if "WY MIMHE Eh um story fervor um burn- _ lulu-luau: _'e_rtmrV6Fiiuammrr. " Dying-Gnu. c'" â€lulu “MI: W from I ' “nationally-n. l --tittotheseieti.tot 'B"t*yemrtuesean.tatttsea 'Nest-ie-tmr-revs,- EWPMuM-I-rb We hear how Pericles fell in love “Am-sh, ho-soot-tri won heramdtookberiatirwifeinde- â€001th which hehimself â€hale. Wtuowtheirdailremt- -tiereamdutemrmhtrteaotthe an... _sther_medsatra.At1tertmttms -6eamatteri-rsetstoer which _tq$gMh-tmesidiatmod.mti-, -sh.h-mretrive-orpoeeieai ’mdmdmmm" "e-heme-tvi-ees.-.. j "errteetrtoworsthefootimrofnear new»: There is something far in deem in the impedance of Julia Mine. himself, and his deal- - with the minus, than than is hit- from pong): malt-m. Arrived in Athens Asp-sin proceeds to upset the nppleeart of convention by going out into the market place, Wu; long “In in the early morn- trsesamttatkirwas.-iriththe 'ri.emeatoftheeitrwhotuektoaree “no: men who have stood aloof in 0: ditNsed radiance of their him, bet and casual style we hear the story of Aspasia of Miletus who. bor- ed with life in her own provincial city, insists upon going to Athens with her guardian after her father's death. lay a girl today in exactly the same spirit drags . reluctant pm: to New York or Nris--or goes without them as Aspasia threatened But that is what in Mrs. Athe‘r. tmN "The Immortal Marruge" we do ht about. In the most matter of mm to see it brought down. We can imaghse asieasitr lac-ring about the Illa-kins! egg of Zeus and Pullns Athena as that of Pericles and the wonderful Aspasia. But siace'that question is "nsaiva, ble, we an turn to the solvable one of how she has treated it. Not at all as we tshould have expected it to be treated. Mrs. Atherton is consistent utiletst in her surprises. The Greeks themselves with their beautiful and Moran! poetry have accustomed us to viewing the whale Golden Age of Athens on a lofty level equal almost to that of Olympus, trom which it is There. is something to make one stop and ponder in the question. what made Gertrude Atherton choose the story of Aspasia and Pericles far her novel? It isn't her type of story, there is sturdy one of the well known novelists from whom I should less have expected this story. Why should it armed to the author of “Black Gun†and "The Crystal Cup"? much u it will eidr hive, of“): “using and intriguing tale of Ann- tole Fame and Ns good genius, ...- 0...»- - - 5w. 5culua, he. Arman, under whose iaspim- tion and tutelage, even. most of his writing was done. It is a book in- mting from other points of view u vellzsinoe it 12]":ng -tGriairi, g {temps the last famous salon in _ in one: Inn and. a _t__tr.rmhshia-o- aett-rYuee.intuutatiii. ' d:mpublinhi-g|onu,Wil~ 1Nr1-tcottrr.wiuoaGat _, J-hn-stamet.xhettr,st . 7 ofthenewArmi."what HWinCNu'WyPu-Inutchin. - Iuoh of wild “venture In plen- W hat MU. “Hy Journey to 9ysa"qiimsPrmsnasisstorrr;ttG “hm Pittman City, “Plain AK. of the North" in sketches by fkrtainThi-vaeattetutse tur- "-hiereeiomiotttserur North; 'f6tundotHaeetun" is w. s. WI mm of that moat thrill- h "The Ust “on.†by lemme Ignite Mat and translated by â€in Gnusstiere, the world has a Pt'" whole story. or probably " " or In WM, around Cape Eon: and most tuning of all per- .†is “Trader Horn" the story of E African trader‘s life 9n the Ivory 1"rag.tpdrig1tthtt u-h.ad&No-l - -thHM- Mama-kia-ru." nu-wq-z-cu "NirtrtarixAGirGoire “fludmnd- ,‘hhwdb-‘m gypsy-u. “an“. NOT HER BEST "nu: “mourn“. MARRIAGE" - F9 “Hi-38 a-aa By Gertrude Athena- JUST PAMGIAPIB Bani I liveright Rum-m CA8!†Anythhhc-ndd- dirk-ll"? Won.“- “urn-luau...“ t'a'Jfdh.r,UMrMgrt'ig: "HI-“plat“! - f.ext.elg'Srt'g2'itby Pt “Ema-u!!- '.i'.'da2.'i,itea2dey.riee.e2ehE .. .. - “anâ€. TWar-tFr-e-dt....'-.-.- “diurnal-1w - --eeM-rB.e-..h.th.-. "tl-Fr-....."-..---. u..0.rr-.n_.b.mt--hb- "A't,rSit'Tult'itTi; BBxrtTtm mane-unis. "h.'tohobt.ee'tr"r-trrteh.t Each Tuesday night is reserved for the eithdren of our church to play indoor ball on the church umm. and each Thursday night for the men. __ Our church went "over the top" in ita pavemeettarroieet, We I'm sell~ ing our pavement at 30 cents I mute foot. Our Sunday school and church pie- nic, which WIS held in the grove on the Giss farm, on July 4th, was I great success. It was estimated that there were between 350 and 460 per- sons on the grounds. and all Ind I good time. - Junior choir reharsat “My " tehtoott at 2 o’clock. Evangelical Bungalow Church Rev. A. P. Johnson. pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. A class for every member of the family. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Christian Endravor, 7 p. In. Sunday owning " , o'clock the children of the Daily Vacation Bible school will render the closing pro- gram, In next week's issue of this nape-Twin be given a full report of the work of the school. Watch for this report. _ Pra.visr service and Bible study Wedmrsda.v evening at ft p. m. Troop No. 52. Boy Scouts, meets every Friday evening from q to 8:30. A sincere and midial welcome to all our services. ' The monthly meeting of the Church schopl staff will be held nex.t Tues- day evening (July MO with Miss Viola Rockenbach. at S p. m. All " fieers and teachers should be prea- mt. Daniela Presbyterian Church Mark J. Andrews. minister Church school at 9:30. Morning worship at 10:45. The Lord's Supper wilt be administered at this service. Every member of the church should be present. A cordial invitation is exkendcd to all our services. People of all faiths are welcome to worship at the St, Paul's Evangeliul church. Especial- P. G. Piepenbrok. pastor Church school, 9:15 o. IL English service, 10:15 a. m. " German service, 11:15 a. In. The quarterly session of the Church council will take pure Friday ere- ning, 8:00 p. In, " the ransom. Saturday afternoon the children of the Beginners and Primary depart- ments will have their summer picnic The children are kindly requested to meet at the church It 2 p. m. Auto- mobiles: will be ready to convey them to the picnic grounds. Parents, be sure to send your child. Do not think that Four child is too young to go to a picnic. The teachers ond some of the parents will be there to supervise and direct the children. ly do we iniite people of Evan'geliéh and Lutheran faiths. Th can, "We but a! lid- shirt." in not. 8 a “thrill-3" huh Ind taxis and mi not. huh; more of I part in this It i mustn- od with the {an of "BUrhshirt," I gentleman that. net "fore in the bookofhianam.,-det-tiee oi adventure tad trim In that vol- um by the woman he loves. thou but into it, convum‘cady In. tin standpoint of his _ by tho up- posed death of that woman. In the end she comes dive quill in the in so opportune in myth" stori- and Buckskin is w retrieved. no won: for his little we.†ih. -rei't, hunk-{6:3 7-? K1,." Deerfield mush-aim luv-n. out!“ --cItgMr-.re1 Robert P. Gallic ls Honored by Organization for Service to Community Robert P. Gullic. commander of the Sharvin Post of the American Legion in North Chicago and commander of the Eighth District of the legion. which includes all of Lake county and part of Cook county, was highly hon- ored last week through word received; from the National headquarters of, the American Legion, ndvising thatl he had been cited as first man; the Legion men of the United States for distinguished service to his commu- nity. w..- w-‘v‘l-Il‘l no". no. aoo, In!) Carl (Hand. Rune" Johnson Post No. 72 at Appleton, Minn. The ward is Gum: m named first on the list and was followed by J. S. Mathews, Ee -§levghpd Post No. 168, and The TANG y l that tempts, The ottieers of the Libertyville Ha- sonic Temple association are Pull MacGutrin, president; Julius A. Tup- tow, secretary and treasunar. and dr. rectors Ben H. Traer, Robert P. Rouse. G. "C. Gridley, F. J. Wright and George D. Meyer. N. CHICAGO LEGION COMMANDER CITED The main entrance to the - stories will be located on the Church street side of the building to alitrw for larger store buildings on the "mst and to permit gunner ease of new to those parking on Church street. Cost I The cm: of the entire building it estimated at about $100,000. 1 The third story will be for lila- sonic purposes only and will contain a large lodge room in the rear with a domed ceiling at least eighteen Net in height. The front part will be taken up by a commodious Iowan on the hall level with recreation and smoking rooms above, muting the four stories in front. prepare n final sheteh which will be subuiued to the board and when this is approved preliminary steps will he taken toward starting the new building operations. ' Four Stories: According to the present indie tions the building will be a foor “or, structure fronting on Milwaukee Br.-, nue with store buildings on the ground floor. The second floor will‘ contain n lodge hall and auditorium' which may be used for banquet: and public meetings. The banquet halt will be large enough to seat “In. hundred and will be served by I fully‘ equipped kitchen. The entire second‘ floor will be available for renal. l WM“ one": and bond of dim ham been " work for some month. put 1etrtiuntsntratmiidinetoi- the local mic bodies. m COST ABOUY um At I meeting of the “W [music Temple asaoeiatioo hold Inn took dearu'te steps were tab: it wardttseemetiou dilemma“ My now owned by that - aatimg It the comer at UM N'?""" and Church street. Ihr - To Pterare Pla- At the meeting men] at: at plan were considered by the bond and '. tentativesqrlats for the proposed building agreed upon. Mr. Allen of the firm of Alien ind Webster, In“. tects of Chicago, was instructed to Dockin- to Build In “I {d 'Phls to Be “and; thum - “Structure but. ttt nm Ito"' up. may "'3â€.th In I phi-n Ion-lily M Chic-tuition- buuhl cam in... an. Mf- a damn. "tr-_-ttir â€and. nub the: .l 348MPuk He organiied the meme corp. of ttviators in the district and gut un- limited time to its expansion. At that time. November 1923 to February 1924 he was commanding ottitrer on the 3668. Naval reserves, and aviation aid t0Ahe eommamUnt, Ninth ,Navaudistrict. city limits. This poriioKE! tiiiGiii? ture has not.been determined. ber him when he served at the Great Lakes Naval Training station, are recalling the boost he gave aviation whilv living here. More denim. plan: (or the m catholic hospital to be coded " the city limits on Wald-(tan that were announced last week following the "ti.ouotttseltetardof-htee. zoning the district or Wall“ in which the institution will In qtgoeto& The first unit of the structure will be six stories ip height and will be constructed of brick and strictly the- proof throughout, according to Frank A. Wench. who is acting a local representative of the Sister: of the Holy Ghost of Techny, 11].. yrho will erect the building. Cost of the first unit is estimated It $200,000. The buildings when com- pleted after I period of yearn, u- mrdin: to plans will represent an ex- penditure of more than $750,000. COMMANDER BYRD AT GREAT LAKES ONCE Friends in lake county ct Com- Panftr Rifharf E. Bred, who remain- The Sisters will obtain 1 building permit only for that part of the “may" thI_I_will project over the 2rlet,T.; 'p'gtrdti't" and use. .tntie+ie_-t-r"tiiia 1rtPt.haa'9d!8autuh1odsiu" "yetiortdur%etu-irk%-7 nthmammum Ne.l°5." "sharvirs Punt No. M - North fi';ippp-l1/irttzu'ut1tonsji- mander--Prte -tsehte m Seout will: for-tur-tui, " ttfest' auaaGe "‘" Gi “WW... ii'; "".T.tt thety9ie- If that tttef]e a. auirinaiUrii; mscwsl: PLANS iron NEW CATHOLIC HOSPITAL To Be Ended by the Slater- of Holy Gift ff Tech-y, at . duel-i t0iFiiiirii "E 'llar1t",tN"..u'gff.ttgt t.dtd.ettirrs.aaFiuaia of Secret Process A113; Steel Highland Park Nash Sales Theta-v“ -w - dmdaoed 2rtetgtt the. 'ffettv'oph-eandiadaa Null m_esdH-keaurtt, . 1mm reariugt-aet.' Em new M In“ In. lb- yuqy-.nrt.eh-tdt.taritfrai- 1tteot'--atod6-ausraidii'Giii'. humans-Mm AnacVNuh-odch-umul‘ud 'ttopt-eh-ttFG-e-i. -aGakia aiGac-" individually deshtnedamdt-rreaeoushea. M.“ knoll-audio Gm’r- mamas-Mn. Willie“. qua-sum 'e"tr"tre- jl)i.tttr Springs. new -etnt the. In Nani unmade-adso- Winn-own.“ barb.- g.) Tit me- Cloudy whys . [was ic-l Fully cloudy dun t'iijjitt/2t days _..-.-.., of the Mailing winds _ Love". team-stun: Hirhest temper-tun Mean tempera!“ _ Huh" ._ T H 32?; Own-thew“...- inmiafatithe-rrqrth.tno, Wham-“MW Tuit-at-g-it-., “min-dblhm hymmmmum â€Whmduh‘J-u album-Iain“. 1h“ of Wand-thud“)!!- '"anhertdltue_tus rear. The who: at an. tn cloudy dung-ammo“. 'rntsthesametorhmth-tu. Mr. but eo-tire report for the two month hum: JUN! mun-m w my uni-"“5153 aa mm -fth_-dtrtt.1-tist- mm “in. “a hilt-ll. “uh-mummy" 'ra0tuoitt---.tti. wombat-Muniti- Mthm-ulhn- rg,1fr the much tmt but! by q 1uux._eo-o-timut..eqd. 'rf Weather Bugler'sâ€; up» for 'ru, gm IGFLirerr. u-tiisriaGiUG 'Thi WMMHMI “a...“ “all?†ip.duolsnk THE LAT E5T ixiures 'gtg'gitgT-,h- That “iii“ ' " in . hmiirfiairiiGi GGG7iaai; bum-nu. NnAmidrh- uni-gal.- 10-h!!!“ Null-h- uncouth-d bl','1llll'lrlura'fd'l'll'fc2,'prat 5-H- AdaGGi%ii rGG"7GT'd on.†but: I.“ =rrxllutttttut t'gt'te'gtgP"'"iauuuai h‘h-IZ‘..M“ in: Ire. it Hun-a Mina-1mm.“ F3‘aw.“ anal-7; " " " OLE " " SE Modems Planting and 5* mm...- 't-rNttr "hm. - . but. I'm Imam 860 CENTRAL AVIS!!! Telephon- Shop H. P. “(H Ra. n. P. "FIB" “(noun EWING l ' FIXTURE the d t new to a a. the hand of every hon-eh“ no posted on the has: pin-Nu In“ and conveniences. 80 may " the latest device. an so may fa- Mfmy. when! and the swig of "In-bk time. on In eediMtr "m. vited to “snow they and min- the "'1 in.“ thin:- in “I plumbing hm. Robert W. Pease mar-on mm PHI "' - In: â€which. gum-nu BALTIMORE writing ehair sira-srtiuruGuVi. “an. yeti-M 'l'l'Ultut','luu%'itl'. Cal-plan out! with I. “macaw ugh-ado 'e Jim {at an} mot-â€datum Tity-tfu-k-in" dk..--.' new“ GiiiiTri%iG '. autumnal-1n Flu-pli-