Pter_etioe-ttaraumo.trtt.atts.- erdelettefttr-u-itmE - -" “tantalum-9;; -0nrr-f3tb.nrmddr-srrsJ. M m a! my not“. - laminating-cub â€Nicknkl' _ " Highlanb Park Press 1-â€; Chm tmL,%iii JirCrrirdF, mnklmmmm Mk?†$mkr,xrtrmrittaatue In. N. G. Lenington. mi, In. C. A. Winston. (“can not! In. J. B. Gonna. We. will w the Non. Shore Chapter of the Dal-(Mu- of the American 't.- tion " lit thirty-sixth Continent“ gown.- min; in Wuhincm. Saturday evening. April 9, the C. I}: of the United tangent-l Church kid I party " the home of Roadie Ind lube! Pmtr. There - nbo-l hung mu ml. liu Irene Jones will spend next wk with her parents in Blooming- hu, m. In. J. W. Meyer of Chm m che_tnest of Mrs. A. W. Vowel). Feet- Mr. H. Chandler Eran of Medford. Ore.. stopped here Tuesday of last week to visit his parents. Mr. and In. Wm. B. Egan enronte from a business trip to Boston, Mass Mr. and Mrs. Egan are building a lovely new home at Pebble Bench. Calif. He with his cousin. Mr. Walter Egan, Elva been playing golf at Pebble Belch all with; Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Camp of Rite hing. Minn.. are visititttr friends and relatives here. Mrs, Camp I’M form- erly Miss Hazel Bailey of this city. The next meeting of thy Johanna North Shore committee will be held on April " at the homo of Mrs. E. Mil- ler, 720 Lake avenue, Wilmette. Luncheon will b.. sovnwd at twelve o'clock. Mr. W. W. Steele, sr,. who has tree seriously ill for the past wreck i slowly improving, ‘ Miss Elizabeth Sinclair returned home today from the University of Illinois to spend the Easter holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L B. Sinclair. The Junior Stair club will be enter- tained next Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Norman Culver, 919 Lo- gan street, Highland Park. Mrs. C. L. Perkins and daughter, Virginia, are leaving the latter part of this week for Bronxvme. N. Y. and Washington, D. C.. where they will spend the spring vacation. Mrs. T. H. Decker has returned from the Evanstorts hospital where she has been in quarantine for the past six weeks with scarlet fever. Mr. and Mrs. Morton J. Traub. to- gether with Mr, and Mrs. R. F. Hy- man of Winnetka are motoring to French Litk this week and will spend Easter there. Highland Park Chapter No. 226 R. A. M, held their regular meeting last evening in Masonic temple. The Royal Arch degree was conferred on three candidates. District Inspector John Y. Olson was present at the meeting. . Miss Mona Bahr who tiachcs sch, in Austin. Minn.. is spending tl week as the guest of her parents. 3 and Mrs. Fritz Bahr. Mrs. Catherine Gasser and family of Chicago weru the Sunday Raests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher. Sr., of S, Green Bay road. Among the visitors at the M .C. Conrad home on McGovern street were Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Jeurgen, Mr. and Mrs. John "mam-2r of Chi- cago and Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Con- rad and daugh’rr. Arlene. of Rogers Park. Treg.' Henry Niamey-er and Mrs. Josephipe Huckell of Chicago View the aunts a G-w day; of this week of thdr sister, Yrs. N. c. Conrad. Mr. A. M. Lowrie has returned to his home at Ravinia Park trom a ten days trip ta New York. Mrs. E. L. Nulting entertained at one o'clock luncheon yesterday pre- ceding the meeting of the Ravinia Civic club in compliment to Mrs. M. L. Lieber of Winnetka and Mrs, Wil- liam S. Farrctt of Chicago, who is the retiring president of the Tenth.Dis~ triet of Illinois Federation of Wom- ea's dubs. Birth Mrs. Lieber and Mrs. Farrell addressed the ladies of the Ravinia Civic club later in the" after, noon. Mr. and Mrs, J, bard Woods are n tions on the birth Wednesday. Apri was formerly His well known here. Mr. and Mrs. ctdrtes McCarthy of Evanston were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greenslade. DAG. IOU! THURSDAY, APRIL u. 1981 L', = c' " If a". ""Bt Ka'gryI 1tiliiig li rig, Fe. g RB' viii: u It' y, 'JO, J. iftEW) MIS tl5 (t9fiiii, su--,,---..'-,-. tist E l -. m "et-ttai-se has "b"""'"""".'?,",,.???'-.".."--, sJe waiving camera! uh Wm 11 I: l! a daughu Mrs. DanleÂ¥ ie Gage, very hf Hub hoot this Mr. born P, The Garnett store has been chosen as the official representative of the Face Old lrnnsidos Committee for the Inca! sale of prints of Gordon Grant": SELL "OLD IRONSIDES" PRINTS AT GARNETPS Mr. and Mrs, John Harmes of Chi- cago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher of South Green Bay road. Mrs. Carl Ode-ll cnttetained the mvmlwrs of h‘r sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma of Northwestern uni- wrsity tot a monthly meeting of the "rttanisation on Wednesday at her home on N. St. Johns avenue. Mrs. Marshall Fl Sampsell is enter- taining at a bridal suppér on Tues» day for Miss Virginia Insull who will marry Major John Ralrerty on Wed- neuiny. Alrnng some of the ttoeial affairs Riven fur Miss It1sun during the week are a luncheon today. Thursday at the Woman's Athletic club. Chicago. by Mrs. Eugene An- drews. A supper Easter Syndny with! by Miss Edith Free and on Wednesday Mrs. Gerald Van Sch/nick is giving a Iunirheon. .Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Putin of S. Forest avenue are enjoying a motor trip to' Asheville. NUI. The; rummage sale is now in pro- press at the Highland Park Woman's dub. It is being held today and to, marrow in the basement of the club. Mr. and Mrs. Gust Redine of 109 S. Second street entertained eighty friends Saturday evening, April 9, at a rt-ception given in honor of her daughter. Lillian, who was married nu March 29 to Mr. Gordon Olson of Chicago. 'art of National Campaign to Save Famous Old Warship: Alt Can Help Marni" Dorsch will leave Friday for mTCHC0Ch' FAVORS their home in Charleston. Ill., tu' COALITION TICKET spend the spring vacation. _----- . . Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Barnes of Ev- Writes Letter Polntmg Out {mum who have just returned from b Dangers of Electing Un- Asheville, N. C. and Daytona. Fla, tried Omeiais where they spent (he winter are the ____ Quests this wreck of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Garnett, tr " ..l Ln 1.. . .3 .u_. _-___-- A Miss Marion Hallett of Dorche Mass., will be the guests " Miss I Sinclair next week. \"a-hingtcn. D. C. to spend the spring vacation. The spring bazaar given In: rum“, ale Pre-Easter Selling Thursday, Friday and Saturday dr Bowden GA sutum‘sful affair. About ed dollars was cleared by spr hum MABEL Arm ERNST arriett Foreman and Mi bazaar giwn by Camp- Guild last Saturday in mun-ix occupied by the Grocery store was a gifts-will be found. at the millinery shop of A smart new hat is moat up sential to complete the Easter costume. A variety of hatsr- as well as Flowers, Bag-Balm and Perfumes for Easter 4NitrtttBhirteseet mini-4M8“ batt or Dorchester, rests " Miss Ruth Kl atHieUord R the in:pliesr-pure water, good liRhtint an attractive business center. They win serve in pawn and will continue the proRram of tasteful busimey ad, ministration and economy Al! voters of our city, and partie. ularly those who own their own Lunar: and are thvrvfore inurth in its welfare. should stop, look and men whose characters are above re- month. They have a constructive prom-am and their aim is to insist that Highland Park continue to be a city of homes, with ial that that Nr. Brown and Dr. Bosworth. is en- dursed by those who have lived her» many years and are aware of the prowess and improved condition of the city during the past twelve' yearn. Mr. Cheney and Mr. Rvay, ('mnmis» sioners under the present adminis- tration, are familiar with the city's atrairs, and all of the candidates of this, ticket are substantial business The tibivr rmhlvms of Highland Park can wet', runwmbrr the slipshod methods rmplr... d bv administrations prior (n the (-n.umi~'~'mn form of ROV- rrmmm. and they feel it would be a Treat ttisfortune to place the affairs of our city in the hands of inexpen- nwod or incapable people. The amnion Ticket. composed of Mr. than): Mr. Buy. Mr. Zimmm, Nr. Brown and Dr. Burma. is en- htc ytitt inn-m uf the r2112 (1;! Cami! ple at thr. cur-wing The oldcr resi Park can well rv: methods unplug 2 d ptior to the ("mm iished in last "vvk's edition of this! â€may unluhmz the record of our} hmnurabie mayor. 3er Samuel T) lla='1nw<. and (‘Hmmrndihg to the vot, :rs a: the c"t'1irrr= (Indian the Coali~l tin kapz hudvd by Mr. Frank L. Chency. Mr. Price is well known [oi all as a me [what business man and] a resptvud, crtizens. whose only 'tto-', tiv,. is t'rv, unbuiPdinz of our city. out, kw 5149mm! of facts is worthy ot' the an in! crrr.sidtratiort of our peo- ple at tiv. cumin: election. tine 1t tad Highia‘mi Park """"uaHDPA-tvrmaauamsraart,staa- to a full color rep! atiful puiuting, an that every voter read the letter v, Price (pub- Vf the odit ion nd I will said sale the M r ,nd Thus far the Press has the initial berth with Pirtehirtti Brut running a trhtse wound and New" Cab third, Next week the final mums of the league will be given in the Press. The prizes will then be awarded the win- nets. Ray Sheahen bowled high Came Inst week with a not? of SUT. Thus far the Press has the initial berth with Pirtehirtti Brut runnine On March l. Duffy & Duffy lost two games in the last week of the Eminent Men's Bowtin. lemme. Tuecdny. April 5. the Press also lost two names to the Pi whit-113's. Ham-r Fah wnn from the Notion Store. Thursdav. April T and an Friday. the Studvbakc-rs took two from the Gas BOWLING LEAGUE the much talked of one per cent for _cnti.artins: the asséssment rolls. Mr. 'r Lam saw he will do “ray with ties. The.,. Tere not lees and never will lw Ft' considered. No one knows this hut-w thun the Cttixerts Tax Pay- ers assotiatiort_iGni? and Smith). The jab of spreading tbe rolls during the next three or four mu will be worth going after and this is the reward Mr. Gail is after, either directly or indirectly for the slurs he has thrown at the when! administration in crib: to borect Mr. Lewis. Withottt Gail's helo Mr. Lewis typutd no! Wtt to tiet base. John Oliver had one clnnce To run this turn and failed. Gail helped him. " it is time fur a flange. let us mow ahead not landward. Joseph B. Card. the much sprkadiru: Le-wis say Ros. The will [w su was' gradually paired out ot the huh and rte-Led to a high standard of " ti 'irmtv'Y' and credit, with money in the band. When you reaeh 3 point sill- ilar to this, yoq will shay: tind _ mum? who will say "It is time tor a change." but don't foot Fourmelves we to tht parties mod interested in this chanee. There are hundreds of thoustndn 1f dollars 0f irttorovemens in u'phv of th lirteo, and after e-dealt, eon-am spasm anon-mum i" the W†W" "b w 10 DISCOUNT m we: minister the am. of our city, m. or (“NC L NS P' their tet Pe-' discus, ban», MN m u their has: jun-m my. in; in mind that I mistake on Tu day means lonr_yuu of - April Nth, tMO, Pep.. taupe. dorm; M DELIGHTFUL new things from here and there - - - all inaccord- ance with fashion's dictates and good taste are here in diver- sified displays. . ' ' Trifles that were chosen with care and created with that effective- ness that makes one's costume a success. , Display includes lovely collar and cut? sets. neck- pieces, and vestees. Developed of omndy. voile, linen, pongee and crepe de chine. In lovely new Spring shades. cram and white. Pre are hundreds of thoustndn "Man 0f irttorovemertts in sight UT the text tour years. The hor cs the city to take six per cent n- cmt of these improvements to engineers fees, court costs und to Complement Spring Costumes Charming Accessories Exquisite Silk Hosiery Chiffon and Service Weights yryrt French ,mu, M puhtq meh, Dainty Spring Neckw RESULTS GIVEN mum R. rim - Gametes For cult new pupil whom you "(my foe I term of ten batons with In Adah Brynn. Buckingham, We: of voice production and trr- and colorings make serviceable and suitable gifts. --these things. he. andtin attractive Easter packages PERFUME, ATOMIZERS, mm ARTICLE, . first and in the host beautifully decorated Candies . . Easter packages., The sweetest little gift that a lady ever received and truly indicative of your sentiment and thoughtiuhtess. Send her candy. EASTER EARL W. GSELL & CO. lake! A collection of imported gloves, perfect in every detail and expressing the most pleasing and most advance glove styles. Smart Kid Gloves, In Harmonious Color Combinations 389 Central Are. Phone 2600 BOY THE KIDDIES A BASKET! TO SEE? TO SELECT? TO SEND? Its' TO SATISFY! and Gifts Much Interest Centers in The New Handbags A ' I A ,l // Pts, [ l ti . 2’ "', PHARMACISTS $2.95 up 389 Rotter Williams Are. Phone 2300 her away and he! myth-3| M- in. Yet.amirvitedtorruit.rn. Rikki-shank tutu-tin midget studio. as: W. Central Avenue. by ap- poi-taunt. when uh. will be M to hear voice. and to give her v.13- .Ne and has“ opinion. Telepho- K. R2289. adepd We wish to thank our many tr for their kindness and in“ shown us in var recall bervaver Mr. John Baum and family, “' CARE or' THAEL'S THURSDAY. APRIL " 1.1 many friends ad éympithy bervavemertt.