ifjtrints oths ’abfic lothes a Laudenn" minois F rams i I . . HOP osaua--asra-iit mated xhat Hing yd the Wer Ateroe up of heav- d comfort. “Mpg-Hannah 't'i,,r:'tt2egt"s With launch. Mum-IM- "tii-trail-. V ',itat't2t2'r,i:t.tvt:t “out. â€1.th. cuts and ask d cedar bags m moths dur- I. There will :ly priced. H UNDRY ' ..f$27 006350 tat 845 tittty Daily Macation Bible School opens at the Bungalow church on Monday morning at 9:30 o'cloek. Mina Helen M. Shaw, who conducted such a suc- cessful school for us last year, will be in charge. Miss Shaw is a very capable director and the children all lobe her. She has been engaged in boys' club, work for the past eight months. The pastor wishes to express his appreciation for the volunteer teachers and workers who are 'eo. operating to' mike this school a suc- cess; There will be no tuition fees but a hearty invitation is extended to every boy and girl who wishes to at- tend. On Sunday afternoon, June 20, at two o'clock, a large delegation met nt the church and accompanied Rev. Williams and family to a quiet spot in the river woods where a very im- pressive devotional service took plade. The Christian Endeavor will be led by Mrs. Chester Wessling. Orcheatn program at eight o'clock. The orchestra, under the direction of Mrs. E. W. Cook will have a fine program in store and extend g hearty invitation to you to be present Sun- day evening. Mr. Cook, with the co- operation of each member of the orchestra, is putting much in to this work, therefore you can look forward to a real worth while program Sun- day evening, June 27. The regular business meeting and sock] hour of the Christian Endeavor I?†held the church on Tuesday eve- hing. Church _ Rev. R. M. Williams, pastor. Sunday School at 9:45. Morning Worship at 11:00. Evening service at 8:00. ( ChrUtinn Endeavor " 7:00. Wednesday evening at eight o'clock is our regular time for Bible study and prayer. The Chevrolet sedan that was kept) so busy on errands of mercy was? stolen while Rev. Williams was ini Chicago visiting a patient at a hos-i pita]; now another car has taken its! place and was definitely dedicated to! the work. 3 St. Patrick's Evangelical Church Church school at 9:15 am. English service at 10:15 am. German service at 11:00 a.m. Anyone, even the least observing, must be aware of the fact that a great event of profound religious sig- nithuutee has taken place in and near Chicago, June 20 to 24. The Eu- charistic congress under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church. One need but read the daily papers and throughout the same reference is made to this event. Everywhere you can see preparations and participa- tions in support of it. It has been a display of vast ecclesiastical pow- er, great hierarchical prestige and gorgeous ceremonial, none of which has necessarily much to do with re- ligion and all of which has at times been hostile to it. But to estimate this vast gathering on this basis, would be to miss the full siitnifieaetee of it. Always a cordial welcome to all our services. Sunddy morning, June 27. Rev. Wiyiamrwi11 spuk. but“! Pram ‘ Grunt Rev. lurk J. Andrus. m nistet. Sunday, June 27-- ' [ Church school at 9:30. Adult clan at 10:00. Morning worship and mom a 10:45. Evening service at 8:00. The mun] picnic of the Congre- thion and'the church school In: been "t for August 28. Meeting -of the Session Ind Board of Trustees next Wednesday evening, June so, in the church. . Said i" pastor: "The finest sight I can witness from my pulpit is a whole family in their pew. Some families just send a delegate as tho it was a convention." Let the "whole falnily" habit Crow in this church. From the lips of many: Protestants and not a few Catholics one hears the question, "What is it all about?" At next Sunday's service the pastor will have for his sermon subject, "The Eucharistic Congress." The quarterly meeting of the church board will take place Wednes- dayevening, Jgne lo, It eight o'elock. The picnic for the beginners and primary department of the Sunday school will be held at Ebert's grove Saturday afternoon. All children of these two departments will meet at the church at 2:30 p.m., from where nutomohiles will convey them to the picnic grounds. . Friday evening at eight o'elock the special meeting of the young men's class will be held in the Sunday sehoor room. The junior and intermediate de- partments had their picnic in the same grove lust Saturday. Nibetter and more ideal place for such a gath- ering could be desired. mummy. mun!“ 1m The St. Paul Sunday school here- with expresses its thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Ebert or the kind and generous spirit ncco ded it. No doubt the little folks will enjoy it equally as much. ', The Ladies' Wid Society will hold its July Mums and social meeting Thursday afternoon. July l, in the Sunday school mom. Garden Club Meets The Garden club had a most enjoy- able "temoon A the home of Mrs. Farmer on Wednesday afternoon, Deedeld Evungelknl Bungalow Deerfield News. The next meeting of the Camp Fire will be held " their truard'tan'ss (Mrs. Jesse Strong) home, at 2:30 on the regular meeting day. t Doreas Dinner _ Aout one hundred ladies enjoyed the Plunlfett dinner given by 1 group of prominent manufacturers under the auspices of Circle Four of the Dorcas Society of the Presbyterian church held in the dining room of the church Monday noon. It proved a novel and moat successful affair were plenty of good tasty food of a large variety and‘generous quantity was attractively served. Many interesting facts concerning the different food products were re- vealed and some of the many possible ways to prepare these particular brands were also discussed during the meal by compentent representatives. American Legion Auxiliary The Deerfield American Legion Auxiliary will hold a public card party for ladies, and gentlemen at the Masonic Temple, Saturday evening, June 26, at 8 o'clock. Twelve beau- tiful prizes will be awarded to the makers of high scores. F C A walk thru Mrs, Funnelâ€: gt;- den, which is beautifully laid out, concluded a most interesting after- noon. Camp Fire Girls Bike. 7 The Camp Fire Girls enjoyed I hike last Friday to the Forest Pre- serve on the Dundee road, a distance of about eight miles, where they routed frnnkNrtem end potatoes and made lemonade. l Souvenirs and sampléa were pre- sented to each guest upon leaving. Following the card harness, dainty refreshments will be served. , Tickets may be secured from Mrs. Glenn. Bowman or Mrs." Clarence Huhn. The proceeds of this particu- lar party will be used to help carry on the expenses of the local auxiliary. Deerfield friends of Miss Agnés Catalan of Chicago. formerly of this vicinity, will be interested to learn that she has chosen Saturday, June 26, as the time of her marriage to John Tully of Everett. Mrs. Charles Moran (Elizabeth Carolan) of Pan- dena, Calif., sister of Miss Carolan, is expected to attend the. wedding ceremony as will another sister, Mrs. Sullivan (Grace Carolan) of New York. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Patti: en- tertained at dinner Friday evening, previous to the cantata at the North- brook school, Miss Clarice Whitlock of Nebraska; Miss Catherine Don, nelly of Pittburg, Kan., and Miss Margaret Han'sen. The young ladies of the Deerfield Presbyterian church will repeat the two one-act comedies, "A Parliament of Servants" and "Mrs, Oakley's Tele- phone," at the Northbrook Presby- terian hall, Tuesday evening, June 29. The affair is being sponsored by the girls club of the Northbrook Pret- byterian church. _ = ' The subject for the day was in the most competent. hands of Mrs. A. R. Warner who proved more than equal to the task of tsequnintt'ntr the members with the various varieties and species of hawthornee. There Are a nuniber of them native to this pert of the country. 'riiir" iioiGrd “in; the spring and fruit in the tttll. make them a Plutlsie gut t2 'landscaping. A very interesting report was giv- en by the chairman of the civic com- mittee on the work "ions on Formal Place Park. The eo-operation of many people living in the vicinity of the park is making it e moat suc- ceseful enterprise. _ Mr. and Mrs. Glasgow of Norwood Park, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holt Tuesday evening. Mrs. Frank Stmman of ,Cross Plains, Wia., is visiting at the home of her father, Mr. George Knrch on Deerfield avenue. Mrs. Arthur Pfister of Grand ave- nue had is her week-end guest, her sister, Miss Margaret Cnrolan bf Chi- cugo. u.. and Mrs. George Deck are via- iting' relatives in Fennville, Mich., this week. " . Last Friday evening the W. D. C. club was delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. Gordon Clause of Rosemary terrace. The members are planning to have a theatre party next Friday evening. _ June to, There In; quite I diap1ar of iris, columbino, oriental p'oppicl. panties and his!“ Enough: in by the members. ' ' The club will hold its annual June flower show on Monday, June 28. Anyone interested may exhibit“. It will be held " the DeirfUid Pres. byterian church. "M117 and Ma. Hubert McQuire of Deerfield avenue, are entertaining guests from Minneapolis, Minn; _ , Misses Florence Corcoran, Eva En- der and Magnet limo were the guests of Mrs. Grégory Sheahen of Highland Park Sunday. H The second anniversary ist the Deerfield Eastern Stir chapter was fittintrly observed at the meeting which wns held in the Masonic tem.. ple Thursday evening. An attractive birthday cake was in the center of the refreshment table. Friends' night will be celebrated at the next meet- ing which will take place Thursday evening,' July 1. .' _ Mr. Ind Mrs. Alex Willman enter- tained at a six o'eioek dinner gaff? in compliment to Mrs. Willmarg’s ','i'3t 1 a. 1W2; Forty juniors and intermediates of the St, Paul's Evangelicals Sunday school in company with their teachers and the pastor, marched out to Eb- ert’s grove Saturday afternoon where they enjoyed their annual picnic. Ideal weather conditions prevailed. The afternoon was spent in playing games. Before departing for home a sumptuous supper was served. Mrs. Theo. Ebert treated the entire, group Several families from New York and New Jersey, who came to nttemf the eueUritrtie congress held' in Chi- cugo and Mundelein this week" Ire stopping at the home of Hairy Juh- rend on Waukegan road. , Edward Proat, Betty nnd Gordon Clavey, John Cunningham, Dolores Koch. Rose and Eugene Gloden, Mar- iraret MIMI, Thomas, Peter and Richard Duffy and Thomas Garrity received their first holy comunion in the Holy Cross church Sunday morn- mg. Mr. and Mrs. William, Hamilton entertained a few friends at dinner: Sundey. i Mrs. George sunset, Mm. Edna Olborn ma non Charles, Mrs. new? Btantter and daughter, Bonita, or; Hichlund Park, have returned from) their motor trip through love. ' The Progressive club of the Wil- mot school will sponsor . "iahee " the schoél, Saturday evening, Junei 26. The usual good time is promised., Mm. Harry Whitman!) h taking an cenaul of the Wilmot echool district, Mrs. Glen Bonn-n attended I luncheon at the home of Mrs. Rpm“ La Velle of Edison Park Wednesday; Mrs. Fred Hume of command evenue will entertain the bridge chili next Tuesday afternoon, Jime 29. Mr. and Mrs. A. Klmnp,. Miss Then en Klemp tee; Henry Peterson. attended a brid party " the home, of Mr. and Mm. Howard Luna of Chicago, Saturday evening. _ _ On Wodnudty gnu-noon. June 80, In. A. J. Johnna of Ottoman RT.. enue will be the' boot.- nt the Pro; (naive club. of in. Maugham: . t 1 In. A. Khmp “and“ a tuna) eon " the home of III-kn“ Fitzroy of Chicago on Thu-Id†and In: the most of In. Enact. “at. Mrs. P. 110an of lumpe- lh..Hlnn. On Sud-y -sashtg Mr. and In. B. TT. Km: were hm and A Definite Lowering In Price On Summery Wash Frocks $2.95 $3.95:$4;95 The outstanding fact of thlisselling is not that dozens of dresses have been reduced ---. but that every fashionable style is generously represented at these low prices. ' The most beautiful wash fabrics broeurable have been se- lected to fashion these frocks - English tPrints, Radioux Chiff- ons, Voiles, Rayon Mixtures. , j _ Here the summer requiremehts may be met at what believe to be the lowest prices of the season. l Frocks of English Prints, guaranteed fast color, in newest designs. Both fiare'and straight-We models are shown at this low price, i, At this price one finds frocks of rayon-cotl tures in the new geometric designs and frock finish prints, All are values that sell regularly more than this sale price. In this assortment we have tried to give val are unbeatable. Made of Radioux Chi on, gu fast, in the new color effect. One must really 1 charming frocks to appreciate the advantag low priefng. a “and" At $2.95 'i, At $3.95 GARI)CETT' Mrs. Pnul Hunter had as her guest Sunday her sister, Mill Lilli“ Ack- ermun of Chicago. Illa Ackernmn, who in a teacher in the Like View high school will leave for Europe Friday, where she will spud the summer. ' Mrs. Eugene Enact, Mrs. Merger- et Ficht, Mrs. P. Monahan, Mrs. A, Willmnn, Mrs. B. H. Knee, In. A. Dennerlein, and Mrs. Robert Green- elude, were among than who attend- ed the ceremonial " Soldiere' Field. Chicago, Monday and Tuesday. A lgrge group of men from the Holy A family reunion. dinner will be given at the Green Tree Inn Wau- keun road, Everett, for S. and Mm. H: Miller of Foley. Al... Sunday. Mr. Miller is a brother of Mrs. C. Becker, who, with her two was, will be among the thirtr-ti" mu ex- pected to attend. "Mi.“ioiui‘WBSE'xun' left Band†evening for Rochester, Minn., where the will go thru the Mnyo clinic. The Missionary Socioty it the Presbyterian church will hold. a bak- ery sale in the church Wain-43y " ternoon, June 30. lee cream and “he wilt be served for which n upminnl fearwill be charged. . Mrs. Harvey L. Smith of Bunion will entertain the but meeting of “La Petite SOcietic. A group of thirty ight young peo- pie of St. Paul'. Ei angelical church accompanied by Ravi. and In. P. G. Piepenbrok, motored} to Lake 'anich Sunday afternoon 'dor an outdoor plmuntre.party. Games and boat rid- ing featured the durum. At the close of the day a 'gt planzied up- per was served in w ich every one participated with great 'ytthttieP. Mr. and In. an! So“: are conumplutinc I t '; p to Louisville, Kentucky. V f . 'Mn. P. G. PM!“ had Im- ton- aih named " thd KW Yuk hoopiul on Homing mounting! this out-obtain: M My. Mr. and In. I A. Studio: of thehard “not momentum Mr. sadism trampta 0 Deeatur, Ill. of Hratraaiouriomf. with ",11gtt'ti. Tmudpupih bothenJoyd outdoor mtg. lira. Ir-ttOfc-tterik" her humor. HM [pram Rama Mr. uni In. Iriett of Had no- no entertained a lugs manta of n mix.. of soft air much ue, that arefmteed get: these of this Merger of the two organisations wee suggested by Methane Tuned“. who is in Greece studying the work of both groups, end who plans to to to the United sum in the “but: for so extensive speaking tour. She declsres that the merger wm‘mke for economy end eat-jenny. who beeches second crude in the Deertuld grammar school. is attaatd- in: the University of Chicano thin summer, akin: special com-nu in primary supervision, English and literature. ' Supervision of this work in Greece will now be taken over by the home- tttteine department of the Near But Relief in Athens and Salonih, While cplIection of funds will continue in America under a committee of ttttr which include. Prof. Edvard Ceppe of Princeton. Dr. Berry Pratt Jordan of Chicago, and others. . The work of the Pathetic-I Children of Greece, on organisation hacked by In. Theodore Roosevelt and Il- Unmet Woodrow Wilma, I!†been merged with that of the Neu- Eat Relief, wording to on mum“ made recently. The former ammu- tion was founded by Modern Nichol bounda- while her husband was Greek minister to Washington and is under the presidency of Joseph M. Davies, former head of the Federal Trade eommitraion. It support: 850 Greek refuge children through I plea of orphan “options. TWO ORGANIZATIONS or NEAR EAST MERGE Fntherleau Children of Greece Society Join- Genenl Work flmeiettxtret-'m-rttedattt" Mmlm. In. lube! And-Ion. - a! thohhsunky‘mm mwmmdhhu 1tuauadXh-uramthtot-toearv, onthobmineu. _MiasTihraEnturwaathe-tot Min Florence Ender of Claim on Thursday. Mrs. Christen: M. Malian KM. of Near/ Onophce Human» _ toxin.“ thick. '3 ingm .' ' 4‘ M'udtho‘ . ..s‘ am Anal-icon " atâ€. W!†, mm Wm»- tion to ."ud M V'i'b‘l" “new mim'r Win “a...“ 'liR& ealeuek.. , V“ i‘With f m ._ . "a '1 Mun-son,» “mi...“ = talisman if Mt "iliRIf ntchhbm The.†"dai, I madman. nktttetbttts REC, chasm-nu new - . motorinciu Them Ah " naturism MM“: lt' F' 11Nettmt?te. taertntt Air, , Yhetsutteteiat'i, “an.†YN _ in â€an; Inwhh impel 'notorkbof: . " boring Mate hm . " inhhm trat-ta. “PW-two " in Ionian f Bum (In dd). “all at I Am A T at!) - will: not: tion to g .d the “dial due-ed in ent chalet. , t'Wittt tte . hi Ionian, at a mu ; aâ€, “I 1h rm DMMH 'artarf , . .4 1:7 In T new a: as“ lit mettate "as" ii , " mm“ N“ Ell , “Forty-two jiiitiitiiiii5ii! J, _ in union ." an a. ' " ti, RIM oft!» m r. - STATE sen: ggieg cum l was AND Human was mm " mum. any can 335 " mm. LAUNDE WithUtt fl " ti 151 a L3 $14, ., a Il ' tl It