Well known in amuse- Tn of sterling' charac- MI: CEMEi NM WAWeB-u, 'a? to Mom h Show, that my" min " this Fall, and invi the no“ criti- iced Net the t. but the t Durban TO. _ G'LENVIEW ROADS i as for entertaining. iit the restaurant and (anager. , IEW INN an. "AW? co ix {PERMANENT WAVE D SEE US place of irmiriient ts arranged with Mr. and Be Entertained ' Proprietor,' gm hate in our she. We will make [Or you anrthinewtd everything in tin or meet metal imeh as “mind inn. Ane, copper. bins. etc. Tell us your needs and he will draw up ihetehis tad “built prices. View Inn SATISFACTION SHEET METAL HEADQUARTERS AeiitWavi, System " practiul p , rs each Jolt has got to be "just so" r--thoro- unlike and of sum? hauling come down mutations. utilit‘y. Uni-i up to---.-, _ HENRY G. WINTER 885 mu. aMartrr It), in as a partner to 48 North First Street Phone 635 ' STRIPS Row tee Are. Tel. ll. F Mann-oi; $m"Iln m. my" under the auspices of the Deer- held Chember of Commerce. The In. tivities will 'ntert with a nude " four o'clock and all civic who tions are invited to perticipcte. The and ardveljeeturee will prevail with plenty of good musk gnnd e latte emrtment of when, chief anon; which is the Chryeler sedan. There wilt be fun end enter- tainment loyal). - -- '.. . " : Denial Day ' . ( Don't forget Stturdly. Amt 21, Deerfield will celeb.“ _"pttfuid, VOLUME XVI The Elks band of Highland Putt will play from four until eight o'clock. An orchestra will rirovide music for the dunes in the evtnint mu: Deerfield" any be determined brgm.tre lie whim at the Alcyon theater on Friday waning. - . ' " PART 3 3 PARTS Everybody in requested to decorate for the omission their automobile end premise to help (We the town e hol- idey eppemnee. _ The route of the parade he not yet been determined. Final “reage- mente were diecmud at e meeting held Wednesday evening by the Chamber of Commerce. .,Deerfieid local and PM] Mira Mnyme Kateh spent last week in Madison, Wis. ' i Mr. .and Mn. Paul Diet: are en: joying a motor trip thru Michigan' and will spend a few days with Miss Irene Roekenheuth, who has , summer cottage at Tank Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Dorsey of Deer- field avenue, announce the birth of a son at the Highland Park hospital Saturdpy, August 14. V - - ’ -- ... I " ,LA__ ._3 -A- Mr. ind Mrs. Paul Hunter and non Kenneth and daughter Doris return- ed Saturday from I twooreeU' vac:- tion " Conover, Wis. t Mr. Robert Welton of Norfolk, Va., arrritred Friday evening nt the si',?) ham Galloway home where Mrs. Wel ton end son hare been visiting forl several weeks. T Mrs. E. J. Kniekerboehtsr had " her guest: Thamdart Mr. and Mrs. Deutether of Chieago .mtd on Sunday, Mr. and Mn. (mules McCarthy of Evmton. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest have rented their home on Rosemary Terrace and will move to Chicago the first of Sfptember. "‘M;;t;era. Barry Olendorf were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith of Evsnston Thmdgy.‘ . Mrs. Margaret Ender and Miss Florence Ender of Chicago were weey end guests st the C. E. Ender home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy V: Hutchinsom Irving Park visited relatives in Deep field Sunday. _ , . "VEJTJESEie Wilson, mother of Mit. Chester Wolf, isopendintr a few days with Mrs. Henry Appleyard of Glen- View La Annie Societie "La Amitie societies" (friendship society) is the nnnie chosen for, the club recently organized by the twelve members of Mrs. Cheater Woif's Sun- day School clue of the Presbyterian church. . tl _ ' The following ofBeers were a]: President, Louise Keraten; vice- ident, Claim Juhrend; Miers Ruth Patterson, and mm, d. Yuma, ’ "uiiiiireAnintt the club met M. the home 'of. Louis Kenton. . On September first, Mm. C. G. Pqt- tits of Todd court will nut . may: class. , . , Mr. nnd In. Ethan Willi»!!! kd two Ions, Dale and Jack, luvs iEt ed to their home in ms loinâ€, I ' Mrs, Raymond cum and m etim dren with friends from Chm, - tend to Otto's. 111.. last “L , Mr. and In. Dewey Diem an- nounce the birth of a daughter Wed- nesdny, Aug. It. Mrs. Diehljdou her mine in we may . Mr. and Mm. Goon. If!!!†of Went 03m venue. at naiv- in: Waikiki. on the birth of B, son, born may, AW 0. Mr. Raymond Chm .W the EIU, convention at name. 111.. last Mr. Frank m "txsroett m Pueblo, Colo., Tnudu- In RW‘ pontpoaca her trip to.coioeado "dl, didmot leave last swanky " 'ef mentioned in hit week"! m T Mr. all In. Chut- Solis hm mud tron Waterloo; Ian- a- JdriiLittuet-e", cob smwmmm when.me moe,,iaiitor-utoaiaotartrlr"h" Deerfield .1 News Cr'ht 1'illiiilij, ; vice-pres- lid A lovely "" of list week win the bgldge potty given by the Gordon Club at Mold It the delightful and churning'home of Mr. and Mrs. William Gary of Brierhlll road, Mt. urdly "rrnintt. _ .. Gorgeous bouquets of delicnbely Gorgeous bouquets of delicttely inted mid-summer bloom that "eetr. ed to bring the imlm‘m andperfunu of the cordon: into the rooms eon- ennui ttiir slurs to the tune: than“ of the nthdr. - _ The party, which was in charge of Imus. W. A. Woods, and William (known. minted by Mrs. William Gary. cum-Mont every detail with the remit ttutt it was manila par- ticularly planing niftitr. - . .. , -r'iaCiirG'itaili of Mutual prizes were uwu-ded' to the mam: afhitrhKomrts. _' . . -iiaGiiir%rven guests attended, including a number from. Chicago nd Evmton." - ___ - The proceeds of the "nir.wilil he" used to create a fund to carry on the work at Journal Place Park. . The civic conimittee, composed of Mines. W. A. Woods, Wm. Geary, and Jesse Strong, has already accomplished a great deal on this plot of ground and with a little money at their ‘diSposal will be able to make it an attractive spot which will not only be a credit to the, club, but also to the Village of Deerfield. . Mr. and Mrs. Boyintrton of/Mar.. .engo. Ill., were weekend-guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. RGso. Mrs. Wil- liams, who is making herhome with her daughter Mrs. Russo, left with Mr. and Mrs. Boyington for a ghort visit to their home. Tht Garden club is very to Mr. and Mrs. Gary, gené'ronsly offered the use home for the party. William Barrett. received second prize for the‘beat decorated eomere- ial Boat Northbrook Day. Miss M. Angina Cutler of High- Inna Pll‘k visited Mitra Sadie Gallo. """" .__- Mee-ee-""" - _ Mrs. 11.0. Athenian“ of Edge- wood Park Manor 3nd per two sisters aft-om Canada, cglled on their old uhool friend in Canton, Ohio, Mrs. Edward K. .Williams, oh Thursday. After traveling by motor approx- imately 3500 miles thru Illinois, Wis- consin, Minnesota, North and South Dakotas, Wyominga, and Iowa; Wal- lace Newcomb, Gordon Knee, Wesley W Reichelt and Rus- sell Patterson re o their re- spottive homes Sunday n00 . eir many frienda'will be interact to know that outside of,thirtv-f1ve punc- tures or more the tiip wu quite a success. Tiii; cooked most of their meals and stayed in tourist camps or in school yards at night. __ "iFiiicirriiitJi'iG, the cities their much decorated car attracted con- siderable attention. - _ -rn' 'iiismareir, N. D., these young men were entertained By an uncle of Rumytmmn. Iowa, is visiting at the home of her brother, George Bantam of Centnl' 3mm. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Getty sud family are at Devils' Lake, Wis. Presbyterian Minhhary Society _ i The Missionary Society of the Pros. byterimr chprch heldlts August meet- in: at the home of Mrs. George Pet- tis .Thunday utemoon,9utrunt 19. “Orient in America" we: the subject studied. V "s With the grounds lit, with utety shining lanterns, the young ladies of the Presbyterian chugch held n lam fete Friday evening on the property north of the church where ice cream, ceke, candy and pap were mid. TFiU'TiiGGC Hide: the capable supervision of Mrs. Austin Pluto, enjond games nnd mes. , ' up; mandate iaaak is in Garden, Mich. 7 7 - _ - . . A number of the new boy scout troop. enjoyed on outing over ' the "can . 1‘",me Ginny woo a luncheon m at In. Cook of Highland Park Wodnc'pdly- . . ' t mun-tin Pu- hns teen _ pained chairman of the tenth was! led Croat roll all which however doe- n‘pt uh place until November. 1123.} C. E. Mud and two ehil, dun, ind In. G. Deck; spent Friday with their mother. Mrs. Evy Ber.. gman df CM. Hed, R. has 01.8mm road will -d)t.tq,rtatr, the Putnam club at the; Wm school. Wednesday " jenooh. Aunt "th. , i"i'.""iii.Tiufyec_F2tet.reatt [W Within at Chicago can 'idtrtet M .of Khan! In. ' FM *stadar, i. .2 Min Ruth beatnik of Motor 3500 Miles i4ii , 'r-., grateful who no of their New School Home ' â€dial _ Work fa Win: p, Iyonthe nttnctive new red brick? q [, . home which will math. p g the one- room frame Wilmot ' i bl on the corner of West Wolf tnth. Min Nellie Knapp, 3lr,1 unlit in that diatrkt t?! v if mrd Hub Beatrice Cannon. H Brown!- town, 111., him been l . for the coming term. . 'l Circle Three " the Society of the Presbyterian ,ch will meet mtlhe home at In. A. 6hmson of Osterman avenue on F y, August M, " two o'clock. _ . Y' church parlors the pl . Pro' a bak.. ery sale when you can ii' ._ - I 1811.; natorttttettt of home 'Be' candles, delicious cake; pies ' , tii er home delicacies. The ale ‘ . in chum of the Junior Girhf ' 'reh school Wat and the p 'lil ih will help swell the church Boor ' " ing fund. The public is cord lfginvited to The Stir Club of G _ w was en- tertained at the home (Mrs, Chris Willmm Tuesday " t n. C Bunnlov- F at. Rev. R. M. Willi: If the Bun- galow E'vsuttre1iea1 elm will speak at the Barrington p mating. Friday evening, Aug , Tr' The following prom , will be enr- tied out on Sunday, A bt 22: . ' 9:30 Praia? mnd tmsSonv. RIG. Mundiy. _ . Ill 10:00Aerinon by car Btuencher. _ 1:30 Sunday school., Bl" W. Plague, mph, assisted by th'e ll. mittee and V. D. Hunky, chor' E .» 2:80 Sermon by 'C. 'lhstuiiiLier. 7:15 League moetln [ll ul H. Ella, lender. B4 l _ 7:45 Gospel service L. Retake in charge of music. . new J. W. Dnvis preach. Mrs. F. rt, Meyer“; d tttt Eleanor were truertaal Mrs. H. B. Thorne of Forest Gle lil Fridny. 1 Rev. and Mrs. Mary-f ndrew- .and family departed Mon Tbjnoming by nuto for Pennsylvan.. where they will visit both Rev. "U Mrs.' Att- drews' parents, end Bl we in New Jersey. They expect " gone about three weeks. . 'll Mrs. Robert m "f and' Bruce Blaine acted as jud _ . , r the North- brook day parade In I nday. The third judge was Mr: 'ugnn’s bon- itwlaw of Chicago. I list of win- ners and prizes award . _ ill be found elsewhere in this par Mrs. Byron o. Has nd son Jun- ior " Waukegan we a luncheon meat; of Mrs. Robe . Pettis on Wednesday. . . The E. B. Jordan ily have re- turned from a sever onths' visit in the west. J _ Presbyterian _ . 38:10 Friday aftemoon at bb'eloekrrfi1 , the time and the Wan Mr. and Mrs. C. R. ed into the Jens Pet Chestnut street. Friday eveninith ttion Post Na. 788 wi] business meeting in at. 8:00 p. m. All me to attend. . ' Mrs. Lee Wenzel 1 bars of Chicago " Wenzel’s mother, Mr, hvitea'to m t " St. Paul’s Evantre1ien1 , iureh which starts at 10:15 I. N On Sunday, Aug“ _ there will be union "rvieee of Bti “PI and the Pie-Wan chu ' t the Bonn.- tow church. g; " _ newâ€. G. Pie . Chureh school at Emmi service a German service a The St. Paul’s T its thirtrulrst uni V day. The church; decorated far the worshippers In? with the ladies. ll, The'annual repo but)â€: organiza- tion shows that t Bl year was tiited with utivitic V bléaud with wees-a. This 0- r , a, "ort on the) part of the ladies! fie church hai contributed much 1» stability tion and progress q . chunk. t' The mutant!) F, 3.. society is Mty.»'ren when Ill ‘ - added dur- ing the year. It Illtt that may at the ladie- of "1,4,8 l, whom not membenot ' lit n tion will join during the =.. â€W. - - HIGHLAND PARKu-LINOIS, THURSDAY, waver no, me Since the Rev. tptr of the Presbyterian elm H iit be shunt from“hil church 11:56†following three trundaV If, clutch ham, with extends a 'i!iitlll, invitation to themhdtb, - . church to worship with 3 “5’ "‘1 _ Augâ€: .. ' 'lliti Ilium ’m'wm _ . lbthehew trsrunehtaeb. Ptmhrtae%rt Sunday school at ti During the “wand 8t. full“- Eva: fl! "1 1'i?. with Park Pram I usual hour. .merican Le- M a regal-r 911 are urged two dnutth- isiting Mrs. '. Trute. maidens: " but Butt.., I beautifully m. . Many to celebrate have mov- house on _ Rev. R. Mfwmtnm. new: Sunday school n JP." L n usual with elm for alV The Y. P. M: G; uit its dimt maul outing at the KW Purl: bench My m1 It in of great Value to I]! touch in unload interest of the you): WW in their church activim. , _ Wednesday evening It ‘8 o'clock the. ttrarer-prairie and $1M: M hour, taking up our closing lesson in the Book of (hum. It but boon blessed experience in the study of this book and on Motion to continue. by. William will take up tho unch- lng of another one of the Epistle! in September. Saturday evening. Aug. 21, the Christin: Endeavor any will hu"held at the Harrington amp meetiutt grounds. A late delegation in expected to go from Weld. maporhtlou has been provided to accommodate at last fifty. lumber: of the society armplnnhg to go. Sunday ochooluwlll meet,ay and " 9:46 Sunday. Aug. M, ind the 29th for all who meld in Mold Ind} than who to to Barium amp Witt', enjoy the crutunlon school " camp _ Owing to the camp meeting them l will be no prmhing at the Bungalow church Sunday, Aug. " or 29, but all arastmmdtotittendtheeamrrmethttr and enjoy the privileges of “vine Inch men as Bishop Dunlny. Bishop Spun: and many other dale Men thod. itAritttsenema'ttirrmfor refreshing. F " - _ W'l‘he BEncalow‘ church is planning to have " last two ttoats in the par- ade on Dese.rfuld my. _ , Mn. John Carter of Cleveland Heights, Cleveland, Ohio, we: the guest of her cousin, In. J. A. Reichdt Jr., last week. while en-' route Iron! f Venconver, B. C., to Cleveland. v."" Mine Gladys Word of Park Ridge, we: the guest of her cousin, Mine Helen Reichelt Wetlnudly. TuremM9nam - F , ' Minn Eleanor Meyer and Mrs. C. T. Andereon entertained Mm. Max Eyler of Kitchener, Ontario, and her deter, like Mildred Knickerbocker of Chicago lat week. A luncheon in the t%mia,n" tom of Martial! Field’s wan given by Hill New: for Clearénke $4.95 300 Pairs, of Finest Quality Ill Specials That Formerly Sold In F . Sale Nisw. at' $4.95, a our' Entire Stock of. Newest Styles in 9isili Shoes. IiUuded are Such Fiinous . ' 'lil; Florsheim for Men; Arch Presenver and v' , Quality for Women, Totuiar fora Phone 456 k Sale Ends Apguri21st . _ o-Special for pair Dar-- 1 .E . N One Lot of Fine Felt slippers if , $1.00 Per Pagir 'f 3?; g 20% Disco FELL BROTHERS A; FELL BROTHERS) ii"' TR HIGHLAyPJ day.‘ . _ l, . Mr. and unit. E. was. Inf-ad Mrs. C. T. Andemn and dntettnr Dorothy Jan, “(I In. Wand daughter. Helm, visited the thUrU Teeter tad Emma! Dyk- 'natsfiUs inthritat Lat: Brstrdat __ J - The Junk “yen nnd the P and families spent South: at uh r- teh. The l family have â€unmat- to spend "to " that m. . ' t Min mud Tuietustt 1m, to her dun in the Pram . It school at her home Thursday - noon. _ T I 1 Mr. nnd Mm. Elmer E, 1thlt and son Robert, In. John Huh! nad mu Ian-hm Huh}. In. Gem Summon and dentrhter Betty of Chieaeo, spent Sud-y um nt Banalakeutheguuhol Mr. and In. Prank Sum-uh. "gistr,Eiitse' Obemnch w ho.tads to the month1rmeetineud the J. o. Y; Club My m. _ F mu Barham Bush! w; W at Camp Katha, Jr., lut- Thun- " t any. MD PARK DAY G ' PRIZES UNCLAIMED 509 Central ’Avgh (hite Shoes, lf,',!, , to $10.00, oh amt , "t luau-r in: 'i,) ‘1'! . ' u .7: F C" n d. -t--' In, 'I- b M. - _~l;nehll-'rl ha . I. A. I," d.""""""'"", ' unini- up: an; lure-'4 Jud-I. - it: _ H} ' Itâ€. In?†cu. I.- h _ t.h W-t. “-4. in " Sal VIM"! aj, . atâ€! ( at'tt"t 'iii.ru--t '4.‘ Inch“. of,. -..s ...., .mJl_.-._A___ 3% tm-ties My... ti g h 7-77 ,