b] m The member! of Highland Put Presbyterian guild are busily engaged rehearsing for "The Old Family " bum" arid 1 one net play 'Ewrytrody'ts Husbund†which are to be given on the evening of March 11 in the Lin- coin school auditorium for the benefit " Laird Settlement House in Chia. 10. Ttthr, in the frtrt,h Inmul play that the guild bu given and is under the din dilution' of Mrs. R. L Grimtar11 at mun. who has directed my 'hr “in the mun m com- Mrs. F. B. Hitchcock and Mrs. E. A. Smith entertained a few friends at the home of Mrs. Hitchcock on Monday afternoon with a miscellaneous shower in compliment to Mrs. Round Hut- ings. Mr. and Mrs. Heating: are re- siding in the Vail home on Laurel awe.. since their homey“ demolished by are mfew weeks no. ' Miss Anna Baht who has been visiting friends in Seneca, Ill., for the past week has returned home. thte 1mrt " 3pm: inrthe Pies: hit} Wester" Conrad. who has been ut-g Fayette. Indiana, returned home on] Wednesday. ' , l Mrs. William Ernst entertained the members of her Five Hun'dred club'on Tuesday afternoon. The game was en- Joyed at two tables. Mr. Art Bess formerly of Highland Park is very seriously ill at his home in Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Iverson enter- tained with five tables of tlee hundred on Saturday evening fancied by a chop may supper. Mr. Ed Hanson of 0conomawoc, was the week-end guest of his mother, Mrs. Pnuline Hanson of S. Green Bay road. Mr. and Mme. A. E. Smith gtnd small daughter Betty-Lon were week- end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Smith of Milwaukee. Mrs. Jack Petergon spent a few days of this week in La Grange the guest of her father, Mr. Chilcothe. Mr. and, Mm. Wm. Witten spent the week-end in Rochester, Minn., where they visited with Dr. and Mrs. O'Connell. The doctor. who has been in a very serious eonditioh, is very much improved and expects to return home soon. I Mrs. Edgar Winterson, Sr., enter- tained a few friends at luncheon on Wednesday. Those from out of town were Mrs. B. J. Boehm and Mrs. George Asmun of River Forest, Mrs. Charles Zinns of Austin and Mrs. Edgar W. Winterson of Oak Park. Mrs. Billie Hueton and son Clar- ence are spending the weekend visit- ing relatives in Kenosha, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Bah! and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Winterson left y_es. terday for a week's stay in the south. During their absence Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Winterson, Jr,, of Oak Park 'will occupy thg Winterson home on B. Green Bay rd. PAGE FOUR The Fort Sheridan Woman's club met on Monday (evening and a vary interesting program was enjoyed by all the members present. Mr, Emil Schmidllof Chicago gave a very inter- eating t lk on "Precious Stones." Mr. Schmidt has been heard by many of us over radio station W. L. S. on several occasions. Two .very pretty piano solos were rendpred moat_do- lightfully by Mrs. John A. Croke and Chaplin Garrison Bang very beauti- fully a group of songs accompanied by Mrs. Croke. The meeting wan well attended and marks one of the moat delightful affairs of the season. Among the Highland Parkers who attended the Master Ptumber's ban- quet held at the Masonic Temple, Waukegan, on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Decker, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Moran, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Decker and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Strenger. Mr. John A. Croke loft last week for a six weeks stay in Los Angeles, for a BIX wee California. year, Number of visitor's, by months follows: January 2,600; Feb- ruary. 3,880; March. 3,600; April, 4,840; May, 14,240; June, 14,- 280; July, 19,120; August, 26,720; September, 11,720; October, 8,600; November, 8.460; December, 3,080. ' " Highlanb Park Press - - "T" --e"_ "---.r- -.....c..-....s..-.......c.--c"--. CMO 3nd Duluth report he that rtatisatd-htrttttet!,tiut?1tP"'m""""_ fte,.ttp,cendc"'r-Ti"- mu my. Ill-do ., . ttttetc-ri,".: . _ _ ", - -.- e,-.,-,...,'...-.-.-.-...--..,-...-.--.--'.----...- ....._-_........ ' The W 11‘ run Guild met on M as am Clu- um: March I, an. n and pen one. a Highland’ 2,t",,t'oh) , If,' of Ptgiug,t, gmmflmmaumgxm. ’ 1rtt,rittl"g'itt,/iught?gf,"tL11t . " int of the m yt' d THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1927 NUMBER 50 cussing of tttrl plum tor the Mb' M and play (i . for the beeteitt 'og LINCOLN 'S MONUMENT Laird Community house, Chinâ€. Ttd. -.--.- V treatment; followed. Lincoln monument-the last resting place of the martyred preaideptr--and Lincoln homestead-the only improtred real estate owned by Lineoln--a home where he experienced moat of the joys and some of the sorrows of his life and from where he went forth to glory and the grave are yearly attracting more visitors to SpringfielAfr?m ttil parts.o.f thémflii: .. , .' . "G'liairrGi iGiiririsited by 121,140 persons during 1926. During August gem were 26,720 callers registered, almost double the number in any other.month._ _ ' _ _ _ . a .- __ . Among prominent persons who were included in' the throng were: Queen Marie of Rumania, Princess Ileana, Prince Nicholas, Cardinals von Pauhlhaber of Germany and Piff1 of Austria. The 5,000 ex-Soldiers who attended the American Legion convention last fall constituted the largest delegation to the tomb during the The rapid exteneion of the state of Illinois hard road system is magin the state parks and memorials more popular year by year, giving opportunity as it does to citizens in every Section of the 1ute.to visit the different scenes :of hliPEietlAttytt: A A.__H-,,.g ' ---i-a-.'-- Tr, at Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Heffner of Fox.. dale avenue. Winmtka, are the happy wanna of a tytrctsorn Tuesday, Petr. l, at the Highlugd Park hospital. Shirley McKay at S. Linden avenue will entertain Saturday night " din- ner at her home preceding the dance at the Highland Park club. Mrs. S. T. Rettlitttr of B. Green Bay road erttertattyrd. x: number of her friends " cud: a week ago Saturdgy at her home. T _ Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Luther of N. Linden avenue are having Saturday, Feb. 12 for San Francisco, “Month. where they expect to reside pet- manently. . Mrs. C. N. Kimball and Miss Mary Kimball of S. Green Bay road left for a three weeks visit in theeagt. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Payne of Clif- ton avenue are receiving congratula- tions on the birth of a boy born, Sat- urday, Feb. 5, at the Highland, Park hospital. Miss Harriette (Beach returned Sun- day to Oberlin college after having spent several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Beach of Ravinia. Mrs. Sophie Lauridsen of North avenue is leaving today (Thursday) fora months visit in Miami, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Petersen' of ', Northbrook announce the birth of a! baby boy on Wednesday, Feb. 2, It the l Highland Park hbspital. _ g Mrs. Elizabeth Shaw pf Lake Bluff will be the guest this week.of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Curley of Prairie ave- Due. l . Mr. and Mrs. J.' Bremer of S. Green Bay road have as their guest for a week, Mrs. Minnie Rosen6w of North'- brook. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brace of Bloom street spent Sunday in Chicago with relatives. Mrs. A. M. Decker, who had been spending some time with her daugh- ter, Mrs. F. N. Bard of Ravine place, has just left for Florida. , i Mrs. Stewart Nelson of San Mateo, lCaliforuin, arrived in Highland Park {on Friday and will be the guest of her irandinother, Mrs. Gerhardt of S. Green Bay road for some little time. Mrs. Nelson was formerly Miss Eva Morton of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Galante of Glencoe road/i-Glencoe, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a boy <.n Wednesday, Feb. 2, at the High- Lmd Park hospital. Mra.Yerdinand .Wiegand of Waver- ly drive, Dr. A. Sheldon, and Mrs. Hugo Fischer, of Sycamore place left Wednesday in their private car for Thomasville, Georgia, where they will remain for the rest of the winter. Among those who attend?! sessions of the Founder's Week co ference at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago last week were Miss Katherine Gie- set. E. P. Gieser, and Heding Gieser, 227 N. Second street, and Mrs, H. F. Maechtle, 152 N. Second street, High- land Park. Mr. Joseph Pelej of Chicago, form- erly of Vienna, Austria, was the guest Sunday of Mr. 'and Mrs. Edward Reiche of S. St. Johns avenue. Mrs. Edward M. Conrad will enter- tain the members of the Friday eve- ning bridge club tomorrowahe game will be enjoyed at two tabipe. Mr. 'and Mrs. William Pearl and daughter Bernice left on Tuesday for California where they will sojo'urn for six weeks visiting all places of inter- est, Carl Armwald was on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Baht were 'Tek-ttd guests of Mis. Bahr's par- cnts, Mr. ahd Mrs. 1timrh of Aus- tin. _ Mrs. Carl Arnswald who has' been otrthe sick list for the past ten days is getting along nicely. Mrs. P. G. Heller and daughter, Miss Patricia, who have been guests of, Mrs. Phillip Cary for the past two weeks returned to their home-in New York on Monday, M 1 Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Taussig who ihave been residing in the Tone apart- I ments have taken the E. W. Gad! [apartment on Sheridan place. The Woman’s _' Home and Foreign Missionary society will meet today at the home of Mrs. Morris of Homes, wood avenue. Mrs. Elmer Ortm er's c1353 of girls of thq Gnu Kai tthttgtth um Mrs. Joseph Hili,of London, Can- ada is the hunt of her sister and mother, Mrs. Fame: and Mm. Maxenzie of Vino - for n few weeks. _ , - ' Mrs. Edwin Gilroy nil: for Bermu- da with her aunt, In. Thoma to.. entertained by Mia; Sylvin 'rGiiTi Elm avenue last Thursday evening. All enjoyed ' pleasant time. _ _ , Erwin Clow left Sunday for Dem. iver, Colo., having spent two weeks lhere visiting his parents, Mr. and (Mrs. H. F. Clow. The Philatbea class of the Bethany Evangelical church will entertain Monday evening at a Valentine party atsthsrY. W. C. A. ' _ Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Berkaon left Saturday for Phoenix, Aria., where they will spend two months. Mrs. D. L. Bairett of Park avenhe, is spending a month visiting her mgther in Michigan. ' Mrs. Charles -iriscarthr" of Evans. ton spent yuterdny as the guest of My; Agnes Duffy. - Nr. and Mrs. H. F. blow and Mr. and Mrs. Harold, Reeder visited frifpds in Chicago, Sunday. V I Mr. Earl W. Gsell and his mother, ers. W. B. Gscil are now occupying their new home on Ravine place re- icently completed. E Mrs. George Schwin le entertained Isnveral friends last 'l'fiursday after- (noon at a shower for Mrs. Dan Cam- tercn, Jr., at Mrs. Cameron's home on EPrairie avenue. Buneo was played, sMrs. Edmund Lehmkuhl won first i prize. , The Ladies.Aid 'society of the gt. Johns Evangelical church is meeting this afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. B. Hansen of W. Central avhuse. ' Mr. W. W. Dike,.father of Mrs. Fred Clow is seriously ill at the High. Iaryl Park hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Prank Sheahen are leaving Monday for Florida where they will spend a month. Mr..and Mrs. Elmer Gieser of Cedar City, Utah, are returning to Highland Park and will reside in the Gieser cottage on N. Second street. Mrs. John McMahon who has been on the sick list for the past week is slowly improving. Mrs. Carl Roth was delightfully surprised last Friday evening when twonty-five members of the Lqiiea', Aid society and of the St. John's Evangelical church tendered her, a miscellaneous shosyet: All reported P. srctv.pleasant owning. Miss Elizabeth Green a few days this week Mich. Miss Mayme Dorsch will entertain the bridge club tonight (Thursday). ' Mr. and’Mrs.’ Georgie M. Collins sailed Monday from San Francisco, Calif., for Hawii where they will spend two months. Mr. and Mrs. Norman (3. Lening- ton wilpentertain Col. Barnes at din- er before his lecture tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Silber leave next Tuesday for Sicily and Italy whore thoy will spend two months. Many plans for St. Valentine activ- ities are under way both in the morn- ing sessions. of the DeFomt school. as well as in the afternoon craft classes held twice I wk. Valentines, are being made and mailed to friends and playmates who are away with their parents in the west or south during the winter months. Some of these original valentines are most un- usual and well worth an exhibit. Run- ning parallel with the plans for the St. Valentine day celebration is the anticipation of celebrating the birth.. day of the country’s beloved presi- dent,' Abraham Lincoln. In moot child-like manner, qualities of fltte. patriotism are being discovered that will ultimately blossom into citizen- ship worthy of his example. ', R. B. Frederick, 91, an inmate at the Railroad Men's home for three ynm‘s died at that institution yester- day noon. His body will be sent to Columbiana, Ohio, for burial. Mrs. L. W. Grego, 1118 Lincoln ave- nue entertained Madame Elvira de Hidalgo at a luncheon Saturday. Mme. de Hidalgo sang in the Barber of Swing Sunday afternoon at the Auditorium Theater. lira. Richter of Outwood inane. who left a week ago for California where she will meet friends from Chi.. Campbell Chapter Eastern Star will hold a-cud portion the merging of Wednesday, Feb. 16, " Masonic temple.’ Bridge and five hundred will be played and prizes -arded to the highest scores. Mrs. Edward M. Conrad entertained eight of the younger folks " bridge on Monday evening at her home on Laurel avenue. . , Jewell Miller of Homewood avenue celebrated his eeeond birthday on Tuesday. The cable we: laid for 12 little folks and the decoration: were of pink, green and white. F Mr. and Mn: John C. Fame at Highwood m the Inppy'pmnu of a boy born, Monduy, Pets. T, at the Highland Park hospital. ' - was maximum PARK ransakwuuun nu. ttltattottr is spending in Detroit, Ii 31 Si at ti " The Sheridan Rebeca lodge vim iohrtuaettirtl of instructing onion- ay,'Feb. 21, " two o'clock, in tip ftmoan and seven-why in the - ing. Supper will be served hisNit I allows hall at‘six o'eh9ek at I" very name prion. ' - ' _ Mrs. George J'ett entertituU, ht! ve Hundred club on Thursday am- oon. Mrs. Al Stratford vagina- first prize, Mrs. At Kalbux. hound, nd Mrs. Joseph Simona won conioli- Ion. T i Mrs. Avery'Rudolph is eonfitted to er bed with bronchitis. Mr. Rudolph ho has been on the sick list}! lblg ‘0 be around again. ' . ", “Mrs. M. Dougherty of V30, Win. .. as arrived to make an inde We visit ith her grandson and wife, Mr. and rs. Robert Henthorn. . Mrs. Loo E. Go.lden of Burlington, awn. was the guest on Friday (like? 'fit-fi',"),",.-,','": Mrs. F. T. Golden of leGovern street. bralutm Littcolttht, advice “by. ta e was quite simple. If“: "N worry. Eat the. my. an]. y. Say you: mm B. - to your Whoa. M "a- tiop good. Meer dm all“ B.. Exercise. Go slow and go td to tind the new Breakers Hotel to cautiful and ttttraetive. While there r. and Mm. Pnliament went deep- Aea. fishing, and Mr. Parliament aught an 80-lb. trtsilfhrh, eight feet ne inch long, which is one of the rgest ever caught. It took over In bur to land the fuk, w _ F Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Woltze will eve next week on a short trip to umpe. Mrs. J. Jaynee of Battle avenue ntertained several of her friends on ednesday in honor of her sister, rs. A. Larson of Oakland. Nebr. ight luncheon was served followed, y bunco. The successful prim who: " being, Mrs. Orville Sack, firat rite; Mrs. Jack Rowan, IGnilworth, nsolation. A very enjoyable time as bad by all. The Lady Elke club met yester- ay afternoon in the Elk: lull. Cards, ere enjoyed at seven tables, the Inc-l spam] prize winners.» 'tr I"!!! n learn' wen Jim 111nm- Mttitidi. may". Ed. 1htttatiitre mu! Mms, Fharlu Green. vdrhe butt-loo for the my included Mrs. Clifford Moran, Hrs. E. Nevins, Mrs. E. M. Conrad, kid Mrs. E. Skidmore. I 3 Mrs. Clarence Witt in entertaining er luncheon and bridge club today l. a one‘o'clock luncheon " her home tiet Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Armour arliament of Moraine road, have ust returned from a five weeks' visc to Palm Beach. They Were delight. Please note the 4ruastt) the w lecture that Mr. not»: J. Brides ' to the " the Wm’e'clnb on Wed- nesday, Petr. 16, it ten-thirty “in the morning. His lecture will“ on kat. zerlings Book on Marriage instead -ef the one on George Washington. '__ 'wa, arrived yesterday to be'the nest indefinitely of Miss Prueilin onrad of Deerfield nvenue. _ a North Green Bay road. -___ -____- Miss Glgdyg thttith_of Burlintfon, Miss ChtN Whit'e of the Elm Place taff wan operated pn last evening Vot appendicitis at the ffighlnnd Park rospitai.' . ADDITIONAL DEERFIELD Bungalow Church Sunday school at 9:46 mm. Morning worshipjtjl um. . Christian Endeavqt " g pm. Rehearsals will " hold It ‘ual hour. ' _ _ _ Wednesday night at 7 :45. w km tutitirriitiit,,11iQ all iijiiiRtt' mm the 'rtt)idimtut'thq, G,thrbrltti'ttht m Cent-d â€can. T _ c, Mr. an! In; a w. Mm of a. ago - m the ham -uae lbabyboybornatthdrhomm Konday, Pets. t. . _ , Mrs. Joseph Jacobs. climbed. m. risited, her sitter, an, A. M. m Mer the week-end. . Mr. and In. Fact! Benton and m Emery Ire leaving for Georgia where they will remain untilthe lat. ;er part of April. . T Mr. And Mrs. A, L. Mills 3nd small ton, Campbell, of N. St. Johns - me. are leaving today (Thursday) for ?alifortiia, where they will remain for ;wo weeks. . Mi. and Mrs. hug Hilton of Ptl .ie avenue returned Sunday Iron, Hilwnnkeo when they had been for he past tic ween. l ___ A Mrs. George W. fhilds will M hott- ws tomorrow to twenty melts-I of he Elm Place ttnd Denial-M xigh school staff at bridge and tape r. Thundly. to be m M nun. Mr. Edwin Gilrqtand Mr. LINCOLN '8 ADVICE WW3 ' Join Our Christmas 33 HIGHWOOD Phone 251 Savings Accouni Save Your Money NOW ,--,tuve “mtg Later! Welcomes You to-Statt a; Amor" Before ite" Li, “The Community Bi k" . Women]_ . if Georgette and, Romaine Vis'a . lgnmgfwx: orite among the fabrics in v0 e. rrtiiiil:! feel the neede refreshing Yo revs, . i;itiicl, Llriaur womEn do, at this . . n,'srou 'iii" find many garments .....-. new,' ' art,' and i_ii,.'il exactly, the right line). . . _ i cv'ctigiiiil 10 North Sheridail Road _ TO mt LOVELY- .. _x,),",i' Use the preparations of El eth Add; Highwood State (ilenderizing Mid : I Cloaks for the _ rge f ' 1 AIMS To awn mummy smvicn "in. nuns . . Let Us SergeAYour Wants wit I F EARL W. GSEL1 & 0043;“: The Loretta. Shop " gs Account Safety Winc; , A Handy Checking Acccuct "m: GROWING DAILY - GROW I Somme "s-ana-et-Mate' . . my l was“! tttttttltr,',',':',;',',','.',' them-n- vividly hunky. mid . man you way. An EIN. M Arden Treatment h heed.†fundamental steps. mousing; with Venetian cui, . Cram-t. my; in, with Arden Skin Tonia end , Amino-t: Nmrriahing, will Orange Skin Food _ ieate Vote? Cause; The†same three new. wh “shyly Aim need ottheuin,sttautr-tot'ro dniire'amast the skin " home. . _ F _ PHARMACN L, Central Ave. 389 Rot AND SAVE 'rrmommotnrrmd YEAR i375 gm Lang? BItaatrotFiVtter" Venn?“ "oilot "tr"""" ‘ ' m on halo " .2 . _ . e Loretta $1101) $35.00 to $55 Savings Depa _ IIIL'UNOlS Open Saturday mm. 6 to s taunt)“, $trrtrtmutr to, 389 William Aw SEQ: Telephong a: I! utr' lawman T' a?! if _ LU 't u: