pt the Presbyterian Old People's Home. Mrs. Batty presented a group of Fren'eh-Cotadian readiness and Vir- ginia Bond Ptrdee accompanied on the piano by Esther Pardee Topo, sang a you» of southern songs it costume. This Tmt$rPS88t m given in honor of.the birthday: of some of dav afternoon. at two o'elick. _ I {2:9 of 319 Tt tlt/ef, attain Mr. and Mrs. Henry Banderob and! 0 e wee was e car pa y gwen son. Ralph, of Elmhurst, were thel yesterday afternoon at the Mtrtiy Sunday quests of Mr. and Mmihotel by the American Legion A il- ","/i.t,d1r",.',','.T." L..Winters have re-g ia1rJi,o't'g,dttt"i',,t,'.Coh,e,f $1315“ It.': turned from an extendetrmotor trip) than $300 w†realized. Prizes ere in the eaat and Canada. [awarded to the highest score at eh Mrs. C. H. Lunham and dauehter, table. Mrs. Earl W. Spencer nd Ruth. and son. Roy, have left .rylstrs. Eugene A. Bournique pen ed. Pasadena. Calif.. where they will 10111; The hostesses of the afternoon inc ud- Mr. Luan and his son. Lloyd, who? ed Mudames H. B. Roberts, w. W. ha_w been. th.erttiyfe le, li. “if; Reichardt, Charles Benson (prLai. wrl!t remain tn California (111an t e; dent of the organization), H W Wltt fr- _ . _ ( Mason and Frank Ronan( past p es- wy’s" 2"t"c"',r.ieeu,i,y oisizcggsszf idents). A moat enjoyable the n as; was†l Ti'GI'l,', a 'is reported by all present. E "ri/'iu'iii.s.'iiii'i; Cradle spent) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark T' 'rust week in Kansas Citv. Mo., where) leavimr today..f.or Green Bay, IB., they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.) where they will spend the week ' nd Havel Robertson. Ewith Mr. Clark's paella. T f Thenarriacedliaaleatricolet-, uh. daughter of Mr. and Hrs. E. B.’ Metal, 801' Cumberland road, Kelli]- worth, to William Parish White, son of Mr. and Mrs. George E. White of: Wilmette. was aoiemniud on Satur- day evening, October 9, at 8:30 o'clock in St. Augustine’s church, Wilmette. Dr. Hubert Carleton oerformine the ceremony. The reception was held at! the Kenilworth club. The bride was zowned in white ehWon velvet made; in boueant atvle. trimmed with rose- point lace and carried a bouquet of white roses. lilies-of-the-valley and orchids. The maid of honor. Miss Winifred Metzel. wore lieht nink tif-, feta trimmed in orchid chiffon and! earried lavender sweet was and Dink! baby roses. The matron of honor) Mrs. James P. Prindle. wore a evens metal cloth gown and carried yellow'; baby roses and lavender sweet pens. The bridesmaids. Mrs. Nnthaniel W. James of Bvsnston. Mrs. Truman Home! of Hizhland Park. Miss Mar- garet Neilaon and Miss Eleanor Buck- man of Wilmette and Miss Ethel Ber-l zer of Kenilworth. were in frocks of a deeper shade of pink tatreta 'iii) med in an even darknrrshnde. Their bouquets were of pink baby roses and nink street liens. Ball"?! Hirbee of] Wilmette served Mr. White as best man. and the ushers were Jack Mur- plW and Jack Thomoson. also of this Mr. and Mrs. Henry Banderob andi, son. Ralph. of Elmhurst. were the] Sunday quests of Mr. and Mrsu Charles Summers. 3 Mrs. Frank Templeton of S.tinden avenue entertained at bridge Monday afternoon. Mrs. Jerome Bowes is entertaining at a birthday narty Fridav for her three children. Jerome, Barbara and Channort, whore birthdays fall within a few davs of each other. Miss Marearet Puritan entertained at brides, and a linen shower for Miss Elsie Blah-Mord of Winnetka, last Thursdn" afternoon. Mrs. Sarah Brillinz of Lon Anvelos. Calif.. was the week-end guest of Mm. Louie Marka. Mr. and Mrs. Zabel (Alice Larson) have returned from their honeymoon trio to Louisville. Ky. _ The Pythian Sewing club will meetl tomorrow at the home of Mrs. A. Cl Allen. It will meet again on Tuesday! at Masonic temple. The Woman's Christian Temperance I'nion will meet at the homenof Mrs. Wendling, 14 S. Green Bay road, Fri.. dav afternoon. at two o'elock. Mrs. Jase Jones was hostess to eight ladies at luncheon last Thurs- day. Table decorations were autumn flowers. vil‘mrn. Jumm P. Prindle ttnd Na- thaniel 'w. James of Evanston and Truman Metal of q Hirhland Park. Mr. and- Mrs. White, who are motor- ine to Washington and Atlantic City, oxnect to be away two weeks. John and Leo Hart. Frank Me- Laughlin and Joe Sehonthal motored to Champaign over the week-end and were the transits of Bob Robinson at the Illinois home-coming. A number of Brierrute members will attend the annual dinner at the "hicarn Athletic club this evening. Little Jimmie Clnmnnn who has liven quite ill with a cold for two weeks is very much improved. Mrs. Karl' Greenwood Miller of Philadelphia. Pa.. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Balke. Circle number 4 of the Grace Meth- "dist Ladies' auxiliary will entertain at a tea Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Robert Black. All of the ladies of the church and their friends are invited 'tn come and bring arti- cles for the db" departmvnt of the Mann. Mrs. Frank Crum of Newark. Ill., is vjsitirue her ottrents. Mr. and Mrs. M. c. McCaffrey of N. Second street. Mr. Chm-w l. Mana, is spending this week in Detroit. Mich. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Graze of 1118 Lincoln avvnue. had as their guests "ver the wek end, Dr. and Mrs. George R. Perry of Chicago. ' PAGE an M _ i Miss Muriel Payne. daughter? of 3 Mrs. Harry F. Payne of the Mourns ibotel, wns married to Mr. Cha let i Ansell Watrous Saturday eveni at 5 8:30 at Trinity church, Dr. Pete C. iWoieott and the Rev. George B. el- llex' ofBeiating. Miss Elizabeth dc tel-back was maid u honor and he i bridesmaids were Miss Eliza th (Shields and Miss Kntherine Hal of §Boston. Mr. Mortimer Doolittle of fNew Raven, waathe but man. he Embers)“ were “Ilium In k, iWillidht Reitman and _ Indie . iShex-mgn. A reception followed he l Little. Gordon Pett who has been leor,.finssd to his home on account of l sickness the but threehreeks is able !to be around ngain. l, Mrs. Ruben Llovd of N. gt. Johns 5-wenue entertained' the members of lher Five Hundred .club at luncheon Eon Wednesday." After luncheon two i tables of five hundred was enjoyed. ceremon_y The political speech. In produce an' canvas-3H. and“, my kind of action looks good l watching can‘t-en. . i Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark re leaving today for Green Bay. is., where they will spend the week)nd with Mr. Clark's parents l The next stated meeting of the Highland Park chapter, R.A.M., will be held Oct. 27, at 7:80 pm. A spe- cial convocation is called for 5:30 pm. for the conferring of the Royal Arch degree. ' The ladies of the Immaculate Con- ception Parish will hold a card party at Witten hall, Wednesday, October 27, at 8 p. m. Sucre, flve hundred and bunco will be.played. Refresh- ments will be served nnd the public is cordially invited to attend. Miss Barbara Tapper, daughter of Mr. 1nd Mrs; William R. Tspper. will be married on the afternoon of No.. vember 17 at the Trinity church to Baron d' Almeida Santos of Paris, France. The Pythian Sister's Sewing circle will meet at the home of Mrs. A. C. Allen of Glenview avenue on October 22. Friday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jesse they had as their guests on Sunday Mrs. Sobey’s owning. Mrs. John Foh and Mrs. Val Jefferson of Chicago. Miss Mary Felix DeMoville of Nashville, Tenn., is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. Herman Juati. for a short visit Santa Barbara, Cal. Mrs. Robert sehrefrler of Belle ave- nue has Cone to her old home in Adrian, Michigan, to visit her brother Contrressttuttt Earl C. Michener and family. Miss Myra Thoma of Forest ave- nup will entertain the members of her Sunday school cits: at a party Friday evening. _ T While watching the parade of so]- diprs a week ago Monday Jesse Sober eight year old son of Mr. and Mn. John Sobey, was hit by an automobile at Fort Sheridan. owned and driven by Miss Mary Sweeney. Jesse was knocked unconscious and rowived manv bruises about the face and head as he was thrown face downward--- but so far nothing more serious has shown on. Jesse expects to return to school Monday. Mrs. Emelin Stratton of Boston and her son. Mr. A. G. Stratton of New York. who have been house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph A. Henkel for the past week returned to their homes todav (Thursday). Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. McPherson are leaving this morning on a ten day motor trip. Little lheek 'sotibrmet with an acci- dent last week at the home of a lit- th, friend when he caught his thumb in A wrinwr that they were playing with. Jurk suffered much for the hail was torn off of his thumb. He is tho four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sobey. Mr. and Mrs. John P. White of Bloom street entertained a few friends on Wednesday evening. Cards was the feature of the evening. tm! CARD OF' THANKS We wish to express our appreciation to our many friends for the kindness shown us during our recent bemve- ment. 24pd CARD or THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks to our many friends for their extrsime kindness and the many beau- tiful ftoral pieces during our "cent bereavement. 34 Many of the business friends and ncqunintances at our late fellow. towmman, Henry k. Code, were aur- prised to learn from the recent obit- my articles in the lump"! of his prominence in the world of Orni- tholoey. Even many of his clout friends were unaware of the extent and fame of his 'ieotleetion-the result of a lifetime of patience, study and 'snthasiturm,--wotk done largely out- side of the hours of his regular busi- ness. It was reserved for the intimate friends to know the real inner men and to appreciate his wholesome phil- osophy of living; his attitude toward life was fundamentally one of buoyant optimism. Experiencing his full share of human tragedy and troubles, he ever maintained a cheerful and menial exterior; always manifesting a kindly interest in the problems of his fam- ily, and friends. me Wes naturally of a tender and sympathetic nature; he had a kindly sense of humor and keen- rv enioyed all the good things of life. He possessed the true scientific mind and pursued with' a scientist's enthus- iasm. the activities of ornithology; collecting. preparing" tho skins; ex- ehaneimt, labelling, cataloguing. cor- responding, writime articles, receiving visitors and all the various and de- tailed requirements of his chosen avo- cation. Once a year we fet aside a week during which we ttttIre particular ef- forts to present wise ideals to our own community. is year it comes October 23-30. Let [us have your cp- operation and interdst. C.ome to our meetings and see what we are doing. Make yourself familiar with our laws and aims. Give us your criticism and advice for we have only begun our education in girl scouting. We need you today to make us better citizens tomorrow. Steady Growth of Movement Here; AAflo-mreration of When a man has spent the greater part of,his life in doing something really worth while, he has erected a monument to himself not only in the creative results of the work itself, hut in the object lesson which such a life offers in true values and lasting in- tiueneet, for good. Such a man was Henry K. Coale. The Girl Sc'out movement in High- land Park is Vgrowing- by leaps and bounds. A few years ago we were a mere handful. Teddy we number one hundred. The very faet that we may say with almost no/exception, "Once tt Scout, always a Stout," proves that we have faith in Il',' movement and that we believe the principles which we have helped to form and which we are striving to “press in our daily lives. J GIRL SCOUT WEEK TO BE OBSERVED OCT. 23-30 W020! 511%- iv Ire, m manmn max PRESS. HIGHLAND MRI; tumors 1536 Judson Avenue Ravinia Ice Cream Kitchen (â€m "i':s'iiiiii','dt)f r. r -r " ,' “a†rv"',.', 'i', h"fiuw_-ittk u-h Now Taking Orders. for-- Henry K. Conic AN APPRECIATION Hallowe'en Parties . Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Hill and family. ' Mary F. Card, Captain, Highland Park. Citizeris 'tr,'iw:,,' 'z3tU,ol'N Mrs. R. E. Winters and daughters P. H. mm. Fromm} Highland Park 2527 BOOKS AVAILAng ON _ I] RENEE AMERICAN ROSIE-S ighland Park Library (More is 3t,t,td List for Home n. FOR BENTwi room was hot water you- 'mn'd: Srrt month. Tet. 3mm ml. FOR SALE WOIAN'SJ'UI COAT: - now h"ml?,.'trl'etttttgtpttg,i'it2e ht can 8t00, will ull‘lof '" If Hm lumpy am (not home an). m [and A'sdt of the itiiittirto' â€is ' in _ t was. Meow-mu . and In. An}. Wtiettrj)rmqts at???“ 'lt'tttttf2igit't â€In 'ttp. , mt Id MIG“ ice-ml com most tetrtritttt'ri, at time when thereis a decided hur- t in things Ruuttn--trarttettiigtiats union literature, music. and art. { _ Another gift which has lath"! {received is a copy of, BattlbqrtoesV “The Royal Road to Banshee.†ere-1 lsented by Mr. w. E. mm of aim-mm iParlr. Gifts of books were also re-‘: :celv’ed this week from, Mrs. Harry A. '/y11try and Miss M. C. Thomas of :Ravinia. ‘ ' _ A warm-hearted - reception m eiVen by the public to the.“Better' Homes Association" at the Highland Path Woman’s club last week. To continue in a small degree the purpose of this association, and to further the interest of the community in planning new homes or making old ones more perfectly adapted to their needs and their comforts, .s selected group of books on house-planning, house-fur- nishing, and allied subjects has been placed on one of the display shelve! at the Public Library. If there is one piece of advise rather than another serviceable to a prospective home- builder, it is to plan. Pencils and pac pers are cheap and books on homes building are available at the Public‘ library. Materiahrand labor are not. Even before the prospective home- builder visits his architect, he should borrow from the Public Library some of the books listed below and read and plan before he signs his contracts. These books discuss both the architec- tural detail of the home and the tar.. nishing of its rooms, and cover every step from the' front porch to the back gate: and they dearnot only with the rich man's acres but with the small house as well. ' Crane-Everyman', House. Soal--Furnishimt the Little House. -N'orthend-" Art of Home Decora- tion; The House-beautiful building annual for 1926. chuwoon Mrrmomgrcrwttcre Histhwtyy) alrflm"l and Event: pure Wednesday, Oct. M--: tal. Wm. W. Nelson, pastor _ Friday, Oct. 22--. 1 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting will be held in the home of Mn and In. Lars Nielsen in' Lake Forest. Sunday. Oct. 24-- o ', 10:30 a. m, Sunday school. . 6:00 p., m. Epworth lune devo. Peabody-Inside the Home We fut. ' Bottomley-The Design of Smnt1 Properties. Jekyll-Home and Garden. Price, C. M.--Praetieal Back of Architecture. White-Sue-ful Houses and How to Build Them. Bonta-.The Small House Primer." Hooper-The' Country Home. Ghrmt--'Nne, Taste and Furniture. Holiowtt--'rhe Practical Book of Furnishing the Saul! Home and Apartment. Morse-Furniture of the Olden Time. ' Northend--lNe Smnll‘Houu. Northend -- Colonial, Homes and Their Fumitshine., , . Luekush-r-Litrhtine Fixtures and Lighting Efteeta. ‘2 ' Vanderwalker-Inter1or Wall Deco- ration. tional meeting. _ 7:00 p. m. Social hour with refresh- ments. F 7:45 p. m. Evening service in Eng- link. Moore-The Old Clock Bbok. Holt-Rugs, Oriental and Occiden- Moore-ANd 61m. " Carrick-Next-to-Nothing Home. 'ffis%tb:gk'iei'ih% 30 p. m. The Teachers' Training class meets yit the Seminary in Evanston (2408 Orrin“ ew- nue). The choir and orchestra willbave a rebuttal at 8:30 p. m. This meeting we: postponed I week because of the Sunday school convention in Highland Park. Buildei’s; Gifts of Books Too LAT! 'm CLABSIFY "ahktt Ravinin, Ill. uric. 3:193? _:,',;::,,:., Special Sale of Used 1 ummsmnqmu.w 1dr.nnd-ttttutt-r,ui' TO'BEV HAD IN siur AND FmE"CQ~'1 10 Sheridnn Road ouruieir is â€We with bothnovdtl cards, min, party'ttblé (310338.. etc. ' _ _ Comeearlywoumpumeotetwhityoum Chevrolet Todring Ford Touring 3 Chevrolet Sedan o'aiau, will i Chevrolet Coupe _ Reo Sedan 3 f,, Ford Coupe Hm Touring l 1926 Chevrolet Demonstrator Sedin THESE CARS has EXCEPTIONAL VALUES A Phone Highland Park 1110 v, est Bl HALLOWE’EI; NOVELTIESE l WM. RUEHL & co. 1;? EARL W. GSELL & There is an ideal as well as ad idea b: of :Knickernick tented igannei The ideal of 'i'L2htt,',1,t and about comfort for women and muses. on bined with the qualities of ')stylt f; service. _ ' 389 Central Ave. ' (ttto Bagui- Wi Phone 2600 . Phone spa-cm. l""- BATON, CRANE ad Pint manoxny, [ it, 98c pa box l. Embodied, with “Highland Are; whom? e Loretta, Skii1i,i" Come in and in us demonstrate then" PRICES WE ARE ASKING PHARMACISTS ' Win?! 5%: M m In" W0! "anthem†hut-In! m in D-4beld THURSDAY, 120 N. a“? “3.35 tp, (ig RM FF.*X, his M