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Highland Park Press, 14 Jul 1927, p. 18

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3i} Thefdky Way "Right there on the dot-every morning, raid or shine, snow or blow with the most delicious milk y'ever tasted," my: Billy Break O’Dal. Se,t,,ti,', TAKE this friendly message home. Explain to your wife that this is the furniture store owhere you should deal. Ask her to accompany you and visit Duffy’s to select the furniture that you need. We will explain our ditmified E. Z. Plan of Credit. to Health We put auto,. is thin word By satisfactory work you’ve ' heard. YES, it's true we do each and every ioh a if our entire fu- ture depended upon it, And it Mfg the way we build up human. FASTEuszo a. My: Av. IMI “LIX Do You Need Money? To Buy a Home? To Build a Home? curiatGrant,fke'r O‘NPAY on ma IOBNAdInmhf Th.' In!“ M ”In. [an and Hm“ M will “you! ' ."rcaa.aTr_i--ea-u-t' ..____-.a. mmthlt.QIH Rt jSBl "W“ oU'd'EN8 nwuw- -- Along with the tan in “lib. German, French. Greek, lavish. lul- ian, Polish, Russian. Hungarian. Dutch. Finnish, Slovak. and Ni went lines in Chi-e. Not that the company knew so much M in [ Chinese stockholders. bot in! by in! of makimr the notice complete, the l message in Chinese to included. It I is now on the records that than Chi- nese characters drew moral Chime _ to the meeting, power nod light nun all. So cosmopolitan n group of coupon clippers invites besh appti- cation of the phiimsopherhs belief that "interest speaks UI sort of tow." hinmhlqm-Ww-l the of the and -tirtq d the Illinoi- Powrmdn'u' 1iTiiGe"iothewuuNidieeur of neck ovmnhip. a” Nntirm't Ruins- 'aqasie, . .L m POULTRY DEALERS NOR ARE LICENSE) NEW naaigors MEASURE State Law Is Passed by. Last Legislatqre Regulating Handling! Fowls; Exp anon "After June Mth, if the man who buys live poultry from you, seems 1 rather inquisitive, do not blame him. i He is acting inyes.rd.anee w.ith the He is acting in ucorunc: m... ...- law just passed which requires all dealers in live poultry to procure I license and to keep records of such transactions. The law was proposed, approved and emcted u a measure for the prevention of chicken steal- ing by making it impossible for thieves to find a market for their loot," aecgrtiintr to S. J. Shnnrd. di- nectar of the Illinois department of agriculture, the branch of state tr0v- ernment which wilt enforce this law. l In order to acquaint all who are interested. with the provisions of this act. Director Stanard otrers'the fol- lowing outline of its requirements. 1 and of the action his department has {taken that all dealers may comply with the law. Outline of Law "All who deal in live market poul- try will do well to write to the De- partment of Agriculture. springfield, Illinois. and ask for blanks on which to apply for 8 "Poultry Dealers' Li- cense.” A form that calls for the I required information will be forward-i ed. This should be properly filled out. and returned to this othee, with' the fee the law requires. A separate license is necessary for each place of business or vehicle used in purchase ing or trading for live market poul- try, and the fee for each license is .one dollar. Licenses issued now re- (main effective until June 30. 1928. - .. __-_A g... “Wetsuit! r"i'ffttdigitd,'P" 'sAdv-ti-es" mam Ellnunvx uI---. --e'" . "Records of poultry procured by purchase or in exchange, as required by law, must contain the following information: The date of the transac- tion, the number, weight and breed of the birds received, and a brief de- scription of the seller. The type of conveyance he uses. must be shown, iand if it is a motor vehicle, the li- lccnse number is required. "This record shall be opEn to in- spection by all peace ofBeers upon demand. “Dealing in live 'market poultry' without a license: failure to keep I record as required: the entry upon the record of any tietitioas name or address or other data, ore mentioned as direct violations of the net, and as nun. ....._..-._, ,, Ire punishable upon conviction by I fine of not less than " nor more than $100 for each offence. The de- partment of agriculture [any make the license of the violnlor, after grunting him an opportunity to be heard. . "The set does not apply to trame actions in poultry after purchase by I licensed dealer, nor to punt-nos of PRESS-ll poultry produced outside the sum There Ire no other exceptions. "For the protection of the farmer! against poultry bandit”. the rich! enforcement of this set is “an. Cooper-don ttet-t this fterteettir and the poultry dale" of tho .tatq, will assure its oomph“ enforcement- All who produ- and market poultry "ii;imiirie"iaUatu,edw.fiibe.t? “min. their own wall-re by unit- in; poultry dealers in chair clam to i comply with the law." 'I'N' I" "g:iiuitrAGrttg) ' homunAn cr 'imrrgtuttttPa" TttttttMTM-tIOM. l ”WHEN 10 ALWAYS PLAY "" “The ulna-I rut u the {not out- door: has boon _ ”In by the unusually M W.” - in; to Chas. M. Rayon. -idrett of the Chieaeo Motor club. "D-trw the summer, however. tourist: will take tome GGrart1rrgor"tet_it han to Mfer. Our [night-y: all br- way: will be flooded with W: lot can tuled with rem-mu when. I "To the city dweller," continue! “at: Hayes, "freed for a Prdy:,",', ‘7) -- in u, Mr. nu’cu. .._iNr. .-. -- - his customry crowded and highly civilized environment, the open road apparently otfers nothing but good; but here 1|.)an are deceitful. 1nd some very nil dangers lie in wait for the unwary. uut Inc-c uyr...‘_._~v and some very real dangers lie in wait for the unwary. l Two Great Danger! 1 ,,“_'l\wo of the greatest dangers which confront the city-bred tourist' are‘ un- safe milk and unsafe drinking wnter. The traveler may proud himself ngainst the first by drinking only milk known to be puteuriud enac- tively. Water, however,' otters a more [difficult problem." s* 11:-..“ "n01“- Two years ago the Chicago -ulux l club set up signs warning the motor-i Secretary Mellon _ fixed the inter-l ist to "Avoid sickness; unknown well! est rate on the new bonds at 3% per or spring water is dangerous. use} cent, instead of the " that had been only water certified by health depart-, expected. ment." These signs were .etreetive in} One-eighth of one per cent does) inviting attention to the danger ofll’mt sound lit“. But applied to pub-) infection carried in water. At that , lie debt charges it means a reduction‘ time, however. the only eertitied 1 of '125.000 a you in government ex-' drinking water sources available were i ”use for every tt00,000,000 of debt] the public water supplies. 'iinv.otved, "tr' the Minneapolis Jour-l Certify Water Source- nal. l Last fall the health dcpartmeni.k . 1le! Real Financier with the eo-operation of the Cook No mere politic'In would dare to county commissioners, began the figure interest rates so fine as to split: work of certifying semi-public water Quart"! into Eighths. But Mr. Mel-i sources in Cook county. Semi-public ion is no politician. He is a tutaneier,l Tells are those available to the trav- l and one of such training and caper-i cling public, but privately owned-at L Ierure that he ran tell when six. per‘ gasoline filling stations, roadside! My" my be shaded to 3% per cent: lunch counters. tourist camps. etc., without asireetirttt the prospective All such wells along state highways , market for the bond issue involved. in Cook county have been inspectn-di By thas treating the lovemment' by the County Department of Health. l finances " carefully II he would hi} The well must first pass inspection on. Secretary Mellon, in the half- for sanitary construction and sur- dozen years he has functioned as roundings: then samples of the wa- head of the Tfeullry department, has ter are taken and sent to Springfield saved the public an "IMHO“! ISKPO~ I and an analysis for harmful fatterial Rate of tax money. This splitting of is made in th'e state laboratory. On quarters into eighths is merely I "ITI- this scientific basis the State Depart- 8 pie. ment of Public Health approve: or L_-----'-----, __ I rejects the well. Approved wells are -_-" " ..-e--w-e marked with yellow lead seals tbt- . ' tached to the pumps. The searbears . i an 'identification number and says or at mus _ in larfe letters. "Safe water." - Few Are Safe , The Health department reports T _ that so far only twelve safe semi- public sources have been found and V marked on the state highways of y i Coy county. The safe water seal pro- P, . gram has been extended to include 1 - wells in the Cook county forest pro. td d serves. Practically all of the inspec- a ' tions for this work have been corn- P, _ ____; rf plated. There are 34 marked wells “ ' y and the work of marking others is es- :' _ i " pected to go forward rapidly. g V "The important thing to remember. P, _ . V warns Mr. Hayes, “is that the only [ ttt water supplies the motorist can and f J ' are the public water supplies and v ' semi-public supplies marked with Ft T . a; . these seals. All others are risky, to e l ,3 m say the least. Typhoid fever and vQ _ , H;;} " other diseases are often spread by _s c.HA" ed contaminated drinking water, 0n "vG . ' .e ad long trips it is a good plan to take , T .7 1 2r, . along some container for water and CG A) re at each stop where there is a safe [G 7‘53 le- supply see that you have it filled. It CP. 7:? he is better to be safe than sorry. In. fr telligent people will play safe." l irrtdUu u an. snu- o! cmmuu- Fa mmuunmmnn. The Health that so far 0 public sources marked on th SAYS FARM PROBLEM NOT NATIONAL ONE Noted Authority Thinks Eh menu Exist Chiefly in Minds ot Politicians was: .1: u: can"..- -__-" - making up our “uricultunl - has?” No one knows. Ind an at gamut tint than in a: - tunl pnblem is wrong, for than b not one mblgn in: - " you, Wu. an“. "Irv-"v - -- i'irTUii,"it"e..untLezretteette' . true "In... M of M - moditU. h Induced had "and was diluent condition Wily. hi on”. the" h - un-Indumu {up problem. In. b'S-WAI'IIIIiu B. Bum you out in an "tkte in Nntion'l - ua- Ewing, it is hovel“. to In - -t L-.. b..., GriGrei : - t, distru- shifts from year to yuc- iriiiTrorrGGor,ytdthetmrte "" e-odity todnr W h m of {an income (0mm. Mr. Barn- M Ott to “V - "medium which in mu void hav- arm-mm mined OM “a. us My uni-it been... the ewhal VIII! of "rieutt---e and of can! iodtartrr--h" no! in - - from - billi- u Mid!“ billio‘h dollars' VII“ - not up” Metare the - .mmmdtove-unm. I'Agricnnunl gem-“nu.- - "eTiiiG-idarhetherPP. "iaruGGeat-tyeotretfttr, 'ircia'"UTGaeamttrte-' ie-iiruuGaau-ehot odi-rbrt8tftemtC'"qP" A 'iiuiiGaL-utetytPe_e 7iiriarGiGirwttttye-ef, iiireiiiaTarAr3eerrettt, coda-w. Vacuum Mucky-In... ". _.- “A, AA __.-o h tee"""'""'"' __.._ .77- rriiiciaiGa-r,6"-" What "e the denim that to to the Chicago Motor 'iiiakrors: Use semi- I and s of pro- elude pre- spec- com- wells is ex- sown-um [NWGCUIVI met-“Md.- WthId-R“ a.mst--t-te9ehto' Gtuiu-u-ftot- iri.TiiiUToGGiarAtuk_ MuWh‘hu-ndalu SAVE I].S.IONEY‘ MELLON GREAT mucus Matti-I cl Ole-m0 Per Cent In I.“ Ttate In on. man... to Treasury, earned his 1921 an” I - may (in over when he split a {ration in fixing the inure“ no: on the new 19t? neuritis, jut ole!- ;ed for ale by the governmentjn its refinancing 11mm. The main pur- pose ttf this inn: is to help retire Secoéd Liberties next November, .partly by flat exchange, partly by lush redemption oat of money re- I glued from the sale of the new bonds. in addition. some two hundred mil- _ lions will be and out of the surplus, {reducing the principcl of the public debt by that amount. ., I Secretary Meiion'tixed the inter- 1 aahe Reel File-tie! i No mere politician would dare to figure interest rates so fine as to min quarters into eighths. But Mr. 1e Ion is no politician. He is e tirtnoeier, ‘and one of such training and expat-1 ( ience that he can tell when 3% per Cy.", my be shaded to 3% per cent without meeting the prospective i, market for the bond issue involved. l By thus trotting the government} ltinGees es carefully so he would ts 1 ‘nvrn. Secretary Mellon, in the halfu down yet“ he has functioned as head of the Treasury department, he: saved the public an enormous Igne‘ Rate of tax money. This splitting of quarters into eighths is merely I sem- pie. One-eighth of one per cent dori not sound large. But Ipplied to pub-) lic debt charge- it means 3 reduction‘ of 3125.000 I yes: in government e.x.-i Andrew Kellen, Sonata” 91 110 Yale Lane Very attractive English Colonial home. Contains living room, dining room, kitchen, sun parlor, 3 very light, airy bedrooms, built-in plumbing, tile bdth, hot water heat; all hand wood Boom, open cement porch, terraced lawn, landscaped; all street im- provements in. Insulated like I thermos bottle. Suva half the fuel bill. in summer; warmer in winter. Cull or terms. Walter w, Wilcox MO! tmgett I... - 699 Yale Lane Lot 50x150 -- Read The Want Ad Page Permanent Waving. Why go to Chicago for n perma- nent wove when you can get the finest kind right here u _ home. Don't wait until the hot weather sets in. Now, in the right season. If you want fingers, cunt», watef nvee or mace] waves. phone Highland Park 1990 for'm sppointment. You will have theolute pri- vncy in our beauty and hair cutting parlor. D. L. MustricBeautyShoppe’ we van Inna In! "an“: IANICUIING In. "no mum 3cm: We Cut the Very Latest Call and like You Ambit-em. for PM! Wsvue--earb nor-inn or evening: For Lilla and Children Only F Roo- " New State Bank Elihu-a - MHKMMJM' SPEIAL PRICE FOR PERIANM Keen Steam Oil Process Phone H. H.201. nun-mt. W“ " W manta ncuu sen: nut-Inn WAVING Cooler

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