Pr', Blake“ oetPeertieid Road MEP. 1122 T was Connor, who-in to be “new dramatie and public speaking her, in 'olso graduated from the niver- oity of “timeout; She an t jot two year: in thd Menominee, inan- sin, high school when the to es- pccinlly successful in moshing no. ties and public smoking. u . she entered the school of I at Northwestern university in E ton, where she studied for two you Dur- ‘ intt her second you; of study nt orth- tiestern she held ipoaition as aelfer of dramatiea on the faculty f the Boltwood junior high school in iEvon- stun. . Duel Part 7 and 112. Bargains REPAIRING ' AND SERVICE STATION Highland Auto Mart Mr. Rnefiibr", {the if to be" r. Jen- ninu’ em, we: gradu- _ from the Univenity of “inmate n A1980. no inter studied at the " school in New York. lithe-3mm necess- fully in the Bay View high ool of Milwaukee, Wincomin, and in Cen- tral high schooUn Duluth, M anâ€. Drain: the past year he V been tanking " thelarmrd Be for Boys in Chicago end has been titt post-gnduate work at the IN verify , of Chicago. , ,',, l We might save you some M tion _ By our expert heat inspection. ---Pruverbs of Mr. Quick. BETTER let us look ovim your . heating system. The addition of a few modem valves might a". you mny dollars on your coal bill. Mr. Jennings has -tedrthe pro- feuonhip' of the teaathheetf9tttttult " the State Mitrf eaten in kirhrvme, Missouri, , here * work will be tut ,t.tdttttre may; For Dependable Dug! Automobnes All Makes and Models Cu. and Truck: Arrtiatients trf itsrrt W noel-en and the resignation of a (acuity mm- ber were Aeerted at n matting of the' DieefuitMrtatth betded of edttes tion last Thursday owning. Mar 18. Mr. Blnpdfoed Jenning- u thy misn- ing teacher and I!!! Zoe Coin“ and Mr. George Edward Humor." the two new when. cr Guaranteed Baiissfhetiort Very Low Prices, Terms and Trades PAGE 811 NEW TEACHERS FOR ' . milrilRPtELDatrmLDfe contour‘ 'rersoatality SEE THE " environment our [asses and The nifty, thich "eill be -tt tea dance, will be given on June 9, in the A, putt for seniors}: being pinh- ned by the socill committee, of which Katherine? Mayer is chairman. P A t Pttttas. "dtethw, _ George Benson bu been chmn vtuedietorGn had Jack Benson uh:- tatorian Li; the basin of ’scholaatic records. ( , ', T Mi. Williun Ray, president of the board otedutaitipk, will present the diplo'masu P John they Morgan - George Eamon: 'rCan War Be Outlawed~1uk Benson; Jotut Ma,r--Auan Edgerton; The Outing of War-George' Gttr. hen; ,'t2eit, Book Pee Ever Read-.- LOuise endall; Luther Bttrbertb-.. Myra Thomas; Modern American Poetry-Marion Maintain. At 2'ttttfl'tdt2itlMiiPt procure to be their“ T is rdpidly Ireind completed by the "ttior advisers} Seven student amen were ehirserion the bull of they: written In,“ week. The subject upon which they wrote are as follows: ' (i"ii),pj,i,tl,j,ii,tt), GRADUATION l PROGRAM AT DEERFIELD HIGH Seven) Students W: at Cam-penal: ' T r _, Feat JY T I iii? 'j, 3:†J Je. " T . At:' $.51 1 I _ " St j,"si"id L _ 1 _ 1 'Y', w'w' 1 _ Tl IN! i8tE Skt V ' _ _ V _", ', , . 1 . '.' _ :3 J-' q 1g,“ .5 Ava 8 Jo r.1; l, t,o.. 1 _ 'scucirr", , ~11" "vc::,: q t".' .. .21: £1"; " 'tIll " :i"rd 'r;p 1. ' ".,wp; Tc'i'yf'riy,y' V _ I -, '3' 11:» 1 " " ‘ Me. .3 'i.', ‘3 "sy' pp'-' u'. . -.‘-:-':~"~"":. I, ', jII 'I "* 1iMriil" _ MN rC_.' 1 2 J,' 3"?" trr', 11'sCitsti.ifsir,:L, '.' -; r-rl-" =5. ." 4' ' ii A CP 1 MU' t' f , 15%: ' I 'l V .. ", cue:, ctr::itt'f,,')ife'i:r.ctt,,"' ics, ", _,'? I:':)' 1 "A ’ t'l . " 1 . ' Mth" ‘ . C _ - , 431*" . 'e: F. g1ti111k( Sie)' '-/f'soiti.. T f'.?' (r, . MI Bt , ’ e Si ' _"", _ a; i,l1riiltt.!rgll'U'ri'e'vuc" "k':. " r,,", (ffl 's?.icd:.i, 1 ‘ , FT'trv'.i" s".-- T nur": 2'sis [ici/cape?.. v, 494- :/i/r', if: , “S r 2 , - " {33‘3†P .» r", acrvfey __": .'il11vfti,iiiiakttf,ssf'sl,y F3.; EH". Fri, "L ' ~ - F"s, :" rt-CC-i-Wt-"" "v", __. ,1 ‘nu ls' r“ " ‘ ";11 N .". .' 1%: y SI, " - 1 'ru1vi,./'fr'Ce" ' s, .y, Gr, .a' p, - "dh""ags'yMWtr . N' ca, ‘ 1 I1“, _ ,, . ' I s', -1.. J"-:"".," c.-.-'. “M1 ., -1» 1 " - 'EEE $,c1_.\. \ Nur' ",--', I , 'Pi. l,' 'ral' ' _'V1 s-' 's' Aw C,'.' iit'isiirt'i'lrii' 2,% ',ii.PIrr)c5i? v"-;'. 'il "it, {It _ . _ " . . .. r"' F. A" " r" vyb! G%?Y, F -. .. Wyth", "A ,'r .. u.-:.»,1:‘ i? ', 't' ' " . T' "fr. 1’3“ , .9 VII;~II.&-.¢:-'I.:'IIAI\I,,_{§I;‘;1:’-JI,“ & .'iri:(i-rt'rti'ti: w".."-‘I1 -.I1 ".', _ 1". . ' .rto,irt/ .» 'is'its"; a , :I rii:'?..kifey's?tl ti? 'c Yo ,9 C1; '1 / '1" I ' a“) ' TtE ff "r":cir?'g,,C,t.jertrca?cCC:re.:, 'C,",V'fr'.al I “ICEQKE' ' . "2'? ", V l 'e., ' cr i†, " " ‘7‘" Y 'i.,jare'i,i9ti,i/i',ii:.iii; ~1 Ne r rrb'ititrlr_f, p.' "yr:1 ."tcr "_rw $25.} A E, » ‘ h 'cl o'll FX V _ " $55925" “‘96.“, " (r ' 'tli _ t' “1 , 'y . "sf,' i, _"r I“ . " 1 I, VA "r 'rc'- I: Ir-s 12;. -: " n . 4.3-va .1 '.' ' r", N' '., p I a ' ' (1,, IE _", 1- 05- ttCcdi,iiiit:.i, Iq Li r -:~:¢ F; a" T 1 ', .J _ ". _ = s' '" - 'e ..--P“ "E. tl trtM . re, ' '-:I-.‘ ' ' w', I 'AT _.. Rt _ le r . it .. f, I no a . r . :r,'t, c., ,--,»=33 " 'r, 1.xé;:::;1:W 2 "fti"iiiiiii'r'i,iriirirN7. ' yr' F, h ob,':., Jc'.:.", ", l mmgu ',,_."8' .-‘ s . 11-. " 'ilis'r',?trr_'" , " , 1.. raR'?s'i'irr'ri'r' a icMgl - . ' ' v s,ttlt'tfrrL" _ IEaNtk8.'it'f,2.", S%rN1trE.. . *rt.' "/ V T : , e E _ 9%? ".-; Frfr, " Ml© C.4dbo; .- 1 - , . .1 1 _ M» "',v'"s' : v.51: y; if _A .3 , 3: E' .93 Mtigit 10.1 " 'll I ', Fit:s.i'qi' . ', ' i:W.R K. I f I}, . 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"icr,sr's"f 3'1: E .192 "th' , 1N s, V . ,-" I: I . r 1, " _ "r , I I C? Wt. . "Rita sc/r", . ME , 1iilitii. "ie..' :‘.::ri'1 ., am C WW3" rT "lhifKM I 5.15 - "" . C; 'iritf.?N'r" _ 5.: , V '/r “A - 'rm " . ' e ' , q ' a " fl-tisp' §;. / ,1 " _ l t 'M - It . ' I . i I} "r", :21;:.~;,.:;.s y'. .Iz;.'.1 ‘ s :MMMltill ma ' MIR " ' - l 1 Ski"? (fc.-', _'r:'i-,: (5' ' 31:- -i1d T " Br, _ " , ' "" F.. til a c, "i .fsz"'i:{,§ 'i, : :-1.; FJ, I 1'5-:-.:‘ 21.35: Mgr © tt tE tt V ' r l p, n11- :-.,1‘1--:.:‘.7a r P. Lt' . - IlBMMt': "A", ' ' 1-1:“ - " 'r.', :‘4:E1;::::::'f‘::=¢i§'~‘:‘i i' 1.. p r'-" Q'iitiigtM ' 1» '.!,'1iittrii,"i?,:' ly, f:, ' '. . Bhi"c:'s éizf~3e1':i;::f irii'kj:fM .24! .- tBl l 'tBtlNth'(,trir?,1iii'i,y:,t('ii,iir r':" 1 V T 'r. ' . ' " I I il),: ":1-'te"yH':w'-.c. :1“ ,1,.1- 1 7:Fi.f, ttgm.-.,"::'-?)':;,.":':, _::i'i)s3,:rs?'f,.' C, " "o, " "t - "_" Ji?, V .,.:“' . v. ':il'yj'ir'j ts; .y' y ' 'i:": " 3533;" E _ 3 J i Ji'eipt': .rd Il Ivrb,l ?1!3:1§.::1‘r _ c-_-_', ("xyioé (,l:)it.)iil: x _ "i,, ",. T 1 rricls":(rii'rj4sr'v5:'fj) c,' l" . iriil,ijili' 3 T ' .3=S.1' (r)fi'js'i,,'-i':fir.'ir'r,' ' C '7 71:15:"? \" l ; ( 1 c. _ V "'frt1r:1tth?,'ff: fcl ll 'iW:t . _ .::i:‘-=" "1.1- x»?! c/i': a _ '"lrvty 'rr:,"' I:1‘.'1~ " _ ' ..' :f":1'yyp,T:R; 4.. LL. tiii',, -- t/if:.i.fy'r . 'sl/tij':-':,:'?;:'..,;', 2911.91,, _ J"'::-,'? ','.c" _ l p1 C.',".' iii-:5 Ac/oc, Wt; it; ’1_s;1;:-ï¬'\,::2x§§*§:1:-~‘°§&’wj £31355â€- ':::f j-Rz:-.~, i ct' _ , _ f ($577?“ fd) 91.5,:1/ .1 J:."i,"seke'1rjf:'i' (tt"s'-'iblif;1ticiti?ji': 51%;;35: ltr?, :e:y/::r,::H"ri1:rfj):",'i' ' _ ,‘;I'Ev (iltri' (_;'j'ii:fet:i', . 1 le" T. ' q ,1..: 2'iii/ii;s"clfi't'diiiii_:rr' ',:u:c:l"-y,:rjc,'/,rir'j" _ . 'r. 5'14 ',Saf Il '", T v ' 1 9,133.31: trei"k2iry.', _ "F ‘,.i.1~1':,-I,11,u:. .126 L sub)" Fce,tC,V; n _r' _r.1.; "We use the NedtU, Cireu. line Proeei-a. perfect wave that insures the hair against all harm, and giv'es depth and softness which can only be effected by our skilled operators. Don't spend another sum- mer worrying? aboqt your hair. Call or phone us, H. P. 936. Try our Wax of Rose Wave - a lasting natural wave that will add greatly to your charm. Facids are but one item of our ~complete Beauty "tro- gram. _ Latest styles of hair cut- ting for Mother, Father, Daughters, and Sons j WILLIAM DENiirilL .6_Norih Sheridan Road _ _ Miss Jane Jennings, famous star-mother of the Screen who is featured in “Emblems of Live," a photoplay which " being presented at Elm Place Auditorium, Wednesday evening, June 2, 1926. TWO shows-too and 9:00 p. m. Permanent Waving PrrrtMAtrit"Yi7Fi'arir,vrNG - Spedanrlee , T "ileeruty Shop ttt L. . Suite MT 162 No’rth Mate St. '. -e CHICAGO F I. Altar tit " e _ Deerfutd was Wind in ( tht State IN:msehoVatie track meet at Champaign, Illinois, May " mi It, by Junior Cope in the high hurdles and higirfump. , x Down in Washington they lay ttud Walter Johnson “worth his weight in Idaho potatoes.' ". [ , _ "DtserifehifntieiO Whli 1'igpttt by James Harris and Rchlrd‘ , “If inon at the Intasrtrehotaatie tennis meet held " Urbana last Mai. V The four members, Alex Stubph, captain, Keith Robertson, “Mm" thipi, and Newton Fisher were clip-on as the highest qtsa1itters 'in,the'triuls held at Exmoor Gal! ehâ€) Inst Weds neaday, May 12. 1 Deerfuidutrhields 'high lcbool golf team participated in the annual Inter- scholastic meet held " Chump!“ Friday and Saturday, a attic of Shields run from an: mach with new. Manic willfhe furnished .by the school orchestra. ' m MEET: AT URBANA Representatives of Local High School In, (jolt. Tennis T DEERFIELD ATHLETES at rm: HIGHLAND PARK was, magnum rummnmom Tel. H. P. 936 and 'tiia $15 Rt 522 Central Avenue Hank’s A111 5 South Second St and Save. You Monk)? Erato“ Spring ']ll?iri',,_i) Specii FISK -t-Brrq PR EMIERJ LetmnhawyouwhyOXdï¬eldTirumd'mhechnm-dbuwhnpodmi them"ivecceirxtrettiuetiresat_ndtuheoitttatrrotti-ntttdiniiSE iii [ Made in than", (Firestone facton'abmt ' 3? tiretmilderiumdearmtu ahmdterdaii-ine- " tttrsimaireidimCv'utenniseethoptieetn 've It',', ----eln1rtrmtm" ' Wmfl-tixhttnbenohnportantto'hth‘e ifeiifymtrtim. 'o . You.tnoman tue-tite-mit-nt-tset-e-tttir', “Wï¬dennndbyhundndtofmqfnw eqttlpplng m wwiththeoe wonderful Gum-Dipped The. and SteumWelded ' mren/tiberttretenrexordue'mtedaitdirytsutedritttrutaer. . Uned brtheopeeatomotthe'tn"eBeat tthtgtgtett1 but!†“(mm tniieageanddemnndMhtMiies Dollar. Quality cit-Low Cost. 'rade in Your Old Tires oi New Ones _ _ Wehmme timandthe tubes that "r,.4tiiiiverirtethtmsnnaitteatm Balloons and High Pressure HIGH mm CORDS .'I1E]llinl?E))il § Auto Firestone Gum-Dim! ed Tires AUTO SUPPLY SHOP Gas, Oils, Grease, Accessories otdeuM Tires and Tubes Supply Co tilerve You Betta . Purnell SFWilson Cor. St. Johns & Park _c.itsit'i'i", Phone 164 310.28 It.“ 14... 18.0. 19.†891 FEE SWAN'I‘A Tr, Phone Tsunami. In to. an: SOD the ch of to 'Utd Iti- phd eh. I“ the in an ca hat LII vi pol by to tie L'2 CE a: tll ‘4: fa