ll [U. ii I. ’- m a..." .41. aG, ‘51:“: man “an, WINDOW CLEANING mvxcn u.mym-num w M "" HIGHLAND PARK mums mom . noon WAXED uvu-noum Chum WINDOWS cm OUR GANG COMEDY ' ' PATH]! uuvusw Matinee oaV--'7'EAly'rpM POLICE" No. 7 MX'rRA--rNer, child It the Matinee will receive an Alice Dee Ghoul“: Pop. --, _ til',-,,?),?,?,,],!,' THEQZEEE COMEDY COMEDY DOROTHY RBVIER. FORREST STANLEY, TOM RICKETTS COMEDY FOX NEWS Tel. Highland Park " P. 0. Box 492. Pater Because Carbonated Your Yard or Estate Alice oi"ri5iiiiar--2 "M" ight - D. S. EDWARDS 50 c Between two layers of Full Quart PINEAPPLE NUT i" MONDAY . TUESDAY - JUNE 14 . 15 "A LITTLE GIRL IN my. Irfifl. Can be made as attractive as your gar- dening neighbor's. Landscape and Road Building Contractor Let us do the work for you. We will help you plan it and take full charge if you desire. SUNDAY - Continual! 2:30 to " - JUNE 33 “TEE IRON TRAIL" by Rex Beach WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - JUNE 16 - l7 y - PATHE NEWS Afternoon mur--"RADio DETECTIVE" No. 4 Brick “mum? - Mus-e. a mo .1 1Ulyli. cy, Light for You in Your Basement LiiiiiTio GIRL IN THE BIG CITY" with GLADYS WALTON - NILES WELCB‘" _ roman? . muomw - Jung? :31 'Basement "Windows "iiiiiiiiirir KEATON in "GO WEST? Gimp TO clirWArrfl.rN" “THE FATE OF A J?URT" -,/iiinrAriiiairr LIVINGSTON " so“. J. rang ?ueDoNAIt?l HIGHLAND PARK FUEL co. 112 North First Street Yinestra Telephone B. P. 895 BANANA Dark, dingy basements that need electric 22 in methy- time are out o date. PM steel windows let in plenty of dartiise-heitrhteoeveiyexteur. They got: no mom than oedi. nary windows-and they don't â€trout. Come intoseethem Three Lager Brick ICE CREAM DR. CHARLES E. GEISSE 16-18 N. Sheridan Rd. Tel. B. P. 1543: Wilma 206t SPECIAL Osteopathic Physician General Pmetiee This Week PATBE REVIEW Fox News FOX NEWS ' sunny. June 19, ha ban chosen by Miss Mary Helm Plum " the time of her marriage to Judson M. Stone, son o't Mr. and Mrs. Judson P. Stone of 1284 Ashlnnd uvénue, Will. mette. _ The Rev. Stephen, A. Lloyd will read the service " 8:30 in the First Congregational church, nnd the bride's parents, w. and Mrs. Josiah A. Pancout, will hold the reception in their home, 1801 Greenwood ug- nue, Wilmette, immediately after the ceremony. Miss Pencoast has chosen " her attendants, Mrs. Russia] Chandler of Evanston. as her matron of honor; Miss Naomi Sloan of Evanston, u her maig‘of honor, and as her brides- maids, iss Mnrcelite Melind, Miss Minnie Mae Schmidt, and Mia Madel- ine Hammond of Wilmette, Miss Bea. trice Pank and Miss Helen Dyche of Evanston, and Miss Alice Howard of Chicago. All of the attendants with the exception of Mrs. Chandler and Miss Hammond, are members of her sorority, Kappa Kappw Gamma. Mr. stone's twin brothers, Harry and Frederick, will be his best men, and the ushers will be the bride- elect's brother, Nathan Pancoat, and Frank Stevens of Aurora, Harry Kerr of Chicago, and Charles Barker, Russell Chandler and Whitney Bow- ers, of Evanston. The following list includes the " fairs given for Miss Pancoast and Mr. Stone prior to their margiage: May 11, Mrs. Henry E. Jonas, Mrs. Lillian Warren and Miss Hope Jonas, hostesses at a miscellaneous shower; May 21--Miss Marcelite Me- lind, hostess at a kitchen shower; Sat- urday, June tr-Miss Naomi Sloan, a bridge and hosiery shower in the af- ternoon, and Mrs. Russel] Chandler, a bridge party in the evening; Wed- nesday, June 9~Miss Beatrice Pank and Miss Helen Dyche, a bridge-tea; Thursday, June io-Miss Alice How- ard a bridge-luncheon at the Belmont hotel; Saturday, June 12--Mist, Min- nie Mae, Schmidt, a bridge-luncheon; Sunday, June 13-Charles Barker, and Whitney Bowers, a buffet supper;- Tuesday, June 16---Misa Madeline Hammond, a bridge-luncheon and lin- en shower at Westmoreland Country club; Wednesday, June 16--Miss Pan- coast will give a bridge-luncheon in honor of Miss Schmidt, and in the evening Miss Naomi Sloan is giving a dinner; Thursday, June 17---Mr, and Mrs. Pancoast will give the brid- al dinner at the Evanston Golf club; Friday, June Ig-Mr. and Mrs. Jud- son F. Stone will entertain at dinner at the Edgewater Beach hotel. The young people who will be mem- bers of the bridal party at the mar- riage of Miss Audrey Stixrud of Win- netka and George Shipman of 432 Warwick road, Kenilworth, will be: Mrs. Giles Weiss, matron oChonor; Miss Elizabeth Shipman, maid of hon- or; and Miss Gretchen Stratton of the South Shore Country club and Miss Alice Shipman, the bridesmaids. The latter tivo are Pi Beta Phi sor- ority sisters, who with the bride- elect, attended the University of Illi- nois. The ring bearer will be Thom- as Keith, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keith of 310 Warwick road, Kenilworth. Mr. Shipman will have as his best man, William Woodward of Evanston, and the ushers are to be Giles Weiss, Richard Osgood, Keith Dnvis of Wil.. mette, arid Kenneth Stixrud, brother of the bride-elect. Among the pre-nuptial affairs are the following: Mrs. Weiss gave a personal shower May 18; Mrs. R. A, Hoagland and Mrs. Orwig of Win- netka gaVe a shower at the former's home Friday, May 28; On June 5, the Misses Shipman gave a linen shower and tea for Miss Stixrud, and on Monday, June 9, the bride-eleet'ts mother gave a trousseau tea. Mi. and Mrs. Stixrud will give the bridal dinner fbr the entire wedding party at Skokie Country club Friday, June 11. The wedding will take place Satur- day evening, June 12, at Christ church, Winnetka, at 8:30 o'elock. The marriage of Miss Dorothy Elizabeth Roehm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Roehm of Hill road, Winnetka, to Jackson K. Der- ing, Jr., son of Mrs. J. K. Dering, of the Ambassador hotel, will take place at 4:30 o'elock, Saturday, June 12, at the home of the bride's par- ents. The Rev. Frank Fitt of the Highland Park Presbyterian church, will offieiate. Miss Virginia Klein of Winnetka will be the maid of honor and Miss Alice Froeschle and Miss Eloise Smith of Wilmette will be the bridesmaids. Jack MeTarr of Saint Louis, will act as best than, and Har- old Shipp of Pittsburg and Joseph Bowlby will usher. . Miss Eva May Mortimer of Bev- erly Hills, Calif., will make a short visit this week with Mr. and Mrs. F. _ Miss LeMoyne, who wtus,ttraduated frd,m Miss Shipley’s schoth, was in- troduced several years ago in Pitta- Thc'bride and groom will spend the summer in Paris. V An interesting announcement nude in the east was that made by Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. LeMoyne of Wilkins avenue, Pittsburgh, of the engage- ment of their daughter, Mia Marci: LeMoyne, to Louis Robinson Schmertz Jr, Mr. Schmertz is a Princeton man. ' C. Deming, 555 Longwood avenue, Glencoe. Miss Mortimer', father is also expected. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS NOR TH SHORE NEWS burg, mad is a member of the Junior League. She has frogucutlywhitod in Winnetka u the guest of her under John B. Guthrie, of Walden to“. . Mrs. Henry Martyn Punter will spend the next week-end with {depth in Glencoe. She is coming from her home at Huntington, Lt, 3060mm- ied by her daughter, Min Theododn Punter, who will_|pend the hummer “tending a phowittttttt school in Chi- cago. A Miss Mariesther anthefe, of 901 Oakwood avenue, Wilmette, of the sophomore class nt St. Mary-ot-the- Woods college won the highest num- ber of points " the field ind track meet on the college campus, meld“ 20 out of " points scored by her class. She won first place in the high jump, the basketball distance throw, the Tti-yard dash, sud the 300.th relay; also in the tennis match which followed. The sophomores won ilmt place in four out of the six events scheduled. "Mr. and Mrs. John Nash Ott of Indian Hill entertained a few of their friends over Decoration Day at a house warming at their new summer home, which they have recently built at Lake Tomahawk in northern Witw consin. Their guests included Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bastian, Mr. and Mrs. Towner Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Flet- cher Marsh, and Mrs. and Mrs. Herve Badgerow. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Brandriff, of 847 Bluff street, Glencoe, are leaving Sunday, June 6, for a ten-day trip to Quebec. The New Trier high school senior "hop" will be held Saturday evening, June 12, it was announced last week. Instead of making it an informal " fair, which has been done upon some occasions in recent years, the danée will be strictly formal. It is expected to be the largest party any senior class at New Trier ever had. The dance will begin " 8:30 o'clock and will continue until midnight. Howard Wells, with whom Miss Manchester studies piano, will play the second piano accompaniment in the Grieg Concerto. Miss Manchester has played with the Symphony Play- ers of Chicago, which is conducted by George Bach, and has become well- known along the north shore and in Chicago as a pianist of merit. Miss Pauline Manchester, pianists) 403 Grove ave., Glencoe, will broad..' cast over WJAZ on Thursday eve- ning, June 10, from 9 to 9:30. Keri program will include the Sonata in F minor by Scarlatti for the firat number. "Naiad at the Fountain" by Paul Juon, for the second number and the Grieg Concerto in A Minor, Alle-. gro movement, for the last number. (: Mr. and Hrs. Robert C. McNamara of 267 Ridge avenue, left Winnetka Wednesday of last week for a short trip abroad, They visited in New York, Boston and Charlestown, N. H., previous to their sailing from Que- bec on June 3. They plan to inotor in Scotland and England for three weeks, to follow that trip with three weeks on the continent, and to re- turn home early in August. During their absence, their residence at 267 Rides avenue will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hammond of Chi- cago, former Winnetknns. Chamber of commerce members and other business men of the village hold a round-table luncheon every Thursday noon at Glen Gables. The affair is "Dutch treat" and all busi- ness men are invited to attend, it is announced. The lunch is served at 12:30. _ One of the attractive society events of the season was the small tea Sun- day afternoon on the occasion of the formal opening of the woman’s and children's room in the stables of the Indian Hill Riding club. Tea was served at four o'eloek on the lawn under the awning shading the en. trance of the charming room which was designed and decorated by Ar- thur Duncan of Winnetka. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Magnus of Fir: Chatfield road, Hubbard Woods, were " home to their friends Sunday June 6, in honor of their twgnty-hfth wed- ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Magnus left June 7 for a western trip that will keep them away six weeks. The Hawthorn school will present a musical play, "Robin Hood," this afternoon at five o'eloek, on the lawn of the Otto Barnett home at BM Greenleaf avenue. The children will be in costume, and a delightful hour in promised. All who are interested are invited to be present. Mrs. George P. Fisher of Lake For- est. accompanied by her 'dauurhter, Mrs. Reginald H. Hnrdin of " Benet Elm street, Chicago, with her ehil. dren, Virginia and Gertrude, will...“ from Montreal June 30 for Paris. They will remain‘there until the lust of August, when they will be joined by Mr. Fisher and Mr. Hardin. The family will then motor thru France and will return to Chicago about the last of September. During their ab. unce Mrs. Robert T. Newberry and her daughters will occupy the Hardin house. Engraved Wedding Ring, 18-kt., white gold, with Every Diamond Purchased. 18-kt., white gold, fancy engraved setting. Very Intent m and lutnd-earved lettings. not wit fine quality diamond. $76 "In! .50 A new ring, floral design, Artistic, white gold mounting, setMth flne blue white diamond; 8150 and “75 'tlull'.'.?.'.'.'.'.'?'.'?'..'..'?.'.;"), -- ___._ire-__e"-"_" _ w - ,1 TWO IDEAL SUGGESTIONS FOR m not A815 ENE 'ihsasw. LY PRICED FOR ONLY ONE WEEK. 3mm HAVE Us LAY ONE ASIDE ma THAT GRADUATION cm. 3 _ Wrist Watches, 7 Jewels """'"v"'""""'"""-"' 'F In 14-kt., White or Green Gold Cue, 15 Jewels 14-kt. White Gold to = 3.“... sum. Blue Sgpphire Set Cmms rug, 1917 A - I _ m" Br "ii'iiirsrco,,g drtERttr' i Anna-Wimp. mtntir7iryep?ettltteitr, SUNDAY, JUNE " --....... v a""""'"-""". "r'-"'--'" v - _ iFia'tuGaii'Guomtiiitr_taedltaaekett ttnaGGAirutooueond_hnyett mammals heranothkeunee--ormttst she battle. . . . beatrtrptttod thetmomofeottvegtthett - _ _ x MACK "NNTrrr COME?! m" "' Il‘hItj n- with f' Norman Kerry, one? Barrymore / Henry B. Wdtlull I . Love! Adventure! Gold! Rex Bench, KM writer of: red. blooded adventure norm. In: here we: apt: of Ale-k3 do the screen. A hath-akin: ll. nonunion. with on ell .tarieet, tttsat-est-deed-tttrims 'l'a'tJ"lrtlf'lalGlrio"er"trr"il Klondyke and there, unit! Inning adventures, lab love “I LLOYD nAuerx COMEDY INTERNATIONAL s A delightful, entertaining comedy-drum. A story mommy human, with an Oriental background, chock full of ta nad Ittutthts--ca picture f111ed with stirring action and with I I hing novel climax. A . k TUXEDO COMEDY EXCEPTIONAL VALUES FOR WEDDING, mummy :AND _ 7 gmnmmy ", and a All Btar Cut , Also MIN dk ANDY GUMP COM. tr,iiiit,igpAgig"it,t,lE Added Attraetiorg-CBARLBtnON CONTEST FOR AD KIDDIES. Cash Pring to Win-on with Seen: Owen and Joseph Behildkraut A THRILLING PHOTOPLAY of storm end dinner " Bea/redo- lpnt of the perfume of tropic ille- - . great love story th A background of intrigue, treachery and passion. Seem Ow And Joseph Sehiidkraut in the greatest m dramn ever film and screened in I Beree hurricane on the "aeifk---, tremendouh hu- SATURDAY. JUNE Ill, Egg-@gsziJei-tielgg5?:Snagrfâ€"6Tcihu'mflm and tense ngpgl. Aliso, ARLIE CHASE COM. ----- 7 ____PA'T% EWS I. (l/fl NEMEROFF Jeweler-Optician 392 Central Avenue, We! Park Cash or Ceqtditt----Xqtmntt to Suit 9 BUY ON PAYMENTS; “RIB AS LOW " 81.00 A WEEK MONDA'wamnAY. mmmv. mm: u. th m iiifheWir3ette.y.1.ef2ert D-r- l F R E E-ORCHID BLOSSOM a " I Il? _'ii'fil!, h' 9' 'itiifi; N "'39lfr'i'isi"s.'ii. . IraliiLn a tWstd "t's'S, “1" " V‘E?’d\ t2}//: 7f It? . . , IN ", ':ffflitl 812.00 A Gil-tube of Sathhction with Every Dig-0nd. THURSDAY. JUNE " - open. 3. DclILLE 5mm Leatriee Joy and 'ihlrGll Boyd “MORE "i'iitkiisj'mro"" wit Madge Bell"?! Telephone Highland M m "éitw5rir, was Ame-non 3155611 STAGE ATTRACI'ION -agtTIPwRECKED" “TEE TihtttttER" "EVE'S LEAVES" FRIDAY. JUNE " PETER B. KYNE’S in €25.00 - 312.00 rum. ac; no“ ri T mm, “was 1,'tgttit jy.ritiibi.iittt' " n r .. mmxgnomn Ms CEMENT mason, and: IO, 'tt' swam» Matinee 2:80 lo. In. xmoclwu 10 year. '1 Jewel: Gm 811.00 I! w "