£80va To FIND _A ' cum GARAGE . It street; kween Central ave- mtJilrn p , is being greatly and by u ' e addition for the ' MW of the block, Which in date by, Northwestern rail.. which is ning'the pavement â€hit a ' tracks to make it mum? for team hauling In hoax ttte can. .Permisaioes idii the company some ‘by tuileitr council to build “that! "ritehtraels in the I, had the miiroad agreed to; P'lit"',t,i/g there up to the a. I t max First street ottd of ,itrltt tho an: in the city I a this k is concerned. 1891 ii/as ind ted. Her onty rel- "ete is I rather, William At.. dt lives Gleucoe.’ The tus . _ held "by, at the Prior h ill be rived for the ruin; , ing " of "tte “old mi- . oit the ttrg property " lid: and oger Williams aves. mi Robe: R. Bocworth. chair- of 'tavini Commission, Wt. ttia.; 1 23 ith Fanciful t room, (with 7,ts 'tte entire front I hosted “in room I' the woods. Funded _ ' â€lurk-mu room ' dttttp." modem y. median. All has» modem tite has chute.. _ . n Pel Aaman, I â€when f about five months, AW 1 . at the Highland hotpital. was born in Nor- ma had here only ' few winch: Making INTOW' mt apt Adding One . New Mritehtraek tt chance to do ft',",' what you t vacant or GUSTOMERS M snow Ttp--- tttigl?gigit) "'TF NORTH was iTRErijT " WOMAN DIES; was QNLY ' MONTHS ',, 1 I! _ tHeat'" _ C T by mend that "f ma add puts F . mic and rw- . ks in 7 Roger ii , tween Judun ave- Is" _ tracks. t, ' m Cheney movod that -- . Nmeriat streets and putk mg he requested to '3. 99d report on all broken I' . . Malta that, should ma or replaced- y nova! that _ N! am * www- , h. to "pine side- . wk: on .3082? - PROPERTY 4H. & Co. F _', 'Inl. Toilet i)eiiiiFi, ttgtg, ' in â€the: con- " Us Today PG: SON mu: mug h Put, Illinois r,8sfttu"ftdl'7rt1 T' “in†high. - .1' . " its at?" 1 ' . and Fu- I“ , “y N Show pm Amine? i; d PaMt,M. wooded ruction, two ' Simon: ' " 3.0ҠM n Sireidys kttrredtoibetu- irutrttkim- GLENCOE DAY N . ' IE AUGUST 12'N MANY FEATURES PLANNED Special Events For Children and Plenty of Entertaiiv, “ 'ment For Those of be All Ages _ ' V0141“ m The boys and girls have' not been overlooked by the program“ builder: for Glencoe day, Thunday, August 12. One of the events for boys under 15 yedhs of age will be a pie-eating con- test, in which the Entrants, with their hands tied behind them, will lie on the ground. face downward, in which po- sition they will 'devour their portion a! chocolate or raspberry pie. , " glow bieveli'raei, for both boys and girls. will be one of the features for the youngsters. Tltete will also be foot new for small boys, junior! boys, older boys. small girls, Junior girls and older girls. Events for All Ages _ ' _ The protrram of events is not alone for children, however. Prize: will be posted for 1 men's three-legged race; l a fifty yard race for the women; 3; milk-drinking me for both men andk women, in which the lactenl fluid will( PART 2 2 pun-s be consumed through nipples on bot- tles; a backward race for men and women; a smoking race for men, in which the entrants will race for their pipes, which they will f111 and light, the shortest time in doing so determ- ining the winner; a tug of wu- be- tween the firemen and the policemen; an inland tfont race, batrliiur descrip- tion. (come and see it) and last, but not least, 1 horse Ihoe .pitching con- test, with prizes for the individual ob- taining the best score and also a prize to the team scoring the highest num- ber of points. . The racing events are scheduled to .’ start at 3 o'clock and will be under the direction of George Conrad, Cleo C. I Campbell and A. Simon. _, i In Lake Front Park . I T Lake Front park will be the scene l of Glencoe day festivities. 'Located , as the name implies, on ithe lake, at [ the foot of Park avenue. this tract is proudly boasted by Glen'eoe citizens _ us one of the most beautiful spots on‘ the north shore. Speakers at theI Glencoe day celebration last yedr. re- ferr,ed to it in' these terms, and in ad- dition to the many attractions for the entertainment and amusement whiehi will be provided for Glencoe guests oni August 12, t day spent in this beauti- ful park, none. will Drove attractive to many. The splendid beach at Lake Front park. which ordinarily is for Glencoe citizens only, will, on this day be open to any who desire to take a dip in the lake as a part of the day's diversion. So bring your bathing suits with you. l WATER CARNIVAL AT EVANSTON ON AUG. 7 Annual SsAmmintr Tourney Held In Patten Gem Beginning Next Saturday One of the greatest exhibitions of the interest and prowess of the young- er generation in the water uportsyill be held next Saturday, Aug. T, in the Patten gymnasium pool " Evanston. when the' sixteenth annual Northshst- em university summer swimming) school water carnival gets under way. Theo hundred of the nix hundred mem- bers of Tom Rotrinton's summer class- as will participate in the stunts. In- cluded in these will be one hundred Mty children between the of“ of four and fourteen. There wil 'xbe fifty twenty-â€rd free-style races. with the swimmers chained according to age tAtd size. Exhibitions in life saving irthrGunesters will be tutother part of the program I Now that the Liberty party" has) de- eided to retain Lloyd George we are willing to admit that it is entitled to its Family Next The 1 l. ‘ 5 rc,' g ' i WAUKEGAP VAL The valuatio increase is largely in real estate 0 ng to the annexation of a vast terri ry to the eity durint the year. P onsl property value-1 Hion immune as 31th Jtetruttible/ showing only 378,280 this your as against $3,330, 40 for 1925. i The total personal pro y valuation includes $139,130 for t telephone and-tale. lymph compan s and $6,050 for the railroads. Th total assessed valua- tion for the ei y, on which the basis of the taxatio is figured, is' one-half 10f the full v ation or $9,632,995 as 3 compared with the 89,035,350 assessed l valuation last ear. ' Ammmh ue e _ (in: The personal property and , es- tate value: in he city of We egan reach . total "1ttntion, of $1,184,830 more than the did for the Year 1925, was the , in: iinnouneement, of Assessor Chill "l. Anne: today as the tak use†, ent books for the year 1926 were eomf leted and the huge to-'1 tale compiled. Accordlnr to. mm year’s futures he full value of real and personal p operty within the com fines of the cl limits in $19,160,950 as compared e th' the $18,070,700 for last year. . The, contra t is based on an eati-i mated coat of $26,370, this amount be- ing for labor nd material. The con- tractor is to paid a flxed sum,' ta- I 500 and in c e the cost of the build- ing falls bet the contract price he is to get ts(ent.vrfbre per cent and the village "t other seventy-tive per cent of the avimr. If the contract ‘price is ex ,Ided. the additional cost 'must be 'i,xoe,'.7, by the. contractor and i the village according to the same per; ccntage. F I' , WINNETK: PLANNING N W‘FIRE STATION To Remodel EOId Village Hall for That Nmose; Contract ' ' ant! Estimate ‘TERRENC‘g-z F. CLARK I muss OF' INJURIES Authoritytrl Sign a contract with J.. A. Davies. C ntractor, for the re- modeling of Elle old village hall in Winnetka int _a fire station We: given. the village paaident at arecent meet.. ing of the _linnetka village council. This assures 'uick'action on the new structure wh h it is hoped will be completed be re winter. Foster Sch of Duncan Clark Victim M Fall From Tree. ' lg Paralyzed _ Terrence Iorester Jruntar1-c1ark.,l aged?!) Yeats, eldest son of Mr. and: Mrs. s. Joh Duncan-Clark, of Wil-i matte, died uly 23, at Victory Mem- orial hospit , as a result of injuries sustained w en he fell from a tree. The service l, were held at-the Christ Episcopal ditch. Waukegan, the Rev. Howard E. Ganater ofheiating, and the youth as butied at Lake Villa. The accid int occurred at Lake Villa when Terrence, who was on top of a tree trying Ito put up a radio aerial for a frien , stepped on a branch which brok . He was rendered un- conscious b the impact. and tsuffered a broken bath which caused paralysis. PAVING CONTRACT IS . Lin: BY THE COUNTY Green B/y road and Wadsworth road pavin was let as one job last week by a: road, and bridge commit.. tee of the Pg, county board to Frank C. Feutz o I Rochester, Ind., at $151,- 000. ThntQElgm-e was just $4,750 un- der the es mate which was far too low in the dpinion of most contractors who went tktore the committee. Pent: ut. bid $109,628 in the Green Bay strip ind $415,630 on Wadsworth road. In b dding on the two pieces he slashed thil Btrure by $1,158. . a .l won'T .wwev at qteta.ttt+ . List' Shows Total I] and Personal 19 Millions ' PROPERTY UES ESTIMATED BRIEF NEWS ITEMS 3 FROM LAKE Cf NEIGHBORHOOD JO'WNGS Interesting Happenings About This Part of North qre ', and Vicinity; Conn , Seat Doings ' i Jo n Morgan, Sr., died 1 rl week at t e home of his son, John , rgan, 438 teele court, Waukeghm He was 91 view old. Mr. Morgan is born in Bblfbh, England.' . 1 R: P. Rowland. a justi of the peace in Cuba township in V several yetsds, has, been appointed a pervisor of that township to succee the late Fred C. Kirchner. _ ' ; Approval of " irrdinanbe céveringi the puilding of a modern wa fpump-i ing istation and filtration" item onl the newly acquired site-10c d north; of the harbor was voted at t meet-) ing 101' the Waukegan city c eil last week. ' . l Mrs. Ann P. Donélea, age I 8 years and: a resident of the Barri on dis.. trict for the greater part her life, died, last week in that munity' where she has been making r home with her daughter, Mrs. J r ‘Welch. thatus fully equipped,) po erful, 1,- ooo) watt tadio broadca'sti station will be in operation in bukegan within the next ttve we'eks -the an- 'at,'",',',':',') made last wee by Wau- ke an men who are pro ting the $35,000 venture. / . Leslie Koenig, .9 yeah son of Reinhold Koenig of 227 S th West striret,eWaukettan, who wa accident- ally" shot through the head y a play- mate Will recover, it was stated at the Victory Memorial hosp l in that citiv.‘ ,' m'cauuo PARK. nations. THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1926 h general increase in e rollments, saihries for teachers, and e cost of buildings and equipment rked the school year of 1925-26 in ake coun- try,' and Waukegan, accord g to the Mitre? given out Saturda f T. Ar- thtr Simpson, county sup jutendent 1.rfPchfyols. The increase i the num- bet of pupils in the grad and high schools was about three dent over this year 1924-26. N . f W L'.', Littk Pen-o-grams A fact of genersl interest and not; widely kqown, is that the Chime a l North Shore Railway company is dis- i, mantling its big power plant at High- (wood and thereby discards to the' a scrap heap valuable machinery which he installed in that plant about 1897, (when A. C. Frost launched' the old [Chicago & Milwaukee Electric nil- I road and established a power plant at l, Highwood; where it has operated i‘since that, time. 7 DISMANTLING POWER _ PLANT AT HIGHWOOD Machinery Being Taken Out of Unused Po Ions brthe Company ' _ UP C. J. Arnold of Chiengo, well known engineer, was xthe man whom Mr. Frost hired to construct the his power plant which. at that time w†one of the largest plants of the kind in that section. However, after the railroad passed into,,new hands and there came db' merger of many of the power com- parties in this section, it wu found advisable and economical for the elec- trie railway company to buy its power from the Public Service compsny and accordingly since about 1906 the rail- road company bought :11 thié power from the Public Service? company which in turn had leased (the High- wood plant and produced part of its power- there. _ . SECOND PAIR TWINS BORN TO N. S. COUPLE Mr. ahd Mrs. Ulbric'ht of Evans- ton and Formerly of Win- netka Parents Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ulbricht ot) 1623 Washington street, EvansbonJ announce the birth of twin daughters; Monday, July 26. at St. Francis hos- pital, Evanston. Mr. Ulbricht is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ulbricht of 883- Willow road, Winnetka, and his wife was formerly Miss Selma Hunk- ner of Ewing avenue, Evangton. This is the second pair of twins born.to Mr. and Mrs. Ulbricht, the first, Ed.. ward and Evelyn, being four yen-I old. Mr. Ulbricht lived in Winneth 25 years before moving to Evanston, and belonged to Winnetka Post of the American Legion. We used to make fftuttintt youth flame with a shingle in the woodahed and now we do it with an umber cigarette holder and an eittht.er1itr. der motor car. ' - AND opt "jf(i, AiiTr"iriii%.riiii'iiiyi ' new Aiitit. - emu. LETS it. mwg W“ LS, _ G'. j/T Irean.t JUST WW? EXTEND‘S. CALL TO I L310 mucus r, R I --- _': I $43!“!th amalgam In Tttelle May Get ' irtitt-. " From Emu . [ The Scandinavian minim church, ttel at 888 El and, Winnetkn. extended a 'llti,', In. Ernest A. EBONY of Shawn, Sweden. gulp-nor. Rev. ttttt his not formally teamed the l which cine to n just prior to leaving for his home- Stockhofm ' tbr dlyl no. but the Windh- irttt' is t"tfdie" he any do' t in the near Nt . - t' . Rev; W's parent: maids h Wilmette. it f",,', but in thin b",',"',,') try for " of: months. on lane ', absence frrim his chunk ietoCatii; and dud this time has MUd may! nppointue ,_both ia.thq ministry and u 1 mt. He is a? fomMtti' spake!“ bu (timed wide repub- tion and pulu'ity in lithium “d fairs. bottOem and gin-cum] _ :7 The when“ church tina, mi without a remain pastor tof some tinfe. Re B. o. Ol'ney. who, for thi' past two earl has been patching there 'iii?is,i, Mute from thd Moody Bile institute and in"! ac- pepted I t,11 to the patents of thd, church nt New Britten. Tn. Ho preached his fut-ewe“ my to M Winnetka NORTH] Freeman} of mum Board I. Ereqling One of Largest 1 In Village _ . R. Lou r, president of the village board of orthbrook. is erecting one of the no t residences in tttat m report as ' It is on Shermer-.nvenuo. two bloc west of Whalesâ€! road, nnd, who completed, it is said, will be in the' $80,000 clue of properties. It is also located on I beautiful piece of gran ' fronting one hundred feet) on She avenue aisdimuiirw beck n depth 500 feet, to the north, end It which end of the ttaet there in n new I to be extehdod. When thll comes a at, it in Mr. Lnuer’s plan to cut this into two Iota, he!» hav- ingn‘de hof280feet.. The hovel: of brick, o stories, steel been con- stmction with, three bed rooms and I bath on he second fliror ond nloo n hath on e itrtt floor where there in lo fourth bed room. j WILMETI‘E '10 HAVE . {NEW CITY PLANNER The Wilmette Plan mtmm'msion, Ir body Writ}!!! been fanetionintfbr about it you: and' whose duties hive bee: greatly enlarged sud com- plicated y the. recent â€mention of the vest territory to the west of what was orWnn,,11r Wilmette, in to have the nuisance of In expert .village planner, “or, more technicolly speak- ing, an expert city planner. This aietiott was token gt I recent meeting of the village tiorird of trus- tees of Wiimette at {which time $3,000 was appropriated for the aervieets of an expert and other â€penu- of. the work incident thereto. , wmNtrEA P. o. TO GET NEW (mamas The Maine“ of the Winneth post office he! grown to such uEatent that the presént location on Lincoln Avenue where it has been quartered for years, is: now tar inndequate tor present needs, at uy nothing did» tutu: growth rwhich is inevitable with the rapidly’E incl-min: population and business; interests. . i, .-" The phat once lemmas “up I careful survey of the situation with Postwar Elmer Ill. Adams, has do- eided that the new quarters shall con- tain a minimum or8,000 square but of floor jsrrute, and accordingly has ad- vertised‘ for bids for I nimble build- of this nature. moox HEAD BUILDS FINE HOME :ongregltion. Sunday. Aug; MUCH MONEY TOTAL FOR P1331 SEASON Reaches Hm Which A cording to cu. 'tr pt.. T urea In M, 147-45; 'rhem,msatntittlaam6ta-tae 16,u0inbotheU' aquatic! "hootanetueornttr,t mâ€:- 1138!:th - t8Ctntttrttitr_ schools. Girls-ad. ' .mllbllt avenlydividd. In." Mid-tart' wenBOGyonm _ _. “beam-Ml Bb-tnth. munty. unduthe "" 21 Man! u,062ttirufttra “hidâ€.- T26.rnt9e6there Maw totaitof2tM-:lhrrdurs 2iintueoqtsstr. When besomt,watrat1eht. ‘ AW" .‘Avengellhrhl “in“. elementary about 1- - new! the $1,500 mark . 'tncthe high se1sooitsamm.nd .. t0"ttee-tttt0 taaeuesearsrhrri4htlN They M I W - ot “My. 199.01. Of thin, W represent» ed “18,266.02 of ' ‘Toul nine of t and eqtrltett a with “hm gri It $138,000. or the before. Itirastound whet-em petilebetxreettttted, ofsmd iptheeortntrwho dnotmd The total I indebtedness 09 county school: is " 1,220 with Wm. ketran Inde- and school: being half of thnt “an; 11» hooded {l- debtedmu in the 8 m mdin thumb 18600000. his inure-ting to not! the and. M03090!) on the then»! of their bonded hot yeti and $25,348.75 on inte of bonds. That means. that out ' _ T ttor-d is costing the My! " and better. based on the put 7 I report. F Print. . _ . . The 24 private Id empioyed 214 - enrollment of "" mammals F .' , cm Arm AUG. " cooperative comm spirit, app-r to be united to“ ad the Ghan- her of Commerce ' tta mush-g7 work of pupa-inc W,lbgMf&t .7. Thursday, August 9, This at“. together with the ad conun- hemive program} '3 edghrauon of this kind,atlor ,umhnuu making, um ", moot [A]: day in the history of WI It ie rent. It will be the â€and all event of the kindin them minimal“ your are being . up! in every my. i F _ I WILME'rNl I): WILL , BE om VED AUG. " Wilmette day in go be held Wednes- dar, August 18. is to he a his. community and ma- 0001“" in the at the W- m nnd they. (thallium!!- but any predominant stag-d in an Winnetkana. Vitaâ€! eanreeterUtie "03 " V "I i' but: . 'b. 'd,tete When It. " I â€but It you“ tasv-the Meh MW.†[in it! ot8tdM6e V rune-eat» " ' grunt 36,41“ _ Waived ac utheyenr there m " bel, ofslnd 21 tO uldnotmdor UNBER " hintthouty I! and bad a £355 Ac- " 21