a PERMANENT WAVE not of band ocxmomowoe “shank lakes Mmbin Luke: S" Jed Lake thiiGid m. 'Jr"l'Arr'llu'led Tlr' _ttii.Sc'r't'iyt'it" “and can. I: m; We, Me. No D“ a... It. to “It EiA?frkA'4th' l â€I." 1.00)!!!†thtYVille imdelein “an. Beach fanwich Lake " WA"B-- ttt to infot- tTr M he until: at , and invite. tho molt criti- F-. Not up. empty but the Ik‘Durborn mo._ want" , Wake System Dela6ild um. not!!! 5. let interest RESULTS .e I "Ii-ol- lab! gal Pan-II _ in. J. Round had u but lunch- .on (out. on My my M minute, In. Bertha m and Mr. H. J. AIM at m- '. Last My waning Mr. all In. George Dock handed a diam put! " the home of.lr.nnd In. Henry Free“ of Ram Park. Mr. and, Mrs. Jilin thmon and fnmitr mum a I" - in northern Wigwam. _ On My dun-icon. In c. w. Boyle of WI! "autumn- iii"tirrlGoeGottettteurehtb" the Briers-u Golf club -Mr. and mw.n.8tdsm spending . in not! at QUIN‘W' Min Hath: Ruth was the I“: of he liner. Mrs. Prank Suntan. Crou Puins, WU., Inst week. , on My evertintt Mm. John THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1986 they ammo». Saturday. . Mr. Vernon Gauche] of (hie-burg vhitaed routine in Deerfield last week. Mis. Christ-no My in visiting rel- ative. and frUnds in Highhnd Put. Mrs. John Willmnn-who has been quite ill is recovering. --- - - .%r__i--... " I... “UIW - - -w-.v_,,,_ 'dt. and Mrs. E. J. Bingham of Irv- ing Park were [new at the C. Ender home on Thursday. A - Misa Marian Charles, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Clayton Charles of Mil- waukec, visited her achoolmate af MB. waukec Downer college, Miss Eliza» beth O’Connor of County Line road, lut. week. Min Charles has just rc- turned from Etein where she was the guest of he: mint. Mrs. Beatrice Wil- kins Cowlin. In Woodstock Ae vial- ted her uncle, Mr. William Charles. In. Lambert of Glcnvicw was a nest of Mrs. E. M. Willman on Sat- urday. ' - Mrs. C. Becketnnd Iona motored to Bloomington Saturday when they spent the mka‘nd. A shoe repairing shop will open in one of the Moehler stores on Wanke- tran ma in the very near future. tht' Thursday afternoon Mrs. Alex Willmsn entertained 3» bridge party in compliment to Miss Helen Krumm of Columbus. Ohio, who has been the guest of Miss Eva Ender for the' put tive weeks. Miss Krumm returned to her home Thursday evening. Mr. Frank Russo is in Pueblo, Colo. Miss Margaret Ludlow of Highland Park wss the guest of Mrs. S. S. Love, suyftvu.. .- L. 'k. a Harry-Floyd Gauche] who in spend- ing the summer with her, mother, In, L.ove, spent last week in Galesbnrg, Ill. ' - - _ “I. ' Announcement is made of the mr-’ tinge of Miss Harriet Glynqh of Chi: ago, daughter of Mr. Jooetsh GIrneti of Shelby. Montana, to Weldon)†Lar- son of Chictgo on Saturday, July IT, at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Kent of Waneonda. Mrs. Luzon is I sister of Mrs. Sun Rule (Lek Glyneh) and a cousin of In. Curl Rommel (Deon Kent) 1" Deerfield. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Dennerlein who have spent the past three weeks visit- ing relativea returned to their home on Todd Court Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. June: Donnahue.of Cednr Rapids, Iowa, m shying nt the A. J. Johnson home on Osterman avenue. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. L. 'l‘rnitt Were the dinner (out: of Mr. nnd Mrs. Chis. Adam of 9th and Forest avenue, WiL motto on My. Mrs. Han-y Clevey we: n guest of Mrs. William J. Cook. of Highlnnd Park at n bridge petty at the Brier- gate Golf club on Saturday afternoon. Mr. end Mrs. Robert E. Pattie en- tertained at a family dinner party at their home on Chestnut street Satur- day evening. l / Mr. and Mrs: Theodore Fetch Ad Chico†were guests of Mr. and Mm. F. Lemma, Thursday. lies Ormn Johnson of Snndusky, Ohio, is n guest It the R. M. Vent home on DeerfUht avenue. The nine Home families which in- cludes R. M. Van. A. B. Muhlke, Harry Monte. Arno Wanta, William Kreh from Deerfield 1nd . number from Highhnd Park held a family re- union outdoor party at the Highlnnd Put beach on Inst My after- noon, ""541. F. In.» was the guest of hey sister, Mrs. June- Dougherty of Chicago, Monday. _ __ - Circle No. Three of the Dore" so- ciety of the Pram church wu entertained nt the home of In. J. A. Hoffman of Wuhan road P? Friday “turmoil. ---_ _ .. -irrUEisard Selig um be hostess to the My “mom Bridge club next week gt her home on Wakesâ€: Mr. and Mm. Willi“! Schinlobor who have tseeevvutthse M daughter, Mrs. Ethan William of “Des Homes, Ion, for the put two months have returned to their hm on Chestnut street. Mr. 1nd In. Ethan Willman and son muted with them for a short visit. V Mr. Jon. Strong is in Milwaukee, Wis. on Main-s. _ _ On Monday My Amt tr, the American Legion Auxilinry will hold . but-u;- mdettrte in; the To“ Wm Loni-o Km in visiting fHeet4OtCMe't,er' /rr, q ', ' J, Dee rfield A ui, -have many friends in Ln. u. w. mam-n u- .'.l cumin-l Mr. and , " dub " (“WINCH ' mu and d: t Std: m for I motor p ltd-Luke. In. Valuer t the 35.3 SIM E awn. Per _d|ll(hter’ l win chunk ya! a picnic " the Green, Tree I the home of In, Montana on - hunky durum. " The new: Gad-n club visited â€mouths: ' "firmer-den' of some of its! member: on Wednes- day Afternoon" 7 home ttt'Mrtr. Earn Antes Af Deer.. tuid "can. tt Thundey met-noon, August 12. ' 5 Mr. and . Hurry Muhlke end daughter,' ' and Mn. Glenn Bow- man end " tor. June, left Sunday" foramutor phat: Louis, Mo. F In. Vane: gave . birthday party Saturdny n; ot? the occasion of her daughter' ,ixtdenth birthday at her home on Mix-cad venue. Twintr fhttrser tomtgttepdqd the “hit. Mm. Bury: Oundorf was hostel- " a bridge Ithrtr Wednesday dur- noon in compliment to he; truest, Mm. Charles lakh) of Miigbh, Long Is- land. Min Muted“ Kriia entertained at bridge in bone? of Min Helen Krumm of Columbus. Ohio, and Mrs. Robert Welton of Norfolk, Vn., " her home on Hazel avenue. Tuesday evening. Mrs. B. M. be“ and Ion, Arthur, have returnedifrom New York where they have span the put two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kress Verene Gun)kel, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mra.'Moyd Gunckel, in con- fined to her home with h sore foot enured when tthe stepped on a nail. C Mr. and Md. Joined Hood and hun.. ily have "maimed from their motor trip through the west. Wallace Rgichelt, Wallace New- comb, Wading Stryker, Russell Pat- terson and Gtrdon Kress left bright and early Mtinday morning on their motor trip. They expect to be gone several weeks) Mr. Otto, ptineipal of the Deerfield Elementary t(ettopl, ‘has rented the Jens Petersen house on Chestnut street. Since far. Otto moved to Deer- field from Whseonisin a year ago he has been living in the Stryker apart- merits on Waukegan road, but has spent the summer on Arden Farm, the home of lil. B. Jordan. Mnrie Jani Friedlund has been quite ill for tie pas; wtelr. _' __ _ - Jens Petersen has bought the Nor- man Dietz ho'me at the corner of Os- terman avemie and Chestnut street, where he wilt) live. The Dietz family has moved tad Wilmette. Misses Nellie Knapp and Tessie Bunion are intending the summer term of the [Northern Illinois State Teaehers' college at De Kalb. ' Miss Miriaip Fehr is a tsumnter,tstu- dent at the Sherwood School of Music, and is living With her aunt, Mrs. Ches- ter Wading: Mr. and its. Bruce Rhine had as their dinner (nests, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wesaly JPrittht of Chietto, Mr. and ie .k. M. Vant, Mt. Har- old Vant an Miss Orma Johnson spent Tttesda " Lake Geneva. Chm-her of Commerce A special eeting of the Deerfield Chamber of te,,',',',',',',',',,,': was held Fri- day evening, July 23, at the Masonic temple. The meeting was called to order try the 'yiee-president Dr..W. B. Metaâ€. E The put-posh of the special meeting was to mahge plans for Deerfield day. ; t -- - .- Mr. Guyotf; gave anjoutline of the) various committee: which should be appointed, and the president appoint-, ed the,tomsmlintr: - Finance c mmittee--Theo. Knaaks C. G. Kapse ull, Dr. Matesâ€, Chan Frey, Paul feta; refreshment-Mr: Littman; pulflic tsafety-Henry Peter- son; partade4--'rhilo Toll; danee---Dr, o'Conne11t' t',t.'inktch1,eg Taylor; speakers-- bu. Knpachull; decora- tion--Arehie Antes; jtporu---Mr. Otto; -ealesuaciriarrv' f Olendorf; retrial tration-fire) department. To have charge of th) selecting of Miss Deere speakers-L-thits. Khmhull; decora- tion--Arehie Antes; jtporu---Mr. Otto; -ealesuaciriarrv' f Olendorf; regis: tration-fire) department. To have charge of the selecting of Miss Deere 1leld Raymodd Clavey and committee. A motion {was made and seconded that Sum-day, August 21 be the date; Org: " Public Library , The Cha ber" of 'Commerce, ani, nounces the (organisation of a Public Library GrF'Giai. - - _ " One of thqrtelling incidents that leg! to the star-ti g of the “bury was ine nocently co tributed try e group of Deerfield eh ten who were seen one afternoon during the Christmas holi.. day season strolling through our local cemetery in; the inkriptions on the toning-3:5, as evidence of hunger and thirst 19): knowledge. Not a very wholesome (ettirtel _ , ; The inco l ration peters have been received f3; Sprintrfuld. The fol- lowinz emit: are the tneorporsttorir, andwill se "the firatboatdofdF rectors: curies C. Kspechull, Many Metcalf, Jute; J. Hood, William W- Gesry, Jess Strong, Mabel A. Cue], 3!:th R Mo. The people of Deep. field are to congratulated upon hav- ing this m h needed civic movemetit started, an s sluice at the dams bf the organ' rs and itrtst board of di- rectors is ideme of the success pf the enter}: Be. _ . ) The n, was further shown byia} survey of he children “bending the grammar ehoot (these children's l onlyoppo i,ttr',,tut',nt'tlt2gt,y a public library being in ‘Bighland Park); a it was found that my! eight of, e, children had library‘ Jim." smtttieiibearrettotiotl, asunder t"t"o"d"t"gi7lfin't4 eh Circle of St. Paul's Inch will meet at the George Antes Af Deer- Ioeidty af the Presby- eum 'tmd,tust;'aierumto1t- rir1ttmtheetti1drmtrttay agre- =',l,;'ltu','u'dt,',rL'l i tip. kaolin of main] irrtomtntiorit.i, '-,', 'i'laamimaamiuiVstzaa,saaruaui, Pullman held. this flirt', dun-noon - Sul- pet Woods, Hid and Park. amber! E No evening service. It'" i The Dorcas society and hi T m lenieintt this Thursday, A tr, " mt as the guests of Mrs. .'Mon- van. . The annual picnic at the) arch school, together with the mom rs and friends of the congregation ll be knd friends of the congre on we cordielly invited and u 1y ' re- hueoted to be present. Those . o hpve mother means of conveys ‘ should ve Deerfield with the 1:80 _ . The bommittaee in charge has p n I tom of some: end on menu. Elam: upper in the evening. ' 1 The monthly meeting of t Church school tstatf will be held next, “day Tanning at the home of Mrs." mlyn Becker. . q German service, 11:00 1.. Deerfield has four church ite you proud of the fact? Wou1f on live here if there were no church " town? What do you think of the ehiielrt Do you concede its influence f mood? Surely no reasonable man ca " that tti, church means nothing at? im, Its Sunday. Aug. 8-- . Church school " 9:30. Adult Bible eta" at 10M irlguance and power are tht every department of life. We hav! 1 been shunts in the benefits of t i.ithureh. What ere we to dot Shall Accept the gift and forget thegiver _ . If you are'no member of m in this community the j church Invites you to its set other privilege. it has to am to church Slindny. Sunday, August 16, the iea'. Aid will observe its thirtieth an meaty in a .special service. ' Morning worship and tseilktott It Alwyn I cordiul welcome ' All our F. G. Pfepentrrok, " Chureh school, 9:16 n. an. English service, 10:15 n, Pro-hm: Church, Deeiheld 'M " Pnul'a Evangelical Ct6reh IL. " mn‘ 1rs%e-Hesah" ' 7MMWL2ALEV Rein“ Store. ii, l in I M“. Mutm, . d ' a u' " ' W SIN at!†m of tho country who the now obs-din In that 'et-he. ill low 'r".'ltl.vt"r'S"s'u. J? nil. flaky THE Re.essiulll STORE 13%:- t'i,'ij.'ii,i:ijliiii',1:.'ii,t . I _e V t"rsuru2hi?ti, 5-,, 9:17.53? T! . ' I Ji/Iii/fi, J,lji)llellliijllit [ Rllrrlii'i'iii'i'eiil'ii??, _,)?): -. _i.liii'iiiiiii,iiiiTiii, ii' PHARMACY 2 C;',,,;'::',..!,;'.::,.:;:,:,::.:.::,);:'"")! f 'ltlrffe1r; ‘HI0H\Â¥OOD I ILLINOIS. 'iiiiiii?lisiiel I mug-4L... . 'fit) l ( eieph0n922%7'4°9 5 cal':",'::,':',?,?,?),),!:),',',?:;?, I . u... " C .'ttt"'"""e M -a-. ‘84 [mac-You“ ' -. 19e hug-And" ruby-DY.“ ski-ae-y W uri- FirrircrGauf am ind-mug "-.-.a---. y. mm Wat. V tun-g '0'â€. Provo- rte-u.- " tum 'Woo. {an}. I» ~9- shad-m {church r Pnul’s fees and r. Come lo " Frda ‘l‘hcvmunafN Milt“. in still looking f to tho that when it ,riitttentrultet-isttou eontmetwithth. 0161mm“ mpplyitwith lake . Glenna, in the want it with plan now under my to 1d a mulch»! water works, ha in mind I eon- tnctwithits tte,t,e,,N,",c,'gt,s bit"the utter In no as so rapidly that it tirtdte itaetfsomerrh.t mounted "toiutrthowaoonititttoVmt "tmrineetutitadmaanistoeoarte knping up it: 1'1gt in“! mm, from , deep well "tsus in: in un- ply sixpplied with the best of - end in â€indent quentity, but it reel- izes, it is said, tbstfseoner or later provision will have tir be made for s more adequate supp! . New electric pumping devices “f electric control have just been instsl ed. Northbrook, which is expending both to the east and the west. is just now rounding into shspe for {all building the fine subdivision of sheet one hundred sures to the southwest of the village known: " Northbrook Manor. Thin tract t on tlt', aide of Sumner venue, are n: shout Mtv-six um on We west side and About forty um " the east. The veto:- maimmre in! and “on: and unitary sewer lind ere going in rapidly. Sidewalks F duo built end streets will be next. t maiiiiiiGdri""iikaa, Green Bar road mid Laurel - Rev. F. R. Csrdwell. pastor , 9:30 I. m. Bible tiehoor. Children visiting in the comimunity m wel- come in our uhool. '; Said, Egypt, will (He in "dress con- cerning her work a one the Mohan- medans Invitation t hen her in ex. tended to all. i _ 10:45 n. m. Morniistt worship. Ser- mon by the pastor. f 7:00 p. m. ctrhstien Endeavor. Topic, "What 'ttt Have I Found Worth While.' Wh t" Leader, Mill Darlene Jones. In the meantime '-Northbrook h lam ';,-.iiLr-icr-u,jrerre,e,et.t..ttrete.h' â€bf-all t.te'tu'UT, Minnpndial '"'"rsiTa'lriialruerroieed ~"""'â€"'†hunk .. .Smhrmmg‘iiwmdw‘db "ggegth'f-2t Lai- MM. '".9oqoq.oot'""""rrm""-""t- w..-__, "_---- _ MWRï¬Palhn-mfuuï¬umdmbum ', Yuvmdo G,,uuu.-osts-ee'"-fheter.tte.t Mifmm‘i‘mtkelyphudwkkmmdudmmmh-‘yw -ri.illb. :11wa _ ' Aeqror-e_r-- Shim-"'1 our-u: wilt..- D---rer to. .1., . iuuu-. 7' 1b.: â€new 1|.va P‘s-J p.15. 7': Trunk. 11-: c- Pup. " Both for "M IolutllIIiAnr 'ta' my lawn In. Llnod My hm“ 1'at":tNdr.'tJ.t Candy ind Statioml'y Rexali August Money-Sam; _Sale -;,-. T . vi 5,- ii; I “Angus Wrap} fEricson. of Port Ptuetestandrtesrar1lPtoNets I‘vw pod “a ma Law-me. Wash-M I.“ I... - "Ga-tsd Coftqunéytï¬AvaF'eothML?i-fl: " ii] " 3Pl, str, 9tpi, 79' MP tro-F--....- "ea--'--"'" _s.tgr-r---ot-_ --rrrt--e8tr.$LW. t2':,tt2Ngt"flli.N. --ra.e..rb'-_ "W'Nt'P. ' -gmiuru.taB.-vdtm- tu: '?!iti?fttytl 31.. M It!†on. win-annulus.“ SIM Lula: Irnob. mud his but. . Patna-O m M “NRA“ hunlc‘oqu. \WEATIFIER STRIPS Weak!!!“ Ph-Deerfield"' "tatuarthDeartt.estttmet HENRY K. Com diuliWtt wu- hut-Id by _ l 11m cum mu I,',',,,,,,,.,,', co. "lit MMTIOI OI " room LOOKING "tlt A PLACE " nu mmmmuol nasouthmmmd _' I'm " sees mt ) ' Work Grdmaitaed J. E. gown TANK INST. Fog 39' " Mt', 19 MP, 39' FUEL on. 81'0an TANKS sow AND INSTALLED 001:me - Toilet Ratqdrtt- unusual. 'tea-io- 'tatt Tilt! Wob- Mi, 1.- I-I I“ â€It... A PERMANENT SATISFACTI' MIR. nwcounni WELCOME: t m1. mrxrm; and iiikiiiiiiiikeii, SAVE A CENT PER GALLON '." T.'"? :33, TANKS Established 1894 (Not In.) “‘vnh Web-Ulybohyuhvu*- iiGiriGGaL-_qV GaraiGGii,et-dm- ww-‘bm‘ 'zettet.e.t,tctetr" A..- may...†-iaaiGaaaiou-_4b- 3r-a#i3retur" areiafdT.ika- wk. but." "aâ€: '._q.-are. amour-o9.“ “MO-u Ewe-n“ â€his 't.dllh.het' IN H PAC! ""