','e" lh-Iunm win-1.4mm "t-meriiuMPemtam- _gl.utSatunhy to her homi- 93a. Inn-d In. ELI. Faber-ad -swhottavebeeas-tsof Mr. J In. w. E. Holland forthepaat " -mtrrroedtothetrhomeirt .3 Inch, takirrqwfththe" In. Hol- T whom-Mmed-othm. . lid In. - Gnu-Ha. Dian. In. ' It. tad In Gander ad dawn". m, left September , for a motor hip to Sheridan. Wye, and Yellow- m Nntiontl Park. Their "eiiii.'tid Once will remain in Chicago with. haunt In. Cnverly. Mr. and ters.l Gouda will visit Mr. Goudaâ€: broth~ an and sister in Wottt Point. Moat. They expect to be none seven! weeks. Mrs. N. G. Leninzton of N. Sheri- dan road, regent of the North Shore chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution is giving a [madman " her home Thursday, Sept. tr tor the members of the executive bond and committees. The first board meeting of the yenr will follow the luncheon., Chief Henry E. Kelley of the wu.I limutic Community fire department,' Miss Helen Kelley of Yonkelgg. I.) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelley of ixou,l W., were the week end and label" Dly guests at the home of Mr. 1nd Mrs. John D. McGuinness of 331 North avenue. ' Mr. and Mrs. Axel T. Larson 3nd family have just returned from a mo- tor trip in northern Michigan. While on the trip they stopped at Sault Ste. Marie. Mich, and attended I carnival where Mr. Larson won a new Buick sedan. The Exmoor Harvest Home dinner and dance will be held Saturday (ve- ning, Sept. 21. Arthui Haven will leave for St. Louis, Mo., where he ter his saw?! F"car at Prine Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eichler and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geminer leave today for Silver Lake, Wis., when: they will cnjoy a two weds vacation. Mr. and Mrs Mrs. E. H. Claw street, have rc1 and Canada wk: enjoyablr um " - Mr. any motored t over the l relating. Dorothy C them to s; leaving: 1 Canada. Mr. and ierda: Bert It is with Ema; p', DeFore,t school anm ing on Wodrutda.v, Ft, usually happy auspre members have retur vacations in [me can come back to the , activities of the scho The new nwntbvrs an the new adventure of the new friends and t iences to be f nsnd ar Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wine the weekend with Mr. an James A. Flinn at Graysiako. week for Grand Rapids. she is a teacher in once there. . "iiLPvthud Sisters Sewing club will meet next Tuesday with Mrs. Edwin Larson of W. Part avenge: Mr. and Mrs, Chester Hart of On- muia avenue. renamed Tuesday walling from a motor trip to New York. Mrs. William Guyot h the Worth While “has. - Mrs. A. M: Kline of Human avenue, spent the week-end mot "H in Michigan with herson Mr. R, Sims of Chicago. Mr. Clifford Rose is enjoying a "VI "cation in Wisconsin. _ Mr. and Mrs. James Collins spent m week-end motoring in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Hsrvey Witten. Mr. -I In. June: A. Flinn of Chieago d It. and In. Edward F. Daugh- - of Omaha have just returned in in extended motor trip in the h‘m hnnan mad Hrs. Lon Tm Wash., who have ‘friends here for several this yea for their _ . They ware the of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- If- h-e Jone- ud His; NM aeth.EhrsPueetrtatrhnvetakmnn meat in the lexillip building. ‘hohdyEthocinl club will - nut Wed-edgy afternoon. M r hb-dmrmdfmnafev â€â€11me fi""-'"'-""' ilh'ID-IM-w immuww uhmmmn t_ll_reurur.e..taed_ust Lt". yrs "6‘? . 'iiWi'iiFi-',,'s,',irt,1t ll will be hostess circle, Friday Mich, d the Sunday will en- t Oliv wh i, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Christmas, and l son, Arthur, who motored here lust: ‘week and visited relatives left early ‘Monday morning for their home f) ‘New York, taking with them Mrs. (isi/i.iie,iiiitr's': mother, Mrs. Mary _ Herdklotz, who will spend the winter ‘gin New York. 'h6Aa-DtrItwittbehaqtm. mmw,btb Bruno“ Tbs-numb...- Qoyedatthreetattle.otduterre- frmhtrtes.tawilihe-d. In. 'ta-sd W. 86me win entertain the member: of an m Night Bridge club a In! ban on Ridgewood drive, tau-arrow night. tfr. and Mrs. Fred Nelson and family spent last week visiting reh- tives in Rockford, Ill. Arlene Conrad of Rogers Park spent the week-end u the must of her cousin, Junior Golden. of 122 Mes Govern street. Min [mica Hill-r " New OAeams is the guest this rock of Emmett Duly of S. Second street. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Evans motor- ed to Waupaca, Wis. over the week- end and Labor Day and were guests of an uncle, Mr. Henry Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laurie and; two sons. Billy and Bob have just re- I turned from an auto trip through} Canada. They visited the Toronto: exhibition and Niagara Falls. Miss, Jean Allen of North Sheridan road was a guest, ( Mrs. John Elliott Clark of S. St. Johns avenue has recently returned from a delightful trip through the east. Mr. anxhhs. George Lyman have returned their home on Linda) avenue after a two weeks motor trip through the New England states. Mrs. Esther Topp wilt return this week from New Haven, Conn. whtre she has been visiting for some little t h Mr. and Mrs William Saathoff and three daughters spent the week-end and Labor Day at Lake Geneva. 'Mrs. Laurence E. Smith and son sho have been spending the summer n Highland Park have returned to heir home in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lautrnan of 3.. Linden avenue are the pruud par- ttrt of a son. Irma Thursday Jn the Evzmston hospital. ' Air. and Mrs. E. C. Young have Mrs. Emma Tillman and niece Mrs. Carolyn. Boehmer attended the fam- ily reunion at Lords Park, Elgin, held on Labor Day. Mr. C. t Maya- of Inmira, Wis, visited a few days with his sistcrz, 3rrs. Emma Tillman and Mrs. Louise Boehmet. _ . The Misses Gladys O'Donnell and Ann May Harwell left Minneapolis, Minn. June 15 headed for New York City via Chicago, Chwlund, Harris- burg, Philadelphin, south to Wash- inttton, D. C.. Wildwood, Ocean City. Atlantic City mid New York City from New York City to Detroit via Albany, Rochester, Butulo and Tor- onto. Mm. A. L. Fettmer, formérly Miss Rose (radium, formerly of 11qu Woods joined them in De- troit. They-mkftbehoit'ltm July 27 Ind “rived [lithium] Park 9p.m. "theho,meofMrm3. F. Maher, " Ghemeoe unto. his if-sf/ , yigetrpil" aim“ Mr Jr du ~31 Lat U: Save Your Wat. with a S-vim Aces-t Safety M1 Bu Ins-nae. Save Your Money NOW - Save Regrets Later.' rip rinz the W Nee York . T. Mayn- Ihighrrood State Byis LIKE TO cm MDLY mun AT ALL TIME-S ' Higl to the Mrs. E Alvin AMWAeo-t m mm DAILY - - m tm" "The Community Bank" spenumg we sunmu-rg ' T "a, ' . , _ ark have returned to tjet"),",':,',,-;',',','"),"; Tulsa, Oklahoma. ' 1"i,,f,'L",) . 1-: ",1" F Herbert Lautman m" ciiir7py “in? k uv are the pruud par. I .r:7,i, i.','. “Vern; :5“ TFursdaan the Fritz H'nmen. c. E. C. Young havei,:,r1"sii'1/'ti'i'.r, . ghlnnd. Park after a , mu. 'f" t nor: he cast ' wrncrs‘ of an . Edward Bucher and i ".:y1::itctsar,,e,i' ' .V l _ . ' . ' ’ m gnu Norman and1“. telephone H thnvo and dauchtvrd _ V _ "Wick 5 1n as possible 'tttr., Tfree. ,3, C",' e.e.r-eVs-'. * -m ber, Hrs. 'trlttte 'r%'e-m"rr'tfitr.rzrirrfrs. _ rorurned Irons a "roi...-..,. mm} . returned from a mo rip through northern will! at Tomahawk Jr, Wis. They brought I eyed pike and pick- ing over fourteen aqd he That Savings Account ' who occupied their' Wrights absence has in r of Inmira, Wi atieh' near 5 winter hLTO ark Wrich turned to avenue ar.. L::‘:lmu>icul ttivory may be had. The lwrvim-s‘ of an export aerompautirt " 1iand much are also available. Formm. _ ary ras, wcll as new students, are urged rhfmlm. telephone Hikhhuad Park use in T " 1"†" I n as possible in order um suitable i5 tte-d-c,',-.',:.]:':.:') 't-1-twxexi---a- 'me w.“ . t Whit: -"zs'."t,G,o,-Mc-,.u.-.c,., t molgnmcry mad sailed on Saturday for .thefN' England where hv will visit for son“- ILLINOIS MWMCbI el-et-shi- Mia. Ethel D. Miller of dlMtngts Iain-ace! In. PIuIW:Bl-.|chrduf deer "can left Int Monday to: West Point. whm she will b- tho gust of Cadet Pull BUnehtrd at tbe U. S. Military unduly, West Point, New York. During her visit than Ihl is registered " the Weqt Nut hotel centrllly hand in the pat. After her stay there she will spend new en! days at Atlantis: City and .130 Washington, D. c., visiting triads. Anna Mae Curly attends tho Holy Ghost academy in Techny, Ill. She twill take vocul lessons Ind a business " course. Rani-anus...†moth-Mama: -iuGi-u-oeerrttsttgttb. MWmdldo-Iulaho- TI-dar.,, _ ----- __. Mrs. Arnold Shadewiu of 631 Vine? avenue who was injured at the North Western station in Chicago I few I weeks ago is gradually improving. [ Mr. Gd Min. T. SI Daily um um Cyril and Miss Grace Olmn sped: the weekend in Detroit, Mich. W. W. Iteiehardt and lamily re- turned last week from a motor trip in northern Wivonsin, bringing with them Miss Mary Ann Kirk of Rhine- lander for several days visit. Mrs. Isabel C. Cole of S. tit. John! nvenué. spent several days last week with friends at Shore Acres, Niiwatr kee. Wis. . Noah's Ark and selected animals are on display in the store window of Brand Brothers. The work is that of boys and girls attending the Sum- nur Bible school at the First United Evangelical church. It is remarkable what childrén can do under the Barr- ervicion of teachers during the sum- mer vacation season. Much was Lat-nu! by them from the Bible and in “Emirate ‘and impress certain truth, the hand work was an inter- esting feature. It will be of interest to the under to stop at the window vn the mrm-r of Central avenge and m teach, MISS MC QUILLEN IS NEW Y. W. SECRETARY h-ntinued from ge 1 in thrs assoeiation's ognizntion (he national capital. it is mnain that me new secret: will have tho support of all interer in work of the organization in all dvpartrr.ents. and with this splet barking and her _recognized qua? cations for the position of gem secretary and her wide experience Y. W. C. A. work. the prospects the future of the Highland P Young Women's Christian associa‘. are "garded u especislly promisi EmuWoo-du. b3aisa<)ttr,-di_lLD.nyvu, uh be at u rd r 1101 Highland P, ltr Marcelling Ska-pooh; Finger Wave . Call for uppointment at . HIGHLAND PARK “05 _ moo from N. B. Station Highwood and Mrs. John H. Harmon of , avenue will entertain at d'm- aturday at the Hymn: (bunny ,e.'ore the dance s Peggy Glidden will leave nu day, Sept. 17, “he": she will L..- oi bs Fairy. ' in et th lr d M the woik tor schooi,t:tset ' announces 'n of 1927-28. 2. Associate sun, Dorothy mu and Lor- Enn in pianc, branches " for srk ion wtr. its lid iti- ral at awn-“tutu“ mmmbmm mutual-mm. lion-.- mthei-ig-n_m:___ -- --- _ Boy Scott News mqumm l The committee on elective troop} {organization is concerned with the [proper and permanent ',i,r,iii.i,iieiiil iof each existing troop. The commit- ‘tee mqmmendl u nun/dud troop committee, made up of tr ;;;u"ii'e"itl with a service responsibility "la-i ltionship to the troop. The commib‘ itt'e on effective troop ornaiutionl \also has jurisdiction in the org-nix» lion of new. troops, and attempt: to! !co-opvrate with institutions in organ-l l izimz additional troops litter, needed. l eon-in. on M all out‘ of honor; Kart D. lb; d [M committee on "eettm the. aaa: ution; 1L Arthur Wood of Wfund Park, conunittoe in civic My wd service; C. A. Shula " Clone“, committee on eaatottt. And outdoor activities; Henry 1"th " WM. committee annulus Ind W; W. A. Bimmn. his M. tommitto. on leadership training ind per-cum;_l!. W. Shaw of Wilmette, col-mince on character through So- Seouting; Rev. F. Pipenbrok of Dee'eBeid, committee on good reading Pmem., 7 The purpose and objective- of the committee no and n lollowu: Con-hue Walk Committee on court of honor “a advancement, conducts M ot to- view and courts of turd. and use. every possible means to “haunt. ad- vancement in rank by every soon: in every troop. The committee on civic reUtiunship and service is concerned with jnter. ceting all such group! as the Ameri- can Legion, Rotary. Kiwanis,' Ameri- can Business clubs, Optimist, P. T. A. in scouting, and with working out plans in which smut: mar do civic or community Sun-ice. * - The committee on camping and oat- door activities is particularly inter- r~tul in keeping the "out" emphasis in ttun program of each troop. in pro- viding opportunity for wvek-end irik-, and for summer camping op- 1'14: mmminoe on character Car and) .411 Nuuum: is concerned with 'he-providing of opportunity 1Uh'l .-r “mun. to srtatiujste into the older boy program of Sea Scouting. ‘p ram; is ".eiritiiirriu"ya" wITh WT Dr.Goo.B.I4holWM TI ' mmmiltee on leadership per- I and training is concerned with ~wuring of opportunities nr,r leader growth, through training r4. conferences, etc. E Every Spring and Summer Coat and Hat, every Dress and Hat, must be moved out to make room for Fall and Winter Girmenta. re- gardless former prices _ 10 North SW“: Root! End of . Season Clean-up Sale Tine LORETTA SHOP All Dru“: to L cloud out at ius and $25 All cat, to L cloud out at $16.75 and m.50 Hats formerly Meet] "f to $22.50 to be sold at $3.00, $5.00 and $7.50 Charges. Refu.nda or Exchanges 33W" 9LNW’:7 -" '.iati .' btln'ng is Reserved Pldgeett,tiu'trttrd h â€WWI-m tnut"""'"""'"'"" can r.". Th.eoeatasitt-treatiorsatp" mewunm -h.rsete.terh-tttrrmhtietrr. faranedarto-tiatg'rtteotrmrrtand was. The commit“. on Aangteo all budgeâ€: concern“ withttt.-ftsa this pram: with In our council. A careful selection of Eastman films for use and then studying to make your exposures properly, and then, by far the most important, secure Expert Developing and Printing of us. We can give you the very best on the basis of a EARL W. GSELL & co. A GOOD PLACE TO EAT THAT LUNCH 389 Central Ave. Phoil600 Get Full Value from Your KODAK WORK 24 Hour Service PHARMACISTS . PhomHituu-JMIGB y no I; EDT-E. 'i_.‘_i_--. . ..-qr.'.---"-i'7" - "aaGiiGiAau-ee_ ii.ii"tt.,-trb._. 1,tp.'y'itiiA'k"Aei'.lt'WeS: ......._-.. fl - and... and-Bantu!“ i52.iir.i2si1itPf?ud'1',"tefeht3l 'i'irlihi?riiiiuPdiriiE?tWt2.taJr, AliGftarurbq.e, avian-lil- .7GieiiiiFFiisrEe?2ierutl.u"ttt 'te==a-atAGaaa-to.-t .... - -GE â€"~' T†"i.'1h,"Mtr.t'm"4'S4't'set. .. 'ih17.%RrLtiiMSN,rll8 B...- I. .. nrm nah Btmr= a noun. mun-Mm nun-m 389 Roger Williams Am. Phone 2300 ' â€A!" I!!!“ 3mm: