's'. I BOILED HAMS, whole or half, h. . .3914e _,',','-, I BACON, 3 lbs. tR 135% , 35e _ 10e 9 Isle _19-1--e 32e [Roasting Chickens Fancy Ihekis CALIFORNIA HAMS, the lbs . . . . . .17%e BACON SQUARES, the lb. .........1514e BlltEA8rLAMB,thelb. .............10c B0frNNPOREBUnS,lh. ........25%e SWEET PICKLED SPARE RIBS, lb, .10c MRRJLDIilRLhMBall0PS, lb. ..'. . . .29c QUALITY Inui‘nGingenleq alumna I â€lacuna-ale ummm $1.09 BataviaFlour 24% hack (-sttu-t an": 25le 31lte 191e Rib Pork Roast im8hNea" " whole theitl. . -t-_e--.'r' t-Tre .251: an... for "WT 2Se "tcc-acc-a-c-cue! ._I 'eil,-,:,',-?,-.],-.: "---tt-tet-, we ',i,iiiiririiiijiiiii]iiii ii? .2.- ' M --_----- -t._._r..rr---- _-C..----., -._ the lb. Ila W3 $1.57 $1.57 $1349 V- We _. .--_t IN Athletic Club Cole. sub. Old Honk Olive Oil, qt.- Good Code: 8 III. fol- (H1 Good 2110.2wa 8M2msfot whole or half, the lb. Little Pig-Hams Leave Your Order Friday for Saturday Delivery New Potatoes Friday Only, peck , n 14% 7 3e Service to Highland Park, Ravinia, Highwood, Fort Sheridan and Deerfield the lb. can 51.59 . 31:39 , T"" $1.00 t'_,__, 4h: Ctr/r: 23c Ek All tla_vorar, inc. Lime and Head Rice 3iU.for, __._2Se Cut Green Benn: 18e nine, 8 and _..__.__45C Pine-wk. diced e, m Strawberry Bonelms Rolled, the lb. Ember! No. Cane them Angel Food Oaks Boiling Chickens RIB ROAST, BEST NATIVE BEEF FRESH NATIVE BEEF TONGUES, lb. 23e 6 and 7 ribs, the pound 29c FRESH PLATE BEEF, lb. . . . . . . . . . . .100 _ '. T - LEGS 1927 SPRING LAMB, lb. . . . . .321/2c ItIBVEALCROPS,lb............. SALTPORK,lb................... RUMP CORN BEEF, boneless, lb. .. Mint; 3â€â€œ: Lamb Roast Veal Breast with pocket, lb. MILLER & HART BROILERS, fresh killed, lb. ... .39V2c HALF HAMS, 5-lb. cuts, lb. . . . .28He 29c 32le 25?te 25e 29c Jel-Sert 3 8 for $1.00 60c 'Boaton Bun Cup Cakes dozen .rt_e.._. Jelly Rolls Butter Sea Cake. each Devi] Apple Cherry Pies Pump-Edd w [MN Beef Pot Roast $1.00 29e Juice Oranges Boneless rolled Telephones Highland Park 1677 - 1678 1679 - I680 Veal Roast 3 dozen for II the lb. the lb. ,lb.....29c 3Se Ek 15c 15c 1Se Fruit Fild Colo: Cake- SpongeCaku AlmondFilled Chung-(bloc Fresh Carton Eggs Doughnuts Sirloin Roast Boneless Rolled, lb. Shoulder Veal the lb. FRESH SPARE RIBS, lb. . . . .. FRESH BEEF LIVER, lb. . . .. PURELARD,21bs.for .. .... the dozen IS:, 40c IS: Ilk Ek Ilk 35c 30c 15c 15c - $1.00 dozen Blink-Bread Cocoanut Imus ..............38He Parker [Io-cm MYSCdBIls Pork Loin Roast Fresh Herring Friday Only the lb. Campbell's Tomato Soup 25le 17lc Round Steak the lb. _ 25c in 3% lb. cuts the lb. _--,, 15c _--..---- Se 12yk . . 15e . .25e Ek Ek 25c 35c 25c 25c 2Se 1Se