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Highland Park Press, 31 Mar 1927, p. 28

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WHEN SPEAKEATGLW PAGE POUR JESSE L. SMITH LECTURES Address.) March Meeting of the ' Gleam P. T; A on Nature tArtrieets; Nominations Are Made The March meeting of the Clemson Parent-Teacher association W‘s held on Mondxy. March St. at the school gymnasium. Jesse L Smith, superin- tendent of Highland Park schools. 'ls the speaker of the evening " the March meeting of the Gtencoe Pn'.A. Mr. Smith told interesting when» tures afield, illustrating his talk with stereoptieon slides made from pic- tures he had taken in this vicinity. He pointed out spots of beauty in the Skokie, along the Desplaines. and even in iroups of wayside plants commonly thought of only as weeds. 8: deplored the fact that may of these rozions are being civilized out of existence. Mr. Smith left his an- dictate fuily convinced that a day vith nature is one well sent. Mr, Smith stressed the/need of tronservimt Ind ture's beauties. and the (ii,ijiiiiiiiiis) of destroying them in behilf of the “from foot proposition" I The nominating committee's selee- tions for the otfiees in the assuriation’ Wen", read. " suggested for presi-l dent, Mrs. James Sheldon; vice-pres'-' iden', Mrs F. W. Parker: second! vice nresirVnt, Miss Jan" Chum: suu‘ The wssociaticn is starting a drive for surplus cmtumes. and rVtt.'.' child in school is to tro asked to brine any costume he may have at home that he no longpr will um. The Mstumes will go to the permanent wardrobe of costumes in ttw school. Mothers are asked to srnd than as a gift to the school. marking on each the size. and the age of the child who can wrar thr, msxume. If convenient. urvr. Mrs. John Grant. The next meeting at the assoriation will he held at the Union church on April 26, at 3:30 o'clock. A nature pageant will be given under the di- rection of Mrs. Theron Conan of, Chi- cam the}: are also inked to includv a hang er for the garment. STUDENTS IMPRESSED - WITH NASH FACTORY Number from Great Lakes and Elsewhere Visit Big Plant Learn Much Inspection of the various open- tions entailed in the production of the Nash car was made last week by I delegation of fifty students of the Aviation corps of the Great Lakes Naval Training station under the supervision of Liam. Commander Weiss. Like many universities and other institutions of learning in the central west, the Naval Training sta- tion has made inspection of the Nash plant. and other industrial punts, I part of the school curriculum. . Among the other schools to send', g students to the Nash factory. under g the guidancn of nrnfounr and instruc- fe' tors. are Wiversity of Illinois. 2 school of engineering; Norirestern 'cc; university. srhml of cammerte: Uni- '2 versity of Wisconsin; Armour Insti- 9. tate; Ohio Northern university: l'ni-l ',': versity of Kamas: University of Ar- sci. kansas: Purdue university: Lake} Cr",'- Porest college: University of oku-l a' homa, sehool of pngineering; Greer .'ri. Canons of Automobile Enzinvering. : and u number of high schooli c-," These students express keen inter- est in the various nrocPs‘“ that go to make up the comnlr-tod car and usually an outspoken in their unm- ment at the lemzths to which Nash Motors Foes in the safe-truardime of qtutlits through a most complete RFF- tem of inspections and tests. They never fail to comment. for instants on the fact that tests are made of nth shipment of steel. even before the materUl is unloaded from the ours. It in explnined to them that under this seven- laboratory test the steel must show that it has precisely the right percentage of carbon. nickel, chromium and other Ilene-II mind to the purpose for which it is to be used. ST. CHARLES DBFEATS _ NEW TIMER IN MEET After winnini the district tourm- ment at Wnukenn the week More. New Trier's m met defeat in the first gun» at Joliet, in the “all and. ttt the hands of the 51m St. Charles tram by the no?! of straw, play on the “HWY both trans. A: Charles displuypd a syttom of hl - in. that would he I rredit to Iny pro traitholt team. In the ttrsats of the trtate championship tourney " ch-- 1miert Mt. Carmel defected Mil Centnl Nth school. - HANS JORGENSEN "muses; mm: br 'et V cm.m. m-w-h-.-.--- Hahn-dwin- tum Pinning: after ' o'rioek "male---. 'dhm‘l'nth M Phone (PM In: (mum Ctmmed Miss Jana Gould: sec- Anna 804mm: tress SPORT - was m CAGE WIN Hillel’s “can! 1'.- De- feat Inca-i. Lake Villa; Libel-twill: Win Loni-g in the lei-Fm Hunters Sport Shop mull Mun VII Wt oist' a ttie was} Satis Kim tourney held at Like Villa ree-tty. The team is Col-W of toeat boys and is spammed by Mr. Chm. Hun- rrr of the Hunters Span Shop. The M‘mbers Are: Ross Cote, captain: “Dickie" Martin, "Titty" Martin, "ttwks" Lindenmcyer, and Francis Stipe. anhe first game which was against the Rockford G-tte-Register, the locals came from behind ind caged h n baskets to defeat them was, Lin, dummy" leading the scoring with nwn baskets and two free throws. "Dickie" Martin also counted six bas- kits and two free tosses. Tiv. second game with Luke Villa has a "fre-tor-an" the locals Conv in: out victorious 49-39, "Dickie" Marin loading the scoring with ten hash-ts. Cole and Lindeomerer count» itur.tive and four baskets respective- ly. Bin-tin gathered mést of the local's points, making 6ve and four baskets re<mli\'ely. _ . The boys arV new "paring for th.. latke County C,2E'il'1rl to be hm! at Waukegan in the near fu- nudit.vrium on the night of April H. Th1: is to he a tvan-partisan m "eitsg at whirh timo ay vandidanx for doc- zwn to the 0mm of mayor, and com- misriatee “in be introduced to th; Fran}? of Highland Park and at which time each candidate “AI 'rt, mm Ct a short time to speak if he .‘arns to do so. This mening is part of the nation- wide plan of the American Legion in community service. The Dumaresq Spencer post believes that this meet- ing will bemdit the entire communi- ty and are putting their entire force into the work io make it a his suc- The thin! and fatal game was with Fnulds. thalamus leading all the way. only to be unset! out by a better or- R‘anized team, Stine and "Diekie" 0955. The support of All eitGns% asked to usure . big crowd as this will be the only time that the citizens LEGION T0 SPONSOR NON-PARTISAN MEET [miles Ail City Cartdidat'es and Publir to Meeting at High School April H Spam" [m been com.r Friday, Evening, April lst, 1927, - TROUBADOR GLEE CLUB Tickets $1.00 - May be had at the door Have your Mor coverings washed and dried on your own floors by the Hamilton-Beach method. We can do all your rugs. and carpets in three hours. The charge is very moderate. Phone us and we will gladly demonstrate our method without charge. JACK PETERSEN llkhlnl M us VII. Amie M w M1236 Dirty Carpets SKOKIE SCHOOL _i,i',i, CONCERT ROLLIN PEASE, bass baritone JIMMIE GUNN, Scotch comedian a t-nrttar mass mcctimz mmrhitvd by the Dumar- post, of the American , held at the high school qt the night of April H. . a tvan-partisan nreetitstr n all candidanx for doc- ttier.s of mayor, and com- ‘ill be imrnducmi to tiv, Danger Lurks In and his two girl dancers at 8:15 o'elock with can but and iid -diAtt.. at "k naming. A _ "i-ire will up! u e . of h I.“ but the talkers at Din-m Spa-ctr poestwitibeigtNtteV It.” beofinterest totheeiti-toenow that all the torn-IN, cl I toxin meeting.will be M to a M meeting And it is and that this willbents-huamattmetims" the meeeimrritt-diNt- All thetartdidates have unmet] the in- vitation to attend and th meeting will be open to all. No chm. PLAN National Convention to Discuss Plans to Provide Funds For Operations Four new local bodies have recent- " been organized in North America w take an active part in Balui work. The new nsemblies u? the Baht“; of Vamvucer. B. C.: St. Augustine. Fur. Ithaca. N. Y.: and Wilmette. There are now forty-six loo-l Banal nsserjlhlics in the United States and Canada. and twenty-four groups lacking: the requisite number "Riding llh-m to form usembl'lel tad send adept“ to thrs National Spiritual :gwmhlv. Tu date Him Natirmal Spiritual as» wmblies are in existence, four in 'he Occidem. composed of Aryam, the white ran-o. namely: The States and Canada. Germany, Great Britaic utul Inland. Caucacas. The ninhh-emh annual convention a? 'hrs Bank of thr. United States {harm-MM th., idan road. T' hdmissiot, w B: collections take er Yan police raided a burles- que show the other night. It was al.. leged that some of the feminine ms- tumes disphyrd on the. stale were almost scant enough for street wear. t SITE“ STXTFS POST OFFICE Miss Jean Allan. Mr. J. J. Humane. Mrs. Helen Weld. " Can-uh w ward the. tlt "mroauaAHDPAat-eaattDri.ttametm Hugo]. Schneider. postmaster To RESUME BAHAI whi'h ii "wilted I Sh, tilart road. nr .,v _ tt- will be inter- n": 1‘: Cuat the 'e-nsuing “\‘rrf'un will devote " "rrx;0insr moms for the t r I' t, union work or, 'es. Sunday afternomr u vhr stud? of Loui, architect'. " 536 Shsar, 'Mt,".',',',, Park. in than n forvign origin Jr" is rm chnrge for ahai meetings. nor an ‘n. it is explained. huh! April. hunted at Linden n road. Wilmette, nv‘tr-d to attend Iuwidation of tiv. unday afternrmm aral convention United Stun MI at Montreal BUILDING LrrArl22l [TLfliTtii]jij,1) Telephone H. P. 237 710 Yale Lane Mr. Walker Says the Wilcox Homes Are Insulated Like a Thermos Bottle You, too, will say the same. The comfort plus the sav- ing of fuel makes it well worth your while to own one of these homes. Completely sealed against heat, cold and drafts! There can be no doubt about that after you once understand the system of installaticn. M/s'ti'ii'i'ta'e 4-wheel brakes, 30 miles on a gallon, " miles In hoot,beasibl body lines, abundant interior room, oversize tires These Ram combined with new low prices now more than ever make the Whippet the leader in light car values. Greater Value Because of Engineering Leadership Whippet COACH. .‘625 Whippet SEDAN . . 725 Wbippa TOURING 62$ Haak's Motor Sales Walter W. Wilcox ~Builder of Wilma: Home. Prices (Lab. Wow) and specifications subiea to change without notice. Convenient terms. ,fiiffs-overiand, Inc., Toledo. Ohio. One " the Wilcox Special Built “one. Whippet ROADSTER .695 Whippet LANDAU . 755 Wbippet COUPE . . 625 512-514 Laurel Avenue Phone H. P. 2619 ”MAY. ggMgla "

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