Let‘s Not Forget-- 1l»uy a LPoppy on Poppy Dayâ€"â€"F riday, May 27th DUMARESQ SPENCER POSTâ€"AMERICAN LEGION DUMARESQ SPENCER POST AUXILIARY ® P C C & * THE HIGHLAND PARK PEES So lets remember those ln-ave. heroes in our hosâ€" pitals and at home, who are doomed to spend the rest of their days on their backs or on crutchesâ€" silcntly, uncomplainingly â€Carrying On." From beneath the poppieu of Flanders Field the snowy white crosses on the Plains of Francc. and from Sacred Ground in Our Own Beloved Country comes a Message: "If you would Lcep faith with us remember the lads who are still paying‘ the cost of your Peace, Prospcrity and Happinesa!“ ~ THI8 SPACE CONTRIRUTED 8Y THE oppy