Tou lib Us it Box . Dress Und 'ountain III-noonh-Il lavings Account: habits you : to be Problem ' Raviitin Phone 2300 ty. Houhlgant T EVENTS IONS _ OES vidual Btrxes & CO. iative Gifts e, Pike P Y. JUN! 10, ms for Women NW . A l - ‘ PHONE t56 108810118 latidns ILLINOIS \yCMQLI. SON THURSDAY, JUNE IO, 1928 'ti' I IIVIIC I]. I . LVUI v-v Nt.ri.._m-- ...v. - " l . " ME mr" Ittttteti" Ihtririimiatammaiaaitmtutitamtit 'Ill, W 1lllllillllllllllllllllllllllilllil, , P f We use tl, l line Process- , that insures ll :11 harm, t l and softness , be effected I operators. ll Don't ape] , met worry! ' hair. Call Ol ' 936. Try Ol I the -.l a , was that w li your charm , Facial: " ll our compte ll gram. I Latest st: tt ting for ', Daughters, North Shore Trust Company Ford.- For Quality Laundry Work or Bring Your Bundle in and take Advantage of our Reed Furniture, made like new. All paintings done by compressed air. For Priced m a. P. 276 366 E. Central Avenue Ili0lgE-T0WlliE _'..isii'.i',.s',','-,_i.i.,)ii,,"is-.r:'..". LAUNDRY g Phone H. P. 1051 We use the Nestle Circu- line P---' perfect wave thnt insures the hair against :11 hum, and gives depth and softness which can only be effected by our skilled operators. . l, Geperal, Banking Don't spend another sum- mer wdrryintt about your hair. Call orihone us, H. P. 936. Try our Wax of Rope the -.l a lasting natural was that will add greatly tts your charm. Facials he but one item of our comptete beauty pro- gram. Latent ptylec of hair cut- ting for Mother, Father, Daughters, And Sons. FURNITURE PAINTED AND DliilCORATED WILLIAM DENZEL 6 North Sheridan' Road (tiii)g,iitt,;j',,ttj) 20% Discount Dry Cleaning. a Specialty , UNDER STATE SUPERVISION Northwest Corner Sheridan Rea Centnl Avenue Phone 1051 ‘ " Paid on Savings Account " One Dollar and One Minute will start it Conveniently Located Permanent Waving Beauty Shop Flag Pole Corner 543 Central Ave. Tel. H. P. 936 Truekn' ANNUAL FIELD DAY ' HELD LAST FRIDAY _ The annual field day was held utj Ravinit school Fridny utter-00:1 all? evening of last week. Then wu any] parade at thg oped“, consisting of the trained sells. the clam, the; tight rope Wuhan. the mind! fed has. the pony. the does' ï¬nd the goat. The brightly colored costumes and banner- of thechildren tttht the interest end ceiety. of the lion. After the VII-lone It'untl from the different grades the odd-tie events took place with the lather- and alumni boy: assisting no judges. Running, throwing and jumping events took the greater part of the afternoon. The children were divided into two sides, the Browne. and the Greens. The Greens won the silver Children of Ravinla School Cele bade In Circus Fashion; , Proceeds to Auditorium cup for the most points.' _-A, picnic supper partieipated in' by the children- end their teachers and the parents followed. After the awarding of the ribbons and the cup. the sons defeated the fathers in an exciting some of In. door ball. The proceeds which were made by the selling of candy, food, bulbous, ice cream, will go toward the auditorium fund. “THE ROSE & THE RING" TO BE GIVEN TONIGHT Eighth Grade Pupils of Ravinla Present Thackeray’s Play; Tickets Issued The eighth grade at Ravinia school will give Thackertty'ts "The Rose and the Ring " for their parents on Thurs- day evening, June 10th, at eight o'clock at the Village House. Admis- sion by complimentary ticket only! This charming fairy story burlesque has been dramatized by the children as a part of their English work and is being produced by them under the direction of Min Parsons. Miss Stoddard and her art clam have planned the scenery and cos- tumes. The following is a list of the characters: _ Jenkins Grufhuyuff .w,et.rmtrt.trrmrtmrreme6m-.wwmm_. Harold Rudolph Fairy Blackatick t-.--. Lydia Simpson Princess Angelica ..-.Mtsry Anderson Signor Tomaso Lorenzo .. e.ttt-W__P_...w.. Countess GrafUnutr King Valoroso -_-r. V... 03cm The Queen 'tt _-_. -rp-t-_ Do Rotunda ..s_y". TNt ---..t. Peggy Mary -_.- .-r._. .. _eP_tr' Enel Prince Giglio -m__--'_ Cnrleto Captain Kutasoff 11trdzott Glumboso .__. w-----. Prince Bulbo te- The Landlady ttV smith and Jones Ki'mr Padella A, . Mee* ..Jack Thomas Count Hotttrinarmo ..6' trt tet John Horn Two Lions (brought up in the forest MAKE SEVERAL CHANGES IN TEACHING STAFF with the Princess Rbsalba) Herald v----.-.' _ VA .rtVNertt.V Charh Lincoln and Ravinia Schools An- nounce New Teachers For Next Year ' Tliere are to be several changes in the teaching staff at Lincoln next year. Mr. Borg who has been in charge of the manual training and printing for the past four years is leaving to continue his study at Stout and Madison. His successor is not yet appointed. . Miss Mildred Land who1Us direct- ed the music work is planning to continue her study in New York next year and will not be with us. Miss Elizabeth Madden trim the University of Wisconsin is to be her successor. Miss Laura Paullin, the sixth grade teacher will have I yen at home in Evanston. Her successor is to be Miss Ruth Thomas, also ttom the University id Wisconsin. Miss Thomas has had a long and success- ful experience at the Shorewood schools near Milwaukee and comes very highly recommended. Ravinia school will also have sev- eral new teachers: Miss Leeta Reed. will succeed Miss Hazel Gunn in the first grade position; Miss Reed comes to us well recommended, having had such splendid experience in Kalama- zoo, Michigan ‘and Hammond, Ind. Mr. Howard Copp will have charge of the manual trtyirtintr and physical education at Ravinia next yer. Mr. Copp has taught in Oak Park, and while continuing his studies at Chi- cago University has had chum of games at one of the play-grounds in Chicago with the Smith Park Com- mission. Mr. Copp will take over/the work which Miss Waterman and Mr. Borg have had and itll he a full time teacher. - The English in the upper grades will be in charge of Miss Helen Kurd- ing who is now in the University of Chicago; Miss finding has taught in St. Paul, Minn., nnd,Wilmette, Ill. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS; MGW'PARX. ILLINOIS f DR. MELVIN B. HASBROUCK Yet. Chi-'0. a nutrient-man John Horn and Eunice Hall Osteopathic Physicia- an rm Am _ "but Marion Weiaenberger F-eq "r6. Oscar Goeppnet T--' -rr---_ Dorothy Beat ---__-. Peggy Crawford Ems Mucucci p--.. Carleton Vail, Jr. ." Lsonard Kentu- w--.)..-. Eunice Hall 'FF Charles Marks .-- Velva Sulyurds Charles Block Charles Block ili/ir HIGHWOOD BRAKEMAN HAS UGLY ACCIDENT I SEND YOUR CHILDREN "i, T0 pAvaA PARK i Former Resident Tells . of Ad. i vantages Attorded at l Nearby Park Foot, Severed Two Hours After Starting Work for North Two hours after he took up his duties as yard bukemnn in Highwood for the Chimo and North Weltern railroad, W. A. Piper, of 4249 Maple wanna. Chic-co, Wu caught between two an of n uouthbound freight train and his left foot no out " " the ankle. Piper wu connecting two out to the truiu when the ‘uccident oe- Fellow workmen nearby heard Pi- per’s screams of pain and investi- ttated. He was found lying along the aide of the right-of-war. o stream of blood gushing from the cruhod foot. Piper we: plocerl in . cu and rushed to the Highland Park hospital where Dr. Grover Grady and tstaff of nurses were waiting to “tend him. Loses Much Blood. Piper lost eottaiderable blood during the ride to the hospital and wu weak and near death when admitted. Hospital authorities report his con- dition as favorably progressing to- ward recovery. Piper had been hired only Tuesday and began his new du- ties for the first time Wednesday morning of bat week. ' Residents along the North Shore are] especially fortunate in being so close to Ravinia Park. Bend the 'iiidi;iii1 to the park. Teach them to study the' pnograms and in this way ~fai'miliatjize themselves with the best there is in music and with, the famous composers. Nearly twenty-flve years ago when ' vinia Park was first Opened. I was a oungster living within walking dis.. tahee of, the park. Mr mother used to send us (there was a large family of as) to Ravinia. She taught us to look over our program: and to re- member what the orchestra played. Today I have a store of knowledge of musical things. gleaned from operatic performances and concerts heard at Ravinia. I am very glad of this and owe much of it to my mother who knew what Ravinia had to offer. The educational advantages can scarcely be overestimated and'tho children can learn much by attending the perform- ances at beautiful Ravinia. Bids will be received " the can of Secretarv of the Hizhlund Park East Park District, City Hall, Highland Park. 111., until 5 p. m., Monday, June 21, 1926, for a concrete dance plat- form 60 feet.x 90 feet to be construct- ed In Sun Set Woods; Highland Park, classes: . ',' 1. A Re-enforeed Cow-etc phthm m. having a Bnttthod who“! surface. 2. A Re-enforeed tCotteriete bare. 3. A Terrazzo top. 1 ' A eertitled chock tot 10 per can of the nmount of ttttrid shall mom- mny this bid mule mythic to the President of the Board of Commis- sioners of Highland Purk Eat M District. '/ I, _ Plans end "eemeuilra' my be had " the omce of the Secretary of the Highland Park East Park District, tytirid1iorutuMuiotJyircNdi, demon Co., Ine., engineer. myth»: est, w. x, ') [ _ t “a 15-16 it" a? HIGHLAND PARK STATE Ba'imt Western Railroad workwill tie divided into 3 That’s the bgbsteef Safe Deposit Vault in this Institution - built shoulder rayon T ility - that owners of nimble: dull not any the You have securities. mortiseâ€. other papers you could not " There are pieces of jewelry, silver spoons and pthtnrtki" you'd to lose. NOTICE -alsther Baker Clnrk. Built For Responsibility '-'_, Get out from under this load ot WWW. A safe Deposit Box here costs only a few cents a week '-. and you know your valuables are safe. The Home of Savings Depositar- Members of the Gleneoe Chamber' of Commerce held their regular monthly meeting [at evening at the Glen Gehlee ten room. The meeting was preceded by 1 dinner which we: served " 6:80 o'clock. At this meet- ing definite plans for Gleneoe day were put under we . It in expected to observe Gleneoe guy about the firat or second week in August this you. The nffnir was held for the itmt time last year and we: u great success and merchants of the community ere pha- ning to nuke it an even bigger event this yen. _ “GLENOOE DAY" PLANS WERE MADE LAST NIGHT NASH MANAGER HERE WINS c0FPANY PRIZE F. N. .Woole Mes Second In His Division for Amount In a nation-wide ales content con? ducted by Nah Mptors of. Kmahm‘ Wie., and in which 810,625 in cult“ mites were distritmtad to winners, F'/ N. Wooten mm of the Hizhhudi Park Nash Sales, wok mend prize in: divisional. of his action with u may of 500 points giver; him for the ante of 40 Null autoenittriles m u period at fifty dun. The - were nude to personal "iesmeit for the “scald by that mm tdone,. to . or- ganintion for _,tFii',t',i'e'iy/' Wooley received a check om that company tot â€2,520“; ..- L . - - iriidGiiet1t, Mr. Wooley’l arguin- tion has “on abll‘to move about " per an}, all theirMuH ttir-lt the'-ii1Aitiiutrust1ihmw'of the High- land Park‘Preu: in fact, ha been kept nlmoot cleaned but of used can beam of the response from his uh. AMERICAN GIRL WINS _ ESSAY PRIZE. CAIRO A prize _:,ottered by at Cairo, Ea?†newspaper“ for a 250 word may on "How Rugs are Made," has been won by on American girl ',',,','.th'Je, the Near East Relief in Syria. " any is as follwn: . l "The, little Workers in my orplin-l use sit on nuts on the floor, with? crude haul-nude looms in front at them,Uour or more working on I single but. The designs come from the designing mom, taken from an- cient m, merited in square: end col- ored. The workers count them threads. take a piece of wool in'the correct colors, lift two or three threads and tie and cut them. After about In inch of the febrie bu heel! tied, this rough edging in combed up and down. Then with speciel curved scissors it is cut. Finally comes the brushing. _ "Rutt-rmrkintt is a tedious, til-cum and difficult work, and one an be much more appreciative of the boun- tiful results when one has studied the 11%an methods by which they “The wool is .- bought from, the sheep? back and awfully: "shed. Gm dye! m and for coloring, and 500 girls - employed to I†it. A my bountiful m which we completed I short time no to: the President of the United 8m..."- quired the hbor, of All out but n:- Iunkers to: nine months. It it now tnoneotttremtrtoesroftheWhtte House in WM, D. C. "ourriehoo1ttisi061ooentcThe girl-work»: “an “01:12th yang he’d-01pm to can clothforduuuandforto‘uhnd â€Gelatin. , -eaa" . “Bug waving is a cult W6 tub-I indutry and my. It I. - irr4iieh4't': L I. _ Jtts .mir led ofCar Sales Inuhmmiddle' citykn "metreroeextrtrf" equivalent-of methantwo ’bloch Both! hon the mil who m. It In: been than nine. in loath». ul- CUi'i"'d'Gu"t"7ii.irG,'i'C'i'it"G',", mattheouts Ithnoveon- nideredabigdetti Hon-lab“ value-mm trui1dirtede- veloplnent in that on. Probably mnetraettrh-.ursehaeet'-r pmbkm. Balm meant-inn T,tttef21t.'t',Ttl'ht;',T Yet nuly only Witt}: thoatghtt in model! to show M1 cemetery in' the midstofngrarateg' couldaaailybe made more of an than a My to unwinding p . H everybody we taught to say". “My along tg is none val. uable than became It {was theeemeterrandis Int-antacid- wayl having open a about it' the public would weep that mm. tion just as readily 'r1syqoett-tr owner: say an they doii groundbuntavq.§ “link was “I! beau-c that's obkctionnbli um“ and: nut." t I' , Owners of pro waning Trill-4 ity chmhyud in York earnin- ly do not consider: My ' meetneetoma1eg _ ulna. NettUr do property "qoteN a New England towns object to t mmaltateg, which in My the . - not. ' In thuednyu â€to“ believe in (but. W, and such 'M-B,:,' My in d congested part of h - city. if) Tttt kept Qt', te '"iii'i'tfii' nut 'aa i red estate a I c park. Yet Cj, ha land-Hy to ovm4mh,,, ttaotreumNet-, _ mild-11W to make eapftat of --Ered tour, In the Nation'- Bu “wine. j MAKING BEANEALK 7 BRING 'nm JACK nu man an . be attmetthb' dressed with the t Setka of q fairy tale is tad by G. A; Cabral]. and ind-atria! - of the A Coat Line, ht a new: letter extol the viral. of soy beam. Por peel to In, m he tum hack to theJégendary exploit of Jack and the bnrstalk, My: the NatloeN Buineu zine. Jack, as nearly cry one known acquired a sum of. ham through n rather irregular! ion iir-whiett the family cow was. What the beans were pk ' they t'proartred thebetns were pk .they apron†into-musics! .leuliqg.utb Maugham: country... nndsoimnndso “nutmeg“- Pouihiyllr. o1idoe.ttetu" itstnritttrthe 01mm t-tattk.-ltir Walkman-,- unhovneountryl 00W 1,ietih,gdctgteittttl,f,,t,','i,,'g alumna“: unproduc- Wyifun rs.. taper-Min mum: _inttserine.thrr mist-ttteats _ form-Ibu- (ionl. , Mentally â€ton-£188 mun-v SIN-8W dui, -___ but - in in and in them tl't'hUrd,'f, 'iiihlii'ilit,i?ti,'ii'ciiii'i,i; Watch. My inning: awaits. ro mtioittt in York Sider:' can a _ ulna. m a New I) t can“ . - I people: Ma, I M: and :ll‘ntinosuhvg In of IU it, ll E