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Highland Park Press, 14 Apr 1927, p. 30

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I a ahos.to-ti-eau." V “Whack-Milan l 'I-e-e-toust-una,- : hmmm-dhhm ' T .Mmbmh; :1 q hiumhhl , iEfiaiit FiFilir" Mwmimfm. 1_iedrerrmetodt.. nut-um” h- -trle-ttsu.imt: hunky-mum" Eisterisaarorior. hyit thren1t_tteiurofwiritmibr. 1eteyetrtsodrtrotottteir-irG 'f-etsmd-tdtseararsiiirtr- I“ 'tBerere. If you in! to 1hthr-.x.eietveerrrreormr. oh'nhthemeuhcnnndmd hhhul'n Evan‘s!“ _ 'ut-tMori-ea-tstu. St. Pink Evangelinl Chunk F. G, Piepenbrok. pastor V Good Pridnr--Germatt service It»! Holy 9rmPutcton, 7330 p. m. Emu mrmurL-churU law at 3:15 3. m. Service Ind Holy Communion 10:15 Honday Afternoon the Setoppm/ Campfire map with their gum-dim Mrs. Christy Knaak's birthday. Dnies ( in; " the Deerfield grammar school.$ Refreshments were served in cons-i plimt to their guardinn's binhdnyJ The bakery sale of the eighth (rude last Friday was very success- ful. We wish to thank the mothers for their contributions. The primary teachers surprised Mrs. Christy Knnnk with a birthday party in Miss E. Schells room Thur» day afternoon, April T. in honor of Miss Christy Knuk's birthday. Dainty refreshments were served. Many of the children who have been obsent from the second grade teams of “Mess are returning. " is hoped that nil will be back next week. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Fritsch had as their. simmer guests. Sunday, Mr. (has. Tame. Mrs. Ed, Dretrethauitl, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shimp Ind d-ughta'. Harem? Mary of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Wihman attenk ed I concert by Miss Edith Mason at the Medinah temple in Chicago, Sun- dav. ' ' Kemp and vote on Tuesday. April 19. Polls will be open from 6 a, m. to c, p. m. B. H. Kress for president; H,arryr E. Wing, Carl E. Olson. Clan ence E. Huhn for trustees: Chester Wesslhz for clerk and W. H. Stems for police magistrate compose the Citizens ticket. The peoples ticket is, James Hood for president; Ed- ward Selig, Edward Sen-rt. Theodore Knuk for trustees. and Alvin Run): for clerk. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russo had at their dinner nests Tuesday Dr. and Mrs. Walter B, Meta". Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lahahn attend- ed the funeral of Mr. C, Webber. son of the president of the National Briek, Co. in Chicago. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Willman and family spent Sunday in Chicago with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Fritsch had IS Friday and Saturday evenings. May 6 and T, are the dates selected for an entertainment to be given un- der the auspices of the Deerfield o.; E. S. in the Masonic temple. 3 , The Dorcas Society of the Preebri, terian church will Rive a roast beef! dinner in the dining room of the., church on Thursday. April ".tI. The publit is invited to attend. They wind start serving the dinner at 5:30 and‘ continue until all are served. l On last Sunday morning a class of eleven. including Beckley Christen- son. Earl and Irving Gosswiller. Her- bert Hertha Arthur and Gertrude Johnson. Loraine Holler. Eva Lange. Mary Neargarder, Paul Ritter, and William Steinhaus. were confirmed in St. Paul's Evangelical church with the pastor, Rev. F. G. Piepenbmk, of- tickling. The ceremony was most impressive and the church was lovely with palms. ferns and white roses. The class colors wtrre green and white and class Rower was white rose. "To Love. to serve; to hope and to cheer" was the class motto and the songs were "Dare to Be Brave" and "Dare to Be True." [ Ferny-howl. Th Doreas society of the Pt-hr hria- thumb at their - Inset- i‘ last Thursday duration (In their president. Mrs. George Path. a lovely surprise party in honor of her birthday Annivemry. Bouquets of yellow jonquils made the tables not! attractive. A birthday gift was prearented to Mrs. Pettis. " Petite Societie will be entertain, ed by Mrs. A. G. Klemp of Highland Park on Wednesday evening, April "uitod his sister, In. In, M. leaky. The Deeds“ American lack-u HH.theirreeuurmeetiimt- mi: temple Wednesday urchin. union WWI”: ragga-mucus." GRAMMAR SCHOOL NOTES Ier.t-e' W2! my» It..-dInChnLleCu¢gol if: G I; iiuNGuiiG. uh-a-bm h h --&- gin-- Wm”! ”a. "ll 'cmu’om'nnrliu Wed.rh-M-r9-. -dr-o...-etBr.q- - WI have Inhauldy'ddo. e, Ind: M in all m F On Thursday morning. last week. Mrs. Taylor was cutting banana {from a bunch which had just been Ibrought from the basement ot. the (sfore and when she [inched under the bottom of the stock she felt a i),,',',",,,,";,,',',', in her finger which she described,as beiggr similar to the sting 'of a bee. M _ P-e A - The spider, whieh was a full grown specimen, was found inter in the war etables over which the bananas hung, and was killed. The 'test in the bob tom of the bunch of fruit contained a newly hatched brood of these tm- welcome visitors. V Mrs. Taylor was takelftn her home and for the remainder of the (by suf- fered severe pains from the effects of the poison. She was reported as much better Friday. The discoloration had receded from the arm but the injured linger was still “if. She urns taken to the o:fice of Drs. Taylor and Penney where treatment was given. A most fortunate coin- cidence was the presence in Liberty- ville of Dr. Lucas, who had spent sev- eral years in Cuba md South Ameri- ca as a special investigator for the United States government in the study of insect bites and their cured. On learning of the LuMse he advised the proper emergency treatment nad this was administered hrpoderr1sieOr. Almost immediately We poison spread to her shoulder an.d the hm became discolored. Her timrer be- came snow-white und her eyesight materially "ected. _ Mrk. Cora Taylor, who is employed at thir Libertyville branch of the At- lantic and Paeitie Tea company. ism ported as recovered from the eireeta of the bite of a tarnntuh. more com- manly known as the bananas spider, which came all the way from the tropics in a nest in a bunch of ban- atlas. . Preparations an under war by representatives of the Evangelical Bungalow church, the St. Paul's Evangelicnl church. and this chunk for a fitting observulcc of Children's week, April 24 to Mar I. Further announcements will be made in wt week's Issue of this paper. Always I cordial welcome to all our services. LitrertywiBe Salwlndy Suffers Unusual Injury; ls Recovering TARANTULA BNES . WOMAN IN FINGER At the morning service of April N the two new elders recently elected will be ordained and installed. Such a service bas not been held in this church for a long time and special interest will center in it. 5 or 6 room eottatre, with conven- iences, Tras, electricity. water, and sewer. Need not be on paved street. Will rent for year with up- tion to buy. Can furnish A-l returnees if desired. "use give full intonation u to lulu]. down puma“ mud Ind un- m Church sehoot " 9:”. Easter service at 10:45. Thu: "Immortality." Sit-tin] tunic. "Nat baptism and Inception d when. musing service of the but Vail “by“ ml- "rue. ”mus-d“ numbumWh t-i-ltsriy-itqrtt..trutt. Match-ram. he.“ ‘nnuiudm = Midweek service for pain. we and Bible study .on WM: at 7:45 p. m. Junior choir "sheamat “My " mud-nio- HOME WANTED in Deerfield '. X. D., Press IMiee . "amaattmamrraa-asartt,aae.ram,aua- The wing of nae-on In. held for the purpose of deeidiae an a more or less uniform mt pun. so that " will be (rated dike ad in 12mm! WIS ruched without uy dittiealtr, treading to County _ um Roy Ember. who President of lake subdivision hrea, a small in- "ttstunts-the-tttassert, ,hiitu-dtoum_iorTiii,' in; it was felt that the owner: could nonunion... “min-mu...“ the "new” Guided that the sYttubertttieormot-iGir. "ietsi-wuretsuaui.ie/i, uanr'tsedfoefamoio-o-iiie Pttrt-treMdrtiseoriail, that there lie-p ring-nu: it valuation Ann-“Mathild- firi-th.-i-uu iPr-d"rira-t-a-e, “I 'ahmte'gt yin, we: that“! atmw iettyii-'ytirtuairici Ila-[titmulhonuhr-I‘h mien-tend. In” t't"rtrmat-d.t-t'ws-.asrn "tt-uttm'-intueartho-. "aMqf8elqm Dissatisfaction on your) part means the probable loss of a customer, the possible loss of customers/ttmu- enced by you]! dissatis- faction. No established merchant can afford the short-sighted p o l i e y which would leave yqu Contrast this with your local mer- ehants' position. They must have your good will. No transaction between you and your local stores is complete until you are satisfied. _ C"'"..-'-""'-.-':" Your dissatisfaction means nothing to the peddler. He is off to new fields. He is a once over man. He is here today and gone tomor- row. Today's customers are tomor- row's vague memories. How much does the peddler value other than thoroughly satisfied yourgoodwill‘? who am Mama, A“..- ..: Depend on the Men WhoDepend on You CHAMBER OF COMMERCE I best ionnible manner. the ”hill. ton; karate having the Power to Huh I idecision in this matter. ( Supervisor Paddock an that this! ‘Imong the changes which an mm templated is in regard to mods in ‘snbdivisiona in the Inke mien. At ‘the present time the with»: pro- (vide that roads must be hid out on auction and cross section Una. 'luly times roads have had to be bid out ‘in swamp- humd& rule-ad- Jrhange. will probably be made m- viding that Asad. be' bid out in]. the mating and on“ to sub-It 1 draft of w you!“ to tho 0-- mitue at a mating In April w. The continuance ii] an. uh I report to the baud. "eoattm-d'mq changes in toning. " “In nary-ni- ration meeting on April " pr. the meeting the following ml. when committees an tuned for an nu- by the new chairman. Sal's-vine In: PM “in can ty board eon-mu 1GtGlak ii Im' “:WHP'LW fie-V.- PLANE“ Mme 'rirtr.--tofh_t- mereaHrsod-mho_. maufam who will made good to the am an defective t-eNmdi.e. Scub- Your local norm carriu staple goods, human from Boas} to coat. Bark of his mP'rchandiu in a we” atab~ licked. reputable now ready to an» good so. db. fectiu mm to " customer. your loan mer- than. Back of the wholesaler it the Pupils of the fourth and itfth nudes. under the direction of III: Jenn Nymd Ind Minn lu Tim trained the children in the production of the lanky song- introduced. At the business min; the noni- ntin: committee. of which In. WB- lialn Kneblin In dulmn. reported their inability to secure I e.atdid.to The contribution of the - to the program In. t plum by Ed. Duncan Yale printed in “Nor-d ll- structor and Prim-17 Plan" and "We Punt I Tree," in which Janna Smith took a prominent put. 'fryR.rk3rd-ut- ”Wait-mm“ itsh12'tgfgi2gh,1gtpt't; mind-(mm but. mmammmmm tummmdm 1.8% tigteNo-eretarvu-t-, amathefattorofad.tteuarboe day.undi'u life " ehmaieHd in "Better Home. In! Gun?“- tited by Mrs. lord-n in her tmt-nt- WIDTALIB tlWtiNBYJ.L.8ttM1 Mr. T. K, Kelly, banker and presi- dent of theT. K. Kelly Sales System, Minneapolis, Minnesota, ‘who has stud- ied the peddler problem and is an au- thority on it declares that in most cases the guarantee is guarded by so many provisions as to be practically value- _ less. Besides - with hon: cameo N . mu tree whom will you Bark of Jun l well and». deal to get action on new ood an a. your guarantee? How disc to u. . . . km mer.. can its pmwstons be en- True, the peddler often gives an elaborately worded guarantee but ---._ have you ever known anyone who has secured an adjustment through such a guarantee? . Win-pup! Play safe. D.epend on the men who depend on you. Buy your mer- chandise from your home stores. forced? Theeomttrrisr-elt-tiqd with-to-su-v-titem" traeotitea$of-eelbow-e. The {an who get e-sed, m "ma.3trtt-emele-Hethat John L Venn nnneMM9ce. N- eul- didncy foe Police W‘u In Wad-m mu on the Pn- mnive ticket " Dude“. The' election will be held Tuesday. AIrit they ain't. no} ulecth- a m hm in mud by In. Schvlh. “'31“... 2ttrfptt','N'nkNdtt 'r-s-dard-tsth." 5t.gttt.rd."tdtgett, £60“th 1ttP.eeftfte."""h Rms-tp-lar." ' f “Hobbit-underdo- ”‘6.“de Forty-two huh he k.ea - edbrur.andtem.CuftWr1irqr. Quinn-n nun.“- meuwulnlA. ”In.“ MWP.T.A.n-tullm deteeatimw al - Ill nub-I wthmchcotthWPIA. mvxm' - Don-“Mk”

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