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Highland Park Press, 29 Sep 1927, p. 10

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BtullllNNMlr0 "iiaTiarGaGiGA hit-I - a. tntamf ee igt 'r' terStt ",aTiTa,aTi "an" n. in. ta air out.“ " M rhy- medh-otunuitl- Laieitikto._uttheeAetPr iii,iio0ia.aeutttfra'tt,'y? Gs'uteaer.it-ttheeud: 0M "aawaruturedhrthetuett Chi- 'GGrrdiieoiG-iirsistedchue tGeoiaerna-cerrrerrrrnadftr'.'n to that city to investigate- but the may! ham Mr. Nelson has been in the up- holstering busing: in Highlmd Put for many sens. Of late he Ind his wife have spent the winters in Florida. ' Mildred June Goeliu Playing In "si-si" at the Majestic The daughter of Mr. and Hrs. Adolph Goeliu, of Deerfield, formerly of Highland ER, 1"e is known on ‘M "N.--- -_ --,"F the sage as Mildred June, hns berm engaged as the permanent insane“ playing with .the Associate Phyers stock con-my at qukegsn. _ 1 Miss June is a graduate of Deer-; fieM-ShieHs high shoal where she; won considerable praise for her work; in high school theatrical; She atsoi graduated from the University or! Illinois. ilk-re she played leading pans in many plays and operetu's. l After her graduation from the uni-i varsity. she was married to Mr. M. M.l Musselmn of Chicago, bot still con-i tinned her stage with She played in! 11nt stock companies, includ-i lug such towns ts Oak Park, Fond du he. Wis, Aurora, and Racine. l Lust year she performed in a nude-1 ville kyle: supporting Elliott My: the movie star. Poe the past sum-l triads who will be interested in we uehermsuestaeeehl. .. Miss June - at Waukegan this Snub: in “Simian," the Oven Davin Broadway “was, in whieh tshe Phil" an brutal part Mr. lunch-An is at the ninth: iiriraTiGia, oatheroippyiettr; the lead in “he Patsy," the Burn Just how the with!“ uaGiaa"m" ise capacity of immi- GLENCOE LIBRARY CLUB WILL PRESENT 3 PLAYS Agin- of 0m Depart-alt; M I: Wt. t5erteaw. urdiaarau lam-rim. 0: this "tttrt-ro of a. Wan-'1 u- thawing-IN“ by “I Wham-m.- -rs-trte."svmrytyer'"t- sF.'nuaumaearer"_trfief sGoerGo-hau"Nne,"br “he“. “WWW anbluthMWth t-oeestttmrmm-ttf-totrr -iiCuGrfii van in the - "n-e-si-td-ext-Mt- bemdln Willi-ll A. Pg, ---t.re+.. ArababAtAiAttetet.t aaf'ai-‘ii-mn 'r-.Mrsher"'ts"rre'r'l"u."P". tmA-ttSM-WI'.'.?', “mnfu “fwd“: la-oN-ttte-Nr-tneu. wa-mmumw dkhhulddm "..mtNr"ruqr-th-f"ho. a-.--vt.artt-ta. mum-n. “Mu. “Mum‘h ”Hum-l“ m’mhmam *hm‘mlhm Ting; GirSiuan, of Miss June'sl ighUad M _settoU mates andi W lie-P050! WKGKEGAN STOCK 00. “but b It. ---"'F" “mm COW 'tage.. luau Ind-y. 0a. 1uort'ertBteoe- “much-II!!!- WWW-dun 'u-intimate-tht-emo- W‘Mthh-hwlu-d chastitbmddtudnm WWWUCIIMIIII WopnmmMm-uo- eutiorrins--tAa" eoruaeirte -tie sub; and e swing in min: a. we)”. a building of have. in w GUI, "rromtdigse comm l The directors cloned can P. Hemp-ted, Ju. J. Hood, R. I. Vast. FredJ.L-bthn. John Emil. Non. W. P. Eudora“. E. B. Selig, and C. W. Getty of Daniel-i, Geo. W. Shick of Northbrook, A, Ion- uvon ot Everett, and Wm, Dooley. president, North Shore Mt com- Plny. Highland Park. Quorum of the directors being punt. they imme- diately convened lad elected their ob Beers for the ensuing yen. vim: P. helium, ”Mist-R. Noll. vice president; C. W. Getty, parent-y an! E. B. Selig, treasure}. _ _ .. The - monthly muting of the million will be held it the otriee of Vunt h Selig, Monday night, Oct. 10, for the receiving of dues Ind to traasaet such other business " my come before the baud, tad suc- ceeding meetings will be held " the sane pine on the secoMMondny eve- ‘ning of each mimth. Harold Johnna of 221 Vine avenue. Highlmd Park, sustained a fractured collubone and note and head can Saturday night when he rm into the (path of n machine driven by In. Pltiet Smith of Eight-ad Park ad was hurled seven! feet, the police ye- ‘port. The accident occurred in Vine ‘avenue " 6:30 o'clock. Initial monthly dues And admission fee wilt be psynhle at the meeting to be held Monday evening, Oct. 10, or my be paid to the seeretary prior thereto. '; Arthur Johnson suffered I broken l leg anti other injuries when I machine ‘in which he was riding collided with la eat operated b! William Bowden in (Green Bar road, mad overturned in itrying to pass Bowden‘s car. Thomas Set?. of Gieoeoe m the driver of ';the car in which Johnson in 3 tma- ‘_senger. wording to the police. SEVERAL ACCIDEN’IS OVER WEEK-END HERE I L. Ollen, of Second street, High- lland Park, struck a colored man with Hui: muhine at the north limits of {Glencoe he reported Monday night. iAllen brought the injured nun, who gage the name of Henry Sharp, of $036 anenswood avenue, Chicago, to 'ttte Highland Park police station Gilere his iniuries were dressed. (Sharp WIS not seriously injured the {police stated. _ Broken Bones and Trips to Hos- pital Follow Alto Cradles, BOYS ARE HELD FOR THEFT OF FORD COUPE Two Youths sun Ihtt to See World With Borrowed Ctr, Are Caught in ou Park William Reno, of Lee road, Bigh- land Park, and Linge Medino, of Prairie avenue, Hitrhwood, both aged about " or 16, I'm arrested in Oak Park Friday tor theft of a Ford coupe‘ owned by Cyrus much. of North- brook eartr Friday afternoon. Their journey ended as they tel-e min; through Oak Park when they were stopped for questioning by a detec- tive equal The juvenile eppeennce of the youths amused the auspicious of the detective squad a they penned them by. Vague ag8trWerB to questions naked ‘hy the police only served to entangle them note and My they admitted ‘they had stolen the Ford In which my me filing- therteie, Itrr'rt "iii Chicago Sanity naming nrsdtreorreretthetnrrsttttoR9ed. {{hmmuwm HENRY mom EAMES AT GLINWB ocr. 20 in oetqher an Entry Pia-mart Eooea,Ameriea-tist,t-md tee-wilt-emi-edu' t-m'mteYomeu-otMo- t1mr.atdEmotirm." Inmhl‘ mmmm,w,m‘ P-hi,b.foretheWts-'s Li- -ehabefG1meoe. KAT-p (Farina-”"1". Elmo- hauthtwhommuat "te.tg.a,M.-.tmreeofie, tom-chm” _ ’ New T-ta-tJ-Hee--"" "trseior-ot'eudnrtdteetr- “quill“! ”amia- was 'gti1'.eutgiNLi'hue human-av Math-ugh” t-iri _ has... -sr-t'tsh Jung-we‘ve: St)“ SW hnl I“ An .iakiG “Fin-W "V oi-.. "reetha.1'ti-Ayertyyt {CG-um?" "att Ind-um that. “only no: It. in - mmetA,BtteundtntlM',th--t 01mm “duh-I'm- "rt-db-amd-eat-tes turredttteut"VthtPtt "rvireherthe-.BtmmetV tamtof8gtristeNu, ohiex.-dB. TtturnogLt.Aa-un,Cattt,Mndier 15:31:41th; two daughters“ but Mectrrdraftu-aradMrts. ctrq-iBeofthiscitr. Bhodzoia survived by nine tandem Ind t1ueeeaterandehBdrms. CHAS. E. mums“: FORMER RESIDENT. DIES Mr. Curle- ' Fauna-hoe, aged 72 was. passed any Saturday At his home in Santa Xenia, Calif., fol- lowing an ii1neBts ot man] veeh duration. Be m I former with!“ of this city having resided here that ten years. He and his family left High- Inad Park for California M three mango. ‘_» -. -- __ He is unwind by his wtfe, three (human. Mutant, In. E. R. Rock'ell and Mrs. Robert Wamer and own, Merrill M. Folhnsbu. Funeni services wen held Monday in Californin. iciiduhwmhvuu noun has AWAY Beginning and Advanced Classes for Women and Children Comprising limbering, stretching, building and reducing ' exercises, and the newest ballroom steps The Alcia Pratt SchoolofDancing Telephone University 2433 u Club Room of "the Y. W. C. A. Reopens Saturday, October 22 if“ ' A a}. ' . $29.50 Shannon’s Automatic Da-Bed $18.50 1125 Davis St., Evmton, Ill. White Enamel Kitchen Cathtet iiiif " S. Rosenbaum Co., iie,ii,irl,i,)ht,gi, 'ggf-l'r.etfa'fll1'h'.l'.'Aul" I. u t rttt2'i,iitt',titgt?ilSt: W'WJELmfi'aml-mwuvmu “w ceePraGitiaVlitiiuroMre iteg'gtte'eat.'ttN1 2ti on 1tr.A'hgltt.,'Luetst What '01- -i'"o'vliiii.rea_,or-js.ttrteterl nonna- ' witttnsso'urramBituteethr -tfdivuimswttth-,tsVlr_ 'Ht-les-set- to-s-ser-its-tre-lit-int-tet-tte o.. Miami-Mm. Thrlrietmtitrwittlobottrst?ee bautvtia-uiud,_ui+rt-te.yrt Wm‘fimggd-bmuozgumtngmum an“. WWW-u chasm-thigh- Wmtthmm‘sdhmgogmmMNmmvflm spring“ heidiepaths "an! her-Art!“ "raretaqe "tatter5-ftmtlmmets aai-lUaietetsira-rttrthilt Jun II”. the “Minnow dwimiondshmtml. For Aha-c hiking converted into a mod- gage": tntormatimseaBMru.3.C. ts/Guardia-rss-sro-ttutter' known uchm in the country. a. built the Won Mitts Country Orb, the Dina-an Country club, tho Po- und Country club. at Younntmm. 1nd my othen. misting him in Benjunin J. Once. who pinned the Wilmette Put "Item. and. design“ "tte Skokie Heights and the Knoll- "rood Gall club. _ The Men Bench club in: I membership of 3,000 of the most prominent bushla- men-in Chieaeo, with a majority living in Wilmunn. Evanston, Winmka. Highland Yuk and Luke Pore" The first unit of the clubhouse. which is to be a twelve- story structure. will soon be open. The property hu 1 (mum of 353 feet on the lake. -iGGiiirkk-e being WW? WWW snomvhmnu-m-h-oumm ”I‘M“ . 'htrrtirfhil.p.lier _ “not cumin-“mul- 2TrATd'tu","d',thdlr.rJ,lAtl41re1D"kTi'i 'Jdtiirdgrdt'Lu't1u'lva'lrtTtaTW;T'rgir" Featuring ' the Greatest Values We Ever Offered 'aur.eraetor-Fto.dkeeir." quantity at 'a1t'atttr,t - to lab- mdymlworkhg ennui-lath Icon-Jug} st.th.tr4eAt 'h.ttcoe, lee a" m.u-.._....._..-_. -- n... LTaf-"'Ga0'arrri"iiUarTrFiireia -d'adNriiilGJrloqrxr-.uettoqrE t%riikNArii-t-ee-aatrith" G-rib-dh-rr-greece "itd'erdgpg'e'ta'itpur:tt'ltetu't a M a quick! “I“ g'ffr'g'dWUff1f%g11'MUl'lhuTT kin-blue. Winnetka 1620 3-Pieee1mtd Velma-Suite Zita; Wm" mm in" "it of rota-fonds is nut and Far addition-l Mon-Adan all In. J. C. 'tter-toe-thotter-shirt' trnthrmd term: Noy»wo_vondn "inktis., tr-. than mm W the amemrttttf-tmhsinth.eo- Magh. thmthconfm It Ge-tfail-tist-Ge-s hnmwvn. Do You Need Money? I bave private (and: to 10m on In and 2nd mortgages, Give full details in ttnrt. letter. Address Box 759, 111th m MI “1'. __‘__--,,_, . than“: 'gt't.'ti,'J'tl 1'tghTl'hTltlP.'"'i';,l'iiFi; m of m “it '. Giiripiaoti-ottee M. _ 81-. _ MAM tto----.--'. ssaitu--rreetttr: on man oeeetefte r: Maturation-lu- hitch-damn yam-cum Carit Tthle Bottled And Distribuud by the HENRY K. COAL! HIGHLAND WA]. HIKE“. WAT“ OOIPANY TELEPHONE " ABtittWrry, POLE “magma $11.50 (3315143; GALLONS " 00 1llf.1.t.iiB,

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