P" 1:; f wgoa. Mrs. Mabel Grebe, Miss Darlene Jones, and Eugene Grebe left Kon- day morning to motor to Philadelphia. Ph., when they um attend the See- .qui-Centcnnid we... mu Bethe: Laabrtd at South Green :2 Jette ter2t'ra,..tlt?tltrt9t, tYr J. Hut-is of Waukmn nude-wont . major operation n, the heal hospi- tal Sunday, June 6: He is doing a nicely u an be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kauirman of Vine nvenue have returned to High- land Park after spending the winter at the Belmont hotel, Chieago. Miss Florence Ramâ€: will return home from Wellesley about the middle of June end Theodore, In. will arrive in Highland Park from Yale the letter part of the month. Mrs. Bury E. Bolle and laughter, Elm June, of the Tune apartments, ere leaving tomorrow for Menominee. Wis. Mr. Belle Will leave Wéhinner Perk “out June " to join lib Emily and to attend the numer- school BeS.. Ilon pt Stout Institute. Mrs. George E. Bliss of North Linden avenue returned on Tues, day from ‘a three months' sojourn abroad. Mr. Jesse L. Smith of Elm Plnce school gave the commencement ad. dress at the Half Day grammar school commencement exercises last Thurs- dny evening. ’Mr. Smith chose as his subject "Building Our Own World." Mr. R. E. Winter who is in' Highland Park hospital is get along as well as can be expected. (horse Christman :01 Phoenix, Aris., and Ned Christmam of Lou Angela. California, are visiting their brothers, Iahn and Charles ofsLture1 avenue. Mrs. John Irwin Masha]! enter- mined sixty guests at luncheon and bridge at the Exmoor Country club yesterday. Mrs. Thomas Wilder entertained the Gamma chapter of the Sigma Alpha Iota musical sorbrity Saturday af- ternoon and evening. I Mrs. Muco Ugolini of McDaniel: nvenue, who underwent a tonaillee.. tomy and an appendectomy at the hospital Saturday. is getting alone nicely. ' MA. s. T. Rebling of South Green Bay road was hostess to the After- noon Card club yesterday. WARM' F003 The Woman's Missionary society of the Bethany Evangelical church will meet at two-thirty o'eloek this after- noon at the home of Mrs. o. K. Wess- line of Glencoe avenue. Miss Edith Vail in sailing f r Eur- ope in the near future with an and Mrs. Truman and their daughter, Me- lanie of Evanston to spend the sum- mer. Miss Vail and Mia: Truman are clan-mates at Roycemore. . The board of directors of the North Shore Catholic Woriranlr league' will meet at one o'elock'tomorrow after- noon at the residenet of Mrs. William Brown, 1173 Scott avenue, Hubbard Mrs. Nels Dahl of Ridgewood drive entertained thirteen ‘little children on Suturdny in honor oi the birthdays of her enlighten. Eisia and Marion. Mrs. Fred Behaeftr has rented her home on North St. Johns avenue for the summer to Mr; and Mrs. Troy Sanders of Chicago and Mr. Mojica of New York. [ ‘ Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Thorsch have returned to Highland Park after spending the winter in Tampa, Fla. Mrs. Thorseh expects to letur, in the near future for Miehittan where she will remain for the hammer. Alvin and Norman Backer of Chica- go avenue who have been ill with men- sles. were released from quarantine on Friday, Jund 4. Among those who underwent ton- sinectomies' " the Rttrhiattd Park hos- pital during the past week were Lor- etta June Dunkin oi Friday. Mrs. Mary Coleman of 'lle,,,2lt road 6n Saturday. and Mrs. (Thomas Corrignn of Green Bay road.iGlencoe. on Sat- urdny. l _ Mr: and In. E. B. Fonorthy '0! Tuqet, formerly of Highland Put, an gpidving annihilation. on the Half-bf a non at the Highland Park 'totrrtitil but Friday; " Miss Elizabeth in of Lincoln avenue had as her eek-end guests Miss Margaret Tay or, Miss Ethel Btratton Ind Mrs. F] Wertheim, all of China). I John Grenville Mott has returned from the University of Virginia. Cut- Ur Mott, who is a student at the Mor- ln school, Seattle, Wash., also returm ed home on Tuesday night for the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Conrad and daughter, Eleanor, will motor to " ngette. Ind., thin week 'to attend commencement exercise. at Purdue university from Saturday, June 12, to Tuesday, Jane 15. Irving Conrad is a member of the graduating class. Mrs. John K. Richter of Onkwood avenue returned Sunday from a two months visit in Duluth. Minn. In.“ In. William Ludwig and fondly. formerly of Lake Forest. have moved into their home on South Green Bay road. Edith Vail is a member of the grad- uatintt class of Roycemore It Evans- ton which will have its commencement tomorrow. , Mrs. W. L. McKenzie and her dnugh- ter, Miss Anne Mekénxie, have moved Com Lincoln place to Waukegan. WI Gi iii; sojourn I ding with'only the immediate families .present. Mr. and Mrs. Priebe have in' the: ttone to Yuma Farms, Naponah, N. Y., getting for a wedding trip and will be at home ted. , in Lake Forest after August 1. Mrs. Charles Willard is entertain- ing at bridge- next Wednesday after- noon. _ . . Rev. Leonard C. Woleott. who re- cently returned from the P1tmtmines, has arrived from Breaking. tr. D., toftpemd several week: with his par- ents. the Rev. Dr. and In. Peter C. Wolcott. t I ' His: Mildred Craze and Min- Petr-: " Gm soiled Seturdny for a three) month trip to Europe. . 'hrt Henry H. Schumann of P!!'; N. '8ete road, is [curing Honky ,Iln'. Archibald Abercromby is hostess to the Bridge club at ttttteh., eon today. Announcement is made of the ap- proaching marriage of Miss Hazel Ce- celia Glader, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Giader, and Mr. Mil. ton Le Roy Smith, which will take place Saturday morning, June 19, at 10 o'e1ock, at St. James ehurith, High- wood. A reception will be held " three o'clock in the afternoon at the home of the bride's parents 'on Ridge of of this city. which took"piiiriif"ku', York City last Wednesday. A wedding of interest to Highland Park residents is that of Mrs. Jane C. Vaughan, daughter of Mrs. E. S. Galland of Evanston, to Frederick W. Sehumaeher of Philadelphia, formerly Mrs. Ruth Bournique Rice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Bournique, and Mr. Frank Allen Priebe of Oak' Park, were united in marriage Satur- day afternoon at four o'elock, at the home of the bride's parents, the Rev. Dr. Peter C. Wolcott oMciatintr. Be- cause Miss Helen Bournique, sister of the bride, was unable to get back from Europe in time for the wedding. the bride was unattended. Mr, William Priebe served his brother as best man. Mrs. Rice wore an afternoon frock of biege Elizabethan crepe with. hat to match, and carried a bouquet of orchids and lilies of the valley. The. wedding was a very quiet home wed- thn, Charles. George and Fred Christman will hold a family reunion at Kenosha, Wis., next Sunday. at the home of their sister, Mrs. M. Bailey. Mr. Charles L. Berry of Homewood avenue left Tuesday morning for Peru, Ind., to visit. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Joseph B. Card of Central ave,. nue is sailing for Europe with her daughters. Miss Mary and Miss Ruth on June 17, and will return in three months. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lebolt of High- land Park iarc to depart this week for New York City to sail on Satur- day for Europe. They plan to motor through France and England, and ex- poets to return the early part of 0c- tober. H. & Berry, because of the illness of his mother. Mr. Russell Mott of Laurel avenue left yesterday for South Africa where he will remain for about five months. Mr. Ove Munch of North ‘asfnue and Mr. Andrew E. Dever of Central avenue who underwent operations for appendicitis at the Highland Park hos- trital on Monday, are doing very nice- ly. Mrs. Fred Schaefer of N. St. Johns avenue is leaving Sunday morning for a three months visit with her daughter, Mrs. John R. Bare of North Carolina. Miss Billie Bell of North St. Johns avenue will return home from the University of Wisconsin at Madison the early part of next week. Francis Stipe left Sunday morning with Mrs. John C. Baker and her two sons, Albert and John, of; Lake Btuft, on a motor trip to the 'Cum- bet-land mountains. The party will return in about ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Carleton M. Vail of Lincoln avenue are giving a small dinner at Eynoor Country club on Saturday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mason and Mr. Sellar Ballard. Ag... mémem Jiijitiiii"'irai "iiiii, Catherine Holst of Butttteud Woii' Mrs. WillianrM. Rely of Hazel ave- nue will be hostess to a few Chicago frigid: at luncheon and bridge at the Exmoor Country club on Saturday in compliment to Mrs. J. B. Moulton. Mrs. C. C. Buell was a lu'ncheon hostess at Exmoor yesterday for Mrs. Lawrence J. Williams of Buffalo. N. Y..~.who was formerly Miss Eliza- beth Stephens of Duluth. Minn. Mrs. Anthony Day of St. Louis, Mo., who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom R. Wyles, of North Sheridan road, is returning to her home this week. Miss one. Marsh of Pun-pectin}; mac is, leaving tomorrow night tee Mirtneidtrohu, Minn.; to attend the ired- ding of Miss Pam Mickler. Mis- Mursh and Mina Mickler were room- mate: at Ozontz. , ' Miss Eliubeth Bredin of Lincoln avenue is sailing for Europe June 24 in company with twenty-four Amerh cans to attend the International Stu, dents conference to be held in Jugo- Slavin the end of July. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Randall and their two sons of Linden Park pllce are planning to drive cut next week and motor through the New England states. They expect to be gone about thrkor four weeks. .‘Little Joyce Slack of West Pu'k avenue, who has Been very ill with plain-my, is getting dong nicely, _ Mrs. 'H'. W. Canfield of Thoma- v‘mo. Ga., is leaving on Saturday to: Melina to spend the sum AM Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Snow of Prospect avenue returned last weak from a ten doys’ sojourn " the Wan. "u)ree Club. Athelataute, Wis. Mr. ind Mrs. Alvin Johnson of Vine avenue have " their guest their sister, Miss Ingeborg Johnaott,,who is here on a four months' vitit from Sweden. Miss Grace Johnston of North St. Johns avenue has returned from I few day" visit in Detroit, Mich. _ Numerous events have been given in compliment to Miss Katherine Leuer, whose marriage to Mr. John Petik will take place on next Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry H; Doty it' Central avenue have returned trom Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Cyril P. Mertens of the Mor- aine hotel entertained at lunéhepn and bridge at the Exmoor club yes- terday. Mildred Wood and Dorothy Russell sophomores this year in Lake Forest College, and graduates of Deerfleld, made the girls’ honorary sorority, Kappa Alpha, in the college at the, close. of this term and were honored at chapel last week with a ceremohy and flowers. ' Prof. H. F. Evans is visiting his parents for a few days, leaving for Colgate university, where he was a student, it being the Mth anniver- sary. He will then go to Boston for a few days returning about July 4, and spending a few more days in Highland Park before returning to his home in Berkeley, Calif. Mrs. Evans is visiting her parents in Eagle Rock, Calif., while ht in west. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sandwick will spend six weeks this summer in California. Mrs, Sandwick left Mon., day for Santa Cruz where she will stay for several weeks. She willthen go to Pacific Grove, Calif., where Mr. Sandwiek was at one time superm- tendent of schools. Richard Sandwick will be in Paeifie Grove working in the Hopkins seaside laboratory of Le- land Stanford university. Mr. Sand- wick will join his wife and son in Pacific Grove early in July. Mrs. Herman Justigmd Miss Justi have with them as their guests, Mrs. Justi's sister, Mrs. DeMoville and Mrs. Joseph Hamilton Thompson of Nashville, Tenn. They are attending the Eucharistic congress. Mrs. Edward A, Smith has return- ed from Washington, ,D.C., where she spent the past month visiting her parents, Admiral and Mrs. Winslow. Mrs. Gtsorge Lytton and daughter, Rosemary, are expected home about June 25 from Europe where they spent several months. Mm. rWt11iarn Cloudman of Elgin who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. V. Dickinson of the Moraine hotel, has returned to herhrme. Jane Schneider is quarantined at her home with mumps. _ Mr. R. G. Evans and his grand- daughter Irene Stevens have return- ed from New York where he visited his brother, relatives, ttnd friends for the past week. . for A . out prior to "iiind for s"l',s'id FT; tlf We steamship Leviathan, Jttly,9, . She has rented hee Spam. iah home to Mr. and Mrs. Jouph E. 31953 'tt China»; _ . Tho Rev. Prank Pitt and It. P. A. Watkins un {or Carbonate, w., Ian;- day morning where thby are dalma- to who Presbyterian Synod meeting them. They expect to return tmg'stht (Thur-dâ€). F Miss Eva Siljestrom returned Mon- day from Tampa, Fla., and New Or- leans, La. She will remain in High- land Park indefinitely. Miss Mona Bahr his returned from Austin, Minn., where she has been teaching for the past Year. Miss Mary Catherine Carr was a member of the graduating class of Elmhurst School, Connersville, Ind., June 6th. Mr. B. O. Fritsch, who is visiting his son and daughter-in-law in Ames, Iowa, reports that he is having a "fine time and enjoying news from the home town." Mrs. D. P. Page of St, Paul, Minn., spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs: Joseph P. Learning of Dean ave- nue. . Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. c, Courtney Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. James! Emmett Boa- tick, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Har. zard of Chicago were the guests Sat- urday of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Kemp of Edgecliffe drive. . Mr. and Mrs. C; E. Gifford leave tpinorroty for Minoequn. Win, when they will spend the summer. Mrs. R. E. Wood has returned from Warrentown, Va., where she attended the comencement exercises of "he Warrentown Country School of which class her daughter Ann was a memu ber. Mrs. Louie Marks returned. lat Wednesday from Waco and Fort Worth, Texas, where she spent sev- eral weeks visiting friends. Miss Jane Floyd underwent an op' eration for appendicitis " the High- land Park hospital last Thursday. She is getting along nicely. Her sister Miss Louise Floyd hats arrived from New York, to be with her sister. _ Chief Edward Moronevh enjoying a week's fUhintt trip in Northern Wisconsin. T Mr. arid Mrs. Ralph Fletch†Sey- mour are in Philadelphia", P... attend- ing, the mandating exercises at Swarthmore. Their son Seymour is a member of the graduating class. , Mrs. Henry A. Babcock is return. ing today from a month’s visit " Rushville, Ill, rm: manure» max-mass, HIGHLAND an. muggts 7) I t ' fl F143;; fs CARD op THANKS [ _ We wish; thank our friend: tit neighbors y that â€aim ' kindness and help alum dttritte our recent bananas“. , ', The North Shore chapter is wry glad indeed, that Elva Jenn Hall of Mid-Shields high school Til the awful contestant in thirdieHoet. The successful winners from verione divisions in the state will leaveChi- cago in time to reach Washington for the opening of the '%tsqtn'eetiteitnts1 on Monday, June Mr, which will be cele- bratedllll over the United SW. A wonderful F eight-leelng vial; with every expense paid will heyday“ by the young people. "The pm of empiric in Phitaatphia foe b no]: at their own expense but withbut ed- ditionel. railroad fan will also be, given. .. 3 l A piano recital will be given by the pupils of Miss Charlotte Brand at her lhome. Saturday, June 12 at 2:30, io'eloek.'r The following will partici1 rate: Valmore Umbach, Donald Clark,' [Franklin Fritaeh, Naomi Saathofh jBobbie Grant. Wallace Glader. Billie' , Decker, Virginia Bennett, Donna Jean iUdell. Dorothy Melville, Helen Brod-i dard. Ruth Rhineemith, Mary Beverly .Turrift. Jean Brand. Shirley Clark.- Vera Nevitt, .Dorothy Glass, Harold lEvans, Shirley Clark, Mary Louise i,Etlteg?y. Betty Straight. Muriel Bart- lett. Frank Straight, Marian Thum..' Inna, Helen Jean Abererpmbr, June (Kuehne, Either Drake,, Bonita Frie- bele. Lois Clark, Verna Beard, Ger- trade Walters, Florence Glader, Char- lotte Thomas, Janet Griffith, Mary Noerenherg and Esther Drake. ; These judges awarded the prise to Elva Jean Hall of the Deerfield. Shields high school. The North Shore chapter is giving an additional prize of $10 in gold to Marian Rouemtein whose essay was chosen as the second best in this district. The North Shore _chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution sponsored an essay contest in March in the loco! high,' school. The easy on "Why Uphold the Constitution", which was chosen by the local 'judges as the beat one submitted by the stu- dents was written by Elva Jenn Hall of Lake Bins. This way With the best from six other suburbin high schools ins submitted to the follow- ins "judges: Mr. Bury Atwood, Mr. Angus Roy Shannon, Mr. Ninian w/ Welch and Professor F. W. Niehola,, superintendent of schools in Evans-i ton. . 1 ELVA JEAN HALL WINS TRIP TD WASHING’IDN _ Dtrvtd,J!Nrt'tg mound hm bani tit. 1mm. Mo., with his chum“, I. L. Blitbod, "ttl is a home min. _ "hmrttt Maia Lunch was hoptuq to ttrelr.'2ittle friends um that: tt'ooit when the eeiabttttod her eighth “My anniversary." l L -; r‘ Mr. and Mm. ' ALI-Lung nut foi (te,' guests Mr. and 'ttri. A. Brown l F plan qt Seminolc, Aim. for the gut week, who mound via: Mobile; Visiting' friends in 'Centrdlia, St. tary, is, and Chicago. Thefts." KW Pa]: for Toledo. when they will visit Mm. Mnephatl's listen ’return- ing to Seminole, Vi: Washington, D. C., and Charlotte, N.C. The Chevrolet rondster owned and driven by Carl Anderson of 463 Madi- son avenue, Glencoe, wu completely demolished when it collided with 1 on" Saturday night st the intersection of Deerfield avenue and DeerfUld road. The oeeapnnta of neither car Were seriously hurt.l Taking the number, and name supplied by the driver at the other car, Mr. Anderson brought them to the Highland Park police, who were unable to check the license number, name and address given. Mr. Anderson's only clues. it seems, are the make of car and the faet that it bore s Highland Park city license. MISS BRANDS PUPILS q IN RECITAL SATURDAY â€an; we W17! ner. '""errt Mr, Kurt). B, mm for the pi†Edga- M, Wow, Jr., m n my tree of the tritium élus of Than-pd Academy. Lab Forest. , , David Ewing motored her. from A fine musical program was given after which delicious refreshments were served in the dining room. Dee. oration: were in pink and green. Much credit id given the committee who worked so well to make it. such a wond derful success. GLENCOE CAR SMASHED IN COLLISION SAT. two The following put noble grands were, entertained last Monday sve- ning by Sheridan Rebekah Lodge No. MI: Mrs. Rose Yowell. Mrs. Violet Brown, Mrs. Mary Therrien, Mrs. Cdrk Gates. .Mrs. Ida Barber, Mrs. Emily Anderson; Mrs. Anna Lenfesty. Mrs. Clara Devendorf, Mrs. Edits Watkins and Mrs. Glsdys Hopkins. Name and Number of Damaging Autoist Prove To Be Misleading L. G. Gnllmd of Phoenix, Alison. spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mm. J. B. Gnrnett. I PAST NOBLE GRANDS _ ENTERTAINED MONDAY Fine Musical Program '18 Given; Ten Noble Grands, Guests of Honor In. Julius PM~ Luciu- PM lib 'i'iittitiati2i it her? WW5: WW 1lFtt_..rtt?irs,t.ti!,l,ll.,,ttt,e,.t, Iitii,ye attho"thnn-'tvgtaw' _":",, ',ut"g'A2tda'1tre,aettitt,tty,-usrkr'; mdyhrmudu. tumandbettafet 'ms M31 HIGHWOOD now " ALBERT LARséN THE 51de OF TWO WANT Ev WEDDINGS and GRADUATIONS Fountain Pens v, Ptrf--ortr, Hull-u Leather Goods Entoa. Crane, Pun Honor Your Graduate with AxtreeiativeiGifts Eveuharp Penicil- Highland Park TWO Greeting Cards, for all Occaaibns For Graduation Congratulations WHITE SHOES Florsheim Shoes for Men i, Queen Quality and Arch Preserver Shoes for wo.hten 509 CENTRAL AVE. FELL BROTHERS For Sport and Dress EARL W. GSELL & co. Phone 28 STORES Let Us Help You Solve the Gift Prob! GSELL’S Im!-. - LUNDYS SPECIAL - A Reserve Fund THIS BANK INVITES YOU 3 i, ' To Open an Aeeounewith Us ' I To Rent a Safety Deposit Box ‘1 , To Consult Us Freely , j' _',' THE HHS! " may: pm on an... Aqua JUNE NEWEST STYLES ---Stationer---. PHARMACISTS C. P. “1 Sets - Individual has oroat-obss at our taunt: THURSDAY. mm: 10, Phone PHONE 456 tp, " if? it!