ‘- Fred Lind- horrp's residence, 1468 Judson Avenue. army at the was} and tiiriuGTa on [way Cmppdiinruntti thence son 12:; ah ‘the all: west. tit ll c ‘the lllii2'h,h",4 of the C cago and Northwestern Railway Comps y to the :south line of, said Sectio IO., same being the North Como to Limit. af the City of High- wood, lining thence west along said south of Section 10 being along the no line of said dity 0 High- wood the west line of the East half of on Ili, Townshi 48 North Range [ 2 But of the whim Principal, Meridian, this point being the north- west corner of the said C ty of High- 'grf,,eni/,'f, thence south ttpi/P, said . line at the said East " orsaid Section 16, being along the not line of the said City of Ighr wood, to the south line of said Section 15, this point being the southwest core nor of the said City of’ Highwood, running thence west along the south line of said Section " to the south- west corner of said Section 16r.thtyee north along the west line of said Sec- tion 16 and along the west line of said Section 10 to the north line of, South K of said Section 10; thence east along the north line of said South? % Section 10, to the point of begin-l nityp, _all in Lake_County, Illinois. -l First; Pmeinet--City Hall, 549 Cen- tral Avenue. _ Second Pteeinet--H. M. Prior'. Of- 562,371“; S1te,ridttnBot4 . a ' 10, 'r sh! is ItAFiCr'iiG"iiir"i'i? Em the hf/l and»: Meridian "its: 9.179%er um o.CthtMtrht- f agvï¬mi'ib‘flï¬nï¬t}; or upon tt n _ vote MI' nation " the annexation to 'ti'f/4'i'Ml',1f9ht East Pu]: Dia- ‘trict the territory described “.101- 1m All rt f d ittg.t o "etit""'td1l' NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN TO THE VOTERS or was man. LAND PARK EMT, PARK ms- TRICT, LAKE COUNTY, ILLL NOW/ THAT A SPEchL ELEC- TION WILL an 11an IN AND FOR THE sum-run HIGHLAND PA1quLAAT JIAWr ms'rmc'r ON Narnia» an. intersection of the north in of the South half Section 10. Townshin " North. m...- w NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION Datedahty 10th, A.D., 1926. _ _ RALPH J. _DADY E V latter in Chum. 1 as timid. MASTER'S SALE NOTICE ' PARTITION Secretary. 11-14 11-14 Henry Thule, Waukegnn. Lotta: of Administration “and to MM minis Thiole,‘widow. -Boud of 81,000. Proof of heirship token. . Margaret Smart, minor, Wanker“, Final report approved. Guardian dis. charged. T John H. Begun. biurtrM1U. Find report approved; estate cloud. _ Alfred Ind Elda' Knox, ttuttoia, Shh Forest. Letters of Gurdhnthip ie. .sued to State Bank of Lauren“. Emma Msxhnm, Lttrertrvt1le. Find report approved; estate cloud. ". August Wienecko. feeble minded. Lake Zurich. Hearing on 113er of Citation to turn over nuts eontht,ueid to June T. _ Mary Drummond, Lake Fox-eat. Pe- tition for probate of Will ftled and 3e; for hearing May 24th.. Propf of heirship taken. - George F. Lenieity, Highland Park. Inventory and r',',',',',',',',':,'.."')'"')',','.:),.; Final report approved; to cloud: Minnie Knox. Lake Forest. 3 war admitted to probe“. but VIM gt $88,000 divided among the doubts!) and husband, in equal slur“. Letter: mammary issued to State Bonk of Lake Forest. Proof of heir-hip token. f William & Ilium, Antioch _ Putt tion for discharge 01::me no». tinned to lay 18 “a no!“ ttgg.' Frank D. DoWoody, In . Hearing on petition for sale of mil estate under contract continued to May 6. . . Russell Lord, lake PM But reportmpprovod and 6159215qu o!- Theodore B. Ihtqti,Wattueatt. Po. tition for sale of no] q.tgttrt nude con- tract filed and not for hearing June 7th. _ Archibud W. Mr, Highland Park Haring on petition!“ a]. of real auto and» toms of Win con- tinued to my 10th. Recent proceeding- tn Prom court atmpoeterd " tollm: LATE PROCEEDINGS . IN PROBATE COURT Deerfield, Illinois VISITORS WELCOME ' Phone Deerfield 2.41 FRANKEN, BROTHERS Also our special list of Nor) cities of the Intent ini.. . _, _ troduction i is now ready. Bend for it'; and we will send later T our maritaurm, . 1: ' of Choice I Hardy? _ Perennials Dahlias T Gladioli Dutch Bulbs Our Spring Catalogue C or , ' o other high. Ngrade bak. ing powde r is being sold at such a moderate price. leases no bitter taste in the food. was HIGHLAND an P3388. HIGHLAND raiatammi Phlox Iris and A but war bu bun ’ in Vienna because the Me. has mined from ten to elm I qtmrb-orhieh ought to nab the loggers in America huzh out . , " ‘unndo. The Bonus but, Co. and the Hohltoldcr My thr,, which distribute page]: milk on the North tlhttr,tmtt'oittrtasted,mtmtt-u., {will report, and '"W, pram in ta1tetttokeotutrtiiiaiiitttidt-t unitary condition. otue ettqtMm. Ibo are "1ihttt milk from mud cows. bttttti-ortadtttatinafeitC t.rW.nees the "bootleg" milk is being peddlpd in this unitary. l unreported and ‘uthorlty that ")tetktr"itt1ttii,tretii-fi new“! North 8ltttmrttiea,ineNdiettr mth1andNrk.qttiotteitk,iltic tested can audits-MW SOME “30011.36 MILK†, IS BEING BOLD HERE “up Pic-081’. 457 In. Iâ€! 518 El- M lithium! Park Private and PtttrtkCtrttathaatn. III Bertie Tub ' Phone 1151 Licensed Drain Layer Sewer and Water Contractor FRED c.1iREMER Elli!“ Park. 30: 261 Carpenter and Builder mam V Jobbing Pro-pay no... BUY " IN A HANDY DRUM-tHits A‘SAVI B. L. FROMELT Your neighbor 6n the Sinclair Truck has T the answer 1: F to your oiling" problems it/ri,, "ALONG Lei him give you a copy of '9ing'u- Sinclgir’s new help-booklet for momma. He is not just a "salesman". Perhaps he can help you when t:,mgtl'g goes wrong with Tour car-uit the didic lty is in the oiling. Talk with him tomorrow. Ask him questions-ask him, for iexarnthx how you cap cut down your oiraritbgaseNxsrues. He will be glad to talk with you.' WHEN you tee the Sinclair on Turk coming, remember, the man driving it is always ready to stop and talk with you about your lubricating ahd fuel problems. He knows about oil-hdsy drrecommend the right oil for automobiles, trucks and tractOrs. Perhaps he can help you get better work and nuke power out of them. SeetuPtmeratemyDqreegWear OPALINE PRESS WANT ADS BRING ttsam, 1510103011. GOOD WILL axoawav'" SINCLAIR. * P529595! 'rAtifti, :99 fhti.ee2etlencitM uni; a... tfl 1 tlr "aei',i!ii-slisi'-i-iiti- “I. but... In" "iiepu 37% 1'3. A.M, " iTiGriiG Grip, "" --9.. t"'ikWi'riv"riiWd . shite.,'.,'?,?.:'.","'.:",:". mnPgAv 1lit."ltg2tt'llel'g/'fi'hW.'ld'tt','S'i'." an... 14m I A.M, 949 " " 7.11 71’ (WW r" l Clean. Comfomblc Cars Parcel Racks for l ll. 0. ... ... 'Otmuebtit “d fl'grttirgr'"'tttliP 'terthcrgrtt1fAt, fllliililahlP PARK-CHICAW All!" can... TithtAent--E. C. omtMtrNtr--'tuqAmt. Aer) an; (ll 165 $145 A.M tt 'st mullmh“ 'helu tl4iti I?! (ll hm (ill' a FAST WINK?“ TRAINS? Ania on.†LN. 10.6 a†12.3 lam may I“ (than jiii'. _iit"il"i"! A.M Ruth Lain Al All!“ F, “a? A!!!" I“ PET PAGE rm