, ' I. Mr. Leslie HeCaitrey left Sunday for Meehaniestmrg, N., when he will mend two weeks visiting his wife who is spending the summer with relatives there. ' Misc Marion 3M2. Madridâ€; N.J..whohubontho¢uutolln. yum Carnal. It. has returned to Mr. Ind Mn. William Poul have re- turned from I motor trip in Wiscon- sin. Mrs. H. H. Chandler and son, Mr. R. R. Chandler, Jr., and Miss May Chandler nnd Jared Johnson left Tues day for a motor trip in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mm. Bury Clnvoy of Deer- fle1d, m receiving congratulations on the birth of . daughter born Sundny at the Highlmd Park hospital. Mrs. Clavey wits formerly Mina union St. Peter of this city. Mrs.HenryK.Coalo has abet quest her cousin lis- Catherine Greenwoodolchiea‘ofottenhyl. Mrs, Enrold Cradle is spending this week jut Mnekinack Island, Mich., when she is attending a convention of Delta Gamma. Mrs. Cradle is the national vieeTresident of Delta Gam- Mr. Richard W. Hawkins and family have purchased a farm in Hoi- tom Mich., and have gone there to spend the winner. Mm. A. L. Bell of 429 Onkwood avo- nne entertained at a kitchen shower for Mrs. Harry Elliott last Thursday afternoon. Five hundred was played, otter which 1 delicious luncheon m served. Mrs. Bell in Mm. Elliott's sis: ter-in-law. Mr. W. P. Nevins of Minneapolis, Minn., was the Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edwu-d A. Nevins. Robert Silber leaves next week for Ahbcm where he will remain in.. dehitelr. Mm. Minnie Walker who has been the guest of Mrs. Leo White left Tues- day for Cedar Rapids, u., where the will spend the summer with her dautthter. The Misses Alice and Marguerite Quinn of Kenosha, Wis. were the week-end guests of Mrs. Catherine Ar. len. Miss Luella Pnlmetier of Chicago formerly of Highland Park, spent Snudny'with her cousin W. S. Hoyt. Mile Pnlmetier recently returned from Loo Angela, Calle., and Douglas, Arizona where she spent the winter. Miss Gladys E, Gillan entertained I number of her friends Tuesday eve- ning at a dnncing party to meet Miss Mary Louise Mayo. given at "A la can de Jun.†Green Bay rind and Roger Williamsrnvenue. The Mind C. Meyer family left last evening Hor an extended trip through the Canadian Rockies Ind C aliforhh. Mr. and Mrs. Marlowe of Glenview avenue. spent Sunday in Milwaukee, Wis.. visiting friends. Mr. William E. Becker has return- ed from Millelac, Aitken, Minn., where he spent a weekHUhintt. "Bill" has two or three good fUh stories to reinte.to his friends. The members of Miss Edith Han- son’s Sunday school class of 'the Bethany Evangelical church enjoyed a picnic at the Forest Preserve at County Line Monday evening. Mrs. Walter Wirth of Waukegan was the guest of Mrs. Clarence Lar- son, Tuesday. Mrs. Harry Mills. and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Martin have returned from In- diana where they spent I few days the early part of this week. Mrs. Arthur F. Byfield is spending a few-days this week in South Bend. Ind. Mrs. Juhrend of Second étreet, en- tertained the Rebekah Sewing circle last Thursday afternoon. Ellen Truax left yesterday for Camp .011): Openings, &sutratuek, Mich., where she will spend the sum- mer. Mrs. Charles Marurur of St. Louis, Mo., is visitintOer son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. CCT. Mumm. Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Searls of Bemidji, Minn., were the guests of Miss Florence Warner, Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Peters of Wankegan were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Laid; Mrs. William Scott of Alberta, Como. formerly of Highwood. is spendimr the summer visitinir friends and relatives on the North Shore. Mrs. Zimmer of Milwaukee, Wis., is the guest this week of Mrs. A. W. Yowéll of Oakwood avenue. Mia: Margaret and mu Irietorhte Dar, daughters of Mr. and Mm. Ed- win C. Day of Forest adenine, Evane- ton, former resident: of Highland Park have returned from college to spend the summer vacation with their parents. Miss Margaret' (radiated from Vassar this June, receiving the Virginia Swinburne Browne]! prize. Miss Victorine motored through the east and south with friend-before her return. tfr. and Mn. H. G. mm: and “Wt; h" , motor trip to 3m. They Fifi? triads in Tobinth. Toledo and lab- ville. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zimmer and 1m- ily were the Sunday (not: of Mr. tad Mrs. Harold P. Smith of Dee Plains; Min Um Detame, whamm- uly employéd " the thity'm sup. i. m with the rumor Beauty Shop on Central avenue. IMm. Earl h) Pg. is visiting Boyd of Pros] 'Thirty of thé member: of the 'Chris.. tian Endeavor of tle Fint United Brandi“! church enjoyed a hike to Ruinin on lanky ‘mlnc. The rtuitgfoluretxmsedtothetreaehat 1t_avintdrtrttrrmroftttet-ehatsd than bolt: hatch m. A very Mttiminmtd. I Boyd of Pro: nvonue. Mrs. Arthu H. Emerson of South Linden avenu in expected-home on Sunday fr Pmidgnce, R, I., where she ape. t the past two Weeks. 'Mrs. Goidon Buchanan of Moraine be, returned on Saturdny from com- encement at Cornell university where her son, Eugene, received his master’s degree. ae. and Mrs. k. J. Nam and chil- dien of Prospect avenue have gone to their summer‘ home on Red Cedar ers. T. W. Allinaon entertained the North Shore Chapter of the Woman’s International Society for Peace and Freedom at a picnic luncheon on Tues.. disy. This gathering was tor, the pur- pose of introducing the m'embers of the Illinois executive board to the North Shore chapter. , Mr. and hfts. August Lindstrom of Prairie avenue, Highwood, are the happy parents of a son born last Thursday. F Mrs. Carl Pftuystiehl and son. Ar. fred, of Woodpath avenue, returned on Tueaday from ,Sauzatuck, Mich., where Mrs. Pfanstiehl attended a Y. W. C. A. conference. William J. Louderback of Moraine road returned last Sunday from White Sulphur Springs†W. Va., where he enjoyed a weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Ernst!†R. Phelps, Betty and Bob will occuiny Mr. P. A. Robbins' house, 100 Prospect avenue, during the month of July. Rex.Parkin left last Jeek for Seat- tle, Wash.. when he will be for the next two months. ';, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Udell and “family hive taken I, cottage ut Third flake for the months of July and 1Autrust. _ Miss Edna Hupprich and her aunt, Miss Hupprich, are enjoying a vaca- tion in Portland, Ore. They may go to Alaska before their return the lat- ter part of August. ‘Jessica Smith of Ridgewood drive left this week for Camp Mystic, Mys- tic, Conn. ' The girls of Mrs. Botker's class of the First United Evangelical Sunday school will meet tomorrow evening at the home of Miss Marian and Miss Betty Leffert of Glenview avenue. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Conrad, their son, Irving. and daughter, Eleanor, spent a few days fast week motoring to the Dells of Wiseomsiri., The Catholic Daughters of America held their national banquet at the Palmer House, Chicago, on Tuesday. Some of the five hundred guests pres- ent were from abroad. Those from the St. James Court who attended Were Mrs. Tom Manes, Mrs. William Dooley, Mrs. Elizabeth O'Flaherty. Mrs. James, F. Nolan, Mrs. Andrew Walsh, Miss Intterao11, Mrs. Kinolt. Mrs. Alex Zahnle, Mrs. Sue Borrell and Mrs. F. N. Williams. Mrs. Henry M. Bacon and son, Henry, 'of Lincoln avenue returned the first part of the week from Onekama. Mich., where they spent the past sev- eral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kiefer of Bur- ton avenue, Ravinia are being congra- tulated on the birth pf a little son born at the Highland Park hospital on Tuesday, June 22. h T The Ravinia opera singers are now comfortably domiciled in homes ad- joining the park or in nearby North Shore towns, and everything is, swing- ing in'a most successful season. Mme. Lucrezia Bori has taken the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Harmon, 815 Lau- rel abenue, while the Harmons are in the east. Giovanni Martinelli is oc- cupying a residence in a quiet spot in Hubbard Woods, Giuseppe Danise is in Glencoe, Alice Gentle is occupying Dr. Grady's home on Forest avenue. Luella Melina has taken a house on Ridgewood drive, Ina Bourskaya is occupying the C. G. Wright home on S. Linden avenue, Desire Defrere is living on Central avenue in Highland Park. A Fourth of July program will be held atP't. Sheridan on Sunday mom. in: at eleven o'clock. The public is cogdially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bell of 429 Oak- wood avenue.’ entertained at a tsur; prise housewarming for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott last Saturday evening. The young couple were presented With a bridge lamp by their friends. The evening was spent in' playing five hun- dred. _ . Mrs. M. D. Wells out! Min Sue Cor,. with of the Parkway hotel, Chicago {will arrive, very shortly to mend two months " the Moriine hotel. _ Mrs. Jopeph Gillan, .uld .dauchthr, Gladys, and um, Charles, left last eve- fnixgg fore (agenda! trip in the west. S Mm. Goon: “dent†as her {guests at luncheon. today-Her sisters, Mrs. J. H. Bowefand Mrs. Pun! L. Par of Chicago. Hrs. Wm. B. Gull Md as her guest: last week her listen Mrs. Mutant Gull of Morrison, nr, and her cousin. In. McClain of Sunk. Josh. Hrs. H. Alibi“: has gone to Niles, Mich. to wand the summer with her dnt9hte, Mry, T. W Rudy. 'ee.-..'-"."'.'""' '. Dean of Ridley Park, her sister, Mrs. Henry Mrs. P. A. Robbins, Helen end Jane, are leaving this week for Luke Louise to spend the summer. Mr. Robbins with his sons. Peter Ind Jena. aid Thins: Mum will go to Red Lake, Canals. while Ruth 1totittm nrttt to The Woman’s Missionary society of the First United 1ihmutrelien1 church will meet at the home of Mrs. Ernst Gieser of North Green Bey road at two-thirty o’clock next Thursday ttf- ternoon, July 8. j . Arthur Niemeyer of Chicago was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Con- rad of McGovern street for a few days last week. , 1 Arthur Emerson, Jr., of South Lin- den avenue has gone to Minoan. camp, Minocqu, Wis. Mary .Liske entertained eleven friends at a party commemorating her birthday on Monday. Bunco. was the feature of the tfternoon and June Roberg won first while Katherine Sehaffer was awarded the consola- tion prize. 7 Henry Boyd, Jr., has returned from Haverford school. Haverford, Pa. Mr: and Mrs. E. A. Turpin and fani.. ily of South Green Bay road have re- turned from Highland Park, Mich., to spend the summer here. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Sals of Rail- way avenue. Highwood, are announc- ing the birth of a son on Tuesday. Mrs. Harry Holland of Indian Hill was hostess to a number of Oak Park friends at luncheon Tuesday at the Chicago Athletic club in compliment to Mrs. E. W. Sundell of Highland Park. Rita Malloy of Evanston, formerly of Highland Park, spent the week-end with Edna Garling of North St. John’s avenue. Miss Mildred Harbaugh returned on' Tuesday from a months stay in Boa.. ton, Mass. Mrs. E. G. Walton of Carmel-by-the Sea, Calif., is the guest other daugh- ter, Afrs. Carroll Binder of Foreat ave- nue for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Bin- der's sister, Miss Grace Walton of New York City will spend the week- end in Highland Park. ‘ The dinner dance at the Northmoor 1 club last Thursday evening was a very "pleasant affair and well attended. - Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Roberts and family of Park avenue are motoring tomorthern Wisconsin over the holl- days. Miss Ruth R. Bryant left Tuesday morning for Ephraim, Wis., to spend the summer. Allan N. Sheahen, class of 1922, Immaculate Conception high school, received his BA. degree at St. Am- brose college on Saturday. June 10, winning the Hageboeck Essay prize, the Messenger general excellency prize. first place in the Davenport short story contest, and second place in the Walker Oratorical Competition. Mr. -Sheahen expects to enroll in the School of Law at the University of Illinois in September. . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Woodbury en- tertained at euchre Monday evening. The following were awarded prizes: Mrs. Murphy, first; Mrs. Frost, sec- ond; Mrs. Winter, consolation; Mr. Moore, ftrat; Mr. William Hayward, second; Mr. Grant, consolation. Re.. freshments were served. A moat en- joyable evening is reported. . . Cutler Mott of Laurel avenue will return tomorrow from the cut where he has been visiting for the past three weeks in New York and on Cape Cod. Mrs. George Lytton returned on Friday to her home on Hazel avenue after spending the past three months in Europe. She was accompanied home by her daughter, Mists, Rose- mary. who has been at school abroad for the past year. Mrs. Lytton and Miss Lytton hurried. home to attend the opening night at Ravinia. Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Mowery of North Second street are being con- gristulated on the birth of a daugh- ter born on Tuesday. ' Cody Phnstiehl and Purnéll Benson; have gone to Camp Kingswood, Me., for the Bummer. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry A. Pat-kin of Laurel avenue with their daughter, Miss Margaret, and their son, Henry, are going to Pentwatdr, Mich., for the summer months. Elva Eiterot Dale avenue is leav- ing today for Camp Kechuawa in northern Michigan. k Darragh Louderback has returned from the east where he attended com- mencement at Harvard university. Mrs. George W. Childs of North Sheridan road will entertain on Sat- urday evening at dinner at the Ex- moor Country club. . . ' Mrs. P. W..Diliintttu)m who has been with her daughter, Mrs. Philip D. Carey of South St. John's avenue the past winter has gone to Maine for the summer. . g Edna Garlin. at North Bt.9ottn't sienna] entertained foamen‘ littlo children in honor of her ninth birth day lm‘Saturday afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. PercyLloyd have sold, their home on North fGi-een Bay tend to Mt. and Mrs Fred Anderson Who will take ttotssetitriott immediately. Mri and Mrs. Lloyd “a lea-ins in the near future far England to visit relatives. Miriam Livingston of the Moraine; and Ethel Berkmn' of Vine avenue will spend the summer at Camp Aguwnk; Minoequa, Wis. F V Mr. rand Mrs. John Erb and, son,'. Vincent of South Second street have returned home trom St. Louis, Mo, _ Mr. mad urn. Lawrence Sum}: of Cleveland, Ohio, are visitlnt Mr; and Mrs. hatch S. Olson af Vine m- ung. Mrs. Cavemugh and Mm. Olson} are sisters. i t .Mr. and “at E. M. Conrad of Lat; ed - Input " {he week-cud It mac. m... with Mu. Conrnd’l pub?" ants. Mr. Ind Mm. John Paulie. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS i1PchStgkrg"4i'i,rdt â€Â£1131- Novnk and Niles Welch in "The Sub- atituu Wife." This is 1 splendid plo- ture and well worth seeing. cud- ton contest also.- Sum-day, Jack Roxie in "The Border Sheri!!! My. of thrills, suspense and mint. Mic hm ud‘eomody futures during a. Sunday, Dorothy Devore, Florence Turner and Myrna Loy in "The Gild- ed Highway." tt romance of sudden wealth, fa daring drama of "mine youth. Monday, Potty Ruth Killer. Alan Forrest and other: in “Rose of the World," the story of a girl who lived: to revenge herself on a suitor who jilted her. Tuesday arid Web,- tho, Moot Gibson in "Arhonn Swoo- stakes" the king of the western: in a furious action future that in {all a! thrills. Thursday and Prim, I.†Features of next week's program at the Bartlett theatre in Highwood m as follows: ' BARTLETT THEATRE PROGRAM FEATURES Fine Line of Pictures at High- wood Movies House During Next Week - Jealousy of the man’s attention to another woman is supposed to have been the cause of the Renwick girl’s rash net, although very little intor.. mation was obtainable. The verdict of the jury was to the vefteet that Miss Renwick killed Hewitt ind then shot herself. Her body was‘tnken Tuesday to Knox county, Illinois, where her father resides. for burial. Hewitt’s funeral was held Wednesday at Milwaukee and burial was there. . At the inquest held Monday by Coroner Taylor the housekeeper said the woman had two packages in her hands when she came Sunday about 10:30 a. m. One of these, it devel- oped, waa the gun which was new and purchased from a mail order firm, the police learned. _ ." Norman Hewitt, 50 and unmarried, was shot and killed in his home oh Deerpath avenue, Lake Forest, about noon Sunday by Nora Renwick, aged 31, a. former employe in the Hewitt household, who then committed sui- cide. The bodies were found by the housekeeper, Mrs. Faiman, who is very deaf, and had been in another part of the house and heard no shots. Hewitt was sprawled halfway out the door to the hall, with three bullet wounds, in the back, sid and groin, and the woman was new; the living room, with a bullet through the right temple and a .88 calibre gun lying near her hand. Both were dead. The, woman had called " the Hewitt home the night before, but 'Hewitt was absent. , _ Woman Kills Bachelor Aged 50 In His Home and Takes Her Own Life Mt. Fred Zahnle Swampscott, Mass. Corrine left Monday er, Wis., where they weeks. Miss Mildred Mihills sailed from New" York for Europe, yesterday, to spend several months abroad. MURDER AND SUICIDE _ SHOCK LAKE FOREST Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carumi of Highwood announce the engagement of their daughter Clara to Mr. Sonny Retainger of Highwood. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Parliament have réturned from a short trip in the east. They spent two weeks at Swpnscott, Mass. . Mt. and Mrs. Walter E. Carr and Miss Marion Catherine Carr haire returned from the north Wisconsin woods and are in the Alexander burr. galow, 714 N. St. Johns avenue. Mr. M. Warner and granddaugh- ter, Mary Beverley Turriff, spent yea- terdiw in Menasha, Wis., visiting friends. There will be a buffet dinner and bridge party this evening at Brier- gate Golf club. The Woman’s Missionary Society of Bethany Evangelical Church will meet at the home of Mrs. C. R. Me- Clure, 351 North avenue, at two- thirty o'elock on Thursday afternoon, July 8. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zoul of Prairie avenue, Highwood, are receiving the congratulations bf their friends on the birth of a little daughter at the Highland Park hospital on Tuesdny, June 29. ' Mrs. C. E. Porter of North She?!- dun mad has left for Lake Beulth, Wits., to spend the summer. She m accompanied by her ttrand-son, Nor. man, who will remain there for I short time. T H350: and Mm. LaRhetr8tttart m writhing their sisters the Mines Clark of Maple avenue for sewing! weeks. Knot and Mrs. Stuart have jut com from Pqnnma where the Major has been inuerviee for the put three to We: Camp " Melt. WU. like“! lire. My†E. Sump-ell of In. piece he" returned from the out where they pttended the con- meuemnt exercises at Yale collect, MtimtmI1 Gran-cup Shrapnel! m graduated with one of the senior titw peintmu, that of high muons. I. m e member otthe Phi Beta Kenn fraternity. David Sempeell we: . I member of the mediating class " Hill school, Potato“. N. He no graduated “cum Leude†and won the Princeton cup which is evaded to the boy'who does, the most tor his school, end the held the highest grade- tn Latin end winery for hie form. for Eagle Riv- wiWspend two and daughter, The fees for resident: will mrmttt u " present $1.00 per by for not. unity, Sunday and hand.†and so can week days. Attkindsofdrfv-tert-. ,turrtonr-tdrhithe-t. Change In Green Feu It Salad Vul- br Golf Club . Beginning Sandâ€. July 4, the fee for non-resident guests will be m for Sunday, Saturday and holiday! and 81.00 tot week days. 7 The fee for non-resident. Who “I not guests will be 88.00. ' _ Foug‘th . of Ji'ily Highwood State Insurance of All Kinds. Checking Accounts Plum Mt YOU CAN HAVE 'e THAT SOMETHING YOU HAVE LONG NY YOUR OWN HOME! AN AUTOMO E! A LONG DEFERRED JAUNT! 5 If you have " HIGHWOOD Make up your an!“ to “an on or before July In ll Cod-gent Savings Deposit- no. show mulls. This But I (My Bank! We welco-e your request. for Idviee at ell ea. . Come In to m u: about . Institute Matters Real but: has cum - -- - Safety Deposit Bone. 10 N. Sheridan Road Some of the seasonfs smartest Apparel still ' I ing for this sale. Included are beautiturehiffom, in in colors and prints, also a fer original models. THE LORETTA _ SALE _il, Beginning Today, June so, Practically Everything Foes It will faithfully pseoed the incidents of II in- terest, will write this): down for your fut pleasure as well as to afford you grant interest nt . _ mommt. Highland Park TWO. ',,vett Phone 2600 STORES P he 2300 Bring all of yourifilms bac 1 for real expert, safe ai d reliable finishing f Lk You? Kodak Be Your t'Pal" EARL W. GSELL ti, co. PHARMACISTS 3 v"? A SAVINGS ACCOUNT 3‘ At the Community Bank of Biting NOTICE ---Rli2HEMBER--- FIRST AID SUPPLI on Your Vacation T A Quick, Clearance and a Fina: _ Cleanup g The Prices will be From g $1.00 to $10.00 g; Dinner and Evening Gowns ; Street and Afternoon Dresses; Frocks for Sport Wear i,'! Coats, :f Attractive Summer Frocks ",i, The PricesWill Be From 2 $5.00 to $35.00 fit' Value; to $95.00 , AMAZING VALUES 'i] Do Not Fail to Attend This sauil, “n. (to-hunky Bunk" Michel-u ydhnu'll bun-dull.“ til“!!!- autumn tho-how may dub“ eh,iehms. Won't "that“; Minoan-a out-tn..- all. Emmi-Odd! “I In order that employ“ - have I much in“. $0 Howard-Udell " in do“! " any load-y. l m. . tlo MEALS loin“. JULY I Real Eu te Loans Safety Deposit _ xéo Ommylblp.l. POR Yam WE'MVE'rm Tel D- '0 US JULY I, 158 W " 9tt