mxwuco. 3335 INC C. SCHUR Dentist ". . "mum: co. GRAPH? "“109 -acturkut factory nth] “with: and cou- chit. Mimics Fro". tr Machines AID nu.- htthemoat burnityw Buy before tther, Induce! daeheadng dim-your m annovcx IUBL‘I Park. Ill BEE III-Um Jiiditet t Nu u. was a Specialty RAL AVE. A u. Dingo. m. itbelor II! TU. 81†MI!†HAN NOBEL . FOR 1EhlllilIllirrr8 NEAR HARRISON SCHOOL la Work of Sculptor Muriel! and Will Be Unvellled . About Middle of C July, Report . . The new monument to the memory of Pm Marquette. which is to u, vlaeed oppoeite the Harrison Techni- cal high school in Chicano. the date for the unveiling of which will be in the middle of July, is the work of the American Sculptor Hermon A. Mac- Neil. Mr. MncNeil was born in Ev- erett. Mane. in 1866, and received his art eduéation at the Art Institute of Chicago. the Massachusetts Normal Art school, in Boston. and; under Charm " the Julian academy and Fal- euiere " the Ecole des Beaux Arts, in Paris. One of his Indian pieces, a bronze statue of an Indian running at high speed with a make in his hundl. call- ed "The Moqui’s Prayer for Rain," its), in the permanent collection of the Art! Institute. The “Sun Vow.†one of the? sculptor’s notable works. has just been‘ bequeathed to the Art Institute through the will of the late Howard Shaw, trustee of the Art Institute for the past twenty-one years. This group is at present on the grounds of the Howard Shaw estate in Lake Forest. Talks About Monument Mr. Machieil has his studio " Col- lege Point, New York. In speaking of the monument to Marquette, he said: “Regarding the history of the epoch which I have tried to suggest, you may remember that over a quar- ter of a century ago I made for the Marquette building in Chicago a series of panels illustrating four epochs in Marquette's life: The start of the voyage to discover the Miss- issippi; the encounter tur had while going down the Mississippi: the re- turn of the party in the winter time through the region that later became Chicago; and, lastly, the expression of great esteem the Indians held for Marquette by going to Green Bay and taking his body up to the Straits for reburial at the Mission House. 'This whole period of heroic endeavor by the French Jesuit missionaries to evangelize the Indians and of the French omeinlt, and Courier du Bois to penetrate the unknown regions about the Great Lakes is a most thrilling epoch in the development of our coun- try and if I read history aright no greater sacrifices have been made in America than was made by these mis- sionaries during this period. Although THURSDAY. JULY 22. 1926 For Rooms 8-9 New State Bank Bldg. Phone for Appointment The Highlan Bright, airy rooms, up-to-date equipment. Painstaking nurses and atttpdanttr--Mod The Highland Park Hospital) essentially tution. The funds for its treetioeary.1 1 supplied almost entirely by ur own citize and well worthy of your supgort. The Highla Main Entrance-ao-ood Am . L. MUSTRIC KEEN-S TEAM OIL-PROCESS Three Expd PERNL Highland , Wan Waving. ' Hui! W After 6 Baire Visiting, Hours Daily F 2ron.torcts.--'rosot"Ft Futher Harm m but one of thernuy-rttea1artreittodatntt iritiiaGittk"aTitTiiiluiriiG"iri the simple minded Indium", _ mman-p In the map which Mr. HocNeil has made and which consists e of Mar.. explorer; Louis Joliet, the indien is shown at Mei-queue's right side look- ing up into the priests face with trust and denim. Marquette is the cen- tral "tttar end is berebeeded, edvenc- ing {axially with the croes held up in hie left hand with his right hand extended in the attitude of sddreu- Intt s gathering of the tribes. Joliet, in full trepper’s mtttlt buckskin coat and ieggins. Quits by his side wear in; theiiook bf the adventurer, and yet, being "med, ready to defend hits, friend to the at oat. The monument is being erected l31mins}: the B. P..Per. (neon Monument fund, which is tur., ministered by the trustees of the Arti PARENTS AT COLLEGE r WITH THE CHILDREN Father, Mother and Three Sons and Daughters Attending Summer School Institute. Old folks nun't old folks any more. They keep your): by coin: to I bit university wit their own children. Mother and 2lte will attend and so will son, daughter and mice. It'- the new thing to renew one’s youth on the college campue, not in the retru1atiotr "Home Coming" or Alumni reunion but by ectually entering chases. Here is a case in point: A At the summer session of North- western university the following members of the Ransom family from Tufts college will attend various classes: [ _ 1-iry Ransom. as a regular stu- dent to take one course; b-Jean Mc- Haggart. neic of W. R. Ransom, who is entering 'ii Music school; T..- Charles P. nsom. still in high school, but who has been admitted through special permission of Dean Raymond A ent who is head of the College of Li Arts; Fm r. Ransom, kno by several persons as plain "mother," who is to sit and listen as an auditor to one entire course but who will not ask for credits. Mrs.1 Ransom once was a school teacher nd is seeking the foun.. tain of yout by returning to old scenes. 5--W R. Ransom, known as "Pa." who w nts to show the other members of. t e family that he, too; can still be in rested in campus eutu ricula. He Ml be an auditor in the descriptive a ronomy course. The Ranaomrhave arrived and are living in Evanston, nd will be there all summer. i Eclephone . l ark 2550-2551 lis essentially a Highland Park Insti- _ greetion' and maintenance have been u; pur own citizens. ,It is your hospital , d Park Hospital ANENT VING , Ming by Appointmgnt ad Park anpi‘gal and Children Only rt Operators isEAUTY SHOPPE , two high wok-of Green Bay Rout: ' Moderate . charges. Bur Both!" Shnnpooill Hours: 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. a, REA» ow: INTERIOR DEPT, i'"ii"iii'iii, Bligh- U In lip-om! mtrsiur,,iii ortu'l Interior had . a. ml: before him on he undertook the work of the meat out! may org-n- intio neon-din; to $0. Bishop, who write. intending of the work of leionnl nonpublic. t, The/anterior departing.“ in I diver- tMed , nice touching new peoples, Mr. Brim» an. The Mime of the Arcth' Circle end the minim of the Soutlt' Sea. the red pun end the white,’ the pioneer and the tourist. the stock“ and 7th; inihtionht, _ the develqper of natural ' ' mean. the veteran of wars. the 2lrlt mind and body/ the boy end girl in "hoot, etc. All ere inihteneed in it deny live: by the policies of the Fl reterv of the Inte tor. ' V , Other [NHL _ T these mpomibi? that uty of safemrdll woo ‘rcen of the public mu muting the sh running into In doll mmnlly from d and that .tninera? 1 lie maid, the dispoait tu homestead: to ,',t'd1'tt townsites . ni n railroad in fur-o in: for 2,600,000 visito the 'national pub, and health and sock] welf American Indiana. Phone Highland Bit]: 1990 - new - - mitt T may Wire of the Department " ttjLoiiki {ht-'0! SECRETARY WORK HIGHLAND max Puss. HIGHLAND mm. mom l, g the natural omain, which government" y millions of 1, coal, potash on the pub- on of agricul- ttlem, telling Florida, run- Alukn, cu- annually in rotating the of 225.000 {the in added ducting the "duuvtutsertt u about $250,000,000 mun-111. ' “3&th , Such h the condom-nu Mn that!“ the 'teater-ttr-tttti. teHorptrrtfo1io, andsrurtBeemtar, Worktmdertookther-taattitrof tudepartnutttatthem-tofPt- idetttmrdirteheformdth-riom activities to be operated About in- dependently of the "emtary tad ,rithoutadrmirtnthtepet1ieytoinaum eoodndtninistmtitm. MRS. CHRISTOPHER _ 3 ' WILL GET PENSION Widow of Min sum By am. my Cop Grated Aid In. Mabel Christopher of Highland Park, widow of Samuel MW. who was killed norm months uo by Arthur Klein. u Cook county MOW cyclepolloemndtorhoilullondto have failed to obey ordm toptop his at. m mud n mothers' pension of " per month, Inst week, by Coun4 tr Judge Perry L. Person. The pa- Iion will start July 1. _ I}? hm Amen-hum Minion; Mn. Christopher ha been re- ceiving aid from Supervisor, William Oboe, poor master of Mold town. ship, since the dentin of her husband. qheeotmtratd-rtotmdBeuettftr Mrs. Christopher end her little girl and it in doubtful if the mother. pen- sionwt1lrr1ryidethrnetdmefor them, mot-ding to Ilia Mm Polan- teer, probation other, who inn-tint- ed the cue. . Write for Catalogue PRESS WANT ADS ',lll!liliil1:i"'l? sum l Woodwork otiuii . (is. I l PRESS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS " ' PHONE DEW 186 WRECE Deerfield Interior Finish an American House Wrecki 301 Ravine Place 3 Foot of Vine Are, half Hock i flreLltilullttnndilNeoS, magnum " D. S. (jjriSl'u DoYoUrara'NBA'rm1Nllllt NAIR? DOYOULIKEITALIANGOO Gt THEN txtmtANDEAlrAT ' LUNCHB SERVED nil-3Q; DIN! "om" We ,wtrrmrtarmrmtmutvaNtattir hut-II uppers. Breeuitr-t--o6th_ into,“ Mndatme Ila-chi not no ttttmtNetttnt " in wry vol! knoGriiaiaiiNeot-ethereey .Evury -tiiiiiuestiWedinr'umatttnestr%+e, gnawed Florence, Italy. _ ' _ T'eterbmetgtmeroarr. nil-cm Wave and" ',"JJdnu'M'lll'dUfth TBL. M. P. "" Wealsocateronrspedlldhhain Repairing and Modeling Old House: Your Yard or Emu Al1Ltmtter,Doom,Whtder, Id 'lleattuttrletBeikh"t &BesntartetnPte.mhr" ' 301 RAVINE PLACE, HIGHLAle PARK EDWARD A. Landocape and Road Building “attachi- Can be made " ateaethre " gas dening neighbor'a. Let us do the work for you. We will help you plea it and charge if you desire. l6-Room Him For Sale Ch p CHEATEAU _ MARCHI Matdtd1rtg-dhtu+eNtr' WM.“ Gait-cl Work In]. Am. Work