gamma AND um: Cow ', Wurmvm Hum: Cow For STERLING . (fvrr mes Iéxiodem youth u F , gkiua, but anyhow go thaw is I N: t h the music hall of r I‘M-d My). Vpationl ' {W‘s _ .j and. brtttr silt- ti but at thy be." of , "Mb' it 3".“ at l, " Mar 10- p.“ to 1ut', _ ' in: “an!“ ' PlUSt V T C ti hum, ' . in; Artttdr. J . ' Robert r'oe.n. . ' Mrs. Arthur I ' Stevens; [in I - h. Mia: liar-ion Sn Boyd. If“ Sarah . Ii in Emilie Smith. t M in announcing the i pgia'y. with“ tovemphu u the articles which . H this time bear' l gen-cum autumn: ’0 low in price that in: feel that in mm rm be doing it entirely ",_As a matter of Net, " My an economic pi the uni time will if the most worthy a clfoot ,tools,at1 mar [ $9 list of baby ret'. pillows and mt: bggs. embroidered . m.- kinda. aprom an I {when useful 'ii'ilueF' p bf the Chat-Ins. _ '/l1llilllllgvr “J; in tt.A, Sang toi- Save 33t 70 1112mm.“ P?eey l RINGS Platinum. {in and Gm Coll Save ltyt & Stun Pte" ' as†( great (""7 Dumps!) . oocyzs gunman» , w Mom- i Luna “ovum can“, MAY so, 1‘8 that puzzles m is ‘Chinese 3min get l for their ammunition. Purim“)! IoISIhto Stall bum XOl'lSlTE ATCHES M THEATRE 'WAUKEGAN. ILL. Maiestic FORMAL OPENING OF RAVINIA STATION Mata. Wat. Sat, (thm.. at 2:30 p. I. dune. was held, which was much on- J'oyed " thomt ettieipatitttr., “The vision " the management? this, greet North Shore Electric Line is an example of courageous faith in the future of the electric railway hus- inm. When thopresent management took hold of this â€stem it was at a very low state of efheieney. Their edrneetnens and devotion to their business but ,iretvestitired one of the be'lt and one of the most popular means of electrie trrtuporttrtton in the country, and with this development has been cultivated a service to the public that in: created an astonish- ing amount of good will for this or- gunization. Their come in the fu.. ture is exemplified in that high speed line that they are building west of where we ore now tstattdiittt. It took vision to fittttre out the needs of this growing district. and Highland Park is fortunate in, having within its boundaries this line through the heart of our city, and unwound line. for very rapid mm. on the mom boundaries at our city. 3 . - The address of ngor Hastings In: as follows: [ . viii-ion- “wire com-thin Bavlnh on the pergistencc of t'trdRtrtts in securing one of the malt. niéost. most pie- turesqoe electric "tteondustations on the North Shore. att, . credit to JU- vinia and a credit to ttte company. "The ' mum, “thunk!!! be- t',rgtgtt1i,tldt,it'l'lr,l'td, is _ company I. may ,rit.e,et!?ttettht.Ctttaet, "We eontrrtttt11ate the company on the effieiener of la management, and we congratulate Highland Park in be. ine within the district that this com- pany will Id" . Step by step im.. provement _ V Aig the sinceri- ty back af tip , you of view. As than hrsproveittettts veto put into artNet, slum of good will pet- melted the continuity. “Financial prom-m nu ma: the postmod- maimdlihthlslnl to~conhont;jtlni1 coma- smleo, and iiUi"ir"iiiiTFtiotootittye/'1te- the. Out union. tttet has developed eeetAttirteq mullahs!» and coma-nth» VH1! nip d! can: ac- complish-m pupil)!!- --Bettinrthtg SUNDAY. MAY Sb-. A Sunliu Nelda-ado donation PAGE TWELVE “The Last Warning†By ANN NICHOLS. Author of ,“ABIE’S IRISH ROSE†North Shore Tmt Gimiiany TRE wonurs surname THRILLER Every meg-1 at 8:80 p. I. “Just Married†I JARJMJlHABLE Capital "tttttttttgrit'" . i ‘Suhl The Rom-m Fun Continua! from pang 1 North Shore "riatiit Company -FLAG POLE CORNER-- NOW PLAYING General Banking “in. mm _ which Northwest Corner Sheridan tto'iid1iiiit [ E Central Am" £00.06 v i ' Sub]!!! 75,000.00 Undivided ProMi, 820,000.00 M,orcheatn, under the leadership of Anton Emu. l . I A lute hand composed of'the Ware Kegan basses sud "tlarited by play- ers from other schools, coped-11y Deerfield-Shields and New, Trier. will play some Selected pieces under the direction of Otto Graham of Wanke- gun. T - better _ init more good will: T 'i "Uniform courtesy on the part of the trdlnmen and the memoir, to its po- trons, ls one of the outstanding in turesoftheoorvlcanndnodbytho Chlcuo North Shore theme Rolland company, and it in the moon foe. a very large part of the may words of pain that we are mummy hoor- " hon tho pom of tho road. Keep up: this good work, you “mom. and Highland Pork daun- will mm regret their (enormity in grunting franchise. that you ham for on. mad " well u for the one that will be voted on tomorrow for your venom ' , Eve-ll: Procte- tn the Ti'iiNit lute onheetn composed of the k Park bun-.m- larged ttrhu'tetSa players from other schools will‘pley a number of piece. under the leedenhlp of Anton Embe of Oak Park. Mr. Dinkeloo of Deerfuld-8hleitk will have charge of: combined Boyo' Glee club made up of glue club mom- bets of the “rim school: participat- mg. The annual meeting and luncheon of the Woman's Civie club of aninla, was held " the Village House, Ra- vinia, .Wednesdny, May 12. Covers were laid, for ninetr-two and the luncheon was under the direction of ;the house committee ehairman,- Mm. Kenneth C. Bennett, and her commit- A combined girls' glee club of all the schools p.rtieipatintt, Mr. ',2lt olu of Morton directing, will p - ably follow the orchestra on the pro- gnm. '. if -- Mrs. W110! (prTrier will di- met a mixed chorus of 400 voices. LaGrange and the Proviso orches- tras will be directed by J. P. Dinin- get and Lge f,'trtt MMively; the Néw Trier boyl’ girk' glee club. by' Mrs. Marion Cotton; sad the Door- tteld,ahieio Boyl’ Glee club by Mr. Dihkeloo. ss,'-- Corps of OMeerg Ite-Elected; Luncheon Seryed; Reports Given; Musical Program I Immediately after the luncheon, the business meeting 'oBowed, the pres!- dent, Mrs. EriteWNoltmg, presiding. Interesting annual reports mowing the fine work carried on by therein!) during the yen, were read by the at. trears of the club end by the chair- men of the standing committees. President, Mrs. Ernest r. Nolting; Arrtt vice-president. In. Godfrey J. Eyler; second madden. Mrs. Charles P. Manning; recording acre. tury, Mrs. Carl Hauler; correspond- ing weary, Mrs. E. Convene Jones; treasure, 1:2»):an E. Gibbs; direc- tor, In. Harold A. Wander. A: no. [minim were made from an Boor,it In moved and seconded to have the meitrdintt. secretary gut u unanimous ballot. [ Mrs. Harriet B. Woodrutt of Bub rinxton. 111., who)†been a long the member of the islisti any! who wu u (out " the htttdtbttet m mode In honour: ‘ who: at the club by unanimous vote, for her splendid and _eonrtmethe worth the club. line, The nominating ‘- committee tnttr. mitted the tollowing names for on- cert of the eiutrfor the coming your: MUSIC FESTIVAL AT HIGH SCHOOL TODAY WOMAN’S CIVIC CLUB ELECTS AT RAVINIA After the meeting, a delightful music-l program was given by Mrs. Flay Little Bartlett. composer. And Mus Valona. Brewer. violinist of W:in- mM'udlted by In. Arthur},- tttH, mandating-GM: I Continued from range I Mrs. L. J. dotdett.-Wooaand and Garwood avenues. Lambert Tue will, Ciro] gem, Dell line, Contact place. A -A, - -, . Mm. Jim): D. coloc.Ltteoht and Linden from Beach to Cedar-.08!“ Ivonne. from St. John- "but“ Sheridan road.; ', .t' V _ Mm. Carl 1taetsattrr--Car, News. east of bridge on ttotrtti tide, Brannon avenue from Dean to Sheridan mad, and Roger Williams avenue troy Rice street to Show!“ road. ' Recent converts among the Wotttett of China, Indian women of the plains. Negro women bf the math and social leader- In not: metropolitan centres, .11 make their,way at the updated time to the church of their devotion and at this service oeer their gift: in testhnony of, the loyoity tg heir to their common Master and is 'ro- man, for the world, as an indication of their th.tnkHInee for what m he: meant to them, or in return for - special act of thercy or ktndneifor which their huh-ts are grateful. "k. men-rd A. thmtttovitu--Wnde street. south ot Cedar, Muslim and Bronson, south to Dennjmuo. _ Mrs. landed L. Bhmttv--D6an us- nne, from' Roger Williams to Gary venue, Shark!“ road, from Bach street to County Line, and Inkeview terrace. l , Mu. Prank t. Mortt--Car, "ohm, ,ei.totttrldgeand out 011)er north side, Dean avenue. MFA?! avenue to Sheridan mad, and Mr Williams avenue from St. John. to Rice. _ ' .. . Collected .rtrimr1r the“ sum: of money are fowl-dad to the appointed Diocesan treasurer ind every three years are presented " the time of the general convention in a grant service of devotion which is the high point of all those great meetings Last year at New Or1tanithe gifts totalled " most one million dollars and this mm is being used as given by women for, the support of ‘women who labor for the benefit of women. . This ttreit and consecrated endeavor throughout the Episcopal church at large,, fhtdg but expulsion it! the service to be held at Trinity Episcopal church on Whitsunday, May 28 .at T Highland Park brunch :of the to. lumbia School of Music, under the a, meetion of Kiss Helen lelbl’, will the a pupiia' recital at tthoman’o club guditorium on Saturday awning, Kay M), at 8:00 o'ditek. All; inure-ted m radially invited to attend, The ffol- lowing pupils will plly': I l _ 7:30 a. m., when the, 90'0an " the parish gather in I Comma“ Com- munion service for tho prWrentatton of their gifts and the redidisastion "d their efforts to the spread, of Christ's kingdom. _ . l ' Betty Smith, Thomas Steele, Kath: erine Thomas, Barbara Smith, Con- stance Yong, Mary McKenzie, Irving Randall. Sherman Vnil,; Roger Tuylor, Billy Trumbull. Joy FM. Whiting Lowe. g ans Robbins, Vitsdttia Perkin}, Dorothy Clark, Joanna Chum“, ca. ola ‘Kellner. Jane 1136,“ka Gun-due, Madeline Eamon, Puckett mm, Wethynn Hannah. Ruth; Jotutestittte, Fiancee Hay Show, 1Wetit um Elsie Watkins, In. Wu," Ruth â€With-int! Tetttree, Wt Mrs. Hmey‘s. Puuo--Green Bay mad, Ridmood drive, Bt. Johns ind Judson, south of Roger Willhms aw nuo. . Miss Elizabeth W. Robertson-at. Johns and J udlonjvennes from Roger William north, to Beach street ad the ravine, respectively. _ __ - ThuUnnounetmtent is made with the hops that when the pehedtsh(d persons all for subscription: to books.of ad- miuion to Ravtnin Open tind Cow, certs for the laminar of 1926. they ,tllUhtd - one “ready and wait. ing.', _ I At this time of year throuirhoubthe world women iconnected with “the Episcopll chutch. are gathering " service's held in great cathedrals or in little ‘cross 'road churches to 68er- thair individual' gifts of thanksgiving for the my ,ttG'eieg of thepot your. On Thursday. by M, at St. Luke’s church, Evanetan, the gift- thm col- lected in the" individual parishes throughout the diocese 1111 be pre- sented at a special let-vi at which the Rev. G. C. Stuart, all, will be the preacher. C 'f _ nee. Boy Hi Berrnrittittr-agotntt ii“ of Bach “not. Bach hue. Wall street, between Bench and Cedar, Bieli ton "can. f ' ' l church, Evanston, the m was 00!- _ ' T _ lectpd in the J Individual i?iiiirll',t, te,'t,th"tths',ttd1'g'r','rtti throughout the diocese in be pre- mama†Hunk Hess. law ‘by seated It a special Hem " 1f,tit1Ct'ii"GG'ilfiii'st 'irsd talented uh. 'il','. the Rev. G. C. Stewart, FO., will ttiGii,' who to be m. it Gi Ut 1 the preaeher. 1 y,i,i,iii'trs, but win uni: up with our ‘ - A A; _,,,' munity by singlnghenp tn R: SATURDAY iEVENmGI This ret ,ftort' of. the 'Ir,?" h Miss Helen 'Nvlor to Direct Pro-; gram by Students of Colum- , bin Music School , I Trinity, Church to Celebrate An- nual Event: Special Serv- _ let May 27 _ . At a meeting of tho town of Ravinh committee, of the Build: club. ,thrett m held Friday afternoon, Kay u, at the home of the chairman, Mid. Har- voy 8. Pardoe, on Cary 1'61“â€;th territot'y to be -traed by this com; mittee was distributed than: ' "his. Mai M. wllder-tttee “a Khaki streets. - - THANK OFFERING T0 ' BE GIVEN WHITSUNDAY Mia. Harvey B. Purdue, Chair- man, 1hturtahttrCttmrttlttee, May 14th _ _ ARRANGE FOR CANVASS ml: mam» PM; Puss. HIGHLAND PARK, {union The exhibition of pdtttthttmi handi- work and heirloom with}: you lsr- ranted by In. Pettrtsli, " and Mm. Mile: of the ttrttt commit ' of the Ravinh Civics club, ind held in‘the corridors of the new Million of the Elvinia school but Spend-y and Sunday was a grant sweep. ', The painting! were from “mum of [twink nnd Highland Park anti“, and maid hue done may 'o an art community. It was I Inn-jury 11min witlmhoice mam by (pr a feationaU and; some very creditq sketche- by our amateurs. f . i, The display was the thtal qhmt of the year’s work of the committee, which has endgavored to We?“ the public the cream predation of thegnrtisu of tttFeotntttttttitr ht.tttatr various - lines. In' the mtumn’; lim- turtt and drama; was exprecudJn the three plus grieve? whichmore when, 'dt,',',":.""' at: and diluted by lor' ta ant. . . i _ . . g gum a showing to the graphic atu, paitt,ttintr ind handiwork netted in our neighborhood. also the beautiful ,rtelr of the put which ha been the itrt- herftanee of many of as. g 'i' PICTURE EXHIBIT m RAVINIA IS ENJOYED Last" Event of the Ravinin Civic t Club for Year Held Saturday and Sunday The handicraft VI: of dim6 Some bellitiful table cloths had made by Mrs. Glue: and Km? tt and a lovely Swiss one length a. Wltlon. modern quilts, boom ' ambcked ehiidrena drones dud ' bidder-ins by Madme- B F . Jerbme, Grinnell and at , I. Sutton a tittetr designed and?†' Iamip and Intern, N T , ( § lirtss Wood of the high srlitoi, pull her pupils contributed 187"th ing work in modems}! -ayr.rj: . in“ Steward exhibited cumin: qNetets of modem china _deoetthtd, HIGHLAND PARK STATE BAENK, IT‘S up to you chaplain Wt for every ope of your yaw At, """" the ludirment are fuming†with We practice of. SAVING mom 1tgttttrera1titit tttrough the teuoni of _ DENIAL '--48ilhtr41o _ '. _c- " . . . l 'i,', " nus BANK Is ALWAYS iitautm, m HAVE (, . mm YOUNG may ACCOUNTS , Mutual Coal €03? - see that they to it "ith, motor mppth--this will {ooh-r tn" than ttii, habit of '2t'if/tl a plan for the needs of euly manhood or won-3M , F ‘r 'lMilly the 'tifteriing of the moral backbone and the deortpet ji, Office, 30 N. First St. Yards, Vine Ar',l.] telephones Highland M 21.01! 171 I5; MOTHERS and FATHERS , T at a Big Reduction in Price li This coal was well mm during the Pennbylvnnia coal stri Burns the isartte as the Pennsylvania 'shit,'?,',',, has no mo lnor soot; less nah. It will pay you to V your bin now while, _ asts. _ , _ i g ' BUILDING MATERIAL " _ Stepping Stones - Blue Stone - Lime Stone - Granite , In order to make room in our yard, we are, ofterhse for ale 1|.‘.|\‘/M/Ml ARKANSAS ANTHRACITE BARGAIN “SUDDEN SERVICE†1 1n thepbowmuqutm In}! lovely Atitt4, m “ up, ete.. friiiii'MiWttttuttu !,t.2t,tt collection; with many “with. addir' tiob by mud-nu Buck; Cooluxq. Jerrema, Gmnberg, Browning; Wrong: tad Mmtiriiii. y A table Mth a are old pew coug- numion do! from.tht Stu Bum collection; lulu-em by _Ilu [ low, and} and with nicks by ltd.. Armstrong. old statue. by In. liq. my by Mrs. Jen-nun. an added It the beauty of the room. A i The-Mines Andemnlognodanhg tasmsttntrgmrttrtordhtett1ftemretq hairloonpnd some 0!“wa modicum. t i 2tgt1lg,o91thTchtvttt workmanship ofthotlndmth . oflmgmnnqombym d-iker,ne-,meaoatdth. Ilium Anderumtandgenmtt. 5 There * m. a tttttty madam tapestry f,titAtil%Art' Ml. point by In. HIRE.†- j 1} _ " ' Some of the little iris uni addu- tions otthcit work in m and! picture Immut- ', . ' : . An unwound“: t' “that " Madame old woven eortrttaeet1e.ti quilts which buvehun _ by our lucky members, Mqsdttstteir low, Miles, Horn, PM ' Term and Warmle ' .†. '.': On them walk with Mic hung his large 'a",t1'rt,ii'ii',1l'lllrlii) para-db "a unceltmuf “Coolidge. This" fuhlgned oval frame! linking p e1tartimtgi1ief to the 'eetyttrtitdt lines of the ,orerleta and quilts. 5' In the rodm ihth tho modern Mt inn wanking me tttse , wi), scarves, 2'l1"tl2,tregeS,1't,'g.' by Madam; Buchwald, 'tatt,. mlm. Barn, Emery!“ - "iiiLsttiiued "soar-rt" ofeottutiiu pin-06m --____ i “Alumnae; it "in amhthéttmt 4 which our community night we]! , also block printing on 1rt11ttgtl dlhio Some of the little girls sent ishtht.. Mialtlll m 'g%, nowcorridorforns.t ' tL',,',',),';";.,':'.',';;;',';")',',),;;;)), aaa.tsouitdy-ttrtre-dhttttqt IghereeepttoettrfNntuvafueset 1m well ttttaetded by an T?,Tlttt,','t and. In. Lavinia! "m.ratr* tttoe-e-yet-ie Home of Savings Dope-“on "Tr. U museum. Attt, We: WWW“ 4,1: r " per,U â€calcium l husband- iiiUiirGrr"iirrimA unu- hndPuk. When Klara-- macho-donut! " tr-tted "tdd-tnd-it.- updat- mun-haw ilk' - , u .vid-s.asfttt. MBI, who! “autumn!“ "'0Mh" tho M-puclvhieh - mam. Thebiytiytitti% mu Hinduism! Park's ' q " “like“ 'utdlaomrotthet I ofthe- uptuud from an. - ,6ieh hawbunnadoa Mr., â€150'!- ailmentfw‘p b' E in and townpnrUattd ,. 1- "WM "m new 'a" That Highland â€make. inttte-ldwdritt, - We. .tufta..ot'.9rtlE man-£- inpsndthecity "in 4- “on†trorPttd.ther1itrl1!tleye'.et Sun Mon. It hi‘ i!!! ttte gnawed-1h" -{ x', ',r how- -r,withoattthe ' fun-010m- meow ir, “but... ' “I besthMtFheett, up} 'MM.' - by lyor â€tune M! thou-inh- omeouwrcth’ in clam amount: i: Pal-khan War lmmrtznent= QFthehtusder mansions“- ‘ " “chm trophie- "tanking - pur- PM if [tram-try . -ohulntho mpportofthe mi ,1 uthoeltUsod ty.tftttrt.f_11P1elti .. shim,“ 1llt"t the AB. juuut Gaunt a.. , . “a.†g" .idown. - "it t't,','S'tt trto A. ttttr r in during St) , - "ttatte%. m- In , manly than“ Vokmdln i', Jolson cloth-thud mm it am. con l has“. ttteeoesditiqtin V "W ed, with ' - Nighthawk 'd, ttr-aut' mum-emu“. g; --- GUNFORM'YPARK Wham: THURSDAY}. M! I. as with“ this†hetrtnetbk "but“: peach-clo-