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Highland Park Press, 14 Apr 1927, p. 28

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if _ I mmmuwvcnts thomson-New Natural History. 3 voiutnns. Sherrill-Grant Memorial in Wash- ington; and Auto Trails and Commer- cial Survey of the U. S. Lha-mo--We Tribetans. Sarett--Many, Many Moons. Freeman-Herman Melville. Hirst-Early Life and Letters of John Morley. 2 volumns. Cumsttm--History of Medicine. Millar-King's Henchman. Johnson-Fanny Burney and the Burneys. AlIetr--lsrafel. 2 vols. Elson-History of the United States ot Amerign. zeitlirt-Types of Poetry. Leirouis-History of English Liter- trture. Brooks-Emerson and Others. Taylor-Motley Measures. Berttre---rmpressiorts of Old New Orleans. Morris--Rebellious Puritan. Beebe-pheasant Jungles. Buberviue--Emtlish Men 5nd Man- ners in the 18th Century. . Alletr-Rhineland Occupation. Chupmah--History of the Cuban Republic. Stsrtdtatrtt-Seleeted Poems. Beayh--thtt!ook for A m e ri c a n Bheyer--History of American Jour- nalism. _ Splord-Ask Me Another. Waugh--CoNctintt Hooked Rugs. Dudley-Medicine Man. Krohrt-In Borneo Jungles. tory, Neweomb-Astronomy for Every- body. Bullineh-Age of Fable. White-Seven Great Statesman. Weale--Vartished Empire. Weale--Report of the Arlington Memorial Commission. Me. Adier--Neurotie Constitution. 't.ahaud.dtasttsetittearrdtari" unthotllueh. Moesrorr--spetl of Norway. Thurston-goo Tricks You Can Do. Bir---Sheiis of Und and Witch Crump-Legacy of the Middle Age. "izmart-Ettglish life in the lid- dle Am. Munch-Norse Mythology. . Moon-imperialism and World Pol- ides. Tawuey-British Lnbor Movement. Rictsany--sevet Days with God. "hrrks-Which Way Pnrmusus? Owen-ities That are Different. Merriam-Four American Party Iaraders, Rottem---Tree Guide. I Holiand-Butterfly Guide. tuiurd--Military Genius of Abra-' hum Lincoln. 1 Lyman-World Atmanae---t926. Creel--PeoNe Next Door, 1 MaeCreagh--White Waters and Black. I Viilmt--Great and Little Testa- manta. 'rteeenson--Spell of Holland. Voss-Spell of Flanders. Earle-Curious Punishments of Bygone Days. Elmer-Archery. " Hornaday--Arnerkan Natural His, MorisonV Maritime History of Massachusetts. YELLOW CAB RATES -r--Hutoeie Silver " (in Colo-in. Whoouch -- Oxford Book of Mb Verse; and oxfttrd Book " P1TrrHrrt _ "LLP‘PIIS PHONE HIGHLAND PARK 2000 'rose. Fisher-James Bryce. 2 vols. Huxley-Stream of Lite. Grenfelt--What Christ Means to Browning-Ring and the Book, First two-thirds mile Nre_ H Vve Nie Blah additional I-lt mile l qw-wt toe No charge for extra pussengers, J. A. TM“. 9'Caaer2-rwe ' A 1616 oRWNGTON AVENUE EVANSTON PAINTING DECORA TING DIVINE'S COVERINGS and INTERIOR DECORATIONS DRAPERIES. FURNITURE mom il '""""2reautyr6hop V Man-dual: IMO-1h“ III-“MI“ Tel. University 6861 Public Library Moderate Prices "ANV-- ?| Permanent Waving i"tfittrrtgttgaretasiamaia, In HitthUrtd Park there are sev- eral civic organizations such " the central civics committee, the civies committee of the Highland Park Wottuut'Ceiub,, the Woman's Civic club of Ravinia, the Ravinil commits, sion, and the East Park board of the city that keep in constant touch with the conditions and needs of the city, The members of these civic bodies ad- vise the city council of the conditions and needs of the city whenever found. Excellent results have been obtained through the vigilance of these organ- izations composed of residents of Highland Park who are deeply inter- ested in the city's welfare and devel. opment as a residential suburb. nations composed of residents of l Our taxes are among the lowest of Highlnnd Part who are deeply inter- any in the state. Winneth I.” Glen- ested in the city's welfare and devet-l, _ ' opment as a residential suburb. coe with vihtre main“?! In" the The most recent. example of my highest taxes in the state In “yam work of one of these civic organiu-J who will make A comparison an tions is the ordinance passed by the readily see. Are the people of High- council for the censorship of the, land Park willing to have their taxes movies. This piece of work was lC-é raised to the high amounts now cub complished by the committee of threel lected in Glencoe and Winnetka vil, women working as a sutreommitteel lages with city mun-gen? of the Highland Park Woman’s club; Emma S. Noltimr. DISCUSS” ISSUIS OF THE CAMPAIGN Interesting Utter Fun I Nam-g. President of Ra, Vim: Civic cut, The letter to Mr. [gull trom I firm of lawyers giving their opinion that duties of municipal one": can- not be delegated to anym clue, but that in their opinion the “state "would authorize the city to employ a person trained and skilled in municipal government whose duties would be to keep informed In to the conditions and needs of the city, to advise the mayor and the commis- sioners of these conditions and needs," gives food for thought. The manna Park Pm." Highlund Park, Ill. Gentlemen: Ill The 'following letter in connection with the city alumina is written by Mrs. Emma J, Rolling, president of the Wm'l inic em}! of {hymn}: - We otUr I compigu unv- ice in beauty culture. In our hair-cutting depart-st all Save Your Money NOW - Save Regrets Later! the by» stpus of hat: up ting for Men. Woman and Children. Special price. for I limit- ed time only. Pmceu for perfect “m. Ont waving given depth And wftneu which can only be tinted by Ikilhd om- no". Let Us Serve Your Wants with It Savings Account Safety Deposit Box lnsu A Handy Checking Account "WEatE GROWING DAILY - GROW WITH US" HIGHWOOD Phone 251 60,g!,tti,i,j,t) Join Our Christmas Savings Club The . Nettles Circulim Highwood State AIMS TO GIVE FRIENDLY SERVICE AT ALL TIMES "The Community AND SAVE THROUGHOUT THE YEAR gumm'KpEn T; Gif illlil ILLINOIS Open Saturday Nights, 6 to 8 I', The Triuuulu park. M " ' vinia station, was In hymen-t 'l making Ravim'a’s front door mt- ' able. t to ' . A Mr ') rec iiti'hht'iii'i;,' 1'lt'wf,'d'. bromt n iuiqirtqa-- In: of the Ravinia umuuion, the Men's Civic ornnil‘ntjgn of [.1th ‘l'l'he Womnn’c Civic club of Raetnia f" is responsible tor the mini: you: it" fronts m Ravinia u wall I: for the ”ltully equipped public skating rink ' maintained each winter in Invinia. 'li, Also, they hive completed plum to ','ll, provide for a trained phymund di- m, rector for the children " the Ravinin ol school playgrounds this summer. civhoo-IIWO.VM‘~W by 1ThtSttg=tu't. Muslim-hi! - mdethdubtwc-ul wank-Mm. " 2 mm. . "Magical-meant sion Form of Government m limited to twin; us what we need and what conditions are, it would appear that his sources would be "per4teamrs and the creation of such a! ottiee an un- necessary expense of consideubk size proving a tituuteiarl burden. will stop chimneys from smoking. We make them any width and length and guarantee them to be a cure for the smokiest chimney, We do all other kinds of tin and sheet metal work, too. Perhaps your roots needs repair- ing or your furnace Bues renewing. Better have us do the work now be- fore the weather makes it impossible. Would a city manager from some other city be in I better petition to know what we, who mink hem, want in the way of improvement. tad what we are willing to pay for them. " Hie powers of city mung", 'reeord- ‘mg to Mr. Lewis, under the Commis- duties tteairsiiii. April t, These an: only a few incubation: of what our own civic organisation: do to bring nbout improvements. HENRY G. WINTER "rBrr0tmtaMDPA-ilaaMttPamrittaag'tm OUR CHIMNEY TOPS IM North Pint Street Plum 635 pl 'did Emma S. Noltittg, Insurance " gm Thwart-uh...- tHlutg,u"rgaNerd 'trHdamdtiri,t - mrsdtwrreh-oeb_ may tal aunt. and a! all that k 8181.140. In. munch”!!! on than min. The W hm 'urt,tM0toMaeeh81,Wet,- 32,213,600. 't-total-titrratadvaN. mafia». '"69rrtwrcu-i:iaaias--- BRIDGE CLUBS AND PRIVATE PARTIES MAY HAVE SCORE PADS FREE BY TELEPHONING B. P. 178 OR CALLING AT TI-IL RELIABLE LAUNDRY. . ndv caeorwaatoundtt-+tide.mtod BUILDING trump 11‘ CITY DURING MICE SEDAN IS BURNED ON THE RIDGE ROAD A Chevrolet ”dun, which polio. learned Inter had bean stolen in Chi- Minna Thsesameroftt-Gram. learned. It in blind the theft and tire were the result of some m. the police' uy. . President Coolidge will not all In extra session. Maybe It. thinks this feud in the Red family has gong far enough. 148 North First Street COB-WEBS OR SAVINGS FRANK SILJESTROM "People did not want a messagc. they wanted to talk." mm a contemporary story. "They wanted to find out where the other patty way traffic and disrupted mail and telegraph service. Through the drift-piled streets of Boston groups of men and women made their way to the public telephone stations,anxiomly inquiring whether the Ion distance' lines to New Yer: were still in service. THE "Great Blizzard" of 1888 had blocked rail- Does your ml bin accumulate cob-webs or savings during the summer months? Tight Bank in town. sirith the highest rate of intemt, during the Bummer is your coal bin. It you tul it now it will pny you ten to fifteen per cent interest on your money. depending on what kind of to.) you burn. A fifty cent per ton saving on a ten dollar per ton cod mum tive per cent for four months or fifteen per cent . yen. Anthracite cm! has dropsrer) Mty eenta per ton. Chicago Solvny Coke 31.15 per ton and Pocnhomu coll 32.25 per ton. LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACI'I'E CHICAGO SOLVAY COKE PETROLEUM CARBON COKE Make your coal bin ply dividends by arguing your next winter's to.) toar. ILLINOIS BELL. Voice Returned" PRESS WANT ANllrltN1litmli,'llS '? Highland Park Transfer and Storage CItmrrtyntr, mmoor “mucus; m C‘nl A... Automobile Stomo I Moving, Packing. ALEX BAPFERTY, Sr., Manager OtBee 374 Central Avenue Phones 181-182 A telephone conversation is the meeting of mind with mind, heart with heart. To. day there are no limits of distance to the interchange of thou ht that binds all parts of the country to- gether. Createdin response to American needs, a net- work of S0,000,000 miles of Wire has given nation-wide "opetothi"eoiceretumed.". TELEPHONE COMPANY was, if he wasalivc, indeed. """It Was the voice re- turned, the personal inter. view, that was especially valuable." POCABONTAS GOALS FRANKLIN COUNTY COALS BUILDING MMBWAL Gunilla . OHM Phone "

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