1 I Ff Min Peggy Griffith and Miss Crew of the Public Library returned home on Monday evenfng from an eight weeh'A trip shroud. They visited Eng- land, Scotland and the Isle of Men. Mia: Marion Grimm: left on Wed- May for auto wash visit in Dead.. wood, Black mm. South won. Min Pearl Denninger who ha been a guest " the William Drake homo nil of last week returned to her home, in Renown. Sunday. , Mrs. George Grove and Ion. Dick, of East China. Ind., are spending" two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. R. E: Winter. 5 Mn. C. IV,. Lichto and daughter, Miriam of Grant, Nebwrwho have been guests of In. tdehtit sister, Mm. Bdqard A. man. for an tmat {in weeVtuel-ittefortttetrhttirtemrxt Mr. and Mrs. Pred-pt- And Mr. and Mrs. Ed Borkert and daughter, Nancy, motored to. Mihratthee Sunday 1nd spent the day'viaiting relatives. Mr. John Gusset of Chicago m a (not u few day: of last week at the Fred Fisher home. Mrs. Carl Miller and daughter, Mnbel of Wilmette were Sandra guests of their daughter and Ion-in- hor, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher, Jr., of South Green Bay road. The Misses Catherine 1nd Carlene Ellie and In» Elisabeth Morrison ue spending three weeks in Estes Park, Colo., visiting at Stod'a ranch. Ilia Helen Bonn-nine left on Satur- day for Wyoming when the will be the [out for a month at the H. F. Jack Guam: won the Junior dun]. pionahlp in to)! It m:- last week. In. r. N. Lain: and (bathtu- at Waukcm - m visiting friends for two mks it East Chicago, Ind. "The Masque" which we: to lie given in the ravine of the Lionel Rob. eruon home on Bronson Avenue Sun- day Evening has been postponed until this evening (Thursday) on account of rain. _ Mr.R.E.Whtterwftohaatseenitt for the put two months 3 getting dong vary My. '. ' mu Marion Wilhelm of anionic I†the guest last week of Miss Cath- erine Geary. Mrs. M We.“ (Dorothy Parana) of Chicago has just Mun- ,Ahera M’s stay at mm Min Florencg Wm who is en- joying a two week: mention from her duties It the Press once left Satur- day for Detioit, Mich, where she will be the guest other routim Mn}. Sher-mun, Mrs. R. D. Briggs and Mrs. W. o. Briggs. T Mia Naomi Jane Lisle was the week-end bunt of friends in China. Mr. John Stohn of Chin†was the (treat for t few days of last week of Mgr-ad Mm. John D. Mention“. PAGE MX "gt.andMm.o.Br.trtamteetteetahtr od_oat Saturday ttte. in honor of, their daughter mu guano. '11:! mu we. Incubate! tho Brand mm: And friends from Cham- Mr. end Mrs. J. B. Mme: of Pine Grove avenue, Chicege. ere building a new home on Grovelnpdravenue, Ita. Thtin. They expect 0 move there about October .1. M .’ Deibfer he: bought e lot on South Itreet next Dr. and Mrs. J. P. tPConne11 and daughter, Patricia, 10! Wood drive, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Mary Fortier of hCicago. Mr, ma Mrs. Michal Conrad'and son, Joseph, and Mr. Joseph Km of Wilmette were Sunday guests at the M. C. Conrad home. "" Mr. and Mrs. AlbertDixon hav? as their guest for several weeks Mr. Dixon's mother, Mm. Elizabeth Dixon of Gmnvilk, m. . Mrs. Archibuld Abercromby is on the sick lUt thin week. . ' In. Skinny Hill“ has sold her residence on Pro-poet - to Mr. George Moore of BW Park ad will give posses-ion on September 1. Mrs. Miller expect- a build a bunn- lovw this fall on her My on North Sheridan rout In and meantime the hu taken an Apartmgnt with Mrs. Harriett S. Gray on Ilhrirte -. to Pearl Theatre will acct“ 1 building in which to ls hi: than of Chrysler: for the North She agency of which he is t. Mr. Gustave Remit: of Denver, Colo., and Mr. Will Kenning of St. Joseph, Mich, on week-end (not: of Mr. and In. corn F. Con- rad of Deer-hold avenue. . "rYederiek Golden Jr; will leave this week for Booms, In., when he will be the sue-t of his tetderxrnta, Mr. and Mrs. M. Jey Golden for a week. Mrs. John Fannie ' d Ion tkear, end the Mines 2,'S'l/l','l', Mata Helm of Fisk, Wit. were (but: over the week-end of Mr. and Mn. Edward M. Coated. The Misses Helm will re- main here for two wedks. VII“: John D. Me ' - I left oh My for Lake B, Wu., wherie she will spend a week "q siting friends). Mrs. Lucius A. Hineiof Laurel ave.- nue left Saturday for Roaring Brook Inn, Huber Springs. teh., to rernaitt until "ter Labor Day , F Addph Bola of the Bolm'ltudio, -tymrhihtyh-Arrtathanfsr 'y,tfrt,iri?y.i'ethhtttituvw Jg.gy; kt', 4:), .1 yiefg'di'E'i'i'fs'ii T _ stub tom min- Hm war not of, Rudd M ' Tb no. . I Uhand and I Chan- reeeiv .by e, nests inch: Id Ir,'. an“, to . o yt'he rk and “In“. abu- 1. _ Mr. d M: bangs. dang): Had I North a few acts 1 me the sin. ' h Mrs. Mr. ‘nd‘M venue. St. Johi 's av: d Pine no at ottaw oildine Wis. Miss ilde Krutt of Fond du Lac, Wis., w the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. C, o and over thrweiend. Mm. J red Johmon and Mm. Seven Tmax ve returned from I three weeks’ otor trip in the east. [ A nu her of the members of the Ladies' id at the Eyengelieel Luth- eren eh h ere enjoying e boat trip te? Mich! City today (Thmdey). Mr. ts Baht. Dr. , M. mans, Cherie: F. Grant, lire. Dudley Ed.. wards line Mom Baht hie re- turned f e month's trip to Europe at w . time they visited miriam, cities in Germany. France, 2tlgt, most in .91 .the adveni, during Mm tie twat 11W mile, lane when Gem-mew to the es hr b the Best sea? The Mia: ] three w: ing her Johnson Lag. Mrs. . C. Etringer, formerly Mil.. dred Th yer, 011m: city, and Mr. Er- ringer, " sold their home and are building a Very beautiful new moms on ten eras of ground in Hopkins, Minneso . Their new home will be called " ray-Tower". and will be ready for occu my about Sent. I. . Mrs. . B. Bdrt week fr m St. Lo has bee the cues Roy B. impson, Burdett ent trout ion of h family. Maybdlle Buckley of Evanston spent last Wi, need-y with Mr. and. Mrs. Charles race of Bloom street. Min orothy Bleimehl is spending three w ks in Stoughton, Wis., visit- ing her grandmother, Mrs. Julius Johnson and an unnt, Mrs. Lettie De Mr. :1 Mrs. Ro Johnson day to in hone has tr) Kenosha Mr. 3 d‘Mrs. H. J. Thayerjhave just ret o ed from a two months' any " Old Orchard, Lake Minnetonka. Mr. Thu " motored home accompan- ied, by h non, Clever Thayer. , twelve yr. tnd Mrs. Charles Bruce of Bloom tt reet had as their guests last week th tr relatives, Mrs. Belle Colli- cot and Mrs. Harry Brace of 'Royal Oak, my. Mr.. J eph L. Fearinrhr. arrived on W esday from Old Mexico on his We); east end is wvitLitiryrthiRt'eh- ard A. arquevilles in Ravinia. _ Mrs. . B. Bdrdett returned this week fr m St. Louis, Mo., where she has bee the guest of her sibter, Mrs. Roy B. impson, for ten days. Mrs. Burdett ent south to attend a reun- lhe urmatsst,rottoum.is., you. Madmen-u: ,g.. V 1 . 1"1?:, '"»»**'I; w)',-' V _ I Paris (i"iiitliffa'"ii'i"il ma .sm. lulu: _ " ' " _ l ti, On , Quaint Min Atheleen Shela mm twelve guests at a Hm I war in compliment to, Mrs. Harold Reader, 10ml? MinsiFlor- - Cl w. A delicious wheat: m mod my lowly 31min!†recelv .by the guest of honour The guests includod friend. from Wil- mette, ton and HitrhhmdjParir. The awning was spent in playing Miss ohnaton of Lou Angeles," Cal., is the eat this week of her liner Mry, C. . Buckley. Mr. ndMrrr. Carl Odell of North Bt. Jo ' 's “guns with their children as at ottamitnmie Lodge, Minpcqua, Wis. . j .Mr. nd Mrs. George M. Stevens an e yin; a three weeks’ motor trip t ugh the east. . Mm. Stevens was Mi tr Katherine Csrqueville be- fore he marriage. ' ' Miss thet Mdrley left on Monday for a t tee weeks’ stay at Msékinac Island, ich. i Mr. d Mrs, Wultér Evenseh ind dangh Madonna left last Frldly for a few oaks mph: northern Wiscon- sin. ' _ x'Mr. elm Mrs. R. L. Saul of the Tone apert‘m a and Mr. and Mrs. (Ibex-lee Blazier of Highlend Park left ,l Sat- urdey amine on I meta;- mp to Winner , Canada. Mr. Saul and Mr. and M . Binnie! will return home in about. o weeks. 1111.8qu will ac. 2mm them back is far as St. Paul iirher'e e will remnifl to visit friends for a e uple of weeks. ' _ _ . Mrs. . B. Brand and daughter Mina Salome are visiting the Mines Hey- nerd of Milwaukee, Wis., this week. ' _ Mr, nd Mrs. C. W. Cnlkins and family f Skokie evenue are enjoying- camp. Ha visiting lied. An Laurel their co cage w High}: Mark Mark t is at th Wits., ft from Ions. hir, family I mot week. Miss tt misc on Gm. eompli Central There The white. served. ioved b Arthur {Beatrice Muir was hostess at laneous shower at her; home wood avenue, Evanston, in out to Miss Mabel Howe of avenue last Friday evening, ere thirty-two guests present. s were decorate: in blue and Delicious refreti ments were A pleasant evening was en-, those present. r" and Dorothy Boylan of avenue have as their, guest in Gertrude McClory of Chi- 0 has been visiting them since d Park day. Canmann, son of Mr. and Mrs. . Canmann of Kincaid street, mp Indianola, Lake Mendota, r another summer. . P. Byfleld and Mrs.. Arthur turned on Monday morning inocqua, Wis, where: their bott Byfleld and Robert and Wood ere at Dr. Spr‘ague.'s Id Mm. Roy Howe, Mr. and Iatsd Bleimehl and Miss Ada ‘motored toKenos‘ha Satur- (ttend a dancing party given Young of Prospect averiue is his mother in wuth Bend, of Lngvald Joiuudn,rwho recently opened a store in trip through Indian, 'thia 5 Miss Janet Maechtle it Saturday §with her cousin, Miss rginia Duf- ','ire11, for Beaver Damn.‘ is., where ‘she will be the guest , her cousin gfor several Weeks. "i i, Mr. and Mrs. L. DM In Russell in». Lucille Russell) oA, .hicago m intending the month ‘of , ugust with Etheir parents, Mr, and Bfrtr.. W. E. 1Brand of Park Lane. 'I ' . I ' . and Leon TIll jtinne of ttw. an arm mmf‘tlu-eeorm I 'fu tripfthrongh HI ~211Mb!- ‘rniu‘. Theymlun to f bymof the Ca ‘ 11oe1eiEputltttr their absence M . Winne's' 'trt, Min Ella. E. Bell, an Min ' (i B.‘Jonoa of Toledo, Ohlo, will 'd . the Winno home. 3 r {an . . Mrs. George Beitrtrt . lotto Semen were calla 1on Monday on necount an ally. Selfrertu only sistei i Miss Helen Jones, " ‘hter of Mr. 5121111111. Lewis E. J _ of Judson iavenue, is attending yalumna! sel- 1sion of the University. , ‘Oolulllo at gBouldcr, Colo., 3nd C " the Patton Emit. will.» til: we. , In. C. T. Benton _ shir- [Han and has a In bur-hut. 'r, Mr. and Mm. Gerald 1ttenberger 'of 220 McDaniel: "on ' C ounce the Ftrth of a daughter be VJnly 27 at (the Highland Park, he“: i, ., 3 Min Helen Rocket; h of Lake 2arieh vs: the guest My of Mus Eleanor Conrad. ' ' Vultad Ittt, the him home . y Miss Helen Golden, I zowopmno, accompanied by Mrs.' strict Sey- mour, Cave a musicafe Like home of Mrs. Harry & Moses o vinia last evening: Miss Golden’s cm was composed largely, of sin selec- tions. Light refreshmen {were served and a moat pleasant e n: enjoyed. Mrs'. James L. Martin of Hazel avenue are summer at their tune They expect to return ' week in September. _ e Mr. and Hts. Walter Lake avenue have tetur a two months' trip ab] The Womah’s Missio by society of the First United Evan iliea1 church will hold its next regul meeting at the lake front on Centr venue, Aug. 12. Supper will be 'rved and a good time is being lo forward to by all. . V t Mr. and Mrs. Percy "or and chil- dren, Jeanne and Ji ie, left last night on a ttto weeks v tfon to New Auburn, Wir, 'e m High-m4 Pm? i My mum board meets thin avo‘ 3 it the; li- brary at bikht o'eloekk 'tC. ', Mr. and Mm. Geo _ m. MorrUrof South Ll n nvenue I ' visitingvthoir you, Geo: ,at Dr. Sp " "'ts camp at An 1tTtle and rightful event was that of llnst Sund at the home of Mr.UndlMra. Ho . Hess, where a gathering; of Mr. y' summer cello 2t"t made t , temoon end evening _a oat enjo 1e occasion. The light rain did not ant a most spirited swimming pl . it the beach lifter which a delicio, supper was served before a we rig log fire, While only {arty were , went. it was representation enough" the class to provide an interesting. v' usical pro- gram. ‘. ' ( Mr. and Mrs. C. Ros , “left Satur- day for a ‘three mo ha stay in Europe., [ l ' J . The annual communi . sheet dance of Ravinia ig planned ‘f the evening of August 28; further †ttiruneement next'week. I r fred B. Brfdley, and jib sister; Mrs. Frank Pitt, at 295 Prab'bkset Avenue. -Mr..H.H.Chnndl" JE,rrhotyta béen yy'aitiiyr relativ ' here-for the wt t6o . oaths. but umed to his home in I? era, . ' ‘Mejer Yt', Y/df who has just completed three y Jenn of serv- ice at France Field, 99mm. arrived lat fg',t'uf,tt'to,ttie spend ten days leave) th his Ingmar. Mrs. AI.. Miss Emma Evans tt S nday for Hibhirut, Minn., ‘to v ’. .hgr cousin. Mrs. W. A, Camp, bk" a couple of weeks. Mrs; Camp wil Pd Remembered: here " Mist Hazel B . p. . A Mr. 3nd? Mrs. Wok L, 2utt have purehi ed tt iv 'yi"g't, e tract and bungalow Ear Half " They ex- pect to m ve there . soon as the bungalow chn be rent trid. Miss Eli}: HIM .of Central avenue Be _ a word lan enioyable vacation ini Detroit, 11.. and Can.. ada, where ishe is visi " her mother and sister. _ M i Mr. and Mrs. S. _ isr Johnston and their. three‘daugh " 1’0! Waverly street have just rem ' gferm a mo- tor trip to Minocq ' WU., where they visited their so ' Robert and S. Parker Jr. at guttt,'lt'q12. . Mr. and "NA. Fr Dwell who have been oak-end eats of their relatives, Mr. and M Fred Much- tle, returned to. their _ in Béaver Dam. Wis. l {4' Mrs. Irving Randall Hid her sons of Linden Park place att') joying a ten days stay at the 'c'l'lfitt Lake flsh- ing club, Colemnn' w, Wis. Mr. Sellar Bullard and Mi"dtipmla11 spent the week-end there aha. ' Walter Reed, scout f ecutive. left Tuesday with twelve the Highland Park boy scputs on a e' to the sand dunes. They expect' tt yturn on‘Sat- urday. 'ri" Mr. and Mrs. Willigxy-H. Cope of Chicago were guests t Jew days of [his 'th ff Mr. “all“. Walter Co_p_e of Vine funny; Ci', Mr. and (Mrs. Itt'tt Cuisler of Evanston culled at t Jtonys of Mr. an§_MrI_. Dean _Aytus1eiijm Sunday. [Ili an PRESS. HIGHLAND I Miss cus to Freeport the death of Mrs. Punt- ending the in Mexico. at the flmt d daughter Walter Reed, who was on the yacht, Mildred It, during the Muklmc yacht race, gelled with Bell Yelle on the return trip from Stdrceon Bey on Friday. They madi e tto-atop return trip reaching the Chicago Yecht club at 3 o'eloek Sunday afternoon. The Mildred II won 0. cup In one of. the recee at Sturgeon Bar. _. . Car%tmtWii,nmn, In. Bonny. Rev. and Mrs. William B. Doble of Grace M. E. church are enjoying a upticn of a few week. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Bortton And Down and Fem have just return“! to their home on Hawthorne Inc after a sojourn " the Colman lake futtigte club, Coleman uu, Win. In. Maple avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Bard of Winnetka have just re- turned from an extended motor trip through New England. . Mrs. William Flu-ity of Milwaukee is spending' the week with her daugh- ttMrs. John Sober. , Mrtr.Nttbortt an: OuiniuJL v.! MLGust lwhohu-boonvcy‘ ill-think _ formality†removed to ttia KW PM! W5 ta! lat Mi. midi . W. thinned!†Forest street Li1reetrMN, W» the birth of daughter born at the mtr1t1nnd,rar' hospiul {111297. _ Mrs. E: L. Millard of Sycamore place returned, the early part of the week from the cut where the hu been motoring with friends. Mrs. Mil- lard visited her daughter, Betty, at a camp in Vermont while in New Eng- land. . Mr. and Mrs. 'Géorge M. Bard of Eagle venue and Mr. and Mrs. Roy On Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. David Frank of 257 Moraine road en- tertained eighty guests at a musicele and tea. The program included s vio- lin concerto and other violin work played by Lucy Emerson Neill, accom- panied by Gordon Campbell and a trio by Miss Neill, Mr. Campbell and Al- fred Wellenstein, principal cellist of the Chicago Symphony orchestra and cellist and soloist of the Ravinia or- chestra. Miss Neill, conceded by European as well as American critics as one of the foremost of present day violiniets. included in her progrem several examples of modern music heretofore little played in this coun- try. ' B. A. of ttttith Gm Bay toad rat Sunday night from u two would tion. He visited HI Iistor, Mrs. . J. Warhol-ton '0‘ But- "lo, Wy'o.. sud " oqtertt we time t Sulphur Bot Springs. Themapolh, yo.. 1: - - A -- _ em Ry., last Friday evening was a party of men bound for Chippewa lodge on the Lao du mambeattTndian reservation in northern Wisconsin. They ware the board of supervisors of the Northwestern Illinois Agencies of the Illinois Life Insurance com- pany, en route to the land of iUhine and boating. Among them were Mr. W. N. Stafford “Highland Park, Mr. N. P. Brewer of Waukenn. and Mr. C. J. Shetzley, who is master of the Illinois Life Insurance company’: lo- cal office. , May a Guyot of Glam!" 'tttityrhe no to Olney ‘whcra she will wind rest of the 1m with her parents, Mr. and Mm. C. F. Schrey. . Hurry Sell ' Jr., ll the guest " Mra..0. E. . Keller of mm this summer at I as, N. Mex.', when they have been si es June. igiss, Hole Whitney of China). formerly of ighhnd Puk. in upend- 1ntthirvaeat itrRnehtin., _ Mrs. John! Keeney MucDowell of Clevehnd.- O o, is the (out id Dr. and Mrs. H E. .Barae1tman of Wade direct! The Philathea class of the Bethany Evangelical church enjoyed their an- nual picnic at Long Lake Int Friday. Twenty-five members attended and all réport a very nice time. , Prof. Though: Finkbeiner of Ninet- ville will preach at the Bethany Evan- gelical church on Sunday morning. The serviceaa' will begin at eleven o'eldek. P" . Mrs, Mary B. Coolidge of Dean ave- nue 4iteetahied " a delightful angr- noon party on Monday in compliment to her sisters, Mrs. W. R. Crawford and Mrs. A. B. Fisher of Cincinnati, Ohio, who are visiting her. \ Mr. and Mrs. Irving Brand have re- turned from I week’s motor trip to Chetek, Wiis., about forty miles mirth of St. Paul. They report 3 very pleas- Int trip and "Irv" any: the fUhintt was flne. Mr. and Mrs. E. Moldaner and ttutr. ily have returned from Post Lake, Elco, Wis., where' they were for the past three weeks. b They enjoyed their motor trip very much. . ' V Aboard the famous Fisherman's Special, on the Chicago & Northwest.. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner of 1072 Pine street, Winnetka, are receiving congratulations on' the birth of a daughter at the Highland Park how. pit.al August I. N Calvin AynsIejr is mending the week in Milwadkee. representing the Helter-Sweet Hyker Toy Co. Mrs. B. F. Pratt has come here from New York with her grandson, Sher- wood Benson to spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Pratt of Oak- wood avenue. They will return cut the firtit of September. . . William Schroeder of South Green Bay road retu ed on Sunday after having spent o weeks at Cebuano- woe, Wis., visi ine his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Willis Schroeder. " Mr, and Mrs. Milton Fell are re- ceiving congratulations! on, the birth of a son born Friday July 80, at the Michael Reese hospital, Chicago. WI if. i H.) " FF,' J'hi 223w 'l_'il7i5'sTr',': :TM'E- "flan; T _ a. Lft "AC' ilryVr, ILLINOIS This purchsse wss made possible by s number of pub1iesaphtted as!†of Ravinin who gnsrsntoed the pur- chsse price to the China Title-t Trust company, who will hold the property in trust until such time as either tha,park bosrd or the school board an take It over by specisl ss- sesunent. , The iota Oliver & Brown noted as chairmsn of this committee sud with Mr. Fsirwesther ttsid Mr. Hudson brought the nutter to s satisfactory conclusion. Mr..AIth,4 K. tItem lit the new chairman of the committee. Mr. David Levinsom seted " new†for the R‘svinis commission. “FOOTLOOSE .WIDOWS†AT BARTLETT THEA'IBE sundttaaMMirndttr,Ir-ttiett _ an t'rr'a'urll, '"'hlh'l'dhl'i1'llt' The Ravinia commiuion has just consummated the punchâ€: of I two- acre braet of land known as the Boots mer property, on Roger William ave- nue just eaat of the Rsvinia school house. This property from: on three street: and will be and for school an1.tommmtitr purposes. . _ Tditteht and tomorrow, but. m and fe, Gorgon In “The Wife ho.1 can’t and"; 8mm, Cecilj B. new M Jan: Gouda], Robot-t Am and ethn- an in “The Faces East"; Sunday 3nd Hominy, “Footloose Widow-"f my. ring gum-e Fauna. and new!“ Lot-m 'Tuesdar, ad WM, hen: Rich and Handy Gordon in “Sillden Shacklesâ€; Thur-day and Prion Sana Own. Jouph "ad, tlg')'."!. iti1','lMg,tg t It",,','; ' a . pic-m- “B-ddu loan†with u. nun-um Gd Join now}; 'ru6ritiiuoueoenui-tiiki 5'ir"a'1",te--e-. oetts,p-eierstrpetmtout.nri'is Bartlett theatre at 1“th will Itht the following; pm this weak; and next: " RAVINIA COMMISSION PURCHASES PROPERTY Boeluner Land to be Used for School and Community ‘AT HIGHWOOD’S f.ol)PyPfl'Y BANK ----Yoa can with contidenttr--- Safely Place Your Financial Fromm With Us A place of "lathe cm nt- tta'2"i11,'22pli'2.1'72': cour- teom service 'ie Median In dis- penning makes $031M a plum-c. If you Uri find- to hunt Wutmduykhd "trtat US†“an US" A safety "t4ltta,'s valuable. A My “out "te ' B" T " ' . u Tim mat-1 frheu--"A Sam AH-tr rr. "BBB utr. Ji, HIGHWOOD Highland Park TWO Phone 2600 STORES Gsli; FOUN Highwood State hank Safety EARL W. GSELL ‘& CO. the bist people are Our Aim Is To Serve This Corn: Make This Your Banking . use To your health and/tit armir li, . hearth) content "i fine indest drinkr--the i ") _PHARMACrfr1% WTAINS fmte Con-unity - l 'tTr, ProteiUion ï¬wg'ï¬yanuwn 'he, Uh ‘prhurylllwillh tietrttomrrtrsGiiiGik when for M“ A.“ â€My show. "Bartdttye . “wan-incl will!“ mks-m .- F l, Ina-dumb“. LerLtTEti'ri.yaariaaaiiiarti-a- ~12" ,'t.N,'gttt2d rt “13.13:: b. a... M _._... - - an: - - _ _ W bond; daunting" _iirriiiii,jkii, Including 8115000 for .tubrritding than†' i,rttit-thehav. 21CS;'t,"lttttfh'ttt'tft itiErirariirr4reii'iCG72'iriut tPlireNtiestiib' mum-Mao: WWI!“ behsehubdinthe ttttlu-est, “amid-the - work- 'omettctebuiidirw, of the be and tik [can] corporate nu _ including page be-tit vim. . tho by u: ebglnoa, udjtnae, s. hint routed 'ver North " Johns avenue may; Poet Shaun. The "o"ttrtia)trt-ert-ttmtae, annual. condition ofthe trrl'lle,'ut/ttful"tt'."gue 1Ptretidftitdthyr Wt rrTi'r",l','i'l'lll',lttUttlll'l in ertettaatptatmkr , V Amen! f touts'adintta sd,',',',",",',',,'.,?",,',', 'etfrrto South One oils") on Iitnt mn- war Rertttrd We; New on. Probable. 1ue-uiVeusoetu-uia,a. ditiem for of tteahrtratBe themuthbri iofthFtmNorttt Showing-m "teartheM9minetro. #oetttran N. 311::an ROAD A SW!- 'Mitt the Edit-Ii;- 25““ tr'. Jone-m nap-c- imbue wig: my Fauiiiiiii s A . 0W8 TO --xmg 11% LAUNDRY.-. 3!? I!!! " WBLL r-tite host at- tractiV& service ' 1ur ' w Premier " “UNA TH mo Lu; YireLTiiiiiFi “I tiCTi. in}: CARD: tw MARKS C'" "I" TRY m hie-mu! r'," Ravinia home 2300 yr-tut-ram., y‘all... r. was: g, ms ILLINOIS E IS CLOSED 35%;": and hail}. _ H H