l . Highland Park Press ""'._ www.muusmw -uaftrth--ssir.tar. dIramtutsauioésa.dthr.dGot. Win-medudeby ttttu-ro-ni-a-uit htteretiottnlrotttieatrouemi,tuA yye-tsemy.-idistinettiamss Hanan-elm (ran rui- mrr_dutathetalasdtroetstaerrtizdd rrhtieruueienttter-ortttLrrt 12',h"txez,tt.t..yt.tt.Ei-. '"'T"torerotnaremstieta. 1r't.eumttheBaeattunsair. new»: to “liked." iUiiCiiTC The Widen! of the NW; 9teyrtesr-,driiii7iiii'. mammmdm â€imbued-d "eérduemtt-ttaetthtuku-s Matchmaker-um ttrot-tii-ttie- uyumummm adult-Immune“.- “mmmmm- _t%rtr-a.atdth.nithoett-vueth. 'a'efrgia'a,'tpdt'dtut â€but MOI â€can muons-u Thumbnail trstAeat_-drmrtattutue. "ttut-h-ist-uf-i. eottyeitudi--shtruGd- mthsntnantrrriotbeoatariei 0!:meth ,rt'tht-uNrtuemttt-atae. ofthror-tket-etoem.te. 1mrterdtisttr-$enstutth.re- tieeethtru-urrtettueauuht. "sedanrbrh-htestatuut twain-months. amniotic-Wham _etimyeretutqronrama-e memhmuun Miamwmmrmb 'ms"attdeoettmtreAuo-urm,t' by tum-mono. Buyback- 'get,.",',.'",:.'.',:,'.:,,'.,:,.:',',?,?,?., new J"grI,tdttt,,h,e Ihavtht of RM bud-aim or. p_,.netsearsito.tshoartte.oeti when“ - m or “VOL? in: Dbl-n! by hula- awn-Inland“. Atttt Card stores listed in this ad- " vertisement will enable you to make / orourstlection from new and attractive assorUnen'ts, which are now complete. ed twining of the china-hip of the country {or the 0.th Ind Mon dchMthen. "Willow that the direct Maury m to open the way for the able, but. get you, an: to nth his fly into public life it the minimum of aver-u. Not Kalb-d UnMppin, nil than my {mu have (one by the baud. Th. In with his individ'unl ballot in had all! away from " ovporuumy to em Bel with his fellow party min Inn simply refund to which“: in yriv nun-in and election- and â€than I Then w more than I little " uan: of politial hysteri- utheaddi- thmafthedimetpri-tomtrpo- lineal machinery. At I this when then-unrealâ€; etgrg-t that-omn- bow the common and garden your in: not having a as: M in the 'tnmitttrafeaodidatee for public otBee, the dim urinary VII suggest-d " the (rut corrective. With Pefrstod balloulnmhnneudhlknbm up: than tough). - big coke-n- »u;ly visit to any of the VOTERS FAIL 10 TURN OUT “EMMA“ minimum 9mm... of m was»: Man Elected Often In Put u one: by Minority; No ChnmeeheP-tytat- was" Sunni-um} {BEE}; mug-mums...»- 1mrdyi-t-titi,"tirG'rid I I» 'd'g1"u"g2ittertdlpltt an. M, m ',ittetiiigieltg,tg.d1tMt atthel--thw,udtb- nothinmolpdlldh.‘ I 'ktumbm-dtuttte- ludtlhdianI-Idmy mhtmt all...“ "(in i? aaa GirTuriia'"iir"i7iiair, I. at W 'a-taeNqet.l-i-tseaGtkkirku.TvGiG humid-hi! tutu-slum. â€ind-4- 'h.at.A-oe.t-r--.l-h-ah.o-u-ii.. "ut.tA.t--tfii-iIVe-tttim.ta-t--- tree-it-ei-le."."..---),- 'rh?t'.a-uhea.qar--ea" A“. -_. - uh -"r-_r'r--rha-- .“ “I“ ktltrgt traehlg'N1u'te Then m Ill omit-ion nbout the P.T.A.roeetingheldtvoweahm " Tatt. Wk- were than on “Play- ground Need. und Pu.sitsilitie.." If†Ethel Goff"dphrsieqriaemtims under the direction 3: In. Goaiai, in order to show purer.“ Whit was being dam. Inter-clan “and“ patie- m mud last Monday by all the urina- (ndu. After "hoot. the sixth - “Io-My. irsritirtqn11rrmiuof the school. (my took chm of notably-M Friday. The subject was the “Eh- tgry of KW Put." Susie- were stain an; explanation (inn. 1t-stimsaahedsrhatrriitttroutt rurersdowiustuirmonert Well, ahrtofkirdfriirititr-at- teatNetothmrsaatdrritthettsth.m Inuit. Roan-oh“ ‘11thth -n.ut.rtr"r'-iN-trtied “In". Walnut-loan. hitiedureothroit- torthemmimatioetn- theebetimtaadnmhavx, “01“:th The autumn-hum. It -i.asettiuronntadth.ttm.%s. setuerNR.megttmarmotharea_ _utit!aamatttaroe.atufaetimit thi' mm- and the‘pm' Jsihsi' W i e"eeett at Mon in hing IO- "6etrs-rtunattumiue In“. 'ttshi-de-ran '*tth-thrtw-eeit- beharerartreqh-ims., your: thire wgre I!!!†in 'he "In In. Whitman mean and: LINCOLN SCHOOL Each morning a tive or ten minute assembly is being held at the Ravinia mum“ school this year. The daughter of the 'std soldier- journalist bu brought out her sister's interest and is sole owner of the property. She began its Initiation in 1909; soon Uteptser uméiiéi Miss Smith, with her sister, inher- ited a 249 one farm owned by her father, who tuned has a: n Mbby artdnotatmsineas. Evelymelderot the daughters, refused to In†the estate to be aNd and, though still in her teen: end been from private Ichools, plunged into the job of mk- intt tree growing her life': work. A: oresnhweareephnkedin'heuhl increased to two - miles of land, mined " $3.0“) In acre. without its precious growth of trees) Conner“- tive estimate of the robe of Kin Smith's prom! is â€MAIN, but her business itself being one of the few such ventures in America, is rated at even a higher tigrrm. _ or shrubs we sold. On the other hand,ttotmseuanowodtoi-u. grounds until it has you into per- feet health and maturity. to city its“: all a. cut.- m wade true-Nt. In tho ordinary 'sense, mu suns "eitg of a...» is 'rotara-,fuetksaattnlt.hoertn Miss fhrtith'S gieatatie - at AIM-um. N.Y.,1ieAt.ttr-tB.et ofuxuticleinthAn-dunh- "r15mmatmitt-th-u=iruUf 'seuintr only than. and it was Ureeir thumb an». - that the mum at has he. than two “a "ie-iuiGiiuGiGi; that Ind-un- h Auden. “had " 81.0mm 30mttugatmt mm ‘66â€? an WT TrNileLA3eBPaitaa-tg. RAVlNlA NEWS MW. It en:- iii"i?ti'i?isi?i't'i7 went-lea "o. iuu-Ihthcdi- A madam“. aa ii. tiieGGTYGi, "Jig tt1reearaiiiUfGUie- . Complete pr IN EVERY DETAIL Nows _ NEW MUSIC and AMUSEMENT FEATURES Tilhnan's Service Station at Jami-om: is Service with Speed.'. station-equipped to give you. instant service-efficiently--. courteousiv--cheerfu11v. , drive in and let us serve wi. We are more than a tilline Walls L. Glace-r Central Avenue I Hagan Abundful hotel-in the heart of the City-with amtibrts,-ts"enrsend Mum: that can be 'eylnortrrteueurtoaU, t,z'g,'Sxett',eiii, trtotix, 'm(twom§ve Te-ug my": i',', v . c I - *‘o M mane tint you IG"e to hug. Your own request awe-em" -r" Tet in; the