In. um an!!! of In. "tyfi"rae Dun-m.h W * M) for I“. Yuk. "--rdrtr-adta.wi-r,ettt' gangs-mum; I“? n- n YN au kiiii-, ik-d" i, tt_inead-ntthetqr.C. LLW ermthre, Nor. Mr. Don't fitexit the amii,rtiii. dub be: It the Highland Plrk Wom'u dub, Oct. " Mr. and Mrs, George Fri-thud of Wow“. Win" are spending this - in High!“ Park And D- MD“, with. Mend- uu! ninth-n. Mr. and In. T. B. Scull, hive no Med from We Rub. N. Y., 'tetthrr spent m sum. Meter part of the week is “tending the Illinois Press association conun- tket, both of which a: being held in Giannini. m. ‘lr. John Udell h atteodiattt the his convention u n terminu- tin of the IAke Forest Kiwanis club theearlrpartofthi.-eotdttte Mr. Henry P. Clow and son. Er- vln, are spending this week It their cottage " Chain O' his which they recently purchased. Mrs. Aim Lane is now located in th. Tone apartments on Central dV Tuesday evening, the new mem- bers of the Elm Place teaching staff were guests of honor at n progres- sive dinner given by the former mem- bers of the stair. Several of the tetsehers served as hostesses, each course being served " the homes of the various teachers. Those enter- taining were, Mrs: George Taylor. e, Misses Wheeled: and Turpin. Miss Sands. the Misses Kerr and Quick, the Misses Jones and Folstud. the Misses Nixon and Spregue and the Misses Grunewald and Grenoble. Following the dinner the guests es- ambled at the home of Mr. Jesse L. Smith. for a musical promrn and lone "trttereating stunts. Spderqt' - included in the party were Mr. and Mrs. Chutes Mason ma Mn] Gauge Tsyior. _ In. Elisha Morgan has returned from St. Louis, Mo., where she lt- tended the golden wedding nnniver- lnry of Mr. end Mrs. John Avo, her mother’s parents. I “Haunt-unauth- [Riptide-unmiti- h_‘_w-Inhbh "I “I angular, If. In“ In. w. v ' V 7 "if" -_' S. HcPherson " Grosse Pointo, Ths hi "a1f,'idttt Wd Ite.': (toil, for the put.two weeks no u- mg") You In: our f .' I PP'" pected home this week-end. rited .to e . :1 pe m- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hise of Forest " Nor f ft".'" "m": avenue entertained seven guests at The wetan's Hyman-11 ttoetetr dinner on Sunday. of the first, United 3W Mrs. Fred Fisher, Jr., of S. Green ghurch will hold their monthly meet- Bay road entertained ted little friends) trttr at tt home of Mrs. A. J. Till- for her daughter, June, on Monday] man of W. Park {venue on Thursday, in honor of June's second birthdty.l Oct. 20 at two-tttMy. . Mrs. Cliff Guild of Bloomington.1 Mr. and Mrs. John Hunloon ' w., is spending this week with her man introduced their daughter, Kiss daughter, Mrs. E. R. Baum. EthrFD'Arey Human " a recep- Mr. ind Mrs. T. Beck are spending tion, from four to seven o'clock at, s-dr 1arfycicf0ristspo, Heights visit. their residence at 209 East have] W_‘mg_ï¬gï¬mon were mm Little Billy Moran was hostess on Monday to fifteen of his little friends at his home on DeTamble avenue in celebration of his fifth birthday on; niversary. The lovely birthday cake which adorned the center of the table give much'pleasure to the excited lit- tle guests. All sorts of games were played in the yard. , iirrdivin Clow of Denver. Colo., is enjoying a vacation here visiting his paged; Mr. and Mrs, H. F. Claw, . Mrs. Milton Smith who has been on the sick list for the past ten days is Ibie to be around again. I _ The Junior Star club wilt give a bmtetit dwnee at the Highland Park Woman's dub n'ext Sa.turdtw evening, Dean, Mrs. L. A. Norm-ll and daughter, Virginia, and son, Russell, of When- ton, are spending a few days this week with Mrs. Robert W. Urke. Miss Dorothy Hamer in Lake Forest. Wood for their daughter. Miss Anne The North Shore Wellesley circle is Wood, from tour to seven o’clock at having a meeting Friday IfeT:,',S,tl'tr residence at 233 Central ave- Oct. ll at 2:30 o'eiock, at the home:nue. Miss Wood wore a cream cor. of the Misses Ruth and Muriel Hypes, I cred lace over a pale pink foundation 1126 Michigan avenue. 'iiira'iii'iTUd' she carried a large bouquet of Miss Elizabeth Kendall is to give albutterfty roses and larkspur. Pol- talk, and because the club has had the lowing the reception Miss Wood was unexpected opportunity to hear her hostess at a dinner It the Wood resi- speak, the meeting day has been dence for her assistant: Ind their changed. lescorts and also for Miss Harmon Mr. and Mrs. James Collins spent! and her assistants and escorts. Then Sunday in Kenosha, Wis. with rein-{the group attended a dance at the timss. {Exmoor Country club. Miss Woods Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ham spent the! assistants were the same as those of week-end in Decatur, nh, visiting Miss Harmon's with the exception of friends. the Misses Jessie Banner and Elea- Mrs. L. A. Nowell and daughter, nor Denahey. . The Junior Star ctutt" will meet next Monday evening " the home of Miss Dorothy Hamer in Lake Forest. Mrs. Everett L. Millard is spend- ins'a few weeks with her sister in New Mexico. 'm Mr. and In. Arthur Grant Me- Pherson who have been visiting their Ion And daughter, Mr. and In. E. S. HcPherson " Grosse Pointo, Ths (toil, for the past. two weeks In C!- pocted home this week-end. It. and In. Willi-n Schade- of Mint wen the Sunday - a a. George My home on South than Bay road. Kn. e l Inuit of Gran Iâ€, Wu. is -dirtr this rock visit" h was. the Moran uasitiea. 'ebrf"rr. atnrtrarAK “1‘0â€â€œ tom: land, Omg Weld Mr. and In. Roy lit-nut emu. pigskin. Johat, adapt of Port. The cw; hon-uni Luo- T; ai; Ji; mud with bountiful huh-u a! bmmrs. Mr. Ind Mrs, 1mm Tillman and Mr. Ind Mrs. Jena Hm amin- ed " I Joint party In: week, the amnion celebnting their wedding amtiverrutrie. which mat an the - any. 2e,1'f,pg. m Tlt. the pm mil. " home of the 1111mm on Cum-l Ive- nne. Ail sort: of "PP, "to played The “Om luuily, auburn; 'Ween, of Quincy. m, have been spending thin week visiting the TYB. mu families. . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ska-hen m pinning spending next Sunday with Mr. and Mm. Reyes of Chieatro. Ther will enjay a theater party on Sunday evening. Mrs. Claude: Sunborn is entertain- ing her club today " one o'clock luncheon. There will be twelve (can present. Mr. 3nd Mrs. Hurray Boon of Glencoe Ivonne are receiving congra- tulations on the birth of I daughter, born Friday. the 7 at the Alice Home hospital, Luke Forest. Junior Golden who has been quite in at his home gt 122 McGovern Amt this put reek is getting dong very nicely. Mrs. Henry M. Elton and was Moss gave I tea on Hominy “term at their home on Lincoln warm: for their sister, Mrs. Charles nucleu- Moss of Pittsburgh, Penn., who in via- iting them. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bishoss of North Green Bay road momma the birth of a son on Wednesday, Oct. 6 It the Alice Home hospiul. uu For- est, m. . The Philpthea eUss of the First United Evangelical church will hold their annual banquet this awning, Thursday, at the home of the Misses Elsie and Emma Gieser of North, Green Bay road. This is to be r birthday banquet, each girl dressing; in a costume nppmpriite for a; month in which she was born. A program will follow. . were; the Misses Louise Curr, Fri}; cei Richardson, Meer Williams. Alice I Puller. Jean Adams. Roberta Harvey, inorothy Vilas, Mary Barnes and } Louise Brewer., "A similiar “hit was ‘given by Gen. and Mrs. Robert E. Mrs. Charles Mac Clean Moss of Pittsburgh. Penn., is visiting her air ters, Mrs. Henry M. Bacon Ind Miss Moss of 807 E. Lincoln avenue. Mrs. Samuel Knox and daughter, Miss Eunice Knox who have spent ten months in Europe have returned 'to their home on S. Sheridan road. They spent three and a half months in Italy and the remitting time in France and England. Miss Alice Knox, now Mrs. Ralph Miller Thor-, sen, who went abroad with them was married in Europe, returning I month ago. She is now living in EVIIISWIL: ThrBt.Nseb.rtYP-tuehabxvttt Present “The Mâ€cauhiu eomerdraesainthr-.etnbvgti- ettusCrufeexrith-.sae-t of aetom-il tn-h-.--- (In direction " Remit. M. tteiehett, 8. 304dd-brvme-I'M, manning-Mud mm hath-Indium“. teiiele.t"fiiyigp, DANCE EVE HIGHLAND WITTEN HALL a a; ' I! mmc _l_fPrrokMAL " 133L930“- Petition Am A Commissioner Brown med that the property owner- petitiom‘ for the division of special menu levied hating: the South 100 It. of the North 400 ft, west of the East 178 ft. ot that part of the sme of the SW% lying west of Sheridan road Sec. 31. Twp. 43 North, Rouge 13, East of the 3rd principal meridian in Highland le: Like county. Illinois, for the; ‘constmction of . connected system ‘of water mains in the soothe-st por- tion of Hist-lend Park, Illinois under Warrant No. sm; for the construc- tion of a connected system om uni- tery seven in the. southeast portion of Highland Park, Illinois under War- rant No. 273 and for paving a system of streets in the sotttheastere por- tion of metand Park under Wor- rant No. 300. be accepted and that the eorporatidt counsel be imbuctea to present aid petitions to the county com-t for appeoval. Commissioner Rear moved ml passage of In ordinance entitled:; Regulating the\Subdivision ind Pin-J tine of Land. ( Commissioner Brown moved the; pause of an ordinance providire for the construction of a concrete ce- ment sidewalk on the enater1y side of Forest venue between linden avenue and Wade street. Vi.» " v 'oe.'""..,- 1G¢rtrude Facade 'a Brunch. nu do he bridesmaids. Mr. Lab will have is beat man, his brother. Ben- jamin R. Luke of New York City. and his when will be Mr. Willi-m Me- Corlde. and Mr. Arthur York of Chi, cage. Mr. Arthur Goelitz of Deer6eld, Ietf Mr. Joseph L. Ryons of Linenh, Nah. Mr. Wilbur J. Rose of Chan). I Mr. Louis Bock of Omaha, Nebr.. Ind Pt Alfred Edee of Chic-go. I Miss Laura Muhlke of River For- 19st is visiting her sister Mm. G. I. ; Brand, Commissioner Zimmer moved the approval and acceptance of n plat of dedication of a pedestrian and eques-) trinn easement along the westerly and! northerly sides of Lot 72 and I por- -tion of the westerly sidfof Lot 73, in, Deere Park addition. f it was decided that the firm of Pane. Greeley & Hansen be employed “in the terms as outlined in the mom mend-lion of the committee. 1 Adolpt Renditio- On motion of Commissioner Ray I resolution was adopted “kin: the state department of public works and buildings for a permit for the city to construct a tunnel nadir Danie†road, at Riehtieid road for sum-mm of a six-inch water main, and 'trkdeintt the good faith of the city that all work will be performed according to state requirements. etc. MORE WATER MAINS ARE PROVIDE!) NR - _ . ,,,_-__... -... a." her sister Mrs. Arthur Gum: u Ila- tron of honor Inf) Miss Dorothy Elit- _ I ---- - A- - - --- It. Edith lunch of by†ville, lik, is visiting friends Ind ma- the. in Highland Park Ind Wilmet- In. Miss Mildred Baruurts, but!" of Mr. and In. Charla HM has choun Saturday, 06mm " for her marriage to Mr. Rob-n tk his of Chicago; mu nub-m win Inn lial Edith ii/GG, of ville, lik, is visiting friend live. in HM Park a: In. In G. E. uremia? level-d loci-l dun . of .Lieut. m In In imar, theUhir- waki'MT' "Inf; "aigrted to and on thick he not nil rar “itâ€! Fri“! antennae-d... _t?"tajy-aiiiFiiiG"'iri" tt.t.eetikimaetV."rGiG"ii"i almanac-(Lam. an...“ "du' All“!!! At tit and. aftfuy-asiiGaairii'i'i"i' “chivalry. In. Chri- Hui! cl :8 m. 'gttf,ttmrytr_ietmtGGdTs"G New York-ad WM D.C. At Mtyorter-UGaiair ttd'eT.!-rkth_,tt.tiaGTit" ttei-tati-att/ia-ia-ii",",,', uni. While in? Vm'rgu' yyraii_wy the can of ma Fuel-sluts _ 27Not1l8|uedduk~ MILES†Delivered and Called for - has In Continued from page I Folding Chain â€We. Folding Card 13* ll Owen Bing-um Chi-Me.-- ForTtesttforhrtieodatheeiiw and "e.yatij,UViiiii; AT. H. M. PRIOR CO. ieetoteoestsmmeu-rstek dmmeWh “blob-W. , snow-mmmm th.Pi.edr-toemrnnd-ttmeh -rdrivGrrA,acmrrty.ts wa.atraetoexshemseiioamtt_ unanimifolb'hgum“: dig-ton “scaldin- avg-nu. WOMAN IS INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT M. Luck. County Line road. URL tion. 3100. _ dhion, 81.450. W. D. Hunt. Prairie avenue and Main and. removal, ‘30. A. law“, was; Tm. dwell- ing. $7,000. John bagel". North Sheridan romhrepairs. $300. . dons. $175. R. W. Flinn. Park lvonue, algeno Lions. 8530- _ (ii-l Helm. West Put Avenue. nt- terations. tsito. Paul Dem-ye. Onward-lo amu. garage, $150. Andrew Westgud. cum» “an. dwelling. $7.509. G. Burial; Burton avenue. git-n. £300. Thursch c Co., sougth. Join. Bee- nur. - 3500. " addition, 8200. P. anghni. Prairie nvevme.14di- tion. 31.200. . Charla Rudolph, County Line mod. addition, 8210. Kurt E. Hobart, Oman avenue, dwellint. 315M E. Hanson. South Green Bar rad. "Pe .3150. - ' St. Johns avenae,sAG, “an“ Joseph Dengue. plenum Ivan, dwelling, $6Mâ€. addition, 31m. l A 3"- Henry Parker, Lincoln plug, ll- rIu. $250. A. S. Biplov, Judy»: steam, " dition, "goo. vaid 'PEit'l "prrimeat* of trp. W. J. Camilla. North Greer? Buy road, dwelling; 310.000. aniline. mm Fritz rreiAotd. Deere Park dwllinc. as». dwettingr, 820.000. Ann; Wm". wag mt. “an... an». otweltiaie, ant ""‘ --.'-.'. “tutti-.Shkhnmm 'seth-ah-.-.-. ofthe "UP-“lb“.h“ mdmwldbuo tinned met, ‘,w uh: iatt-oexityiou" -ttutreheer.ttarttta-. - - AGGGi pku"TAlllTS2'atuN M. Harlin}. Heb-nick avenue. n- Paul H. Rice, Lincoln avenue, when. L: 7“. Darn-t1. Beach street. garage, C. J. Strirtsrr. North Second that. C. Ej‘lint, Glenviev avenue, ga- ntrfeu-sitieids high school. North A. J; 1tiefttiorrmrview "can, E. B. Curtis. South St, John Ire- Wit-"VI manni- avenue. “was. “can. sac-mum n... iiiiiiLi iiiiiU, . a"t""atsrutmittnrtuntorm. men-MA!“ Ala-M“ my" I invites you to come in the Opening l C of Another Graham's Cupboard _ 302 North St. JOhns Avenue . On Monday, October 17 Every sort of picture that is of interest to you - every picture that you can snapshot with tlseek-at-skates.,:,:,.-.)-,)?)))?-?.:) tions at our boirtGiiiii; iieTt'i7r"iiiWiiiii'ii Haiti Exhibition. '. JACK and JILL SHOP Motion PictutetrWith a Cine-Kodak The JACK and JILL CHREniMAs CARDS EARL W. GSELL & CO. 'trt9atratAve. mmwmmuAn ANNOUNCING frocks - moderately priced lat I Mast your layette for you BABY GIFTS AND BAKED mu: - BREAKFASTS, Luxcusa Am) mummy ' mum In “More; C HOME MADE PIES. CAKE. SALADS Preetieiieeatoerstores PHARMACISTS and see our school girl