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Highland Park Press, 3 Jun 1926, p. 19

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he [ofm »---.--§--...; LAND PM: ation 3.)th R. P. 1820.182] ,NCE 1; BEGIN mum q .. ON. 11. STADIUM THURSDAY. JUNE 3 TO BE READY m AUTUMN Expected “at at Least 25,000 Seats Will Be Available For Opening Game In Full . Ground hes been broken in an in- formal way for Northwestern univer- sity's new stadium to be located on Northwestern Field bordering on Gun- tral street, Evanston. J. B; French and Company have been awarded the contract nnd the Mst work really be gen April 7, when various pieces of machinery were transported to the Evanston, field by the contractors. French and Company have received other contract: from Northwestern university during the last few yeers. They are now building the Levy May- er Hall of Law and Elbert H. Gary Law Library on the McKinlock 'll)',,'.) pus in Chicago and recently eompletedi the cortatruetiqn of two ,1GYriar/ nity buildings in Evanston. t For Opening Game It is agreed that seating space for 25,000 for the opening game with South Dakota on October 2 will be ayailable and that when the first con- ference home game with Indiana \fens two weeks from that date the S Rtimr space will accommodate 45e 000. Hormel dedication of the new gan April T, when various pieces of GAiik it ' _ - - machinery were transported to thel mg“; 2,rlrsstt',',f, Mt,ttltt?'gt f,) Evanston. field by the contractors. the west line of said Section. 22; " French and Company have received thence South along the west line of do other contracts from Northwestern said Section 22 to the southwest eor- or university during the last few years. ner of traid Section 'l',t thence M‘Cl They are now building the Levy May- ttmi/tpg,',',' Pt AF' "id Section o er Hall of Law and Elbert B. Gary ' . Fell" le'. of the twat ty Law Library on the McKinlock ','l7jei,ti1,l"r2,tt 33cm 2g"'ti,Tti th . . A n can no . pus m Climax? and recently eompletedi, said West Siokie Drainage Ditch l: the construetiqn of two new frater-. to the south line of the North tl nity buildings in Evanston. T 56 of the Northeast it of said Sac- w For Opening Game _ .t.ion 28; thence east along said South oi It is agreed that seating space for line of North Vs, Northeast lk said R 25 000 for the opening game with‘ Section 28, to the west line of the N S" th D Kota on October 2 will be Ettt " itouthmsat it. Northeast lk W ou] b tt d h h h fl t said Section 28; thence South along I avails le an t at w en t. e TB 90% the West line East li, Southwest lk, BI ference home game with Indiana N6rtheastN said Section 28, to a. o: Tens two weeks from that date the eenttt.liytof. said Weat Skokie Drain- a a sting space will accommodate 46e NN Ditch; thence aoutheasterly along a OOO.' Formal dedication of the new fe, itig,'rilt,1, Otto said We? lSkoki: l fl ' a . t a a l c . e sou me o n chili-:20 ttnie/tie/l'?."',";,','?,','",')"; the East is, Southwest lk, Northeast r h r 'f b ll . rs} Id., said Section 28: thence east along li tict e first 00*} itume m “in land South line, East Va, Southwest a play! by tags: Maywns against li, Northeast it to the Southeast cor- n the Fume n the latter's field. ner of said East %,'Southwest It, t Formal cornerustone laying prob- Northeast lk said Section 28; thence s ably will take place on Alumni darl, south along' the west line of North- F, June 12. but details remain t?) be per- i east lk, Southeast lk slid Section 28, s fected. President Walter Dill Scott,! to the center line of mu'd West Skokie l with the announcement of the letting! Drainage Ditch; thence southeasterly I f h t t al tat ed that o nl ialong the center line of and West " t e con Pf , go 3 T, Skokie Drainage Ditch to a point in t the first section of the great concretei the South line of said Section tw, l plant will be completed the first year.: 186.7 feet west of the Southeast cor- t That means that there will be two} ner of said Section 28; thence east ' complete decks and a heated. inclosed ttnt, It', 'g,el'di,'g of said Pet', I press stand on the west side of that - . e ou a corner o " t Section 28; thence South alon the '2,t $39 one deck on the eaat aide of‘ West line of said Section M, glt feet 1 e B a mm. to the center line of said West Skokie Rad! Next Pall . . . Drainage Ditch; thence South 45202 1 The former " to be des'urmsd toi East along the, center line of said Welcome students, alumni and the'west Skokie' 'Drainage Ditch 'to 1 other "home folks" of Northwestern a point 852.8 feet from the while the east side is planned for the north line of Section M, Town- friends and backers of the visiting‘ ship 43 North, Range 1.2 East of team. The various rooms and special 3rd .P.M., as .measured along the een- . . . i ter line of and West Skokie Drainage facilities for teams, coaches, faculty Ditch: thence “with" are of tt cir- members yy! practicing Students\cle co’nvex northeasterly and having probably will be finishe1ty next fall, a radius of 573.89 feet and tuhfent as they will form an integral part I to the last hereinbefore described ins, of the new plant. 1 a distance of 466.7 feet; thence South _-------------- 1 '33:. renew“; "2 tae,', 1'l (no me o u o A 0 we WALKER WHITESIDE i lk Section 34-48-12. thence along the IN "THE ARABIAN'"; are of a, circle convex southwesterly To... Be (iid, ",1te,iid,irA,rtl,itutt,uee,',Vt') - a an o a n - 'ttg, 2,Tdt than: St can 1 1',h,eYfl'l'/, a distance of 375.0 feet, ' amusement all , ll thence South 50252 East, 24.8 feet; debaker Theatre ‘thence dough the are old 'u'tit convex nor caster y an a n . . i ' Walker Whiteside began a limited‘:.ng;;guio "tir. 'fle' 'l?st,'2ili!, engagement at the Studebaker Then- described line, . distance .of 412.6 tre, Chicago, on Sunday night, May 9, feet; thence South 16'AB' West 190.0 in Go ion Kean's stunning story of feet; thence along the arc of a circle. the Egyptian desert entitled "The convex westerly and having a radius Arabian." This famous actor will of 3,5937 feet and “wt to last portray the fascinatihg character of 'tt,rtie't'forht?"/t't',! Imogr tdt F Abd e1 Rey, . 2,'"t'gle bodit, 25--22' East, 180.4 Li to point on whose attacks upon trn e “""m east ng west center line Section 34- cause the Landon War office to send 48-12, 4 feet east of west line See- an armed expedition into the desert tion 34.43-12; thence South 25227 to kill or capture him. Many exciting East, 393 feet', thence South 587-00' adventures ensue. Cairo being' the East. 350.0 feet to point on east line . it; " mun. nm t1. “tun of West % of Southwest lk, 986 feet of the eontrart, also stated thnt only the first section of the great concrete pleat will be completed the first year. That means that there will be two complete decks and a heated. inclosed press stand on the west side of the plant and one deck on the east side of the stadium. Ready Next Full . I The former is to be designed tol Welcome students, alumni and the' other "home folks" of Northwestern while the east side is planned for the friends and backers of the visiting team. The various rooms and special} facilities for teams, coaches, faculty members and practicing students probably will be finished by next fall, as they will form an integral part of the new plant. WALKER WHITESIDE IN "THE ARABIAN" Modern Comedy-Romance Began ‘-Engagement Sunday at Stu- debaker Theatre Walker Whiteside began a limited engagement at the Studebaker Thea- tre, Chicago, on Sunday night, May 9, in Go ion Kean's stunning story of the &yptlan desert entitled "The Arabian." This famous actor will portray the fascinatihg character of Abd e1 Rey, a businesslike bandit. whose attacks upon trade caravans cause the Landon War office to send an armed expedition into the desert to kill or capture him. Many exciting adventures ensue. Cairo being' the scene of Abd el Ray’s plot to entrap the British regiment as soon " it reaches his stronghold in the waste of sand far to the south. The scene‘ shifts to the bandit’s gorgeous homer! in the desert. The soldiers are halted while Abd el Rey carries on negotia- tions with Colonel Gordon, who is in command of the regiment. After many thrilling scenes a treaty of peace is signed after which the troops are re- leased and sent back to Cairo. A henrt-thrortsimt love story Le,", - " " “NI-A Auk -n " through the plot of "The Autumn." Miss Sydney Shields will be seen In the dashing chemter of Diane, en English ttirl from London who follows her soldier-eweetheert into the wilds of the desert where she shares his denser: with him, and. eventually levee the liven of the offieert and men in I scene of supreme imerifice. Mr.l Whiteside has surrounded himself with a can of general excellence 'tnd in 'prominent role: will he found such celebrities " Herold Voehurgh. Doug,- lu Penna. J. Irving White, Paul Me- Greth. Min Don Doneldn, Klee Alma, Chester end Mien Genevieve Berto- heci. w. F. Ariiams PASSES , AWAY LAST SUNDAY Well Known Citizen and Long- time Raddent Dies; Fu- nerd Wednesday land Park fire may yen-s. pas-cu awty on Sunday. In p, after 1 long illness. The funeral Janice: were held Wednesday my 29. from his Into home, 631 nomad venue. and In- torment was In Ft: Peter's cemetery, " Northbrook.; The my ttoral pieces which were sent to the mi- deuce expreuod the then symptthy' of his numerous minim and friends. _ - l n .L__ __J The bereaved It is said that I new Jersey pris- oner was permitted to have the irrfionTiukiiiirdieettttttrftt may nights My this was done on the thtotr my wink! 'ett.tle F"'"""". guqutetprkon “mum: unann- .-." _ -- - raved wife, children and and mm mourn his depar- resident of High: N01302: or SPECIAL ELECTION N TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To mg VOTERS§0F was HIGH- LA D PARK AM! PARK ms- TRICT, LAKE COUNTY, ILL:- N018, THAT A SPECIAL ELEG- TION WILL BE HELD IN AND FOR THE SAID, THE HIGHLAND PARK EAST, pABCD_r8_TWq'JrcoN SATURDAY, JUNE 5th, 1956 tor the gem of submitting to the voters, t ttttt of the :11th to the High nd Park East Park DU. {rid the territory described as fol- OWB'. All that part of Sections 22, ith 28, " M, and 86 Tomlin? ”North. Range 12 East of, 8rd P, " deutibgi as beginning " the interaction a the easterly line of the ttttegg of that bunch of the tmtto, und Northwestern Rail!” whiny pens. i0Girit aa IGrGa anter line Section 84-43312; thence t!onttltt are of e circle coan northeuterly‘ tangent at eontheuterly terminus to line extending ‘South MV-Ili' But and having e redial of 1055.18 feet a distance of 451.6 feet; thence South 18'-15' East 282.4 feet; thence along the are of a circle convex euterly an hnving a radius of 607.34 feet tan- gent to lost hereinbefon- described line a dietence of 257.9 feet; thence along the are of e circle convex welt- erly end having 1=re!lte, Iof“ Ie:"! a“, - nun-n- - -__--_e"e-- feet tangent to next described line 'sl dimnee of 888.4 feet; thence South t9'-65' But 198.8 feet; thence along the are of u circle convex northeast- erly, and baring 1 India: of 1628,91 feet tnngent to last hereinbefore de- scribed line, a distance of 848.8 feet; thence south 6'-60' ‘Eut 42q feet to , paint 0!. .93.. 32393 32“ of Section 8448.12, 2010 {at out of sonthwut comer Section 34-43-12; them out tPtPt south line of said Sectiom P,.. ' 3951‘ 'lfi to the easterly line of the right-oil way of: that branch of the Chicago a Northwestern Ry, which - north- westerly and eontheaaterly t I said Section MV, thence norther V along the easterly line of the righ - way of said last mentioned railway to the north line of aid Section Mt thence went along the north line Cl said Section: M, M, and M to the easterly line of the right-of-way of that branch of the Chicago ' Mirth. western Ry. passing herthwesterly and tsouthenaterry through said See tion 22 and 27; their» iiirrthweatrtr1r' along the easterly no of said right, of-wai to the point of beginning; All in La e County, Illinois. _ Each of the election precincts of the aaid The Highland Park East Park District be and it is hereby de- clared and created " election district or precinct; that the 1tP,u'l,t',eg, in and for each of gold It elncta shall be an follm_:__ - -. _‘_ " '"TGT prod" GTC-W, 3.11.549 Cert- tral Avenue. iueontPrriet--E. M.. Prior'n Ot- s/citric-tFrida/n Road. Third WWII“. Fred Lind- holm’a wiggling, w, {udgon A_ttptt ""Fii' WE'VE}? aaa ara, "an be opened " T :00 o’clock in the morni$ and, will eertt#ttre _opon ytyyirf,fl! Clirii% "iiii"irGnWGt Estonia. June tith, 1928. _ Br order of tho Board of Cunnil- sionorg _of 3190 mthurt4 Park M FBI mm _ is. A. WARREN, FEMS c. tt-td NOTICE Is HEREBY G tlf To THE VOTERS or ran mm LAND PARK EAST P ms. Enter. LAKE COUNTY ILLI- NOW, THAT A 1piifiWi ELEC- TION WILL BE BE I AND FOR THE SAID, THE me AND PARK., EAST PARK man I ON SATURDAY, JNN.E tith, t??fu. Norton or monumw'rxon for tu GiGUVf submit-ail vow". tge ttttt of the " to the High nd Putt Eat triet the territory desert lows: - _ _. i; ‘ All that part of Sections i land 16 described as: ' a -: T _ Beginning " tho interlock! at the 'ttliro',i',t, tf, tt "tttdr,1e, , “a , _ 0W tttN East of the hf,ll Principal ridian with the Westerly line fhl, right» Many of the Chicago and T weat- ern Railwniy CompiitntuttN, thence aoufheuter y along the went- tilg line of the right-0L of the Ch cage and Nort western; lway Contrary. to the south line of aid. Sect on 10 some tist', g North Corporate {judge of the I High; wood; running thence great i, south line of Section 10, bet the north line of said City wood to the [outline of pug of Section 15. Pgg"tlt ! lNorth Range 12 East of the T rd . ncipai Meridian, this point waft [i, north- west corner of the said C y I High: wood, running thence south ileiiiiit' said west line of the Mid 9" t " of said Section 16, being B"h the; was; line of the aid City ifhw w ,tothe south line of ad Secton 16, this point being the tout Btdirt cor- ner of the said City of , -hwood, running thence welt dong Ir' south line of said Section " to t . south- west corner of said section " thence north along the west line of ttt d Sec- tion " and along the we: line M laid Section‘ 10 to the no " lite of South, % of Mid -Seetion. It Leet way“ I. v. a..- -..i_ei-'ee" ,7 east along the north line of d South hh Section 10, to the point1 begin- ning, all in Lake County, min. Each of the election p lncts of the sald The Highland P k East Park District be and It is retry de. clared and created an elocti district gg"g,'.i'Jitci that the votin laces in an for each of said preeine shall he as follows: i First Preeinet-rCity Hall itM9, Cen.. tral Avenue. T ; Second Preeineb--H. M. ior’s or. flee, 27 N.1heridan Road. ), Third Ptseinet---Mra. Lind- i Mly.s's rets,1,dente, 1933 {min Agenda. r' l,', Fr 'tht' 'i1'k"1'iit"d “my polls of said elect; opened at 7:00 o'clock in tl and) will continue open o'eldek in the evening of June 6th, 1929. .. - . By order of the Board _ sioners of the Highland Park District. E. A. WAR Seen: Stateof Illinois, _ 1 County of Lake, as. l i ‘In the Circuit C of Like County. 1 . e. 1 Harold o. Enetrom, pinimnt, we. Amelia Smith. Q. E anrkhlrt. “Unknown helmet-law o devise- of Q. E. Burkhart, deceased iKItherine B. Pause, Katherine M. u. Lewis A. Pause, Robert W. Pe ea, Snmuel J, Pease, Rollin M, P Denial Penna, Fronds J. Page and "Un- known owner or owners l the land described in the bill of nipleint," defendants, in Chance , General Number 16144. I....., __‘ . ' PUBLIC NOTICE; If éHEREBY GIVEN thnt in put-mun rt of I decree made and entered of F s9pl on May 8th, A.D., 1926, in the a I" entitled Cause. in pnd by the Cl wet Court of Lako County, Illinois. " the Mouth, Term, A. D., 1926, of , b: court, the xusdemitpted, u Mute:- , Chancery of sold court, will on - dar, June 14th, A.D., 1928, at " o'clock boon, standard time. tor o’clock PM. day light saving: time),oell at pub- lie motion tothe highest lad beat bid- der for cash at the e l front door of the court house, in , he City of Waukegnu, Lake Conn ‘ 31mm“, all and singular the follow! [l described. ml estate. ln aid d "tl duct-1M, to-wit: Lot trrmttrihe . bl In Coim- ty Clerk’s pm of .B d Two te) Plot "C" of Highwood. (u recorded in the Recorder's one. in Book "A" of Pints, on page IT) Arbrood, Illi- nois, according to plot thereof meord- ed on Nowmbtr 16,1922, in Book "L" of Plots. on pogo " to document No. 213104. in the.qu of Mm, we y County, Illinois, attuned in the Coun- smimtmaNn Punt puss. 3163mm) PARK, mots ty of Lake, in the State of who“. provided that the bid on each piece and parcel of said premise shall be equal to at least two-thirds ortho valuatlou placed on the same by the commissioners heretofore appointedbyi said courtto make partition thereof "tiinowottt1uirtimide-,ortttnt ’the other pieces shall at the some timesettror-htomahrttuto- tal amount of the sales equal to two- ‘thirda of the total amount of such [valuation of the whole of said prem- E. s. GAIL. , Solicitor for eomru1naart. MASTERS SALE N PARTITION Dated May 10th, A.D., 1926. RALPH J. DADY u Alon-nit]. I éHEREBY m pf I decree F rd on May ' a " entitled JI t Court of g the Math. court, the " Chancery ' by, June ltd weat- nnl thence - ' of the m, tinny [int -tf, said t ',, North it)? High- be: te', I " tr t Bittly, Hindu, June 11,tt. o'cloek‘ jr'eloek PM. poll at pub- Usd beat bid? i front door he City of , Illinois, all I: described. as described. t)N, . rm. 11-14 along t Hith- "thalf i North, neipp1 r,' Lind-( Avenue. will ibe a mom n [mil 'l/a Fatal-day, I Commis- Fark East " the ii “a: n tii?,'? TICE n! ON D26. to the union & Din- u fol. 11-14 EAST PARK DISTRICT F _ i V SPECIAL unmoN To Be Held June IV, Pruoitiott i to Extend Dominica of 2A specie] election of the 'ttdt dun-set in to be held on , ' June 5, for the purpose of minim tofthe people of no dUtHet Q provo- Lira to extend we 11mm of the} an. tri'tttotne1ests..1!utritttrrttt far, " the 22't"'.'ft'tl' prior to new of the t annexation: erm- nmce. This need: that the proposi- tion to to take into the district the territory welt weanling tr. an We. us they Were follovdng the unmit- timr of western unitary u ya: up) last fall," than extending the district to cover the new tract anneer " tint time. Licensed Drain Layer Sewer and Water Contractor l ' mute “a Public Cad-1min and Subtle Tank! Phone 1151 . 31109 Phone WP. 457 Run. 195 513 mi. Hm. Rigid-MI Path FRED C. BREMER nighlnnd Park, Box 261 B. L. FROMELT Carpenter and _ Builder CAWNBN Jobbing Promptly Don the District BUY tr Is your Car or Truck ready for Emergency Errands? A MOTOR that was fast and runs smoothly is . a valuable servant! The smoother your automobiles the better your temperC-and your day’s work. utthissiuairuwoiubriauioithebyotc' "For everyniachine ofeverydegrec of wear, there is a scientific Sinclair Oil to suit its speed and seal its power.". Youwillbeinteresred-in this comm - method of motor oirrecoTrnendatio? on which Sinclair Opaline [Motor Oils fare made and sold. i"ici"iri"iGiiriuegreetatnthteeynetf, your car, resulting from the number of miles you t'iiiii'i,iiirfiiimustuseturighttrradetfutnft tsatarepfutatrtoriithtetrer1nrr"rl'ff; SinclairOpalinc MoeorOiiiamadein metal grace. '6ii"Jiiiiese is dandy righthtrrouratr. Talkitoverwith thssncuirdultrinesteet bothood. 'ruriiiinhowmanrsni1esreicthe beendriven--and hewi1itrgivouwhiehtrmdeit should have and why! _ Uthimgiverou acopy oftOi1ing"--Stmbir" newhe1rbookletfbraiotoruts IN A HANDY DRUMqTHBBE’ mass WANT ADS BRING mums t _,":, oPa).llull.plNnit whamm‘fw Um mtly. AM. Nhtiercrlrpt, W. Timid sum. :ICOUDAYSEIVIClâ€"Onmfie-Yd Manon-(AID. uwmwrunflinawnmvmnfim-mu WEEK-DAYu-unli a trruFiAiuGn-tadmtth. 149v. tP%llllllF V (Cam: Mad TI Clean, Comhtrtable Can Puma Rack: for S Luv. 'ii Si? A.M, 6 43 H3 SINCLAIR 11mm ticket-duo kAi,i1eyi1trty-tiom Soerth--Woeh mot HIGHLAND I'hlltK-tMlltWh) ' Soqsth-r-Stqtlhyt "W "W" TGiiGiiU.' (sheds-d" .'. . Ticket A-tt--E. C. prp9rIE1tf1.ert.ett . Ania Chic-Io Apia Glue-no 'ii. Mt A.M lav- mu H, that to.“ Liar I." , ".s1itl'ltllf Ti-- fi'" meete-atU" g“. ' i wu- am am 1%: u. 'her' iratt " tr Ammo ill, 'ijjl. l (ll Arerreh---S-s slivmo a! ELEVEN il T'l, H Ft

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