"pos 5 Atrium-men: M} surrounding of mm: mm: mp co. '-Fifth Street _ MM and dedicated .16 ration Invited phone Wentworth 3210 .1†(uliy "tmsred by (WIM- 'oh open for inspector Cemetery It Lake View 7102 we. Irving Park Blvd. ttttyg,i,gt,: GEORGIA 2341‘ CONSTRUCTION, IO Artem'"-" Club DLEUM bes for Womén ising ", is. Mattie. mum GGPau a. VnletaeU and as.“ rm mu. ocfohn 1,i" you Ruth! Charm oi DANCING? ETERY Tet. ' P. "" ETERY Winn'etka 1520 a; Ya If; h ‘m. Bred, enkes, pies, rolls, m, tad ll other kinds of home 1tahed eighties. and home-made can- dic will be on sale. Bot doughnuts nndeo4reewitittemtsaunisd The troetntilluttiveptbrttusiadusto the church tron-wry. The Ladies' dd of the Methodist church will hold a bakery sale in the Humobile ales rooms, Market square. Saturdsy, Oct. 16. The sale begins u 9 I. m., .:hth Mrs. H. Rose .BAKERY SALE 'wr BE HELD ON SATURDAY On Friday evening while riding Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greemihuie met with an mident which might have proven very serious. As they were riding u on Melt! avenue just in front ot, the Dorms Home, they.ran into a will occur on Monday evening, Octo- ber 18, at g o'clock. Senator Rodney Swift will speak on taxation problems, with special reference to the proposed mendment to our state constitution. Mr. Jesse Smith will give an illus- trated talk on our roadside flowers. Everyone is cordially invited to at- tend this meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Ely? Place PargytoTeacher association “Taxation Problems" Subject for Meeting Next Monday at Elm Place " of dirt which did not have a - light on it. The ju- of the “on splintered the steering wheel of the ‘car and threw Mrs. Green- .slade and Betty from their seats. Aside from bruises Betty was tmin- hired. Mm. Greénnhde was badly bruised and received . fractured nose. Two teeth were! half injured. SENATOR RODNEY SWIFT T0 SPEAK AT P. T. A. MRS. GREENSLADE IS INJURED IN ACCIDENT The art committee of the Won/any Civic club of Ravinia is delighted to announce that Mr. Ralph Fletcher Seymour will give a public lecture in the Ravinis Village house on Tues- day. October It, at i? o'clock. Me. Seymour, who is a Ravinis resident. is very widely known for hiswork both as an artist and 3 publisher. Be will speak on the history of etchings and the process of making them and he will have a great many of his own etchings on display. The club feels: that this is a rare opportunity for its? members and friends to hear us fem-l ous a man as Mr. Seymour. k Q Art Committee of Woman’s Civic Club Announces Inv teresting Feature RALPH F. SEYMOUR T0 _ GIVE LECTURE OCT. 19 "I know of no organization in our city that means so much for commun- ity interest " the women's club. Your energy and activities have been tt some of keen interest and much Continued on pm 10 "It is on honor to be called upon to deliver the address on the opening of this exposition. The may " prefaced his remarks! by saying t .at in his experience twoI great wond’s fairs came to 'iiiiii) the Seaqui-centennial in Philadelphia, the fair at Jackson, Mississippi, and.' comparable with these is the Better; American Homes exposition, exeeptl, that in his thirty-one years of JGr.l, sition attendance this was the only; occasion where everything' was in readiness at the appointed hour for; opening. _ In all the twelve years of his ad- miniatmtion the members of the wo- m'a ch!) it. felt that no public enterprise 'dl theirs was quite com- plete witho the presence of the mayor of Highland Pith. Mr. Sam- uel M. Hastings. and so Ignin on this occasion Mrs. Seyfnrth turned to him for his words of greeting. 1 More then four hundred people had nthered in the auditorium of the woman's club when the president, Mrs. Robert E. Seyfnrth, gave! in hand, announced the formal opening of the Better American Homes Ex.. poeition. In her melons manner. the welcomed the guests. thanked the exhibitor: for their beautiful displays: and thanked the fhtance committee! for the my. energy and good busine- ncmnon which has made this‘ exposition possible. VOLUME XVI PART Ill ' PARTS with Adana}; Miami Pro- gram in Evening? Ex- hibit in Progreds IS my AMER; DAY Henry E. Code. Jr., will continue the business estahtiiUd by his father In Highland Park's MM: and in.. surance 'oneruhr “do? hot:- strict policies of thorouthnua, my and coupon-um..- maintaining the thirty mn' mum 01 Hm E. Gone. and Henry E. Code &8oa. -l Piecchietti 'Bros. will :open a nev meat market Saturday morning in connection with their stocery it No. 8 South First street. They have been in the fruit Ind - business in Highland Park for one: four year); They assure us that they will - nothing but the {mature-ts. my" have a very attractive “on and a. serve their share of new. HENRY K. com. JR. TD com: BUSINESS NEW MEAT MARKET FOR HIGHLAND PARK The Lady Elke club met' yesterday afternoon in the club‘ room. An elec- tion of oMeers was held and the fol- 1owintrwens elected.. Mrs. James Col- lins, was re-elected president; Mrs. Herman Benzel, vice-president; Mm. Jack Peterson, secretary and treas- urer. Plans were media for the an- nual luncheon to be held in the club roomy Wednesday, Oktober 27. A no: eiaruternoon followed. / Mrs. William Witten, Mrs. HermanDenzel, Mrs. A. E. Smith and Mrs. Tom {Russell acted as hostesses of the day? ' LADY JilLKtl CLUB ELECT OFFICERS WEDNESDAY Bartlett theatre, Highwood, will present the following pictures nex't We'ek. ‘Sunday and Monday, Huntly Gordon, Lowell Sherman and. Jane Novak in "Lost at Sea;"-Tuesday and Wednesday. Kenneth McDonald in Law of the Snow Country?! Thursday and Friday, Tom Mix in "No Man's Gold;" Saturday, Norman Kerry in, "Under Western Skies." See ee mm on another page of this paper. 1 PROGRAM NEXT WEEK AT BARTLETT THEATRE The Publie Library ‘announces a change in its hours of opening. The adult department is now open contin- uoust every week day from 9:00 a. m. lo 9:00 p. m. The ehildrenh, de.. .. HOURS, or OPENING Gigs Sent During September; arvard Classics Purchased _ LIBRARY CHANGES l Miss Fergus eppesred before the ,womsn's club levers] yous 110 but ‘ehe will lie new to the meiorlty of the members. _ ' She up" a pm " the blennlsl; convention of the Pena-s] Fodetntion of Women's clubaln Athntlc City in the summer and received moat hearty approval. ', , This promises.to be an especially delightful entertainment sud one which will open the Women's club season most suspiciously. A lam stand-sues of maul-gs is expected. cal Fez-gut; She will will opon'for mu open tor tn. your on Tuesday. Oct. 19, with a Wm byfhynh p_____ __.A2,‘ _ - Wotimn’ ’s Guiana; "For J8ear6etober " it At Sea" Sunday & Mon. day: "No Mais Gold" . Thursday-Friday ___ My“ UL yaw. (et,iea' stogii'rttemts' m. m. s T meye Park Wow“: club Plan 'sitne'pki/r'am for Library' my _of -ptieuo. gig 'iii'iiii'iiiil't?i, Highhnd tart Woman’s At b ' the heat of the arm and» of .Campbell clupter. Music will In tie. nishod br, Harding’s o ' 'of Lake Fog-est. The public in htdud 9,.me evening, Oct. as. in Jim, ity; titarfht, will give I at ttte JUNIOR STAR CLUB ' DANCE 0cm: sale. All than having aitii,i their yrttstr, to contribute sh one of the numbers of thin t Arummtttretmiewiittseheidi'athe basement of the Grace M. church Wednesday and Thursday. Oct. 20 and 21. The Udiea' Aid t) My 01 Gun church in in charge of the LADIE& AID 8001; TO BOLD BAZ. A chicken dinner and b r will be held Friday and Satin: y, Oct. 29 and 30 in Odd Fellow: h l, under the auspices of Zion Luther: church, Highwood. This is open to he pub- lie as well " members of th church. HIGHWOOD CHURCH f C A ALI,‘ BAZAAR 'jlli,. 29.30 A bazaar and dance 'ihai be be]? Saturday evening, Oct. 16,‘in But hall. Highwnod, under the direction of North Shore lodge, No. I, S..F. of A. All member: of the? tunin- tion Ind their friends are i vitod to, the affair. , l _ _ BAZAAR AND gAi,1gi BEING HELD " . Anyone wishing ticket;n them from any member of mittee. lfollowing is the person committee: Mrs. Arthur By Zoe Comer, Mrs. Moses E Mrs. Alexander 0. Mason, Oleson, Miss Edith Phillips C. Shipnea, Mrs, David R. Mrs. Allan Wolff, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Otis Beardslgy, "AUTUMN FIRE†TO BE GIVEN HERE NOV. ll Highland Park CoinmitIee of N. A S. Theatre Guild! mm Work The Highland Park committee of the North Shore Theatre Guild is " work again. Last year thi, member- ship was closed because ' the limi.. tation in the seating cap: ity of the Woman's club auditorium., _ ere will be some vacancies due tty,; removals" from town and other causes; and than} vacancies it is the duty ot the can»; mittee to fill. Mr. hlera' r Dem,~ director of the guild, met 1%? commit.. tee last week and outline the plan for the year's work. The first play will be given in Highland Park an November 11, "Autumn Fite" by T. C. Murray. . V l, ' , l Field Musenn Omithblogist _ In the meantime " ht,,', of bird study and collecting had lready won him recognition, and wheh the Field Museum was estublishedl after the World's fair he was its flrht ornithol- exist. Shortly after he temoved to Highland Park, in 1893, ind lived on Laurel avenue. Then he returned tol Chie'aeo for a your and anhlly settled in this city in 11394, Imeabinir in the real estate business here." He built the homestead at 628. Linden avenue and lived there atrttil twoyesrs no when he remodelled his mittumin into! Continued on page 9 _ The son grew up in Chicago. at- tending'the city schools and early bt- teresting himself in nature study, especially being attracted by native birds, of which he early (an a col- lection. His father was engaged in the coal and lumber busi es: and he assisted in eyery way ible. Reach-: lug manhood's estate he eld several business positions in Chicago. His in.. terest in real estate be early and he gradually worked 1i.7il.li, into that business, continuing it ith marked success. 1 I _ Henry Keleo Code. pr went 'teat- ', tor, honored citizen for . 30 AG and ornitlt6lotrfat of, an ryiryu- tion, died at his home. 6 SonthlLin- den ttvrttttieLttttptib 4:15 'eloek Wed- nesday manning, followl swam and I half weeks oritl " _ T Mr. Code? was born in km Pets ryary 28, 1858, a son df lease and Elite JaneJreuo Coale, bioneer reel-1 'dents in that locality. an. went: came to Highland Park ter and his father died here and mother in Resident 1 of E K. COALE N o T. E n ortrm1iroroarsrr HIGHLAND P. a? in!“ , I' lune: Saturday, 2 for el of the eld, Miss enataedt. :3. O. L. Thomas, Arthur éhairman. " obtain the com- IS - MAY Ild of me thé I which Park for -‘t A 018. 'ertmtrrur,otnoiiiiii " A dance will be held Stand†an. ning, October 28, " Sat! Hull High- 'wood, under the auspice. of the lads ’pendent Order of Vikings. Refresh- "ttents will be served and there will be good music. All are invitbd to (mu) PARTY MONDAY -.. I , AT ODD FELLOWS HALL NIGHT SCHOOL WILL 'r, sum NEXT. MONDAY be started at the Durham-Shield: high school on Honky M ot nut week. All those desiring! want-oil Art tsr,gedt'odosoattuutthittititrattU mug-o up to “aid Munich, and also that they 1:1:er In}! biniiii af the class unions. _ , attend. OCTOBER " DATE OF _ DANCE AT SANTI HALL The president has cinch a meeting of the committed for the card party at her home Monday xftu-hoou at two-thirty o'clock. ' Anyone overlooked and wishing tickets may get them from Mm. H. 8. Roberts, 880 E1m.p1are or from the gfuident, Mrs. Charles Remix. 881 Lincoln V inane. An all day meeting of “I; tnt) Puarrr 1", KAN can Legion auxiliary was eld at 2 . ' ' Friday at the, home of Mrs. H. (iii .Im Poi. N. & Line halo: Mason at which time invitations and, Aeeidert Vic“! “50 tieketrwere mailed for their annunl‘, on Vacuum _ card party which will be held " the] t _ ---_.-- Moraine hotel, Wednesday. Oct. 20. Ivan Fox of mm - can MAIL TICKETS FOR ANN DAL-CARD PARTY Complete Plans for Affair Oct. 20 at Moraine Hotel by V Legion Auxiliary , ,folmg: Aliens; hem, iiiSi,i,tii'ii g? may. and Iona-row. Chop. W. Cronkhite, Joe Boyhn; mett: . . ' Humane, John Boylan, Stewart. iiiiii2' ,J,,tet'raf,,ttt'tig'rgy ma non, A. Cronkhlte, Coffman, N. an. Sta 1foffi/.'....' 'll',,"; land, A. England. Williams, Ballad, . rr, Ch. 1111. m VAdah-cent N. Pink, F. Pink, F,e..trye,taftttt,i' Twig: Apia .41.. cm . 90-91 .- Schroeder, Stipea, Quinn, Miller, Tar.., ' . WG-2 . an, Arrino. . T , 1tt'tt Next Sunday the Hichwood mm] aft't, 1bttasr-reh,'t 2attrt " will play the Black Jackets A. C. th' Ki 2'gltrt l The iU; l ; Chicago on the Highwood fleld. ‘A in 2trtitt ii "" 1le m game is in prospect. The mtrh- Slaughter 'i ic.riiii Adam wood games are played on the High. Cha I II Vii . wood field every Sundsyi, sad the team p. , ' . I is making a fine mount on as â€may; T lam football aggregation. 'i ummt Ji. -1eteytC--. Adolescence. mtrltwood'tr, feet tooth.“ team ion another good [game lest Sunday when they defeated~the Chase Park club st Hitthwood, 19 to 0. Despite the die- crepancy of the scores, the game we: a stiff one from start to thtish, both teams making an excellent shoving. Rurhwood, got the breaks end M creek players were not slow to aim advantage of every opportunity . ' 3tt,I3rhy.tod New mM, a) HIGHWOOD GRIDDERS DEFEAT CHASE A. c. The' matter of auto parking " nights on Central avenue wu’ discuss- ed and I committee composed of Prank Shenhen and Henna Dime] Continued, on page 9 Commerce Tuesday _eemirtq a m tn. ‘teresting any". M by Principal Jeane L. Smith of Mid Ella â€and schools on the prom-ed attendant to the state ttonatitution.. He showed loudly the perc'enhge af the“. ‘collected whicharemed in citmelnr ty and state, explaining that 0311 a very mall proportion of the total tax goatothecountymd [twiddle the remainder can to local to: levy- ing bodies for use in behalf of new, city government, etc.; ( , ‘ Preceding the meeting an oyster supper was enioyed., , New Post 0.0.0“ Postmaster $chneidpr spoke ttrUfV regarding theitteeesait, of getting started orvthe proposition to 'eettm a federal building by 1929 when the present po.ttoMtleaae expires. _ At the regular mouth}: and din. ner ot the Highlmd Park Cinnabar at Commerce Tuesday oveninr u an in. Talks by has. L. Smith M master Schneider; Members; AWN 8tttttt Report on 4 Salvation Army CHAMBER op COMMERCE mGame Last Sand“. 10-0; Play Black Jackets Next C Sunday Afternoon 0FBUSINBSIIEN my: l Mr.nndhtm.Geomemiur,Br.,oe 'itiiirriiirii,iji.Gi, pliant-ch!“ "ttlt-tist-yt/rt-Gt- Judi-ho nah choir home the te, lttltatfgtlL1'rgettt an: ,mm but alarm that! :255 LOCAL REfUDllllN'r8 IO . ' _,' REMOVE TOALABAMA The first recitation ddr In High. 1nd Perk W October land (or t1,1'gt'gta't,g,igglel,ifitiii ttt n -ttitttty a oete. tM'; All â€WM 3.1:“; amrtr8rtetr,rheiqtaitstr-ekBc , ttye who hwmhce . and induct; aim-u. Gt'iiiGkitir' w" 133; VOTERS HAVE ANOTHER DAY FOR REGISTERING P_tams 't4ttlutmrprtrrNoethtttttti4 dmlu'tnd'in BM â€in.“ {fiends that mind new; of H. M"! Vithdb-pmta ugh-ur- Vin by “I wife "ttrt-ore-mst, IPtontH'ear1-rdttdot,mesc tinly. Mn. Pox was My In. WPerry.‘ I “out her experience, with M, after which the chairman of edue.. itiem, Mm. June. Locum tn. nonncod the plan font!» year; thtlr, one new»: will be dam to the physical "pact! of 1douttsrt,ttt-ym, November g, at “8:80. when, In." George was. him Alfred NW, will participate? in the, W. has. within: torytht the M'who m reading togetter 'ftN lather." by F m., m 8. _ The reference- for the Nova-uh Jeetite y, my". tk 3:er The M meeting of the an. 7a., HtdAttthtad, mama m nretl a, man. .tt.PT 1iiirtm First Meeting Wu Lamitr Ati' “Med: Urge Attachâ€: _ at Mull-gs UPPER GRADE Momma '1rt1t1itiytdWftr'iatigiur'gtt'ettinis. inmgh-gumww MI t0eatti11iieb'iitiidit'r, . S,l?.._tteat.ettitttt'i'itiiiiiriia.' Wit-Holt Pleiyitiiirae,ttti, HOW EPWMPI‘“ nrrter)titi/GGiitG"'iiiriic"."'ir; comes toxaddrasamtysm ,ettetotetittvetitttotrtdsooiasttaik 2ttM2itg,'tt,t,dti,iit,i?,i,i,ii; fh,ttrott:terettsemmt", 1rftrlrett_trorthttoee-Grik _tN1ti.nttd:, Purl: will supply Itarihnre otthetudienee. T1irtt6tieahtvftedtoattotue ,eeieidth.e-ao,tnrttieGiti !ttuyAtsttreresammtiauiic itle',',tt,2gtemr""t"'iia in em. / . . The departmental T2,T,thtt brexrer4emeedwtrrtersthkeli - Mil Council of Religions 1ietty,ises ,ritltreatrpeeta1aiimetitm as“- dnryehoitenae.samd-tGili, are interested in the religious train- introftutretti1dren. Bt1thitr2ratr)utitr, V, Address S, 8.51%†Here Next 1'httrrtdestt “'91,,“ " Ema! Wid " a.“ ' 1& x 'l W», ', t. a s 'd m2}: ' Df “av. '44 A _ "i2itk iitaSakrihti' 35$ti W55 Stitt2rt?ii'ft iiiiy'i'iii?'i?i"ii'il “:11. Wins!- I iliitiiij'ifiiiit, 'i tliir33iiiiiiiihi, v Vrrrettfurth.tstt'-' “Sk 'riiphmrs to an: ad. -, Tr Mr. W†f-turi' 'ld) mu- J, autumn tie iintr:tAedrtmitir'ttu' iii'ii'rhlii,1'irtfitifl MWuwi- itotiuoyeoithi'iif we; t,tu'Si) M “M -rttt had an: a 2t' ttiktthi. 2m pt ihl a? 5% wt