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Highland Park Press, 31 Mar 1927, p. 19

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mmdmbudlhhb'. ert3tu-eet-Nrrr-rrmrm Mum-”hm” Mich-RHJJIDM "hdt-. d h theld 2teaTprd.,'t.,e *‘ “(mu-In} and! -1- m I: Mr.Br-hshuutter-dthe 'tr_tttoedthe-errmthe it'lunmhhhmty.“ heeeearttrp-edh,-tutteim, of Jug-ban Duh-z. I may Gui wmmnm‘yéru; offmrmom..homtedamp-te- Pttxtahesc-d.etttoehetomth. "hor-e-toe-ta-e- om-Mluwhnm lint join-mudde- tab-hm. llhnuhown-nt'WIh lemddse-th-lhu ariTtbryhetomm_r_. reported"- ideeTTnc6He-ri.heeuur-t Mhhmmu “an. Milan-JIM“- ”Ida-www- mrrtte-er.hteRirrqhuto-t themdthl-ehnmuhu no" [‘12an on the Fox [Aka-AI- tiorhroANrhHiatirmthi.- mer. Rluun That lathe 0-" Ian- ide-u llnve - War, Connie! Rev. Mark J. Artdrrrm, pastor of the First Ptesttrteriao church of Den-meld. addressed the with; nod pm- the member: pmmt the bene- tlt of his experience during I simiUr “lupin: continual last an. trpeo8nrliteet-wi3tutied indeniInintth-mbuaang. Them! beneath Hank tvrrt-ueutottenett-.taeae Dentin 1mm. and will he unad- etrdtoformmti-etrrtthe INVITE COOLIDGI The executive committee reported the nppointmcnt of a building tour mince Ind Bannee committee. both of which have made excellent m ms in their work the part two Ink; lumber: of the Milk roam mitMnnonm thet "h. Calais! At . general meeting of the Prer‘ hytrrian mnmgnion of Libertyvilk: held at the mum last week. pku‘ w" cpmpleted to insure 'ftteeetssl, of the gummizn to nine 875.000 for the new rhurcb and name. to be; ended on the southeast corner of,‘ Mlple and Dough: uremia. I He urges that the mnils he med in paying the (It-ht. " this plan is fallowrd he urges money orders. rushior's rheclu or certified Clutch. " m-rsortiit rhecks an sent and it is found that there is no money In the hank it will not work 1 hardship o! the calmly but on the tatxpayer-That is thr. only renson he does not can to suggest per-39nd cheeks. Send sun-nu su- The stats-mung will be sent oat as mun Ii nmsiblr. These will tr. Bent to the adder, of the ununr of the previous year, There an about Soo rerpets in Mr. Braeher's all“ now for the (hunting of ownership on -'.'-criminm of pronorty. In use per. Fon, 0"" property that In paid for snmwne also a year no he uh that ther notify him as soon 3! possible no that the changes can be made on the books in order' that the state- menu with the right ' - N EW PRESB CHURCH Man Liberty-ville to Have Fine” Edi- tree in Pie of Bur-d One method he eye. with favor is dpdmtinz u hank in each communi- tr u I collector. Honey an be paid thun- and a temporary receipt _ These, upon being sent to the heu- urer. would brine 1 remain county receipt. If the bunker: an willing to follow this method the more: will ndnnt it in I" pmrrihitities. The treasurer -i,, trrind to devise some conyenieng palm clitoneqtin; the tar from (Ilium on the outside of kaenn. In the we can men we" 3“pr bot the board an out this expense during its. spans“ of m trenehment two yum an), Tutu can be paid about the Mt week in April And the In! My will not be put on property m“ until May l, Tran-urn lay m (rtyred lug Friday, _ The penalty should to on April 15 but this proeedure will not be fol- lmm-d beeatue it has been inn-aim to Mart the payment of tax at All early enough date. The seednd penny will (all Inch Piety days thereafter. The tkrst will be one per cent of the tax Ind the advvrti.ine can! and one per cent in addition each Month thereafter. _ COUNTY TREASURER SAYS Stale-enguBeSenIOItAn PAY‘I'AXBEAILY lNAPIlLBPLAN Rmorluitlnlockddl-Ic- ”MAY. an 81. If? Elective Begin Allin! May I “bin "7’“ ‘il TO SUMNER an: Structure LTP, Method. C. Benson and wife to T. E. Wil- cox. Wit 2,5 last 2, blk 4. Lake Rlutr Heigh B, Sec. St, Shields. N. T. Gibbons to C. R. Line and wife. WD tto. Pt See. T, Deerfield. C T. T. Co.. to E. E. Kink. Deed 810. Pt See. 16, Deerfield. C. T. l ll Co. to R. Shapira. Deed 82.1311 Lot 189. Goldman with. Soc 20, Shields. . W. A. Bach! and wife to North Shore Coke Ind Chemittl Co. WD tto. Pt of lot 103 South Highland mid.“ to Highland Park. C. T. I Tr, Co., tr., to J. Hgnymki Ind wife, jt tens. Deed 810. Lot w. blk 5. the Terrace, pt See. 20. Shields. J. Grithth and wife to Pl. Me, Arthur Dunn and wife to Henry Tttyer. wo 310. Pt See, 35. Deer, Elgin J. l E. nilny to W. A, Baal". Deed 310. Pt of lot 103. South Highland add to HM Park. . held. C.r.arco.,tr,toA.A.t-Hotr- wan. lat-80.81.04 ungnm. Dunno. '7tliiiiCioiiGGiuiiTei%ririiri.' 'ero.B-uad.rliattundPtreAem..) bTtr-hs-dwfNtoN.Ge- ptSCLII.M|d. Im-tand-tNite-. 'Dnt. W 1"rrrqttrt)tor.us-lPrrttrrttirttoen1srh8rtot “any; wnslo. Ptlot 13.o.§-:locmuuruu. a-at._d%s-8h,DeerNhcL. w -.-1 E.KW't.d-andariretoJ.C. CY.&'r.Co.tog.w.EatoenDeed1, "meutstwtriittegtr vbua T. 'irri".'7tii7iritr', i. mg; mg? 8ttt. Pt Mk Mi, Wad pm Rich-t land Park. ~LThoynetnG.R.Inry. WD 310, Pt See. 28.‘Shields. E. E. Chase- to k Possum. QCD tttr, Pt See. M, Durham. G. R, Levy to R. Tmyne and wife. WI' 310. Pt Bee. 28. Shiehk. wo 32.000. Pt Sec. 36, Deedeld: Km. WD 810. Lk 37in ingmn Circle Subdn. Lnke Forest. "tdwieitt.taitrudpailirt er.tc.,tour.t-u u. a. nah-a. aw must 58-:th Lg..pt8¢.h,bo¢radd, Ah-tue-dur-to A. A "efyPttitPythoiet-.yte-r.sms- tW.1Slu2lit'u21'ddt “(hmq-cn- ind”; Alum-QMIMCMI home. "Ito W 8h: Drew- eo-operative-ta-tdt--, has ruthenium br-et-tm-d-tmc Fusing the "---aet I. - from the hte-thd. “in law-Rm an nun! - -v ___)I‘L|_ ‘L n, .n mun-mum“ My Guar. W C.7iitTTCiG 5.3015” _and, Vite to W. J. Roy. -rAr'1r'B» THE THEATRE let EILMERA,CLAARacth ”WARM” '.I.Wb'.ML'D _---- "r--- -- - IPumetr_etmqr.etue. Vbeautyé‘hop V Shier-timid. maul-amass The Nettles Cimline Process for perfect "ting. Our waving gives depth And softness. which cm only be ettccted by Pined open atom. We offer I complete un- ice in beauty culture. In our hair-cutting Muscat III the 1atat styles of hair cun- ting for Men. Women Ind Children, 1400 CAKE SHORE DRIVE Special prices for . limit- ed time' only. Permanent Waving tiig,,l,ti,ijiti,itj) Telephone 1589 lo‘Minutes to WILL KRUMBACH Sash, Doors and Millwork» comm ”Am Ridge Road. Highland Park, ni. t'ltL"lg'tgettrf, area-p “'3". mocha-3|- Mum-unmi- 'hfe-fA'e--dtiri-. 9*)"me E. J. Mamba and wife to J. Grif- ttttc wo no. Lots ' and 4. Clark and lurk sub-sin, See. 23. Shh“. A sleepy session of the house slid- denly awoke to battle bitterly one thy last week at SpringSetd. than Rep. William .Weiss of Waukegan and tor P‘SSR‘K‘ his mum to igtrere- the salaries of all down-cute county stmerintrrtdtnts of schools "tttt pet durum! and to make that of the Cook rounly school chief $12” per yen. Reps. Sctutaekeabere, (Issue, The. Roe and Sue" led the attack on the mc-uurv: Weiss, Cutler. Waller and others rhamtpiemed the muslin. MOUSE PASSES BILL OFFERED BY WEISS Rep. Rage} Little's motion to re- can the bill to amend it by suit. in]: oat all retereoees to Cook can»~ trate and oh. when a vote was taken the house Pt but a, High-1nd. P_Witsoa.trtoPitu.utthr.D- no. Ptiott.blhxWiumsNtseth Shore Vista, pt See. 6, MA F. H. We“. A, it. Peta Deed no. [at 3.1!" 16, Lake Estates, See. s, Shields. passed the bill Mt to 3T. W, W. Wain-er and vile to S. H Block. QCD 810. m Sea. " and IS, Dark”. aim Pm “W?” was tabled 9A to 213m] the de. Decrvue in thunk attendance in the county Ind methods to be mad m turn-(lion formed the basis of dia- cussiun for the greater part. of the --eH V, WW -..V.. -, m “V Churchm he. all action- otisandt, of Waukegan, president of the Luke county “than! in the In», "aoeiatiun; J. C. Ballenline, of Wau- dist church in Luk- Vilh may kexnn, and by Rev. A. M. Knll, of to attend the mm] Luke eoaustriAntioc% Rev. M. Kelvey, of Lake Sunday St“ inatitarU. The "angina gave the bencdiction and Rev, was marten br-r-t with q G. Dim of "retake directed the unsung Pr%erT"n. , orchestra, . SUNDAY swoon an l new AT mu: VILLA! Annual [um-u Pun- huh“ eating and PtMtaN. Ses- sion; Hall Reemtttr r An allowance of $8.00 towards the pnmhase price of any Reliable Cab- inet gas unge equipped with the Loraine oven heat regulator. See this line of gas ranges-a style for every home - every stove with this trade mark is a guarantee of the best workmanship and material. THAT LAST LOAD OF COAL Beginning Saturday. April 2, will give you the opportunity gas range equipped with a Lorain oven heat regulator or 148 North First Street Your Old Gas Range Needs Replacing. Our 1927 'ii, Special Gas Range Sale A1 Reliable Gas Range equipped with the Lorain oven heat regulator - NORTH SHORE GAS co. FRANK SILJESTROM It takes very little longer to haul a full load than a ton, the L' is practically the same in either case, that is why we are f an additional charge for small lots. l When you order that last lot of coal that you need to wind up the winter, remember that there is economy in making it a full load. even thourh yiru may only need a ton to pull you through. i [ LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE CHICAGO SOLVAY COKE PETROLEUM CARBON COKE We will serve you promptly-when you need to put in that fitsal l. finish out the season. - " 3;; 7 '7 ." If rr m DONE WITH HEAT YOU CAN DO rr BETTER WITH GAS "re-EEC-F-rr-re-Pele., ”His? C :fljaéS’EWICE:<x:>\~ . I Addresses were given by R. G, 3. “118m, of Waukegan, president of the lathe», -iatiun; J. C. Ballemine, of Wau- Dinah kettan, and by Rev. A. I. Knll, of ormtriAntiocL Rev. M. Kelvey. of lee "at? Villa gave the berurdictiort and Rev, mom HIGHLAND PARK I04 §\\;\\‘3\ l, y 1 /c2(11', Ar-:, i-ar-cr-f er school, needed in many pm but a new type of children to put them is equally necrssary. mum, Although the need of do- velom the sands, school of the county to that their work will be more mien! and elective in the di- recting the Int! tite of the commu- nities in which they are iocated was gunned. $12.60 allowance on your old coal or gas range towards the purchase price of one of these new A-B Unified ranges. Cooks with gas - heats with (as. When the furnace fire 'is out on the early spring mornings your kitchen is heated quickly while you are preparing your breakfast., The A-B Unified _S_I:LQR E Gas Range POCA HONTAS COA LS FRAN K LIN COUNTY COA LS BU I LDING MATERIAL "The Lorain" takes the guess out of your baking and makes it possible for you to cook your entire dinner in your oven with one operation of your gas fired Lor- ain heat controlled oven. An Allowance of $8.00 on your old coal or gas range towards the pur- chase price of one of these ranges. The Clark Jewel gas ranges are equipped with the Lorain oven heat regulator and enamel oven linings. Lon, the cirst of delivery we are forced in make uf The rice weevil in N eoatml" by intelligent use of fumie.tims d... in; storage, my; the Bureau ot It tomolugy of the Unitad P"r n.. pu-unent ot Agriculture. 0n Mud {arms where no control has been i» atitutud for seweml yarn. field in- vestigations " the time of harvest haw shown as high " 98 per cent of all our: of corn infested with rice weeviL,, In other tietds, well im- lated by Wmdland. or in!!! m buildings. m which the stored corn Wag prowedy fumigaued, field intes- kahuna Were Imus than 1 per cent of the total ears the new A-B unified gas to buy that new cabinet Phone 65 had to PAGE an“ 4 Fd

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